Lesson summary on the topic: “Concepts - “living - nonliving” (preschoolers). Interactive game “Living and nonliving”

Environmental education of preschool children. Lesson-conversation “What is nature? Not alive Live nature»

Target: Teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial, man-made objects inanimate nature.

To form in the child an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between a person and nature, (man-part nature) .

Introduce the main natural components and their connections.

To consolidate knowledge about air experimentally, to develop reaction speed and intelligence.

MATERIAL: Pictures nature and not nature; alive and inanimate nature; for the experiment, a jar of water, a glass, a bottle.

PRELIMINARY WORK: looking at pictures nature and not nature; alive and not alive nature.

PROGRESS: Children enter. Educator is reading poems:

There's a huge house on earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends. (L. Daineko.)

Children, do you know that such is nature?

(Children express their assumptions that such is nature, and bring examples: sun, air, forest, sea, animals, birds.)

Children that cannot be named nature. (- What is made by human hands)

-Nature is that that exists without human help.

The car is in nature? (children express their opinions.)

But here is a horse and a camel, which are also ridden by a person. Where shall we take it? (children speak out)

A person often comes up with things that are similar to nature. (A helicopter is like a dragonfly, a submarine is like a whale. A mushroom is like an umbrella. A rainbow is like a bridge. Rain is like a shower. An airplane is like a bird. The wind is like a fan. A carpet is like grass, etc.). Children continue this series.

A game: "What does it look like"

A forest boy came to visit us and mixed up all the pictures on my table. On one table put what belongs to nature, and to another table - which does not apply to nature.

A game: « Nature and not nature»

Physical education minute: Hands raised and waved.

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down -

We will fold our wings back.

(Children perform movements according to the text.)

All nature The earth can be divided into two huge peace: world inanimate and living world. Wildlife is what that moves, grows, develops, dies and multiplies.

Name what is living nature(children called: animals, birds, fish, insects.)

A game « Living inanimate nature»

(called living objects nature-children take a step forward inanimate nature - stand for revenge.)

Guys, what kind of person? let's attribute it to nature?

Children: to the living nature.

How is man different from animals? (children's answers.)

And what do you think, nature maybe without a person? (Maybe.)

And a man without nature? (no, the children explain why.)

What will happen if there is no air?

Children's answers.

Now we will conduct experiments with air.

The teacher picks up a glass, (shows to children)

Guys, do you think this glass is empty? (Yes) Let's check if this is true. (there is a container of water on the table.) Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into a container of water. What happens? Does water get into the glass? (No) There is no water in the glass, the air does not let water in.

Conclusion: There is air in the glass, it does not let water in.

Why did we at first think that there was nothing in the glass? Because the air is transparent, invisible. This is the first property of air.

Guys, we managed to see the invisible air, and now I propose to hear it.

Take the bottle, put it to lower lip and blow into the neck. What do you hear? (sound). The air is shaking. When the air trembles, sounds arise. What does an artist who plays a wind instrument do? He blows into the hole of the instrument. The air trembles, producing sounds that, unlike whistling, are musical. Sounds travel through the air. Sounds only happen where there is air. For example: on the Moon, where there is no air, you can’t hear anything. (conclusion).

Municipal state-financed organization additional education"Center "Luch"

lane Timiryazevsky, 9. Tel. 8-415-31-65-3-65

Elizovsky municipal district

Lesson notes

according to the program section " Magic word»:

"Expanding vocabulary"

lesson on the topic: “Concepts – “living and non-living”

Iyears of study for 4-year students.

Compiled by: Ushakova Ekaterina Rasimovna

Additional education teacher

Elizovo, Kamchatka Territory

2016-2017 academic year

Form of training: lesson

Type of lesson: educational

Type of lesson: thematic, duration 1 academic hour

Teaching methods: conversation, game.

Topic of the lesson: “Concepts – “living is not living”

Target: give an idea of ​​words that name objects.


Correctional and educational:

    clarify the idea of ​​animate and inanimate objects;

    learn to put questions to words who? What?;

Correctional and developmental:

    develop visual perception, fine and gross motor skills; voice power, air flow;


    develop the ability to independently complete tasks and complete them;

    develop cooperation skills.

Equipment: cat toy from the cartoon “Parrot Kesha”,projector, computer, soft cube,cartoon "Tolik and Bolik"toys (leopard, hippopotamus, parrot, cat, dog, ball, pencil, spinning top, mushroom), cards for the game “The fourth wheel”, pencils, a hoop for simulating a lake, a fishing rod, fish with pictures, two buckets, Handout for reflection.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Game with a soft cube.

