New warrior. New Russian set of military equipment

The new Russian set of equipment for military personnel will be able to protect against any type of individual small arms in service various armies peace. About this ITAR-TASS in exclusive interview At the Eurosatory-2014 arms show, Dmitry Semizorov, General Director of the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH), said.

Military tests of "Ratnik"

Military tests of "Ratnik"

“The 2nd generation equipment, on the basis of which the “Ratnik” kit was developed, provides protection for servicemen corresponding to class 6a according to the domestic GOST,” said D. Semizorov. “This means that today there are no small arms that could penetrate it. In addition, we were able to increase the area of ​​anti-fragmentation protection to 80% of the area of ​​the entire set.”

According to Semizorov, the weight of the kit is relatively small and does not exceed 24 kg. “This is a unique indicator that foreign analogues cannot achieve,” noted the general director. Special attention D. Semizorov paid attention to the protective helmet included in the kit. “Weighing only one kilogram, it maintains high performance characteristics, which foreign analogues do not have,” the general director informed.

The set of modernized equipment for the 2nd generation soldier is modular and can be easily adapted to the needs of various military specialties. “In addition to motorized rifle units, it will be able to be used by both airborne troops and marine infantry,” said D. Semizorov.

The General Director noted that by the end of this year, preparations for mass production of the new kit will be completed. “As we expect, its first deliveries will be organized by the end of 2014,” added the General Director of TsNIITOCHMASH.

According to him, in the near future a decision will be made on organizing supplies and issues of cooperation with other enterprises will be resolved. At the Eurosatori 2014 salon, a special presentation of the new Russian military personnel kit will be held for potential foreign buyers.

Technical information

Founder theoretical foundations the science of equipment can be called Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. It was during the rapid transitions that the imperial army demonstrated to the whole world its amazing mobility, which led to numerous victories of the Russian Army. Suvorov's soldier carried a lot on himself, but the great commander, not having an athletic figure, nevertheless tested the degree of feasibility of the ammunition on himself. If he could walk with a backpack and a rifle like any soldier, then everything was in order. New combat equipment"Ratnik", adopted by the Russian Army at the beginning of the 20th century, most likely would have been approved by Alexander Vasilyevich.

A Brief History of Military Fashion

The principle of protecting the vital organs of the human body was abandoned by the armies of almost all countries of the world during the First World War. The exception was the head - it was still covered with a helmet. The field military uniform was a variant of ordinary textile clothing, adapted for war and having a camouflage coloring. In our country this gray-green color was usually called protective; in other countries it was defined as “khaki”, regardless of the shade. They tried to make the cut as comfortable as possible, equipping the jacket with pockets, while each state sought to give the appearance of its warriors a certain dashingness and aggressiveness. This tradition has been preserved since the times when the military had in fashion braids, epaulettes and other decorations that became unnecessary in the utilitarian twentieth century. And even earlier, soldiers wore armor that protected them from arrows, spears and other sharp objects with which the enemy tried to hit them. In the 60s, humanity returned to the idea of ​​​​protecting the torso - body armor appeared. But they did not solve all the problems, even in combination with helmets.

Russian military uniform: classic and modern

In our country for a long time equipment was not given due attention. The Soviet soldier of the era of “mature socialism” was, in general, dressed the same as his great-grandfather, who fought somewhere in Galicia in 1915. The overcoat became shorter, the style of the tunic underwent some changes, the hat received “ears,” but basically the traditions of the Russian military uniform of tsarist times were preserved. Serious metamorphoses occurred in the mid-eighties, during the Afghan War. At the same time, the same body armor tested by the Americans in Vietnam came into military use. And yet our equipment remained one of the simplest in the world. But Russia has always been able to surprise with unexpected successes in those areas of activity in which rivals and competitors do not expect it. Even the recognized leaders - the Americans - did not expect us to wear "Ratnik" combat equipment.

Ideology of "Warrior"

Yes, it was the Americans who always sought to make even such an obviously unpleasant, dangerous and dirty activity as war comfortable. The developers of the Pentagon ammunition tried to apply a scientific approach to every little detail, from special ones to diet. The “Ratnik” combat equipment has incorporated into its ideology all the experience accumulated by the armies of the world over a long time. She was called upon to become not just military uniform, but as an integral, functionally rich complex that ensures the execution of several tasks at once. Having put it on, a soldier should become more protected, receive information support and gain the ability to survive in those situations in which he could have died if he were wearing ordinary ammunition. And the “Ratnik” combat equipment set includes instruments and devices created on the basis latest achievements electronics. These gadgets are designed to help detect the enemy, not lose orientation, fire from the safest position, and much more.

Functional blocks of the system

The “Ratnik” combat equipment is a set of wearable equipment and clothing, functionally divided into groups:

1. Means of destruction. This is the most important functional group. The main purpose of any warrior is to inflict the greatest damage on the enemy in the event of an armed conflict. To do this, the fighter has firearms and bladed weapons.

2. Protective equipment. The possibility of effective counteraction exists as long as the soldier is alive and well. The enemy, in turn, seeks to injure the warrior. Body armor, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, shields and other devices protect the soldier’s body from hostile influences and accidental injuries.

3. Energy supply system. The soldier experiences danger not only from enemy bullets and shells: he can simply freeze if he has to stay in the cold for a long time. The Ratnik combat equipment complex is equipped with a source of thermal energy for heating if necessary.

4. Communication and control facilities. Victory depends on the successful interaction of soldiers during combat operations.

5. Intelligence means. The ability to see in the dark, look out from behind an obstacle and transmit collected information linked to terrain coordinates is created by a network-centric information system, which is supplied with each set of combat equipment “Warrior.


To implement the functional blocks, specialists from the Central Research Institute "Tochmash" developed a number of items necessary for a soldier (59 in total). To ensure conditions for active combat viability, there are two types of backpacks (raid and patrol), a vest with quick-detachable elements, a tent, armored helmets, overalls made of special material, and much more. The “Ratnik” combat equipment weighs from 20 to 24 kilograms, depending on the configuration. For comparison: American soldier forced to carry ammunition with a total weight of 34 kg. To provide this advantage, Russian designers applied by creating 21 items of unique design and modernizing 17 previously existing items of military equipment. Some of them are worth paying attention to.

