Where does the ice fish live? Ice fish - benefits and harms, recipes for cooking in a frying pan or oven with photos

Ice fish is considered a delicacy due to its rich content of useful elements and rich taste. With proper execution of various recipes, all of the above qualities can easily be preserved.

Ice-cold, or bloodless, fish has tender meat with a sweetish taste, which, when fried, will go perfectly with tomatoes and herbs.

For preparation you will need:

  • 4 carcasses;
  • a shot of olive oil;
  • lemon zest;
  • a little flour;
  • salt and spices.

The preparation method consists of following simple steps:

  1. Naturally thawed fish is cleaned and gutted.
  2. The carcasses are rubbed with salt, spices, grated lemon zest and sprinkled with ⅓ of the olive oil.
  3. After the fish has been marinated a little for 10 minutes, the carcasses are dredged in flour.
  4. Fry the fish for about 10 minutes in a frying pan with the remaining hot oil.

Oven baking recipe

Ice fish in the oven - excellent low calorie dish, The excellent taste of which is emphasized by spicy herbs.

To complete the recipe, it is enough to purchase the following products:

  • fish – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil– 50 ml;
  • cumin, saffron, rosemary and salt - to taste.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. The carcasses are defrosted and cleaned well.
  2. The juice is squeezed out of the lemons and rubbed onto the fish.
  3. The carcasses are also sprinkled with herbs, salt and sent to the refrigerator.
  4. After 15 minutes, the fish is placed in a baking dish, sprinkled with oil and placed in the oven, where it is baked at 180°C for about 30 minutes.

Ice fish in foil

The use of sour cream when baking in foil gives the ice fish a piquant flavor. To prepare 5-6 carcasses, 100 g of sour cream, a little olive oil, spices and salt are also used.

Preparation stages:

  1. Spices, salt, sour cream and olive oil are mixed in a bowl.
  2. Prepared fish is coated sour cream sauce and place it on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  3. A thick envelope is created from foil, which is sent to an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 minutes.
  4. 5 minutes before the end of baking, the envelope is unfolded to form a golden brown crust.

Cooking for children's diet

Since this type of fish has practically no bones, instead containing many minerals and vitamins, it is worth paying attention to it when creating a children's menu.

To prepare 1 kg of ice fish, you need:

  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • asparagus – 10 shoots;
  • salt and olive oil - to taste.

How to create a dish for children:

  1. The main product is thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried, after which it is placed in boiling, salted water for 7 minutes.
  2. Carrots are cut into cubes, asparagus - into small pieces.
  3. Vegetables are lightly fried in oil.
  4. Fish and fried vegetables are laid out on one plate

How to cook fish soup at home

A recipe for a quick, tasty and healthy dish, for which you should prepare:

  • 2 fish carcasses;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • a little herbs and salt to the cook's taste.

In progress:

  1. Thawed and cleaned fish is cut into pieces, which are sent to a pan with salted water, where they are cooked until tender for about 15 minutes.
  2. The fish is removed and the broth is filtered.
  3. Chopped onions, grated carrots, potato cubes, salt, sugar and some herbs are added to the broth.
  4. When the vegetables are cooked, fish is added to the soup.
  5. The first dish is ready.

Ice fish aspic

This fish has virtually no odor and is excellent for aspic.

To enjoy the taste of tender meat, you will need:

  • ½ kg of fish;
  • 50 g onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 200 g peas;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a packet of gelatin;
  • salt.

In preparation:

  1. Fillet is prepared from the fish.
  2. Pieces of fillet, cubes of carrots and onions, and a bunch of herbs tied with a thread are placed in the pan.
  3. The products are filled with 1.5 liters of water.
  4. Everything is cooked until done.
  5. The broth is strained and salted, and the fillet is kneaded by hand.
  6. Gelatin is soaked in 100 ml of cold water, which is gradually diluted with hot broth.
  7. Place fillet, slices of boiled eggs and peas on the bottom of the mold.
  8. The ingredients are poured into the broth, after which the mold is put into the refrigerator until the aspic hardens.

Cutlet preparation option

This unique delicacy produces aromatic and tender cutlets.

It is enough to prepare:

  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 kg of fish;
  • herbs, salt and breadcrumbs.

