The most powerful weapon in history. What is the most powerful weapon?

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many wars when some people tried to subjugate others. A lot has been invented for this lethal weapons, which is capable of destroying not only cities, but also countries, depriving the lives of millions of people. And as proof of the presence of bright minds in our country, it is Russian developments that represent the most powerful weapons in the world. One of the main among such weapons can be called the hydrogen Tsar Bomb, which has become the most powerful and terrifying explosive device previously unknown to the world.

Tsar Bomba - incredible weapon power

This bomb was created by Academician Sakharov. Its tests were carried out on Novaya Zemlya in 1961. It was blown up at an altitude of 4.2 km above sea level (188 seconds after it was dropped from a Tu-95 bomber). The test results stunned not only the whole world, but even the creators of these weapons. After the explosion, the nuclear mushroom reached a height of 67 km, and the radius of the fireball from the explosion was 4600 m. The resulting shock wave circled the Earth three times, and for forty minutes strong radio interference was observed due to the ionization of the atmosphere. On the surface of the globe, the temperature above the place where the explosion occurred was so high that it easily reduced the stones to ash.

This most powerful weapon in the world, popularly nicknamed “Ivan,” began to be developed in the Soviet Union in 1955. The bomb's mass was 15 percent of the take-off mass of the bomber aircraft. And due to the large dimensions of the Tsar Bomba, it was even necessary to remove the fuel tanks from the fuselage of the aircraft. Tests of the hydrogen bomb were not carried out immediately after its creation. For several years the Tu-95 was used for flights as a training aircraft. And in 1961, testing this type of weapon became relevant.

And in 1963, after successful tests, Khrushchev promised to show “Kuzka’s mother” to America, meaning precisely this most powerful weapon, which became another one of the main indicators of the military power of our country.

Compared to our Tsar Bomba, the atomic bombs that were dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be called “simple toys.” But the interesting thing is that the Soviet “Kuzka’s Mother” was quite clean in thermonuclear terms - it practically did not create radioactive contamination, and no one was injured in the explosion of this weapon. During the American attack on Japanese cities, up to 80 people died directly from the explosion, and many then suffered from radiation. So the Russians, having created the Tsar Bomba, surpassed military power USA several times.

Chemical and biological weapons

Can be called chemical weapon the deadliest. It was first used by Germany during the First World War against the Russian army - as a result of spraying chlorine, fifteen thousand Russian soldiers were seriously poisoned (5,000 of them died). Such weapons are capable of instantly destroying a huge number of people.

Biological weapons are considered no less dangerous. You can remember how envelopes were sent out containing spores of anthrax, a deadly bacterium that lives in the soil. A person who touches this bacterium or inhales it dies. However, such an impact can be called a targeted one, and biological weapons used on a mass scale can cause much more severe consequences.


This reactive system volley fire considered the most terrible after nuclear weapons. To prepare a system consisting of 12 barrels for battle, it will take 3 minutes, and a full salvo requires 38 seconds. This installation was created for fighting with various armored vehicles. “Smerch” can operate regardless of the time of day, as well as in a wide temperature range – -50 – +50 degrees.


The Americans nicknamed the Voevoda intercontinental ballistic missiles, model SS-18, “Satan.” It even made it onto the pages of the Book of Records, as it was recognized as the most powerful of its kind in the whole world. Created in the Soviet Union in the 70s, such missiles still terrify potential opponents to this day. It’s not for nothing that Americans are so afraid of her, because she is capable of causing real hell in the territories of the United States and Western Europe. Until now, no analogues of “Satan” have been created.

Unfortunately, humanity is accustomed to destroying its own kind and therefore has come up with a huge number of ways to kill itself. We will try to remember the most destructive of them and talk about the most powerful weapons in the world.

In first place on this list, of course, is the thermonuclear Tsar Bomb, created by Academician Sakharov and with which Khrushchev tried to intimidate America. By the way, it was successful. For her trials shocked not only the Americans, but also the USSR, because no one expected such a scale. When tested on Novaya Zemlya, the blast wave circled three times Earth. This happened on January 16, 1963, and so far humanity has not come up with anything more terrifying.

Tsar Bomba AN-602

Compared to the Tsar Bomba, the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are just toys. However, it is worth noting that while no one was injured in the explosion of a Soviet thermonuclear bomb, the Americans killed several hundred people in August 1945 directly at the time of the explosions, and in total about 140 thousand people died, including the consequences of radiation.

