In her speech at the Golden Globes, Meryl Streep criticized the policies of Donald Trump. “Liberal Filmmaker Confusion in Film Titles

The Golden Globe film award, which is called the second most important after the Oscars, was remembered not only for the statuettes in one category or another. At the ceremony, the memory of Carrie Fisher was honored, Meryl Streep criticized Donald Trump, and La La Land, which has not yet been released in Russia, acquired a parody.

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Meryl Streep during her speech at the Golden Globes. Photo by NBC

Meryl Streep vs Donald Trump

Actress and three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for her contribution to cinema and gave a speech from the stage criticizing US President-elect Donald Trump. However, the actress never mentioned the name of the head of state.

Streep dedicated her speech to expectations from Trump's presidency and defended the rights of journalists. She actually responded to the politician’s initiatives to deport illegal migrants and emphasized that her American colleagues were born in the most different places planets: from Canada and Italy to Ethiopia and Kenya.

Streep also recalled the resonant moment when Trump mimicked a journalist in 2015 The New York Times Serge Kowalewski, who suffers from arthrogryposis.

Then the politician allegedly showed uncontrolled hand movements of a disabled reporter who had argued with the president about the collapse of the World War II towers. shopping center September 11, 2001. Trump denied the accusations and said he was unaware of Kowalewski's existence.

When I found out about that episode, it broke my heart. I still can’t get what happened out of my head, because it wasn’t a movie, it was reality. When someone powerful humiliates a person in public, it actually allows ordinary people do the same in everyday life. Disrespect breeds disrespect, violence breeds violence. When someone powerful uses their position to intimidate others, we all suffer.

Meryl Streep, actress

Streep's position did not come as a surprise. Actress Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign and even with parodies of Donald Trump.

Streep's colleagues publicly supported the actress after her performance.

“Is there anyone better than Meryl here?” “Meryl Streep is one of a kind. I love her” “Thank you, Meryl” “She (Meryl) has never looked more graceful than today. Even when breaking into a wheeze, her voice sounded powerful. Thank you, Meryl Streep" "I will repeat, Meryl Streep is the greatest" "A true inspiration. Meryl, you have a beautiful soul. Thank you for using your voice for good." "Meryl Streep is changing the world by lifting us up with a kiss on the forehead."

As a result, the direct addressee, Trump, responded to criticism from Streep. In The New York Times, the president noted that he was not surprised by the attack on him by “liberal filmmakers.” Trump also called Streep a "Hillary (Clinton) supporter."

Later, the US President in his Twitter called Streep one of the most overrated actresses in Hollywood.

“Meryl Streep is one of the most overrated actresses in Hollywood. Although Streep doesn't know me, she criticized me last night at the Golden Globes."

In memory of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

A video tribute to actress Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds was shown at the Golden Globes. Artists at the end of December 2016, one day apart.

Timberlake and Fallon in a parody of La La Land

Golden Globes host Jimmy Fallon opened the awards with a musical number with ceremony guests. The speech recalled the main films and TV series of the year, including “ Star Wars", "Arrival", "Game of Thrones", "Mr. Robot" and "Westworld".

In addition, Fallon and his old friend, singer Justin Timberlake, parodied a dance from the musical “La La Land,” the main winner of the award. The film itself will be released in Russia on January 12.

Movie title confusion

The incident at the Golden Globe Awards is associated with the names of two nominated films. At the ceremony, the films “Hidden Figures” and “Fences” were twice confused.

First, a non-existent picture called “Hidden Fences” was invented by an NBC journalist. The correspondent made a mistake when asking a question to musician and producer Pharrell Williams.

Later, actor Michael Keaton made a mistake with the title of the film. When announcing the nominees at the ceremony, he again said "Hidden Fences."

Twitter users accused Keaton and the NBC journalist of racism. The fact is that the plot of both films mentioned is related to African Americans.