Body armor

There is a known historical fact of the mass death of the knights of the Teutonic Order in Lake Peipsi during the Battle of the Ice (1242). Indeed, heavy armor can not only protect a warrior from damaging elements, but also become dangerous under certain circumstances. An interesting approach to this problem is that of General Designer V.N. Lepin, under whose leadership “Ratnik” was developed. If a soldier gets into the water, Russian combat equipment can be discarded, and instantly. At the same time, the body armor of a unique design serves as a life-saving device, automatically obtaining positive buoyancy. It also has attachment points for pouches, various devices and technical means.


An ordinary iron helmet not only does not protect against modern means fire damage - it poses a danger. When it hits it, a bullet with a displaced axis of rotation begins to move along an unpredictable trajectory inside the space limited by the helmet. Thus, even a tangential shot becomes a cause of death. The multi-layer lightweight helmet included in the “Warrior” kit behaves completely differently. Russian combat equipment is designed to take into account many situations that may arise on the battlefield. The helmet has a combined structure in which the bullet “gets stuck.” It can withstand a pistol hit from a five-meter distance, and in addition, it is equipped with mounts for accessories, including a portable infrared video camera, communications and navigation equipment.

Special textiles

Designing special materials for sewing soldiers' clothing is a task so complex that entire branches of the chemical and textile industries are engaged in it. The requirements for military clothing are very specific and sometimes contradictory. It must be durable and not burn, much less melt. The fighter should feel comfortable in it, in other words, the fabric should be “breathable” and hygroscopic. But she can’t get wet either. The “Ratnik” combat equipment is made of special materials, including membrane materials (having the property of one-way moisture permeability), light, durable and best suited to the situation of almost any complexity.

Other important things

A soldier in combat and during preparation for it may need different ammunition. There are no trifles here, each element must have maximum reliability, compactness and at the same time be lightweight. Here are just some of the items that make up the “Ratnik” combat equipment: 2 backpacks of different sizes, an autonomous heater, insulation, camouflage kits, a water filter, a signal light, a watch, a special knife, a tent, a first aid kit, chemical and radiation control equipment, binoculars.

An important element of equipment is a special hearing protection device, which artificially narrows the dynamic range of acoustic waves. Loud sounds are muffled, while quiet ones, on the contrary, are amplified.


The overall Russian Army is changing. Numerous “mass” armed forces will soon be replaced by compact, mobile and highly professional combat units. This will ultimately contribute to both increasing combat effectiveness and reducing defense costs. The most popular assault rifle in the history of mankind, the AK, may in this case lose its main advantage - simplicity. The Russian soldier of the future is a person with above average intelligence, he will be able to understand more complex small arms. Although there is a possibility that the Kalashnikov will still serve if its characteristics can be brought up to the level of modern requirements. Whether the soldiers will be armed with AK-12 or Degtyarev (AEK-971) is still unknown. Shooting models are constantly being developed, and time will tell which one the customer (MO) will choose.

So when?

For whom is the “Ratnik” combat equipment intended and when will it be adopted, a photo of which became available after its demonstration at the MAKS-2011 air show? Maybe some elite military units, special forces of the GRU, Marine Corps, Airborne Forces will dress in this technological miracle, and the rest of the soldiers will get by for now?

No, this uniform will become a combined arms uniform - by the end of the decade every Russian soldier will receive it, despite the high cost of the kit (up to a million rubles). By the way, American ammunition is heavier and worse, and costs US taxpayers several times more. The process of rearmament and re-dressing has already begun. "Ratnik" combat equipment is coming.

The "Ratnik" combat equipment for military personnel is one of the largest modernization projects of the Russian army. As applied to this program, the concept of equipment is so broad and extensive that all its elements are almost impossible to describe in one article or depict in one photograph.

The commander's personal computer is protected from shock, dust and water. It is equipped with a resistive screen that is insensitive to moisture and a blued steel stylus. The commander can track the location of all the soldiers of his unit by satellite map, see their status (wounded or not) and send text messages, receive photo and video images of targets and indicate new targets on the map.

For ordinary soldiers who have been receiving the first Ratnik kits since the end of 2014, this is, first of all, a comfortable uniform made of modern fabrics with many elements for the summer, winter and demi-season periods, lightweight composite protection covering up to 90% of the body, a lightweight head that fits well helmet.

For visitors to exhibitions, “Ratnik” is an image of a soldier of the future, hung with state-of-the-art computer equipment, seeing through walls and shooting from around corners using a helmet-mounted monitor.

70 elements
In total, the equipment includes more than 70 elements that are interconnected and complement each other structurally and functionally.

To understand what the combat equipment of a Russian military personnel is like today, we conducted a series of interviews. Specialists from the main developer of the program, OJSC TsNIITOCHMASH (part of the Rostec state corporation), told us about the main elements of the “Ratnik” kit. Soldiers from a reconnaissance company of one of the military units where the tests took place shared their impressions of the new equipment with us. We discussed the electronic content of the equipment of the “soldier of the future” with the general designer of Radioavionics OJSC Alexander Kaplin.

Survival fashion
A soldier's combat equipment set is a complex of five systems integrated into each other: destruction, protection, control, life support and energy supply. That is, the “Warrior” program covers almost everything that a soldier needs on the battlefield: from shoes and clothing to medicine, aiming equipment, surveillance, communications, guidance and target designation of artillery and aviation.

The design of the helmet allows for the attachment of additional devices. The photo shows a helmet-mounted monitor produced by JSC Central Research Institute Cyclone.

An observation device from the same developer, in which images from a thermal imager and a night vision device are combined into one picture. These products are candidates for a place in the “Warrior” program.

The thermal imaging sight can also serve as a helmet-mounted observation device.

“We tested all sets of second-generation clothing, made forced marches of 5 and 20 km, and went through an obstacle course,” says reconnaissance platoon commander Ivan Velichko. Five scouts demonstrated for us the passage of the obstacle course in full protective gear, one of them with a heavy machine gun in his hands. Smiling soldiers praise new clothes, which always exactly matches the weather, a lightweight and comfortable helmet, safety glasses, a multifunctional knife-tool. The shoes from the Faraday company are impressive: breathable Gore-Tex membrane, non-slip reinforced Vibram sole, weight at the level of the best trekking boots (both summer and winter models).