In addition to this, there is also neutron bomb, developed by the American scientist Samuel Cohen, which does not cause damage to infrastructure, but destroys only living objects.

Unfortunately, among the deadliest weapons there are also chemical and biological ones. If chemical weapons were used back in the First World War, when Germany first used chlorine against enemy troops, and then mustard gas, now chemical weapons can almost instantly destroy several thousand people. Biological weapons no less dangerous. Everyone remembers how envelopes with anthrax were sent out. But these were targeted strikes, and in the case of mass use, much more dire consequences are possible.

However, we are now talking about weapons that can be delivered using intercontinental missiles. Therefore, we need to figure it out. We are armed with a ballistic missile (Satana). This rocket has already entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most powerful rocket intercontinental range.

R-36M2 "Voevoda" or SS-18 Satan III

Despite the fact that the most powerful weapons in the world are weapons of mass destruction, let's turn our attention to " private sector" Here, perhaps, the McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifles can be considered the most effective. It was with their help that the most record-breaking shots were fired, exceeding 2300 meters. Moreover, repeatedly.

Complementing the list of the most powerful weapons, we cannot ignore the well-known Desert Eagle. This pistol has become simply a classic thanks to action movies. It has enormous lethal and stopping power against unprotected targets, but in reality, other than its size, unfortunately, it is not able to surprise with anything.

It so happened that only in struggle could a person establish himself and ensure his safety. A very long time ago, the first weapon capable of killing appeared in the world. As evolution progressed, methods of destruction also developed and became more and more sophisticated.

When we see the first simple weapons of our ancestors, they make us smile rather than fear. This cannot be said about modern analogues. The most dangerous weapon in the world is shocking. His ability to destroy entire countries in a matter of minutes makes one freeze with horror. It becomes clear how insignificant a person is and how fleeting our life is.

The most dangerous weapon in the world

Nuclear bomb

This is a weapon that causes mass death. Its action is based on the release of colossal energy that is formed when chain reaction heavy nuclei. After such explosions, everything is saturated with radiation. Back in 1945, our planet felt the full power destructive force when the Americans unleashed it on Japanese cities. Since then, a lot has changed, a lot of new types of cruel destruction of people have been invented, but it is precisely with nuclear war Everyone living on Earth is associated with the concept of “the end of the world.”

Volumetric explosion ammunition

When they are used, a flammable aerosol substance scatters, and when it explodes, a cloud with superpower is formed. powerful force. It is comparable to atomic energy, but differs in the absence of radiation. Everyone nearby burns instantly. But the volumetric explosion bomb is insidious in that people located a little further away die from excruciating pain, since their lungs simply explode, while the dying person is conscious. In the USA, there is a MOAB with an explosion force of 10 tons; it is called the “mother of all bombs.” But in 2011, Russia acquired a bomb with an explosion force of 44 tons; it was nicknamed the “daddy of all bombs.”

Phosphorus ammunition

They are equipped with white phosphorus, which, when combined with air, begins to burn, releasing temperatures up to +900 C. Everything that gets in the way of the molten particles burns: from buildings to people. When phosphorus gets on the skin, it burns right through a person, burning everything inside, including even bones. It is almost impossible to put it out. Combustion stops only in the absence of oxygen. Although these weapons are banned, they are still available in a number of countries.


It is based on gasoline, which is thickened with special additives. Sticking to any surface, even vertical, it burns extremely slowly with temperatures up to +1000°C, even burning metal. Cannot be extinguished. It was banned in 1980, which does not prevent its use today.

Laser weapons

In the United States, five years ago, a laser gun was successfully tested, which is capable of firing beams with a power of up to 32 megawatts. With its help, it was possible to shoot down four flying objects. Earlier, a ballistic missile was successfully destroyed in a similar way. Without a doubt, such technologies are the future. Today, the laser gun is one of the most dangerous weapons in the United States.

Barrett M82

Sniper rifle, invented in 1982. Bullets fired from it fly at speeds three times the speed of sound. Moreover, the destruction range reaches almost 2 km. It can tear apart a person even in a building, and the sound of the shot will not be heard immediately.

