Company for sports Anastasia Zadorina. Celebrity mothers: Anastasia Zadorina on how to manage everything and whether it is necessary to accustom children to social life

Since 2014, he has been a member of the editorial board of the magazine “ The international cooperation Eurasian states: politics, economics, law” Institute of CIS Security Problems. Since 2015 - Head of the Center for International and regional security Institute for Security Problems of the CIS. Born on January 19, 1989 in Berlin. In 2009, she graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In 2011, she completed her master’s degree at MGIMO University (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, specializing in “ Foreign policy and diplomacy in Russia". Since December 2015, Deputy Director of Public Relations of the Ruselectronics holding Fluent in English and German languages, has a wide speaking practice Serbian and Spanish. Since 2014, he has been a regular author of current articles in the journal “International Cooperation of Eurasian States: Politics, Economics, Law” of the Institute of Security Problems of the CIS, one of the initiators of the creation and promotion in the scientific community of the topic of the journal “International Cooperation of Eurasian States: Politics, Economics, Law” .

Designer Anastasia Zadorina now owns several companies. By the age of 29, she managed to graduate from MGIMO and create her own brand. Anastasia's company "ZA Sport" in this moment won the right from Bosco to create a line for Russian Olympic athletes.


The girl managed to get into model business without parental support. Despite the fact that there are now rumors about her father's participation in a campaign to sew clothing for Olympians, she has achieved a lot on her own.

By the age of 29, Anastasia Zorina opened a chain of boutiques and ateliers

Anastasia's life began in Germany on January 19, 1989. She spent the first 14 years there, and then her parents left Europe and moved to Moscow. The girl studied for the specialty “International Relations” at MGIMO, but decided not to work by profession. Already during her studies, she began to become interested in fashion and took courses with Alexander Vasiliev. During the same period, her passion for academic drawing increased, and she began to create her first professional sketches.

Although specialized education The designer doesn’t, she creates a collection pretty quickly. The work was highly appreciated by Tatyana Mikhalkova, who created the “Russian Silhouette”, a fund to support unknown Russian manufacturers.
In 2011, she loudly announced herself at the Russian Silhouette competition, presenting her debut collection. After this, Grazia magazine noted her work as one of the most successful in the fashion industry. Only after this confession did the girl’s parents begin to take her hobby seriously. Dad, Igor Shekin, prophesied that she would follow in her footsteps to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but fate turned out differently.

What is Anastasia doing now?

Now Tatyana Navka, Yulia Baranovkaya and other domestic celebrities wear her outfits. Exclusive ones fit well. Each sketch is made personally by Anastasia, and the sewing process is controlled at all stages.

In 2017, Anastasia Zadorina and her brand become the official outfitter of our Olympic team. Production is at maximum capacity. It produces evening dresses, elegant for yoga, sports and casual wear.

Exclusive evening dresses Anastasia turns out especially well.

The girl admits that she much prefers work focused on exclusivity. Last year, a studio was opened in which regular meetings with customers are held. This process really inspires the designer and allows him to take into account all the client’s wishes.

Anastasia’s personal life remains non-public. She has a five-year-old son, Mark, but apparently no husband. It is known that the mother devotes a lot of time to raising the boy, waking him up in the morning herself, despite the enormous workload.

In 2017, Anastasia Zadorina began to actively develop her Instagram. In it, the girl posts photographs reflecting her views on life. There are a lot of motivational quotes here; the designer actively promotes sports and is often photographed while exercising.

Designer style

Anastasia has her own style. He is very optimistic, sunny and festive. The high spirits are also conveyed to the things the designer sews. She is in the niche of casual fashion, her clothes can be worn every day and on holiday. Dresses decorated with feathers are one of the interesting images for a party. The result is an “angelic” look if you complement it with shiny accessories and thin heels.

Anastasia Zadorina's style is elegant and airy

The 2013 “fur” collection was a success. It shows a mixture of romantic and rocker styles. One feels that the designer needs experiments. It includes original decor and textured fabric materials, but the collection looks harmonious. Among the unusual decorative elements are stones for decoration from Japanese manufacturers and sequins straight from Paris.

For Anastasia Zadorina, elegance in everything is important, including sportswear. The new summer collection 2017 embodies femininity and lightness. A collection of jewelry has been launched, just as elegant and laconic. We can say that the new Olympic uniform from “FOR SPORT” will be more elegant and stylish than ever.

A modern designer and fashion designer, founder and owner of 100% of the authorized capital of the ZA Sport company (ZA Sport won the tender for the Olympic uniform for the Russian team from Bosco Di Ciliegi Mikhail Kusnirovich, who have dressed our athletes for the last 15 years).




