Medical and social care in brief. Medical and social care medical and social care

Kemerovo - 2017

Description of competency

"Medical and social care"
Medical and social care is a comprehensive system of support for patients, their families, community groups and society as a whole, including medical, psychological and social components.

Purpose of health and social care – d realization highest level patient adaptation to health problems.

Any patient – a source of potential infection. At the workplace, a specialist must observe safety precautions in order to prevent infection. infectious diseases. In the event of emergency situations, it is necessary to act immediately, correctly and clearly.
Exercise 1.

Planning your own activities.

Emergency tactics.

Time to complete: 20 minutes.

Exercise: Demonstrate the rules for using the Emergency First Aid Kit in case of contact with blood or biological fluids on the mucous membranes of the eyes, or in case of destruction of a container with blood (a test tube is broken or knocked over). This task can be completed by a participant with hearing impairment or damage to the musculoskeletal system.

Procedure for completing the task:

  1. Studying the competition task.

  2. Highlighting key points in the competition task.

  3. Carrying out general analysis situational task.

  4. Completing the practical part of the task.

  5. Preparing specific answers to the questions asked.

  6. Support the answer with argumentation.

  7. Presentation of work results by pre-experts.
Completing the task:

For medical workers emergency situations you should act in accordance with the following algorithm:

I. If blood or body fluids come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes:

1. Rinse thoroughly under running water (do not rub!).

II.If a container with blood is destroyed (the tube is broken or knocked over):

1. Put on gloves (if they were not worn);

2. Limit the location of the accident using rags;

3. Fill with a disinfectant solution (concentration according to the regime provided for inactivation of blood-contact hepatitis viruses) for the duration of exposure;

4. After exposure, collect the broken container using a dustpan and brush and place it in Class B waste;

5. Remove gloves and dispose of in accordance with safety requirements.

Evaluation Criteria Sheet

Task 2.

Identifying the patient's impaired needs and implementing evidence-based care.

Time to complete: 25 minutes.

Exercise: Train relatives of a seriously ill patient to change bed linen (the patient can turn on his side). This task can be completed by a participant with hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disabilities.

Procedure for completing the task

5. Preparation of specific answers to the surveys. Support the answer with argumentation.

6.Presentation of work results by pre-experts.

Completing the task:

1. Assess the patient’s position and condition.

2. Carefully remove the pillow from under the patient’s head and change the pillowcase. Place the dirty pillowcase in a laundry bag.

3. Remove the duvet cover, remove the blanket and cover the patient with the duvet cover while changing the linen.

4. Turn the patient on his side towards you.

5. Roll up a dirty sheet with a roller and place this roller under the patient’s back. If the laundry is heavily soiled, place a diaper on the roller.

6. Place a clean sheet folded in half on the free side of the bed, tuck it under the mattress on the side opposite the patient.

7. Help the patient roll over the roller to the clean side.

8. Roll up the dirty sheet and place it in a laundry bag.

9. Unfold a clean sheet and tuck it under the mattress on the other side of the bed.

10. Place a clean duvet cover on the blanket. Cover the patient with a blanket, removing the dirty blanket cover with which he was covered.

11. Place the dirty duvet cover in the laundry bag.

Evaluation Criteria Sheet


Points awarded

Assessing the situation and planning your own actions


Communication skills, ethics, legal issues


Care and appointments


Ergonomics and safety




Task 3.

Patient assessment and communication skills.

Time to complete: 25 minutes.

Exercise: The patient was diagnosed with hypertension for the first time. Teach him to measure blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer. This task can be completed by a participant with hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disabilities.

Procedure for completing the task:

1. Study of the competition task.

2. Highlighting key points in the competition task.

3. Conducting a general analysis of the situational task.

4. Completing the practical part of the task.

5. Preparation of specific answers to the questions posed. Support the answer with argumentation.

Completing the task:

A competitor demonstrates the rules of measurement blood pressure:

  1. Tell the patient that you will teach him how to measure blood pressure.

  2. Determine the patient's motivation and ability to learn.

  3. Check with the patient whether he agrees to be trained in measuring blood pressure.

  4. Familiarize the patient with the device of the tonometer and phonendoscope.

  5. Warn him that blood pressure can be measured no earlier than 15 minutes after physical activity.

  6. Demonstration of cuff application technique. Place the cuff on your left bare shoulder (pull it like a sleeve) 1-2 cm above the elbow, first rolling it into a tube along the diameter of the arm: the clothing should not squeeze the shoulder above the cuff; One finger should fit between the cuff and the shoulder.