Teacher: - Repeat the sound that I sang for a long time. (I-ra, O-la, A-nya, I-gor, I-lya, A-sya).

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Teacher: Today the cat from the cartoon “Parrot Kesha” came to our lesson. Here he is. Let's show him how great we do exercises for the tongue. Exercises.(While the teacher reads the poem, the children perform articulation exercises)

While I read the poem, you do the exercise.

"Hippo" (Slide 1)

We open our mouth wider,

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouth wide,

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

I count to five.

And then we close our mouths:

A hippopotamus is resting.(O. Perova)

"Pancake" (Slide 2)

We baked some pancakes

Cooled in the window.

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.(O. Perova)

"Delicious jam" (Slide 3)

Damn, we ate with pleasure -

Got dirty with jam.

So that jam with remove lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.(M. Sinitsyna)

"Horse" (Slide 4)

I'm a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the ringing sound of hooves.(M. Sinitsyna)

Main part

2. Introducing a new topic.

a) Please fulfill my request.

Teacher: - Tell me, what kind of object is this? Were you able to fulfill the request? Why? Tell me, what is this object?ball, doll, pyramid, shovel, toys . Were you able to fulfill the request? Why?

Teacher: Wherever we go, no matter what we do, we are surrounded by objects. There are as many objects as there are words. Each object is called a word.

b) Differentiation “Living – nonliving”

Teacher: objects can be living and inanimate. What do you think are called living objects?

Children: cat, dog, etc.

Teacher: correct. What about the inanimate?

Children: table, chair, etc.

Teacher: To remember well and never confuse where a living object is and where a non-living object is, remember that living objects have a heart, but non-living ones do not.(Slide 5) Living objects include fish, animals, people, birds, and insects. They all have a heart.

c) Cartoon “Tolik and Bolik”

Teacher: Tell me, guys, can living objects be offended?

Children: No.

Teacher: Why?

Children: They are hurt, offended, etc.

Teacher: Guys, we also need to remember that living objects answer the question Who?, and nonliving objects answer the question What?.

3. Physical exercise.

These are the eyes. Here. Here.The left eye is shown first, then the right.

These are ears. Here. Here.They take the left ear first, then the right.

This is the nose. This is the mouth.Show the mouth with one hand, and the nose with the other.

There's a backrest. There's a belly there.One palm is placed on the back, the other on the stomach.

This is a pen. Clap clap.They extend both hands and clap twice.

These are the legs. Top, top.Place your palms on your hips and stomp twice.

e) “Magic bag”

Teacher: The cat brought with him a “Magic Bag”. In this bag he put his toys, which he plans to take to Paris. Hearing the topic of our lesson, he came up with a game. Now you will take the toys out of the bag one by one and say whether the object can be alive or not.

g) “The fourth wheel”

Teacher: Look at the screen. You see four objects. The same pictures are in front of you on the cards. Something is missing here. Find, cross out or circle it and explain why it is redundant.

Table, sofa, bed, cat(Slide 6)

Apple, dog, pear, orange(Slide 7)

Dog, squirrel, tree, hare(Slide 8)

Boots, sneakers, caterpillar, shoes(Slide 9)

Towel, bird, apron, napkins(Slide 10)

Beetle, mug, teapot, plate(Slide 11)

h) “Cube”

Teacher: The cat really likes our lesson. And he again decided to play with us. Now I will take turns throwing a ball to you and calling the object living or inanimate, and you must catch it and say what question we are asking for this object Who? or What?.

4. Exit password.

Our cat, like any cat, loves to catch fish. Look, we have a lake with fish swimming in it. Let's catch some fish for the cat's lunch, but the fish are not ordinary fish; they have pictures of “Living and Non-Living” objects drawn on their scales. You and I need to catch a fish and put it in the right bucket. We put fish with living objects in the green bucket, and in the red bucket with inanimate objects.

5. Summary.

Teacher: Sasha, please tell me what you liked most about today’s lesson?

Katya, what didn’t you like about the lesson?

Vova, what new did you learn today?

Vera, what did you learn today?

6. Reflection

Teacher: Go to the board and choose a picture that matches your mood for today's lesson. The cat chose the sun because he good mood was in today's class.

Children: (take pictures)

Teacher: In the next lesson we will continue to study living and inanimate objects.

Cartoon "Tralik and Roller"

Kokkonen Margarita
Interactive game"Living and Nonliving"

Target: Introduction to concepts "live" And « inanimate» nature

Tasks: learn to distinguish which objects belong to wildlife, which to inanimate nature, and which are man-made.

