“The Choice of the Strongest” by Claudio Fernandez-Aráoz. Download the book The Choice of the Strongest

Everyone knows that “personnel decide everything.” However, not all leaders work on one of the most important skills - the ability to find and place the “right people in the right positions.” Trial and error is expensive. Therefore, it is customary to consider such ability as talent and entrust it to experts. But this skill can be trained even in those who considered themselves deprived of this kind of “intuition.” The author of this book, a partner at Egon Zehnder International, an executive search firm, has spent twenty years searching for top managers for the world's leading companies and has honed his ability to understand people to near perfection. His ideas will be very useful to businessmen, executives and top managers of companies.

Copyright holders! The presented fragment of the book is posted in agreement with the distributor of legal content, LitRes LLC (no more than 20% of the original text). If you believe that the posting of material violates your or someone else's rights, please let us know.

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Translator M. Ferber

Fernandez-Araz, Claudio

The choice of the strongest. How a leader can make major decisions about people / Claudio Fernandez-Aráoz; [translation from English]. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016.

ISBN 978-5-91657-438-8

Everyone knows that “personnel decide everything.” However, not all leaders work on one of the most important skills - the ability to find and place the “right people in the right positions.” Trial and error is expensive. Therefore, it is customary to consider such ability as talent and entrust it to experts. But this skill can be trained even in those who considered themselves deprived of this kind of “intuition.” The author of this book, a partner at Egon Zehnder International, a senior executive search firm, has spent twenty years searching for top managers for the world's leading companies and has honed his ability to understand people to near perfection. His ideas will be very useful to businessmen, executives and top managers of companies.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, 2007

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

For many years, decisions about human resources were directly related to the intuition of the person hiring - either it is there or it is not. The emerging assessment and testing methods have simplified, but have not completely solved the problem. The intuition of the manager making the final decision still remains the main factor in selection. This is completely wrong! Decisions regarding people, like many others, can be systematically analyzed and significantly improved! Whether you are a startup founder, a promoted manager in need of a new team, or an owner looking for a CEO, the ability to choose the best will determine the success of your career, personal happiness and the success of the organization as a whole. The risk is too great to experiment. Trial and error can be expensive. Few places teach this, but in fact, choosing the strongest is just a skill. A book by Claudio Fernandez Araoz, a recognized expert in the search for top managers...

Publisher: "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" (2010)

Format: 60x90/16, 408 pages.

ISBN: 978-5-91657-095-3

Reviews about the book:

Unfortunately, we like to present old stuff or outright rubbish as a revelation from... The publishing house of the three comrades does not shun this either. The book is absolutely empty! Selection is technology, it is certain methods this very selection - the choice of these methods depends on the task of personnel selection. not a single method, not a single technology, not even approximate questions... nothing except “you must understand”, “you must be able to see in a person...”, “a certain structured interview” and blah blah blah. Do we really seriously expect that they will reveal to us the secrets for which these people receive from 20 to 100% of their annual earnings for headhunting or executive search of top management? The afftor “opened our eyes” to competency-based interviews and the importance of “emotional intelligence”... Mamma Mia! It's 2012 and not 2002. Wayst of Time!

It’s not often that you come across a situation on Ozone when all the reviews are laudatory, “A”, but for some reason the readers “minus”, disagreeing with the authors. The book left a double impression on me. I liked that it was written by a professional, without pathos or pretentiousness. A man who knows and loves his job. I didn't like that the main idea, which remains after reading the book is simple and merciless. “All people are the same, they can be put on shelves, and at the right time they can be taken out and used as required.” I am naively inclined to believe otherwise. Recommended reading. 4 points for a slight bias towards theory.

Pavel Ivanov, 34, St. Petersburg

It is about life and business, and not about some kind of “personnel selection”... Personally, this book, with its “ideological message”, reminded me, first of all, of the books of Ayn Rand and N. Hill. But it is written in a popular science style, in the style of MBA textbooks (which are relaxing in comparison), without pathos or pretentiousness. To teach, this book, of course, will not teach anything (otherwise it should have been 30 times thicker, however, at the end of the book there is a list of references), but it will set the right direction. True, in our Soviet-Asian swamp such thoughts will find it difficult to take root...