The products are prepared as follows:

  1. The backbone is removed from the fish and the fillet is prepared, which is passed through a meat grinder.
  2. Onions and carrots are cut into cubes, fried and sent to the fish.
  3. The minced meat is once again passed through a meat grinder, after which it is mixed with egg, salt, herbs and sour cream.
  4. The mixture is formed into flat cakes, rolled in bread crumbs and fried on both sides.

Ice fish in a slow cooker

Thanks to the multicooker, the process of preparing an appetizing dish from 700 g of fish will become even easier.

Additionally required:

  • 2 onions;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • ½ glass of vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Cleaned fish is cut into portions.
  2. Onion cubes are placed in a multicooker bowl and sautéed in the “Frying” mode.
  3. After the vegetable becomes transparent, fish pieces are placed on top of it, salted and seasoned.
  4. A sauce is prepared from cream and grated cheese, which is poured into the contents of the multicooker.
  5. The dish is prepared for 25 minutes in the “Stew” mode.

Thus, if you see an ice fish in a supermarket, you should not pass it by. Such valuable meat, when properly prepared, will delight the cook and his household with its tenderness, nutritional value and excellent taste.

The content of the article:

Now the time has come when, entering the house or apartment of your friend or acquaintance, you no longer know at all who you can meet there and where this someone came from. Sometimes people, in pursuit of a goal, stand out from the surrounding gray mass, or in order to emphasize their impeccable and original taste can make very unusual actions, decisions and purchases. This may involve a new fashionable shoes, items of clothing in which, when you go out into the street, you can immediately become the object of everyone’s attention, sometimes not entirely approvingly. But in this matter, the main thing for a person is not to be admired - the main thing is to be different from everyone else or to have something that others don’t have.

But when we're talking about about style in clothes, expensive jewelry, apartment interior or about the super new and trendy mobile phone- one thing, but there are those among people for whom it is not enough to be special in appearance; they also make special friends from the large animal kingdom. It is impossible to meet anyone in a given house: raccoons, hedgehogs, a wide variety of reptiles, snakes and even tigers and hippos. Yes, this is all a list of modern pets and this is not the entire list. Sometimes, when a person chooses which animal to bring into his home, he is not always guided common sense and your tastes and preferences, most often everything depends on your financial situation, which in itself cannot but be upsetting. It’s really a shame when animals, accustomed to living in freedom, become a means of emphasizing their financial situation or status in society.

This judgment, of course, does not apply to everyone, because there are also people who have dreamed of a monkey or a lemur all their lives and did everything possible to ensure that their cherished four-legged friend showed up at their house.

But not everyone is an ardent fan of big shaggy animals or snakes; there are people who really love aquariums. This large, beautiful container, inhabited by a wide variety of living creatures native to the sea and ocean depths, simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. There is probably no such person on our planet who, in a restaurant, in an office, or at someone’s house, seeing fish swimming in an aquarium, would be able to pass by.

An interior item such as an aquarium, no matter what size it is, is always very appropriate in any room. Looking at it and its inhabitants, you can’t help but catch yourself thinking that the whole world around has stopped for a while and is in standby mode. Waiting for the viewer of this wonderful structure to fully enjoy the harmony of the water “space”, which seems to have superpowers to give a feeling of calm, put thoughts in order, and simply lift the spirits.

If you have decided to put such a house with fish in your house, but you don’t know who is so special and unique to inhabit it. It is worth paying attention to such a specimen as ice fish. You may know her from the pages of encyclopedias, the Internet, and, perhaps, sad as it may sound, her name can most often be found on the menu pages of expensive elite restaurants.

Today, people have increasingly begun to keep it in the house, as an ordinary aquarium fish, it is a truly beautiful living creature, and besides, by allocating a place for it in the home “water house”, you are saving this living beauty from the ocean waters at the hands of poachers and the knives and frying pans of chefs.

Where are ice fish found and their origin?

Pike whitefish, common whitefish or common icefish - all these names hide the same living creature.

Champsocephalus gunnari is a representative of a large kingdom of animals, which a zoologist, a native of Sweden, assigned to the phylum Chordata, class ray-finned fish, order Perciformes, genus Pikewings and family Whitefishes in 1905.

The natural habitat of this white-blooded fish is the great depths of the Antarctic, as some sources say, this pike plows the ocean waters at a depth of approximately 400–700 m from the surface of the water.

