The meaning of the name Margarita (Margot). The meaning of the female name Margarita

Everyone knows that the meaning of a name is directly related to its history. The name Margarita was no exception here. So, a little history.

The name Margarita came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus'. The Orthodox faith came to us from Greece and the names of the saints are also from there. The name comes from the word μαργαρίτης, which translates as “pearl”, “pearl”. It can be argued that the meaning of the name Margarita is “pearl” or “pearl”.

It is believed that Margarita is also one of the epithets of Aphrodite, the patroness of sailors. Taking into account the intensity of navigation in the Mediterranean in ancient times, the name became widespread.

The meaning of the name Margarita for a girl

Margarita is growing up to be an active girl and even a little excessive. Since childhood, she has been endowed with a leadership character and is always in the center of attention. It’s hard to call her obedient; she’s even a little stubborn. This character requires a special approach. You will have to teach her to love useful and necessary things. You probably won't be able to force her to do anything.

In her studies, as in general in life, Margarita has her own vision of what to do. If she believes that she needs to study and wants to, then she will become a wonderful student. If not, then your studies will be weak. She usually does well exact sciences, which once again emphasizes the “male” mentality. She copes well with tasks requiring analytical work.

Margarita's health is quite good, but she has problems with her posture. She often suffers from scoliosis and osteochondrosis already in adolescence. Correct posture and control of excess tension in the back and neck will solve this problem.

Short name Margarita

Diminutive pet names

Ritochka, Ritushka, Ritusha, Ritusya, Daisy, Margosha, Margusha, Marusya.

Name Margarita in English

IN English language the name Margaret is spelled Margaret and Maggie, which is read as Margaret and Maggie.

Name Margarita for international passport- MARGARITA.

Translation of the name Margarita into other languages

in Arabic - مارجريت
in Belarusian - Margaryta
in Hungarian - Margit
in Greek - Μαργαρίτα (Margarita)
in Danish - Margrethe
in Italian - Margherita
in Chinese - 瑪格麗特
in Latin - Margherita
in German - Margarete, Margarethe, Grete
in Norwegian - Margrete
in Polish - Małgorzata
in Romanian - Margareta (Margaret)
in Slovak - Marjeta
in Slovenian - Margareta
in Ukrainian - Margarita
in French - Marguerite, Margot, Margaux
in Finnish - Marketta, Maarit, Reetta
in Czech - Marketa, Margita
in Swedish - Margareta
in Japanese - マーガレット

Church name Margarita(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Church name, although recently approved as a baptismal name.

Characteristics of the name Margarita

Margarita can be described as strict, independent and straightforward. She has shown independence since childhood, but we have already written about this. Her straightforwardness sometimes confuses those around her. She often says quite offensive things, although not devoid of truth. With age, she begins to be a little more restrained, although this is difficult for her.

In her work, Margarita is inclined towards “male” specialties. She good engineer and a wonderful leader. Occupying leadership positions, Margarita is prone to an authoritarian management style. She is guaranteed to have strict order at work. Don't expect a homely atmosphere.

Margarita's family relationships are difficult to build. Her straightforwardness often offends men and even repels them. She finds it difficult to make the compromises that are so necessary in life together. At the same time, Margarita is a wonderful housewife, although she doesn’t like homework. She loves children and even spoils them. She needs to be careful not to spoil her kids.

The secret of the name Margarita

The secret of Margarita can be called a tendency to flirt. It especially manifests itself after marriage, which makes situations especially unpleasant. Having finally relaxed that she doesn’t have to look for a husband, she can be in male society without a goal. This often becomes a discovery for herself. On a subconscious level, she always assessed men as an option for marriage, which, however, is typical not only for her.

Another secret of Margarita can be called her love of ostentatious luxury. If he celebrates a wedding, it will be for 200 people. Everything in the interior will hint at wealth and financial capabilities. Very often she does this beyond her means and then pays for a long time.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Margaritifera (shell in which pearls are formed).

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Pine.

Plant- Daisy.

Stone- Pearls.

The female name Margarita is quite common in Russia; newborn girls are often called it. It is derived from the Late Latin name Margarita, which in turn came from the ancient Greek word “margarites” and takes on the meaning “pearl”, “pearl”. In ancient Greek mythology, it is generally accepted that “Margaritos” is synonymous with the name Aphrodite - the patroness of sailors, the goddess of beauty and love.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: pearl
  • Color: lilac
  • Wood: pine
  • Plant: daisy
  • Animal: pearl clam
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Margarita. At an early age, she shows her independence in everything and has a personal opinion on every issue. She is a diligent student and is interested in school activities. She is especially attracted to mathematics. The girl is very curious, always spying on everyone and eavesdropping. It differs from others in its particular straightforwardness.

