Where to put your head on the bed. Where to sleep with your head: modern research and the teachings of Feng Shui

Most people arrange their beds in a way that suits the layout. Few people know that in various ancient teachings a lot of attention is paid to the position of the body during sleep. In the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, there is a whole calculation method with which you can calculate the optimal direction. But the sages from India say that you need to place the head of the bed to the north, then your sleep will be calm and sound.

Scientists' opinion

Modern researchers are of the opinion that it is best to point the head of the bed to the north. This position was substantiated by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg. The scientist says that during sleep a person is refueled with energy. Since his health and condition nervous system depends on the planet’s magnetic fields, it is advisable to sleep with your head facing north. If a person lies down like this, then magnetic fields the earth and his body will coincide, which means the restoration of the body will be more complete.

Considering the opinion of scientists, some doctors recommend that their patients adhere to this rule. It is believed that this position of the body reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, improves metabolic processes, blood circulation, and the dreams themselves become bright and pleasant.

Feng Shui teachings

Philosophers ancient China They pay a lot of attention to where to sleep with their head. Unlike the opinion of scientists and doctors, body position according to Feng Shui is calculated individually for each person. Experts in this direction argue that man is only a part of the universe, and therefore must live according to its laws. If he does everything according to the rules of Taoist teaching, he will be successful, rich and healthy.

The teachings of Feng Shui are used by many people from different countries peace. Taoist sages say that each side of the world has its own energy. When a person sleeps, this or that energy acts on him, bringing prosperity, health or, conversely, poverty and illness into his life. If suddenly everything becomes bad, then you can use Eastern teachings to restore the correct energy.

According to Chinese philosophy, each position of the bed relative to the cardinal points changes a person’s life in a certain way, in particular:

  • north direction will help you recover faster from serious illnesses;
  • southern- will improve your financial situation;
  • western- will give new ideas, romantic relationship and bright emotions;
  • eastern- fills the body with vital energy;
  • northeast will give strength and determination to those who lack self-confidence;
  • southeast- will help cope with complexes, strengthen mental energy;
  • southwestern- will give wisdom and prudence;
  • northwestern- will improve leadership qualities.

People's dates of birth are also important and must be taken into account when choosing a place for a bed. For those born in winter, it is better to place the head of the bed in the south, in spring - in the west, in autumn - in the east, in summer - in the north. Therefore, when choosing where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, you should take into account many factors.

How to calculate your individual sleeping location

In Taoist teaching, there are two main zones - eastern and western, yang and yin. To find out your type, you will need to determine the gua number; to do this, add the two outermost digits in the person’s year of birth.

For example, 1974 is calculated as 7+4=11. Next, the two-digit number is again added 1+1=2. Thus, two is the number of gua. There is one feature in the calculations, namely the value of five. If such a number is rolled, then for women it changes to two, and for men to eight.

If a one, three, four or nine is rolled, then the person belongs to oriental type. In this case, it is correct to sleep with your head in the east, north, south and southeast directions. The Western type includes four other numbers and the remaining recommended cardinal directions.

Which way should you sleep with your head according to Hindu teachings?

Eastern teachings of India are based on harmony between body, soul, nature, and space. The most popular of them are Ayurveda, Vastu, and yoga. The opinions of specialists from different teachings regarding the position of the body during sleep differ, since they are based on similar, but distinctive principles.


Ayurveda is the name given to the traditional system of medicine in India, based on ancient Hindu philosophy. The doctrine affirms the integrity of all existence and considers man as a part of the universe and nature. Experts say that if a person has harmony between body and soul, then he is healthy. The opposite phenomenon gives rise to various diseases.

Just like Chinese philosophers, Indian sages pay attention to questions about which direction you should sleep with your head. According to alternative Indian medicine, in a dream a person is charged with energy and gains wisdom. That is why important point is the direction of the body during sleep in relation to the cardinal points.