Zadorina: the climate of Argentina was taken into account when developing uniforms for youth Olympic Games

MOSCOW, May 17. /TASS/. When developing the Russian national team uniform for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, the ZASPORT company took into account climatic features Argentina and took into account the wishes of the athletes themselves. The head of the ZASPORT company, the official outfitter of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), Anastasia Zadorina, told TASS about this.

On Thursday, the ROC approved the uniform of the national team for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires.

“When developing the collection, our design team was inspired by the aesthetics of Soviet sports posters, graffiti painted by contemporary artists, and street fashion, street style,” Zadorina explained. — We took into account the climatic features of Argentina so that young athletes felt comfortable in the equipment: hot weather in Buenos Aires accompanied strong winds, rain is also possible. All items of clothing are thought out in such a way that the athletes are fully equipped for the entire period of the Games, look fashionable, concise, modern and adequately represent Russia at major international competitions.”

Adidas sneakers and Turkish bags were found in the uniform from Anastasia Zadorina

Some of the Youth Olympic team uniforms, designed by Zasport, the Olympians' new outfitter, were contract-manufactured in Turkey. The shoes also turned out to be not their own design - they were provided by Adidas

The daughter of the FSB caretaker presented her first uniform for the Russian national team

The new outfitter for Russian Olympians, ZA Sport, presented its first uniform for the Russian team

How the daughters of an FSB general do business

The family of the FSB "supply manager" with the help of intelligence officers and businessmen from Forbes list invests in fashion, development and hunting farms

Twenty-eight-year-old designer Anastasia Zadorina broke the 15-year monopoly of Mikhail Kusnirovich's Bosco group on the production of clothing for Russian Olympians. In February, she won the right to dress the Russian national team for eight years and, once the contract is signed, will likely pay the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) around $10 million a year. Will the daughter of the head of the FSB support service, Colonel General Mikhail Shekin, have such funds? As Vedomosti found out, Zadorina, together with her older sister, 35-year-old Yulia Tikhomirova, has been in business for 10 years. Among their partners were members of the Forbes list and former officers counterintelligence.

Having met with Anastasia Zadorina at her Latin Quarter restaurant, we were just going to talk to her about what it's like to be a star mom? But our conversation turned out to be long, and affected not only her son Brand, which the designer hides from unnecessary attention of the press and tabloids, but also important career issues. As a result, we got an interview about how to keep up with everything, why it takes so much time to create a collection, and whether it is necessary to take children to social events.

- Being a star mother is not at all easy, because you need to combine social life, work and at the same time remain just a mother when you come home. Tell me how you manage to do this?

I’ll say right away - everything is very real and compatible! If you want, then you will succeed, one does not interfere with the other, and no woman should be afraid of this. Of course, we always need help - we have a mother, grandmothers, aunts, we have a nanny, and it’s very cool that there is such an opportunity to have a nanny, I wish this for everyone. Of course, there are weekends when you can spend great time with your child, completely give him all your love and warmth, plus there is also a summer vacation. For example, this summer I spent the whole of June with my son in Turkey. I myself had never gone there before, but with the advent of my child I realized that this is the most the best place, where you can come with your child. The child and mother will be fully occupied, immersed in interesting children's activities.

Although I was there with the nanny, she rested during the day, and only when I put the child to bed and left the nanny with him could I allow myself to go out somewhere. And so we practiced and played all the time. I really want my child to take up equestrian polo in the future; I’m already starting to accustom him to horses. I absolutely love men on horses - it’s beautiful, aristocratic and harmonious!

- How did you decide to hire a nanny, and what did she especially help you with?

I hired a babysitter because my son is now 1 year and 9 months old. She understands children perfectly and knows from what month and what they need to study. To be honest, it was a little wild for me when, at four months - and before that time I was alone - the nanny began to show him some pictures, letters, and at the same time he was lying in the cradle and clearly did not understand anything, and she was around It jumps around and shows, say, a hare. I then asked in surprise: “He understands something, right?”, to which she replied: “Don’t worry, thanks to this he will speak faster, this is the technique.”

And I admit, I took it with laughter, but now - every mother wants to praise her child (laughs) - I understand that he really spoke earlier, walked earlier, started earlier depict the same animals.

- What does your typical day consist of, and do you like such a crazy rhythm of life?

If we take the last two months, then I fly constantly, for example, this week I had four flights: I visited Spain, one day in Berlin, arrived tonight, tomorrow I’m flying to Sochi, well, nothing! I'm used to it, I like it. I graduated from MGIMO, and clearly knew my future goals, I knew what I wanted and an excellent education helps me with this - languages, international relationships. I myself was born in Berlin and lived there for quite a long time, but I love Moscow very much, for me it is a city very close to my heart. I realized that I would stay here after all. I want to develop my business, because it’s diverse and I can’t do just one thing.

