Games do not launch on Windows 7. Problems with launching the game after reinstalling Windows

It is not uncommon for users to encounter problems with launching computer games. I don't play games myself and encounter these problems when communicating with users. I will only tell you about the problems that I personally encountered, and I managed to solve them. IN general case Games may not work for the following reasons known to me:

1. The computer configuration does not meet the system requirements of the game.

2. The necessary drivers or necessary additional software for the video card are not installed on the computer.

You can see which driver and whether it is in order by going to the “Start” menu, right-clicking on “My Computer” and selecting “Properties” from the list. In the window that opens, go to the “Hardware” tab, where you click the “Device Manager” button and select “Video adapters” in the tree. If you have a driver from Microsoft, then definitely change it. If Exclamation point The driver also needs to be replaced or reinstalled. If there is no “Video adapters” item at all, but there is a question mark, then this means that the native video card driver is not installed at all and the system works with the standard VGA driver.

An example from recent practice: the Windows 7 operating system, the game “Metro 2033” freezes and a message appears about the absence of the necessary PhysXLoader.dll file. Reason: The NVIDIA Physx graphics acceleration program is not installed. I did not install this program separately, but downloaded it from the site NVIDIA latest driver for the video card that includes this program and installed the latest driver.

3. The game requires a DirectX module update.

Usually in this case, messages appear about the need to update the module or about the absence of some file, for example d3dx9_42.dll or something similar, which should be part of DirectX. In this case, you can find the missing file on the Internet, download it and copy it to the System or System32 folders, which are located in Windows folder, or completely install more new version DirectX.

4. There is not enough space on the disk where the game is installed.

In this case, the game may not even be installed, and, as a rule, no messages are issued, but the installation of the game simply stops (freezes). In this case, you need to check if there is enough disk space and clean it up if necessary. When cleaning the disk, you should also take into account that the system requirements indicate required space for an installed game, and game files on CDs are often in archived form and during installation, disk space is required to unpack the archive. In such a situation, you need to prepare free disk space to install a game approximately twice the size of the game itself.

5. There is not enough space on the system disk.

The point is that for correct Windows operation it needs so-called virtual memory, that is, a reserved area on the system disk or disks of the required size to accommodate paging files. The Windows operating system, by default, places paging files on the system disk. If there is not enough free disk space to accommodate paging files, programs may not start or may not work correctly. Typically, in such a situation, the system issues appropriate warnings on the display screen. To restore functionality, you need to clean the disks and remove unnecessary programs. You can read about cleaning the system disk.

6. Insufficient virtual memory.

Some programs, especially games, require big size virtual memory, and you need to set it explicitly. This can be found out from the messages displayed on the screen, from the system requirements of the program or from the description of the game. To change the virtual memory size in Windows XP, you need to open the Start menu, right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties” from the list. In the “System Properties” window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, and then click the “Settings” button in the “Performance” section. In the “Performance Options” window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “Virtual Memory” section click “Change”. In the “Virtual Memory” window that opens, you need to check “Special size” and enter the required dimensions in the fields. In the “Original size” field, usually enter a size equal to the size random access memory computer, and in the field “ Maximum size"either the size required by the program, or the size of RAM multiplied by 1.5-2. After entering the size values, you must remember to click the “Set” button and then the “OK” button in all windows in order. The settings will be accepted after the system reboot.

7. Damaged or dirty CD.

The cause of freezing or copying errors when installing a game may be a CD with a damaged or dirty surface. If the surface is dirty, you can wash the working surface of the disk warm water with soap, then shake off any remaining water and allow to dry, or wipe gently with a clean soft cloth. Scratched discs are difficult to restore, but you need to keep in mind that different drives read damaged discs differently. Therefore, you can try to read the disk on another computer and make a copy from it, unless, of course, it is copy protected.