How to choose the right direction:

  • Eastbest side light, as it develops the mind, spirituality, intuition, and is capable of healing from physical and spiritual illnesses;
  • northfavorable direction, brings the sleeper closer to the divine source;
  • south- acceptable side where you can sleep with your head;
  • west- bad direction, causes illness, deprives energy.


Opinion Indian yogis largely coincides with the research of modern scientists. They claim that the magnetic field of man and the planet are similar. In humans, the south is on the feet, and the north is on the top of the head. Therefore, the choice of the direction where you need to sleep with your head is obvious - to the north.

Yogis place their heads towards the north or northeast and thus are maximally charged with energy during sleep along magnetic lines. If for some reason it is impossible to position the bed in this way, then the eastern direction is also welcome.


This teaching is also based on the harmony of man, nature and the cosmos. The adherents of this philosophy explain the position during sleep by the relationship of the magnetic field of the human body with the magnetic poles of the planet. However, unlike yoga, they believe that the right direction is not north, but south.

Philosophers explain this by saying that it is from the south pole that electromagnetic waves come out, which means that you should sleep with your head in this direction. If the head of the bed faces north, then during sleep there will be counteraction of energies.

This statement contradicts modern research. According to scientific data, magnetic lines leave the pole in the north and enter the south pole.

In which direction of the world should Orthodox and Muslims sleep with their heads, doctors’ opinion

Where to sleep with your head for Muslims

There are no clear instructions in Islam regarding the cardinal directions, however, believers should place the head of the bed in the direction of Mecca, the center of Muslim pilgrimage. In addition to head position, they should sleep on a low bed and should never fall asleep lying on their stomach.

Like the Orthodox

In Orthodoxy there is no mention of which direction to sleep with your head. This religion places an emphasis on prayer. It is through turning to God that spirituality is achieved and a person gains health and well-being. In Christianity, every person is endowed with the right to choose, so the question of how best to sleep is not discussed.

Experts' opinion

Doctors who deal with sleep problems agree that better sleep will be ensured by an appropriate environment in the room, a comfortable bed, mattress, pillow, as well as Fresh air. If a person has restful sleep, then you can try to change the decor in the bedroom: change the curtains, lighting, rearrange the bed. In this case, you should be guided by your feelings.

The average person rarely thinks about where to lay his head while sleeping. But if you ask him which way to sleep better in relation to the window - with his head or his feet, he will most likely choose the second option. Many people believe that it is not safe to sleep with your head towards the window, as it can blow cold air from the window. Among other popular answers are the following: the light of the moon interferes, it is unpleasant to sleep facing an open space.

This is the most frequently asked question, which I am asked during consultations. In order not to answer it separately each time, I will immediately write for everyone the recommendations that are given in Vastu Shastra.

Simply because our Earth is a large magnet, with two poles, the North “minus” and the South “plus”. AND human body- also a magnet, and also has two poles: “minus” in the head, and “plus” in the legs. So, lying with our heads to the North, we combine our “minus” pole with the “minus” pole of the Earth.

Do you remember from school physics how two poles of the same name behave when placed side by side? They push away. The meridians of our body will strive to “push off” from the Earth’s meridians, we will toss and turn all the time, sleep in constant discomfort. And this will not bring us either health or rest.

And the situation is approximately the same with the North-East direction. Since the magnetic pole is still shifted east relative to pure north, we get Negative influence to your health and placing your head in this direction too.

In general, there are other explanations about how negative it is to sleep with your head to the north.

  • For example, in the Southern direction, according to Vastu, Yama, the god of death, is in charge. A wonderful, bright personality, simply doing her duty. And sleeping with your feet in this direction is a completely bad omen)).
  • And one more interesting story about Ganesha and how he got his elephant head. Type in the search at your leisure and read. Or look. And you will find out what the north has to do with it)).

And the position of the head during sleep and the head of the bed, respectively, in all other directions gives its bonuses.