The adult representative named Margarita is smart and quick-witted. She is a born leader in absolutely everything - both at work and at home. By nature she is strong-willed, strong, and has a sharp logical mind. Loves freedom and independence, does not tolerate adapting to anyone. The reason for this is a certain isolation and categoricalness.

Positive character traits of Margarita: courage, feeling self-esteem, femininity and tact. Such a girl will never tolerate disrespectful treatment of herself and does not forgive insults. She is too selective in choosing her close circle, communicates closely only with trusted people. She can be described as an intelligent woman, practical, honest and selfless. She is a faithful and devoted friend, always ready to help.

Negative traits: excessive directness, harshness, cunning and resourcefulness. Margarita is too self-critical of herself, she lacks confidence. She does not tend to show selfishness and diplomacy. This explains her conflicts with strangers.

Interests and hobbies

Rita singles out as a hobby logic games and chess. She has a passion for studying philosophy and psychoanalysis.

Profession and business

Margarita is not a careerist; she can be carried away by an interesting and well-paid job. She becomes successful thanks to her hard work, perseverance and an original, non-standard approach to solving assigned problems. She is able to build an excellent career in administration, pedagogy, biology and private business. The profession of a bank manager and public figure suits her. Margarita can easily adapt to a new field of work and even realize her abilities in male professions. She makes a professional lawyer and lawyer.

She shows herself best in the financial direction. Margarita is very careful about recording her activities and earnings. Most often he becomes a teacher, engineer, manager or accountant.


Rita is the owner of good and good health. However, she is predisposed to chronic respiratory diseases.

Sex and love

Margarita loves to be in male company. She has a heightened sexual temperament, is very sensual and sentimental. This is a passionate person who prefers to choose her own partner. Builds relationships the way he wants, ignoring generally accepted norms. Prefers inexperienced young people, before whom he can fully reveal his talents. You shouldn’t make any effort to win her favor if she doesn’t like the man. Margarita can only be interested physically strong guy, but she herself will command them in sex. IN intimate relationships shows his intolerance and wants to get everything from his partner at once.

He is interested in reading erotic literature, but more often he relies solely on his own experience. At the moment of intimacy, she is frank, capable of experiencing the most powerful emotional moments.

Family and marriage

IN family relationships Margarita takes the position of leader and gives herself a dominant place. To do this, he chooses only an easy-going and unambitious person as his wife. She views marriage more as a profitable alliance than as a source of feelings, trust and understanding. She is not attracted to housekeeping and cooking, but when inspired she can surprise everyone with her hospitality and all sorts of culinary delights.

A woman named Margarita, as a rule, gives her other half small reasons for jealousy. Treats children with love, protects them and teaches them early age to independence. He never forgets about his parents and tries to devote maximum of his time to them.

The mystery of the name

Margarita- pearl (Latin).
In cities the name is found quite often, but in rural areas it is almost unknown.
Zodiac name: Fish.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: pine, daisy.
Patron name: pearl clam.
Happy day: Thursday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Margo, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya.
Main features: ambition, curiosity.


Margarita, Rev. Wife, March 13 (February 28). She labored in the Syrian cave for more than 50 years and died around 450.


There is always a thaw on this day.
If the icicles are long, there will be long flax.


Usually, from childhood, Rita has a groovy character. She is active, sociable, strives to be a leader in games, and loves to provide protection to the weaker. She is quite sharp; not only girls, but also boys are afraid of her. Rita is very curious, loves other people's secrets, she never turns her knowledge to harm anyone, but loves to speculate about other people's secrets, and has her own opinion on any issue. He may even express his opinion, which will confuse parents and guests.

The girl is smart and cunning, has logical thinking, it is necessary to direct it in the right direction - play chess, do mathematics. But Rita is rather cool about her studies. Only in high school does she begin to understand that she needs education and gets down to business seriously, in which her strength of character helps her greatly.