An anti-fragmentation armored helmet weighing only 1 kg guarantees the same level of protection as foreign analogues weighing at least 1.3 kg. An adjustable under-neck device helps fit the helmet to your head and provides additional shock absorption against impacts and debris.

A comfortable and fairly lightweight body armor with a built-in quick-release system is very easy to put on and take off, and in order to un-equip a wounded soldier, you just need to pull the pin (previously you had to remove the vest over your head or cut the straps).

The body armor from the “Ratnik” kit is equipped with ceramic-composite armor panels made from a layer of ceramic tiles and a composite substrate. Ceramics are distinguished by very high hardness with relatively low weight. The ceramic outer layer effectively breaks up the bullet, while the reinforced composite backing retains bullet fragments and ceramic fragments. As standard, the Ratnik body armor weighs just over 7 kg, which is significantly less than the weight of its predecessor. There is also an assault body armor package, in which the level of protection is increased to the maximum (sixth) class, provides bulletproof protection for the side zones and groin area. In this case, the weight of the body armor reaches 15 kg.

Armor protection
This is what a ceramic-composite armor plate looks like after being hit by ten armor-piercing incendiary bullets from a sniper SVD rifles from a distance of 10 m. On the other hand, the same plate looks like new.

At the TsNIITOCHMASH enterprise in Klimovsk near Moscow, we were shown an assault chest armor panel developed by NPF Tekhinkom LLC and withstood ten hits of armor-piercing incendiary bullets when fired from an SVD sniper rifle from a distance of 10 m. The reverse side of the plate remained absolutely smooth, without a single bulges. This means that a soldier protected by a body armor with such panels will not receive concussion injuries and will remain combat-ready.

A little about MFP
The MFP is carried in the chest pocket, has an alphanumeric indicator and gives access to all functions of the complex through a system of context menus. In particular, you can use it to type text messages and use a navigator.

Special protective suits also deserve attention. The "Permyachka" overalls, made of special ballistic aramid fabric, can protect a soldier from shell fragments flying at speeds of up to 140 m/s with a mass of 1 g, as well as from open flames for 10 s. A kit for crew members armored vehicles“Cowboy” will help a tanker survive if the tank is damaged and catches fire.

Remote controller operational management has no screen and operates on the finger-button principle.

Everything you need is here: turning on/off KRUS, PTT, “injured” button, switching between subscribers and hotkey: its typical application is to send a photograph from a rangefinder-protractor device to the commander.

Lord of Thunder
The control system is that part of the “Warrior” that even today looks like science fiction, although in fact the “Strelets” reconnaissance, control and communications complex (KRUS), included in the program, has been in service with the Russian army since 2007. At the moment, the second generation of “Sagittarius” is relevant, produced since 2011 and constantly improved.

According to the apt description of the general designer of Radioavionics OJSC, Alexander Kaplin, the Strelets KRUS is a personal computer with peripherals distributed over a soldier’s unloading vest. Its capabilities, like any other computer, are limited only by the assigned tasks and the imagination of the developers. The complex guarantees the solution of all information problems that a serviceman may encounter.

A secure high-speed radio channel provides voice radio communications and data transmission. Data can mean text messages (preset and custom), photographs and videos, and, of course, geographic coordinates. System satellite navigation practically eliminates the possibility for a soldier to get lost, and for a commander to lose sight of a soldier.

On the screen personal computer commander, the location of all fighters is displayed on the area map and updated in real time. The high update frequency (once per second), made possible thanks to a special high-speed radio channel, distinguishes the Strelets KRUS from its analogues that use standard radio stations for data transmission. In them, the update frequency can reach 10−30 seconds, since information about all fighters of the unit is transmitted via communication channels with low or average speed data transmission.

The commander can instantly send a soldier to the desired point by simply pointing it with a stylus on the map. Moreover, the fighter will receive not just the coordinates of his destination, but a complex route. KRUS will tell the soldier the way using an arrow on the screen and help him get around minefields and danger zones.

One of the modifications of the Sagittarius includes a rangefinder and goniometer device. It is enough for the gunner to simply see the target: based on the readings of the laser range finder and target elevation meter, as well as its own coordinates, KRUS will instantly calculate the coordinates of the target, and at the same time send its photo to the commander. All that remains is to give the command to open artillery fire or launch an air strike.

Of course, the Strelets is compatible with various electro-optical sights and helmet-mounted monitors that allow you to shoot from behind cover. This spectacular trick is proudly demonstrated at exhibitions by the developers of Felin and Gladius, the French and German analogues of Ratnik. However, Alexander Kaplin is convinced that transmitting video information in combat is not nearly as important as ensuring a good balance between weight and size characteristics, security and operating time without recharging when solving basic, that is, the most common combat missions.

A modern smartphone can hardly survive a day without a power outlet in standby mode. KRUS "Sagittarius" operates for 12 hours on one battery (and 24 hours on two) in continuous voice communication and data transmission mode. The complex operates at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 60 °C, withstands serious impacts, immersion in water and dirt.

“A special unit of Radioavionics is engaged in training and collecting information in the troops, accompanies devices during exercises and wherever possible,” says Alexander Yuryevich. - Practice shows that situations often arise in life that are simply impossible to predict. Therefore, the requirements of the Ministry of Defense to protect equipment are not at all far-fetched.” Moreover, if the first KRUS backpack samples, bristling with antennas, were a solid headache for a fighter, then the load from placement on the “Ratnik” transport vest modern complex the soldier hardly notices.

From the Arctic to the tropics
Sets of “Ratnik” combat equipment are already being distributed to military units, but the program is still far from complete. Currently, the best small arms are competing to be included in the kit, sighting devices and observation devices, including thermal imagers, night vision devices, helmet-mounted cameras and monitors. The Kalashnikov concern's AK103−3 and AK-12 assault rifles are vying for inclusion in the "Warrior" (we wrote in detail about the new generation AK in May 2012), as well as weapons with balanced automatics developed by the Degtyarev plant. Many development enterprises are creating promising products with an eye on the third and even fourth generation of Ratnik.