Many people ask - you graduated from MGIMO, but you are a designer, how is this possible? In parallel with my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, I also took a course with Vasiliev (Specialized program “Fashion Theory”, Scientific supervisor-professor Alexander Vasiliev, editor's note), and in the mornings I studied academic drawing in order to become a designer and generally understand whether I like it, whether I want to connect my life with it. Simply because I really wanted to make clothes and I always liked doing it, before I always ordered something for myself, sewed it, I wanted to look beautiful and unusual.

- Do you think it is important to receive special education in the fashion field or do you need to create according to the will of inspiration?

If we talk about big names in the fashion world, then practically no one graduated from any special institutions, and many worked with the help of tattoos, as it has become fashionable to work now - those who cannot draw usually say "And I use tattoos."

I can draw, but it’s difficult for me, because in order to sit and draw a collection I need to completely immerse myself in it, and if before I sat and drew it, now it’s hard for me - because I still have clothing industry, restaurant, PR, event, some organizational issues, events of a political nature and, of course, I can’t sit down now and draw 50 dresses and say: "Look how talented I am", honestly, I can’t. But at the same time, I know exactly what collection I want, I select the fabrics myself, I have enough power to design these fabrics and produce them in my own production - a small volume, but I can do it. Example: the uniform of the waiters in the Latin Quarter restaurant - I drew and produced it myself.

Many people are dismissive of specialized technical schools, vocational schools, and the desire to graduate from a university as a seamstress-machine operator, but I believe that there is nothing wrong with this, in Europe this is a prestigious profession, and it is a shame that this is not the case here yet. And the most offensive thing is that there is no good tailor in Russia! And although I do all this myself, I don’t have a good tailor as such, and I can’t even, roughly speaking, sew a suit for my father.

Frankly speaking, being a designer in Russia is expensive. It's complicated, it's difficult, and you really have to understand where you're going. I understand that dress designs alone will not get you far, no matter how talented you are. I am not ashamed of the fact that I sew workwear and uniforms; we produce all this for different classes - restaurants, cleaners, miners, and I do all this with pleasure. In other words, I have now moved more from my creativity into business, but in no case do I want to part with the dresses! I do all this myself, I don’t have girls sitting around and drawing for me, yes, indeed, it’s hard for me, but I devote time to it and always do separate shows. I only missed one show, when I gave birth, and I was sitting with my child. Were sleepless nights, but you know, they somehow pass more easily than when you just don’t sleep. When you are with a child, everything goes as if you had already slept and had a good night’s sleep and in general everything is fine with you (laughs). That is, they pass, pass, pass, and you don’t even notice that you haven’t slept all this time.

- Everything depends on the attitude towards it?

Maybe, although perhaps in my case this is so, because I really wanted and was really looking forward to a child, and at the same time I worked throughout my pregnancy from beginning to end, you can say that I left work for the maternity hospital. Everyone was amazed at how I ran in heels, went to all the shoots and felt great, literally flew, and nothing stopped me. I don't understand those who say: "It's hard for me", although, of course, it happens when it’s really difficult, there are various medical indications, but I believe that pregnancy and a pregnant woman is the most wonderful time, the most beautiful time, and this is not a disease, but on the contrary, so to speak, a period of flourishing, and in no case should you feel flawed and sick. And if you present yourself with such an attitude, then you will be like that.

- Work on children's Is it different between collections and adults, or, in your opinion, not particularly different? What is the main difficulty in developing children's models?

As for children's collections, I had such an experience two years ago at MBFWR, When Russian designers supported school uniform, and then I got a very fashionable and stylish children's uniform. In addition, there is the Dynamo school, for which we sew sportswear, and also produce uniforms for the Nikolo-Perm Monastery - two years ago this monastery was opened by Sergei Sobyanin, and we supplied fabrics there so that the novices of this monastery would later on these learned to sew fabrics.

I haven’t gotten to the point of creating a full-fledged children’s collection yet, simply because I think about it all globally, and I don’t want to just go and sew something out of pieces and leftovers, since I see my perspective even further. Perhaps someday I will do something, and perhaps it will not only be children's clothing, but also something else interesting. At the moment I’m not doing this, because I see everything more globally - here you have the children’s department, here couture, Here casual, and it is right. And when everything is sewn in one place, I don’t think that’s right.

- What can you say about social life– Is it necessary to bring children into the world, and if so, at what age and in what quantity?

On the one hand, I think - why not? If you are a young mother, you don’t have a particularly big business and you want to show yourself and your child and your whole life, then please show it, and let everyone look at it, like it, comment on your reports, and everything will be bright and colorful for you . In principle, why not? Now both adults and children are dressed the same, and it is fashionable, in other words, if you look at others, then I do it with pleasure, comment and admire, because really all the children are very beautiful.