Margarita is smart, ambitious and a little angry at the world, because she is sure that her abilities do not find worthy use here. Margarita is straightforward and categorical, prone to scandals, but the older she gets, the more she tries to restrain her emotions. Her understanding of what is happening around her is admirable, but on the other hand, it is surprising how down-to-earth and rational she can interpret situations that, as everyone seemed to have a righteous aura.

Margarita is most often an engineer, she can be a teacher of mathematics, biology, chemistry, a meticulous, scrupulous lawyer, accountant, or assistant. She could turn out great public figure, always seeking justice.

Margarita is freedom-loving and independent. He builds his personal life as he sees fit, does not pay attention; for idle opinions. She is frank in sex, she is characterized by powerful emotions, violent hobbies. Her dreams are about intoxicating passion and love, in which you will drown, forgetting all the excitement of this hectic life.

After getting married, Margarita repeatedly gives her husband reasons for jealousy. She takes care of the children. Housekeeping bores her, but sometimes, inspired; she is able to shake an unusually laid table with delicious and gourmet dishes. IN family life Margarita should learn patience and calmness. Too often, the eccentric Margarita leads things to hysterics and mutual insults. However, she is not at all selfish, seeks justice and, having calmed down, begins to understand that justice does not mean the priority of all her desires. She needs a man who is flexible, without any special ambitions, witty, and able to treat his wife’s emotions with kind irony. Such a man can bear the name Arkady, Gennady, Veniamin, Vsevolod.


Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova (1781-1852) - came from an old noble family of the Naryshkins. She loved her second husband Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov (1777-1812) very much. During Patriotic War He, commanding a brigade, fought near Vitebsk and Smolensk, and was killed near Borodin.

For several days and nights Margarita searched for her husband’s body among the hundreds of thousands of dead who littered the battlefield. She never found a husband and decided to build a church on the site of the battle. In 1820 the temple was consecrated. In 1838, after the sudden death only son, Margarita Mikhailovna took monastic vows under the name Melania in the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery, which she founded. The kindness of Margarita Tuchkova attracted a lot of people to the monastery to venerate the ashes of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Associated with a queen or beauty

Origin of the name Margarita

Translated from Latin language Margarita (“margaritis”) means “pearl” or “mother of pearl”, the name itself comes from “margaritos” or Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty.

The meaning of the name Margarita

Margarita is a pretentious name, even harsh and impatient in places. Its owner is characterized by straightforwardness and independence; she is never afraid to express her opinion, even if it is radically different from the opinions of others.

Childhood. Margarita the child gets along well with her peers and loves adventure. She always tries to be first in her studies and likes to argue with teachers, which often causes conflicts at school. prefers accurate ones.

Job . If we talk about professions in which Margarita can prove herself, then, most likely, the role of a teacher, engineer, or boss will suit her.

The work itself is not the most important thing for her; only the material component is important, which would fully satisfy her needs, of which there are many.

Society. Margarita has practically no friends, this is due to her distrust of people. And who would want to communicate with a person whose own ego comes first, and the problems and concerns of others are of little interest.

If in appearance Margarita looks self-sufficient and calm, then deep down in her soul there is always a storm of desires and conflicting passions raging. It is difficult to interest her in unattractive things that she will never pay attention to.

The owner of the name prefers male company to female company. Men, in turn, never leave her unattended. At the same time, Margarita likes to be wooed or to have “duels” for her sake.

Relationship. In couples and relationships, he prefers a dominant position. The breakup is difficult for him and he may withdraw into himself. Margarita loves sex that is bright, unrestrained, and varied. But only the strongest and most confident person manages to get into her bed. Anyone who had the misfortune of falling in love with Margot will never be able to forget her.

Family and marriage. Margarita can hardly be called a monogamous person, so it is quite possible that she will get married more than once. But a marriage concluded in mature age, will be durable and will last until the end of days.

On the one hand, Margarita does not like family shackles, on the other hand, she enjoys taking care of the house and children.

Often a husband has to be jealous of his Margarita - even being married, she is not averse to flirting with other admirers.

Compatibility. If we are talking about compatibility, then Mikhail, Gennady, Eduard, Sergey are most suitable for the name Margarita. She can develop quite long-term relationships with these people, both in the family and in civil relationships.

A marriage with Kirill, Ivan, Vitaly or Vladimir will most likely not last long.

The meaning of the name Margarita by season

Margarita-winter is demanding, sometimes too tyrannical.

Margarita-autumn - businesslike, practical, stingy.

Margarita-summer - can be slightly soft, has a light spirituality.