  7. Demonstrate the technique of connecting the cuff and pressure gauge, check the position of the pressure gauge needle relative to the zero mark of the scale.

  8. Demonstrate the technique of palpating the pulse of the brachial artery in the elbow area.

  9. Insert the phonendoscope into the ears and place the phonendoscope membrane at the place where the pulse is detected, but so that the head of the phonendoscope is under the cuff.

  10. Demonstrate the technique of using a punching bag:

  • take the pressure gauge in the hand on which the cuff is placed, and in the other - the “pear” so that with the 1st and 2nd fingers you can open and close the valve;

  • close the valve on the bulb by turning it to the right, pump air into the cuff after the sounds disappear by another 30 mmHg. Art.

  • slowly open the valve, turning it to the left, release air at a speed of 2-3 mmHg. Art. in 1 s. At the same time, using a phonendoscope, listen to Korotkoff sounds on the brachial artery and monitor the readings on the manometer scale. Focus the patient's attention on the fact that: the appearance of the first sounds corresponds to the value of systolic pressure;

  • transition of loud sounds to dull sounds or their complete disappearance corresponds to the value of diastolic pressure.

  1. Write the result as a fraction.

  2. Ensure that the patient is trained in the technique of measuring blood pressure by asking for a demonstration of the procedure. If necessary, provide written instructions.

  3. Learn how to keep an observation diary.

  4. Warn the patient that he should measure blood pressure 2-3 times with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

  5. After training, wipe the membrane and ear ends of the phonendoscope with a ball of alcohol.

  6. Wash the hands.
Evaluation Criteria Sheet

Task 4.

Providing emergency medical care.

Time to complete: 20 minutes.

Exercise: A patient with Ds: Lobar pneumonia, body temperature 40.0C for a week. On the seventh day of illness, the temperature dropped to normal within an hour, the patient is pale, covered with cold, sticky sweat, cyanosis of the lips, severe weakness, blood pressure 80/50, and thready pulse are observed. Determine the condition that has developed in the patient and provide assistance. This task can be completed by a participant with hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disabilities.

Procedure for completing the task:

1. Study of the competition task.

2. Highlighting key points in the competition task.

3. Conducting a general analysis of the situational task.

4. Completing the practical part of the task.

5. Preparing specific answers to the questions posed. Supporting the answer with argumentation.

6. Presentation of work results by pre-experts.

Completing the task:

  1. Call a doctor.

  2. Raise the foot end of the bed and remove the pillow from under your head.

  3. Monitor blood pressure and pulse.

  4. Give strong sweet tea.

  5. Cover the patient with blankets and apply heating pads to the patient's arms and legs.

  6. Follow the doctor's orders.
Evaluation Criteria Sheet

C item falsity remains the same for people with disabilities. Adaptation of tasks consists of increasing the time required to complete tasks.

Infrastructure sheet

Equipment provided by the organizer for the 1st site:

1.Table - 1.

2. Sink (or imitation) - 1.

3. Liquid soap in a dispenser (imitation).

4. Disposable towels in the dispenser - 1.

5. Non-sterile medical gloves.

6. Bottle 1l. with water for washing eyes - 1.

7. A small box (lid) with the following contents:

Ethyl alcohol 70% (imitation) - 1;

5% iodine tincture - 1;

Sterile bandage – 1 pc.;

Bactericidal patch – 1 pc.;

Scissors - 1;

On the lid of the box there is a sheet with a list of contents.
8. Journal for recording emergency situations - 1.