In May of this year, during the presentation of my Za Sport on the ship, we had a Sunday brunch, and I invited all the guests with children, because there was interesting animation, there was a separate program for adults and for children. That is, it turned out to be such an excursion on the water and a good afternoon holiday for children, why not go to such events? And I wouldn’t go to events from the series “for dinner with someone with something” with my son, perhaps because I have a boy. Maybe if I had a girl, and she would have asked me herself, at the age of 15, then there would have been a different conversation. At five years old, I don’t consider it necessary to take children everywhere and always, simply because I myself understand that I will sit there for an hour and a half, even if it’s two, I have some other things to do, that is, I have to sit with the child, or devote time to the place where I came, because the child still wants to get up, run, jump, and you get along with him. Or what? After all, the child will not sit with you like a doll, and it’s quite strange to come with a nanny. I also don’t understand the fashion of taking children with you to shows, because during the show, for example, the child suddenly starts crying.

I'm slowly starting to take my son to different public places, for example, when he was 1.5 years old we went to the circus, and yes, I understand that it’s too early, but since I really want to show him the “world,” we went. We sat for the first section - as long as he could stand it, then we got up and left. I did something nice for myself and for him, he didn’t cry and we didn’t sit for 3.5 hours and stop someone from watching the performance. I have been teaching my son to fly since childhood. We often fly together, but, naturally, when I fly somewhere for work for one day, I don’t take him with me, and when it’s for a long time, I always fly with him, but what else?

I often come home late, but I still get up at 6 am so that he sees me first, and not the nanny. Concerning social networks, then in my Instagram- The account already has more than two thousand photos, and only two of them are with a child, and even then there is no face, nothing like that, well, sometimes you can post something after all.

- Regarding education, what do you focus on - languages, art or mathematics? Should children be given as much workload as possible or should their wishes be listened to and given a little more freedom and rest?

I always really liked doing everything at once, and as for my child, he, of course, will need to be given a choice, maybe the time will come and he will say: “Mom, what kind of horses are they? I’m actually a football player!” And after some time it turns out that he is a musician. The only thing I will insist on is sports - swimming, etc., and if he is interested in going into professional sports, then I will not mind. But I, of course, would not want him to become a professional athlete without an education.

- You come across Do you have a problem with gadgets and if so, how do you solve it and what is Mark’s limit for staying, say, on a tablet?

We are familiar with gadgets, although I was opposed to this acquaintance, but my mother has a phone, and my son really likes things that are in the hands of people around him. And you can’t take it away! Because if you take it away, he immediately starts crying. We don’t have any history with the tablet yet, and I hope that there won’t be any in the near future. We listen to fairy tales, read books, he especially likes this - leafing through them, touching them, turning the pages. I have a niece, and they spend a lot of time together, and I noticed that he is completely indifferent to cartoons, and I am very happy about this, because I have a niece with iPad moves around all the time. In any case, all this cannot be avoided, and at some age we will come to this, but I hope that not at three years old, but at least at five years old.

- Wish something to expectant mothers and readers of the site

I believe that if God gave you a child, he will give you a child, so in no case should you be afraid that after giving birth, you will lose your job or something will happen to it. Previously, all families were large, and people were kinder to each other - there was no selfishness, jealousy, hot temper... And when you are alone in life, or if you have only one child, or you are building your career and don’t think about what You need to realize yourself as a mother, then what are you even living for? If I have good husband in the future, I will be happy to give birth to children for him. Currently, I am raising a child myself, my parents help me and I am not ashamed of it and do not hide it.

The daughter of an FSB general, Anastasia Zadorina, turned out to be a successful designer, businessman and investor. How random was this?

The owner of the Bosco group, Mikhail Kusnirovich, who has been providing formal and casual clothing to Russian Olympians for the last 15 years, was removed from the Olympic podium by designer Anastasia Zadorina. For the next 8 years, the Russian team will show off at international competitions in costumes “from Zadorina” - the 28-year-old designer acquired this right from the Russian Olympic Committee, according to some sources, for 10 million dollars a year. The amount is considerable, but Zadorina is full of optimism. And the girl has every reason for this - she has been in big business since she was 18 years old, and during this time she has acquired, in addition to her older sister Yulia Tikhomirova, more than a dozen proven and highly influential business partners, whose names are noted not only in Forbes ranking, but also staffing tables various law enforcement agencies - FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Guard. The business newspaper Vedomosti reported details about this.

