BCAA: food of the future or kidney killer? Benefits and harms of sports nutrition bca, recommendations for use.

The muscle tissue of each person consists mainly of water, protein and minor amounts of other substances. In total, muscle fibers contain a set of 20 amino acids. Thanks to the complex physiological processes of the body, natural reproduction of 12 of them is possible. The need for another 8 can only be met from food and supplements.

For an athlete, the highest biological value is represented by 3 amino acids, which are consumed in the sports nutrition complex.

Among the most popular questions are whether bcaa amino acids are harmful, whether they negatively affect internal organs and if so, under what conditions.

In order to answer whether consuming bcaa is harmful or not, let’s consider the role of each component of the complex:

Isoleucine. Synthesizes hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar levels, participates in energy exchange and controls the healthy condition of the skin. Also, isoleucine helps in muscle recovery and growth, optimizing the central nervous system.

Leucine. Promotes effective pumping and synthesis of natural protein molecules. Inhibits the breakdown of glucose, participates in energy and water exchange, as well as stimulation of insulin. Without leucine, complete absorption of dietary protein is impossible. In medicine, this substance is used to treat the liver and increase hemoglobin.

Valin. Participates in building, enhancing endurance, as well as muscle regeneration, increasing the body's immunity. Helps in regulating energy exchange. Improves the condition of the central nervous system.

In combination, these substances have a pronounced anabolic effect and contribute to efficient growth, development and post-training recovery of muscle fibers.

Almost all food products contain them in small quantities, so discussing the harm of bcaa amino acids to the body is, in principle, inappropriate. We eat eggs, dairy, meat, cereals, greens, fruits, vegetables and we know that without them, the optimal functioning of our body is impossible. Athletes drink gallons of milk precisely to get amino acids, including essential ones, so why should concentrated extracts of these components be dangerous?

However, some forum reviews about the dangers of bcaa on the human body, written by ordinary consumers, can sway even an athlete who has basic knowledge of biology and anatomy. People write about the harm of bcaa to the liver, intestinal disorders and even full-fledged poisoning, including hospitalization.

BCAA - harm or benefit?

Let's consider cases where the use of this supplement is really fraught with danger:

  • Use of clandestine supplements from unknown manufacturers. Most of the athletes who describe the harmfulness of bcaa use cheap supplements of dubious origin.
  • Violation of storage conditions.
  • Unregulated consumption of drugs.

The harm of bcaa to the stomach is also often noted by people who consume the supplement along with substances that cause them allergies or intolerances. For example, every hundredth person suffers from lactose intolerance. It goes without saying that if such a person drinks BCAA together with a concentrate rather than a protein isolate, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. In this case, a person may mistakenly believe that the reason is in BCAA.

But are bcaa amino acids harmful to the liver, since many people who complain note pain in the area of ​​this organ? With unrestrained consumption of the supplement, lack of control of the daily protein intake - 2 g-2.5 g / kg of body weight, taking into account severe liver and kidney diseases, such side effects. IN in this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and develop an individual program for taking the amino acid complex.

Of course, amino acids do not pose a danger to the liver, as was already written above; on the contrary, they are used in its treatment.

This is a completely unacceptable myth about the harm of btsaa for men. Supposedly they reduce potency. In fact, such an effect is possible only in one case - the athlete works to get in shape without rest. As a result, simple fatigue and overtraining lead to decreased libido. The athlete may not feel tired at first, so he mistakenly believes that it was the supplement that had a negative effect.

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that the only benefits and harms of bcaa from taking the supplement are due only to insufficient knowledge and misconceptions of individual consumers in the field of sports pharmacology.

When an athlete wants to quickly gain muscle mass and increase endurance, the ideal solution is to take a special BCAA complex (BCA).

The composition of the complex is a set of important amino acids that actively influence the set muscle mass, to quickly get rid of excess fat, which allows athletes to short time achieve good results.