Bulankin Alexey0, Moscow

Any manager will agree that the personnel problem is truly of cosmic proportions! A good deputy is luck of the most valuable kind, a good top manager is an even rarer phenomenon, since he often works at a greater distance from you. The book explains exactly how to see the right potential in applicants for leadership positions in your company. The author is a recognized authority on the issue of selecting and motivating senior management - the basis and support of your team. Presented in detail and convincingly. I recommend.

Alex Alex0, Moscow

Professionals consider this book one of the best on the topic of selecting, integrating and motivating senior executives. The author has spent decades searching for suitable top managers for his clients’ companies, has deeply researched this area, and has now generously shared with readers his approaches to solving the “personnel issue.” He first explains “why” to try to hire executives for vacancies the best people, and then explains in great detail “how” to do this successfully. For the reader who is serious about succeeding in building a team of "powerhouse" executives, this book encourages further exploration of the topics of competencies, structured interviewing, and emotional intelligence. Fortunately, the author recommends best books on these issues, which have already been published in Russian.

Mikhailov Leonid0

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    Great People Decisions

    Why They Matter So Much, Why They Are So Hard, and How You Can Master Them

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

    © Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, 2007

    © Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

    * * *

    The fact that personnel decides everything and that the most valuable capital is people is something everyone in the current generation of Russian top managers knows, even if they don’t remember who and under what circumstances stated this from the rostrum. Today, when the Russian edition of the book Great People Decisions is published, these statements are more relevant than ever - both for Russia itself and for every serious organization that operates in this part of the world.

    Watching your great country For several decades, I have been continually amazed by the process of extraordinary political, economic and social change, surpassing in scale, speed and complexity those occurring in almost any other country in the world.

    Many of today's Russian leaders grew up in a system that was oriented toward the long term and attempted to combine collective interests with those of individual development. Within this system, Russia had significant experience in developing human capital, including the institute of mentoring, personnel reserve (young specialists with high potential), scientific and technical youth societies. However, over time, this experience began to be emasculated: form prevailed over content, and the development of individual entrepreneurship was fundamentally limited.

    Then the pendulum of history swung and, with the destruction of the Berlin Wall, opened the way to unprecedented career opportunities, spectacular rises, and functional and industry transitions that were previously unimaginable (and are again today). Able-bodied Russians, starting from the lowest level of the hierarchy of needs (security, shelter and physical survival), began to climb up Maslow’s pyramid with varying and yet surprising speed. Meanwhile, the market was becoming saturated with consumer goods, and enterprises were turning into companies with the goal of making a profit and receiving an adequate return on invested capital. Russian managers learned new things role models from bright local and visiting leaders, relying on their charisma, as well as on formal on-the-job training programs that often included only the minimum required knowledge. Some, however, studied and worked abroad, gaining access to the world's best practices.

    In general, the Russians molded themselves as managers, and they succeeded quite well. The most in-demand competencies were results-orientation, quick decision-making, and the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and manage these changes. At the same time, there were still more interesting promising projects than talented managers. Market entry valuable papers, mergers and acquisitions according to ever-increasing estimates... the faster, sharper, larger-scale - the more adrenaline. Time itself was compressed; looking a year or two ahead seemed unjustified.

    Today, perhaps in part due to the recent global economic crisis, and perhaps due to their own “midlife crisis,” Russian leaders are realizing that achieving profit and success as such is not enough, that true growth and happiness require not just personal achievement, but also active and significant contributions to their organizations, to their society, to their country, to our shared planet. And now, to paraphrase the names of famous books (1), they are diligently trying to “build something great forever.”

    In this context, the Russians have unique opportunity Capitalize on your exceptional natural and human resources by learning to make outstanding people decisions.