  • So, sleeping with our heads in the northwestern direction brings us material wealth, fame, but also illness and fatigue.
  • Sleeping with your head to the west and southwest brings material wealth and fame.
  • Sleeping with your head to the South gives material well-being.
  • Sleeping with your head in the southeast brings material well-being and spiritual growth.
  • Sleeping with the head on B enhances spiritual growth and brings goodness into a person’s life.

Choose your own sleep direction and feel free to take advantage of it!

Discussion (7)

    I'm completely confused about where to place the head of the bed. After all, the south pole of the earth's magnetic field is nominally located at the geographic north pole. therefore, the north pole of a person’s magnetic field tends to south pole magnetic field of the earth, that is, to the geographic NORTH. So you have to sleep with your head in the geographic North! or am I wrong please clarify

    • Hello Dmitry!
      I didn't really understand the statement:

      After all, the south pole of the earth's magnetic field is nominally located at the geographic north pole. therefore, the north pole of a person’s magnetic field tends to the south pole of the earth’s magnetic field, that is, to the geographic NORTH.

      Can you be more specific about what you're talking about?

        • Irina, in my opinion, everything in vastu is logical and corresponds to common sense). Especially if you don’t waste time looking for free information, but go learn from a professional (the point here is not the freeness, but the lack systematic approach when searching and assimilating information).
          As for the north and south, the answer is easy. During the birth of Vastu, people did not use magnetic compass. The reference point was the Polar Star (direction to the north) and the shadow of the peg at the time of the spring and autumn equinoxes (direction to the east or west). So we focus on the geographic north and sleep with our heads toward the geographic south. If in your case there are no contraindications). Which is also not excluded.

          • Hello!
            Let me explain about the polar star:
            Due to the precession of the earth's axis, the point of the vernal equinox shifts across all signs of the zodiac over (approximately) 26 thousand years. A little more than 2 thousand years for each sign. This means that the polar star 1.5 - 2 thousand years ago was already clearly displaced from the “earth’s axis point” in the starry sky.
            Vastu also originated CLEARLY more than 2 thousand years ago.
            About 13 thousand years ago, the Milky Way passed through an imaginary point on the earth's axis. Now the imaginary axis passes through the so-called polar star, and this is the farthest point from the milky way. By the way, the revolution of the earth along the magnetic poles occurs every 13 thousand years.

Each of us needs sleep every day to restore strength and vitality. Many people wonder whether it matters where you go to sleep with your head. Some believe that it is necessary to rest at night in the direction in which you want and in which it is comfortable, the body should suggest the correct position. However, there are people who believe that there is a big difference, where the head of a child, adult or old person is directed during sleep.

Chinese feng shui

Chinese philosophy claims that if you go to sleep with your head in the right direction, then thanks to this you can improve your quality of life and improve your health. The Chinese believe that people are a small part of the vast Universe, and everyone must be guided by the laws of the surrounding space in order to be in harmony with it and avoid many troubles.
Each side of the world has its own energy, and even when a person is sleeping, this energy still affects him. If one's body is in the right direction in a dream, then it will bring health and prosperity, but if one chooses the wrong position, then one may fail and even become seriously ill. Chinese teachings say that it is necessary to properly organize the bedroom, it should have a calm and quiet environment. The sleeping room should have dim lighting, thick curtains, and no TV or computer.
Feng Shui recommends which direction it is advisable to go to sleep with your head:

  • The head of the bed should be directed north for sick people who want to get better quickly. The energy of the north side will bring health, stability and prosperity;
  • the body should be directed to the northeast during sleep for indecisive people who cannot quickly make decisions and find a way out of various life situations;
  • if you sleep with your head facing southeast, you can get rid of various psychological problems, self-doubt, and all sorts of complexes will disappear;
  • the southern direction does not need to be chosen by impressionable people, this side of the world helps to improve their financial condition, become a leader, and also move up the career ladder;
  • those people who want to be practical, wise and want to gain prudence should sleep with their heads facing southwest;
  • positioning the body to the west will bring new interesting events and adventures into life. IN Slavic peoples They believe that you should not lie down to rest at night with your feet facing the east, because this is how the dead are usually placed in the cemetery. However, every nation has globe different funeral rituals and attitudes towards sleep;
  • If you sleep with your head to the north-west, you can improve your financial condition and develop the qualities of a true leader.

