Slavic horoscope: what kind of person are you? Halls of the ancient Slavs by date of birth.

The palaces of the Slavs are an ancient, traditional horoscope that our ancestors used long before the appearance of the signs of the Zodiac and the astrological traditions associated with them. In total, our ancestors had 16 Halls, each of which corresponded to mythical creature, and God is the Patron.

Halls of the Slavs - the origins of tradition

The Slavs have had the tradition of dividing people into Halls since ancient times - even in pre-Christian times, our ancestors had established traditions, and the accuracy of the description characteristic features a person even now will be much higher than the lengthy horoscopes of the Western tradition. The first historical document that reliably confirms the existence of the Slavic calendar and, accordingly, Chertogov as a horoscope, can be considered the book Krugolet of Chislobog. It also proves the use of the same horoscope in practice not only in antiquity, but even at the end of the 19th century - this book, published in 1888, has been preserved in one of the libraries.

It should be noted that our ancestors paid special attention to the change of seasons and the periodicity of the processes occurring around them, and they had a lot of time for observations. One of the most ancient human structures has always been various observatories, so it is not surprising that it was quite easy for the ancient Slavs to unravel the secrets that the constellations and the universe itself hold.

What does the word palace mean and other secrets of the Slavic calendar

To understand the meaning of the word palace among our ancestors, it is worth turning to both the explanatory calendar and fairy tales. A separate hall was called Big hall in a princely mansion or simply in the home of a rich and important person, and sometimes the palace itself. Thus, the Heavenly Palaces are a kind of mansions in which certain constellations live. It was from the idea of ​​our ancestors that the zodiac astrological system arose, translated into traditional Arabic interpretations of the celestial constellations.

The Slavic chronology was one of the most ancient in the world - some scientists and archaeologists believe that it arose much earlier than the Mayan calendar, which almost all the inhabitants of our planet learned about on the eve of 2012. Even the word calendar itself was used by our ancestors special meaning. It stood for Kolyada's Gift - according to Slavic myths, it was presented to our ancestors by the god Kolyada, who has now been replaced by Father Frost and Santa Claus.

In general, determining your place in the Slavic horoscope will require certain knowledge about the chronology of your ancestors. So, initially the week consisted of nine days, and the day - of sixteen hours. The year had nine months of 40 and 41 days, and every sixteen years the year consisted of 369 days, it was called the Holy Summer. Our ancestors did not have the word year in their vocabulary, because years were previously called nothing more than summer. You can find out more about this below.

The halls of the Slavic calendar and the subtleties that need to be taken into account when calculating them

If you want to know what the Slavic palaces mean by date of birth, then you should take into account that for our ancestors the new day began not at an incomprehensible midnight, but at the moment when the sun set on the day of the equinox - that is, around 19.30. Thus, in order not to be mistaken in determining your palace, you should take into account this aspect of the life of our ancestors. In total, the number of Heavenly Halls, each of which has its own tree and its own Patron God, is 16 pieces - all of them are dedicated to certain animals that played special significance in the lives of our ancestors.

Table of patronage by palace

The year for the Slavs began after the autumn equinox, and from that same moment the report of the Halls was carried out. All the Halls are easily transferred to modern chronology, however, the subtleties of the Slavic horoscope and its full disclosure can only be learned by fully clarifying your date of birth down to the hour, different hours of birth and different days can explain much more than just the Halls, which are responsible only for the most common features character. First of all, it should be noted that the nearby Halls provide people with both individual character traits and excellent psychological compatibility. About what Slavic Halls by date of birth provide maximum compatibility and what character traits are inherent in such couples, we will tell you further.

Maiden and Boar. Such people are very eager to search for something new and understand the surrounding reality. They do not recognize attempts to manipulate themselves, demonstrate independence and become excellent leaders.

Pike and Swan. Those who were born in these undoubtedly watery Halls love a quiet life without sudden changes, but at the same time fill it with passion and sensuality. It is not easy for them to make changes and take on great responsibility.

Serpent and Raven. People from these Halls are incredibly active and have an extremely difficult time dealing with loneliness. Love is one of the main things for them driving forces, but maintaining it requires effort on the part of the partner.

Bear and Stork (Busl). One of the most important characteristics of these people is kindness and the desire to improve their own and others' lives. They almost always have harmony in the family and a large number of children, and a cozy hearth is their main happiness.

Wolf and Fox. These people, following the example of their animal patrons, are distinguished by their tenacious mind and thirst for searching for something new. They have almost no fear and strive for new achievements in any area of ​​activity.

Tur and Moose. Hard work is the main feature of people born in these Halls. They like any job, even the most routine and monotonous. However, especially in the cold season, they are characterized by apathy and loss of interest in life.

Finist (falcon) and Horse. Restless and eager for action, representatives of these palaces want to get everything from life. They often abandon what they started halfway through, because it becomes uninteresting, and petty and trivial tasks simply do not interest them.

Eagle and Race. Despite their benevolence and good nature, people born under the light of these Halls may seem annoying to others. They learn new things very easily, but their laziness can prevent them from achieving anything in life.

How to find out your Hall by date of birth

Although to determine the Hall it is best to study the calendar of our ancestors directly, simple correspondences will help you easily determine which celestial sign you belong to.

September 20 - October 12. Hall of the Boar. The patron of this Hall is the god Ramhat, and the protective tree is a pear. Boars easily cope with any seemingly hopeless situations, however, in a calm environment their performance decreases. They are determined and self-confident, but sometimes they can be too apathetic to show their character at its best.

October 12 - November 3. Hall of the Pike. The patron of this Hall is the goddess Rozhana, and the protective tree is the plum. Pike always manage to feel comfortable in any environment. Due to this, they can be very difficult to lift, and they always prefer adapting to them to solve problems.

November 3 - November 24. Hall of the Swan. The patroness of the Swans is the goddess Makosh, and the pine tree acts as a talisman tree. Swans often suffer from excessive pride, but much more often their pride is justified. They never pay attention to the opinions of others and always want to be on top.

November 24 - November 17. Hall of the Serpent. The patron god for the Serpents is Semargl, and their sacred tree is the linden tree. People born in this Hall often become selfish. But sometimes this selfishness can lead to real love and self-sacrifice. They do not tolerate criticism and have a tenacious grip in any matter.

December 17 - January 8. Hall of the Raven. It was from the traditions of meeting the patron god of the Ravens, Kolyada, that the New Year holiday arose. The tree that is sacred to the Ravens is larch. Anyone born at this time can boast a good combination of curiosity and worldly wisdom. They are amorous, loving and can be very unreliable partners in their youth.

January 8 - February 1. Hall of the Bear. Those born at this time are protected by one of the main Gods of our ancestors - Svarog. Their trees are beech and raspberry. All Bears easily understand even the most complex tasks and find a way out of any trouble. They make excellent guardians of family and home comfort, skillful and kind leaders, and persistent and courageous law enforcement officers.

February 1 - February 25. Hall of Busla (stork). Those born these days can boast of the patronage of the Family itself - the Supreme God of our ancestors. Their tree is a weeping willow. Buslov's character is open and calm. They easily find their place in life and use this to create an ideal environment for themselves and their loved ones. For the most part, Storks are faithful spouses and monogamous people.

February 25 - March 22. Hall of the Wolf. The patron of wolves is Veles, the god of secret knowledge and the afterlife, and their tree is poplar. Their character is distinguished by persistence and toughness. They are always on guard and are idealists. All Wolves are responsible and purposeful people who do not tolerate people without an inner core.

March 22 - April 15. Hall of the Fox. Foxes are protected by Madder, and their plants are currants and hornbeam. Foxes work best with people; their innate cunning and other fox-like qualities allow them to achieve any success in almost any social field. Therefore, material problems go away from them instantly, but their innate curiosity can play a cruel joke on them.

April 15 - May 7. Hall of Tours. The patron god of Turov is the cheerful and joyful Kryshen, and aspen is considered their sacred tree. All those born in this Hall are hardworking, persistent, and have excellent business acumen. They easily achieve their goals and become both excellent performers and effective leaders if no one interferes with them.

May 7 - May 30. Hall of the Elk. Goddess Lada patronizes all people born in last month spring. Their guardian tree is the white-sided birch. Cheerful character, openness and loving nature allow Moose to easily find mutual language with other people. But this side of character can also play a cruel joke - such people often become victims of scammers and deceivers.

May 30 - June 21. Finist's palace. Who, besides Vyshen, can patronize Finist flying in the skies? And in honor of this God, the cherry is a talisman plant for Finists. Finists are very prone to curiosity and experimentation, but their keen eye provides them with sufficient caution. They easily achieve their goals and do not despair when they fail.

June 21 - July 13. Hall of the Horse. God patronizes horses summer holiday- Kupala, and their plants are elm and fern. Horses are distinguished by their desire to search for new things and incredible optimism. At the same time, almost all representatives of this Hall suffer from their carelessness and do not pay due attention to any small details.

July 13 - August 4. Hall of the Eagle. Perun, the god of warriors and thunderstorms, patronizes the Eagles, and their tree is a mighty oak, which was also respected by people of war. Likewise, the character of the representatives of this Hall is distinguished by belligerence, determination and strength. At the same time, they are characterized by daydreaming and a tendency to flights of fancy - they cannot be called boring and uninteresting people.

August 4 - August 28. Palace of Ras. The people of the Race are helped by Tarkh, and their tree is resistant and durable ash. They are distinguished by incredible good nature and a penchant for altruism and helping everyone close to them. They are equally focused, balanced and thoughtful when solving any problems and are just as good at having fun and relaxing when needed.

August 28 - September 20. Hall of the Virgin. Virgos are patronized by the goddess Jiva or Zhiva, whose favorite tree is the slender and fruitful apple tree. Virgos are very stubborn and strive for independence from anyone. They can often run away from home in childhood, and in adulthood they like to achieve goals that others think are impossible.

In general, the Slavic calendar is fraught with many secrets, which can only be solved by fully understanding the magical codes of our distant ancestors. However, to understand the real impact of the universe on the life of each person, you just need to know how to determine your palace - and this can be done very easily.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Damage
    • Charms
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    Day of unity with the souls of ancestors. In order to ask for advice from them, just light a candle and turn to them.

  • The Slavic astrological calendar reflects the palaces that are assigned to each person according to his date of birth. Compiled by our ancestors back in pre-Christian names, it is still distinguished by the accuracy of its descriptions and helps us learn more about our hidden abilities.

    The Heavenly Halls are the place where the constellations live. It is believed that it was from this idea that the modern zodiac astrological system subsequently developed. The ancient Slavs did not have the concept of “year”. They counted their lives in years. They had a nine-day week, and the month contained 40 or 41 days. Once every 16 years there were 369 days in a year, and not like now, once every 4 years. This time was called "Sacred Summer".

    Time was also perceived differently: the Slavs equated the beginning of the night with the moment when the Sun went into sunset on the day of the equinox. That is, it is approximately half past seven in the evening. In order not to confuse which palace is yours, use this hint. There are 16 of these palaces in total. Each is assigned a patron god and a sacred tree. They are dedicated to the animals who also played great importance in the life of the Slavs.

    The year began with the autumnal equinox, and it was from this time that the palaces were counted. Every person who knows exactly not only the date of his birth, but also the time, will be able to determine which patrons he should count on and which character traits are inherent to him to a greater extent.