8. The game is not compatible with this operating system.

You need to see if the system requirements of the game include the operating system you have installed. In addition, the Windows operating system has a tool for enabling compatibility with previous versions. To use compatibility mode in Windows XP, you need to right-click on the program shortcut and in the window that opens, go to the “Compatibility” tab and check the box next to “Run the program in compatibility mode for:”. Then select the desired operating system from the list and click “OK”. You can also try some of the other options offered in the Compatibility tab.

9. Damage to the operating system and the effects of viruses.

Everything is clear with viruses, and if they directly interfere with the launch and operation of the program, then they need to be found and destroyed using anti-virus programs and utilities. To restore the system, you can try to clean the registry with cleaning programs, for example, after cleaning the registry, which once the game suddenly started for me. You can use the system recovery tools of the AVZ4 utility. There are other means and methods of system recovery, but they are complex and time-consuming. System damage may be different reasons and character, it can be difficult to identify and correct them. In this case, a clean reinstallation of Windows is easier and faster.

Statistics from Valve, which owns the popular gaming service Steam, they say that the most popular operating systems among gamers are 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and 10. In September 2017, the share of gamers using them was 41.01 and 45.37%, respectively. Today we will look at the reasons why games do not open on these operating systems.

Before solving problems with launching games, you need to check whether the computer meets the requirements put forward by the developers.

Every game has these parameters. To determine whether it will start on a PC, open the control panel and select the marked item.

We check for compliance the version and bitness of Windows, the type of processor and the size of the installed RAM. To view the model installed video card, go to the point marked with a two.

In Device Manager, expand the “Video Adapters” block.

We will check the availability of space required for installation in Explorer. Select the item marked with an arrow in the quick transition zone and look at the amount of free space.

The last thing we need to check is the version of DirectX installed on the system. Call up the “Run” dialog box using the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ R”. Enter the command shown in the screenshot.

As a result of its execution, the DirectX diagnostic window opens, in which we see installed version.

Thus, after checking that the PC meets all system requirements, we are convinced that the selected game can be used.

Video driver

Windows is becoming smarter from version to version, and is independently capable of finding and updating PC hardware configuration drivers. However, if there are problems with graphics, it is better to check the installed version and make sure that it is not outdated. Open the control panel and select the marked item.

Let's expand the section containing the video card and, selecting it, call the context menu to view the properties.

Let's go to the "Driver" tab. The second item in the screenshot shows the properties of the current software. Outdated software may be the reason why games do not open. To check for the latest version, click the button marked as the third step.

Windows will specify the location where we are going to search. Let's choose the automatic option.

If there is a connection to the network, the OS will perform the assigned operation and provide a response.

IN in this case the available driver is optimal. We agree and close the window. If the search program returns the latest version, we update.

When games do not launch on a laptop, you should additionally look into the video card settings using the manufacturer’s software. The fact is that modern laptops, to save energy when running on battery power, are equipped with two video adapters. The first, integrated, is part of the processor and works with tasks that do not require complex graphics. The second is discrete, responsible for working with 3D objects and games. The problem may be that the software misjudges the task being performed, resulting in automatic switching between them not being performed.

In the Start menu we find the manufacturer's programs. The choice here is limited, it will be NVIDIA or, as in our case, AMD.

Open the settings and go to advanced to open the advanced adapter properties management window.

On the quick access panel we find the power mode. The parameter we need is marked as the first step. We set the performance to maximum in both power consumption modes and confirm the choice. Now, even when running on battery power, your laptop can run games with rich graphics.

For NVIDIA cards, a similar section is located in the 3D settings control block.

Missing required dlls

Gamers encounter this problem quite often. “Cursing” about the lack of necessary components, games do not start on Windows 10 or 7. The error that appears contains the name of a dll that is required by the operating system to work. This behavior is due to the fact that applications, including games, are created using development tools and software platforms such as the .NET Framework and Visual C++. Dynamic libraries included in these software products and used in the application for its correct operation must be present in the system. The screenshots show examples of installing Visual C++ and .NET Framework redistributable packages on Windows 7 and 10.