Features and Benefits of BCAA

BCAA (BCA) is a new generation sports nutrition, the harm and benefits of which are absolutely individual for each athlete. The effectiveness of taking the drug depends on many factors of a person’s health status, his immunity and individual characteristics body.

BCA is a sports nutrition, the harm and benefits of which are strictly individual.

Experts highlight the features of this food additives before others:

  1. The special structure of amino acids, contained in this complex, improve the process of their regeneration into energy. Considering that they are essential (the body does not synthesize them itself), this property simplifies the absorption of amino acids during intense physical activity.
  2. With their help, protein synthesis is launched, thereby reducing muscle damage. After all, muscle mass increases or decreases depending on the availability of amino acids necessary for its construction. From a theoretical point of view, this indicates that taking this complex will increase muscle growth during training.
  3. Occupies an important place in energy production during training, due to which it is necessary for athletes whose activities focus on endurance from training with weights. In this case, you need products that help maintain muscle mass than BCAA and are useful even in the absence of appetite.

In addition to the above advantages, interesting feature consumption of the dietary supplement in question is considered in combination with taurine.

Sports nutrition BCA consists of a complex of amino acids. Among them there are 3 main ones: leucine, valine and isoleucine.

This combination has the following beneficial features:

  • an increase in the water content in muscle fibers, thereby reducing the damage caused to them during training;
  • an increased total amount of amino acids makes muscle fibers more sensitive to calcium;
  • this pair inhibits the production of byproducts that cause fatigue, which promotes better recovery.

Unique BCAA composition

Sports nutrition BCA, the harm and benefits of which is still a highly debated issue, consists of a complex of amino acids. Among them there are 3 main ones: leucine, valine and isoleucine. Each amino acid contributes to the growth of sports performance and performance.

The main role in this trinity is assigned to leucine, which helps maintain normal muscle fibers and ensures their growth, and also participates in the production of collagen. An amino acid such as isoleucine is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates and the breakdown of cholesterol.

Valine is important for replenishing the body's energy reserves, which is also involved in glycogen synthesis.

It is important to know! Each component of BCAAs individually has a positive effect on the human body, but only with complex use can the maximum effect be achieved.

Beneficial properties of BCAA dietary supplement (BCA)

The sports nutrition in question has the following positive characteristics:

  1. Rapid recovery of the body after complex and prolonged physical activity.
  2. Reducing muscle fatigue, due to which their tone is maintained for a long time at the desired level of work.
  3. Building muscle mass.

Harmful properties of BCA amino acids for the body

Experts and many medical sources say that with the correct dosages, no harm can come from taking this complex. Amino acids are the basis for the construction of proteins, which are necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. Accordingly, they cannot cause harm.

The most common prohibition against consuming BCAAs is considered to be an allergy to milk protein.. It may be present in sports nutrition, so this complex should be excluded.

Note! Considering that supplements are used to eliminate nutritional imbalances, they are not mandatory for non-professional athletes, provided that protein intake is optimal.

BCAA - sports nutrition (harm and benefit): what clinical trials say

All the beneficial properties described above are not unfounded, because they are confirmed by clinical studies.

One of these was an experiment in which subjects were divided into three groups. The first consisted of athletes who limited themselves as much as possible from protein consumption, the second, on the contrary, of those for whom it was a priority in the diet, and the third group included athletes with a restriction in food, but adding a BCA complex to it.

After a certain period of time, it was revealed that the third group of athletes had the least weight loss, which is important in sports.

The benefits of BCA sports nutrition are not unfounded, because they are confirmed by clinical studies. But do not forget about the possible harm.

A whole series of studies was also conducted in which trained and non-sports people took part. Its result allowed doctors to claim that This dietary supplement reduces the level of muscle pain after training.

For example, consuming 100 mg/kg reduced the period of muscle soreness by 2 days, which helped ordinary women regain strength faster.