    Halls by date of birth

    Chamber of the Virgin (from August 30 to September 22). People born during this period are under the protection of the goddess Jiva. Their mascot tree is the apple tree. These people are stubborn, independent and capable of achieving great successes beyond the reach of most. Their desire for leadership positions is noticeable already from childhood, because wayward Virgos often go against fate, as if they have secret knowledge that leads them to the top.

    Hall of the Boar (from September 23 to October 14). Those born on these days are protected by the god Ramhat and the sacred pear tree. For these people, nothing is impossible, but often their path is hindered by reluctance to move forward and apathy. These are people with leadership qualities, willful and stubborn. They are accustomed to constant struggle, so it is difficult for them to work in a peaceful environment without prodding.

    Hall of Pike (from October 14 to November 6). The protectors of these people are the goddess Rozhana and the plum tree. Those born in the autumn period have an exceptional ability to adapt to any situation. Like chameleons, they blend into any environment and feel comfortable. People of this palace often prefer not to solve problems and inconveniences, but to get used to them and feel at ease in new conditions.

    Hall of the Swan (from November 6 to November 27). For these people, the strong goddess of fate Makosh acts as protection. The amulet tree is pine. Swans are characterized by pride, but it is often justified by their merits. They are vain and accustomed to being in the spotlight, reveling in their victories for show, but their merits are often really great. Swans are prone to unconscious prophecies and predictions, which determines their success in almost any endeavor.

    Hall of the Serpent (from November 27 to December 16). Semargl and linden act as protectors of people born during this period. Snakes are prone to selfishness and susceptible to flattery, but are capable of self-sacrifice and sincere feelings. They have the valuable quality of not letting go of the luck that comes their way, using it for their own benefit. A rare Snake will tolerate criticism addressed to itself: it will respond either with rage or with hidden resentment.

    Hall of the Raven (from December 19 to January 10). The patron god of this time is Kolyada, the sacred tree is larch. This period is rich in newborn healers capable of healing both mental and physical wounds. Most often, the character of these people is cheerful. They are naturally inquisitive and wise. However, their constant falling in love makes them unreliable companions, especially in early years. After a certain time, they are able to settle down, but their innate tendency to fall in love often prevents them from building harmonious relationships.

    Hall of the Bear (from January 10 to February 3). God Svarog, one of the most important among the Slavs, as well as the sacred beech and raspberries protect people born under the palace of the Bear. They are endowed with the art of creation and are able to restore even lost relationships after an irreconcilable quarrel. Courageous people are distinguished by their ability to unravel the most complex problems. They combine their ability to lead with kindness and fair rigor, which makes them indispensable managers. Bears are a real find for creating a strong family.

    Hall of Busla, or Stork (from February 3 to February 28). These people are given protection by the supreme god Rod and willow. Storks have a calm character, stand firmly on their feet, are open to communication, and are gentle. They have a unique gift to calm and bring others to their senses. With rare exceptions, the people of this palace create a strong family for life and provide it with comfort and stability.

    Hall of the Wolf (from February 28 to March 25). Veles, the deity of sacred knowledge, and poplar are strong patrons and protectors of those born during this period. They are characterized by rigidity bordering on cruelty. Wolves are also distinguished by their determination, they are always cautious and often treat people without an inner core with contempt. They tend to idealize those around them, which is why they are often disappointed in people’s infidelity and frivolity.

    Hall of the Fox (from March 28 to April 17). Foxes are protected by Marena. They are also protected by hornbeam and currants. The features of these people are similar to the habits of a fox. They are brave, purposeful and have a wise cunning that helps them out of dubious situations. People of the Fox's palace are able to bypass all obstacles, but natural curiosity often turns into financial problems. Most often they find themselves working with people and achieve significant authority in their chosen field.

    Hall of Tours (from April 17 to May 9). These people are patronized by the cheerful god Kryshen, as well as aspen. Almost all Tours have unprecedented endurance, hard work and quickly achieve their goals through diligence and business acumen. If the Turs do not encounter obstacles, then they become good leaders, quickly gain experience and lead the company to victory in the shortest possible way.

    Hall of the Elk (from May 9 to June 1). The goddess Lada and the birch tree give their protection to people born in the last month of spring. Moose are characterized by openness, kindness, a carefree lifestyle and quickly finding common ground with others. However, they often become victims of deceivers due to their somewhat naive outlook on life. They tend to strive for ideals, but often overestimate their demands on themselves.

    Finist's Hall (from June 1 to June 23). The life of Finists flying under the clouds is protected by the god Vyshen, and the cherry tree becomes a talisman. A distinctive character trait of these people is a realistic and keen-eyed outlook on life. They are not prone to disappointment, so they gain experience from their own mistakes, which helps them achieve their goals. But more often they avoid difficulties thanks to their natural caution and foresight.

    Hall of the Horse (from June 23 to July 16). The patron god is Kupala, and the protective plants are fern and elm. Horses radiate optimism and are constantly in search of something new and unusual. They do not waste energy on insignificant matters, for which they sometimes pay with troubles. The speed and ability to conquer unconquered peaks is highly developed, but in the pursuit of one goal they tend to lose attention to important secondary tasks.

    Hall of the Eagle (from July 16 to August 7). The decisiveness and warlike character of the Eagles is endowed by the patron Perun, as well as the sacred oak tree. Their character seems to be forged from hardened iron. The people of this palace are determined and endowed with strength; they can hardly be called boring and uninteresting. They have a rich imagination, which helps them avoid pessimism and quickly get close to people.

    Hall of Ras (from August 7 to August 30). These people are helped by the god Tarkh, and the ash tree is their patron tree. People of the Race are distinguished by their resilience and good nature, they know how to find a balance between hard work and rest. Their prudence and informed decisions help achieve what they want. Races are prone to altruism and selflessly help everyone around them. Their vitality is enough for themselves and for their loved ones, so you can rely on such people in the most critical situations.


    BEAR (December 10 - January 9)
    The Bear is the owner of the forest, but not the king of animals, not the king of all forests, steppes, deserts and mountains... and all because his excessive laziness was born before the Bear. He knows this, he has gotten used to it and has come to terms with it, he himself can tell something about himself that makes him look funny.
    Only a few know that the seemingly clumsy Bear overtakes a racehorse, is able to strangle a moose and carry it in his front paws, that he senses a mouse nest under a dense layer of hard earth and is able to get a mouse out of there before the most dexterous cat has time to say “meow.” But it is not strength and dexterity that make him the master of the forest.

    He is considered the main thing because, for all his power, he is surprisingly simple and carefree, condescending to the weak, does not offend little things, and he himself is content with surprisingly little: getting honey, lying in the raspberry thickets, basking and feasting on his belly...
    The bear, the envy of many animals and birds, sleeps in a warm den during the fierce winter, which speaks of his great intelligence and ability to get comfortable... if he really needs it.

    WOLVERINE (January 10 - February 9)
    Wolverine is a beast that no hunter associates with of his own free will. Wolverine, like no one else, protects his land, jealously watches all strangers that pass through his territory, and does not tolerate those who try to settle on his lands, hunt, dig holes, and breed cubs.
    Those born during the Wolverine period are more zealous than other people, putting the interests of the tribe above their own personal interests.
    Wolverine is not a black grouse, does not like to be seen, avoids open places, is critical of himself, is not mistaken either about his mind or about his appearance, which is why Wolverine has more loyal and devoted friends than the brighter and louder-voiced ones narcissistic brothers in the Forest.
    Wolverines have neat holes; Wolverines themselves boast clean fur and strong claws. Wolverine is that rare beast who does not have anyone who hates him, because even his enemies and adversaries respect him, knowing Wolverine’s code of honor, they know in advance what to expect from Wolverine, and are not afraid to turn their backs on Wolverine.

    RAVEN (February 10 - March 9)
    The raven is a wise bird, but wise not by teaching, but by its essence, initially wise and understanding. They say sarcastically about the Raven people that they don’t need a brain, a spinal brain is enough, but the joke of the gods is that in fact the Raven simply understands what a sage needs years of painful reflection for.
    Raven immediately correctly answers a question that many sorcerers would have to work on. He feels better than he understands, and, jumping over logical chains, he immediately gives the correct answer, but he cannot explain how he came to it. Crows rarely reach heights in management and leadership. Precisely because they see very far, and the people will not go far, they should move one step - break the age-old, part with traditions, the behests of the same illiterate fathers and grandfathers, betray the Fatherland...
    If from time to time the Raven flies up, it is simply because he does not talk about everything that his watchful eye sees, otherwise he will be beaten and kicked out like a madman.
    Usually Crows are unhurried and calm, because true wisdom does not tolerate fuss. They see everything in advance, and if they need to peck at an apple, they do not rush after it as it rolls along the road, but immediately fly to the place where it stops.

    ERMINE (March 10 - April 9)
    The ermine is an animal that feels within itself great power. He is so full of it that it spills out of his ears. He does not sit still for an hour, he is always on the move, and if anyone finds him motionless and lounging, he will be deeply mistaken in believing that he has finally seen Ermine at rest: he is feverishly thinking up either a hundred sophisticated tricks at once, or how to penetrate the neighboring forest and rob other Ermine, or plans to already strangle all the nasty squirrels in your forest and in neighboring ones.
    The ermine is so confident in himself and that he is right that he does not care about norms, rules, laws. He is sincerely convinced that he is doing a good and necessary thing when he robs a chipmunk - look how fat he is! - or strangle a squirrel - not so squeals - that he is loved and admired not only for his dexterity, but also for his actions.
    However, Ermine, in fact, most often turns out to be a selfless and sympathetic person, more willing than others to come to the rescue. Moreover, he can lend to someone in need both his own and someone else’s equally sincerely.

    TOAD (April 10 - May 9)
    The toad is perhaps the most amazing animal, because it can live both on and under water, and on the shore. The toad even lives in the trees in the forest. This amazing adaptability gives a person born during the Toad period the opportunity to work at the most simple work, say, in the field or in the forest as a lumberjack, and occupy the highest positions in the state, lead troops, reach heights in music, literature, art, science.
    Toads are less prone than others to discouragement, because they feel good everywhere, but this also has another side: Toads are so comfortable everywhere that they rarely strive somewhere else. The Toad Man can, for example, work all his life as a gardener, knowing full well that if he sweated a little more, he could become a manager, a governor or even a king in this state.
    Why, Toad usually answers. I'm fine as it is. And the Tsar has to get rid of everyone, save his own skin, the Tsar is always to blame, they hang all the dogs on the Tsar...
    Toads are valued for their golden souls, which are covered with inconspicuous skins, but the Toads themselves are reluctant to get along with people, because the soul is not clothing, you still have to look at it!