It is difficult to predict which component will be needed for which game. If necessary, spending a few minutes and using the services of any search engine, the user can get links to the Microsoft Download Center and download the necessary software.

Elevating user rights

The reason why games do not launch on Windows 7 may be that the user does not have the necessary rights to make changes requested by the program. This problem can be solved quite simply. Call the context menu by right-clicking on the application icon. Select the “with shield” option marked in the screenshot and launch the game with elevated rights. If everything works in this mode, we exit. Open “Properties” by calling the menu again.

Go to the marked tab and check the box in the second step. Confirm changes have been made to the application launch configuration. As a result, the game will always run in administrator mode.

If elevation of rights is not enough, you will need to change the UAC settings, a feature of the built-in User Account Control. Open the corresponding section of the control panel.

Let's move on to the last marked point.

Move the slider indicated by the arrow to the lowest position. Thus, we minimize the system's control over the behavior of programs.

To apply the changes you have made, you will need to restart your PC. As a result of the performed manipulations, even the most capricious game should start.

Compatibility Mode

The popularity of the OS among gamers requires constant attention from Microsoft. Thanks to this, the user has the opportunity to run old games on Windows 10 in compatibility mode. Its essence is to emulate the environment of legacy operating systems. As a result, the program believes that it is running on a different version of Windows.

This mode can be configured either automatically or manually. Let's consider the user's actions in both cases.

Auto mode

The first launch of old games on Windows 10 is performed in test mode. The OS tries to select the necessary parameters on its own. We launch the program and let it run for a few minutes. If Windows considers that the current mode is not optimal for it, we receive the following information message. When the game started and worked normally, this window can be closed. Let's assume that we had certain problems and select the item marked in the screenshot.

At this stage, the OS informs us of its decision. As shown in the screenshot, compatibility with Windows 7 is selected. Let's complete the second step by re-running the test mode.

Let the game run for a few minutes and exit it. In the next window, the OS will ask if this mode suits us. Select the second item to gain access to an additional selection of parameters.

The window that opens contains test questions on the operation of the program. For example, let’s select and tick the two middle items.

The screenshot shows that the program has received additional permissions and other screen settings have been applied.

We receive a report on troubleshooting and close it.

This will cause the game to launch with the selected settings for maximum compatibility and performance.

Manual mode

In those cases where we remember how it worked old game in a certain OS, you can set the necessary settings yourself, skipping the testing period. Call the context menu on the launch icon and select “Properties”. The arrow indicates how to manually launch the Compatibility Wizard. Its actions are similar to those performed by the OS in automatic mode.

In the window that opens, go to the “Compatibility” tab. You can adjust the settings as you wish by checking the boxes next to the required permissions.

For example, there is a menu for selecting operating systems that Windows 10 can emulate.

A similar tool is available in Windows 7. Using any setting mode, you can “go back in time” on a modern PC.

Installation from Windows Store on Windows 10

Using the application store created by Microsoft, if configured incorrectly, can present the user with an unpleasant surprise. If, after meeting all the configuration requirements, games are not installed on Windows 10, you should take a look at the new settings menu.

Open the marked section. In the transition menu, select the indicated item and look at the menu indicated by the arrow.

Of the three possibilities located in it, you should choose the one enclosed in a frame.

In this case, the OS will not resist installing third-party applications and games, citing their absence in the store.


Answering the question: why games don’t launch, we looked at common problems that users encounter. By following these tips, you can install, launch and configure almost any game according to your preferences.

Any computer user plays games at least sometimes. Some people do it after work or instead of it. Others buy a new PC with the intention of playing games. computer games. No matter how powerful the computer is, a problem can always happen when installed game won't start. There are many reasons for this.

Let's delve into the topic in more detail and find out why this happens. this problem and how to deal with it.