Develop attention, memory, speech

Description of the game.

A game consists of 18 slides. Move from slide to slide by clicking on a control button. The game is accompanied by a hero - the Wise Owl, who sums up the results and rewards nuts for correct answers. On slides 3-4 we look at photographs and find objects related to nature. 6 slide – a game"Find Pairs". Given 8 pictures: in the top row there is a church dome, an airplane, a helicopter and Submarine, in the bottom row are a seagull, a bud, a sperm whale and a dragonfly. You need to find pairs and explain your decision. By clicking on the desired picture from the bottom row, it goes to its pair. On the eighth slide there is a warm-up. 11-12 slide a game“Distribute the pictures”: there are 6 pictures on the slide that need to be distributed in columns « alive» And « inanimate» . 15-17 slide a game"One extra". Each slide has 6 pictures, you need to select the extra picture. If the answer is correct, the picture disappears with a click and wiggles if the answer is incorrect. Three slides and respectively three groups: something that refers to inanimate nature, that which relates to wildlife, and what is created by man. On the last slide, the owl thanks you for your diligence.


Bondarenko T. M. “Environmental activities for children 6-7 years old”.

Internet sources

Publications on the topic:

Interactive Game Goal: to develop verbal logical thinking, the ability to classify, compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect, logical.

Interactive game “Fruit platter” Relevance of use information technologies in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of information technology.

Interactive game “Where is the logic” A distinctive feature of our time is the rapid entry of information technology into all spheres of life. Modern children, k.

Interactive game “Speech therapy cards” (author’s development) Purpose: to motivate children to compose their own story about the object.

Interactive ecology game Goal: expanding environmental horizons Objectives: introducing culture and nature native land, development of cognitive interest,.

Interactive game "Professions" The game consists of game tasks. Selecting the correct answers in each task is done by clicking on the pictures. Right and wrong.

Interactive game “Travel around Ufa” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the city of Ufa. Objectives: 1. Expand children’s knowledge about hometown, know.

Nature and man-made world: didactic games for children, cards for downloading. educational video for children about living and inanimate nature.

Nature and the man-made world: a didactic game for children

From this article you will learn how to introduce your baby to the world around him, how to explain what living and inanimate nature is, what the man-made world is and how they differ, what educational and educational games will help you.

Today I am pleased to introduce another reader of the “Native Path” website and a participant in the competition. This is not only mother of many children, but also a student teacher training college and a kindergarten teacher by profession. Marina has prepared a game for readers of “Native Path” to familiarize children with the world around them.

I give the floor to Marina: “My name is Smirnova Marina Anatolyevna. I’ve been on the “Native Path” website for a short time—about a year. I live in the village. Chastoozerye. I have three children, a 4th year student at a pedagogical college. Work in kindergarten teacher I’m interested in beadwork, drawing (both with pencils and paints), plasticineography, modular origami, sewing simple felt toys for activities, making various crafts, etc. I recently started making educational games for children.” And today Marina Anatolyevna shares with us two games and cards for them.

The natural world and the man-made world. Living and inanimate nature

In didactic games, children not only clarify their ideas about the world around them and the need to take care of it, but also develop: coherent speech, cognitive interest, ability to analyze, compare, generalize, group objects, children’s attention.

In didactic games, children learn that the objects around them are different.

Some objects are made by man (the man-made world), while other objects are created by nature (the natural world).

The natural world is also very diverse. There is living nature, and there is inanimate nature.

To the natural world include stars and the Moon, forests and mountains, grass and trees, birds and insects. These are those objects that exist outside of man; he did not make them with his own hands or with the help of machines and tools.

  • To inanimate nature include snow and sand, a ray of sun and stones, clay and mountains, rivers and seas.
  • Towards living nature include plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms.

To the man-made world include our clothes and shoes, houses and vehicles, tools and hats and much more, shops and other buildings around us, stadiums and roads.

How to explain to children how the natural world differs from the man-made world and how living and inanimate nature differ from each other?

It is very well explained to children what nature is and how living and inanimate nature differ in my favorite program for children about the world around us, “Shishkina School. Natural History". Watch this educational and fun program for kids with your children. Play the game with its characters, discuss their answers and mistakes.

What kingdoms does the natural world consist of?

Children will learn about this from the program“Shishkina School” on the topic “Kingdoms of Nature”, and together with the animal heroes of the program, they will guess riddles about the inhabitants of these kingdoms

And now that your baby has learned what nature is, how to distinguish the natural world from the man-made world, how to distinguish living and inanimate nature, let's play a didactic game and consolidate and clarify children's ideas about the world around them. And Marina’s games and cards will help us with this.