The history of the discovery of ice pike and interesting facts

In the distant??? century, the whaling industry was a very popular and fairly effective source of income for the inhabitants of Norway. It was the workers of this craft, returning home from another voyage, who told the local residents amazing story that they allegedly managed to catch amazing fish, completely different from all other inhabitants of cold waters. Its uniqueness, according to the whalers, lay in the fact that it had white or even completely transparent blood, like water, for this physiological feature they called it “ice” or “white-blooded”. Many, having heard this seemingly not entirely realistic story, did not attach any special significance to this story, because there was little that they could invent or that these hard workers could imagine.

Only many, many years later, in 1954, scientists began to carefully study this mysterious fish and discovered the incredible - the Norwegian workers were right after all, its blood is not at all red, on the contrary, it is almost transparent with some turbidity or even “nebula.” The whole secret of this feature is that the hematocrit (the volume of blood cells in the blood) of this icy ocean dweller is zero, that is, neither red blood cells nor even the protein hemoglobin, which gives the red color to the blood of almost all living beings.

“No one values ​​what they have here and now” - this expression may have once been said not about food at all, but in the case of ice fish on the territory Soviet Union, it couldn’t come at a better time. The thing is that around 1980, our Motherland had the opportunity to boast of the largest ocean fishing fleet in the world. Fish catches and supplies to the USSR broke all records; the amount of catch per Soviet resident was almost three times greater than the catches of American and English fishermen. Due to such large-scale supplies of products from ocean waters, including ice fish, our people did not pay any attention to this amazing pike special attention and considered it a low-grade fish. Mostly they spoiled their kittens with it, since a kilogram of such an ordinary product on the market cost about 60–70 kopecks. No one was interested in any beneficial properties or special taste of the white blood from Antarctica.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the destruction of the Russian fishing fleet gradually crept up, soon ships began to leave the oceans, day after day the repair of old ships and the construction of new ones ceased, and people, step by step, began to leave such a previously profitable and so necessary craft.

It was then that fish with white blood began to be imported into Russian markets, but it was already foreign suppliers and a completely different pricing policy reigned on the fish counters. The furry favorites of the Russian people no longer had the opportunity to enjoy such a delicacy as white-blooded fish meat, and over time, the people themselves could no longer afford such a luxury.

It was during this non-fishy time that we began to wonder why this pike-like whitefish became so expensive and inaccessible to the average employee. The solution to this mystery is very simple and even elementary. It's all about the special taste of this ray-finned fish. Almost every fish every year and even every day life cycle absorbs a large number of different elements from the water in which it lives, in other words, with age, the fish body becomes heavily polluted. Ice fish is an exception to this rule, because the water in the native habitat of this Arctic beauty is one of the cleanest in the world, therefore the meat of this fish does not contain any harmful substances or compounds. Also, neither the fish itself, nor a ready-made dish made from it, emits a specific fishy smell inherent in many of its relatives, which is why it is so adored by people who do not eat fish products due to intolerance to this “aroma.” In terms of taste, ice pike meat is somewhat reminiscent of shrimp. There is a theory that this is due to the fact that white-blooded fish in natural environment habitat also carefully selects food for itself and prefers mainly krill for lunch - these are small marine planktonic crustaceans, characterized by very small sizes (only from 8 to 60 mm).

In no case should we fail to note the fact that the perch-like whiteblood is not just a fish, it is simply a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals such as potassium, fluorine, phosphorus and many others. It contains over 17–18% pure protein, which is why it is simply a godsend for people who are planning to go on a diet. There are practically no elements such as magnesium and calcium in its configuration, for this reason its meat is so convenient to eat; there is almost no bone tissue in the body of ice fish.

Description of the appearance of ice fish

A simple white-blooded pike is one of those rare representatives of the animal world of the planet that are not only tasty and extremely healthy, but also received from nature a very extraordinary appearance. Perhaps few people have had such an opportunity to see this lovely creation of nature alive, and at least not in frozen form. Indeed, today almost the only place Meetings with ice fish are fish showcases in supermarkets, fish stores and occasionally vegetable markets, where it quietly waits for its consumer, wrapped in a thick layer of snow and ice from the freezer.

But, if you have the opportunity to see this beauty actively swimming around the aquarium, you will be amazed by the elegance and grandeur of its outer shell.

The body parameters of an adult individual may be different, depending on the amount of food in the habitat of a particular icefish, as well as on the state of its physical health. Average length The body length of this perch-like inhabitant of Antarctic waters ranges from 30 to 80 cm, the body weight ranges from 200 to 1200 grams.