    GRASSHOPPER (May 10 - June 9)
    The grasshopper, more than anyone else, does not like to show fatigue, defeat, or unhappiness. He always sings, always spreads his wings, preens in the sun. People smile when they look at the Grasshoppers, each Grasshopper glows - it’s just like lying on the grass in the sun.
    The grasshopper is very easy to climb, and although his heart trembles with fear before each jump, he still jumps, spreads his wings and flies, flies, trembling with fear and delight. Large scary animals may be waiting in a new place, there may be predatory spiders, but there may also be a beautiful clearing with lush grass, sweet berries and... other beautiful Grasshoppers, Beetles, Butterflies!
    Perhaps the biggest coward in the world, the Grasshopper admits this only to those closest to him, but for everyone else he is a carefree and cheerful creature, to whom everything comes easily, without effort, who easily gets along with all creatures in the world, both Grasshoppers and all - everyone.
    The grasshopper is not hardworking in the sense that it is restless; it grabs onto one thing or another. He often gives up what he starts, but for others it is surprising that he accomplishes a lot, even often more than other diligent people. And the secret is that the Grasshopper, having abandoned a lot of tasks halfway, still returns to half of them and, ashamed of his cowardice, finishes quickly and successfully. And if you consider that the Grasshopper quickly grasps everything, then we can say that the great Family created him in one of his better days and in a good state of mind.

    HAMster (June 10 - July 9)
    A hamster is a creature that sleeps for almost nine months a year, but in the remaining months it develops frantic activity, managing to collect grain from the fields and fill the pantries to the ceilings.
    The Hamster Man is able to work day and night without rest, quickly take a sip of hot coffee and go back to work. On such days, he manages to do as much as someone born as an Ant does in a month. But then the Hamster, exhausted, falls with his tongue hanging out and takes a long, long time to come to his senses, and the Ant keeps working, working, working, and when the time comes to compare the results, it remains to be seen who has more time!
    Hamsters are loved for their gentle nature, slowness and good nature. They are most often seen on vacation, and Hamsters love and know how to relax, even if the vacation is just lying on the grass in the sun.

    RAVLIK/SNAIL (July 10 - August 9)
    Ravlik is particularly sensitive. They feel other people very subtly and accurately; Ravliks can make excellent leaders, because they know how to ignite and lead people, how to influence them so that they even rush into the abyss. But this hypersensitivity also turns into another side: they are either ready to give everything they have to a stranger, then, having come to their senses, they fence themselves off even from their loved ones, all the time telling themselves that they have been deceived as many times as possible, it’s time to think about themselves...
    This hypersensitivity makes them painfully vulnerable. To escape, they go into the shell, from there they just move their legs, looking around the world, trying not to interfere with anything. These people live in a half-imaginary world, they are much better off there than in the real one, and when they return, they always say with sadness that they were too late to be born, that they would have been a couple of hundred years ago, or even a thousand, for some reason counting, that in the past they would definitely have been princes and not slaves!
    There are no better interlocutors for communication than Ravliki, because due to their innate hypersensitivity, they always see the mood of the interlocutor, they will never say something rude, they will always come to the rescue, and help them get out of a sticky situation.
    Ravliks are smart, although their intelligence almost never leads to enrichment, a successful career, or prosperity in their business. No one is better than the Ravliks at inventing illusory worlds, but how much they lose on the way from a sweet dream to reality!

    ANT (August 10 - September 9)
    The ant is perhaps the only creature in the world that is never afraid to overwork. An Ant can rarely be seen doing nothing, but even then he either cleans his paws and ears, licks his shiny armor, and a person born of an Ant not only plans the day ahead in moments of rest, but also tries harder than others to carry out.
    The ant is constantly at work, even if it looks like aimless wandering through the bushes. He either grazes cattle, at the same time protecting Ants from strangers, or builds and drags prey into the house. He will never say to himself: enough, I have done enough. He always tries to do more, for which he is valued and respected, although they try to load him with more work and transfer part of their labor to him. The ant drags and grumbles very occasionally.
    Such hard work is rewarded: Ants are noticed, promoted, and given more difficult and responsible work. And let them say that Ant wins not with his intelligence, but with his hard work, but genius is one percent of talent and ninety-nine percent of hard work!

    KHRUSCH (September 10 - October 9)
    Khrushch - no one experiences such drastic changes in life as Khrushch. When a worm digs into the ground and gnaws the roots, he is sure that he will do this all his life. When he turns into a doll and freezes in great peace, he exclaims in insight: “What a fool I used to be!”, implying that now he has finally understood how to live, now knows how to Live, now he will only live So...
    But the time comes, and the cocoon bursts, a young Beetle crawls out of the ground, spreads its wings...
    Khrushch is tormented more than anyone else by the fact that you can’t explain to your children how they will live, they won’t believe it, in general you can’t explain to anyone how to live in order to be able to turn into Real-With-Wings, because the majority will die like fat, blind worms ...
    In his work, Khrushch easily reaches any heights if he is not led away from the easy career path for him by more complex searches for truth, philosophical or religious paths, the search for moral and ethical gates to the right life

    BEAVER (October 10 -November 9)
    Beaver - Beaver's desire for order and peace led him to learn how to build dams, raise the level of streams and rivers, and make dams. All animals adapt to the weather, only the Beaver adapts it to himself, adjusts it to his character and routine.
    Beaver always has everything at hand, he is never in a hurry, and works calmly and confidently. Other animals are jealous, but Beaver's life is too difficult for them. Being a Beaver means knowing a lot and being able to do a lot. But when animals flee in panic from a thunderstorm or forest fire, the Beaver only needs to dive into his underwater house and calmly wait out the trifle, which for others is a disaster. The beaver knows how to arrange his life in such a way that next to him everyone feels calm and protected, even if the rest of the world is collapsing.

    PES (November 10 - December 9)
    The dog's distinguishing feature is loyalty and fearlessness. In a world where no one keeps their word, the Dog is the only one who still adheres to the old canons of honor, loyalty to the word, he will never hit a man who is lying down, in the back or below the belt, no matter what benefits it promises and no matter how much they laugh at him for his old-fashioned habits.
    He is faithful to his friends to the point of blindness, to the point of stupidity, and no betrayal or betrayal can wean him from trusting people and protecting them.
    But, strangely enough, even his opponents trust him more than their friends and associates. You can trust a dog with money, secrets and own life. If a friend is in danger of trouble, you cannot frighten the Dog with either a knife or power. He will not, like the Cat, calmly wash himself when his owner is killed nearby, he will jump and grab the throat, even if he knows that this is his last jump.
    For the Dog in life it is much more important to live in harmony with his conscience than with the law, which is one today, another tomorrow. He does not strive for a career, but you often see him at the top of business, politics, and management systems, because even his opponents trust the Dog.
    (400x60, 13Kb)

    Long before the adoption of Orthodoxy, the ancient Slavs already had their own original, very rich culture. They knew the night sky and most of the visible constellations quite well. With the help of which the first horoscopes were compiled. The most famous of them is the animal one. Written down many hundreds of years ago on pieces of birch bark, it has reached our time almost in its original form. The Slavs divided the year into twelve time cycles, each of which had the name of an animal. People born during these periods received the protection of a particular animal and adopted many of its qualities.

    Snails understand people very well, they understand any person perfectly. Others' strengths and weaknesses are like an open book for them. Therefore, Snails are naturally very good, sensitive leaders.

    The character of Snails is very contradictory. They are joyful, open to communication, and responsive. Then they suddenly withdraw into themselves and become irritable even with loved ones. In moments of sadness, more desperate pessimists than them simply cannot be found. To regret everything at once, to be tormented by your troubles - Snails do better than anything else in the world.

    True, they try to hide their bad mood and rarely offend others. They are true friends and always try to help and provide support. They can conduct business well and skillfully solve a variety of problems. But it’s not always effective - Snails are sometimes distracted from reality by fruitless dreams and all sorts of worries.

    For the Slavs, this animal has always symbolized devotion, and even a certain nobility. You can safely rely on people of this sign in any situation. They are honest with everyone - both enemies and friends. There is rarely a reason to catch them in a lie.

    The voice of your own conscience is much more important than the opinions of others. Dogs will not silently tolerate things if they contradict their internal principles. With all this, they are true friends who can forgive many, even very serious offenses. And people love them for that. Dogs do not have any particular problems with communication; they are capable of becoming the soul of any team and making an enviable career.

    Beaver People are the embodiment of calm. They value the place where they have to live. Beaver's house will never be dirty or ugly - quite the opposite. Beavers may seem slow. But in reality, they just strive for everything around them to be perfect. And the ideal, in their opinion, is easier to achieve if you do not rush and act in order in everything.

    Beaver people are very rational. But at the same time, they never reconcile themselves with anything they dislike. They believe that they control their destiny with their own hands. Beavers value their loved ones and are ready to protect them from everything and everyone.

    People born under the auspices of Khrushchev never know peace. Consistency is not their element. Having barely found their place in life, they are soon ready to leave it. And set off on a new journey, in search of something better.

    Khrushchev people quickly change their mood, even their character. They love to talk about a variety of topics and are prone to philosophy. It is difficult to get along with such people, it is almost impossible to achieve constant intimacy. Loved ones and loved ones often have to change along with them.

    Such people easily achieve good success in various fields and make a career. True, this is a rare and temporary phenomenon. Sooner or later, any Khrushchev person leaves his home and goes to conquer new heights. Completely forgetting about the old ones.

    Those who are not characterized by laziness are Ant people. They plan their vacation in advance and prefer to move, learn something new, rather than lie on the beach. At work they usually have no equal. First of all, because they will never deviate from their chosen path.

    However, at the same time, Ants do not reach any heights and do not strive for power. They are impeccable executors of other people's orders. What matters to them is not the result, but the process itself. Having finished something, they immediately take on something else. The bosses usually appreciate such people.

    The hamster endowed people born during this period with their own qualities - the ability to both be lazy and work hard. Why do something today when you can do it tomorrow - this is the motto of the Hamster people. However, this does not affect the quality in any way. Having quickly done what is required of them, Hamster people usually lose all their powers. And they again need to come to their senses, to be properly lazy, which they do with pleasure.

    Hamster people are friendly and responsive. Friends can always count on their support. The love of idle pastime does not mean that there are no bright events in their fate.

    People of this sign look at life with extraordinary optimism. They seem carefree and carefree to others, although in reality this is not entirely true. Some problems and situations make them panic quite seriously. True, they try to overcome all their fears and not show them outwardly.

    It is difficult for grasshoppers to do the same thing. They very often move on to something new without finishing the old one. But, with the help of their natural charm and love of life, they are great at inspiring loved ones to a variety of feats. Or support loved ones in difficult times. In this regard, you can completely and completely rely on Kuznechikov.

    Toad people are endowed with such an important quality as the ability to adapt to absolutely any conditions and situations. Thanks to this, they quickly become popular at work. Such people have the power to achieve whatever they want. At the same time, they have an easy character. Toad people are not inclined to complain about life and tell anyone about their problems. They are ambitious, but in moderation - they take only what they want.

    Toad people will always help in difficult times. They attract people precisely because of the depth of their inner world, although they are often ugly. Toad people are very demanding of their soulmate, but only because they dream of ideal union two souls. It is love that makes Toads vulnerable, but they don’t want it to be any other way. Being with just anyone is not an option for them. Often Toad people are left alone.

    The Slavs considered the ermine a symbol of strength, hidden power. People who appeared under his patronage are full of energy. Which they happily spend on a variety of things. Both bad and good.

    Reproaches, advice, and praise are not very important to them. They do everything without regard to the opinions of others. Ermine people are firmly confident in their own infallibility and correctness. It is quite difficult for them to communicate with other people, make acquaintances, and make a career.