In addition, according to Feng Shui, it is necessary that your feet are towards the window and your head towards the door. It is not recommended to place the bed against a wall that has doors. Also, you should not lie in front of a mirror; at night, a person should not see his reflection. There is no need to sleep on a bed that does not have a backrest; the Chinese believe that it protects against bad cosmic energy. The back should be square or rounded, never triangular.

Orthodox opinion

Christians have quite a few superstitions regarding sleep, and for them there is practically no difference in which direction they need to sleep. The Bible does not describe which way to lay your head in bed. However Orthodox people believe in various signs who came to us from the ancient Slavs. Some Orthodox Christians believe that a mirror should not be installed in the bedroom, and that one should not place one's feet towards the door. If the head is directed to the north, then the person will have good health and will live a long time, and if one falls asleep facing the south, the person will become angry, irritable and filled with anger. And if you fall asleep in a western direction, it promises many diseases.
According to Old Slavonic superstitions, old people and children should go to bed towards the entrance to the house. If you sleep like this for a long time, your life will be prolonged, illnesses will quickly be cured, your body will be recharged with energy and a person will come closer to God. Modern Orthodox Church denies the above signs, and the priests claim that it is necessary to fall asleep in a way that is convenient, and it does not matter in what position and direction the body is.

Experts' opinion

Most modern somnologists recommend that people focus not on the cardinal directions, but on personal sensations, so that when they wake up in the morning, they feel cheerful, in a good mood and full of energy. According to experts, it doesn’t matter which direction your head is in; for sound, healthy sleep and good health, you need to rest in a comfortable bedroom and environment.
However, there are doctors and specialists who are confident in the strong influence of the phases of the moon and the earth’s magnetic field on the internal processes occurring in the human body, on his mental, emotional condition and well-being. Such experts argue that it is best to sleep in the direction of the north, so that energy and magnetic fields flow around the body, giving it energy and strength. Only by lying down in the north direction can you quickly fall asleep, you won’t dream bad dreams, you can avoid insomnia and night awakenings.
Those experts who believe in the influence of torsion fields on the body advise:

  • fall asleep in the direction of the east in order for wisdom and self-awareness to develop; in some nationalities, all babies are laid only in the eastern direction;
  • do not sleep with your head to the west, so that there is no selfishness, vanity and envy;
  • put to sleep in south direction to prolong life;
  • position your head to the north so that the body becomes healthier and the spirit is healed.

Some scientists have even conducted experiments on by different people. Experts have noticed that when a person is very tired, he automatically lies down to the east, and when he is irritated and very excited, he lays his head to the north.
Other scholars advise always sleeping in the north and east directions, and never going to rest in the west and south directions. Many experts agree that there are people whose internal energy does not move in the usual, standard directions. Such people, falling asleep in the western and southern direction, feel wonderful, wake up with good mood full of enthusiasm and energy. Therefore, each person must decide where and how to lie down personally, focusing on their well-being and emotional state.
Werner Heisenberg, a scientist from Germany, after conducting a lot of research, decided that every person is tuned to the magnetic fields and currents of our planet. At night, energy, passing through the body, nourishes and restores every cell, fills the body with strength. He came to the conclusion that a person recovers energy most quickly during sleep if he sleeps with his head facing north. However, there are people for whom it does not matter in what position they rest at night. Sensitive people experimentally determine where the body should be directed at night. Some doctors even advise sick people to go to bed in the north in order to recover quickly, sleep soundly, and so as not to suffer from insomnia.