The body of the white-blooded fish is naked, absolutely not covered with scales. Looking at it closely, one gets the impression that it is completely transparent and you can see through the body of the ice fish the world, but this is not so, due to the fact that there are no red blood cells in the blood, the skin does not have a peculiar “fish blush”, so the shine on the light body of the fish creates such an amazing effect. The fabulous body of the inhabitant of the cold waters of the ocean is decorated with wide stripes, which are placed transversely and are colored in dark shades. Also on the body of this ray-finned pike you can easily notice the lateral longitudinal lines, most often there are two or three of them.

The head of the ice fish in relation to the size of the entire body is very large, somewhat oblong in shape and, as it were, slightly flattened in the upper part. The mouth and large jaws in their morphological structure are very reminiscent of pike, which, in all likelihood, is where one of the names of the ice fish came from, which is sometimes also called sea pike, which is not at all true, because this name is borne by representatives of a completely different fish family.

In the event that you have had the fortunate opportunity to see this wonderful fish swimming in someone’s aquarium and you have a irresistible desire To contemplate such a fabulous creation of nature in your home, we can say that in our modern era, nothing is simply impossible. And getting such a rare and not quite familiar pet is still absolutely possible. You just need to seriously look for a person who sells wonderful white blood not only to supermarkets and restaurant-type establishments, but also into the hands of lovers of exotic pets.

To ensure that your pet ice pike feels completely comfortable and cozy in your home, you will need to work a little, and, of course, shell out some money.

First you need to think about where she will live. Like all other fish, for its habitat in apartments it needs an aquarium filled with water, but when choosing glass housing for such an original oceanic specimen, do not forget that it is tens of times larger in size than all the well-known and beloved multi-colored ones aquarium fish, such as guppies, mollies, corydoras catfish, thornets and many other miniature “animals” covered with scales. For this reason, for an ordinary whiteblood, you need to choose a home of such dimensions that it will not only fit, but can also swim freely around its property.

If you have decided that you need an aquarium with ice fish, then it is better that it be its personal apartment; it cannot be said that it poses a threat to the life of other species of fish, but the conditions in which it is accustomed to living are already It's a completely different matter. After all optimal temperature water for a fish with white blood is 2–7 degrees, which not every living creature can withstand. Perhaps, after some time, you will be able to accustom this lover of cold weather to more acceptable temperature conditions, but this must be done by gradually increasing the temperature of the water by 1-2 degrees, but initially launch it into climatic conditions that are more familiar to it.

It is very difficult to achieve such low thermometer readings in an aquarium; for this, in specialized pet stores it is possible to purchase special cooling devices for home aquariums. There is a lot of information floating around on the Internet about how to construct such devices with your own hands without spending much money. But this is suitable if a person needs to lower the temperature by several degrees, and in your situation, the water needs to be very cold, and this temperature must be maintained at a constant level.

We cannot ignore the fact that ice fish in their natural environment have chosen the purest waters for their habitat. Therefore, even at home, your fish should always be in clean water, because no one knows how its aesthetic organism will react to various contaminants.

Also in the ocean, the white blood prefers to eat a kind of delicacy in the form of krill, so it’s better to find it at first favorite dish, but after some time after the fish has adapted to the conditions of the aquarium, you can also try to treat it with regular fish food.

Ice fish, pike-shaped white-blooded pike, striped white-blooded pike (lat. Champsocephalus gunnari) is a fish of the white-blooded fish family (suborder Nototheniaceae).

The name “ice fish” (or simply “ice fish”) is sometimes used as a collective name for the entire family of white-blooded fish (white-blooded fish) or its other individual representatives (crocodile white-blooded fish, whale white-blooded fish, etc.). You can also find the name “sea pike”, which is not entirely true, because this name was assigned to barracudas, a completely different family of fish.

Lives in Antarctic waters - around Antarctica and South America, are endemic to this region.

Even Norwegian whalers in the 19th century said that in distant Antarctica, near the island of South Georgia in the southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, there are strange fish with colorless blood, which they dubbed “bloodless” and “icy”. However, this mystery of nature did not immediately attract the attention of skeptical scientists.

Scientific research on these fish began only in 1954.

The scientific classification (taxonomy) was carried out by the Swedish zoologist Einar Lönnberg in 1905.

Length on average 30-40 cm, can reach 60-70 cm, Weight on average 300-1000 g. The largest recorded specimen of the pike-like whiteblood weighed 2 kg with a body length of 66 cm.