    However, it is difficult to call them selfish. If someone needs help, the Ermines will immediately provide it, without any questions asked. And helping a friend is a sacred duty for them. They are also not very friendly with money; they spend it without much thought.

    People born under the auspices of Raven are unusually smart. But they check all their decisions with their inner voice, which is very strong in them and rarely makes mistakes.

    Crow people value their “I” very much, so what happens around them is always secondary for them. They do not chase money, fame, or career. Thinking about their own purpose, about the meaning of existence, they often pass off dreams as reality. However, this is the most comfortable way for them to live.

    Wolverines were sacred animals for the Slavs. A symbol of order and care for the home. They were rarely killed.

    People born in the days of Wolverine do not like strangers. Especially on your own territory - whatever it is. Everything they are responsible for is of great importance to them. Especially private property. It is dangerous to attempt such things. Wolverine will not forgive this.

    They are quite sincere with people. And they are very loyal to those whom they respect and love. True, it’s difficult to call them very sociable - Wolverines try to be in the public eye as little as possible. Excessive attention makes them angry.

    Having instructed Bear to patronize precisely winter months, the Slavs paid attention to his intelligence. Why endure the cold and lack food when you can just sleep until spring? Bear’s “wards” were endowed with the same qualities. Bear people find it difficult to force themselves to take any action. They don’t need any specialties in their diet, they are simple in their everyday life. And also, feeling their strength, they do not attack weak opponents.

    Bear people love to relax. Bears prefer not to remember things until the deadline arrives. Real lazy people - they, however, gather their thoughts when it is really necessary. Bears are rational and will always tell you what the right thing to do in a given situation is. Bears prefer to see sincerity in those around them. Deception is completely alien to them.

    Fortune telling results: happiness.

    A group of coins warning that love and reciprocity will be achieved through great patience. It's wise to wait if your union is being interfered with various circumstances, which cannot be changed quickly, and you are confident in the sincerity of feelings. But if your chosen one is “multi-colored tinsel,” it’s hardly worth wasting time on him. Expectations will end in tears, troubles and weakening of your energy, the predominance of negativity. This negativity can cause stress, depression, discomfort, which can cause conflicts and tense relationships with friends, family, work colleagues, and will also negatively affect business activity.

    Fortune telling results: Fortune.

    Unexpected situations and news, sudden life changes and events - all this will not happen by chance, for Fortune itself will provide you with the opportunity to reveal the unknown in yourself, as well as find out what has been hidden from you for a long time. You will experience a surge of intuitive and potential opportunities, and by listening to this unusual state for you, you will be able to use the obstacles to your advantage. You will get a second wind, and His Majesty will give you a chance new love, dating, capital increase.

    Fortune telling results: desire.

    Persistence, perseverance, bold progress towards the goal - this is what will help you achieve what you want. Pay attention to the evil people around you, because they can interfere with the implementation of your plans and plans. It is very likely that you will be offered help; it will only be useful if you think about what is being offered to you. If you have no doubt at all about the reliability of the proposed solutions, the results will exceed all your expectations and your wishes will be fulfilled even sooner and better than you expected. But unnecessary haste and the wrong move can turn desires into torment.

    Character by day of the week
    Being born on Wednesday or Saturday, is there a difference?

    The formation of personal qualities and talents is greatly influenced by numerological and astrological parameters: such as time, day, month and year of birth. Is it possible to calculate character by day of the week?

    Character by day of the week

    Each day of the week is influenced by its number and its ruling planet. At birth, a person receives the entire set of personal qualities inherent in his patrons. So, by determining character by day of the week, you can predict how relationships with others, loved ones and loved ones will develop, what advantages and disadvantages a person will have, what areas of activity will be preferable for him.

    When revealing the main character traits by day of the week, do not forget that this method is only part of a more general system and cannot give a complete picture. The formation of character is influenced by many factors, often diametrically opposed, which explains the contradictory feelings and aspirations that often arise in the soul.

    Both the Sun and the Moon protect us...

    Even partial knowledge, such as personality by day of the week, can help us better understand our friends and loved ones:

    Sunday - patronized by the Sun, 1. Main features: inexhaustible energy, optimism, dexterity, talent, kindness, complete lack of internal discipline, laziness. They need a worthy mentor.

    Monday - Moon, 2. Kindness, sharp mind, sociability, adaptability, irrepressible imagination, fear of loneliness, passivity.

    Tuesday - Mars, 9. Children of Tuesday are persistent, purposeful, persistent, and often aggressive. They do not know how to lose, they are impulsive, arrogant. They need a good friend who knows how to guide and praise.

    Wednesday - Mercury, 5. Those born on Wednesday are intellectual, capable of learning, secretive, slightly conservative. They always achieve their goals, but they have a slightly extravagant character; according to the day of the week, they were born that way.

    Thursday - Jupiter, 3. Disciplined and proactive, the children of Thursday make excellent politicians and managers. They have hidden mysticism that helps them move through life without problems and guide others.

    Friday - Venus, 6. Character by day of the week for children of Friday: optimism, kindness, love, sensuality, charm, luck. They are excellent owners, cheerful, impatient and rebellious.

    Saturday - Saturn, 8. Children of Saturday are talented and hardworking, patient and purposeful. Good health.
    If you want to more accurately determine your character by day of the week, you can turn to numerology and astrology, where full descriptions numbers and planets.

    Character by day of the week: Character of a woman by day of the week
    A woman's character traits can be determined by the day of the week on which she was born. Each day of the week is under the protection of a certain planet, which has a direct impact on a woman’s character.

    Woman's character by day of the week

    Woman's character: Tuesday
    Those born on this day are patronized by Mars. This is a woman with character: quick-tempered, energetic, she loves to command. She hates monotony in love, for her love is exciting and live game, which will fill your life with bright impressions. And she won’t settle for anything less.

    Woman's character: environment
    The patron saint of this day is Mercury. The woman's character traits are endowed with innate sociability and trading abilities. They have a sharp tongue and a lively mind. In relationships they look for reliability and stability, so they do not trust fleeting feelings. And what is most valued in a partner is internal qualities.

    Woman's character: Thursday
    Those born on this day are under the blessing of Jupiter. Such women, despite being slightly arrogant, command self-respect and attract people with their greatness. They love to travel and are very adventurous and impatient when young. Over time, they will settle down and become calmer, but this is only after they add to their collection of broken men's hearts.

    Woman's character: Friday
    Those born on this day are protected by Venus. Such women are very artistic, they have artistic taste, and they are often involved in the arts. They never tire of flirting, falling in love and dreaming. They attract others with their tenderness and sensuality, and they strive to find in a partner reliable support and your fan.

    Woman's character: Saturday
    Those born on this day are under the influence of Saturn. These are smart and serious people who like to think about the nature of things. Therefore, on this day philosophers and scientists are born. Women born on this day are seduced more intellectually; they do not like to use standard feminine tricks. This is very emotional women, despite the fact that outwardly they seem quite balanced.

    Woman's character: Sunday
    Those born on this day are affected by the Sun. Women born on Sunday can be immediately distinguished by their “sunny” appearance. The character of women is optimistic, no matter what happens, and they prefer to solve problems using an alternative creative approach. In a relationship, this is a leader who does not like her freedom to be limited. This woman definitely chooses the most worthy partner.

    Therefore, do not forget that there is another way to determine a woman’s character. It is enough to know which day of the week she was born.

    Character by day of the week: Character of a man by day of the week
    There are so many mysterious and unknown things in men, you often have to rack your brains to unravel their secrets. However, a man’s character traits can still be recognized by his birthday.

    Character of a man by day of the week

    Man's character: Monday
    Men born on Monday are ruled by the Moon. These men have a rich imagination, they are very sensitive, and easily communicate with other people. They simply need love and understanding, they are very afraid of loneliness. Despite external calm, they worry whether they will be able to find the very love of their life.

    Man's character: Tuesday
    People born on Tuesday are ruled by Mars. Such a man is very passionate and seductive, he has the gift of persuasion. This is an optimist who is afraid of all life's adversities. Despite his apparent absent-mindedness, he is an enterprising person who has fun himself and entertains others.

    Man's character: environment
    The patron of the environment is Mercury. The character traits of a man born on this day are nobility and decency in relationships and in life. He is gentle, but does not always know how to express it. He is reliable and loyal and you can rely on him. He does not trust fleeting passions, preferring stability to them.

    Man's character: Thursday
    Men born on Thursday are under the influence of Jupiter. Such a person is a seducer by nature who wants to take everything from life and preserve his freedom. Family life does not inspire him, but he cannot live alone either. It is overly sensitive and gentle man. He can be both a rebel and an opportunist, depending on the circumstances.

    Man's character: Friday
    Men born on Friday are ruled by Venus. The man's character is undoubtedly creative. He is incredibly charming, soft and gentle. In a relationship, he will not tolerate insincerity, and only when he is sure that he is truly loved will he be able to remain in the arms of his beloved woman forever.

    Man's character: Saturday
    Those born on Saturday are ruled by Saturn. Such men are, first of all, individualists who need solitude. Their behavior is very difficult to predict, they are very reserved, and they distrust women. These men hide their feelings under a mask of calm.

    Man's character: Sunday
    Men born on Sunday are influenced by the Sun. They are self-confident and ambitious, they like to be in charge in the family, and will not tolerate competition. They love to hear compliments, so they need recognition more than love.

    Thus, the question: how to determine a man’s character no longer seems so difficult. Even with excessive secrecy, a man’s character traits are easily determined by the day on which he was born.

    This is an ancient Slavic totem horoscope, which was used by our ancestors during the Vedic culture and tradition

    Animal based Slavic horoscope is an ancient Slavic totem horoscope that was used by our ancestors during the Vedic culture and tradition. The Slavic horoscope includes animal rulers of the year, and all animals are our traditional ones, found in the forests of Russia. The Slavic horoscope is also calculated by date of birth. The Slavic animal horoscope is based on 12 animals, each of which rules its own year or palace. The Slavic horoscope calls palaces the signs of the zodiac. The Slavic horoscope of animals by year has the same principle as the eastern lunar horoscope - for each year of the lunar cycle there is its own animal ruler. When calculating for a couple, the Slavic compatibility horoscope takes into account the influence of the animal ruler.

    Stribog (Kryshen)
    / January 21 – February 20 /

    According to the mythology of the Eastern Slavs, Stribog is the god of the wind. From the point of view of modern language, his name can be interpreted as “elder”, “paternal uncle”. It was believed that Stribog was born thanks to the breath of Rod. In people's minds, the wind god looked like an old man with gray hair, who could live in different places - on an island in the Okiyan Sea, or in an impassable thicket, or even at the end of the world.

    This deity was quite revered by our ancestors. At that time, the boat, sail, rudder, and anchor had already been invented; The Russians boldly explored the sea and believed that Stribog, turning into a bird, caused or, conversely, stopped bad weather and storms. They turned to him with prayers for the sending of wind to inflate the sails.

    A person born under the auspices of Stribog is distinguished by religiosity, a mystical orientation of mind, and the ability to successfully study ancient teachings. A one-sided view of the surrounding reality and a rather hot-tempered character lead to the fact that Stribog’s children easily make enemies. Opponents begin to wage a secret struggle if they see that representatives of this sign are abusing the power they have. A Stribog person is usually bad at expressing his own emotions and feelings.