New "Kalash"
The weapons of the Kalashnikov concern (part of the Rostec state corporation) are equipped with a folding telescopic buttstock, adjustable for anatomical features and the fighter’s equipment, Picatinny rails on the receiver cover and a forend for attaching sighting devices. In the photo: thermal imaging sight, red dot sight, a 2x magnifier, a laser target designator and a transparent magazine that makes it easy to count the remaining cartridges.

General Director of OJSC TsNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov calls one of the main advantages of the Ratnik equipment its flexibility and versatility: “The modular principle of constructing elements allows for the recruitment of various units depending on the military specialty and combat missions. Having extensive experience in the development of combat equipment for military personnel, we have created a kit that functions equally effectively both in the extreme temperature conditions of the Arctic and in the hot tropics.”

Basic set KRUS “Sagittarius”
The strong point of Radioavionics OJSC is the development of modifications of the Strelets KRUS for various military specialties and combat missions. The kits are always in the unloading vest in an assembled state, and the fighter is freed from the need to assemble the system for individual missions, as well as to store the KRUS components separately.

1. An active noise-canceling headset protects the soldier's hearing from the roar of gunfire, but at the same time amplifies quiet sounds

2. The operational control panel is located on the fighter’s chest in an open position and gives instant access to the main functions of the KRUS. The remote control is built on the finger-button principle and is controlled by touch. There is a radio push-to-talk button, a “wounded” button, a subscriber switching button, a KRUS on/off button and a programmable hot key

3. Satellite navigation system

4. Primary power supply container, also known as the KRUS battery. To increase operating time without recharging, two or more batteries can be connected to the system at the same time. In the latest modifications of the complex, the container contains a built-in charger

5. The hardware container contains all the KRUS computer hardware. As standard, it is located in the unloading vest on the fighter’s left side. The computer can operate at temperatures from -40 to +60°C, and is reliably protected from water, dirt and shocks

6. Cables for connecting additional devices, in particular a rangefinder and goniometer device

7. The multifunctional remote control gives access to all KRUS functions through the context menus of the alphanumeric indicator. The remote control buttons are large enough to be pressed comfortably with gloves on.

8. Individual radio communication module

The "Ratnik" combat equipment for military personnel is one of the largest modernization projects of the Russian army. As applied to this program, the concept of equipment is so broad and extensive that all its elements are almost impossible to describe in one article or depict in one photograph.

The commander's personal computer is protected from shock, dust and water. It is equipped with a resistive screen that is insensitive to moisture and a blued steel stylus. The commander can track the location of all the soldiers of his unit on a satellite map, see their status (wounded or not) and send text messages, receive photo and video images of targets and indicate new targets on the map.

For ordinary soldiers who have been receiving the first Ratnik kits since the end of 2014, this is, first of all, a comfortable uniform made of modern fabrics with many elements for the summer, winter and demi-season periods, lightweight composite protection covering up to 90% of the body, a lightweight head that fits well helmet.

For visitors to exhibitions, “Ratnik” is an image of a soldier of the future, hung with state-of-the-art computer equipment, seeing through walls and shooting from around corners using a helmet-mounted monitor.

70 elements
In total, the equipment includes more than 70 elements that are interconnected and complement each other structurally and functionally.

To understand what the combat equipment of a Russian military personnel is like today, we conducted a series of interviews. Specialists from the main developer of the program, OJSC TsNIITOCHMASH (part of the Rostec state corporation), told us about the main elements of the “Ratnik” kit. Soldiers from a reconnaissance company of one of the military units where the tests took place shared their impressions of the new equipment with us. We discussed the electronic content of the equipment of the “soldier of the future” with the general designer of Radioavionics OJSC Alexander Kaplin.

Survival fashion
A soldier's combat equipment set is a complex of five systems integrated into each other: destruction, protection, control, life support and energy supply. That is, the “Warrior” program covers almost everything that a soldier needs on the battlefield: from shoes and clothing to medicine, aiming equipment, surveillance, communications, guidance and target designation of artillery and aviation.

The design of the helmet allows for the attachment of additional devices. The photo shows a helmet-mounted monitor produced by JSC Central Research Institute Cyclone.

An observation device from the same developer, in which images from a thermal imager and a night vision device are combined into one picture. These products are candidates for a place in the “Warrior” program.

The thermal imaging sight can also serve as a helmet-mounted observation device.

“We tested all sets of second-generation clothing, made forced marches of 5 and 20 km, and went through an obstacle course,” says reconnaissance platoon commander Ivan Velichko. Five scouts demonstrated for us the passage of the obstacle course in full protective gear, one of them with a heavy machine gun in his hands. Smiling soldiers praise new clothes that always match the weather exactly, a light and comfortable helmet, safety glasses, and a multifunctional knife-tool. The shoes from the Faraday company are impressive: breathable Gore-Tex membrane, non-slip reinforced Vibram sole, weight at the level of the best trekking boots (both summer and winter models).

An anti-fragmentation armored helmet weighing only 1 kg guarantees the same level of protection as foreign analogues weighing at least 1.3 kg. An adjustable under-neck device helps fit the helmet to your head and provides additional shock absorption against impacts and debris.

A comfortable and fairly lightweight body armor with a built-in quick-release system is very easy to put on and take off, and in order to un-equip a wounded soldier, you just need to pull the pin (previously you had to remove the vest over your head or cut the straps).

The body armor from the “Ratnik” kit is equipped with ceramic-composite armor panels made from a layer of ceramic tiles and a composite substrate. Ceramics are distinguished by very high hardness with relatively low weight. The ceramic outer layer effectively breaks up the bullet, while the reinforced composite backing retains bullet fragments and ceramic fragments. As standard, the Ratnik body armor weighs just over 7 kg, which is significantly less than the weight of its predecessor. There is also an assault body armor package, in which the level of protection is increased to the maximum (sixth) class, and bulletproof protection is provided for the side zones and groin area. In this case, the weight of the body armor reaches 15 kg.

Armor protection
This is what a ceramic-composite armor plate looks like after being hit by ten armor-piercing incendiary bullets from an SVD sniper rifle from a distance of 10 m. On the other hand, the same plate looks like new.

