Are virtual reality glasses harmful to vision? Virtual reality helmets: heal or cripple.

Any technological device, especially one used in everyday life, is assessed from several points of view, where the important thing is how harmful it can be to humans. This approach to technical innovations has a long history. Even at the time of the birth of the same cars, people were worried about their safety, as they were afraid of these noisy carriages without horses.

With modern devices everything is much simpler - they do not pose a danger to human life, but can threaten his health. For example, prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor causes vision impairment. What are the dangers of virtual reality glasses, which are essentially head-mounted monitors? Does long-term use lead to decreased vision? Are there any other dangers from such devices? Let's try to answer these questions.

It is believed that the use of Oculus Rift glasses does not lead to loss of vision and, moreover, they cause only a small degree of eye fatigue. No, the eyes get tired, but not as much as when using computer monitors, which is due to the so-called fixed gaze. Looking at the monitor means being at the same distance from the object of viewing, which is avoided in the Oculus Rift. Focusing vision with the help of this type of glasses is characterized by variability, since the displayed picture constantly changes its distance, which provides the necessary movement of the pupils, which is comparable to how it happens in Everyday life without using various devices.

In this regard, we can talk about the absence of direct threats from Oculus Rift. Danger in in this case arises from something else. Dive into virtual world leads to the user losing a sense of reality. As a result, there may be problems with the vestibular apparatus. Therefore, it is advisable to take regular breaks during gameplay, which will restore “lost” body functions and give rest to the eyes. Also important is the furnishings of the room used to be in the virtual space. Try to get rid of unnecessary interior items that could cause you to trip and fall. And the configuration of the room itself can be somewhat dangerous if, for example, there are sharp corners of the walls.

To summarize, we can state the complete safety of Oculus Rift glasses in relation to the player’s health, if the measure of their use is observed, since many hours of isolation from the real world can hardly be considered something reasonable and useful.

Virtual reality, from English words Virtual Reality, means created using technical devices a world that can be perceived by a person through sight, hearing, touch and smell. At the same time, the user is literally immersed in this world, as he develops certain reactions to everything that happens in it.

For example, a user playing games using a VR headset will experience more emotions than without it. This fact confirms an experiment conducted by scientists in which 1,500 people took part - they were asked to play scary games Online Games. As a result, when playing without a VR headset, 8% of participants experienced a feeling of fear, and when playing with a headset, their number increased to 80%.

5. Health implications

We have already noted that in the 80s, helmet users often experienced symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, headaches, and disorientation. There were even unexpected flashbacks. In 1995, a student at the University of Chicago took part in an experiment in which she spent several hours in virtual reality.

The trick is that in 2015, people who tried helmets continue to suffer from the same problems. A special term has even been coined for this - “cyberdisease”. John Carmack, CTO of Oculus VR, openly acknowledges the problem. Samsung advises against using the Gear VR altogether if you experience symptoms, and does not recommend giving the helmet to children under 13 years of age.

Most people involved in the development of the technology attribute this to the relatively low resolution and frame rate. Like, let's work a little more with a file - and everything will work out. However, Mayank Mehta, a neuroscientist at the University of California, has a slightly different point of view.

In addition, Dr. Mehta conducted an experiment with laboratory mice. It turned out that when rodents enter virtuality, 60% of the neurons in the hypothalamus (the area of ​​the brain responsible for orientation in space, memory and dreams) simply... “turn off”, and the rest show abnormal activity. However, the long-term consequences of this phenomenon still remain unknown. Maybe we're panicking for nothing. But, you know, the prospect of keeping even the most high-end display a centimeter from your eyes doesn’t look very healthy.

Harm to the eyes of virtual reality

Let's take a closer look at computer glasses, the benefits or harms of which are of concern to many who want to become the owner of such products.

Computer glasses can be harmful only in one case - if low-quality lenses are inserted or if they are not suitable for a particular person.