    February was once called lute, fierce. Those who were born at this time have another patron - a god named Kryshen. According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, this deity saved frozen people from certain death by sending them saving fire. Kryshen was the personification of the power of reason, knowledge, and thought.

    Thanks to their patron, those born at this time have high level intelligence, which makes it possible to protect against various problems and successfully resolve the most difficult situations. Like his patron, the Roof man, who generates new ideas, can kindle the fire of knowledge. In their best incarnation, representatives of this sign are true patriots, ready at any time to defend their native land. They are equally sensitive to home and family.

    / February 21 – March 20 /

    People who happened to be born at this time are under the protection of one of the most revered gods by the Slavs - Rod, who was considered the creator of the Universe, the fundamental principle of all things. The clan, together with its original descendants, serves as the personification of the unity of all living beings of our world.

    Children of Rod tend to feel a connection with all people, their own involvement in all events and phenomena occurring around them. Even if these sensations are not fully realized, the well-being of people born this month is still built on this involvement. They know how to implement the well-known principle “If you want to change something, change yourself” like no one else. If, for example, a Rod person finds himself alone, he will not worry about this, but will decide for himself that it just seems so to him. And as soon as he thinks so, the doorbell or telephone rings.

    Being very receptive, in their actions these people are guided more by intuition than by mind. Of the other signs, they are the ones who are most attached to others and more reverent than others in maintaining devotion. These are people with rich inner content, who know how to forgive and have an easy-going character. However, those born in this month can be a victim of others and themselves. They like it better when their love partner chooses them from those around them rather than when they have to make the choice themselves.

    Rod makes his wards wise people who know human psychology very well, even from their very birth. The psychology of the unconscious is also subject to them; They read the secret motives of human actions like an open book. Children of the Family feel that they are blood-connected with all living nature, and therefore have no doubt that people descended from animals.

    These people happened to be born at a time when all living things come to life in order to love, and therefore they are characterized by a pronounced spontaneous sexuality. They are incredible passionate lovers, and sometimes it seems that their blood is simply boiling from the flood of feelings. Having decided to charm and attract someone, a representative of this sign almost always achieves his goal, since resisting his charm is a very difficult task. However, people born at this time can charm, confuse, and confuse not only in love, but also in all other areas of life. However, staying in their networks can also be beneficial: the wise Rod, represented by his charges, knows how to guide them on the right path like no one else. He understands everyone and loves everyone, does not disdain anyone and, plunging into the darkness of hell, takes lost souls from there to show them the way to the light of truth.

    This sign is considered the most mysterious in the Slavic Zodiac. The life path of its representatives seems mysterious and very vague to others.

    Yarilo (Yarila, Yar)
    / March 21 – April 20 /

    In the Slavic calendar, the first month was called Berezozol and it was believed that it was patronized by Yarilo (sometimes called Yar), the god of the spring sun, passion and love. This name means “young, very strong, passionate.” This is exactly how our ancestors imagined this deity: the barefoot horseman Yarilo on a white horse and in white robes was young, ardent, in love and reckless. However, in other sources this deity had a different appearance: in them, Yarilo appeared as a woman dressed in a white men’s shirt and trousers. In her left hand she held ears of rye, in her right hand a stuffed human head. On the deity’s head was a wreath of flowers that were the very first to appear in the fields. During the spring holidays, our ancestors dressed up and adorned a young girl in the same way and, putting her on a horse, took her out into the field. This image personified an open and kind character.

    Another incarnation of Yarila is the warm spring rays, which, having overcome the winter darkness and cold, awakened all living things, filled them with freshness, strength, and movement. With the onset of winter, Yarilo, turning into Frost, mercilessly destroys everything to which he gave life in the spring.

    People born in these spring days are similar to their patron: they have the same powerful, indomitable energy, look at the surrounding reality with wide eyes and remain young, regardless of age. Yarila's children are guided more by feelings than by reason; they cannot stand boredom and do everything possible to avoid becoming sad and depressed. Contradictions are also intolerable for them.

    Representatives of this sign love everything new; in many areas they are pioneers and pioneers who are not afraid to take risks. They are determined to fight difficulties and win. These people sincerely believe in goodness, and this faith helps them avoid dangers and misfortunes. The children of Yarila give the impression of rather simple, unremarkable people, but in fact, behind the outer shell lies an indomitable temperament and a huge, furious force capable of crushing all obstacles in its path. They are simply terrible when angry. After all, the time of Yarila is the time when the first spring thunderstorms begin to sound, before which even demons are in awe. However, these people a big heart, and they love the world with an open soul, so they will not become angry or “rage” in vain. Yarila has such a feeling for peace and life strong love as much as they are capable of.

    Representatives of this sign can safely be called warrior-heroes, plowmen-workers, excellent owners who have enough strength for any job. They are not afraid of any work. Sometimes they become stubborn and flare up like matches, and then it’s better not to get into an argument with them.

    By nature, they are strong leaders, so they can become successful politicians who can lead and manage. big amount of people. If the Yarila man chooses a field military service, then he himself will become disciplined. Due to their desire for leadership, they are not well suited to teamwork. Yarila's children voluntarily take on all the work, not trying to share responsibility with anyone and not hoping for help. They are giants on whose shoulders the whole world rests.

    Representatives of this sign feel comfortable only when they have enough of everything - from food supplies in the refrigerator to love. They prefer to drink the cup of life to the bottom. These temperamental people must always be in love; they need a constant state of emotional uplift and inspiration. If all this is present in the life of a Yarila person, then he will be completely satisfied with life, and his family union will be strong. But if he is deprived of such pleasure, then it will simply not be possible to keep him.

    Since Yarilo is the deity not only of the spring sun, but also of love and passion, he endows his charges with abundance of love, the ability to be inflamed with passionate feelings at first sight. These are quite romantic, but extremely fickle people.

    Representatives of the stronger sex born at this time like to gain power over a woman, make her his mistress, and then abandon her. Yaril women are able to remain faithful to their partners only until the moment when their relationship acquires some hint of certainty. If people of this sign ardently swear eternal friendship or love, you should not delude yourself: very soon the connection may be severed by them.

    Lada (Lelya)
    / April 21 – May 21 /

    The month, which in the Slavic calendar was called pollen, was under the protection of the goddess Lada - the creator, the female incarnation of the god Rod, the goddess of life and love. Thanks to her warm, affectionate palms, love, harmony, harmony and order reign on earth.

    In her honor, our ancestors established the Ladodeniya holiday, which glorified the arrival of spring, gentle warmth, and the awakening of nature on earth. During it, it was customary to call on spring. This was done by representatives of the fair sex, who climbed onto high places- roofs of houses, hills, haystacks, etc. and raised their hands to heaven. On Ladodeniya, crane amulets were made from dough; there was a custom to dance, imitating the dances of birds, which at this time usually returned to their native lands. All this helped people express their joy at the awakening of the power of Life.

    Where people born under the auspices of Lada appear, a warm and homely atmosphere seems to be created by itself. They are distinguished by their health, good, very “harmonious” build, patience, and peacefulness. Children of Lada are not lazy and fussy, stubborn and slightly inert. They win over those around them, do not accept betrayal and betrayal, love veneration, and do not tolerate the lack of harmony in relationships.

    Thanks to the patronage of Lada, people born during this period are real gourmets, aesthetes, and fine connoisseurs of beauty. Their gentle natures are distinguished by fine organization, vulnerability, compassion, readiness to help at the right time, and sentimentality. The Lada man lives in harmony with nature, has a developed imagination, intuition, and wild imagination. At the same time, these people are quite practical, they are close friends with money, and they reciprocate.

    Anyone who was born on April 21 is under the protection of another character from the host of Slavic deities - Lelya, the goddess of love. The ancients considered her the patroness of beauty and happiness and believed that she never left lovers without her help. The holiday in her honor - Lelnik (also called Krasnaya Gorka) - is celebrated on April 21. People born on this day are also protected by Lelya. Loneliness never threatens them. Just as this goddess declares herself for the first time in the year at the end of April, so Lelya’s children can always, without fear of sidelong glances and gossip, boldly declare themselves to the world.

    Letnitsa (Lelya)
    / May 22 – June 2 /

    In the month, which the ancient Slavs called Travn, Letnitsa was worshiped. She also had other names - Perunitsa, Gromovitsa, since Lelya was considered the wife of Perun himself.

    The holiday in her honor - Lelnik, called Krasnaya Gorka, was celebrated on April 21. This was due to the fact that the “debut” of this goddess in the annual cycle occurred earlier than in May, when Lelya became the sovereign ruler.

    Representatives of this sign have kind soul, warm heart, well-developed sense of humor, high intelligence. Their psyche is flexible and quick, their reaction is rapid, and they themselves are somewhat reminiscent of blinding lightning. These are incredibly lively, dexterous, fickle and unpredictable natures, around whom you will not get bored and relax. In addition, people born at this time are characterized by courage and a willingness to help people.

    Lelya's children refute with their lives the common assertion that those born in May will have to suffer all their lives. The patroness of love does not leave her charges to vegetate alone.

    / 3 – 12 June /

    Kostroma reigns for only 10 days at the beginning of summer and symbolizes spring and fertility. There was a ritual of seeing off spring, or seeing off Kostroma. This deity was personified by a young woman dressed in white clothes, who walked surrounded by a round dance, holding an oak branch in her hands. There was another tradition associated with Kostroma: her straw effigy was burned or drowned. The ancient Slavs also saw off and buried spring in this way and believed that such an action would help make the land fertile forever.

    Later, this ten-day period became the so-called Semitic week between Ascension and Trinity. The time dedicated to the goddess Kostroma was called proletya. This wonderful natural time fully justified its name, since it passed, flew by very quickly, leaving behind wonderful memories.

    People born at this time are distinguished by enormous talent, particularly in the field of creating literary works. This is explained by their ability to sense cosmic vibrations and convey words that Mother Nature herself whispers to them. A feature of their life is the large number of tragic accidents that simply haunt the children of Kostroma. However, this does not prevent many of them from living to old age.

    Kostroma has two incarnations - female and male (Kostrubonka). In people born under her auspices, this is manifested by a certain duality of character, as well as fragmented thinking. They are characterized by a desire to live “here and now,” curiosity about everything that happens around them, and an interest in unraveling everything incomprehensible. These are pleasant, smiling people with the gift of eloquence and surrounded by a lot of friends. They usually start their own family late, but can boast of a large number of descendants. The children of Kostroma go through their life journey with a smile on their lips, leaving a rich spiritual heritage in their memory. It is simply impossible to forget these bright personalities.

    Dodola (Share)
    / 13 – 21 June /

    According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, Dodola ruled with the onset of early, as they say, young summer. She is a goddess, the patroness of not only natural summer, but also human summer - i.e. youth. She is especially supportive of young girls and their activities. The only thing the peasants cared about at this time was haymaking, so on these beautiful summer days they were given the opportunity to take a break from many agricultural chores.

