How to insert visual bookmarks in Google Chrome. Visual bookmarks

Over the years, web browsers have constantly evolved. Therefore, today it is extremely difficult to cope with large amounts of data without proper tools to organize your favorite web pages.

Visual bookmarks are bookmarks with thumbnails of the web page they point to. These extensions allow you to capture a portion of a web page as an image and then add labels/tags to create a visual bookmark. You can then view them in a gallery, which can be organized by keywords.

One of the most popular extensions for visually storing and synchronizing your bookmarks. In addition to the search bar, all frequently visited sites on the main page contain:

  • weather information;
  • exchange rates;
  • information about traffic jams in the area;
  • links to closed tabs, downloads, other bookmarks and browsing history.

Step 1. Find it in Google's online extension store. Click on the “+ Install” button. Confirm your intention to install the extension in the browser dialog that appears.

Step 2. The extension will be automatically installed, and now, instead of the usual start window, you will see a new one - along with all the bookmarks. You can customize them as you wish. To delete a bookmark, hover over it until a cross appears in the upper right corner. Click on it and the bookmark will disappear. To add a new bookmark, click on “Add Bookmark” and follow the recommendations that you will see on the screen.

To add a new bookmark, click on “Add Bookmark”

Step 3. Setting up the home page. To make changes, click on the “Settings” button.

Step 4. A panel with settings will open on the left. You can change the page background by choosing one of the suggested options, or uploading your own. It is also possible to increase the number of visual bookmarks to 25, and change their appearance.

The best managers for organizing bookmarks

On a note! In addition to visualization extensions, there are more advanced means of organizing bookmarks. Organizers that go beyond browser extensions offer users effective method bookmark processing.

There are a lot of them, this article will discuss 7 unique means allowing you to visualize them in an organized manner.

NameImageMain characteristicsSupported Platforms
Saving bookmarks via web browser extension, mobile applications, email, desktop application, access and manage bookmarks via web interface and much moreWeb interface, extension Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox, mobile applications Android/iOS/BlackBerry/ Windows Phone, Windows and Mac OS X desktop applications
Easily sync between Windows and Apple based bookmarks, sync Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome/Internet Explorer with Safari bookmarksMozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Extensions, Internet Explorer
Synchronization between all major web browsers, import from Delicious, export/restore bookmarks, password synchronization and much moreInternet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari web browser extensions, web interface; iPhone/Android/BlackBerry/Windows Phone Apps (Xmarks Premium only)
Easily save links, share them on Facebook and Twitter, follow different users, discover new trending topics and much moreGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and web interface
DiigoAnnotating bookmarks, screenshots, various mobile applications and browser extensions, sending links via e-mail, import/export bookmarksGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, extensions Internet browser Explorer; Android, iOS and Mac
All bookmarks are completely saved in the cloudGoogle Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, web interface for accessing saved bookmarks
Powerful search engine, beautiful organization, editing, viewing or deleting bookmarksGoogle Chrome Web Bookmark Manager


By far the most comprehensive tool for managing your bookmarks, no matter what device you use. Pocket Bookmarks are available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. When you click the "Tick" Pocket icon in your browser, the link will be automatically saved to your profile. You can also add tags to individual links to make them easier to find later.

Step 1. Find this extension in the Google Chrome store.

Step 2. Along with this, register on the official website of this extension. This is necessary to store and sync your bookmarks between all connected devices.

Step 3. As soon as the extension is installed, the corresponding icon will appear in the extensions bar. In order to save a bookmark, you will only need to click on this button and the page will be saved automatically.

Apple's iCloud Bookmarks is a tool that allows users to seamlessly switch between all Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It also allows Apple users to seamlessly sync saved bookmarks across all registered devices. With the iCloud Bookmarkss extension, your saved bookmarks will be seamlessly integrated across all your registered Apple devices.

As in the previous case, you will need to install the extension in your browser. You can find it in the extension store.