Metal Storm

A weapon system capable of firing 16 thousand bullets per second. Its author is Mike O'Dwyer from Australia. Using an electrical ignition circuit, bullets are capable of being fired at great speeds in frightening numbers. The breakthrough potential of the system is difficult to compare with anything.

Cluster bomb

Aviation ammunition filled with particles smaller than those in a mine, varied in its application. This bomb explodes before reaching the surface and scatters its contents over several kilometers, causing enormous damage and injuring a large number of people. In 2010, these ammunition were banned by the convention.


Multifunctional, jet fighter Russian production. It is classified as a fifth generation aircraft. It is capable of rising to unprecedented heights, develops supersonic speed without the use of afterburners, and its combat load is simply unique. The fighter is equipped with the ability to intercept targets in the air. The Su-35 is considered Russia's most dangerous weapon today.

“F” – nerve gas

It has a poisonous effect that is many times greater than anything known in human history. Swedish scientists are developing this “perfect killer”. All information is strictly classified. We only know that the work was completed quite recently. Humanity has never known anything like this. Without a doubt, this is the most dangerous chemical weapon.

Dangerous melee weapons

With its help you can not only injure, but also kill a person. Perhaps it is one of the most ancient on the planet. Throughout history, a huge variety of the most sophisticated murder weapons has been known.


Sword glove used in ancient india Marathas. In such a “glove” the hand was motionless up to the elbow, so its use required a lot of skill from the owner.


A sharpened iron rod with a ring in the middle, into which a middle finger. They were used by samurai in battle. With such a weapon one could easily kill an enemy.

Tiger Claw Bagh Nakh

Used in India in the 16th century XVII centuries. It's somewhat reminiscent of a rake. It has five pointed blades attached to a base, at the ends of which there are two rings. Thanks to him, it was easy to tear the opponent's muscles.

An overview of the most powerful and deadly weapons in service with the Russian army, capable of destroying entire cities and countries in one salvo.

Before compiling our rating, we need to decide what is meant by the phrase most powerful weapon? In our rating, we will analyze the most deadly types of equipment that are in service with the Russian army. Those types of weapons that with just one salvo can turn a large area into desert or enormous forces probable enemy, the very name of which makes you feel uneasy.

A unique flamethrower system, the likes of which simply do not exist in the world. This multiple launch rocket system fires like a Grad, but the shells have a much more serious damaging effect and literally burn out all living things in a given area. Particularly effective this installation in mountainous areas, and also when storming positions in urban environments, where you can hide from conventional artillery, but there is nowhere to run away from the Solntsepek shells that burn everything out.

There are a total of 24 projectile guides in one installation. The caliber of the shells is 220mm. The affected area is 40,000 square meters. However, despite the not very large square of the lesion, nothing living remains in it, regardless of the terrain.

Multiple rocket launch system BM-21 "Grad" created in the image and likeness of the legendary "Katyusha", but time does not stand still, and the projectiles that the installation fires have become much more powerful and deadly, and the installations themselves have become more advanced.

The BM-21 Grad is loaded with 122mm shells, there are 40 of them in the installation. The area of ​​destruction with one salvo is 0.15 square kilometers. The installation fires a full salvo in just 20 seconds, and on an area of ​​approximately 15 hectares, little survives. On the one hand, this is not so much, but it is worth considering two important points: firstly, the reload time is only 7 minutes and the standard ammunition load is 3 salvos, i.e. in about 20 minutes, one Grad installation can fire 4 full salvoes. Secondly, a battery can have several installations at once, which will fire a simultaneous salvo, which will increase the affected area several times

OTRK "Iskander"-M

"Iskander"-M - operational-tactical missile system, capable of breaking through absolutely any enemy air defense and missile defense. There are only two missiles in the installation, but both variants with its design have lethal characteristics. In its first version, it uses up to 54 cluster charges, which destroy enemy manpower and equipment over a vast territory. The second option is a rocket with nuclear warhead. Another one main feature"Iskander" - its missiles are almost impossible to intercept. Firstly, the approach time is very short, and secondly, the missile has a quasi-ballistic unpredictable trajectory, and another plus is that it drops several decoys. The destruction range is 500 km.

It is impossible to find exact data on the combat power of Iskander missiles on the Internet, but according to American experts, a salvo of one Iskander division is capable of destroying an entire position area. And this is in the case of a non-nuclear charge. A nuclear charge can also be used, and then the affected area increases several times.