Lenses must be selected individually, taking into account all the features of the visual apparatus.

If you experience uncomfortable or even painful sensations when wearing eye-improving products, it is better to stop wearing them and seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

A type of computer model can be called virtual reality glasses (3D glasses). They are a head-mounted monitor that allows you to immerse yourself in virtuality.

The harm from VR glasses is not very strong - they tire your eyes even less than from a standard computer monitor. The fact is that here the eye does not concentrate on one point, but follows the movement and is not at rest.

Thus, virtual reality glasses, the harm to vision from which is minimal and therefore do not pose a danger in this context.

However, the danger of virtual devices lies elsewhere. By being overly immersed in the virtual world, a person loses orientation in space, which leads to problems with the vestibular system of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use head-mounted monitors no more than three hours a day, taking a break every half hour.

There is no consensus on the impact of virtual reality glasses. Many parents claim that they damage the eyes and have a bad effect on the child’s psyche. There is no clear statement on this matter. When wearing glasses for a long time (more than 40 minutes a day), severe tension occurs on the eye muscles, they begin to water and swell.

With moderate use there are no negative effects. Manufacturers claim that they are less harmful behind a computer monitor, due to the constant movement of the eye, rather than concentrating it on one point. Excessive gaming of the device causes headache, spatial and temporal disorientation, can impair work nervous system.

Can a computer game, movie or book harm the psyche? There are many factors here - it all depends on the type of personality, on how much a person is immersed in the virtual environment. A virtual reality helmet probably does provide a greater immersion effect compared to a computer, but this issue still needs scientific evidence.

However, we can already state that people with disabilities should use the helmet with caution. psychological disorders such as perception disorders, problems in mental development etc. Those who are depressed or have an anxiety disorder should also avoid wearing a helmet.

We were able to draw such conclusions thanks to our extensive experience working with these devices: our institution has been cooperating for several years with the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, where research is being conducted on virtual reality and its impact on humans.

The neurologist especially noted that, as in the case of computer games, it is necessary to clearly distinguish real life and virtual life: do not run away into a beautiful virtual world from solving problems. And the main risk group here are children and adolescents, as well as people with a tendency to addictive behavior.

My advice to anyone who has doubts before using a VR headset is not to be lazy and consult with a psychotherapist familiar with negative impact VR Despite the fact that the technology is really new and there is no medical practice yet, a psychotherapist will probably be able to point you to possible complications or negative effects that may occur specifically for you.

The universal warnings are as follows: pregnant women, elderly people and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy and other severe mental illnesses, as well as visual impairments should refrain from virtual reality. Children under 13 years of age should not play with helmets, or use them under adult supervision.

The International Institute of Psychosomatic Health was one of the first in Russia to begin treating certain mental disorders by immersing the patient in virtual reality. We did not fail to take advantage of the experience of the institute’s specialists and carried out several experiments. The first of them was devoted to a therapy session with the participation of a patient suffering from arachnophobia (pathological fear of spiders).

As it turned out, in addition to various phobias, VR helmets are used to treat anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, as well as to diagnose and train cognitive functions (memory, attention, spatial thinking, etc.). Particularly effective is the treatment of aerophobia, a common disorder in which a person is afraid of using airplanes.

In the most severe cases, panic attacks occur even at the sight of some parts of the interior of the aircraft cabin. Thanks to virtual reality technology, the patient is first shown toy models of airplanes, then more and more similar to real planes, invite a person to go inside the plane, take off, and gradually increase the time of the virtual flight. In combination with psychotherapy, you can get very good and quick results.

However, here lies one of the most great dangers- According to official statistics alone, there are now more than 10 million patients in the world suffering from various phobias. If we consider that a large proportion of people do not recognize their mental disorder, the actual number may increase several times.

A person who has, say, a hidden fear of open spaces (agoraphobia) suddenly finds himself in a gaming situation in the middle of huge field and goes into a state of panic. Such stressful situation depending on the strength of the impact, it can provoke side effects- from short-term perception disorder and poor health to a heart attack.