9. Container for waste class A, container for waste class B - 1 each.

10. Mechanical tonometer – 1

11. Chair for a nurse - 1.

12. Manipulation table - 1.

13. Laying with sterile gauze wipes – 6 pcs.

14. Functional bed - 1.

15. Bedside table - 1.

16. Bed linen - 2 sets.

17. Thermometer – 1

18. Mattress, pillow, blanket - 1 each.

19. Trolley for collecting dirty linen - 1.

20. Hand sanitizer - 1.

21. Rubber heating pad - 1.

22. Tea cup or sippy cup - 1.

23. Writing paper.

24. Ball pen - 6.

25. Mat for the victim - 1.


To complete the competition task, the participant must have with him a medical or surgical gown, replacement shoes, and a medical cap.

Rules for performing work and organizing labor

1. General requirements instructions on labor protection at the competition site

1.1. TO independent work Participants are admitted to the competition site after undergoing on-the-job training, training in safe work methods and testing knowledge of labor protection, having received the necessary training in labor protection and being instructed in the operation of various devices and tools used to equip the competition site.

    1. Hazardous factors when working on the competition site are:

  • physical (high voltage in the electrical network; ventilation system);

  • chemical (various medications and substances);

  • biological (preparations intended for immunization; carriers of various infectious diseases);

  • psychophysiological (a state close to stress, caused by the fear of communicating with carriers dangerous diseases; excessive emotional stress).
1.3. While working at the competition site, it is necessary to use the following special clothing and personal protective equipment: white robe, headdress (scarf or cap), cotton-gauze bandage, individual rubber gloves.

1.4. The participant must immediately report any problems with electrical wiring and plumbing to the expert.

1.5. The participant is obliged to comply with fire safety requirements.

1.6. To provide fire safety There must be a fire extinguisher in working condition in an easily accessible place.

1.7. In cases where sterility is required to perform the work, it is necessary to use sterile disposable products

1.8. Equipment and devices that may be energized due to insulation failure must be subject to protective grounding, regardless of the location of their installation and procedure.

1.9. It is not allowed to store any equipment, apparatus and instruments in cabinets.

1.10. The competition site must be equipped with everything necessary equipment according to the infrastructure sheet.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect and tidy up workplace, remove all foreign objects that may distract attention and make work difficult.

2.2. Check the correct use of equipment at the competition site (installation of a table, chair) and, if necessary, make the necessary changes to prevent incorrect postures and prolonged muscle strain.

2.3. Check the lighting of the competition area.

2.4. Wear clean sanitary clothing, shoes, and, if necessary, special clothing and safety shoes.

2.5. Make sure that all devices and equipment, fences, interlocks, and grounding devices are in good working order, and if any malfunctions are detected, immediately inform an expert about this.

2.6. All control and measuring instruments of equipment and apparatus must be tested in accordance with the established procedure.

2.7. It is prohibited to carry out medical procedures using faulty and/or homemade instruments at the competition site.

2.8. It is prohibited to start work if any non-compliance of the workplace with the requirements established in this section is detected, as well as if it is impossible to carry out the preparatory actions specified in this section.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. A participant at the competition site must:

strictly follow these instructions;

  • strictly follow all operating rules and labor safety instructions for the tools and various devices used;

  • keep your place on the competition site in order and clean every day;

  • comply with everything General requirements occupational hygiene;

  • obtain information from a statistician playing the role of a patient about existing contraindications for use medicines, about his availability allergic reactions and transferred to Lately diseases, as well as his contacts with carriers of infectious diseases.
3.2. While working on the competition site it is prohibited:

  • violate the rules for the use of tools and devices;

  • violate the rules for operating tools.
3.3. During breaks between competitive tasks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual apparatus, reduce physical inactivity and hypokinesia, and prevent the development of excessive fatigue, it is necessary to perform appropriate sets of physical exercises.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Report all equipment malfunctions and emergency situations directly to the expert.

If you detect a break in the power wires or a violation of the integrity of their insulation, faulty grounding and other damage to electrical equipment, the appearance of a burning smell, extraneous sounds in the operation of the equipment and test signals, immediately stop work and turn off the power.