Topol M - mobile missile system strategic purpose. This unit is capable of transporting just one ballistic missile, however, its range is 12 thousand kilometers, and the installation is capable of destroying almost any target on our planet.

The power of the charge can reach 1 megaton, which is 55 times higher than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The RS-24 Yars missile is currently used. There are several modifications of missiles for Topol-M, but they all have separate combat unit from 3 to 6 pieces, and one missile can hit up to 6 targets simultaneously. Availability large quantity false targets makes missile interception ineffective.

Strategic bomber Tu-160

These ships were created primarily to fight American aircraft carrier groups. Such a ship alone can break through the defenses of an entire AUG, since the range of its missiles is 625 km. And as part of a group of ships, such a cruiser can almost unhindered reach the required attack radius and launch a missile attack. In total, the arsenal contains 20 Granit anti-ship missiles. They can be equipped with nuclear warheads with a yield of up to 500 kilotons, and even the penetration of just one missile to the target will have catastrophic consequences for a potential enemy. For example, being somewhere in the North Sea, one such ship can pose a mortal threat to several countries at once if there are nuclear warheads on board. The cruiser can also fire at ground targets if necessary, but this is not its main task. Despite the high power of charges with a nuclear warhead, the destruction radius does not allow them to be placed heavy cruisers higher on our list.

MLRS "Tornado"

Not only nuclear weapon has colossal destructive power. Among non-nuclear weapons there are also those, the mere mention of which makes one seriously think that a war with the full use modern means It’s better not to start defeats.

MLRS "Tornado" - missile system salvo fire with 300mm caliber shells. Maximum range firing range of such an installation is 120 km. Currently, the development of projectiles with an increased range of up to 200 km is underway. The number of projectile guides is 12. The affected area in one salvo is 700 thousand square meters (70 hectares). The installation fires a full salvo in 40 seconds, and reloads in 13 minutes.

The Tornado MLRS is the most powerful weapon among non-nuclear weapons; several salvos from a battery of such installations can destroy an entire city or enemy battlefield.

Project "Shark" 941

What are the only means of delivery? nuclear weapons were not invented in the USSR and the USA, becoming more and more perfect year after year. First Submarine Project 941 "Shark" was launched back in 1980. She was armed with 20 intercontinental nuclear missiles with a destruction range of up to 9300 km.

Currently this project is no longer the most modern, and the focus is on new submarines project "955" Borey, however one heavy submarine Project 941 nuclear cruiser"Dmitry Donskoy" was converted to the latest missiles"Bulava" is on combat duty. In total, the Dmitry Donskoy can have 20 nuclear missiles on board (project 955 with 16). The power of one charge is 150 kilotons and there are 6 such charges in each missile, while these missiles have a very high flight range, which reaches 9300 km. That is, one such nuclear submarine is capable of delivering 120 nuclear strikes with a yield of each 160 kilotons. Another important factor is the high mobility and autonomy of nuclear submarines, which almost completely guarantees the application of nuclear strike likely enemy. It can hide under the ice of the Arctic, and before launching missiles it can easily break through two-meter ice.

On this moment Project 941 nuclear submarine "Dmitry Donskoy" is the deadliest weapon in the Russian army. The total yield of all warheads is 19.2 megatons. If again we measure in atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima, this amounts to 1066 pieces.


The concept of “humane weapons” in itself seems absurd. However, it is almost impossible to imagine the fact that an army could behave too cruelly during hostilities. However, history has many examples when certain weapons were subject to a partial, or even a complete ban on use. Or it was completely discontinued and forgotten. Introducing the most dangerous weapon in the world. It is also considered the most deadly.

The most dangerous weapon in the world

The most brutal weapon in the world is not the only one. There is a list of at least five weapons in the world that cause death and destruction. So here it is:

Expansive bullets. Almost all bullets that were actively used by troops at the end of the nineteenth century had weak stopping effects. As a result of this, the wounds were mostly through and did not cause serious damage to the enemy. In 1890, a British officer named Neville Bertie-Clay corrected this problem. He simply sawed off the tip of the bullet. Thanks to this, the projectile began to return to the body large quantity kinetic energy.

The effect was shocking. During the hit, the wound affected the bones so badly that it led to at least disability, and at most to death in agony. This invention is now banned. However, the ban applies only to military structures. But this does not at all prevent the free sale of this very dangerous weapons in the world in different countries and its widespread use during police operations.