Alas, the “bright” side is best studied new technology- that is, its use in psychotherapy. All experts agree that there are neither sufficient statistics nor clinical studies to introduce any regulatory rules. However, we can give recommendations that could protect you and your loved ones.

Let's start with what modern monitors were like 10 years ago. Now the update frequency is much better and thus the load on the eyes is very small. Also, vision should be affected by long-term retention of the eye area. In virtual reality glasses, the user will constantly look around him, into the distance, his eyes will constantly move, thereby there will be no deterioration in vision.

Prices for VR devices

Online store for virtual reality glasses BESTVR offers you a wide selection virtual glasses for smartphones. At the same time, the employees of the online virtual reality glasses store will provide you with all the necessary support in choosing virtual reality glasses.

Online store for virtual reality glasses BESTVR - we know a lot about virtual reality!

The pricing policy will depend on the model, manufacturer and type of device. How much do virtual reality glasses cost? Prices range from 300 to 40,000 rubles. Thus, glasses for a computer are usually more expensive than glasses for a smartphone due to the fact that they have separate components in the design.

In the instructions for some VR gadgets, manufacturers warn: if you wear a helmet or glasses, walk down the street, climb stairs, approach open window or pick up sharp objects - you may experience health problems.

But these are requirements for safe use. The harm that VR gadgets can cause to health is discussed vaguely. Doctors are also in no hurry to comment: there are still few statistics, and what is available is difficult to generalize, because the devices are very different.

Especially in the safety instructions there is a point where it is prohibited to ride a bicycle or drive a car in a VR helmet.

There is still no standard that would regulate the main characteristics of VR technology - picture quality, brightness, frame rate, dimensions and weight. There are also no regulations regarding the impact of these gadgets on health.

One in 4,000 users experience dizziness, epileptic seizures or blackouts.

For whom VR gadgets are contraindicated

Instructions for the safe use of the Rift and Gear VR, published on the Oculus website, officially and categorically prohibit the use of the devices by children under 13 years of age. Similar restrictions can be found from other VR equipment manufacturers. At the age of 13-14 years, the visual system continues to form. So it’s better not to use VR gadgets.

In addition to age restrictions, manufacturers recommend that when using VR helmets, pregnant women suffering from impaired binocular vision, psychiatric disorders, or heart disease consult a doctor.

Age restrictions are associated with the fear of manufacturers, because data on use in more early age very little.

Pavel Brand

Neurologist, Ph.D.

Effect on vision

This is what virtual reality glasses look like from the back side

Our eyes are natural photo sensors. They record the light signal and send it to the brain. The brain compares the images received from the right and left eyes and analyzes the information received. For example, to determine the distance to the nearest object.

When inconsistent information comes from the right and left eyes - say, one picture is brighter or less sharp, or the images are of different scales - the brain finds it a challenge to analyze these pictures. If the difference is small, the brain will try to solve the problem using the eye muscles: making us shift our point of view, refocus our lenses, squint or blink. At the same time, even a slight desynchronization of pictures, if you perceive it long time, is enough to cause burst blood vessels in the eyes, headaches and other “delights” of rapid eye fatigue.

The dynamic and poorly coordinated plot of VR content does not leave the brain time to analyze incoming information and adapt. The result is migraines, nausea, vomiting, pain and “sand” in the eyes.

VR has a negative impact on the organ of vision, and at the same time on everything connected with it (it can provoke an epileptic attack or acute dizziness, for example). In addition, VR, like any gaming gadget, leads to physical inactivity.

Pavel Brand

Neurologist, Ph.D.

Effect on the vestibular apparatus

The vestibular apparatus is our internal organ balancing, it allows you to maintain balance. It is a complex complex of numerous balance receptors, supplemented by information from touch, vision and hearing.