The body is naked, often translucent, with wide transverse dark stripes. There are two or three longitudinal lateral lines on the body. The color completely lacks red tones due to the peculiarity of the blood, which does not contain red blood cells (erythrocytes). Blood, accordingly, is colorless. The head is large, almost a quarter the size of the body, elongated and flattened at the top, and has large toothy jaws. The large non-retractable “pike” mouth exceeds half the length of the head. The appearance and proportions of the head are reminiscent of pike, hence the corresponding names of this fish.

The skeleton is soft, contains little calcium (slightly calcified). There are few bones.

They live at depths from 200 to 700 m, rarely entering shallow water. The deep whiteblood (lat. Chionobathyscus dewitti) lives at a depth of about 1-2 thousand m.

The temperature of the habitat can reach negative values ​​- up to −2 °C, below freezing point clean water. The upper temperature limit is usually no higher than +4 °C.

They feed mainly on small crustaceans - krill, copepods, as well as squid and small fish. In general, the biology of white-blooded fish has been little studied.

Whitefish and, in particular, icefish, - unique phenomenon in the world ichthyofauna. The blood of these fish is not red, like that of all vertebrates, but colorless due to the almost complete absence of red blood cells and hemoglobin in it (hence the name of the family). This is the result of adaptation to life in conditions of temperatures close to 0 °C - since when the temperature drops, the viscosity of the blood increases very sharply (exponentially), evolution turned on a kind of adaptation mechanism - it reduced the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (respiratory pigment) in the blood of these fish to a minimum.

Since the blood of these fish does not contain red blood cells and hemoglobin (a protein that binds oxygen to be carried by the blood to the tissues of the body), their metabolism is based only on oxygen dissolved directly in the blood. This is possible partly because the coolest water is able to dissolve and contain more oxygen. Other mechanisms of the unique metabolism of whitebloods are the absorption of oxygen dissolved in water directly by the skin and a large heart that works with more energy than that of related species, intensity. Also, the muscles of white blood (with the exception of the heart muscle) are poor in myoglobin.

Whitebloods are the only ones known to science vertebrates whose blood does not contain red blood cells and, accordingly, hemoglobin. This unique evolution of the organism and the change in its metabolism made it possible for white-blooded fish to exist in a habitat with temperatures below the freezing point of water.

As a result of detailed histological studies, a small number of erythrocytes were still found in the blood of these fish, but immature (primary) and unstable, which do not play any significant role in gas exchange. The latter is carried out due to the diffusion of oxygen dissolved in water through the surface capillary network and its transfer by blood plasma. In this case, the main role in the breathing process is played not by the gills, but by the skin of the entire body and fins, since the total surface of their capillary network is 3 times greater than the respiratory surface of the gills. The almost complete absence of the respiratory pigment hemoglobin in the blood of white blood and its low oxygen saturation is compensated by an increase in the rate of blood circulation due to a significant increase in cardiac muscle. The heart of the whitebloods before three times exceeds the weight of the heart of fish of related families and is capable of pumping a significantly larger volume of blood.

Icefish is a valuable commercial fish. The size of market ice fish is from 100 g to 1 kg, length - 25-35 cm.

Fish meat contains large amounts of potassium, phosphorus, fluorine and other valuable microelements and vitamins.

For your unique taste qualities and due to the remoteness and complexity of the production region, it belongs to the “premium” price category.

In addition to domestic fishing companies, fishermen from Australia, Chile, Spain, and Lithuania supply the Russian market with ice fish.

It is noteworthy that in the Soviet fishing industry it belonged to the lowest price category, along with blue whiting and pollock.

Culinary properties

The taste properties of ice fish are also unique.

Since the icefish feeds mainly on krill, its meat has a slight sweetish shrimp flavor.

One of the advantages is the absence of an unpleasant specific fishy smell. This fish can be recommended to those people who cannot tolerate it.

The meat is dense, tender, lean (2-8 g of fat per 100 g of weight) and low in calories (80-140 kcal per 100 g). Protein content is about 17%. Virtually boneless: the fish has only a backbone and does not contain rib bones or small bones. And the ridge itself, since it contains a small amount of calcium, is soft and practically edible (easily chewed due to its softness).

Gentle types are recommended culinary processing ice fish: steamed or boiled. Ice fish connoisseurs believe that ice fish aspic is much tastier than pike perch. Raw ice fish dishes are popular in Japan.