So, among various nations, in different parts world and different religions are different opinions regarding body position during sleep. Sometimes these opinions differ radically from each other. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves where to lie down in order to feel good and cheerful. Many somnologists recommend listening to your own body, because it will tell you how to rest properly and give us a signal if we are doing the wrong thing.
If the next morning a person feels exhausted and tired, it is not necessarily due to an incorrect position during sleep. Perhaps the reason for the poor condition lies in inappropriate conditions in the bedroom, an uncomfortable bed, stress, or something else. It is necessary to analyze your feelings through trial and error in order to find the most suitable, comfortable place and position for sleeping.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that the position that the human body takes during rest and sleep relative to the cardinal directions is always of great importance for the complete feeling of inner harmony, good health and even present family happiness. The ideal sleeping position is with your head facing north...

To some, all this seems stupid, without any basis. However, those who adhere to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui will certainly want to try everything on themselves in order to agree with the point of view of the yogis or refute it.

According to yogis, a person has electromagnetic field. The body is a kind of compass, in which the north is the top of the head, but the soles of the feet are the legs. In order to get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed and refreshed in the morning, in a great mood, you need to coordinate your own field with the general one electromagnetic field the whole Earth.

A person's head should be directed while sleeping to the north or northeast, this is considered the most correct body position, which benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned so that this can be done, the head of the bed should be turned to the east.

Charles Dickens adhered to this theory of yogis, who always used a compass to correctly position his bed, namely, so that his head was directed north, and magnetic field lines passed through his body during sleep.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui teachings- the art of designing living space, aimed at achieving success by those people who live in the house. Of course, if a house is just being built, then it is much easier to implement all the ideas for arranging a bedroom that this teaching recommends. But keep in mind that sometimes a slight rearrangement of furniture is enough to decorate your living space as correctly as possible from a Feng Shui point of view.

Followers of Eastern philosophy and medicine are convinced that in addition to physical concepts and phenomena that can be heard, smelled, tasted, seen or touched, there is also an invisible flow of electromagnetic energy. In the East, this energy goes by different names: in China - qi, in India - prana, and in Japan - ki.

There are two methods that can change your life for the better according to Feng Shui:

  1. During sleep, a person should take such a body position that powerful flow energy, passing through the building, has a positive effect on the qi energy of the person himself. This can be achieved by properly designing those rooms in which a person spends the most time. At home, this is a bedroom or living room, if family members like to relax there free time. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to equip according to this theory workplace, but it is at work that a person spends a lot of time every day.
  2. It is possible to change the path of energy so that it meets the most important needs of the people living in the house. People have different goals and desires. The main ones, of course, are health and inner harmony. But you need to know that all cardinal directions, four main and four intermediate, produce different type qi energy, and it feeds the energy of a person sleeping and resting.

Sleep with your head north

The ideal sleeping position is with your head facing north, it brings stability, good prosperity, improves health and quickly heals from illnesses. This body position gives a person sound sleep and peace of mind; in married couples it promotes greater affection.

Sleep with your head facing east

However, for young and active people this direction is too calm, it does not correspond to age-related needs. For them, a more suitable position is when the head is directed to the East, according to the course of celestial bodies. The energy of the East gives rise to any business, gives cheerfulness in the morning, the desire to speed up the course of life, because the East has always been considered the spiritual principle and the focus of freedom of spirit and flow of mind.

Sleep with your head to the west

People of art sleep on a bed with head to west helps further development creativity. And the direction strictly south is ideal for careerists. It is believed that by being in this position during sleep, you can climb the career ladder faster and even gain fame, but this position is not suitable for emotional people.

Sleep with your head to the northwest

Northwestern the direction is suitable for mature, and, rather, even elderly people who need a lot of time to restore their vitality. Northeast is not suitable for relaxation, but it brings fighting spirit and helps in finding a purpose in life.