4.2. If the user is struck by an electric shock, take measures to free him from the action of the current by turning off the power supply and, until the doctor arrives, provide the victim with first aid.

4.3. If the equipment catches fire, turn off the power, notify an expert, call the fire department, and then begin extinguishing the fire using available means.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work at the competition site

5.1. Upon completion of work, the competition participant must:

5.2. Remove work materials from the table and tidy up the work area.

5.3. Report any problems you notice to an expert.

5.4. In any case, follow the instructions of the experts.

Health and social care is a comprehensive system aimed at adapting to the health situation of patients, their families, population groups and society, in order to provide the maximum High Quality life and maintaining the psychosocial health of the population.

Social and medical protection is needed by families with disabled people and patients with severe chronic diseases, those affected by radioactive contamination of the environment, as well as single-parent families (maternal or paternal), large families, guardians, young, people in dire need, receiving a survivor's pension and other low-income families . Also, elderly and old people, along with direct medical care due to one or another chronic disease, are no less in need of social and medical assistance. Medical and social assistance consists of solving medical, social, psychological, and legal issues. Providing disabled people with medicines and food products at preferential prices, preparing and re-issuing documents to refer a patient for a medical and social examination in case of persistent limitations in life and work ability are also included in the responsibilities of a medical social worker. Patients with disabilities should be employed using various forms labor organization (home work, part-time work, etc.). The competence of a medical social worker includes issues related to the disability of patients sent to sanatoriums from hospital institutions after a surgical illness or surgical intervention, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of an accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant, disabled people, victims of radiation exposure, evacuated from settlements, subjected radioactive contamination and other categories of persons.

A medical social worker should supervise women after childbirth, especially from disadvantaged families. Young women in the postpartum period, for various reasons, often of a social nature, do not pay due attention to their health, which can contribute to the development of diseases of the female genital area and affect its reproductive function. The birth of a child in an incomplete family ( bastard), the birth of a second child, termination of pregnancy, continuation of studies or its termination due to the danger of pregnancy complications - all these issues fall within the competence of a social worker and should be resolved both at an appointment with a medical and social doctor, and during individual, patronage work in a family with the possible involvement of a psychologist - pedagogical, social and legal consultants. A medical and social specialist develops among the population certain rules behavior, healthy habits, which helps prevent chronic non-infectious diseases, repeated exacerbations, progression of an existing disease, the development of complications and adverse outcomes.

The main activities of the territorial department of medical and social care include providing primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of diseases by preventing anomalous phenomena in families and adolescents, educational work on hygienic education of the population, training in self- and mutual assistance, medical and social assistance to the elderly and inoperable patients. Medical and social protection of the population includes, for example, such areas as primary health care and rehabilitation of patients with chronic diseases with permanent disability, provision of medical services for the care of the elderly, disabled people, solutions to social, domestic, legal, educational, psychological and a number of other problems, the implementation of which is impossible without medical training social workers. Medical and social services should be simple to organize, accessible to all segments of the population and socially guaranteed in volume and quality. It is important to interest and involve the population itself in the implementation of social programs, as well as to ensure the participation in their implementation of representatives of voluntary and charitable organizations, foundations, associations, and church ministers.




according to competence

Medical and social care

National expert "Abilimpix"

_________ ________________________

"____" _____________ 2017


Company ________________

_________ _______________

"____" _____________ 2017

Moscow, 2017

Description of competence.

Health and social care is a comprehensive system aimed at adapting to the health situation of patients, their families, population groups and society, in order to ensure the highest possible quality of life and maintain the psychosocial health of the population.

Medical workers provide a range of social support services to patients and their families, are responsible for professional work with the patient, strive to fully satisfy his needs, provide support at a decent level of physical and psychosocial condition, and provide care and rehabilitation.

Care and health improvement - the basis of the work of a nurse - require compliance with professional ethics and deontology, as well as the law in the field of health care.

The care provided is based on the planning, implementation and evaluation of the care program (for example, support in Everyday life, mobility, handling medications, coping with illness situations, changes in life parameters, etc.) in a variety of settings, including nursing homes, hospitals, hospices.