Checking the requirements

Firstly, you need to look system requirements for Game. They will either be on the box or on the official website. It often happens that a game is made for processors certain brand AMD or Intel or for a specific video card. Then there may be problems running on another hardware. Or the game requires a certain amount random access memory, let’s say you need 8 GB, and there are only 2 of you, then the game will not work.

You can check your processor model and amount of RAM in the computer properties.

Checking and updating drivers

Drivers are programs that control hardware connected to a PC. They are needed constantly update to keep your computer working properly. Of course, the system will continue to work and no updates, But modern games, often require exactly latest versions drivers.

Most often, the driver is important for games video cards. Some refuse to start until the latest version is installed. How can you check what driver versions you have? Very simple:

Now we need to update it. There are several ways to do this:

  • Download latest version from the official website.
  • If you only know the identifier, then you need to visit the site and enter it into the search bar.
  • For convenience you can find There are utilities on the Internet that will automatically determine the versions of your drivers and offer to update them automatically. That is, all you need to do is scan and select which drivers should be updated.

Checking system components

Often games may not launch if any of the components listed below are missing. Sometimes even installing the latest version doesn't help. The game may require exactly the one for which it is made.


This is a critical component, just like the video card driver. For the game to launch and work correctly, you need exactly the right version of DirectX under which game created. Often this component is already included in game installer, but sometimes not. The latest version can be downloaded from

Net Framework

This component is needed so that programs written in different languages programming. Basically, he's already built in into the system. But if not, you can download it from official website

Visual C++

It is a development environment in which various programs are created. Often this component is already included in the game installer. If not, then go to the official website and download latest version. - the link is the same as for the framework. You can also download Visual here.

Checking for viruses

Programs for cleaning and fixing errors

There are programs that will clean the system and eliminate registry errors. After all, because of all this, the game may also not work.


Glary Utilities

This is a program that contains a whole complex to clean the system of debris, as well as its settings. She can do everything, and clean the registry, and defragment disk and registry, fine-tune the system and much more.

Probably everyone who plays games on a PC has encountered such a problem as the inability to launch it. Yes, unfortunately, this problem is very popular, however, in most cases it is easily solved.

Let's figure out why the game won't open and what can be done to fix the situation.

Computer is not powerful enough

It is known that every game has so-called minimum system requirements. What does it mean? What if technical specifications your PC is below the minimum requirements of the game, it will not run on it. As a rule, this problem is relevant when we're talking about O powerful games, and computers usually lack either RAM or the power of a video card.

What to do? If you really want to play a game that is more powerful than your PC, you will have to take drastic measures - changing the computer itself or individual components, for example, a video card. This, of course, is very expensive, but for most gamers the end justifies the means.

Advice! When purchasing a game or downloading it from the Internet, always pay attention to the system requirements and compare them with the capabilities of your computer, so as not to waste money and time on something that you cannot work with.

Drivers are outdated

Quite often, the problem with a video card does not rest on its insufficient power, but on the fact that the user simply has not updated the drivers for 100 years. You can perform the update manually or automatically.

Manual mode:

  1. Open the "Start" menu, then "Computer".
  2. Right-click on an empty space in the window that opens and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the new window, find the "Device Manager" section and open it.
  4. Find the position "Video adapters", click on the white arrow next to the position - the name of the required driver will open, right-click on it and click "Update".
  5. If the PC has access to the network, the installation will proceed automatically, otherwise copy the name of the driver, find it on the Internet, download it to your computer and install it.

Auto mode:

  1. Download DriverPack Solution and install it.
  2. Run the program - it will begin searching for missing drivers automatically.
  3. When the program finishes searching, it will ask for your consent to install, your task is to agree and wait a few minutes.

Support programs are outdated

Often, if the program cannot be launched, it displays an error; very often you can see an error like “Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library...”. This means that you additionally need to install or download Visual C++. Also, quite often the game lacks the following components to run: DirectX, Net Framework, Games for windows live.