Didactic game 1. “Living and inanimate nature”

Material for the game

  • Pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature (planet earth, duckling, forest, butterfly, mushroom, mountains, etc.)
  • Red and green cards (for each child)
  • Two dolls or other toys.

Progress of the game

Create a play situation with toys. Two toys (dolls) quarreled and cannot separate the pictures. Ask the children: “How can we reconcile our dolls? How can you share these pictures between Katya and Masha?” Children discuss how they can help their toys.

Draw the children's attention to the cards - hints, remember what they mean. The duckling is the world of living nature. And mountains are a world of inanimate nature. The child helps the dolls divide the pictures correctly.

  • You can give pictures to dolls, for example, give cards to Masha doll with images of living nature, and give cards to Katya doll with images of inanimate nature.
  • Or you can enter conditional icons. The duckling card is green and the mountain card is red. Invite the children to cover pictures depicting living nature with green squares (like the duckling), and cover pictures depicting inanimate nature with red cards (like the “mountains” card).
  • If the game is played with a group of children, then the adult gives each child a set of pictures and red and green cards for laying them out.

The children’s task is to correctly divide all the pictures into two groups.

Doll Masha and Katya each take their pictures and thank the children for their help, praising them for being very quick-witted and inquisitive.

Download pictures for the game “Living and Nonliving”

Didactic game 2. Nature and the man-made world

In this game, children will learn to distinguish objects of the natural world from objects made by human hands, classify pictures, reason and draw conclusions, and describe objects.

Materials for the game

For the game you will need pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (anthill, mirror, bell flower; electric lamp, etc.).

Progress of the game

A group of children is playing. You can also play in pairs “adult and child”.

Each child receives from an adult a set of pictures depicting various objects of the man-made world. An adult shows a picture of a natural object.

For example, an anthill is the home of ants. Children look among their pictures for objects of the man-made world that look like an anthill. For example, a pair for an anthill could be modern house, birdhouse, stable, poultry house, made by human hands. Or perhaps your child will find another pair and be able to prove that it is suitable, because... similar to the original picture in some way.

You need to not only guess and find the right picture, but also prove that this picture matches the picture shown to adults.

Examples of such pairs in cards for the game:

  • bell flower ( natural world) - bell (man-made world),
  • the sun is a light bulb,
  • hedgehog - metal brush - comb with long teeth,
  • live butterfly - a butterfly for a festive costume,
  • planet Earth - toy ball,
  • cobweb - fishing nets,
  • swallow with wings - airplane with wings,
  • cancer claws - pincers as a human tool,
  • snowflake and snowflake - lace napkin,
  • A living mouse is a computer mouse.

Didactic game.

Topic: “Living and non-living nature.”

Goal: to continue work on developing knowledge about non-living and living nature.

Objectives: -enrich lexicon children

Expand children's horizons through a variety of game exercises

Develop logical thinking, auditory-speech perception

Bring up careful attitude to the surrounding world.

1 ORG. MOMENT: -hearing test

Emotional mood.

Conversation on TB with equipment

2 phonetic exercise: (F)

Alive before – rain, beetle, beetle, beetle and buzz, fly (make a sentence)

3 phrases to hear:

What day of the week? -What is your activity today?

Goal setting: We will (think, talk, play.)

Work on the topic:

Guess what the activity will be (collect cut letters)



It's early, early, but in the morning everyone shouts cuckoo

Winter and summer in the same color

White Antoshka passed through the earth and found a red cap

The gray eagle spread its wings in the sky.

Whoever guessed right, I give a picture with the answer

Working with a crossword puzzle (CHILDREN ENTER THE ANSWERS THEMSELVES)

Read the red letters in the crossword puzzle.

What is nature?

What kind of nature is there? (alive and not alive)


DIOLOGIST'S ALGORITHM? …. What kind of nature do you have in your picture?



Connect with arrows where living and non-living nature is

Looking at pictures: (SEASONS)

    Place the pictures according to the seasons and name them

    Choose and show the color that matches the season

White - winter

Blue, green - spring.

Summer green.

Autumn - yellow, red.

Physical minute (TREE)

- ....what time of year is it now?

-...Name the seasons in order.

-….what time of year will it be?

-...what time of year will it be?

-…..what time of year do you like, why?

When were you born? I was born

What time of year is this? This time of year.....

GAME: find the mistakes” the artist was drawing pictures and mixed up something.

Result: what was the lesson like?

What were they talking about?

What new did you learn? Name the seasons in order.