Review of popular BCAAs

Name of sports nutrition BCA Description: useful composition, not causing harm
SciVation Xtend One serving weighing 14 g of powder harmoniously combines the amino acids leucine (3.5 g), glutamine, pyridoxine, citrulline
SAN Intra Fuel
Ideal for pre-workout use as it improves endurance performance. It is one of the most concentrated, since the total weight of a serving of 11 g accounts for 7 g of BCA
BPI Sports Best BCAA A good combination of the taste characteristics of the product with its cost, serving weight – 10 g
MusclePharm BCAA 3:1:2 The optimal dose of amino acid complex is 5 g per 1 serving in capsule form

How to take BCAA for muscle growth

Gaining muscle mass when consuming the sports nutrition in question occurs in certain situations, such as:

  1. Workouts on an empty stomach or prolonged endurance exercise.
  2. If there is no time window for eating before or after training.
  3. Vegetarianism. Taking BCA (sports nutrition), the harms and benefits of which have already been discussed earlier, is necessary for vegetarians due to the inclusion of leucine in it. This amino acid strongly stimulates protein production.

To increase muscle mass you need to use this complex constantly, regardless of the training time. In order to take it during training, it is necessary to dilute the additive with water so that amino acids, gradually entering the body, can feed it with energy.

To close the protein-carbohydrate window, you need to consume this complex in the morning after waking up.

The norm is a single dose of 5 g. According to the recommendations of many sources, the consumption of BCAAs can be increased by 3-4 times, but there is no scientific confirmation of this. There is an opinion among scientists that the amount of this supplement that is absorbed by the intestines at one time does not exceed 7 g, so an increased intake is not advisable.

Rules for using BCAA for weight loss

There are a number of rules thanks to which you can lose weight. To start It is necessary to build your diet in such a way as to ensure a calorie deficit, that is, you need to come to a point where there are more calories burned than consumed.

Further, important point is the inclusion of intense training in power loads with maximum weight and repetitions no more than 10 times. Just this approach will give greater results than repeated exercises many times.

It is natural that needs to be consumed required amount squirrel. There should be at least 35 g of it in one meal. Despite the fact that BCA increases the amount of amino acids in the body, the main share comes from food.

A one-time dose of this complex should be taken half an hour before training and immediately after it. in a volume of no more than 8 g. On days without exercise, the use of this sports nutrition is reduced to 5 g.

Contraindications and possible consequences of BCA (sports nutrition)

Experts do not recommend consuming this complex of amino acids for people with kidney disease., due to its high protein content, as well as for pregnant and lactating women due to insufficient study of the effect on the fetus and lactation. Generally Negative consequences are possible with excessive use.

Be careful! In case of an overdose of BCA sports nutrition, it can not only bring no benefit, but also cause significant harm to the body.

Among the consequences are the following:

  1. Malfunctions of an organ such as the kidneys. They remove many human waste products, including processed proteins. In the presence of chronic diseases and an increased dose of the complex over 50 g per day, their work is disrupted.
  2. Sleep problems. Amino acids themselves are much stronger in action compared to those bound by protein structures. For example, glutamine has a stimulating effect on nervous system human, and glycine is calming. At excessive concentrations, the effect is impressive, which is why experts do not recommend experimenting with dosages.

It should be noted that such harm from taking BCA (sports nutrition with benefits) occurs only if the norm is significantly exceeded - at least 5 times. Subject to compliance with standards and recommendations, no negative consequences there is no question, as has been proven by many professionals in the field of sports nutrition.

For professional athletes, an important point in their activities is increasing or maintaining muscle mass. This is the main advantage of the BCA dietary supplement. A complex of important amino acids helps to increase results, while reducing the burden on the body.