Performance professional activity carries a risk of potential infection. In the workplace, in order to prevent infection, strict safety measures must be observed.

Activities that combine medical and social care, contribute to improving the quality of life, are crucial for maintaining the socio-psychological health of the population.
Competition tasks

Competition tasks are compiled in accordance with Professional standard"Junior medical personnel" and the main professional educational programs average vocational education, developed on the basis of federal government educational standards majoring in Nursing. IN working group included experts, specialists in the field professional module“Performing work in the profession of Junior Nurse in patient care (Solving patient problems through nursing care).”
Description of the project and tasks.

During the championship, excellence in the following areas will be assessed:

1. Planning your own activities. Emergency tactics.

2. Identifying the patient's impaired needs and implementing evidence-based care.

3. Patient assessment and communication skills.

4. Providing first aid to victims.
Instructions for the participant.

Exercise 1.

Planning your own activities.

Emergency tactics.
Time to complete: 20 minutes.

Exercise: Demonstrate the rules for using an emergency first aid kit for injections and cuts, when blood or biological fluids get on the mucous membranes of the mouth. This task can be completed by a participant with hearing impairment or damage to the musculoskeletal system.

Procedure for completing the task

In emergency situations, medical workers should act in accordance with the following algorithm:

I. In case of a cut or puncture:

1. Immediately remove gloves,

2. Wash your hands with soap and running water,

3. Clean your hands with 70% alcohol,

4. Lubricate the wound with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine,

5. Cover with a bactericidal plaster.

II. If the patient's blood or other biological fluids come into contact with the oral mucosa

1. Oral cavity Rinse big amount water

2. Rinse with a 70% ethyl alcohol solution.

Evaluation Criteria Sheet

Task 2. Determine the patient's impaired needs and implement evidence-based care.

Time to complete: 25 minutes.

Exercise: Train relatives of a seriously ill patient to change bed linen. This task can be completed by a participant with hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disabilities.

Procedure for completing the task

1. Study of the competition task.

2. Highlighting key points in the competition task.

3. Conducting a general analysis of the situational task.

4. Completing the practical part of the assignment.

5. Preparation of specific answers to the questions posed. Support the answer with argumentation.

6. Presentation of work results to experts.

(The participant puts on medical gloves)

  1. Lower the handrails and assess the patient’s position and condition.

  2. Carefully remove the pillow from under your head and change the pillowcase. Place the dirty pillowcase in a laundry bag.

  3. Remove the duvet cover, remove the blanket and cover the patient with the duvet cover while the linen is changed.

  4. Turn the patient on his side towards you.

  5. Roll up a dirty sheet, put a clean sheet folded in half, and tuck it under the mattress.

  6. Help the patient roll over the roller to the clean side.

  7. Roll up the dirty sheet and place it in a laundry bag.

  8. Unfold a clean sheet and tuck it under the mattress on the other side of the bed.

  9. Place a clean duvet cover on the blanket and cover the patient.

  10. Place the dirty duvet cover in a laundry bag.

  11. Place a pillow under the head to comfortably place the patient in bed.

Evaluation Criteria Sheet


Points awarded



Care and appointments



Safety and ergonomics




Task 3. Patient assessment and communication skills.

Time to complete: 25 minutes.

Exercise: Teach the relatives of a patient with cardiac dysfunction how to measure the pulse. This task can be completed by a participant with hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disabilities.

Procedure for completing the task

1. Study of the competition task.

2. Highlighting key points in the competition task.

3. Conducting a general analysis of the situational task.

4. Completing the practical part of the assignment.

5. Preparation of specific answers to the questions posed. Support the answer with argumentation.

6. Presentation of work results to experts.

The competitor demonstrates measuring the arterial pulse.

1. Explain to the patient and relatives the essence and course of the procedure.

2. Free the patient’s forearm from restrictive clothing.

3.Wash your hands in a hygienic manner.

4. Invite the patient to sit or lie down (the arm should be relaxed).

5 . Press the radial arteries on both hands of the patient with 2, 3, 4 fingers and feel the pulsation of the artery (1 finger should be on the back of the hand)

6. Determine the rhythm of the pulse: if the pulse waves follow one after another at equal intervals, the pulse is rhythmic; if not, it is arrhythmic.