At the beginning of glorious deeds

In full accordance with their age (28 and 35 years old), until recently Anastasia and Yulia preferred to shine in a social gathering. Therefore, February 2017 showed wide secular public a hypostasis of Anastasia’s personality that was still unknown to her - her company “For Sport” became the main contender for a contract with OCD in the “clothing” category. The financial terms of the deal can be judged at least from the words of Kusnirovich, who admitted to Kommersant that he annually paid 650 million rubles to the Olympic Committee for the renewal of his contract.

The sisters’ youth, judging by their interview in glossy magazine, was a “festival of disobedience.” Yulia Tikhomirova, against the wishes of her diplomat father Mikhail Shekin, did not become a doctor, but a philologist. Then, however, she took up management in companies selling products, but then the girl’s father received the post of president of the Moscow volleyball club “Dynamo” (controlled by the FSB), and the sale of products was forgotten. Yulia Tikhomirova headed, as commercial director, the club’s home arena - the Dynamo Sports Palace.

Nastya’s parents intended for a diplomatic career, as a result of which she completed her master’s degree at MGIMO. However, simultaneously with her master’s thesis, the girl presented her first collection to the public, thereby starting her career as a fashion designer. She founded Zadorina Group LLC and began selling her evening dresses in the best shopping centers capital Cities. For two years I moved from losses to profit (7.8 million rubles in revenue and 18 thousand rubles in losses in 2012, 12 million rubles in revenue and 687 thousand rubles in profit in 2013), but at this point I stopped pleasing people with designer outfits, and in 2014 liquidated the company.

At the same time, Zadorina developed lines sportswear. In 2012, the sisters’ interests intersected for the first time - Zadorina’s company, Ekipsport LLC, entered into a contract for sewing uniforms with the capital’s Dynamo SC and with another regional one, also controlled by the FSB, Dynamo 24. The beach and volleyball teams sported uniforms “from Zadorina”, and the staff of Vnukov, Rus-Oil and Transneft wore overalls. Zadorin also pleased “unorganized” consumers - her designer T-shirts with the cheerful slogans “Sanctions? Don’t make me laugh, my Iskanders,” “Topol is not afraid of sanctions,” etc. By the way, one of the sponsors of this action by Zadorina was PJSC Concern Baikal.

True, until February of this year, Zadorina’s design imagination did not bring her much financial success. So, in 2015, her company “For Group”, which later made such a breakthrough to R&D, according to SPARK, gained 638 thousand rubles, with a loss of 86 thousand. For comparison: - the Equipsport company in 2013 had revenue of 53.5 million rubles, with a net profit of 4 million and without any losses.

Housekeeping genes

Anastasia Zadorina's father, Mikhail Shekin, left the diplomatic field, and since 2007 he has headed the 7th FSB service - the support service. Colonel General Shekin is in charge of supplying the service with absolutely everything - from forks to departmental clinics. There is even its own customs office with warehouses, where Shekin’s predecessor, also Colonel General Sergei Shishin, “got burned” - in 2005 he got involved with smuggled consumer goods coming from China to Cherkizon. True, unlike other defendants in this scandal, he did not resign, but took up the position of vice president of VTB. As for Shekin, a little later he headed the same Dynamo insurance company, the founders of which were the FSB, Dynamo Moscow, as well as Rosneft and the National Charitable Foundation. As president of the club, Shekin worked under the leadership of FSB Director Nikolai Patrushev, and concurrently, since 2004, the President of the All-Russian Volleyball Federation.

Now - a few words about PJSC Baikal, which sponsored the production of smart T-shirts by Anastasia Zadorina. This brainchild of several offspring of influential security officials and businessmen, conceived to conclude contract agreements with Gazprom, became obsolete in just six months. The company was created in December 2014, and Anastasia Zadorina became the owner of a 30% stake and the chairman of the board of directors. The second third of the package ended up in the hands of Olga Zolotova - probably the namesake of one of the members of the board of directors, the son of the current head of the Russian Guard, Roman Viktorovich Zolotov. 10% was owned by the Makarov spouses - Anastasia Zadorina’s business partner in “For the Group” Victoria and her husband Dmitry. The remaining third of the package “went to Siberia” - to Irkutsk entrepreneurs Evgeny Evstigneev, Sergei Rassokhin and Yana Bogomolova.

Baikal preferred not to waste its efforts in vain, and focused on its only asset - 90% of the shares of Stroygazservis. Under the leadership of Alexey Snegirev, SGS in 2009 “spun off” from Stroygazmontazh (SGM) - one of Gazprom’s largest contractors - and took on the function of the main subcontractor. Gas pipelines throughout the country were supplied with components from the SGS. About our financial success Snegirev did not distribute it, but in 2014 he sold the SGS to Evstigneev, who transferred it to Baikal.