Xmarks - reliable tool to sync bookmarks across different web browsers

Xmarks is a reliable tool for syncing your bookmarks across different web browsers. Supports Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari; Xmarks offers full bookmark synchronization across all of these web browsers.

Step 1. Install the appropriate web browser extension.

Step 2. Register on the official website. Click the Xmarks icon in your system tray to sync all your passwords and bookmarks with your Xmarks account and all other browsers you use.

Delicious is more than just a bookmark manager. You can also subscribe to different topics and groups to receive updates related to this area. Based on your interests, you can also browse Top Trending topics in your chosen area of ​​interest.

Step 1. Install the extension from the extension store.

Step 2. Once the extension is installed, you will see its icon in the extensions panel. By clicking on it for the first time, you can register to store bookmarks online. Once you're logged in, this button will bookmark the page you're on.

Dewey Bookmarks

Dewey Bookmarks is an extension for Google Chrome that helps you better organize and manage your bookmarks

Dewey Bookmarks is an extension for Google Chrome that helps you better organize and manage your bookmarks. The extension collects all your Google Chrome bookmarks and includes them in a strikingly beautiful card layout on the web. You can add “tags” to your bookmarks to make them easier to access at a later point in time.

Step 1. Install the extension from the online store.

Now every time you click on this button, all your bookmarks will appear on your screen, with large pictures.

Video - How to make visual tabs in Google Chrome

In fact, it is a lightweight organization of frequently visited sites that does not burden the browser. Chrome generally does not have a full-fledged express panel of visual bookmarks in the format that many are accustomed to when using the Norwegian Opera browser.

Google Chrome is built on a different principle. start page, which appears when you open a new tab, opens the same list of previously visited sites with their pathetic thumbnails, but there is also a Chrome application launcher, where widgets for individual sites are collected in the style of shortcuts on the Android mobile platform.

The Google Chrome launcher is nice, neat, and convenient, but, alas, you can attach a widget to it not for every site, but only for the one whose application can be installed in the browser store.

Google Chrome is a constructor that can be “stuffed” with anything, including various express panels of visual bookmarks for easy access to your favorite sites. To organize an express panel of visual bookmarks in Chrome, similar to the one that is preinstalled in the Opera browser, you need to implement a special extension. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in the Google Chrome store. Let's look at the five best of them below.

5 Best Visual Bookmark Express Panels for Google Chrome


Atavi.Com is a free Internet service for storing visual bookmarks of users. To use it, a simple registration is required.

Atavi bookmarks are a universal solution, no matter what browser you use, no matter what computer or mobile device you access the Internet from. In any browser, Atavi.Com can be designated as the start page and you can have access to your bookmarks immediately after logging into the service. After introducing the Atavi extension to Google Chrome, a new browser tab will open with an express panel of cute website thumbnails.

Atavi visual bookmarks can be divided into thematic groups and switched between them.

In the settings of the express panel, you can select the number of visual bookmarks by width in order to adjust the most comfortable page filling. You can also disable the distribution of bookmarks into groups and set up a nice background.

In addition to manually adding favorite sites to the express panel, the Atavi extension embeds a button next to the button for adding regular bookmarks in Google Chrome - it also serves to quickly add sites to the Atavi express panel.

IOS7 New Tab Page

This extension introduces an express panel with bookmark widgets into Google Chrome, simulating the iPhone and iPad operating system - iOS. The browser start page, opening in a new tab, will resemble the screen of Apple gadgets. The developers even drew a Wi-Fi antenna and a battery charge indicator. iOS 7 New Tab Page is installed with its own set of widgets for popular web services, where mostly English-language resources are presented.

To remove a site widget on the express panel, as on an Apple gadget, you need to hold it down for a long time with the left mouse button (instead of your finger) until the icons start shaking funny. At this moment, a cross will appear on them for deletion. In the same shaky state, the widgets of the express panel can be swapped by simply dragging and dropping. To exit the shaky mode of deleting and dragging widgets, you need to double-click the left mouse button.