IN " Hidden Figures” is about a team doing the calculations to launch NASA's first space mission. The plot of "Fences" revolves around a former baseball player, now a janitor.

""Congratulations for Hidden Moonlight Fences" - everyone a white man at the Golden Globes, “Jenna Bush asked Pharrell about Hidden Fences. I guess all black films are the same for her." The saddest thing than the Hidden Fences confusion is that someone in Hollywood is presenting a project tomorrow called Hidden Fences."

The topic of racism at American film awards is, to put it mildly, a sensitive one. Can you at least remember

Gosling was also photographed backstage after receiving the statuette. From published

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, on her Facebook commented on the statement of actress Meryl Streep addressed to Trump, who noted that “when a powerful person uses his position to humiliate others, everyone suffers.”

“Doesn’t this apply to the previous administration (Barack Obama. — RT)? Of course it does. Insult and humiliate, even if senselessly and getting the opposite result, is the motto of the outgoing team. Only the “instinctive desire to humiliate someone” had not previously concerned Meryl Streep. She did not fall into the category of those in relation to whom “a powerful person used his position to humiliate another.” This is the price to pay for the policy of double standards. No one should be humiliated, not just those who share the “correct” political views,” Zakharova wrote.

But singer Barbra Streisand supported the actress, saying that she did not know how she could “live these four years.”

“Why doesn’t he sit at briefings, but constantly tweets?” - Streisand is surprised.

“For the hundredth time: I was not making fun of a disabled reporter (and would never have done so), I was just showing how he is acting out, reworking a 16-year-old story to make me look bad. Another example of dishonest journalism!” Trump added.

In a telephone interview with The New York Times, the US President-elect also said that he was not surprised by criticism from the “liberal filmmakers” camp.

However, not only her colleagues, but also the administration of Barack Obama took the side of Meryl Streep. Thus, White House spokesman Josh Earnest noted that “every US citizen can express his opinion where he wants, when he wants.” “Including at the Golden Globes,” he added.

Trump supporters were less active in their statements about what happened. At the same time, Internet users noted the reaction of two famous actors- Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson - during Meryl Streep's performance. According to many, the stars, known for their conservative views, do not share the point of view of their colleague.

Political movie night

Let us remind you that on Monday at the presentation ceremony established by the Association foreign press At the Hollywood Golden Globe Awards, Streep criticized Trump for parodying a journalist with a physical disability during the election campaign.

“And this instinctive desire to humiliate someone seeps into everyone's life when it is instilled by someone powerful, someone who represents a public platform. Others are starting to think that they can do it too. Disrespect breeds disrespect. Violence begets violence. When a powerful person uses his position to humiliate others, we all suffer,” the actress said.

In addition, American comedian Jimmy Fallon, at the opening of the film awards ceremony, compared the president-elect to the cruel and childish hero of the Game of Thrones series, Joffrey Baratheon.

Meryl Streep criticized Donald Trump at the Golden Globe Awards, which took place on the night of January 9. Without naming the US president-elect, she described an incident in which a billionaire parodied a journalist with a disability. We're talking about New York Times reporter Serge Kowalski.

The Republican has already managed to react to what happened. In a comment to the same New York Times, he stated that the criticism of “liberal filmmakers” was not a “surprise” for him. He also called Meryl Streep a Hillary Clinton lover.

"KP" in Ukraine" leads full text speeches of the famous actress.

Thank you. I love you all. You must forgive me. I lost my voice screaming and crying this weekend. And I lost my mind a little earlier this year, so I'll keep reading.

Thank you, Hollywood Foreign Press Association. To continue what Hugh Laurie said earlier, you and all of us in this room truly belong to the most demonized quarters of American society. Think about it. Hollywood, foreigners and the press. But who are we? And think about it, what, after all, is Hollywood? Just a bunch of people from different places.