Since whitebloods live in the most ecologically clean regions of the planet, they can be considered one of the most clean fish, it is believed that they do not contain any harmful substances.

In general, ice is one of the most suitable for healthy dietary nutrition varieties of fish.


Far away, in the cold waters off the coast of Antarctica, lives unique fish- icy. We will reveal the recipe for its preparation below. But first, let's say a few flattering words about the benefits of ice fish. What makes it so unique? In the 19th century, Norwegian whalers fishing in Antarctica said that they came across fish with colorless blood. For a long time their words were not believed. After all, all vertebrates have red blood. However, it turns out that there are exceptions. Forced to live in a harsh environment, this representative of the ichthyofauna, in the process of evolution, completely eliminated red blood cells and hemoglobin from its body. But they are the ones responsible for coloring the blood red. That’s why the fish was nicknamed ice fish for its pale, milky flesh, and the entire family of similar creatures was called white-blooded. This fish also has scientific names. It is called the white-striped pike. But among the people the name “ice fish” has taken root.

Product benefits

The meat of this white-blooded pike is tender and quite dense. In addition, ice water has absolutely no specific fishy smell. Its sweetish meat tastes somewhat like shrimp. Maybe because the fish ate krill all its life? And the ice one doesn't have it small bones. The spine, ribs - that's her entire skeleton. This allows us to consider Antarctic pike a valuable commercial species. Ice fish, the benefits of which are undeniable, is a low-calorie product (100 grams contains only 90.6 kcal). And she's not fat. People who care about their figure should take note of this. 100 grams of fish contain only 2.2 grams of fat. But it contains quite a lot of protein - 17%. This fish boasts a high content of cobalt, iodine, chromium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, copper and other healthy minerals and trace elements. It also contains vitamins - PP and group B.

Who needs to eat ice fish?

Considering the low calorie content of white-blooded pike, we can say that it is useful for people who are overweight and on a diet. And the many beneficial minerals contained in meat make it an essential product in the diet of patients suffering from metabolic disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and malfunctions. of cardio-vascular system And thyroid gland. Since icefish is found in Antarctic waters that are not polluted by industry, it is considered an environmentally friendly product. Even small children (after the first year of life) can use it. But difficult fishing conditions and a constant reduction in the population make white-blooded pike a real delicacy. In Japanese restaurants it is served raw. This is so that nothing interferes with enjoying the shrimpy taste that ice fish has. Recipes for preparing the delicacy are not limited to simply cutting and serving fillets. Soups are prepared from white-blooded pike. The second courses are also made - steamed, in a frying pan, in the oven.

General rules for cooking

In our latitudes, Antarctic pike is sold exclusively frozen. Of course, part useful properties she loses. Therefore, you need to buy it from trusted sellers, since with each subsequent freeze the value of the fish melts like ice. The meat of white-blooded pike is tender, so it must be handled accordingly. Don't overwhelm the taste of the dish big amount seasoning Ginger, basil, lemon balm - this is what ice fish goes perfectly with. The recipes for this Antarctic inhabitant are surprising in their simplicity. At the same time, delicious dishes are obtained. Just think about white pike fried in sesame oil! It is easy to clean and is almost waste-free. The tail and head are used to make fish soup or fish soup. You need to cook the pike for no more than twenty minutes.

Thick soup

How to cook ice fish as a first course? The principle is simple: first we cook the broth from the tails and heads, and only then add the fillets. Before adding fish, it is advisable to strain the broth. So, fill in the heads and tails (three pieces each) cold water(2 liters) and set to simmer over low heat. We also throw a whole peeled onion and peeled carrots into the pan. Strain the finished broth and put it back on the fire. We wait for it to boil. Add a handful of millet. 7-10 minutes after boiling again, add four potatoes cut into large cubes. You can fry onions and carrots in butter. Place the cut pieces on large pieces fillet. After a quarter of an hour, add dried basil, five black peppercorns, and one bay leaf. Grind finely chopped dill with a pinch of salt and 50 grams of butter. Add this mixture to the fish soup and turn it off after boiling. Leave covered for 20 minutes and serve.