7. Determine the pulse rate - the number of pulse waves in 1 minute.

Take a watch or stopwatch and determine the number of pulse waves: if the pulse is rhythmic, count for 30 seconds and multiply by two;

8. Inform the patient the result of the study.

9. Treat your hands hygienically

Evaluation Criteria Sheet


Points awarded

Patient assessment


Assessing the situation and planning your own actions


Communication skills, ethics and legal issues


Knowledge of established algorithms


Safety and ergonomics




Task 4. Providing first aid to victims.

Time to complete: 20 minutes.

Exercise: On the street, in front of your eyes, a person vomited blood. Describe your actions. This task can be completed by a participant with hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal disabilities.

Procedure for completing the task

1. Study of the competition task.

2. Highlighting key points in the competition task.

3. Conducting a general analysis of the situational task.

4. Completing the practical part of the assignment.

5. Preparation of specific answers to the questions posed. Support the answer with argumentation.

6. Presentation of work results to experts.

The manipulation is performed on an extra or a mannequin. Number to call an ambulance with mobile phone – 103.

The situation is bleeding from the stomach.

First aid algorithm:

  1. Assess the patient’s condition: skin color, pulse.

  2. Place the patient on his back, turn his head to the side.

  3. Provide physical and emotional peace.

  4. Prohibit drinking water and food.

  5. Cold on the epigastric region (ice pack).

  6. Monitoring the patient’s condition: skin color, pulse, breathing.

Evaluation Criteria Sheet


Points awarded

Patient assessment


Assessing the situation and planning your own actions


Communication skills, ethics and legal issues


Care and purpose


Safety and ergonomics




The difficulty of the tasks remains the same for people with disabilities. Adaptation of tasks consists of increasing the time required to complete a task.

Scoring criteria

Objectively assessed points

Criteria for evaluation

Maximum score

Assessing the situation and planning your own actions


Patient assessment

Communication skills, ethics and legal issues


Care and appointments


Knowledge of established algorithms


Safety and ergonomics




Infrastructure sheet

Materials and equipment presented to participants and experts, definition of prohibited materials and equipment

Participants are admitted to the competition site with medical pantsuits, experts - in medical gowns.

Materials and equipment presented to participants



Functional bed


Wheel chair




Mobile tool table


Trolley for disinfection containers


Bedding set:


Duvet cover

Pillowcase 70x70 (50x50)

Pillow 50x50

Pillow 70x70








Desk for equipping a nurse's station


Ward chair


Trolley for collecting and transporting laundry


Dispenser for liquid soap and antiseptics


Holders for disposable towels


Class A waste container


Class B waste container


Collection package medical waste A class, unitary enterprise.


Bag for collecting medical waste B class, pack.


Buckets for class B waste – 5 l.


"Kront" storage tanks for disinfectants,


Patient feeding table


Skin antiseptic, vial.


Disinfectants, fl.


Liquid soap, fl.


Hand cream packaging.


Non-sterile examination gloves, packaging, size S


Non-sterile examination gloves, packaging, size M


Sterile gauze napkin 12x12, packaging


Disposable mask, packaging


Disposable towel, packaging


Medical documentation (temperature sheet, medical history, patient observation sheet)

Devices for moving patients, set (slider, sliding sheet, belt)




Versatile nightgown


PAGAVIT cotton swabs, impregnated with glycerin, pack 10 pcs.


Protective cream with zinc oxide, 200 ml 6


Cleansing foam, 400 ml.


Wiping mitten, pack 50 pcs.


Protective foam for skin, 200 ml


Protective foam - spray


Wet wipes for wiping the patient's skin, pack.


Diapers for adults, pack.


Ice pack


Bactericidal patch, pack.


70% alcohol


5% alcohol solution iodine


Protective bib, waterproof, pack.


Container for disinfection, pcs. 5 l, 3 l, 1 l

2 each

Container trolley




Mechanical blood pressure measuring device


Sippy cup




Disposable wipes, pack.