Sleep with your head facing southeast

If you sleep with your head facing southeast, you can overcome complexes and get a boost of energy to start a new business. It is believed that the position of the body while sleeping with the head facing southwest helps to find harmony.
As already noted, the attitude towards this theory is ambiguous. However, as they say, it's worth a try!

Everyone at least once in their life has asked the question “Where is the right place to sleep with your head?”

Most often, these are those people who have recently changed their place of residence or decided to make a change, like me, so I decided to tell you in detail how to sleep correctly and why.

Correct sleeping position and what you need to know about the position of the bed?

We spend a third of our entire lives sleeping and that's why correct location body is very important. Many people like to read, watch TV and even eat without getting out of bed, while saying that they are ready to spend half their life without getting out of it. But first, it is important to understand what the position of the body itself should be. You can often wake up even more tired and the reason for this is what you fall asleep on and how you do it. If you constantly curl up, your head ends up on the hard back of the sofa or, much worse, hangs slightly off the bed. In such cases, there is no need to talk about good condition throughout the day. During such sleep, the body begins to experience a lack of oxygen, the neck is in constant tension and takes an unnatural position for itself. In the future, this could develop into serious health problems.

Sound sleep can be considered a guarantee have a good day

It is better to purchase a bed with an orthopedic mattress if you do not already have one. Try to sleep in a level position, this will be a big plus. The location of the bed itself is also important. Many vintage folk beliefs They say that if its head is directed to the south, you will have an excellent reputation, enough respect and honor. To the north - intuition will continuously develop, to the east - you are guaranteed a healthy, restful sleep. West means prosperity. Therefore, decide what you are missing and begin to unfold the bed to get what you want.

As you can see for yourself, it is important to correctly position your place for the night; try to point the head of the head in the direction in which you will only dream good dreams. Only in this way can you find peace and have a wonderful rest from all the problems and hardships of the past day. Healthy sleep, of course, no one canceled it. This is all good if you live alone. A location that is great for you may not always be a great location for someone else, especially when it comes to a night out. Your energy fields may differ from each other and have a significant impact on the state of the body during sleep.

Tip: the right bed can provide not only a comfortable sleep, but also a peaceful life.

Before you buy a brand new bed, figure out what your goal is. If it is a success in work, it should be square and have a wooden back. A metal or round bed will bring good luck in business. If you see this, be sure to buy it, believe me, you won’t regret it. If your soul gravitates toward creativity, fame, and prosperity, a wavy back is what you need. When you see a bed with a headboard in the shape of a triangle, turn around and leave, there is no need for such an item in the interior.

The answer to the question “How should you sleep correctly and where is the best place to turn your head?” Indian sages can give. The main advice you will hear from them is to pay attention to the theory of magnetic fields. If fully consistent with it, the bed should be placed with the head either to the north or northeast. In India, it is believed that each person has his own unique electrical charge, like our entire planet. Therefore, ancient wisdom says that north is located in the head, south, respectively, in the legs. People living in India strictly follow all the rules and try to ensure the attraction of their energy pole to get a good rest at night. If you succeed perfect combination, in the morning you will be full of strength, you will be able to feel incredible good spirits.

The bed is of no small importance for a comfortable sleep.

The electromagnetic north of our planet is in the south according to geography, according to the magnetic south - in the north. When you go to bed, your head should face the geographic north. But if the bedroom is laid out in such a way that it is impossible to place the bed exactly this way, try to turn it to the east.

The teachings of Feng Shui, can it tell you how to go to bed correctly, where to turn your head?

The entire civilized world Lately is influenced by the Chinese teachings called Feng Shui. It is in it that you can find the answer to almost any question, and it does not matter which area of ​​your living space it concerns. Most often, everyone wants to know about the correct arrangement of objects in the house and, in fact, how to sleep correctly. You may be skeptical or ironic about this teaching, but many people from different corners the world follows its rules clearly and responsibly. Their faith has enormous power.