At the TsNIITOCHMASH enterprise in Klimovsk near Moscow, we were shown an assault chest armor panel developed by NPF Tekhinkom LLC and withstood ten hits of armor-piercing incendiary bullets when fired from an SVD sniper rifle from a distance of 10 m. The reverse side of the plate remained absolutely smooth, without a single bulges. This means that a soldier protected by a body armor with such panels will not receive concussion injuries and will remain combat-ready.

A little about MFP
The MFP is carried in the chest pocket, has an alphanumeric indicator and gives access to all functions of the complex through a system of context menus. In particular, you can use it to type text messages and use a navigator.

Special protective suits also deserve attention. The "Permyachka" overalls, made of special ballistic aramid fabric, can protect a soldier from shell fragments flying at speeds of up to 140 m/s with a mass of 1 g, as well as from open flames for 10 s. And the “Cowboy” kit for crew members of armored vehicles will help a tanker survive if the tank is damaged and catches fire.

The operational control panel does not have a screen and operates on the “finger-button” principle.

There is everything you need here: turning on/off KRUS, PTT, the “wounded” button, switching between subscribers and a hot key: its typical use is sending a photo from a rangefinder-protractor device to the commander.

Lord of Thunder
The control system is that part of the “Warrior” that even today looks like science fiction, although in fact the “Strelets” reconnaissance, control and communications complex (KRUS), included in the program, has been in service with the Russian army since 2007. At the moment, the second generation of “Sagittarius” is relevant, produced since 2011 and constantly improved.

According to the apt description of the general designer of Radioavionics OJSC, Alexander Kaplin, the Strelets KRUS is a personal computer with peripherals distributed over a soldier’s unloading vest. Its capabilities, like any other computer, are limited only by the assigned tasks and the imagination of the developers. The complex guarantees the solution of all information problems that a serviceman may encounter.

A secure high-speed radio channel provides voice radio communications and data transmission. Data can mean text messages (preset and custom), photographs and videos, and, of course, geographic coordinates. The satellite navigation system virtually eliminates the possibility for a soldier to get lost, and for a commander to lose sight of a soldier.

On the commander's personal computer screen, the location of all fighters is displayed on a map of the area and updated in real time. The high update frequency (once per second), made possible thanks to a special high-speed radio channel, distinguishes the Strelets KRUS from its analogues that use standard radio stations for data transmission. In them, the update frequency can reach 10-30 seconds, since information about all fighters of the unit is transmitted via communication channels with low or medium data transfer rates.

The commander can instantly send a soldier to the desired point by simply pointing it with a stylus on the map. Moreover, the fighter will receive not just the coordinates of his destination, but a complex route. KRUS will tell the soldier the way using an arrow on the screen, and will help him avoid minefields and dangerous zones.

One of the modifications of the Sagittarius includes a rangefinder and goniometer device. It is enough for the gunner to simply see the target: based on the readings of the laser range finder and target elevation meter, as well as its own coordinates, KRUS will instantly calculate the coordinates of the target, and at the same time send its photo to the commander. All that remains is to give the command to open artillery fire or launch an air strike.

Of course, the Strelets is compatible with various electro-optical sights and helmet-mounted monitors that allow you to shoot from behind cover. This spectacular trick is proudly demonstrated at exhibitions by the developers of Felin and Gladius, the French and German analogues of Ratnik. However, Alexander Kaplin is convinced that transmitting video information in combat is not nearly as important as ensuring a good balance between weight and size characteristics, security and operating time without recharging when solving basic, that is, the most common combat missions.

A modern smartphone can hardly survive a day without a power outlet in standby mode. KRUS "Sagittarius" operates for 12 hours on one battery (and 24 hours on two) in continuous voice communication and data transmission mode. The complex operates at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 60 °C, withstands serious impacts, immersion in water and dirt.

“A special unit of Radioavionics is engaged in training and collecting information in the troops, accompanies devices during exercises and wherever possible,” says Alexander Yuryevich. - Practice shows that situations often arise in life that are simply impossible to predict. Therefore, the requirements of the Ministry of Defense to protect equipment are not at all far-fetched.” Moreover, if the first KRUS backpack samples, bristling with antennas, were a complete headache for a soldier, then the soldier practically does not notice the load from placing a modern complex on the Ratnik transport vest.

From the Arctic to the tropics
Sets of “Ratnik” combat equipment are already being distributed to military units, but the program is still far from complete. Currently, the best samples of small arms, sighting devices and observation devices, including thermal imagers, night vision devices, helmet-mounted cameras and monitors, are competing to be included in the kit. The Kalashnikov concern's AK103−3 and AK-12 assault rifles are vying for inclusion in the "Warrior" (we wrote in detail about the new generation AK in May 2012), as well as weapons with balanced automatics developed by the Degtyarev plant. Many development enterprises are creating promising products with an eye on the third and even fourth generation of Ratnik.

New "Kalash"
The weapon of the Kalashnikov concern (part of the Rostec state corporation) is equipped with a folding telescopic butt, adjustable to the anatomical features and equipment of the fighter, Picatinny rails on the receiver cover and a forend for attaching sighting devices. In the photo: a thermal imaging sight, a collimator sight, a 2x magnifier, a laser target designator and a transparent magazine that makes it easier to count the remaining cartridges.

General Director of OJSC TsNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov calls one of the main advantages of the Ratnik equipment its flexibility and versatility: “The modular principle of constructing elements allows for the recruitment of various units depending on the military specialty and combat missions. Having extensive experience in the development of combat equipment for military personnel, we have created a kit that functions equally effectively both in the extreme temperature conditions of the Arctic and in the hot tropics.”

Basic set KRUS “Sagittarius”
The strong point of Radioavionics OJSC is the development of modifications of the Strelets KRUS for various military specialties and combat missions. The kits are always in the unloading vest in an assembled state, and the fighter is freed from the need to assemble the system for individual missions, as well as to store the KRUS components separately.