Of course, viruses can also make it impossible to launch the game; we recommend checking your PC for viruses and disinfecting infected files if they are found. You can download a free trial version of the antivirus program, for example, on the official website of Kaspersky Lab.

Computer is overloaded

The game may not start due to the fact that several other processes are running on your computer at the same time, the browser is especially “gluttonous”. Close your browser and try launching the game again. Also restart your computer, this may also help.

On Windows 7. In addition, let's explore options for solving this problem. As a rule, you can correct the situation in just a few minutes. Or hours. The main thing is that users are often able to understand and eliminate the reasons for such OS behavior themselves.

No compatibility

Let's start to figure out why on Windows 7. Let's start with, perhaps, the most common problem. It applies to all owners of the “seven”. Very often, users have problems launching the game when there is no so-called game compatibility.

The thing is that old applications have to be slightly customized for modern and powerful machines. So, if games do not start, the mistake is that we are trying to play too old-fashioned toys. This does not mean that from now on we are prohibited from accessing them. The situation can be easily changed.

To do this, right-click on the toy's shortcut and then select "Properties". Now go to the "Compatibility" section, and then set the required mode. As a rule, the settings are set to compatibility with Windows 98. Confirm the operation and see what happens. Has the problem gone away? Then you can play safely. No? Let's watch possible reasons such "whims".

Old "Direct"

Another reason why games do not run on Windows 7 is old version so-called DirectX. This special program, which contains a set of libraries that help work with graphics and the operating system as a whole.

It is the old versions of Direct that can cause huge installation problems and application failures. Fortunately, the situation can be corrected very easily and simply. Especially when the user decides to install some new toy for himself.

We are talking about a banal DirectX update. You can find the latest version in After downloading and installing, you will no longer wonder why games do not run on Windows 7. In addition, when initializing new game The installer will offer you "Direct". You should not refuse if you have not worked with this content for a long time - this will reduce the risk of problems with the application to a minimum. So after all the steps, all that remains is to restart the computer. Without this, there are no guarantees for the normal operation of the system with applications. Are your games still not launching? What to do? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.


Here is another fairly popular reason for the appearance of various glitches and problems in the operating system - the presence of the so-called “pirate”. That is, you did not buy Windows for yourself, but downloaded and “hacked” it.

In this situation, you should not be surprised that games do not start. What to do? The answer is simple - change to a licensed one. As a rule, this usually corrects the situation.

However, not all users like this move. If you don't want to buy a license, you can simply download another version of Windows and then reinstall the system. And completely. Write down all the important data, and then get down to business. A few hours of work - and you can try playing.

No matter how well the situation turns out, things are not always so simple. Sometimes glitches appear even on licensed operating systems. With all this, users have the latest versions of the necessary plugins and applications. What else could it be? Let's try to figure it out.

Problem with the game

Well, many users tend to not really like buying toys. Instead, they prefer to download them, patch them, hack them, and so on. Here's another reason why games refuse to launch.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to resolve the situation quickly here. You will need to either buy a licensed game in a store, or look at a specialized forum for the game, where possible “bugs” and options for correcting the situation will be written. You can, of course, download the toy from another site, but most likely this will have no effect.

Avoid playing hacked games on your computer. There are practically no problems with licensed versions. As a last resort, everything is limited to updating Direct and then restarting the computer. But there is one more interesting “little thing” that interferes with the operation of applications.

Problem with hardware

If you notice that, for example, the game "Tanks" or any other online game does not start, then it makes sense to check the compliance of your PC minimum requirements. In cases where at least some component does not meet the parameters, the likelihood of failures is obvious.

The situation can be corrected relatively simply - by replacing the unsuitable hardware. Then after installing the drivers, everything will work as expected. As you can see, we have considered the most common causes of errors and failures.

In addition to the options listed, glitches can be caused by viruses. In this case, you will have to scan the system, disinfect it, then clean the registry and reboot the “machine”. After the antivirus works, the games will start again.