Video about sports nutrition BCA

About how to take and why you need sports BCAA nutrition- watch in this video:

What harm can be and what benefits from BCA can be learned from this video:

After the breakdown of protein foods into amino acids bcaa - organic compounds with amine and carboxyl groups, the construction of muscles, cells, hormones, and antibodies begins. If the body produces 12 amino acids itself, a person receives 9 from food. It would seem, why do we need BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) when you can eat meat, eggs, dairy products and get daily norm protein. However, among bodybuilders and powerlifters the need for it increases significantly. To ensure that the body receives lysine, valine, and isoleucine in full, athletes are advised to additionally consume sports nutrition.

BCAA composition

These 3 essential acids differ in their molecular lattice and aliphatic (side) chain structure. Amino make up 1/3, are responsible for the formation of muscle tissue, and participate in many processes. Each of them performs specific functions

  1. Isoleucine– source of energy. The deficiency leads to chronic fatigue, apathy, decreased muscle mass. Promotes the healing of microtraumas of fibers received after strength training, increases the body's endurance.
  2. Valin supports nitrogen metabolism, accelerates regeneration, and prevents protein denaturation (destruction).
  3. Leucine stabilizes glucose levels, stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone, cell and tissue renewal. Bcaa leucine gives energy and enhances the effects of the others.

What are BCAA's made of and how are they made?

For the production of additives use cereals and animal proteins. To turn them into powders and tablets use 4 ways:

  • extraction;
  • biofermentation;
  • chemical;
  • enzymatic synthesis.

The last two technologies are rarely used. Mainly exploited biofermentation method. Essential amino acids are obtained from pyruvic and aspartic acids and certain types strains.

The purified product is no different from those produced by the body.

What are bcaa amino acids used for?

Taking sports nutrition is necessary to activate the intracellular signaling pathway mTOR, answering:

  • for growth, cell migration;
  • metabolism in muscle tissue;
  • formation of nucleotides.

Since protein is synthesized provided there is a sufficient amount organic compounds, it is necessary for athletes to cover amino acid deficiency after classes in the hall. Men also need BCAA to suppress catabolic processes after intense training. This is especially important during the drying period, when the body works under stress. If there is a shortage Immunity decreases, weight growth stops.

The supplement is an energy substrate

Professional athletes know why BCAA are needed. During and after strength training, intense oxidation of amino acids occurs, and their concentration drops sharply. The process is necessary to break down glucose and maintain energy balance. To keep the level within normal limits, metabolism increases, but this leads to the destruction of protein. An additive will help avoid this.

Sports nutrition for insulin secretion

The complex accelerates the production of insulin, the delivery of glucose and amino acids to muscle tissue. After training, it is useful to immediately take a powder with fast carbohydrates. Leucine quickly increases hormone secretion and activates the regulatory protein PI3K, which is responsible for cell survival and division.

BCAA sports nutrition for weight loss

The supplement indirectly activates fat burning due to increased calorie consumption, since protein synthesis is an energy-consuming process. Strength training and a high concentration of protein create optimal conditions for increasing volume and calorie consumption.

BCAA sports nutrition: when and how to take it

For those who drink protein shakes, a complex BCAA amino acids not needed. Dosage calculated based on body weight.

  1. Weighing 60-80 kg 15 g is enough.
  2. If it is 80-100 kg, norm – 20 g.
  3. With body weight above 100 kg 25-30 g of product is required.

The indicated volumes refer only to the weight of the protein. Manufacturers do not produce BCAA powders, capsules or solutions in pure form. Although complex supplements are made from whey protein, after thorough purification, the mixture contains only 95% amino acids.

Sports nutrition is useful during the period of cutting and weight gain.

  • In the first in case it prevents muscle destruction;
  • in the second– stimulates growth.

Daily norm divided into 2 doses. Btsashki are taken daily in the morning, evening or after work in the gym. In addition, some drink during exercise to maintain a stable energy level, while others drink before bed to restore fiber.

Which form to choose

BSAA is most often taken in powder. Amino acids reach their destination faster and immediately begin to work. Moreover, the dispersed mass easily mixes into a protein shake.