1. An active noise-canceling headset protects the soldier's hearing from the roar of gunfire, but at the same time amplifies quiet sounds

2. The operational control panel is located on the fighter’s chest in an open position and gives instant access to the main functions of the KRUS. The remote control is built on the finger-button principle and is controlled by touch. There is a radio push-to-talk button, a “wounded” button, a subscriber switching button, a KRUS on/off button and a programmable hot key

3. Satellite navigation system

4. Primary power supply container, also known as the KRUS battery. To increase operating time without recharging, two or more batteries can be connected to the system at the same time. In the latest modifications of the complex, the container contains a built-in charger

5. The hardware container contains all the KRUS computer hardware. As standard, it is located in the unloading vest on the fighter’s left side. The computer can operate at temperatures from -40 to +60°C, and is reliably protected from water, dirt and shocks

6. Cables for connecting additional devices, in particular a rangefinder and goniometer device

7. The multifunctional remote control gives access to all KRUS functions through the context menus of the alphanumeric indicator. The remote control buttons are large enough to be pressed comfortably with gloves on.

8. Individual radio communication module

I’ll add one more thing, because the topic is interesting, and there’s never too much information.


Russian combat equipment for military personnel, “the kit of the soldier of the future.” “Ratnik” was developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “TsNIITOCHMASH”. More than 50 industrial enterprises are involved in the creation of second-generation equipment as part of the Ratnik development work. The general designer of the equipment is Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.

The system is a complex of modern means of protection, communications, weapons and ammunition. According to the creators, the new equipment will be able to compete on equal terms with similar types of equipment of the “soldiers of the future.” The Ratnik includes about 10 subsystems. The "Ratnik" kit has a modular design and is adapted for operations in the most different conditions and any time of the day. "Ratnik" was developed on the basis of the "Barmitsa" equipment.

The "Ratnik" combat equipment is part of common project improving the quality of an individual soldier on the battlefield through the use of the latest scientific achievements in various fields of science and industry: navigation, night vision systems, tracking the psychophysiological state of a soldier, the use of advanced materials in the manufacture of armor and clothing fabrics.

Experimental military operation of the "Warrior" was carried out during the "Caucasus-2012" exercises, and the kit left a favorable impression. Tests of the "Warrior" were carried out on the basis of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade.

Russian combat equipment "Ratnik"

Since 2013, preliminary and state tests of the Ratnik fighter protection system have been carried out. More than 10 military units and training grounds of the Russian Ministry of Defense are involved in the tests.

State tests will be completed in the summer of 2014, and in the fourth quarter the first samples of the kit will begin to enter service. The delay in adoption occurred due to the “fine-tuning” of the AK-12 - after comments were made by TsNIITOCHMASH experts.

More than 150 elements of the new kit, including machine guns, are now undergoing state tests. The Kalashnikov concern (AK-12) and the plant named after them offered their automatic weapons to equip the soldier of the future. Degtyareva (AEK-971)

Automatic AEK-971

The 2014 state defense order plans to supply several tens of thousands of sets of combat equipment for military personnel Ground Forces, Airborne troops Marine Corps Navy.

The average warranty period for using the Ratnik is five years; the kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it is written off. And let’s say, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with flaps, then the summer uniform is designed for two. Winter uniforms will have more owners; helmets, body armor, small arms and knives will last longer.

In the current version of Ratnik, the military is not satisfied with the existing batteries due to their large dimensions, which create an additional load on the equipment. “The Rosatom State Corporation is working on creating new batteries for the Ratnik equipment, new batteries. In 2014 received technical solutions, reducing weight by 2-3 times while increasing the battery life by 3-4 times. The new type of batteries will be widely used by the military as early as 2015.

In 2015, development of an even more advanced set of equipment will begin, which will replace the “Ratnik” in 2017. It has already received a code name - "Ratnik-3"

The main goal of developing the “Ratnik” combat equipment is to increase the efficiency of soldiers’ performance of assigned combat missions while reducing the number of losses among unit personnel.


The combat equipment of a modern war includes structurally and functionally interconnected elements of 5 main systems:

  • means of destruction,
  • Remedies,
  • reconnaissance and control equipment,
  • life support equipment
  • means of energy supply.

Equipment can protect up to 90% of a fighter’s body. Ratnik body armor is 70% more effective than its predecessors. All elements of the kit can be combined to suit your needs, just like in a construction set. For the “warrior,” 21 pieces of equipment have been newly developed, and 17 pieces have been modernized. The tasks of increasing the efficiency of military personnel in performing combat missions by one and a half times compared to the equipment of the previous generation have been solved.

In my own way appearance The new Russian combat equipment is quite aesthetic, it is no worse, and in some ways even prettier than modern American equipment. "Ratnik" is distinguished by differentiated and combined protection of the serviceman. All vital organs of a soldier are covered either with metal-ceramics, or special armor, or protective fabrics such as Kevlar - depending on the assigned tasks. Synthetic protection is widely used in new equipment. The familiar helmet has been replaced by helmets of various configurations, which also change depending on the tasks at hand. Helmets can also be made from a variety of materials: steel, composites, titanium. They are able to save a soldier’s head in situations where the old helmet definitely broke through.

The "Ratnik" combat equipment is literally crammed with a variety of electronics. Electronic terrain maps, satellite positioning, individual communications for each fighter, night vision systems and lighting devices, and much more will do Russian soldier integral part a unified combat system that will be controlled by the most modern network-centric technologies.

New generations of small arms are also being developed specifically for Ratnik. A thermal imaging targeting system has already been developed, as well as a special video module that allows you to fire from around a corner or from behind suitable cover. In this case, the transfer of information from the weapon sight to the soldier’s eyecup screen occurs in wireless mode.

The total weight of the standard version of overalls and body armor of the 5th protection class is about 10 kilograms, the maximum weight with a helmet, assault body armor of the 6th protection class, and armor plates for the shoulders and hips is about 20 kg.


The R-175 portable kit (UNKV-03) consists of the R-168-0.5UM radio station, the AK-3.5 subscriber communicator and the TT-6.5 tactical terminal.

A portable version of the Bussol radio station.