I was born, raised and formed in public schools New Jersey. Viola [Davis] was born in a farmhouse and grew up in Central Falls, Rhode Island. [Actress] Sarah Paulson was raised by a single mother in Brooklyn. Sarah Jessica Parker was one of seven or eight children from Ohio. Amy Adams was born in Italy. Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem. Where are their birth certificates? And the beautiful Ruth Negga was born in Ethiopia, raised in Ireland, as far as I know, and nominated for her role as a small-town girl from Virginia. Ryan Gosling, like everyone else nice people, Canadian. And Dev Patel was born in Kenya, raised in London, and is here now [at the ceremony] thanks to his role as an Indian who grew up in Tasmania.

Hollywood is teeming with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick them all out, you will have nothing to watch except football and mixed martial arts, which are no art. I was given only three seconds to say all this. An actor's job is to enter the lives of people who are different from us and make us feel what it's like to be them. This year there were many, many, many powerful acting works that achieved exactly this effect. Breathtaking, passionate works.

But there was one acting job this year that amazed me. She stuck her hooks into my heart. Not because she was good. There was nothing good about her. She was efficient and achieved her goals. She made the target audience laugh and show their teeth. This was the moment when the man who had been invited to occupy the most respected chair in our country parodied a disabled reporter, someone who was below him in status, lacking his power and ability to respond. My heart broke when I saw this. I still can't get it out of my head because it wasn't a movie. It was real life. The instinct to humiliate other people, encouraged by someone on a public platform, someone powerful, permeates the lives of each of us, it gives the right to other people to do the same.

Disrespect breeds disrespect. Cruelty begets cruelty. When influential world If they use their power to bully others, we all end up losing. OK. Continue in the same spirit.

Here I want to go to the press. We need an honest press that forces the authorities to account for their actions, calls them on the carpet for every misdeed. For this reason, our country's founders included the press and its freedoms in our constitution.

So I'm asking the well-connected Hollywood Foreign Press Association and all of you to join me in supporting the Committee to Protect Journalists because we need them to move forward. And they need us to defend the truth.

And one more thing: one day I was standing on the set, complaining about something - we had to work without dinner or just work overtime - and Tommy Lee Jones said to me: “Meryl, it’s such a privilege to be an actor.” Isn’t that right?’ Yes, that’s true. But we must remind each other of the privilege and responsibility to empathize with each other.

We should all be proud of the work that Hollywood celebrates today. And as my dear friend, the departed Princess Leia, once told me: “Take your broken heart and turn it into art." Thank you.

American film star Meryl Streep, who is remembered by many for her roles in the films “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Simple Complications,” was invited as a guest of honor at the Golden Globe Awards. There, Meryl received an award for her contribution to the film industry, but this year her acceptance speech was completely different from those she had heard before.

Streep shamed Donald Trump

Having gone up on stage to receive her award, 67-year-old Meryl decided to talk about painful issues. And this turned out to be nothing more than the presidential election of the country, which Donald Trump won. The actress began her speech by recalling the story of Serge Kowalewski, a disabled journalist from a famous American publication, whom Donald ridiculed in his speech. Moreover, he did it as if he was parodying a disabled person, thereby causing a lot of negativity against him in society


After this, Streep said the following words:

“Our society needs to understand that people who are given power do not have the right to offend the weak or ridicule someone’s shortcomings. We need to fight this and we all have a responsibility to participate in it. Only together we can overcome this chaos. We all need to make it a rule that any aggression generates aggression, and any violence generates the same in response. We need to respect every person on earth and then there will be harmony in the world.”

After this, Streep admitted that an honest press is very important to her and that is why this profession, like no other, requires support from society during this difficult period.

There were quite a few actors present at the Golden Globes who couldn’t take their admiring eyes off Meryl. After the end of the ceremony in in social networks Posts with the following content began to appear: “I am delighted with Streep! Her speech is something magnificent”, “Meryl is a great actress. Her words sank into my soul,” “I am amazed at Streep’s courage and openness. Her words were very correct,” etc.