    If a person was destined to be born during this period, then he will forever remain young at heart. Slightly infantile, naive and even lazy Dodol people come to this world to relax and contemplate what is happening around them. They think that everything in this world happens as if by itself, without the need to make an effort. Dodola's wards are prone to contemplation, and therefore need sensible guidance. These people should also be taught discipline from a young age.

    Creatures so unadapted to life are helped to survive in a harsh world by a sincere belief in miracles and spiritual purity. In the minds of Dodola children, life is a game, fun, a fairy tale, and certainly with a happy ending. They completely and completely surrender to Fate, and it rewards them for their trust. Representatives of this sign are incredibly lucky, and everything they need appears in their life as if by itself. For the world to be at their feet, they don’t even have to pretend to be know-it-alls and wise men.

    Their luck extends to those around them: for their loved ones and friends, they turn into a real lucky talisman. Dodol people have the most powerful energy imparted by the summer solstice, and excellent health. It is no coincidence that the time when this goddess reigns is simply ideal for the birth of healthy babies.

    As for love and family, relationships in the lives of Dodol people can develop differently, since their point of view on love and fidelity can differ greatly from the generally accepted one.

    Veles (Kolyada)
    / June 22 - July 6, July 8 - July 22 /

    Veles is considered one of the most important gods of the ancient Slavs. It is to him that the credit goes for setting the world created by Rod and Svarog in motion and defining its laws. Thanks to this, seasons, days and nights began to replace each other. Veles is the teacher of the Law, he is the original, eternally living sage, making sure that the laws and treaties existing in the world are strictly observed. In addition, Veles was considered a deity who helps people in their practical life. His servants were the Magi.

    Veles was also considered a werewolf god, the ruler of everything magical and hidden. In fairy tales he was represented as an old man holding a ball of guiding thread in his hands. Sacrifices to this deity were held in dense coniferous forests, in places where three roads intersected, because Veles was considered the ruler of crossroads. They brought him copper money, furs and wool, glorified him with kvass and beer: it was believed that it was thanks to Veles science that people learned to make these drinks.

    From their patron, people born during this period receive an interest and inclination towards the occult. They are distinguished by a very affectionate character, a passionate love for children, and a gentle and reverent attitude towards home. At the same time, these are bohemian people who have a tendency to be too passionate about alcohol.

    For people born at this time, there is a danger of seeking (and finding) refuge from reality with all its problems in the depths of their subconscious.

    In love relationships, the children of Veles are characterized by dreaminess, romance and at the same time sensuality and passion. They are able to achieve the love of the person they are interested in.

    The patron of July is a deity named Kolyada, personifying the law of time. It was responsible for ensuring that the Sun annually passed the initially predetermined path and brought summer to people. Carols were celebrated in winter specifically to support the integrity of the circle of life and the power of the deity himself.

    Among other things, Kolyada introduced people to celestial science and taught them to understand the language of cosmic bodies. Therefore, his wards have a subtle understanding of the laws of the universe and nature. Disharmony in any area of ​​life is painful for them. The life mission of those born at this time is to act as guardians of traditions, to ensure that the good old orders are not erased from the face of the earth. After all, if someone happened to violate the state of affairs established by the gods, who knows, maybe this will lead to the fact that someday the Sun itself will change its usual trajectory.

    / July 7 /

    The night from July 6 to July 7 (dates are indicated according to the new style) is a special night. At this time, every year it becomes clear what should be on earth - Light or Darkness. Good traditionally turns out to be the winner, but Evil does not give up easily. It is no coincidence that the day of Ivan Kupala was especially singled out by the ancient Slavs from all 365 days of the year. The bonfires that were burned throughout Europe that night were called “eyes of Light.”

    For our ancestors, Kupalo was the god of summer, flowers and fruits growing at this time. In his earthly incarnation, he is beautiful and cheerful, dressed in light clothes. The ancient Slavs believed that on Kupala’s head there was a wreath made of bathing suits, and in his hands he held fruits and summer flowers.

    This god was greatly respected, and on June 24, when the harvest began, sacrifices and a holiday were held in his honor. People lit huge fires, sang and danced around them, especially young people. The celebration ended with jumping over the Kupala bonfires. Livestock was also driven through this cleansing fire: it was believed that this provided protection from forest spirits and goblin.

    People born on this day carry their special attitude towards fire throughout their lives. It is very good if this is a fire kindled in a family hearth, because it is the family, dynasty, clan that are the main thing in life for the Kupala person. He reaches out to home, to the light with all his soul.

    These people are very gentle, affectionate and outwardly seem very simple, but in fact they are philosophers with a rich inner world. Kupala is loving and sentimental; many of them are interested in mysticism and scary stories. The combination of fire and water gives them powers that are truly magical in nature. At the same time, these people stand firmly on the ground: their households are always well fed, their gardens and gardens provide good harvests, and the housekeeping is conducted thoroughly and thriftily. The children of Kupala are very interested in the question of what trace they will be able to leave on this earth, both from a material and spiritual point of view.

    Those who were born under the sign of Kupala need to focus more on naturalness and simplicity, and learn to make do with little. People of this sign become unhappy when they begin to pay too much attention to the material side of their existence and fall into hoarding. For Kupala people, traveling and wearing linen products will be useful. They are not recommended to overheat.

    Dazhdbog (Vyshen)
    / July 23 – August 23 /

    The ancient Slavs called August sickle or stubble. The patron of this month was one of the most revered gods - Vyshen-Dazhbog. He was presented as a man with beautiful sunny-golden hair fluttering in the wind, a stately gait, an open, direct gaze, who does not know what lies and deceit are. People believed that he traveled across the sky in a carriage drawn by four beautiful horses. They have golden wings, and instead of a mane there are flames.

    In popular belief, Dazhdbog was associated with the Sun, light in general. His name comes from two words - “share” and “give”, which indicates his mission - to assign each living creature his destiny. It was also believed that Dazhdbog is the patron of weddings. Our ancestors were convinced that it was this deity who greeted all the grooms at the dawn of their wedding day.

    The summer season, when he reigns, also matches his patron. The earth resembles lush royal palaces - thanks to bountiful harvests, earing grain, majestic thunderstorms.

    Splendor, greatness, fiery passion - these qualities are present in the nature of people born at this time. They are characterized by pride, frankness, loyalty, a combination of intelligence and strength. They are born to be the main ones, the first, to manage others, and in all areas of life; often have high social status. They master the art of showing themselves in the best possible light, and therefore are often the center of attention. It is the Dazhdbog people who are capable of being the founders of empires and dynasties.

    If their ambitions remain unsatisfied, they can become despots, and representatives of this sign are characterized by impatience when they wait for the fulfillment of their desires. They dream of universal recognition and respect, of having the best.

    Representatives of this sign do not tolerate it when someone gets in their way. They themselves move towards the goal persistently and are ready to work hard for this. Usually fate gives them a lot of opportunities, but true happiness awaits only those people who generously share their benefits with others. The rule according to which those who give the most receive the most, Dazhdbog people should learn better than the other signs of the Slavic Zodiac. Their mission and happiness is to patronize their neighbors, protect the weak and fight for justice.

    However, those born at this time are already distinguished by their generosity, willingness to help and patronize. Just as the peasants are happy about the life-giving rain, so the friends of the Dazhdbog man rejoice when he appears in their company. He likes to make decisions for others, and not everyone likes this. However, to those who do not enter into polemics and confrontation with him, who will give them complete and unconditional trust, they will always lend their powerful shoulder.

    Often people of this sign achieve noticeable success in the field of military service and politics, in particular thanks to the ability to think and make decisions at lightning speed. Perseverance helps them become successful managers and athletes. Holiday atmosphere, beautiful life, wealth - the luxury of late summer - is their element. Lovers and subtle connoisseurs of beauty, they try to live, love, and care beautifully. The Dazhbog people fully provide for their family, are proud of them, and inspire them to new achievements. Having suffered a fiasco in their personal lives, self-sufficient representatives of this sign may well remain alone for the rest of their lives.

    Maya (Seva)
    / August 24 – September 8 /

    Those who were born during this time period were patronized by the goddess Maya. She was also called Seva and was revered as a symbol of nature, a nurse, the goddess of gardens and their fruits, the patroness of fertile lands, rain, good weather, and sun rays. Western and Northern Slavs imagined her as long-haired, very beautiful woman holding ripened grapes and apples in her hands, symbolizing the end of summer and the beginning of golden autumn. Seva’s mature beauty is nature itself at harvest time, and her long hair represents fields with ripe ears.

    This feminine goddess always supported life, participated in the cycle of vital forces, every year giving generous gifts to everyone. People born at this time are also similar to their patroness. They are constantly busy about something, mostly for the benefit of others. Seva’s children practically never get tired of the endless troubles – moreover, this is the meaning of their lives. Even while resting, they take a book or some kind of manual work. On the other hand, they need to bother and work in a comfortable atmosphere, so those around them should take care of this. In the absence of guardianship, the strength of Seva’s children is fading too quickly.

    These people are distinguished by a huge reserve of patience and tolerance, indifference to the misfortunes of others, kindness, and a desire for harmony and a quiet life. Representatives of this sign have extraordinary moral insight and a developed sense of proportion and justice. In addition, they are characterized by friendliness, hospitality, and a special, very gentle sense of humor. Inconspicuous, quiet Sevs manage to make enemies friends, heal human souls, and smooth out conflicts. Their ideal is a touching, subtle, sincere relationship.

    Seva's children can get by with little and are fans of naturalness and purity in everything. They would prefer a city apartment own house. At the same time, the future worries and worries them; they can be extremely distrustful and cautious. Often representatives of this sign turn into hoarders. The Sevas are afraid of all kinds of changes and try to live in accordance with the established order. It would be nice for them to look at the world with a more optimistic view.

    People of this sign are wonderful spouses, because they are fair and kind, they want to live in peace and harmony, and besides, they are unpretentious and economical. As a rule, Sev has few children; some representatives of this sign remain childless. This is all the more offensive since these zealous people usually have a full house, and they themselves are very sweet and attractive to others.

    Women in labor
    / 9 – 11 September /

    Women in labor reign for only a few days in early autumn, after which the time of Indian summer comes. According to the ideas of our ancestors, Rod and Rozhanitsy, who were his companions, gave life to everything that exists on earth. The ancient Slavs attributed many missions to these creatures. So, it was the Rozhanitsa from heaven who commanded the whole world, the underwater forces and the forces of the underground; helped women give birth. Thanks to them, animals, birds and fish appeared on earth, which people needed. But the most important thing is that Rozhanitsy were goddesses, maidens of fate and life, they endowed each person with a share, which was reminiscent, for example, of the ancient Greek moiras.

    These were two sisters - Dolya, who was responsible for happy events in a person’s life, and Nedolya, a gloomy creature, by whose grace all sorts of troubles rained down on people. The constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were considered their symbols. It is no coincidence that people said that some were born under a lucky star, and others under an unlucky star.

    People who were born under the auspices of Rozhanitsa are characterized by a calm, shy, secretive character. They are inherent developed sense harmony, as well as the desire to clean or simplify everything. Sometimes they are lazy, but at the same time they are often in love with their work to such an extent that they are ready to forget about everything in the world for the sake of it. Representatives of this sign are hardworking and diligent, like bees, but they prefer to work alone, outside the team. They always keep their promises. These reserved people also love calmly, considering passionate love a real disease and obsession.