Ice fish: recipe for the oven

A minimum of processing is the main secret of cooking white-blooded pike in the oven. In dishes, the fish should be in the foreground. There is no point in cooking with a delicacy if it does not reveal all its wonderful taste qualities. And baking in the oven can introduce a smoky smell and excessive drying of the tender fillet. Therefore, you need to wrap the ice fish in batter. Mix equal amounts of flour and light beer (125 g each). Stir until lumps disappear. In two eggs, separate the white from the yolk. Heat 40 grams of butter. Pour it along with the yolks into the dough and continue kneading. Beat the whites. We also add it to the batter. Cut two hundred grams of fish fillet into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Pour a little vegetable oil into a baking dish and grease the walls of the dish with it. Place the fillet and fill it with batter. Ice fish is baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. When a crust forms, you need to make holes in it with a toothpick. By the way, in this recipe, beer can be replaced with white table wine.

Multicooker recipe

White-blooded pike can not only be fried and baked. In a slow cooker, a gourmet dish can be made much faster, and its taste will be no different from that of a restaurant. How to cook ice fish in this device? Thaw four fillets. Cut the white part of the leek, onion and 70 grams of fennel into slices and fry them in heated vegetable oil along with 10 shoots of young asparagus and the same amount of green peas in pods. Salt and pepper the vegetables. In another bowl, mix a spoonful of sweet paprika, lemon zest, dried parsley, a pinch of salt with 20 grams of starch. Roll the fish fillets in this breading. The multicooker bowl must be completely dry. Put fried vegetables in it. Breaded ice fish will lie on this pillow. Turn on the unit to the “Baking” mode and wait fifteen minutes.

Recipe for a regular frying pan

Defrost Antarctic pike (half a kilo), cut it into pieces. Prepare the breading in a plate. Mix 50 g of flour, two tablespoons of sesame seeds, a little salt, black pepper, dried dill. To give the finished dish a beautiful golden hue, you can add a pinch of curry to the breading. There are several rules on how to cook ice fish in a frying pan. Firstly, the vegetable oil for frying must be well heated. There must be a lot of it, otherwise the breading will not form an appetizing and crispy crust. And one more thing: do not turn the pieces over often. Ice fish is very delicate and can fall apart if handled awkwardly.

Delicacy in foil

It should be noted that baking Antarctic pike in the oven must be approached responsibly. The dishes come out with an appetizing flavor, but the amazing aroma of the fish itself may be lost. In addition, the oven can dry out the delicate pulp of the “white blood”. To protect her from this, you need to wrap the fillet pieces in foil. How to cook ice fish this way? We defrost the carcasses and cut them up. Heads and tails do not need to be cut off. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and leave for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix herbs and spices. The preferred ingredients are cumin, saffron and salt. Cover the baking sheet with foil. Rub the fish with a mixture of spices, outside and inside. Place the carcasses on foil. Water lightly vegetable oil. Cover with a sheet of aluminum. Cooking ice fish in the oven should not be very long - a maximum of 20 minutes.

The Murmansk icefish lives in the cold Arctic waters, which is where its name comes from. The length of the carcass is about 25-35 cm, weight – up to 600 grams. Low temperature Arctic waters make it unfavorable for pests, therefore ice cream has environmentally friendly meat that is healthy for humans. This type of fish is considered a delicacy, as it has no analogues.

The benefits and harms of ice fish

What are the benefits and harms of ice fish? It is endowed with a number of microelements that are beneficial for humans, contains a minimum of fat and a high percentage of proteins. Thanks to these properties, ice cream belongs to the category dietary products. It is useful for people of different age groups and has a large amount of amino acids. Boiling in water and steaming, baking, stewing - these methods of heat treatment will preserve the benefits of the fish.

There are no harmful properties, the only exception may be intolerance to the product, allergic reaction for fish products. Always check the expiration date to avoid the possibility of food poisoning. Do not refreeze the product, this kills all the beneficial substances. It is not recommended to give ice cream to children under 1 year of age.

Why is ice fish so expensive?

In the 80s, striped fish were caught in large quantities, was in great demand among buyers. Its cost was low. Why is icefish so expensive now? This is due to the collapse of the USSR, and with it the fishing industry. The result is that the ice pack has become expensive, and the delivery price has increased. Today, its catch is under control, which also affects the final selling price of this representative of the Antarctic fauna.

How to cook ice fish

Any product requires proper heat treatment. How to cook ice fish? Microelements, minerals contained in it: potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, even sulfur and copper - are important for our body. To preserve them as much as possible ready dish, you must adhere to one of these useful ways preparing white pike:

  • cook broth;
  • bake in the oven;
  • grill;
  • steam;
  • stew.