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Trump responded to Meryl's remarks

After everything that happened, Donald, as many have already understood, did not remain silent, but gave a short interview to the New York Times:

“I have never parodied anyone. I was simply answering the journalist's question. My reaction was quite emotional because he changed certain facts in my biography. People keep saying that I deliberately made fun of the journalist's disability, as if Meryl Streep and her associates can read my mind. I declare publicly that I did nothing of the kind. And remember, Meryl Streep introduced Clinton at her convention, and many of these people supported her, too. Streep is a real Hillary lover. I have nothing more to say."

On the night of January 9, while receiving an award for her contribution to cinema, the actress criticized Donald Trump. Without naming the US president-elect, she described an incident in which a billionaire parodied a journalist with a disability. We're talking about New York Times reporter Serge Kowalski.

Instead of thanking her husband, four children and providence for a career crowned with fame, three Oscars and countless other awards, the actress talked about what was most important. About what worries you most today. She recalled the episode involving the future president that broke her heart. She called the episode a kind of “acting performance that was quite effective, achieved its goals, and even made the target audience laugh and show their teeth.” “I still can’t get it out of my head because it wasn’t a movie. This was real life.

The Golden Globe is an award given by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, that is, presented by foreign journalists accredited in the United States. Through them, people from all over the world, the actress addressed her contemporaries in a voice broken from tension. To the hall in which they sat Hollywood stars, also come from all over the world. She spoke about the main infection that covers everything larger number people: about the legalized instinct to humiliate those who are weaker and have no rights. Someone who is lower in status, condition, who does not have power and cannot answer. About the instinct that penetrates the lives of each of us, “encouraged by someone on a public platform, someone influential...”

That is, about power, which today is becoming synonymous with “cruelty” and “disrespect.” And then “cruelty” and disrespect boomerang between people and countries, “seeping into everyone’s life. When the powerful use their power to bully others, we all lose.

The Dream Factory and its ballroom ceremonies often become platforms for serious political statements and actions. In 1973, she appeared on stage instead of Marlon Brando (“Oscar” for her role in “ Godfather""), an activist for the rights of Indians protested against the arrogant attitude of the film industry towards the indigenous population of America. Michael Moore's speech against the Iraq War comes to mind. Sean Penn called on Americans to respect the rights of sexual minorities. Last year, Leonardo DiCaprio spoke about the irrepressible greed of politicians and the uncontrolled suicidal pollution of nature. Hollywood has always been distinguished not only by its politicization, but also by its sympathy for the Democrats.

However, Meryl Streep's words are not about politics. They are about what makes us human, about Chekhov’s “take care of the person in you.” About the most important privilege, honor and task of art: empathy for another.

Outside of this responsible privilege there can be neither an artist nor a person. Otherwise, what we see every day on TV happens: a deep discrepancy between words and deeds. This is also why Meryl Streep called on her colleagues and the Golden Globe Association to support the press as the only one capable of defending the truth.

Meryl Streep, named by critics as “The Best Actress of All Time,” knows how to speak in the “first person.” In the drama “Kramer vs. Kramer,” the text of her heroine (in the courtroom) was composed by the actress herself—the script version seemed too banal and routine to her. And her “Globus” speech touched a nerve among many. Donald Trump was quick to accuse the three-time Oscar-winning legend of world cinema of bias, at the same time calling her “one of the most overrated actresses in Hollywood, Hillary’s henchman, who lost miserably to him, Trump.” With his comment, the newly elected president clearly confirmed everything said by the “liberal filmmaker.” At the same time, demonstrating to what extent he is not in the subject. After all, one of the main tenets of Meryl Streep’s life is: “You don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your father and mother proud."

And as for the press: yes, it’s true, we really need “an honest press that would force the authorities to account for their actions and call them to the carpet for every misdemeanor.” And not only America.