  1. Capsules washed down with water. Gelatin shells take longer to dissolve than powder. Recommended take 2 pieces 1-3 times.
  2. Manufacturers offer BCAA drinks- complexes in the form of tablets with a liquid substance inside. They are inferior to the previous ones in terms of results. Consume 3-5 pieces during training and 4-6 after, as well as 3 pieces in pauses between meals..
  3. Bcaa complex liquid Absorbed faster than powder. Norm45 ml before and after work in the gym. Daily norm3-4 times.

Supplements can be combined with all types of sports nutrition. To gain weight, take it together with citrulline and anabolic steroids. To find out why BCAA is needed in sports, you can include it in your daily menu and compare the results before and after taking it a month later.

There are many muscles in the human body and they differ in their functions and capabilities. But their structure is similar: the most significant components are water (70-80%) and amino acids (10-20%).

BCAA are about 35% in the structure of all types of amino acids that make up muscles (if we consider only essential ones, then their proportion will be 42% ).

That's quite a lot. Up to twenty-five percent of the energy during exercise comes from BCAA. When consuming food rich in protein, these amino acids are the first to enter the bloodstream.

The abbreviation BCAA stands for "Branched-chain amino acids" and literally translates as "branched chain amino acids." They differ from other amino acids in that the body is not able to synthesize them on its own. Therefore, BCAAs are essential and must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, especially during heavy physical activity.

They are broken down protein elements, which are represented by valine, leucine, and isoleucine. This means that the body does not need to waste energy on their absorption, which occurs much faster than when consuming regular protein. They are mainly used during “drying”, as a source of easily digestible protein from which the body can easily obtain energy and building material.

The main role of these amino acids is reflected below:

In other words, if there are no BCAA, the muscles begin to starve. Regular weightlifting or powerlifting leads to the destruction of part of the contractile protein. It is very important at this time to take exactly the protein that is needed.

BCAA relieve muscle fatigue and reduce the loss of other amino acids found in the body. If taken immediately before training, muscle endurance will increase and fatigue will decrease.

If used immediately after training, cortisol levels will begin to decrease and the supply of other amino acids in the muscles will increase, provided that they are not broken down to restore energy stores.

But you immediately need to take into account the fact that they are not suitable as a substitute for protein shakes.

This is simply not profitable - by drinking one cocktail, you deliver 40-50 grams of protein, and when taking essential amino acids this number is 2-3 times less. Of course, the likelihood of BCAA being absorbed by the body is much higher, but the price is much more expensive.

Therefore, only bodybuilders who are willing to spend decent amounts on their sports nutrition can afford such a luxury. Money. And so, they are often used exclusively during drying, when it is undesirable to take carbohydrates, which in excess can turn into fat. Essential amino acids, which cannot be deposited by the body in adipose tissue, are excellent for the function of energy supply, as well as for preserving the accumulated muscle mass.

Main functions

  1. Essential amino acids are broken down by protein and are the main building material for muscles.
  2. Promote the formation of other amino acids that the body needs for normal functioning. In other words, they help make elements of a simple shape into a more complex protein molecule.
  3. They have a positive effect on the production of insulin, which ensures the circulation of sugar in the blood, and it, in turn, supplies muscle fiber cells with energy. And when insulin is produced, protein absorption occurs faster.
  4. Amino acids maintain cortisol and testosterone at a favorable level, increase protein synthesis, and stimulate the production of growth hormones. Thus, they prevent the breakdown of proteins and block the loss of muscle fibers. This is very important on a low-calorie diet.


As experiments have shown, in order to reduce the depletion of muscle tissue, athletes need to consume a sufficient amount of essential amino acids.

It was also found that in athletes, after heavy strength training, muscle recovery occurs in the following two phases.

First comes catabolism, after which comes anabolism– growth of muscle tissue. If the second process lasts longer than the first, then the muscles will begin to grow rapidly.

If catabolism lasts longer, then vice versa. If you shorten the period of catabolism, you can achieve rapid growth muscle tissue. BCAA can contribute to just such a reduction.