    Since the first publication of this book on English language, publishing its numerous translations, I traveled all over the world, covering a path several times greater than the distance from the Earth to the Moon. I've given a hundred speeches and conducted thousands round tables with CEOs, human resource management experts, members of company boards, prime ministers and presidents of states, heads of ministries and departments, public and utility services, university professors. As a result, today I am even more convinced than ever that whenever we choose the strongest anywhere on the planet, we open ourselves up to success, to growing the capitalization and value of our organizations, to developing great nations and creating a better world.

    However, it is difficult for me to imagine a country where outstanding decisions about people would fall on more fertile soil than in Russia, and I sincerely hope that this book will help many Russian leaders achieve lasting personal success and make their companies great.

    I am extremely grateful to my colleagues Artem Avdeev, Stanislav Kiselev, Ekaterina Rudelson, Vladimir Kochukov and Alexey Sokolov for their help in preparing the publication of the book in Russian. I am especially grateful to Catherine for her commitment and pursuit of excellence during our collaboration on this truly special edition.


    The important choice is yours

    No Nothing more important for the company’s work than the manager’s skill in attracting and promoting outstanding people. The personal success of each manager also directly depends on his ability to competently form a team by recruiting the right people.

    But filling key vacancies is difficult. At the same time, oddly enough, only very few managers receive at least some vocational training in that the most important form activities, and there are no well-designed tools to help them in the absence of such training.

    Our book aims to fill this gap.

    As you've probably learned throughout your career, organizations are the people who make them up. It doesn't matter how technologized, automated, offshored, decentralized, or rationalized a company is (or how believes yourself as such). In the end, any organization is still people.

    Managers don't sleep at night because of many problems: insufficient cash flows, litigation, failed strategies, failed mergers and acquisitions, competitor attacks on the most profitable product lines, etc. But home the reason for the insomnia of successful managers is people: “How to find the best employees and competently distribute the scope of work between them? How to choose the right person for each job?

    People are both the problem and the solution. How does a manager solve a serious problem? Usually he looks for the best people who could solve it, either inside or outside the organization.

    The companies that succeed are those that are adept at solving the “people puzzle”—that is, at finding, attracting, hiring, promoting, and retaining the people who can do a particular job better than anyone else. (Jack Welch told me that during his time at GE, he spent more than half his time recruiting and placing the right people in the right positions.) Organizations that fail to do this are doomed to failure in the long run.

    But the truth is that puzzles are not solved by organizations, but by themselves People. Within every organization, many people (and perhaps you are one of them) must make critical decisions about employee selection.

    Perhaps you are a member of the Human Resources department, and making such decisions may be part of your daily job responsibilities. Or you are a member of the board of directors and in this capacity take part in the selection of a new CEO or senior executive. Or maybe you are one of a group of middle managers who from time to time must make decisions about people in their functional units or regional product divisions. Most importantly, these decisions are vital. I use the word “important” here in two ways.

    1. This is vital for you.

    Firstly (and this main reason, which prompted me to write a book), solutions about people are extremely important to you, the “decision maker.” By proving your ability to competently solve “human puzzles,” you will certainly secure tempting career prospects. And vice versa - by making a mistake in your choice over and over again, you knock down your future career. Analyze the experience of your colleagues, and you will probably agree that those who know how to find good employees are moving up, and the rest are “out”!

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    Business book description:

    Everyone knows that “personnel decide everything.” However, not all leaders work on one of the most important skills - the ability to find and place the “right people in the right positions.” Trial and error is expensive. Therefore, it is customary to consider such ability as talent and entrust it to experts. But this skill can be trained even in those who considered themselves deprived of this kind of “intuition.” The author of this book, a partner at Egon Zehnder International, an executive search firm, has spent twenty years searching for top managers for the world's leading companies and has honed his ability to understand people to near perfection. His ideas will be very useful to businessmen, executives and top managers of companies.

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    The presented fragment of the book is posted in agreement with the distributor of legal content, LitRes LLC (no more than 20% of the original text). If you believe that the posting of material violates your or someone else's rights, then.