As in real iOS, the Express panel for Chrome provides several scrolling virtual desktops, where shortcuts to favorite sites can be divided into thematic groups. At the bottom of the express panel there are static widgets that do not move when scrolling. Pinned widgets include the Google Chrome launcher and the most visited Internet resources, the shortcuts of which can be changed.

The extension comes with its own set of themes, and to change the preset one, you need to click the “Setting” widget at the bottom.

A window with a few settings for the express panel will appear, including a small catalog of pretty nice background images.

But, in contrast external beauty ideas, such an express panel is not convenient to use. So, in order to add the widget of the desired site to the express panel, you need to open the settings and manually enter the site address. Plus, the extension cannot always select an image for the widget, and if it does, its quality does not leave the best impression. So don't be surprised if your visual bookmarks will look like this.

However, iOS 7 New Tab Page is included in the review of the best express panels for Chrome for reasons of beautiful implementation, the effect of shaking widgets and involvement in the theme of Apple gadgets.

FVDtab speed dial

Another beautiful express panel of visual bookmarks for Google Chrome.

The FVDtab speed dial extension is installed with ready-made visual bookmarks of popular web resources. In addition to visual bookmarks, the panel can be switched to a tab of existing regular browser bookmarks and a tab Google applications Chrome.

In this case, regular bookmarks are converted into visual ones.

And the Google Chrome application bar will be implemented with web service widgets, as in the original.

To add visual bookmarks, traditionally click on the empty cell with the plus sign, then enter the address and name of the site.

The extension has few settings, or rather, practically none. All that can be customized is the ability to disable the tabs of regular Chrome bookmarks and its application bar. But often, defective functionality is forgiven for the beauty of the design.

Visual Bookmarks from Mail.Ru

Even if you don't have mailbox on Mail.Ru, you will still be interested in visual bookmarks from the largest mailer on the Runet for their versatility. What the Visual Bookmarks extension from Mail.Ru offers cannot be called a purebred express panel of site thumbnails for quick access to them. Because Mail.Ru tried to throw in as much rubbish as possible, such as weather, exchange rates and news, and, of course, buttons to go to its services.

Mail.Ru even managed to shove the Google Chrome application bar at the very bottom. And, besides, with all this clutter, the express panel from Mail.Ru provides the ability to set a background image of your choice, which will be visible through the passages between the cells of visual bookmarks.

The express panel from Mail.Ru, of course, is far from beautiful, style and taste, and probably the best Parisian designers would be horrified at the sight of it, nevertheless, it is practical. And it is especially suitable for those who, due to the nature of their activities, are forced to constantly monitor exchange rates. When you click on the image of the currencies, a converter from Mail.Ru will open in a separate tab - just as ugly, but clearly performing its technical task.

Visual bookmarks from Yandex

Unlike other options for implementing an express panel with visual bookmarks, Visual Bookmarks from Yandex is not only a separate extension for Chrome that can be found in the store, but also a component of a separate software add-on Visual Elements of the search engine, which requires installation on Windows. You can download the installer for Yandex Visual Elements on the search engine website.

When installing into the system, you can refuse other components by selecting only visual bookmarks.

After installing visual bookmarks from Yandex, Chrome will outwardly resemble Yandex.Browser with its “smart” address and search bar “in one package.” When you open a new tab, you will see nice tiles-labels of your favorite sites, which will be automatically generated from previously visited sites and, of course, Yandex services.

In the settings of the express panel, you can adjust the number of displayed visual bookmarks according to the width of the page, as well as upload your own image as a background or select from those offered by Yandex.

To sum it up...

Of all the possibilities presented for introducing visual bookmarks into Google Chrome, the proposal from Yandex, in the opinion of the author of the article, is perhaps the most worthwhile. This is a simple and at the same time beautiful design, it is easy and flexible to configure, it is easy to use during active web surfing.