The equipment was first presented to the audience at the MAKS-2011 air show. Military trials took place in December 2012 at the base of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade at the Alabino training ground near Moscow. According to the results military tests elements of the equipment received a positive assessment from the military command. The Ratnik includes several dozen weapons elements, including:

  • The protection kit includes a 6B43 body armor (with ceramic plates) of protection class 6A according to GOST R 50744-95 (adopted in 2002) or Br5 class according to the new GOST R 50744-95 (adopted in 2014, is the main one): in an expanded configuration (weight up to 15 kg) or as standard (weight up to 9 kg) - without groin protection (armor plate and anti-fragmentation module), bulletproof side armor plates, shoulder pads (anti-fragmentation module). The kit also includes a multi-layer helmet that can withstand a pistol bullet (protection class 1) from a distance of 5-10 meters.
  • the kit is equipped with the Strelets control system, which includes means of communication, target designation, processing and display of information, identification, allowing transmission to command post information about the whereabouts of the soldier;
  • a communicator that determines the coordinates of a serviceman using GLONASS and GPS to solve the problem of terrain orientation and target designation and other applied calculations;
  • safety glasses capable of withstanding 6 mm fragments flying at a speed of 350 m/s;
  • shields for knee and elbow joints 6b51;
  • water purification filters, autonomous heat sources;
  • an assault rifle, or a machine gun, or a sniper rifle, equipped with a night vision sight and a thermal imaging targeting system;
  • video module for shooting from cover. It consists of a thermal imaging sight and a helmet-mounted monitor with a control system, on which the image from the sight is displayed (developed at OJSC Central Research Institute Cyclone, part of the Ruselectronics holding);
  • several types of thermal imaging sights - 1PN139 (large-caliber), 1PN140 (for normal observation) and a variant for reconnaissance (unnamed). Developed at the Central Research Institute "Cyclone", part of the Ruselectronics holding;
  • Thermal imaging sight "Shakhin" - provides detection, recognition and aimed fire at targets at any time of the day in simple and difficult meteorological conditions;
  • day-night sighting system(DNPC) for small arms, including a collimator sight (KP) 1P87, a night monocular (NM) - 1PN138, a spotting tube (ZT) - 1P90 and a laser target designator (LTs) - 1K241. DNPC allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of hitting targets from small arms, when using a night monocular with a collimator sight or laser designator - to conduct targeted fire at dusk and in low light conditions. A 3x telescope can also be mounted on a weapon in addition to a scope. Most of the DNPC devices are developed and manufactured at JSC "Plant Jupiter" in Valdai
  • The life support system includes backpacks of various types (a universal backpack with a volume of 50 liters, a raid backpack of 10 liters; an unloading vest for 24 kg of weight with interchangeable quick-detachable elements), camouflage kits, a folding heat-insulating pad, removable insulation for use in winter time, ventilated T-shirt, vest with compartments for ammunition, mat, raincoat, hat, balaclava, mosquito net;
  • tent, sleeping bag;
  • frost-resistant rechargeable battery for powering electronic devices. Multiple batteries can be connected. The modular charger allows you to charge from almost all DC and AC sources. One battery can withstand 12 - 14 hours of active operation;
  • active headphones that allow you to communicate during combat;
  • knife "Bumblebee";
  • (since 2017) sensors for combat vehicles and “friend or foe” soldiers. The device will allow you to distinguish comrades from enemies in combat conditions - regardless of their uniform and camouflage. A serviceman equipped with such a sensor will be able to distinguish “us” from “foe” by looking at the screen of a special device that looks like a mobile phone. It displays on electronic map the soldier's location and the location of friendly forces at a given time.

The commander's personal tablet computer is designed to solve control and orientation problems at the tactical level of the command staff.

Wearable receiver indicator NPI2 for a soldier.

  • It is planned to eventually introduce an exoskeleton into Ratnik.

The portable set R-175 (UNKV-03) consists of a radio station R-168-0.5UM, a subscriber communicator AK-3.5 and a tactical terminal TT-6.5
Tactical level navigation and control system from MKB Compass under the “code” name “Soldier of the 21st Century”

The equipment was first presented to the audience at the MAKS-2011 air show. Military trials took place in December 2012 at the base of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade in the Alabino training ground near Moscow. Based on the results of military tests, the equipment elements received a positive assessment from the military command.

The Ratnik includes several dozen weapons elements, including:

  • aramid overalls made from Alutex fiber from the Kamenskvolokno company, capable of withstanding fragments of grenades, mines or shells, and also has a certain fire resistance;
  • The protection kit includes a 6B43 body armor (with ceramic plates) of protection class 6a in an expanded configuration (weight - up to 15 kg) or class 5 in a standard configuration (weight - up to 9 kg) according to GOST R 51136-98, GOST R 51112-97 , GOST R 50941-96. And a multi-layer helmet can withstand a pistol bullet (protection class 1) from a distance of 5-10 m.

  • the kit is equipped with the Strelets control system, which includes means of communication, target designation, processing and display of information, identification - allowing the transfer of information about the location of a soldier to the command post;
  • a communicator that determines the coordinates of a fighter using GLONASS and GPS, to solve the problem of terrain orientation and target designation and other applied calculations;
  • energy supply kits;
  • safety glasses capable of withstanding hits from 6 mm fragments flying at a speed of 350 m/s;
  • shields for knee and elbow joints, water purification filters, autonomous heat sources;
  • AK-12 or an upgraded AK of other versions, equipped with a night vision sight and a thermal imaging targeting system;
  • video module for shooting from cover, consisting of a helmet-mounted minimonitor and a television sight;
  • collimator sight "Krechet" and other devices (in addition to the sight, a 3x magnification telescope or a night vision monocular "Lun" can be installed);
  • The life support system includes backpacks of various types (universal backpack with a volume of 50 liters, raid backpack with a volume of 10 liters;
  • unloading vest with interchangeable quick-detachable elements), camouflage kits, folding heat-insulating padding, removable insulation for use in winter, ventilated T-shirt, vest with compartments for ammunition, mat, raincoat, hat, balaclava, mosquito net;
  • tent, sleeping bag;
  • active headphones that allow you to communicate during combat;
  • knife "Bumblebee".