However, maximum benefit can be extracted if you take amino acids after training along with fast carbohydrates, which, in turn, will give the muscles an additional source of energy and activate insulin production. Making this cocktail is easy. It is enough to mix 25 grams of carbohydrates with ten grams of broken down protein. The food will keep you full, and the bcaa will reduce catabolism and increase the effect of your workout.

Side effects

Many people underestimate this complex of amino acids. Some people think that taking it is dangerous. But it all comes from ignorance internal work body. BCAA are the same amino acids that make up food, such as milk or meat. Therefore, the whole danger lies only in how much quality product you will use.

How to use?

There is an optimal dose that suits most - this is from four to eight grams at a time for both gaining muscle mass and burning fat. Amino acids should be consumed up to three times a day.

You can consume a smaller amount, but it will not be enough to saturate the body. Many manufacturers understand that some people do not know all the nuances and deliberately deceive customers.

In particular, they produce amino acids in small doses, while keeping prices high. To avoid getting scammed, always pay attention to the number of servings and dose size when purchasing. No breaks are required during administration.

To achieve better results, it is necessary to take the BCAA complex separately from other amino acids. The fact is that this way they will enter the body faster.

Since amino acids are absorbed much better when elevated level insulin, they must be taken simultaneously with food half an hour before and after training. During this time, the restoration processes will have time to intensify and create favorable conditions for anabolism.

Is there enough natural food?

From regular food Sufficient doses of BCAA can also be extracted. However, athletes who need increased portions of essential amino acids will have to strain their jaws and stomach quite a lot due to large quantity meat consumed per day. Here is an example of how much BCAA is contained in everyday foods.

You can find many articles on the topic on the Internet. - harm to the body. Most of them are written by people who understand nothing about chemistry and biology, or sports nutrition. Moreover, they don’t even know how and where they get these compounds.

It's time to put things in order in the information space by explaining to everyone interested how safe they are for health.

Harm of BCAA. Scientific facts, myths, speculations

The first question that every reader should ask is whether it has been proven harm to the body BCAA science?

To answer this question, it is enough to understand what these same amino acids are, what they contain and what they are needed for.

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. They are found in regular meat, fish, dairy products,... That is, they are natural components of proteins of natural origin. It is from these very natural proteins that they are obtained.

Therefore, when newspapers write that BCAA can cause problems in men, it is the same as writing “meat = impotence” or “fish is killing your children.” In fact, some articles turned out to be alterations of research materials.

Leucine, valine and isoleucine are among the essential amino acids that we need to get regularly from our diet. This is true for both guys and girls of any age.

You ask about articles about real people who have been harmed by supplement use? Such cases actually occurred. But we were talking about counterfeit goods, in other words - fakes. They contained harmful substances that had nothing to do with sports nutrition.

The most popular of the components is leucine. It is not synthesized by our body. Contains:

  • In fish (especially a lot of it in oceanic rocks);
  • Milk. Not only cow, but also goat, camel;
  • In eggs;
  • In black and red caviar;
  • Soy;
  • Some cereals, nuts, etc.

Harm of BCAA to the body person- nothing more than a myth. It is constantly replicated by “yellow” publications both online and in print media. However, for any substance, incl. useful, there are norms for the body. Below the norm and above the norm is always harmful, and sometimes even dangerous.

In particular, excess leucine negatively affects cellular metabolism in muscle tissue. Therefore, it is not recommended to be consumed separately or in large quantities.

Uncontrolled use of any additives can lead to hazardous health consequences. Therefore, before you start using it, you need to find out:

  • Daily and one-time norm for your body under standard and intense loads, on non-training days;
  • The content of each amino acid in one serving.

Keep in mind that you regularly receive BCAAs through food. Therefore, taking increased doses in the form of powders and tablets, you risk exceeding the dose. Your trainer or nutritionist should advise you.