In 2015, Baikal decided to make a leap from subcontractors to contractors. Three times the company applied for participation in the competition of Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC, and everything was unsuccessful: 2 contracts worth 4 billion rubles were received by Gennady Timchenko’s Stroytransneftegaz, and a contract for 4.9 billion was received by Leonid Lee’s Vostok Morneftegaz. In general, as an anonymous source cautiously put it about this cooperation with Gazprom, “the project did not take place,” and SGS rapidly “deflated”: in just a year, its revenue decreased 40 times, amounting to 8 million rubles in 2015, while losses amounted to 25 million. “Baikal” hastened to get rid of the SGS, and a little later Zolotova decided to get rid of “Baikal” by selling her share.

Play - don't build

There are many namesakes in this story. So, for example, at the Dynamo volleyball club in the second half of the 2010s, a certain Ivan Tikhomirov appeared, who led the club’s vigorous development activities - about a dozen development companies worked in this field, and the general director of all of them was Yulia Tikhomirova’s namesake. True, “evil tongues” claim that he was Yulia’s husband, and she actually ran the business herself. In 2007, she openly became involved in development activities, establishing the Msk Stroy company, in business partners which included ex-director of the club and FSB colonel Vyacheslav Rotavchikov, as well as member of the board of directors of Transmashholding Evgeny Smirnov. Tikhomirov himself gradually disappeared from the scene, until in 2012 he completely disappeared from view, leaving his shares to the sisters Zadorina and Tikhomirova.

Our locomotive is flying forward

Smirnov is known in the business community as a respectable man (79 years old) and a man of few words - few people know exciting details about him. His name became known in 1997 - then he headed the Transsnab company, created through the efforts of several structures involved in the Ministry of Railways, and which mediated the supply of rails to Nikolai Aksenenko’s department. In 2002, Alexander Abramov’s Evrazholding (Evraz) became the monopoly rail manufacturer in Russia, and Smirnov immediately appeared nearby as Abramov’s adviser. And in 2005, not without Smirnov’s efforts, 10% of the shares of the country’s largest locomotive manufacturer, Transmashholding, ended up at the disposal of the same volleyball company, this time from Volley Sport Service LLC, headed by General Director Smirnov. In this capacity, Smirnov joined the board of directors of the partially acquired Transmashholding. After this, the director seemed to have ceased to be interested in Volley Sport-Service, and the company was successfully “handed over” to Volley Sport JSC, whose co-founder Lada Soshenkova also owned shares in the Volleyball Yug company controlled by Yulia Tikhomirova.

But Smirnov did not lose interest in Transmashholding until the very end, until the moment when the company was purchased by The Breakers Investments B.V. in 2007. - a Dutch company whose owners wore quite Russian names: Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrey Bokarev, Maxim Liksutov and Sergey Glinka. Then the holding’s stake was “tattered”, as a result of which a quarter of the shares, worth 9.2 billion rubles, went to Russian Railways PJSC in 2007, and in 2010 another quarter and 1 share went to the French investor, the Alstom concern. And yet Smirnov did not abandon his beloved brainchild: Institute of Problems natural monopolies(IPEM), which he founded and headed in 2005, has telephone numbers common with the holding, and IPEM works for Russian Railways and Transmashholding, carrying out their orders various studies, and quite large-scale ones at that. In 2016, for example, IPEM specialists conducted research worth as much as 118.5 million rubles.

In 2010, the Smirnov Institute acquired an 18% stake in another scientific institution - the Institute of Security Problems of the CIS, the main benefit of which is... designer Anastasia Zadorina. The remaining 82% of the shares of IPB CIS belong to the Ecoresurs company, which is also “shared” by Smirnov and Zadorina - 53 and 18.5%.

In the arena - VTB and Kostin

On December 23, 2015, on Vasilisa Kozhina Street in Moscow, the eyes were dazzled by high-ranking FSB officials, city hall representatives and bankers. Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, VTB President Andrei Kostin with Deputy Vasily Titov, Vice-Mayor Marat Khusnullin and Dynamo IC President Mikhail Shekin solemnly laid a capsule with a message to distant descendants in the foundation of the international volleyball arena, which was to become part of the multifunctional complex (MFC) Match Point with an area of ​​202,945 square meters and a cost of almost 19 billion rubles.

Is it true, general public I had no idea that the capsule had been waiting in the wings since 2008 - it was then that the mayor’s office transferred the right to 2.5 hectares of land for the construction of Volley Grand LLC under the leadership of Ivan Tikhomirov, and an interregional sports public organization(MSOO) “Sports Initiatives”. The founders of the first included Rotavchikov, Smirnov and banker Dzhulustan Borisov, the second - all the same people, with the exception of Rotavchikov, as well as the All-Russian Volleyball Federation and the Miel group. For the time being, the partners worked together on the project and even together took out a loan from VTB for 7.6 billion rubles. But the crisis spoiled Muscovites, and former partners began to sue each other. Tikhomirov “merged” from the project in 2012, and soon the entire construction site stopped. In 2014, the right to the project was transferred to VTB.