Bookmarks are a familiar tool for every browser that allows you to get fast access to the site. In turn, visual bookmarks are an effective tool to transform a blank Google Chrome page, as well as conveniently organize the most visited pages. Today we will take a closer look at visual bookmarks from Yandex.

Yandex bookmarks for Google Chrome are some of the best visual bookmarks ever implemented for browsers. They allow you not only to instantly open saved web pages, but also to significantly transform the browser interface.

Visual bookmarks are a browser extension, so we will download them from the Google Chrome add-on store.

To install visual bookmarks from Yandex, you can either immediately go to the download page in your browser using the link at the end of the article, or find them yourself. To do this, click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and in the list that appears, go to the item “Additional tools” – “Extensions” .

Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the link "More extensions" .

In the left area of ​​the window, enter in the search bar "Visual bookmarks" and press Enter.

In the block "Extensions" Visual bookmarks from Yandex will be displayed first in the list. Open them.

Click the button in the upper right corner "Install" and wait until the installation of the add-on is completed.

How to use visual bookmarks?

To see visual bookmarks, you need to open a blank tab in Google Chrome. This can be done by clicking on a special button in the upper area of ​​the browser, or using a special keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T .

Visual bookmarks from Yandex will open in a new tab on the screen. By default, they will not display bookmarks saved in the browser, but frequently visited pages.

Now a few words about how to manage bookmarks. To add a new visual bookmark, click the button in the lower right corner "Add bookmark" .

A small window will appear on the screen in which you will need to indicate the address of the page that will be added to the bookmark, or select one of the proposed ones. After entering the page address, all you have to do is press the Enter key, as a result of which the bookmark will appear on the screen.

To delete an unnecessary bookmark, hover your mouse cursor over it. After one second, a small menu will appear in the upper right corner of the bookmark, in which you will need to click the cross icon and then confirm deleting the bookmark.

Sometimes it is not necessary to delete bookmarks at all, but just reassign them. To do this, hover your mouse over the bookmark to display an additional menu, and then click on the gear icon.

The already familiar window for adding a bookmark will be displayed on the screen, in which you just need to set a new address for the bookmark and save it by pressing the Enter key.

Visual bookmarks can be easily sorted. To do this, simply hold down the bookmark with the left mouse button and move it to the desired area of ​​the screen. Other bookmarks will automatically move apart to make room for the bookmark you are moving. As soon as you release the mouse cursor, it will snap to a new location.

If you don't want some bookmarks to leave their position, you can pin them in the area you set. To do this, hover your mouse over the bookmark to display an additional menu, and then click on the lock icon to move it to the closed position.

Pay attention to the background of the visual bookmarks. If the background installed by the service does not suit you, you can change it. To do this, click on the icon in the lower right corner "Settings" , and then select one of the images offered by Yandex.

Also, if necessary, you can set your own background images. To do this you need to click on the button "Download" , after which you need to select an image stored on your computer.

Visual bookmarks are a simple, convenient and aesthetic way to place all your important bookmarks at hand. After spending no more than 15 minutes on setup, you will feel a huge difference compared to regular bookmarks.

Any browser has the ability to make bookmarks. This allows you to save the pages you like and then open them at any time when needed. Yandex visual bookmarks for Google Chrome are one of the best solutions in this regard. They are very convenient and look great, allowing you to make the browser interface more colorful.

Setting bookmarks

Yandex for Google Chrome is a browser extension from Google. It can be found and downloaded in the Google Chrome add-on store by entering Visual bookmarks in the search bar.

On the results page, what we need will be in the first place. Open the add-on page and click “Install” in the upper right corner to begin installation.

This is how you can easily install Yandex visual bookmarks for Google Chrome.

Instructions for using bookmarks

Opening the bookmarks bar in your browser is easy. You need to open a blank page or use the Ctrl+T key combination. Then the user will see those beautiful Visual Bookmarks on the screen. Initially, those pages that the user visits most often will be visible there.

To add your bookmark to this panel, you need to click on the inscription in the lower right corner: “Add bookmark”.