Margarita-spring - has an extravagant beginning.

Characteristics of the name Margarita

So, to summarize all that has been said, the meaning of the name Margarita comes down to the following straightforwardness; independence; intolerance; selfishness; practicality; determination; leadership on the verge of despotism; sharpness; extravagance.

    Hello to all the beauties and smart girls :) and here’s what else they write about us. rate girls:

    Sexuality of the name Margarita

    She manages to achieve success both in love and in sex, Margarita is sentimental, sensitive, dreams of crazy love, which makes her “head over heels.” If she experienced this exciting feeling in her youth, she will remember her first love all her life. Margarita loves physically strong men, it gives her special pleasure to dominate them in bed, she is happy only if she controls her partner. She is frank in sex, she is characterized by strong emotions and violent hobbies. If she has failures, she experiences them unusually acutely, falling into depression.

    Margarita is freedom-loving and independent; she builds her personal life as she sees fit, regardless of generally accepted norms. Margarita has a heightened sexual temperament and is capable of bringing a man to a state of ecstasy. Many of the Margaritas prefer young, inexperienced men, to whom they can reveal themselves in all their splendor and whom they introduce into the world of unforgettable sexual sensations. Margarita is keenly interested in erotic literature, loves to talk with men about sex, but relies more on her experience. “Summer” Margarita rather represents a passively submissive type of woman. Her ideal is “ strong man”, to which she wants to obey. In the caresses of a man, she prefers pressure, strength, and aggressiveness. She is somewhat nervous, indecisive, and needs an experienced partner who will “master her.” Intimate life“Autumn” Margarita’s life is not easy; she goes through a chain of disappointments before she finds a partner with whom she will achieve sexual harmony. Marriage with a man born in winter is contraindicated for her.


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    Much fits, but we differ in many ways.

    The only thing I can say is that I hate the Rita derivative. Because it's annoying.

    Well, and another thing is that the Daisies are all multi-faceted queens, as if by choice.

    But for example, I’m still an ulcer, a lazy person, and I don’t like biology. Kings should not know what it is, because few people become doctors anyway.

    Well... I have the opinion that we all behave at once and according to our mood. But the personalities are strong and integral. Quiet jobs are suitable, although if they give us one in which we have to rush here and there, we can handle it just fine.

    Here I saw the question “Is it true that a name influences one’s destiny?”

    I can answer with accuracy. Yes. But the name itself is only a particle of this very destiny. The rest is in the date of birth, time of birth, zodiac sign, etc. But even without this, everything is nothing. You also need to get your ass out of place in order to change something.

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    Everything here suits me very well. My sister Kristina doesn’t recognize some things about me. She thinks that they will spread all sorts of nonsense on the Internet. Once she fell for it and it’s like she was completely scammed there. They told me to put the money on a computer, but she took it and burst into tears. Now she doesn’t trust anyone or anything. After all, she’s wrong, isn’t she? I tell her, don’t judge a book by its cover. And she gets her way. Well, okay, that’s her problem! And so I read about Christina, almost everything is the same, but she doesn’t admit it either.

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    So that's where my straightforwardness comes from! :)))) This infuriates my man Ivan and at the same time respects him for it. Almost everything that has been written about me, although I don’t want to admit some points :) But since we are self-critical, we will have to take into account our nuances :)

    I've never met so many Margosh! :)

    Mom will need to show this article :) And sometimes she also grumbles when I express everything directly and throw myself into the pool;) It turns out that the little thing is to blame for everything :))))

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    A wonderful name. Everything about me. I am a fish, and I really love biology. It’s a pity that earlier there were no computers where you could read about everything and navigate life correctly. I really like myself. What I am, and whoever doesn’t like me, I don’t care about them. These are their problems. My loved ones understand and love me, because we are sincere and not mean, direct and categorical. And I don’t want to change at all, even with age. GOOD LUCK to everyone !

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    I completely agree Margarita is one of the most awesome names! It’s just a pity that we are really starting to think late and ruining our lives with all sorts of freaks! I got married at the age of 20 to Vitaly, gave birth to a son and got divorced, I really thought that I would die without him... but 2.5 years passed and I slowly began to let go! Now I don’t want to continue making mistakes, it’s better to be alone... Daisy girls - think about who to connect your life with!!!

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    Wow! The last option hit the nail on the head!!!