In the “south”, the Tikhomirov developers were doing much more successfully than in the capital - hotels and sports complexes in the blessed climate of Anapa and Adler grew by leaps and bounds. The assistance of the structures of Iskandar Makhmudov (UMMC), Viktor Vekselberg (Renova) and Mikhail Gutseriev played an important role in this. The Volley Grad health center, built by the VFV in the village of Vityazevo since 2004, was built neither shaky nor shaky, and after it passed into the hands of the Tikhomirovs in 2009, it quickly acquired the civilized appearance of an indoor training hall, four cottages and a presidential-level villa. In 2015-2016, it was the turn of Mikhail Gutseriev and his Safmar to finance the project. The businessman transferred 100 million rubles to the VFV for the construction of the third stage of the complex, including beach volleyball courts, stands and a landscaped area around all this luxury.

Counterintelligence breaks off numbers

The “Chekist-volleyball” union was also noted in the Olympic Sochi. During the competition, the FSB occupied 50 rooms of the Sport Inn sports and fitness hotel that had been built at that time in Adler. This federal facility, equipped with beach volleyball courts, belonged to the Start company, a controlling stake of which was owned by the MSOO Sports Initiatives, under the leadership, again, of Tikhomirov. The hotel was built, as it turned out, not without violations of land legislation, which led to long squabbles and litigation between the Renova company, which provided money for construction, its subsidiaries, which acted as the customer of the facility, and Sports Initiatives, which behaved not very sporty - decorated controversial resolution for construction retroactively. However, Renova did not wash dirty laundry in public and made a loud scandal, especially since in 2016 the controlling stake in Start, and therefore the hotel, passed into the hands of the general director of Msk Stroy Oksana Simonova, and the remaining 49 % of shares - to SDS legal adviser Andrey Zelenkov.

In the old Russian city of Suzdal, on the banks of the Kamenka River, there is a small but very comfortable hotel “Copper Dvor”, built in 2016 by the company “Ekoresurs-invest”, which was spun off from simply “Ekoresurs”, the same one that owns shares of the Institute for Security Problems CIS and belongs to Anastasia Zadorina and Evgeny Smirnov. In the “history” of “Ekoresurs” there is an establishment by the National charitable foundation, originally by the National War Foundation. The goal of the Foundation since its inception in 1999 has been to build affordable housing for military personnel by attracting charitable donations. In 2010, Ivan Tikhomirov, together with Yulia Tikhomirova, took possession of half of the shares of Ecoresurs-invest, and with it, half of Copper Dvor. The second co-owner of the hotel was UMGC, to which the Tikhomirovs sold their share in 2015, and the shares of Ecoresurs, which Tikhomirov also had, were purchased from him in 2010 by Anastasia Zadorina. Family circle closed again.

Past the cash register - nothing

While the Institute of Security Problems of the CIS, the main beneficiary of which is Anastasia Zadorina, is fulfilling the proud title of a scientific institution, its “founding father” - former banker Vladimir Shcherbakov, who founded the IPB CIS together with Felix Shamkhalov and his Russian Club of Economists, founded half a dozen new ones, companies affiliated with each other. These are, in particular, Atlas-Kart JSC, Rik LLC and Bezant CJSC, which divided the monopoly on the production of the only model of a cash fiscal drive that received the go-ahead from the 8th FSB center, which issued a certificate of conformity. Since there is nowhere to get such a certified drive except from these companies, their owners can afford to charge the wildest price for it, and bankers, gritting their teeth, have to overpay for the device almost 10 times. God knows how this will affect the welfare of depositors, but the impact on the welfare of the beneficiaries of the CIS IPB is quite predictable.

However, it will be difficult for Shcherbakov himself to personally participate in the division of profits. After BVA Bank was deprived of its license in 2014, the bank’s co-owner Shcherbakov and several of his top managers were forced to hide from prosecution abroad. Shcherbakov and the company are charged with withdrawing funds in the amount of at least 10 billion rubles outside the Russian Federation under dubious schemes.

Science in Russian

The CIS Institute of Security Problems has a staff of 7 staff members - four specialists and three managers. The team is small, but united and very fruitful - annually it concludes millions of scientific contracts with various government and business structures, among which are, for example, Vnukovo Airport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Security Council, to conduct scientific research on a wide range of issues. He works not out of fear, but out of conscience, sometimes at a loss - for example, in 2013, IPB CIS concluded contracts for 4.5 million rubles, in 2014 - for 8.6 million, in 2015 - for 9.5 million (though and there was a loss this year - 252 thousand rubles).