U different nations have their own beliefs about how the body should be positioned during sleep

Advice: you can absolutely sleep with your head according to Feng Shui. different ways, there are a huge number of options for how to sit in your sleeping place and get maximum pleasure.

TOP 5 rules for how to sleep properly according to Feng Shui, which I have personally tried:

  1. Don't go to sleep with your head and feet towards front door, choose a small cozy corner of the bedroom
  2. The head should not lie towards the windows
  3. Sleeping in front of a mirror won't be a plus either.
  4. You shouldn't see your reflection when you're asleep
  5. The headboards should not interfere with the comfort of your sleep; there is no need to rest your head or feet on them

Usually in Feng Shui all zones are divided into two groups:

  1. Eastern
  2. Western

If you have been or will be in China, please note that the facades of some houses are distinguished by the massiveness of their walls. This is the Yang side - Water, and the other side - Yin, also called the Mountain side, can be seen from the rear of the building. This is where the kingdom of peace and tranquility is located, and the head of the bed should be placed towards it. But in new buildings, architects do not always take this feature into account. The nation is becoming more and more European, beginning to move away from ancient customs.

Feng Shui takes this issue especially seriously.

Individually for you and each family member you can calculate Gua number, it will show what type of person you are. To do this, add up the last two digits of your year of birth; if you get a two-digit number, add it up again. Now you need to subtract 10 if you are a man, but if you are a boy who was born after 2000 - 9. Women need to add 5, girls - 6. If in the end you get the number 5, and it does not exist, it is replaced for men by 2, for women by 8. The result for the eastern type is: 1, 3, 4, 9, to sleep you need to lie with your head to the south, east, southeast or north. Western: 2, 6, 7, 8, fall asleep in the northeast, northwest, southwest or west direction.

Cardinal directions - how do they affect sleep?

This question is raised in any ancient teaching or religion, but what if you don’t necessarily rely on them, but simply ask the question: “Where is the correct place to sleep with your head: to the west or east?” The energy in our body is charged with the help of consciousness and goes in the direction from the head to the feet. Based on the recommendations of various teachings, it is possible to determine what all cardinal directions mean:

  1. North. Helps improve health, can bring prosperity and good luck into life. Helps in family life forget about troubles and problems, falling asleep in this way, you can find inner freedom and harmony. It will fit just perfectly married couples and adults.
  2. West. This position of the head in a dream will help you to open up your creativity, get complete satisfaction from life and a charge of positive energy. Artists, musicians, people of creative professions - this is for you.
  3. East. It promises to receive magical energy, after spending the night and settling down in this way, you will become more purposeful, active, no fear of new things can scare you, because higher power will come to help. An excellent option for those who constantly work, lead active image life.
  4. South. The ideal solution if you dream of being on top career ladder. Falling asleep in this position every day, you will always be confident; throughout the night your body will be charged with energy, thereby attracting good luck during the day.
  5. Northeast is an ideal location for senior citizens. It is believed that in this way energy and strength are restored the next day; if you are depressed, this position will help you find a way out of the situation.
  6. Southeast. Do you want to overcome complexes and fears? This position is perfect for you.

Religion and proper sleep

There are many different religions in the world and each has its own special interpretation of sleep, its meaning and, of course, the correct position in which to spend the night. Let's figure out how to sleep correctly and where to lay your head in a Christian way. This denomination has never emphasized issues of this kind.

We at Life Reactor still tend to think that the correct body position is comfortable

It is believed that every person has the right to sleep in the way that is comfortable for him, the main thing is to feel unity with himself. But despite this, over the millennia of the existence of religion, some opinions have developed:

  1. No need to fall asleep with your head facing north. In a dream, you can lose contact with God and Higher powers.
  2. By accepting the eastern position, you will do absolutely the right thing, and your connection with the Almighty will only become stronger.
  3. By placing your head south while sleeping, you can be one step closer to longevity.
  4. The development of egoism is promoted by sleeping with the head positioned to the west.