    “She does not strive for high positions, she is quite satisfied with the work that she likes.” Yes, I believe that the breadwinner in the family is still a man! And for a woman, her main mission should be in first place - MOTHERHOOD!!! Well, if you want to work, then choose something you like! This is not a woman's business - a career! :)

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    I don't like the shortened name - Rita. The full one sounds much better.

    I don’t like short ones because of the stupid rhyme.

    And so on, I have July 30th, as written in version 5. Only there's a beheading. And I have a month left until my 15th birthday: DD, I’m afraid...

    About male society - that's for sure. I don’t like to wait, I really need everything at once. The fact that I am not selfish is right on point.

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    I wouldn't say that I have a rude character! And I’m not conflicted at all! Well, I can be rude if someone tries to run into me! And so, I’m very peaceful and affectionate! I don’t regret kind words, I speak from the heart! I hated biology at school, although I love chess! According to the zodiac sign - PISCES! As for first love and marriage, I don’t agree! With this full order! :)

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    RџСЂРёРєРѕР»СЊРЅРѕ, РІСЃРµ РїСЂРѕ RјРµРЅСЏ, RјР°С‚ематику бкологовоо±С‰ Рµ обожаю)) реально королевское РёРјСЏ:) РІРѕС‚ S‚олько, СЃ физрой РЅРµ РІСЃРµ РІ РїРѕСЂСЏРґРєРµ, РЅРѕ СЏ уже РІСЃРїСЂР°РІР»СЏС‚С ЊСЃСЏ начала))))) Рё РІРѕРѕР±С‰ Рµ, СЏ грамотная, честно-честно:D R

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    Of course, not everything here suits me. Well, about the fact that Margaritas express everything to everyone’s face and are very straightforward, this is almost the case, at least that’s how I am, if I want to say something, then I’ll say it. I’m a Capricorn, and not fish. And I don’t understand why they didn’t write that Margaritas are very cheerful and cheerful, for example, I joke a lot and like to laugh.

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    I named my daughter Margarita, we are now 9 months old. Although all my relatives tried to dissuade me. But I insisted on my own, even hid the documents from my husband))), since he was neither for nor against this name. But now everyone has gotten used to it, and I don’t regret it, I really like this name. But she is a Scorpio, she will probably have a very difficult character.

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    Yes... I can only say one thing about me, but I don’t agree with the men that suit us... I think it’s better to choose a man not by name, but by the nature of his appearance, etc..*

    And the name Margarita is the best...

    Yes, this is really a royal name because in England there was a Queen Margot back in the last century!

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    Some people say that the name Margarita is very rare and not popular)) But it is popular))) This is a rare name because everyone thinks that Nastya, for example, is a very good name))) But this may be so But Margarita is a very Beautiful name (with a lot .) means Pearl))) and by the way, there used to be a coral Margot


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    To be honest, no one calls me: Ritanya, Ritunya, Ritokha, Ritosha, Ritusha, Tusya, Marusya, Maga, Maka, Mara, Marga, Margusha. Mostly my friends (boys) call me: Rituzh, Tuzh. And girls Ritka, Rita, Margarita. I wish Margarita Happiness, health, good luck, never get sick. Good luck to everyone!!!

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    I’m shocked... Everything is definitely about me, and about my classmates, and about eye disease, and about straightforwardness, and about the accountant, and I’m Alekseevna, only I’m a lion, not a fish... The only thing that upset me is that my chosen one and I have such love the way, the first one... I wouldn’t want it to end so tragically...

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    The categoricalness and straightforwardness in Margarita’s statements are due to the fact that the name Margarita is royal, and her statements are thoughtful, analyzed. Queens don’t just throw words to the wind. They speak little and to the point)))). I really like my name. I like that it’s not common .

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    I will soon become a mother and I really wanted to name my daughter Margarita. I think this name is very beautiful and majestic! But after I read everything about this name on the site, I was a little disappointed... Is there really so much negative in these people!!? Answer please!

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    Some people say that the name Margarita is very rare and not popular)) But it is popular))) This is a rare name because everyone thinks that Nastya, for example, is a very good name))) But this may be so But Margarita is a very Beautiful name (with a lot .) means Pearl)))

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    Yes, how many Margaritas are there in the world... The name is very unusual, it sounds very beautiful, I constantly hear: How beautiful, rare name! Well, it looks like it’s not exactly rare... But I really like the name, perhaps thanks to it I have achieved a lot in this life (and I’m also a Leo)

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    Yes, how many Margaritas are there in the world... The name is very unusual, it sounds very beautiful, I constantly hear: What a beautiful, rare name! Well, it looks like it’s not exactly rare... But I really like the name, perhaps thanks to it I have achieved a lot in this life (and I’m also a Leo)

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    All those dissatisfied with Margaritas know: they don’t judge only one person!