In 2016, the Institute even organized and held an anniversary scientific and practical meeting of the Security Council dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the formation of the CIS, which took place in the Institute building on Prospekt Mira. This cozy old mansion is the headquarters, the main pride and main asset of the institute. Until 2030, IPB CIS has the right to use the historical building, renting it from the capital authorities for only a ruble per square meter per year. Such fantastic conditions were negotiated for the Institute by its former owner, the Russian Club of Economists, led by the former chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission Felix Shamkhalov. But even when the Institute passed into the hands of the “Sheki clan,” the lease conditions remained the same. Also, from the club of economists, the Shekinites, or rather Tikhomirov, received in 2007 41% of the shares of Kosta LLC in the Yaroslavl region.

We also love to kill animals

Kosta LLC is 8,400 hectares in the Yaroslavl region, teeming with all kinds of game. Tikhomirov did not wander around the local fields with a double-barreled shotgun for long - in 2011 he transferred his share in Kosta to Anastasia Zadorina. Another 25% was acquired by the head of VTB Andrey Kostin and his deputy Vasily Titov as founders of the Muflon company. The FSB did not stand aside either - the daughter of the former deputy head of the service, Yuri Zaostrovtsev, Olga, bought 16% of Kosta LLC.

The Kosta hunting grounds are located very conveniently, adjacent to the Experimental Forestry and Hunting Estate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the village of Los. This, however, is a larger structure - 109 and a half hectares, which the FSB has the right to dispose of until 2061. She is in charge - in the 6-odd years that have passed since the corporatization of the PJSC Los reserve in 2010, this state property, passing from hand to hand several times, eventually ended up with Yulia Tikhomirova and VTB representative Sergei Erin (each owns 47% block of shares), and Olga Zaostrovtseva, who joined them (a modest balance of 6%).

... and lie on the beaches

On the picturesque shore of the Adriatic, in Montenegro, are located the Azimut and Romanov hotels, the owner of which, as a result of repeated purchase and sale of property, became the wife former employee FSB, former adviser to the director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rostek" Alexander Romanova Maria is one of the many business partners of Anastasia Zadorina. The business women started with the joint ownership of the Ecuadorian flower export company Luxus, then Zadorina sold her share to Romanova, who, together with her husband, bought the former deputy head of the department from the wife with this money economic security Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrei Khorev Hopes for her share in the hotel business. There is a lot in common not only among the spouses of security officials, but also between Romanov and Khorev themselves.

So, several years ago they were both suspected of criminal offenses - bribery (Khorev) and commercial bribery (Romanov). It was not possible to prove anything then, but during this time the “other halves” saved up 6.5 million euros to purchase a hotel and several plots of land in Montenegro in 2009. True, in 2014, Themis finally caught up with Romanov and sentenced him to 5 years and a fine of 117 million rubles.

Yulia Tikhomirova also tried to master the pharmaceutical industry. For this purpose, she and Rotavchikov each acquired 20% of the shares of NPK Nanosystem LLC of the Pharmex holding, 24% of which is owned, by the way, by another business woman from the FSB - Maya Bolotova, daughter of the President of Transneft and FSB Major General Nikolai Tokarev. At first, Nanosystem pleased its co-owner Tikhomirova - in 2013, the company signed a contract with the state for 31 million rubles for the development of innovative forms of rifabutin. However, very quickly Nanosystem began to lose ground, and from 2012 to 2014 it dropped from revenue of 677 million rubles to 164 million, after which it disappeared from the sight of SPARK financial analysts.

Canteen on Lubyanka

Ivan Tikhomirov made a significant contribution to catering business, who in 2007 became the owner of 60% of the shares of the Quorum-invest company, the other 10% of the shares of which were acquired by the well-known Evgeny Smirnov. So they became co-owners, among other properties of Quorum-invest, of the Lubyansky restaurant, located not only in Lubyanka, but in the residence of the FSB. After waiting for the lease to expire, the partners sold their shares in Quorum-invest in 2012, after which the company went bankrupt and died quietly.

The culinary baton was taken up by Yulia Tikhomirova, who in 2013 bought the Royal Bar restaurant on Leningradka for 12 million rubles. In accordance with the priorities already outlined by the business woman, the restaurant has, of course, volleyball courts, as well as other “sports assets” - a beach, a swimming pool, a yacht pier. But Anastasia Zadorina did not combine food and sports, and in the Latin Quarter restaurant she acquired in 2015, together with Alexander Rappoport, today visitors are offered only the treasures of “Pan-American” cuisine.