Disposable apron for manipulations, pack.


Prohibited materials and equipment:

Professional standards;

Devices that transmit, receive and store information.

Rules for performing work and organizing labor

1. General requirements labor safety instructionson the competition site

1.1. Participants are allowed to work independently at the competition site after undergoing on-the-job instruction, training in safe work methods and testing knowledge of labor protection, having received the necessary training in labor protection and being instructed in the operation of various devices and tools used to equip the competition site.

1.2. Dangerous factors when working on the competition site are:

Physical (high voltage in the electrical network; ventilation system);

Chemical (various drugs and substances);

Biological (preparations intended for immunization; carriers

various infectious diseases);

Psychophysiological (a state close to stress, caused by the fear of communicating with carriers of dangerous diseases; excessive emotional stress).

1.3. While working at the competition site, it is necessary to use the following special clothing and personal protective equipment: a white robe, a headdress (kerchief or cap), a cotton-gauze bandage, and individual rubber gloves.

1.4. The participant must immediately report any problems with electrical wiring and plumbing to the expert.

1.5. The participant is obliged to comply with fire safety requirements.

1.6. To ensure fire safety, a fire extinguisher must be in working order in an easily accessible place.

1.7. In cases where sterility is required to perform the work, it is necessary to use sterile disposable products.

1.8. Equipment and devices that may be energized due to insulation failure must be subject to protective grounding, regardless of the location of their installation and procedure.

1.9. It is not allowed to store any equipment, apparatus and instruments on cabinets.

1.10. The competition site must be equipped with all necessary equipment according to the infrastructure sheet.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect and tidy up the workplace, remove all foreign objects that may distract attention and make work difficult.

2.2. Check the correct use of equipment at the competition site (installation of a table, chair) and, if necessary, make the necessary changes to prevent incorrect postures and prolonged strain on the body muscles.

2.3. Check the lighting of the competition area.

2.4. Wear clean sanitary clothing, shoes, and, if necessary, special clothing and safety shoes.

2.5. Make sure that all devices and equipment, fences, interlocks, and grounding devices are in good working order, and if any malfunctions are detected, immediately inform an expert.

2.6. All control and measuring instruments of equipment and apparatus must be tested in accordance with the established procedure.

2.7. It is prohibited to carry out medical procedures using faulty and/or homemade instruments at the competition site.

2.8. It is prohibited to start work if any non-compliance of the workplace with the requirements established in this section is detected, as well as if it is impossible to carry out the preparatory actions specified in this section.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. The participant at the competition site is obliged to:

Strictly follow these instructions;

Strictly follow all operating rules and labor protection instructions for the tools and various devices used;

Keep your place on the competition site neat and clean every day;

Comply with all general occupational health requirements;

Obtain information from the statistician playing the role of the patient about existing contraindications to the use of medications, about the presence of allergic reactions and recent illnesses, as well as about his contacts with carriers of infectious diseases.

3.2. While working on the competition site it is prohibited:

Violate the rules on the use of tools and devices;

Violate the rules for using tools.

3.3. During breaks between competitive tasks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual apparatus, reduce physical inactivity and hypokinesia, and prevent the development of excessive fatigue, it is necessary to perform appropriate sets of physical exercises.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Report all malfunctions in equipment operation and emergency situations directly to the expert.

4.2. If you detect a break in the power wires or a violation of the integrity of their insulation, faulty grounding and other damage to electrical equipment, the appearance of a burning smell, extraneous sounds in the operation of the equipment and test signals, immediately stop work and turn off the power.

4.3. If the user is struck by an electric shock, take measures to free him from the action of the current by turning off the power supply and, before the doctor arrives, provide first aid to the victim. medical care.

4.4. If the equipment catches fire, turn off the power, notify an expert, call the fire department, and then begin extinguishing the fire using available means.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work at the competition site

5.1. Upon completion of work, the competition participant must:

5.1.1. Remove work materials from the table and tidy up the work area.

5.1.2. Report any problems you notice to an expert.

5.1.3. In any case, follow the instructions of the experts.