The symptoms are the same as for seasickness. Nausea and vomiting are the first flowers from this bouquet. Visual perception may change when the image blurs or doubles in size. Other symptoms include disorientation, increased sweating and/or salivation, dizziness, pain in the head or eyes, and lethargy.

The vestibular apparatus may malfunction when quickly changing spatial orientation in a VR helmet, much like when a seaman is rocking.

VR and discomfort: it’s different for everyone

The same person can ride a roller coaster - and then turn green with nausea during a slight rocking motion on a pleasure boat. Some people begin to feel nauseous in the cinema a minute after the start of a 3D session, others watch 3D for hours without problems.

It’s the same with VR gadgets. The same person can experience a wide range of sensations from the same VR content with different health conditions. This especially applies to fatigue, lack of sleep, jet lag, alcohol or drug intoxication and hangover, stress, anxiety, colds, migraines and even poor digestion.

Information about virtual reality and accessories related to it comes from everywhere. The Internet and the media constantly talk about virtual reality technology and VR glasses in particular. A natural question arises about the safety of using such devices.

Maximum immersion into a non-existent world until recently remained only a dream for gamers. At the end of March last year, a mass-produced VR device went on sale.

The helmet manages to create an incredibly strong illusion of being in fictional reality. Previously developed accessories could not even come close to matching it. These do not include special VR systems made for special services and the military.

Throughout all previous years, virtual reality remained outside the consumer sphere and was not on sale. The people who took part in the experiments were constantly monitored by specialists. One of the reasons for this is the enormous cost of equipment.

After VR devices went on sale, buyers began to have certain questions that for some reason remain unanswered. For example, the harm and benefits of virtual reality.

This behavior of manufacturers is understandable, because profit and attracting the maximum number of customers depend on the speed of production. In response to questions from regulatory authorities, suppliers of VR glasses have prepared a saving phrase that formally virtual reality accessories have been produced for more than 10 years and during this period no serious problems have been found among consumers.

In fact, everything previous versions helmets, virtual reality systems were not in demand on the market. Their maximum circulation was several thousand, and in this case it is impossible to talk about the experience of mass use. Their impact on people cannot even be approximately compared with the new generation of glasses.

When using the device, the brain begins to relate itself to the fictional protagonist. Such an association provokes a number of problems. For example, every owner of a gadget experiences nausea or dizziness. This is just the least of unpleasant consequences. Long-term use of the device in a violent game can cause mental disorders.

According to neurologists, video recordings computer games, books and films have different effects on individual personality types. The time spent in the virtual world also has an impact on players. The most accurate image transmission compared to a PC is undeniable, but this needs to be proven scientifically. The manufacturer's list shows the most likely side effects. This is nausea and dizziness. Much less often (1 case out of 4 thousand) attacks of epilepsy or convulsions may occur.

The user manual for virtual reality gadgets indicates general rules. In particular, when wearing glasses, walking up stairs, approaching an open window, or interacting with sharp objects, there is a high risk of injury. As for harm to health, vague language is used here. Doctors also cannot comment on this point, explaining their unpreparedness by the lack of statistics.

According to information in the manufacturer's instructions published on the official Oculus website, the use of accessories by persons under 13 years of age is strictly prohibited, since their visual system is not fully formed.

Adults should supervise teenagers until they reach adulthood. This is necessary to comply with the regime and take action if side effects caused by the use of the gadget.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary for pregnant women and those users who have visual diseases, mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

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We asked doctors whether a virtual reality helmet was dangerous for children. If everything is clear with adults (the vestibular apparatus can be trained), then with a growing human body many questions arise. Manufacturer age restrictions

First, you should pay attention to what the manufacturers themselves indicate. For example, and has an age limit 13 years and higher. U - 12 years. Company HTC directly does not indicate specific age, but simply mentions the undesirability of using a helmet for children. But how were these restrictions determined? Is this a legal formality or is it actually a threat to the child’s health?