    Mokosh (Makosh)
    / 12 – 27 September /

    People born between September 12 and 27 are under the protection of a deity named Mokosh.

    This goddess, personifying Mother Earth, was revered along with the main Slavic deities. She was the only female deity who was honored with an idol that stood on the Kiev hill next to the idol of Perun, Veles and gods of an equally high hierarchical level.

    In a later period, Mokosh began to be associated with women's crafts. Our ancestors imagined her as a long-armed creature with a large head, who spun at night. Associated with this idea was the custom of removing the tow from the spinning wheel before going to bed so that Mokosh would not recoil.

    Gradually, in popular beliefs, the image of this deity merged with the image of Friday. A sacrifice was made in her honor: yarn or a tow were thrown into the well. From this action came the name of the ritual - mokrida. And the name Mokoshi itself is considered to be related to the words “get wet”, “wet”. This goddess reigned for two weeks, which we call Indian summer. The nights began to last longer than the days; People's lives are slowly flowing into houses in which the windows are already tightly closed. The time of silence is approaching in nature.

    People who appeared during this period tend to feel involved in natural processes. Just as the seasons replace each other, in the life of the Mokoshi man the order of events and phenomena has already been irrevocably established. Representatives of this sign, being fatalists, are absolutely sincerely confident in this. Whatever Mokoshi’s children have to do, they will do the work carefully and responsibly. Their approach to their diet is just as thorough; they know how to cook very tasty food.

    The Mokoshi man literally counts every minute. They do not waste their time and do not respect people who waste their precious lives on trifles. At work, they often become workhorses, ridden by all and sundry. And yet the Mokoshis do not forget about rest, scrupulously observing the regime and drawing a clear boundary between work and home. They calmly accept the fact that the world and society are built on hierarchy, they respect any authority, and therefore will never contradict their superiors. At the same time, people born at this time really like to give advice (as well as read lectures), which for the most part turn out to be very wise.

    Mokosh Man is a jack of all trades, but nature has deprived him of the ability to speak beautifully. It will be very successful for him to work in the light industry. These people love their home very much. The most suitable weather for them is rainy, and the source from which they can draw strength is a well. Representatives of this sign are characterized by a desire to re-educate their loved one and a rather grumpy disposition, and because of this, everything in their family life does not always work out well. At the same time, family is sacred to them, and they will not dare to destroy it of their own free will. Mokosh is the patroness of fertility and the birth of children. The ancient Slavs believed that at the moment a child was born, it was this goddess who sent him a soul. Those born at this time can become successful writers, military leaders, journalists, and politicians who do not know defeat. They are given the gift of finding a common language with people and feeling quite comfortable in a completely unfamiliar company.

    / September 28 – October 15 /

    People born at this time of year are under the protection of the son of the god Svarog, whom the Slavs revered as one of the main deities. For our ancestors, Svarozhich symbolized earthly fire, was the patron of natural elements, warriors, and human occupations (professions). It was believed that his powers were both beneficial, giving light, warmth, and harmful, since through the fault of this deity drought reigned and fires occurred. In some tribes he was considered the god of war and victories. On the day of the autumn equinox, the ancient Slavs celebrated Svarozhich’s name day. The lives of people born during this period are usually filled with meaning. They most often have to spend the first half of their lives fighting. But in the second part they will reap its benefits: they will be respected, honored, and will become rich. You should not try to establish relationships with Svarozhich’s children and support them love relationship people of Dazhdbog and Mokosha, since this will not benefit any of the partners.

    Since this deity symbolized the heavenly fire that fell from the sky and was “tamed” by man, people born under his auspices are distinguished by their penchant for crafts and art. They are the meaning of life for the Svarozhich person. As a rule, he sees beauty better than others and helps others see it, since people of this sign are distinguished by a refined artistic taste. They bring others not only beauty, but also light and warmth. They are characterized by an irresistible, but at the same time sad half-smile. In life, Svarozhichi should not succumb to a bad mood and remember that despondency is considered a mortal sin. These are observant, highly intelligent, well-versed in life, rational people who like to sort things out. This is largely explained by the peculiarities of the time in which they were born: in the fall, supplies are made that should provide a person until the new harvest.

    Svarozhich's children are born in order to become a driving force in culture and science. They can achieve success in a very wide range of areas of activity - from poetry to blacksmithing. It has been noted that representatives of this sign can be outstanding teachers. Svarozhichi people risk becoming victims of creative burning, and therefore must be careful.

    They strive for marriage, they are sure that their soulmate is wandering somewhere around the world, who can easily be found, the main thing is not to waste time. By the way, it is Svarozhich’s name day that opens the period of autumn weddings.

    Svarozhichi people can look at fire without stopping, and it is from it that they draw energy. Their lucky mascot birds are the rooster and the swan. The life of representatives of this sign will be happy if they manage to burn without being burned out and do not lose their life ideals.

    Morana (Morena, Mora, Mara)
    / October 16 – November 1 /

    People born at this time of year receive the protection of Morana. The name of this Slavic goddess has a clear connection with the word “pestilence,” which means sudden death that overtakes almost everyone. The pestilence could destroy both a tiny village and a huge state. Morena is the goddess of painful, barren decrepitude, withering of life processes, death. And the appropriate sacrifices were made to this creature - withered flowers, fallen leaves, spoiled, rotten fruits. It was also believed that she liked to accept extinct human lives.

    The symbols of Morana were broken skulls, the Black Moon and a sickle - a tool for cutting the Thread of Life. At the same time, the ancient Slavs believed that death at the hands of this formidable and inexorable goddess was not a complete cessation of existence, but a transition to life in a different capacity. After all, the Almighty Family itself has established an order according to which Spring necessarily replaces Winter, which carries away everything that has become obsolete.

    In order to save themselves from death and all kinds of troubles, our ancestors came up with a special ritual. Before Midsummer, they cut down a tree that was supposed to represent Morana and decorated it with flower wreaths and ribbons. Together with “Morana” they also dressed up “Kupala” - a doll made of straw. After all these preparations, they lit a fire and, with Kupala in their hands, jumped over it in pairs all night. And on the morning of Midsummer, they removed the decorations from the hand-made incarnations of both deities, and then threw the tree and the straw doll into the river. After this, as the ancient Slavs believed, the formidable Morana could no longer be feared so much.

    People under her protection are destined to be born in a dull, frightening time, when they can count and rely solely on themselves. Of all the other signs, this one is considered the most powerful, and this power has properties bordering on magical. Morena's patient and persistent children are steadily moving towards their goal and are not the least bit nervous: they already know that everything will work out. When they find themselves in the most difficult, hopeless everyday situations, they don’t even think of giving up, but on the contrary, they gather all their will into a fist. In addition, in difficult situations they are under the protection of Fate itself.

    Representatives of this sign do not avoid or are not afraid of struggle. Moreover, they are always determined to win and are not afraid to look death itself in the face. It is no coincidence that Morena people can become excellent doctors, in particular those working in intensive care and surgery: they are capable of pulling almost anyone out of the other world. Without confrontation, without competition, neither love nor friendship seems interesting to them.

    Those born during this period are characterized not only by perseverance, but also by unusually developed self-discipline. They do not know how to compromise and can often be vindictive.

    At the same time, these people often have to fluctuate between two attachments. They do not allow their feelings to take full control of them. They do not like responsibility and therefore try to avoid it, although they always perform the work at a high level.

    Children of Morana are simultaneously characterized by benevolence, tenderness, dreaminess, prudence, elegance, subtle eroticism - and aggressiveness, gloominess, gloominess, irascibility, stubbornness, frenzy, and jealousy. Most of the fair sex, born under the auspices of Morana, are notorious femme fatales. However, most often the energy and power of the children of this goddess is aimed at defense and much less often at attack.

    Moraine people are extremely strong, but even they need extra energy. For them, its source is dead water. It can be collected in any body of water when the water in it is half frozen. Like a fairy tale, it acts as a protection for representatives of this sign from all sorts of problems and resurrects them to life, giving them new strength. People born at this time maintain excellent physical shape until old age and are long-lived.

    The children of Morena, who have a truly demonic nature, are distinguished by a detached view of the world, cravings, and a pronounced interest in everything otherworldly. They have the ability to control people’s feelings, so they sometimes decide to do things that are taboo for others.

    In addition, Veles was also considered the patron saint of people born at this time, who was responsible for the relationship between the two worlds - the living and the dead, for the continuity of the cycle of births and deaths. His people understand well that a new birth is simply impossible without death, just as the acquisition of something is impossible without sacrifice. The best representatives of this sign know how to renounce what belongs to them. It often turns out that the children of Veles, having nothing, essentially gain a lot, if not everything. People born at this time become worthy representatives of power and skillful managers.

    Semargl (Simargl, Skipper)
    / November 2 – November 22 /

    People who were born in November, or, as our ancestors called it, in the chest, receive protection from Semargl.

    In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, Semargl, with a fiery sword in his hands, guarded the house, the family hearth, and acted as the keeper of fire sacrifices. They believed that this deity preserved seeds and crops in the warmth emanating from his heart. To prevent it from getting angry, its name was not spoken out loud. People believed that periodically this god took on the appearance of a sacred winged dog. It was with Semargl that our ancestors were inclined to connect the origin of feelings between men and women. People of both sexes, in their opinion, were created from two small sticks, between which a fire suddenly broke out.

    Legends say that Semargl was born from a flame that flared up from sparks carved by the magic hammer of the powerful Svarog on the Alatyr stone. The banner of this fiery god was a cloud of thick smoke, and he himself, on a silver, golden-maned horse, rushed across the earth, leaving behind a scorched trail. And yet, much more often he was peaceful, calm and always protected people from evil, especially when the darkness of night descended on the world. Only once a year - on the day of the autumn equinox - Semargl left his post for the sake of love games with Bathing Suit. The fruits of this love are Kupalo and Kostroma.

    The one who was born at this time is a real warrior, a strong-willed person. His element and need is to always try to achieve something, fight for justice, and win. The children of Semargl are able to cope with almost any task assigned to them. Representatives of this sign treat their chosen ones with sincere, deep love. As a rule, many children are born in their family, and this makes them very happy.

    In addition, in November, the Skipper-beast, which belongs to Perun and is the leader of various creatures of the other world and snakes, is also in charge. People born under his auspices are characterized by special wisdom and insight, which helps them penetrate into the most hidden, “dark” motives that drive those around them. They are able to talentedly psychologically influence people. Representatives of this sign have particularly strong connections with deceased ancestors. It is no coincidence that in November, parents' night dedicated to the ancestors is celebrated. In the thoughts and actions of people born this month, one can detect knowledge of the other side of things and the experience of bygone generations.

    / 22 – 30 November /

    The ancient Slavs imagined Winter as a white-faced beauty in a snow-white jacket, who rode around her property on a pinto horse and froze everything around with her icy breath. Her kiss makes your blood run cold, and all sorts of “evil spirits” try to hide from Winter as best they can. Winter's servants include blizzards, blizzards, and drifting snow. Together with their mistress, they try to make sure that everything around is covered with snow, so that everything is covered with a white blanket. The beginning of her reign is a time of fun and joy, bright holidays. But closer to March, Winter becomes an old woman - ugly, harmful and insidious.