Then a window will appear on the display where you will need to enter the address of the page on which the bookmark will be created. Then you need to press the Enter key and, in fact, the bookmark is ready.

If for some reason the bookmark is no longer needed, you can remove it. To do this, you need to move the mouse cursor over the upper right block of the desired bookmark and click the cross, after which it will disappear from the panel.

You don't have to delete the bookmark, but simply change the link. To do this, you should also move the cursor to the upper right corner of the bookmark and click the Settings button (gear).

By the way, the blocks can be swapped and placed in the desired order. To do this, right-click the desired bookmark and drag it wherever the user needs. When the mouse button is released, the bookmark will be fixed in its new location.

To ensure that the bookmark always remains in its place, you can secure it. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the right corner of the block and click on the lock icon.


Yandex Bookmarks for Google Chrome is an excellent extension from Yandex that makes our favorite browser more convenient and colorful. The add-on is easy to install in the browser, and there is nothing complicated in managing bookmarks; any user can figure it out.

Visual bookmarks significantly help the user in using frequently visited pages on the Internet. On a computer, Google Chrome can offer the user many extensions that will add them in the form of a convenient mosaic, where each link will be in a separate rectangle.

Unfortunately, in mobile phone There are no such extensions and there never were such extensions based on Android. A person must use the built-in capabilities that are opened by a list in the corresponding menu home page browser.

To get into the built-in list you need to do the following:

  1. Open Google Chrome on your device.
  2. Usually it will open last page before closing the application, so we create new tab and we will see the Google search bar.
  3. At the bottom left you can see the “Bookmarks” button. By clicking on it we get to the corresponding list on mobile device or tablet.
  4. To work with these links, there are dots to the right of them, by clicking which you can select, move, change, or delete.

But this option is not always suitable, because a person is accustomed to fast surfing and pressing multiple times will only take up time. There are no extensions, like other applications from Chrome, but there is a method that solves the problem.

But why would virtual tabs be more user-friendly? – there are several answers to this question:

  • It is more convenient to see saved pages;
  • Ability to edit and delete bookmarks in two clicks;
  • You always have all your favorite sites “at your fingertips” without searching for them from the built-in list;
  • A person who has such an opportunity in Chrome on his computer would probably like to use this on his smartphone.

How to create virtual bookmarks from Google Chrome

So that the phone user can quickly visit his favorite sites or quickly edit data in other applications, the Android system has a number of built-in and additionally installed widgets, which were also installed after installing Google Chrome. Therefore, all you have to do is place this widget in a convenient place on the working screen of your smartphone or tablet.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. On an empty area of ​​the screen, make a long click until the system settings appear (usually these are the “wallpaper”, “widgets”, “settings” tabs).
  2. Select the “Widgets” tab.
  3. Of all the program widgets that are installed on the phone, we are looking for the Google Chrome widget (its size is 2 by 2 screen cells, but can be expanded).
  4. By holding it briefly on the widget, it will be transferred to the home screen.

By placing it in a convenient place, we will receive a list, by clicking on which we will immediately get to the right place.

You can add any number of them to Google Chrome. All of them will be displayed in a set square on the work screen or in the browser bookmarks themselves, but do not forget that it is more difficult to manage and remember information if there is a lot of it. Therefore from large quantity saved pages, a person is able to forget why he saved it in the first place. The best for both you and your phone are the ten most popular and interesting sites.

This is beneficial for the phone in that it costs less random access memory to save this data, and for you - you will need to remember less about it.

Is it possible to do without them?

No one forced or requires you to create a list on your phone, as well as save sites in the system. This is all at your discretion and if you are comfortable using the Internet on your phone without it, that’s your business.

Many users of Google software complain that after using the browser for a long time, they can no longer “put things in order.” This indicates that the number of saved sites is very large and the system cache is full. To eliminate this, use cache cleaning applications like CCleaner, and to delete sites, format the browser memory or delete the entire list yourself.