Optometrist and professor of visual sciences, psychology and neuroscience at the University of California at Berkeley (USA) Martin Banks(Martin Banks) says that he has not yet seen direct evidence of a negative effect from the use of a virtual reality helmet by children. " I think all manufacturers are starting from the very fact of children’s development, which slows down with achievement adolescence, in which they can already play safely for their health. Therefore, they advise people not to allow the use of (a VR helmet - author's note) during the period of significant development of the child».

That is, manufacturers of VR headsets are simply being cautious in light of the fact that virtual reality is a relatively new technology, and we simply may not be aware of its side effects that will appear in long-term observation.

Professor Banks believes that the displays of a virtual reality helmet located close to the eyes can cause the same strain on vision as a phone or book when viewed from a short distance. As a result, this will result in the development of myopia (myopia). This problem is very common on our planet, and is often caused by such hobbies as reading books and working on the computer. You can distinguish nearby objects well and clearly see all the details, but distant ones are blurry and difficult to focus on.

However, Mr. Banks notes one important difference between a book/smartphone and a VR headset. In the first case, vision is focused on one point close to the pupils. When the optics of a virtual reality headset stimulate the vision to observe a fictitious distant object. This deceptive effect reduces the load on the eye muscles, therefore, without causing disturbances in the functioning of the visual organs. That is, a VR helmet can have less problems than books or smartphones.

Stereoscopic deception

At the same time, professor Peter Howarth(Peter Howarth) as an expert in optics and teacher in the field of imaging notes that the difference between a person's natural view of the world and viewing stereoscopic three-dimensional scenes through the optics of a virtual reality helmet is quite significant. The headset imitates a real image, presenting different pictures to the eye.

« The ability to see and distinguish details depends on the formation of a sharp image on the retina. Again, using the VR system intermittently should not have any impact negative influence on vision, even if the image quality is significantly inferior to the picture of the real world", - assures Peter.

Moreover, he believes that such devices (VR helmets) will help medicine cope with the problem of “lazy eye” (amblyopia), for example. That is, virtual reality not only practically does not damage vision, but even with a reasonable approach will help humanity get rid of physiological problems.

Doctors are aware of the following problems when using a VR helmet:

- Visual and vestibular-induced motion sickness .
If you've ever experienced serious discomfort on roller coasters or other extreme rides at amusement parks, then you'll experience the same thing with a VR headset.

- Latency causes nausea effect .
Manufacturers pay attention to this aspect Special attention- the physical rotation of the user's head and the subsequent shift of the camera angle in the virtual world occur with a slight difference in time, called delay. With prolonged use and in case of insufficient system performance, this leads to nausea, motion sickness, headaches and other similar “motion sickness” effects.

- Threat of hitting in the real world when moving in the virtual one .
Some games offer owners of a VR helmet full body tracking with transfer of movements into virtual space. Bumping into corners or hitting anything in the room won't be a problem if your eyes can see nothing but the headset's displays. Manufacturers equip their systems with warning software so that this doesn't happen. But this may not work with a child.

- The brain needs time to return to real world and adapt .
Simplified rules and maximum effect tricking the brain through visual and auditory organs forces a person to immediately immerse a third of his nervous system in the virtual world. After one active game, coordination and postural stability are impaired. Not recommended, such as driving or operating complex technology, as stated in the operating instructions.

Children can use a VR headset, but be very careful

You cannot ban a virtual reality headset for children - there is no direct threat. But there are many indirect dangers that can arise without adult supervision. Starting from the likelihood of a fatal blow to the corner of the table and ending with psychological dependence on VR games.

However, the same can be applied, for example, to a smartphone. A child can look at its screen and fall through a hatch, or experience acute neurosis when losing a phone, right? So, the manufacturers simply protected themselves at the legal level, so that if a child under 12 years of age got into trouble due to the use of a VR helmet, then the parents who allowed this to happen would find it difficult to sue the manufacturer for anything.
