Fat but beautiful women. The beauty of fat women

Owners of curvaceous figures are often very worried about the arrival of beach season, because going to the sea means the need to expose all the most “inconvenient” places. And in vain!

After all, once you choose the right swimsuit, you will feel that even if you have flaws in your figure, you can still look feminine and beautiful. And this is understandable, since a swimsuit is ordinary clothing, it just has a strict direction - beach. And, like any clothing, a swimsuit just needs to be chosen correctly.

Many curvy girls may grin and say that this is unrealistic. Of course, the main models of swimsuits that specialty stores and boutiques are filled with are specialized for slender girls, but for plus-size girls the choice is really small.

This may seem unfair, but do not despair, because the production of swimsuits for overweight women occupies a separate and very deep niche in the modern fashion industry, which speaks of large selection and variety of models. You can turn to online stores, where the choice is much larger than in local stores, and the price-quality ratio may pleasantly surprise you.

If you want to feel comfortable and confident in a swimsuit, then you need to approach its choice with the utmost seriousness. Don’t be lazy to try them on in stores, it will be even better if, after putting it on, you try to feel that nothing is “falling out” and nothing is tight anywhere, this is very important.

When purchasing a swimsuit in an online store, pay attention to the possibility of returning the product if it does not suit you, and how this can be done.

How to choose?

Like any clothing, swimwear has its own rules and tricks that allow you to present your body in the most favorable light, which will make you feel confident and irresistible.

When choosing a swimsuit, you mainly need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric from which it is made; you do not want it to lose its shape and all its advantages after the first swim in salt water.

The fabric should be quite dense with an optimal lycra content of 20-30%, which will allow the swimsuit to fit tightly to the figure, but at the same time allow the body to breathe and will not tighten the figure in the most unfortunate places. Plus, such a swimsuit will definitely not lose its shape, but, on the contrary, for a long time will successfully withstand more than one number of baths and washes.

When choosing a swimsuit for plus size girls, you must immediately abandon luminous and shiny fabrics, as they strongly attract attention, the same goes for knitted swimsuits, which visually increase fullness. Light tones of all colors will look best, the most advantageous colors are blue, black, brown, purple, burgundy - they can skillfully hide excess volume, but emphasize all the necessary advantages.

If you decide to purchase a swimsuit with a pattern, then you should pay attention to large asymmetrical and contrasting images. For example, vertical and diagonal stripes will help hide an extra belly, and you can emphasize beautiful breasts using a V-shaped neckline, adding bright images specifically to the décolleté area.

Depending on what type of figure yours is, the cut of the swimsuit should be chosen. For example, there is an opinion that the ideal option for overweight girls is a one-piece swimsuit. Yes, this option is great for apple-shaped figures, but for overweight girls with a pear-shaped figure, separate options, as well as swimsuits with a skirt, may be suitable.

If your figure is T-shaped, then you should avoid too wide straps on the shoulders so as not to add even more volume to them, but it’s worth adding emphasis to the hips by decorating them, for example.

Choose one that has an underwire bra, as well as one with slimming inserts that will help you visually lose a couple of extra pounds in problem areas. Avoid various bright decor, laces and shiny fabric on problem areas; thong panties and narrow straps on the bodice will also be inappropriate, all this will only visually add unwanted weight to you.


IN Lately One-piece swimsuits have come back into fashion; they are popular not only among overweight young ladies, but also among slender and thin ones. So why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Exactly one-piece swimsuit ideal for active rest– water skiing, diving in a pool or in the sea will not make you worry about losing a piece of your swimsuit, as happens with two-piece models.

By the way, recently asymmetrical models have become very fashionable, which are very suitable for plus-size ladies, and the colors of the 50s are also back in trend, which are also aimed at ladies with a “skinny” body.


Such models the best way suitable for women with moderate plumpness who have a well-defined waist, that is, a “pear” or “pear” type figure hourglass" It is better to choose such models of swimsuits with high panties, as well as with a well-fitting and tight bodice, in order to favorably emphasize the breasts.

By the way, as we have already said, retro is in fashion again, so panties with a low hem are now very popular, that is, in the form of a skirt or shorts, which can skillfully hide unnecessary “ears” and barrels on the legs.

You will have to give up miniature swimming trunks, and if you have a full back and shoulders, then choose a bodice with wide straps that will not cut into the skin too much, creating a not very aesthetic look.


What it is? It’s all very simple, you’ve probably seen more than once swimsuits that are made in the form of a bathing T-shirt and panties or shorts. Externally, such a swimsuit looks like a piece, but it is not.

Tankini is an excellent option for those who have a lot of complexes about their tummy and sides, which will ideally hide under a T-shirt, and beautiful large breasts can be easily highlighted and emphasized, since the top has cups.

These swimsuits have different straps - regular, criss-cross, with ties at the neck and any other options. Most often, the top has a brighter color, and the bottom has a calm, solid color.

However, depending on which zone you consider the most problematic, you can highlight one or another part of the body with color. Such swimsuits are now very popular, they come in a variety of colors and decorations. Tankinis with floral and animal prints, as well as plain models with the addition of a bright ribbon, are very popular.

Remember that if a swimsuit was not able to hide all your flaws, then you can always use a pareo or a beach skirt, which will successfully cope with this task and also protect you from the burning sun.

There is a very modern opinion that fat women are not beautiful or that fatness and beauty in women are not compatible. And since there is no beauty, then a priori, fat women do not have happiness. For beauty and female happiness, protruding collarbones and twig-like arms are a must.