The total weight of the kit is up to 22 kilograms in an expanded configuration (without ammunition and weapons) with an assault version of the 6B43 body armor. In the basic version, the weight is up to 17 kilograms (without ammunition and weapons) with the basic version of the 6B43 body armor. Helmet weight 1.056 kg. In general, 90% of the soldier’s body surface is covered. Body armor has several varieties, from light to heavy with insert plates. Marine variety The body armor also has the properties of a life jacket, which makes it possible to stay afloat with it. Modularity allows you to attach any pockets to the unloading vest. The winter version differs only in the presence of heat supply and insulation. The design requires continuous wear for at least 48 hours. Transmission of video information from the sight to the eye indicator is carried out wirelessly. The communication system will allow the soldier to communicate with the command and colleagues at the tactical level. The saturation of electronics makes the soldier a single combat system controlled the latest technologies. In this case, information about the location of the serviceman is transmitted to the command post (CP), which greatly reduces the likelihood of loss in action. Communication is provided by the Sagittarius reconnaissance, control and communications complex, which allows you to exchange information via voice or text messages, carry out target designation, and take photos and videos. The television sight on the machine gun provides an image in the eyecup, which allows shooting and observation from cover or from the hip. Created for anti-aircraft gunners automatic control anti-aircraft missile systems, with the help of which the commander detects targets at a distance of several tens of kilometers and automatically transmits the coordinates to the soldiers. Up to nine anti-aircraft gunners can receive commands from one point. This will eliminate the need for visual search for targets by the anti-aircraft gunners themselves. The system allows you to escape from an ambush in right moment to shoot and hide again. It can also be used by snipers and grenade launchers to direct fire. It will be possible to use such a system to protect military convoys.

The average lifespan of equipment is 5 years. The kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it is written off. Different pieces of equipment have their own expiration dates. The T-shirt with flaps is intended for one soldier. Summer clothing is designed for two. Winter uniforms, helmets, body armor, small arms and knives are designed to last longer.

General Director of TsNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov at the international exhibition Eurosatory-2014 in June 2014 stated that a multi-caliber system for small arms as part of the “Warrior” equipment will not be developed. According to him, such a requirement was made by the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. Also, according to general designer Vladimir Lepin, in the process of working on the “Ratnik”, 28 types of small arms were modernized.

On June 22, 2014 tests automatic weapons For the “Ratnik” equipment, assault rifles from two manufacturers were used: the Kalashnikov concern and the Kovrov plant named after Degtyarev, said Oleg Bochkarev, deputy chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation. Bochkarev added that the full set of “Ratnik” equipment will also include upgraded machine guns and the ORSIS sniper complex.

“Usually we come up with one sample. During the preliminary tests, we were convinced that both the machines turned out well. Now is an important moment for manufacturers and for the military - to choose the single type of weapon that will be in Russia,” - a representative of the Military-Industrial Commission explained to the Russian News Service.

Upon completion of military tests, the commission of the Russian defense department gave preference to the AK-12 assault rifle, developed by the team of designers at the Izhmash plant, headed by Vladimir Zlobin. From now on, the AK-12 will become part of the “Ratnik” combat equipment, which is already being supplied to the troops. Production of the machine will begin in February 2015.


According to explanatory materials from the Moscow Center for High-Strength Materials Armocom, “the kit is designed to protect crew members of combat vehicles from the effects of secondary fragments in the crew compartment, open flames, thermal effects, as well as protection of knee and elbow joints from mechanical damage.”

It is noted that “in the protective structure of the body armor, a hybrid armor package based on traditional ballistic fabrics in combination with nonwoven materials from aramid fibers."

The set consists of an anti-fragmentation vest, an armored helmet, and fire-resistant overalls (summer and winter).

According to the developers, “the fragmentation resistance of the V50% body armor is no less than 550 m/s, the body armor protection area is no less than 45 sq. dm, weight – no more than 3.2 kg.” The anti-fragmentation resistance of the V50% armored helmet is no less than 630 m/s, its weight is no more than 1.9 kg.”

The overalls can withstand open flames for up to 15 seconds.

The first comprehensive personal protective equipment in the history of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation intended for crew members of combat vehicles was the 6B15 “Cowboy” protective kit, designed by the Central Research Institute of Special Mechanical Engineering together with the Armokom Center. The kit with a total weight of 6.5 kg includes a 6B15-1 anti-fragmentation vest, a 6B15-2 anti-fragmentation lining for a tank headset, and a 6B15-3 fire-resistant overalls.
IN terms of reference"Ratnik" requirements for the protective kit of AFV crew members have increased significantly. If the existing anti-fragmentation pad on the headset provided V50% protection from a fragment weighing 1.1 g flying at a speed of 460 m/s, then the new pad was supposed to protect against a fragment of the same size, flying at a speed of 630 m/s. That is, the customer increased the requirement for this indicator by almost one and a half times, indicating that the weight of the pad itself should not increase.
The requirements for body armor in this part were raised from 440 m/s to 550 m/s. The previous fire-resistant overalls gave the tanker 10 seconds to get out of the burning vehicle. The new suit was supposed to protect from flame two and a half times longer - for 25 seconds.
The specialists of the Armocom Center solved the tasks assigned to them, although it was very difficult. The new 6B48 protective kit for AFV crews, which, by the way, now includes fire-resistant gloves, impact-resistant pads for the knees and elbows, is undoubtedly one of the best in the world.

Experts are confident that “the massive supply of such equipment to the troops radically increases the chances of survival of the crews of combat vehicles during military operations.”


During 2014-2015, the Ministry of Defense received 71 thousand sets of “Ratnik” equipment.

At the beginning of 2015, the first samples of “Ratnik” equipment arrived at Armed forces In Russia, in particular, the special forces units of the Central Military District are fully equipped with equipment. In December 2015, snipers of the Russian military base in Armenia were provided with equipment.

Every year, the Russian Armed Forces will receive 50 thousand sets of “Ratnik” equipment, but the Ministry of Defense said that it may be necessary to purchase more. Work is underway to create the next generation of equipment; its development and mass production are planned for the 2020-2030s.

Before the complications in relations with the West, it was planned to purchase some elements for “Ratnik” in France. Subsequently they were replaced with Russian products.

“Ratnik” introduced such an innovation as an instant reset of all equipment when a soldier gets into the water. That is, equipment with considerable weight will not drag a soldier to the bottom. And the body armor created for the Navy is generally know-how. Russian specialists managed to combine both body armor and a life jacket. In the event that a sailor who is on watch suddenly finds himself overboard the ship, he will not drown, but will remain floating on the surface thanks to such body armor.