Powerful striking weapon

Vacuum bomb. Officially, this weapon is called "Volume Explosion Ammunition". Therefore, the shells also have the status of the most powerful weapon in the world, although not nuclear. These powerful and dangerous weapons usually contain propylene or ethylene oxide with a fairly low boiling point. It is only 11 degrees Celsius. When the ammunition detonates, an aerosol cloud is formed, it reacts with oxygen, and this causes an explosion.

Vacuum bomb from Russia

And, despite criticism of any use of such “vacuum bombs,” weapons are still not completely prohibited. There are rumors that volumetric explosion ammunition has been used more than once Russian troops during the second Chechen campaign.

The most dangerous and simple weapon in the world

Phosphorus bomb. This weapon was first used by the Vietnamese during their attack on the Khmer Rouge. And the principle of operation of a phosphorus bomb is quite simple. When reacting with oxygen, phosphorus begins to ignite; during combustion, its temperature reaches 800 degrees Celsius and higher. By the way, these shells have been used more than once by the United States and Israel, and now the use of these dangerous weapons is limited.

Napalm was used during vietnam war. The known weapon is a thick gasoline with various impurities. And the whole horror of napalm is that it burns slowly, and its effect is difficult to control. If you add more alkaline materials to a weapon, it will be completely impossible to extinguish it with water. There is one of the most lethal modifications of this most terrible weapon in the world - these are pyrogens. When burning, their temperature reaches as much as 1600 degrees Celsius. This allows you to burn through metal structures. Officially, pirogels were banned in 1980, although in a number of countries, for example, the USA and Israel, the convention has not yet been signed.

Cluster bomb. This ammunition is similar in appearance to conventional air bomb, but inside the bliss there are at least ten, or even more, small bombs. If a cluster bomb is dropped, an explosive charge is triggered, which begins to scatter bombs throughout the surrounding area. On August 1, 2010, a convention banning these weapons came into force around the world, however, the document was never signed by the United States, China and Russia.

M-38 DavyCrocett grenade launcher. This killer gun was equipped with a nuclear weapon weighing approximately 35 kilograms and a yield of 20 kilotons. The combat range of dangerous weapons is about 4 kilometers. In 1971, Davy Crockett was hastily removed from service because its shells emitted powerful radiation of 600 roentgens from 300 meters away. This value exceeds lethal dose for a person.

The most powerful weapon in the world

On October 30, 1961, the most powerful bomb in the world exploded. Its name is Tsar Bomba. 58 megaton hydrogen bomb Soviet Union exploded at a test site on Novaya Zemlya. And it became the most powerful explosive device in the entire history of mankind.

Test of the Tsar Bomba (official chronicle)

Structurally, the Tsar Bomba was designed for 100 megatons. But it was decided to reduce energy release for safety reasons. Because the landfill would have suffered serious damage. The weapon was so massive that it did not even fit into the bomb bay of the carrier aircraft and partially stuck out from the Tu-95.

Weapons development began in the middle of the century. In 1955, the weight and dimensional drawing of “Ivan” was agreed upon, as the common people dubbed the most powerful bomb. We also agreed on a layout drawing for the placement of weapons. The mass of the bomb was 15 percent of the carrier's take-off weight, but its dimensions required the removal of fuel tanks from the fuselage.

After the superbomb was created, the actual tests had to be postponed, since there was a pause in the Cold War and Nikita Khrushchev was going to the United States. Then the Tu-95, without weapons, was transported to the Uzin airfield and began to be used as a training aircraft. But in 1961, the tests became relevant again with a new round of “ cold war" The prepared Tu-95 with a real bomb on board was sent to Novaya Zemlya.

A bomb exploded in 1961 at an altitude of 4.5 thousand meters. The plane shook and the crew received a significant dose of radiation. The power of the explosion was estimated from 79.4 to 120 Mgt. The result of the explosion was amazing: the nuclear “mushroom” grew to 64 kilometers in height, and the shock wave circled the entire globe three times. Moreover, interference in radio communications was observed for one hour. The result was stunning even for the development scientists.

By the way, the Tsar Bomba has another name - “Kuzka’s Mother”. It so happened that Nikita Khrushchev promised to show it to the Americans even before the tests began.
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