This will help save not only her unique properties, but a unique sweetish taste. It is important to defrost it correctly: there should not be a sharp temperature change; it is better to leave it overnight in the lower part of the refrigerator. It’s easy to clean and cut up an ice fish: it has no scales, only the fins, tail, entrails, and head are removed (optional). There is no specific fishy smell.

How to cook ice fish in the oven

One useful way is to cook ice fish in the oven. This preserves its shrimpy, slightly sweetish, delicate taste and all the microelements. White-blooded pike is prepared easily and quickly. The cleaned carcass is rubbed with oil, sprinkled with spices: thyme, basil, salt, pepper, and sprinkled with lemon juice. Next, you need to wrap it in foil and place it on a baking sheet. Cooking time is minimal - only 20-30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end, you need to unfold the foil to get a crispy crust.

Ice fish in a frying pan

Ice fish in a frying pan is no less tasty. To get an appetizing crispy crust, you need to roll the fillet in breading: to do this, mix flour, egg yolk, a mixture of dried herbs, salt, and black pepper. Fried whole, in small pieces or as fillets. This must be done over medium heat using vegetable or butter. This way the carcass will be completely cooked.

Instead of breading, batter is sometimes used. For it, combine the egg, flour, water, knead well until smooth. The ice cube needs to be rolled in it before frying or put in quickly and then filled with batter. There will be no crispy crust, but the fish will be much juicier and softer. Just before cooking, add small basil leaves to the pan; this will add a delicious aroma to the dish.

Ice fish recipes

There are many recipes for making ice fish. Fried white pike has an amazing crispy crust and cooks quickly. Sprinkle the dish with sauteed onions, this will give the fish additional flavor notes. You can bake ice cream on your own or in tandem with vegetables: carrots, onions, lemon, bell pepper. When serving, add fresh tomatoes, cucumbers. Spices that reveal its taste well: thyme, ginger, lemon balm. Ice cream will be an excellent side dish for rice and can be the main component of fish soup.

It is better for novice housewives to stick to recipes with step by step photos– this way you can learn a lot and learn how to cook ice fish. After experimenting with different ingredients and cooking methods, choose your favorite recipe. Some people like it crispy fried fish, others like fish soup, and still others prefer ice cream baked with cheese.

Ice fish for children

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 84 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Fried ice fish is introduced into the diet of children from the age of 1 year. It contains phosphorus and many other vitamins. Try to diversify your child’s menu with such a dish - it will be an excellent flavor addition to rice and baked vegetables, saturate the child’s body with useful microelements that promote brain function and development muscular system. This recipe will not require large financial outlays or special culinary skills from you.


  • ice fish – 1 kg;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the ice cream into fillets, get rid of the entrails, fins and head. Wash thoroughly and add salt.
  2. Cut the fillet into portions of 3-4 centimeters.
  3. Place the fish pieces on a steamer rack or in a slow cooker and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. The finished dish can be recommended for children after one year of age.

Ice fish in foil

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 92 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Exceptional taste properties has ice fish in foil. The ice cube must first be defrosted, cut and marinated with cumin, saffron, and dill. There should be little spices so as not to overwhelm the taste of the product. An important point in the preparation of ice cream is the addition lemon juice– you can use it to marinate fish or serve it with a ready-made dish.


  • ice fish – 1 kg;
  • saffron, thyme, salt - 1 gram each;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the carcasses from the insides, remove the fins. Leave the head and tail. If desired, you can make small pieces or cut into fillets.
  2. Rinse, mix the spices together, rub the fish with them.
  3. Place each carcass on a small piece of foil, sprinkle with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  4. Cover the top with a second piece of foil and place in the oven.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cooking ice fish - secrets of chefs

To get a tasty, aromatic dish, you need to know some professional secrets of preparing ice fish. The chefs' recommendations will help significantly improve the taste of the ice cream. Here are some of them:

  1. When frying ice cream, it is better to add oil not to the frying pan, but to pour it over the carcass itself.
  2. You need to fry it quickly in a very hot frying pan. It is better to place the pieces at a distance from each other so that the fish is better baked.
  3. When cooking soup from this fish, you do not need to cook it for a long time - 20 minutes after boiling.
  4. You can prevent the ice from sticking to the grill by spraying it with oil before baking.
  5. Try to bake the fish as a whole - this way the ice cream will retain all its taste as much as possible.

Video: Ice fish in the oven