    The people of Winter look at the world with optimism, because they were destined to be born at a time when cellars were bursting with all kinds of supplies. They may give the impression of being cold and distant, but in reality they are people with a warm heart, in which there is enough warmth to warm those around them. Representatives of this sign often become fierce fighters against world evil. There are practically no accidents in their lives; the events of their lives are influenced by some incomprehensible light forces.

    Often people of this sign are inquisitive researchers and passionate athletes. The Children of Winter are interested in a lot of things, not related to the material side of existence - the life of the cosmos, Parallel Worlds, unusual natural phenomena and so on. They love to reflect on the mysteries of the universe, peer into the starry sky, trying to find answers to eternal questions. Being smart and very well-read, representatives of this sign have a broad outlook, are known as “walking encyclopedias” and are wonderful conversationalists.

    Without evidence, people born under the auspices of Winter do not take anything for granted. Even in their search for the purely spiritual, representatives of this sign are accustomed to starting from the material. They live in accordance with their own laws, and therefore it may seem that they cannot be governed. However, control over them is not necessary, because they are highly moral people whose thoughts are distinguished by purity and nobility. If something is not regulated by social norms, then for them it is under the jurisdiction of religious morality, which has greater depth.

    Winter gifted her children with a large supply of patience, which is a great help for them in family life. Moreover, the entire well-being of the family often rests on this quality, on the sacrifice of the Winter man. Thanks to their character, they easily make friends, and in general people are usually drawn to them.

    Winter people tend to perceive the world black and white, without halftones, because they consider the eternal struggle of opposing forces to be the basis of the world order. They see their mission as fighting on the side of good and fulfill it throughout their lives, never relaxing. The well-known expression “The world is not without good people” applies to Winter’s charges to the fullest.

    Representatives of this sign usually have the opportunity to boast of excellent health, especially if they maintain their physical shape by hardening.

    / 1 — 10 December /

    The appearance of Vyrgoni-Death is simply magnificent. His only “minor” flaws are his snake-like hair and his deadly gaze. For a whole year, this creature, living in the Okiyan Sea, on an island next to the World Tree, spends its time in fun games and amusements. However, with the onset of love, she has no time to laugh, and Vyrgon calls on animals one by one, starting with the lion. Birds, reptiles and people flock to her, who cannot resist the call of Death, the call of love. Death-Vyrgon knows the languages ​​of all living creatures on earth, so her cry is heard and understood by everyone. Anyone who comes to her call and looks at least once into her beautiful eyes is no longer able to escape the knowledge of the Highest Love through Death...

    Those who are familiar with ancient Greek myths understand that Vyrgon is the “twin sister” of Medusa the Gorgon. These mythological individuals really have one source - the ancestral culture of Death. And Vyrgoni has a nickname - Medusa, which is equivalent to “mistress”, “mistress”, Lady of Death. Even in the early Middle Ages, the Slavs considered the image of the Gorgon Medusa to be their amulet. It is known that Vladimir Monomakh had a serpentine with the appearance of this character. As medieval legends say, the owner of the Gorgon's head was Alexander the Great. It was this circumstance that explained his glory as a commander, who won brilliant victories one after another. People born under the auspices of Vyrgoni are distinguished by perseverance, independence, extremely wild imagination, dislike of too hard work, and an indomitable craving for a comfortable life. They often become speculators and cheaters.

    The children of Vyrgoni are characterized by belligerence and vanity; they love to be praised, glorified and placed on a pedestal. Women of this sign may well compete with the stronger sex. The chosen ones of people born at this time very often become representatives of a different race, social circle, or another religion.

    Kitovras (Karachun)
    / 11 – 23 December /

    As evidenced by one of the variants of the Slavic Zodiac, people born at this time are under the protection of Kitovras. This is a mythological centaur, one half of whose body is horse, and the other half is human. This character is said to be wise and strong, but has a weakness for wine. Kitovras is capable of fooling anyone, but this ability often turns against him. The gods who patronize the “dark” half of the year, using the centaur’s love for alcohol, force him to put his wisdom and strength in the service of self-interest and evil. This inevitably brings punishment from the light gods.

    Just like their patron Kitovras, people born during this period are quite capable of achieving significant success in literally all areas of life, but provided that their desire for all kinds of benefits and worldly pleasures does not go beyond the bounds of reason.

    People born on these December days have another patron - Karachun, the underground god, the master of frost. The Slavs believed that his servants were blizzard wolves and connecting rod bears, which had the ability to turn into snowstorms. Then Karachun began to be considered a deity responsible for the death of livestock.

    Karachun Day is December 23, one of the frostiest winter days. It was this god who was credited with shortening the daylight hours. The image of an inexorable, menacing, terrible force is reflected in the expression that still exists today - “set a karachun,” the meaning of which is to beat, torture to death, kill someone, die.

    The time when Karachun reigns is the coldest, darkest and most hopeless, because spring is still very far away. And only after December 23, at its end, the Sun begins to set for summer, and a person begins to feel good mood and hope.

    People who happened to be born under the sign of Karachun have far from excellent health. This is explained by the fact that their birth occurred during a period of natural energy decline, because the skies are empty, the lands are lifeless, and the waters are captured by ice...

    Karachun people are forced to make efforts to somehow correct this state of affairs and become more energetic. And in general, nothing falls out of the sky for them, but they get everything at the cost of great effort. It is quite possible that one fine day a person born under the auspices of Karachun will experience desire find refuge from harsh reality in the world of dreams. People of this sign often tend to be carried away by their thoughts into the future or past. They love to travel and show remarkable interest in the cultures of other countries. They are especially attracted to southern countries.

    Those born at this time often find it difficult to communicate with people. This is probably why they love to tinker with animals and can wild beast make it manual. Karachun people are distinguished by their lack of self-confidence. In order not to ruin their lives, they must study the collective experience of humanity, rely not on themselves, but on objective social ideals. This will give them confidence and allow them to feel that they are involved in all life processes that are global in nature.

    Representatives of this sign may look gloomy, cold, irritable, angry, inaccessible, but this is nothing more than a mask. Upon closer communication, it turns out that in reality they are pleasant, cheerful, witty, and skillful mockingbirds. It is not surprising that Karachun people can become good parodists and talented satirists. However, in this way they try to hide from the deep sadness that often consumes their souls.

    Those born at this time have pronounced abilities in linguistics, can compose talented poetry and often choose the path of a translator. Karachun's children are hard workers; it is not difficult for them to cope with the hardest work. Inactivity can cause depression, so some kind of activity or work is simply vital for representatives of this sign.

    Usually the personal life of the Karachuns is not very successful, although they are aimed at creating own family. Moreover, these people are not able to live even a day alone. The reason for the difficulties lies in their lack of communication, bordering on outright unsociability.

    In dealing with such a person, the most difficult task is to get him to take off his usual mask. And when this happens, it becomes obvious that Karachun is a real treasure worth working for. All signs of the Slavic horoscope can safely connect their lives with them.

    Perun (Indrik, Unicorn)
    / December 24 – January 20 /

    According to the ideas of the Slavs, Perun looked like a gray-haired mature man. His gray hair looks like silver, and his beard and mustache are golden. He was also depicted in legends as an angry older man who had a large red swirling beard. The people believed that he raced through the heavens on a chariot or on a horse, and the thunder heard on earth was nothing more than the roar produced by his chariot. It was harnessed to white and black stallions with wings.

    The name “Perun” arose in ancient times and is interpreted as “the one who hits harder,” “striking.” The God it represents is the eldest and most famous of the Children of Svarog and Lada, the master of thunder, lightning, and thunderclouds. When Perun saw this light, a strong earthquake occurred. Before the young deity had time to grow up, she and her sisters were kidnapped by the half-man, half-scorpion Skipper and plunged into eternal sleep. Perun slept in captivity for a long time and had already turned into a man when his older brothers found him in the dungeon. Washed by living water, the god came to his senses, found and destroyed the evil spell that turned his sisters into monsters, and destroyed the Skipper-beast.

    People born under the patronage of Perun are distinguished by their special vitality, fearlessness, and masculinity. They care little about their own image and the impression they make on others. These people are feared more than they are respected, and even more so than they are loved. The children of Perun do not go for divorces, they stop the development of scandals, but they turn into aggressive creatures when they cannot find a worthy use of their energy. If in the best incarnation these people can be called stern, brave warriors, then the incarnation with a “minus” sign is the role of a martinet, a reveler and a rowdy.

    People born in January have another patron - Indrik the beast. He is depicted as a Unicorn. The battle of this creature with Leo is considered a symbol of the month, and its deep meaning is the battle of the law of time (Kolyada) with the self (Indra).

    It is noteworthy that in none of the surviving popular prints and paintings there is a plot in which one of the wrestlers would defeat the other. This is one of the laws of world evolution: the annual cycle (circle) and free will (rectilinear vector), which have equal strength, sum up, unite, and create a spiral movement, i.e. development that has no end point.

    Anyone who was born under the auspices of the Unicorn has the opportunity to be as free as possible in expressing their own will. That is why, in order to prevent imbalance in the world around them, they are obliged to exercise great caution. Any peaks can be conquered by Unicorn people if they often think about whether they are taking on too much. It will be especially useful for them to remember the old proverb: “The slower you go, the further you go.”

    But there are also other things to consider when getting married. For example, how can you choose the right person for yourself? For this there is an astrological knowledge. Exists Vedic astrology. This is very deep knowledge, and the Vedas say that if people get married without taking into account astrological factors, then they can have very big problems, because every person has certain periods in life, they change, and we need to look at the correspondence between these periods.
    You also need to look at the compatibility of the various influences of the planets on a person. For example, Venus compatibility gives people pleasure in each other, they enjoy each other. We will not go into the intricacies of astrological compatibility here, because this in itself is a very serious issue and requires extensive consideration.
    Moon compatibility gives them mental compatibility, and this is considered the most important thing in the family, and the Vedas say that Moon compatibility should be taken into account first.
    Jupiter compatibility gives harmony in the mind, which is also very important.
    Sun compatibility gives a girl respect for her husband.
    Compatibility on Mars makes it possible to have good relationships in activities.
    Saturn compatibility makes it possible to steadfastly endure difficulties together with each other.
    Mercury compatibility gives similarity in reasoning and logical abilities.
    This is just a very superficial description of astrological compatibility.
    Thus, one must take into account the horoscope. Also, the moment of marriage is very important, because there may be an unfavorable moment, and then some unexpected obstacles may arise in life together.
    In addition, the Vedas practiced the help that their parents provided to children, because they spent a lot of time studying this issue from their own experience, and sincerely wanted to help their child. The Vedas say that if a girl or boy takes the help of reasonable parents in order to get married, then they get a very stable, stable marriage.
    Thus, a girl’s mother or father, most often her father, selects a good groom for her, but at the same time he does not force anyone on her. That is, the father chooses, and she thinks whether she will marry this guy or not.
    This question is very important, because a girl herself at a young age, whose lust is very strong, can be attracted by any person who thinks about her. This is how nature arranged it. If a young man feels lust for a girl, then she instinctively wants to do something for him, look good for him, wants to be pleasing to him, although she may not have strong feelings towards him. That is, all these desires arise as a result of the influence of sexual energy young man on the girl's consciousness.