Where does this belief come from and how much truth is there in it?

But the truth is rather in how and who the woman herself feels, regardless of weight. You have certainly noticed that one girl (woman) wants to be called slim, while another has internal regret - such painful thinness. It’s the same with overweight women: one is just a queen, and the other would like to be advised to eat less and run, or something...

The most important secret lies in how a woman treats herself. This is not for the public, but for your own spiritual feeling. If a woman feels like a queen, then she presents herself as a royal person: posture, proud neck, confident gait and regal look.

But the modern overweight woman, alas, does not realize this. The complexes that television, the Internet and other means inspire work mass media. Diets, pills, plastic surgeons, etc., etc. You need to be beautiful, and for this you need to starve, you need to run, you need to go under the knife. Come and pay. And you will have beauty.

Will it happen? Isn't it woman's happiness depends solely on whether the woman is overweight or has a athletic figure? Look what happy women on canvases. Being overweight certainly doesn’t bother them. Moreover, their beauty is amazing.

Of course, modern men also watch TV and want to be trendy. But this is for others. And for the soul? Yes, men like it when there is something to look at, and not only to look at.

And the problem for overweight women is only one thing - they need to learn to look at themselves through the eyes of a beautiful woman. However, this applies to all women. If a woman begins to “eat” herself, then not a trace of her beauty remains - she tries to turn into a shadow that no one will notice or see her shortcomings, so you need to dress in something drab, put on the best makeup, hunch over, the gait of a poor duck, and an unnoticed gray mouse glided.

A lot depends on a man, but not everything. If a woman doesn’t want to love herself, then how can a man love her?

Women are very rare perfect beauty. But there really are a lot of beautiful women. What's the matter?

A fat woman should not show her bad mood and make dissatisfied faces - for a plump face this is an unaffordable luxury, since plump women usually look their age, and grimaces and wrinkles turn them into aunts. A plump woman should have a hairstyle, because... a thin woman with a pun on her head will be unconsciously compared to a teenager, and a plump woman will turn from a queen, again, into an aunt.

You do not believe me? And I didn’t think this through. These are the results of a survey of men about what a woman of pleasant plumpness should not do. And plump women shouldn’t fuss. For some reason, they are embarrassed by their large breasts and the fact that they do not have a wasp waist. What's worse: a belly or a belly combined with a stooped back? Sorry to say that it is what it is, but there is no need to disfigure your entire figure. Advantages first, then minor shortcomings will not be visible. If the chest is forward, then who will look at the stomach?

And gait is very important. She must be. Not the crossing of the Alps by ducks, but the gait. Moreover, a plump woman has something to walk around and attract the attention of men.

For obese women, such quality as grooming is very important. A girl-woman can be without makeup, but a queen must always be in shape.

And don’t take this article as a call for everyone to get fat or as an excuse for fat women. Not at all. Obviously being overweight is bad because it is a disease and it is bad for a woman’s health. And everything else is just advertising and self-doubt.

Well, men like curvy beauties. Not everyone, but many or almost everyone. And plus size women just need to know this.

16 Jun 2014 Tags: , 319

Discussion: 5 comments

    No one could imagine that an overweight woman could not fit into the canons of beauty and be an object of reproach and shame.


American actor Bill Dee Williams, characterizing female sexuality, once said: “A woman should not be fantastically beautiful, she should be sensual.” And it is true! , and women in general, lies not in kilograms, but in inner harmony with oneself and the world around us. In addition, fat women often have large breasts, rounded buttocks, an impeccable face and an excellent sense of humor. So what else do you need?

So, if a woman is overweight, she does not cease to be beautiful and attractive. To be a cheerful, friendly person, an interesting conversationalist, to have kind heart, to be able to be friends - this is beauty. By the way, based on surveys conducted, researchers concluded that men are more attracted to curvy women than to “skinny” ones.

That is why, according to statistics fat girls and women tie the knot much earlier and more often than slender ones. A man looks at a woman as expectant mother their children. The curvier the shape, the healthier it seems, and therefore, the more suitable for bearing a child. In addition, ladies with “body” are considered more voluptuous.

Here are some steps that will tell you what the beauty of plus size women is and help you look your best.

Physical exercises for beauty

Any woman will agree that regular workouts work wonders not only with the figure, but also improve general health. Don't focus just on losing weight. Instead, do exercise that focuses on cardiovascular fitness and muscle toning. A woman weighing 100 kilograms with 36% body fat looks completely different from a woman of the same weight but with 22% body fat.

Maintain hygiene

Well-groomed woman always beautiful, no matter how many kilograms she weighs. Keep your skin, nails, hair, and clothes in perfect condition. Consult a qualified stylist to find a hairstyle that suits your face shape. Don't forget to apply makeup.

Find your clothing style

largely depends on the right choice of clothing. When trying on, be sure to pay attention to the fit. Your clothes should emphasize femininity and in no case be “baggy”. As one women's website advises about everything, with additional accessories you can distract attention from your weight. For example, beautiful earrings or beads will attract the gaze of others much more than your extra pounds.

Overweight beauties should refrain from vulgar clothing

Don't focus on your fatness. To do this, avoid clothing with bare shoulders, and also do not expose your legs above the knee. This way you can hide imperfections.

Love your fullness

Keep your back straight and don't think about your weight. If you consider yourself beautiful, others will begin to think the same. Be feminine and confident in your irresistibility. This will make you look your most beautiful!