Now you know and can decide for yourself where it would be more correct to sleep with your head in a Christian way. But everyone has their own faith. Orthodoxy is one of the three directions of Christianity, literally translated as “correct teaching.” Therefore, ways proper sleep in Orthodoxy are not very different from those described above. But there are also folk signs, which are often associated with this religion. They appeared as a result of centuries-old superstitions that were invented by our ancestors. I will tell you the main ones, and you decide for yourself whether to believe in them or not.

The first and most important warning: you cannot turn your feet towards the door; it is believed that only the dead are carried out this way. Also, if your head is directed towards the mirror, you begin to attract all failures and illnesses to yourself. But the northern direction promises health and longevity, the southern direction promises aggressiveness and irritability. If you fall asleep with your head facing west, an unexpected illness may appear. And if it is directed towards the door, this is an ideal position; such a dream does not take away vitality, but only adds it. So you and I have figured out where you need to lay your head in order to sleep correctly as an Orthodox Christian.

Advice: there is no need to be scared when waking up across the bed; our body can itself choose the optimal position for the most comfortable sleep.

Having a good night's sleep ensures that you feel great throughout the day.

There is a collection of the most ancient and sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit in the world. They are called Vedas, which means “knowledge” or “teaching”. They completely refute the theory of yogis, but many listen to him unquestioningly. The question of where to correctly sleep with your head according to the Vedas can be answered easily, the main thing to remember is that the energy of the earth negatively affects a person’s energy if you fall asleep to the north. The West is also not the best choice, so you will only lose your vitality. South and east are what you need! It is believed that in this position, the energy of the Earth gently flows around the body and feeds when necessary.

Healthy sleep - all the important points

If you and your husband are setting up your home for the first time, there may be a lot of disagreement, especially about how to place the bed. But you should always remember common sense, he must prevail over at least one. It is not necessary to rely on scientific and religious theories; try to listen to yourself or your partner. The main thing is comfort. Home should be a place where you want to return, no matter what happens during the day. Having found harmony, you will not be subject to any stressful situations, intuition begins to work 100% and will be able to give correct settings and tips.

Tip: not only the position of the head affects favorable sleep, but also what it lies on - the pillow. When buying it, pay attention to the material from which it is made, dimensions and weight.

Today, you can choose the perfect pillow for yourself in no time. They are produced “with memory”. This marvel of innovation can remember the position of your head thanks to the elastic material it is made from. When you sleep, the pillow will not try to level itself as you rest, thus not disturbing you. Sometimes the layout of the room, and indeed the building itself, simply does not allow you to arrange the furniture, following the above tips and own desires, so a well-chosen pillow can save you. Therefore, think about it: maybe you shouldn’t attach such great importance to the direction of your body during sleep, but concentrate your attention solely on comfort.

Feel good Sweet dreams!

Sometimes you begin to catch yourself on the spot that you can get a great night’s sleep in constantly moving transport, even if it changes its direction relative to parts of the world. If you consider yourself a rational type of person, it is better to give preference to your own sensations and feelings. To do this, lie down on the floor for a while and change the position of your body in relation to different directions of the world, as it will be better, intuition and nature will do everything for you. It has been proven by scientists that our mood can affect the position in which we sleep. And various prejudices and superstitions can create enormous discomfort in the life of each of us, and the dream will disappear by myself.

Of course, most people actively use Feng Shui, advice from yogis and various religions, this is good. But you shouldn’t focus only on this; in life it won’t always be possible to set up a bed the way it is written in the ancient scriptures. Find your place where you will be absolutely comfortable, no matter where you go to sleep with your head, whether it is right or wrong. The main thing is to have pleasant, colorful dreams and wake up in the morning in a great mood.