    Once you've reached one side, don't stop! If you go further, you will find about 100 such sides. We are full of inconsistencies, pros and cons. We are VERY multifaceted. :)

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    Damn, I learned so many interesting things, I found features that fit perfectly))) so many pet names))) I used to love only my shortened name “Rita”, well now full name I like it))) I don’t know how to play chess at all (((We are the best DASIES))))

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    Margo everything fits but they didn’t add that Margarita is her best GIRLFRIEND IF MARGARITA GRIGORIEVA YOU GO TO THIS SITE, you won’t regret it! AND REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS I, licker, Veron, red candy. AND WE ARE IN CLASS 18. OUR TEACHER ELENA YUREVNA. (ZHEKA)

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    Me too Margarita! Everything about me is true. Everything fits. I’m really very straightforward, sometimes I suffer from it, but very often I cut my teeth and say everything I think. This creates certain difficulties. Margarita really beautiful name!

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    I am also a margarita, but from the height of my years, I want to note that the 6th option suits me as closely as possible, but there are disagreements: I will not get married until I am sure that I am loved. I don’t go on adventures, although I love attention. I don't forgive cheating

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    The meaning of the name "Margarita" is actually ancient language- the progenitor of languages, in Sanskrit: “Marga” - “path, road.” "Retus" - "seed, sperm." So it's not a pearl. You would also say that “Ivan” or “Anna” is an old Russian name.

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    Yes!:) Of course I have a bitchy character, since childhood, I let everyone light a cigarette. And even now I’m not giving up my position, as the song says, “my enemy, fear me, my friend, don’t renounce me, :) daisies, take the blow, everything will be fine with us!”

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    everything fits together, except sports.

    And in male society she is just as rude as in female society.

    I don't try to please anyone.

    I was lucky in my first love and no casual connections would have helped me, even if I had been unlucky.

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    Hi all! Margarita will be happy in her marriage to Roman and I really am happy with him. I'm not a Pisces, I'm a Leo! I hate when they call me Rita. I love the full name - Margarita! I am a pearl and proud of it! Everything is a little bit, but about me!

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    I read and read... I got really bored by the end of the article. And I realized it turns out to be so different, multifaceted, how can I find all this in myself, many meanings of the name contradict each other. Or maybe we Ritkas are so... contradictory?? :-)

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    Marvelous!!! I don’t believe in horoscopes and astrological gadgets, but almost everything is spot on!!! And character, and about men. Mathematics and chess are not suitable... Margaritas, let's live up to our loud, proud name! and value yourself.

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    I like your name))) According to my calculations, my child should be born by the end of February, if it’s a girl, I want to name it Margot)))) very majestic name))) Well, character... I think everything will be fine, I’m not an angel myself) ))))

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    Hello to all Margaritas. Yes, there are a lot of coincidences. Although not all. Especially the coincidence with male names. I will definitely be with Edward. We have the best name, royal. You should be proud of this and be worthy of it.

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    I had read about the meaning of my name before, but not so many variants. There are a lot of coincidences, especially in the description “Name and Patronymic”. And yet, despite the small disadvantages inherent in all MARGARITAS, I have a GORGEOUS name!

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    Yes, it's all about me. Especially about men. I adore male society and feel much more comfortable in it than in female society. And I make my husband jealous with this. This is a very beautiful name, especially in full form MARGARITA.

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    Hello everyone! I'm not a fish, I'm a Leo, option 1 suits me, period. It seems to me that the patronymic Mikhailovna also fits the name Margarita. and the family can all be well with husbands named Andrey and Anton, Serey.

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    • I'm expecting a daughter in July-August, Margarita Mikhailovna will be there))) I really hope that everything will be fine))) how are you coping?

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      I’m 60 years old, the name Margarita is magnificent, but it manifests itself with the revelation of your life years. Our name makes men shudder internally. AND APPRECIATE like expensive sea pearls. And not river sand.

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      My daughter's name is Margarita. She is only 3 years old and it is still difficult to compare her name and character with the description above. But the fact that Daisies are strong in character and stubborn is spot on! I love this name.

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