Michelle Obama and her children. Why Obama Cries: The Love Story of Barack and Michelle

Michelle Obama (Michelle Lavon Robinson, born January 17, 1964) is the 44th First Lady of the United States and the wife of US President Barack Obama. Prior to her role as First Lady, she worked as a lawyer, an administrator at the City Hall of Chicago, and as an administrator medical center University of Chicago. In 1981, Michelle graduated high school "Whitney Young Magnet High School" in Chicago. We invite you to look at some rare photos of young Michelle Obama that were made while studying at this school.

Photo of Michelle Obama in her youth

At Whitney Young Magnet School, some teachers told Michelle that she was often “flying in the clouds,” so she would never be able to enroll in, for example, Princeton University. Michelle Obama says on this matter:

“I can still hear their doubts in my head. But they also made me even more determined. I realized that no one was going to take my hand and lead me to where I was going to go. I had to do everything on my own to achieve my goal.”

After completing her studies at Princeton, Obama received a JD degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. Soon after, she became an associate at the Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin, where she met her future husband, Barack Obama.

Michelle Obama, whose photo you see below, was born on January 17, 1964. This event took place in American city Chicago, located in Illinois (USA).

Michelle's father, Fraser Robinson, worked for a plumbing company, and her mother was a simple housewife. The eldest son, Craig, was growing up in the family.


Michelle Obama (Robinson) was the descendant of a black slave. A distant relative of the girl was valued at $475 in a will drawn up in 1850 by one of the American slave owners. Melvina, that was the name of Michelle's relative, appeared in the document as movable property.

Childhood and youth

Michelle Obama, whose biography began in Chicago, graduated from a regular high school in her hometown secondary school. After that, she became a student at the famous where she began studying sociology. Miss Robinson then decided to continue her studies and entered the Law School at Here she received academic degree Doctor of Law, having successfully defended his dissertation.

Beginning of work history

Michelle Robinson's first job was at the Sidley Austin law firm. The young employee’s main responsibility was marketing, which she combined with overseeing the protection of the company’s intellectual property. However, Michelle was not happy with this job. In 1992, she accepted the position of assistant to Chicago Mayor Richard Michael Daley. A short time later, Michelle became Deputy Commissioner, overseeing planning and development issues. Since 1993, the young lawyer went to work for the well-known youth non-profit organization Public Allies.

Serious people highly appreciated the active social and life position of the ambitious Michelle Robinson. In 1996, she was invited to the position of assistant dean at the University of Chicago. And already in 2002, she took the post of executive director there, supervising public issues at the medical academic center of the university.


Barack and Michelle Obama got married in Chicago. This event took place on October 3, 1992. The meeting of Barack and Michelle took place in 1989. It was then that the future president went to the Sidley Austin company to undergo industrial practice there. During this period, Michelle worked in this firm as an attorney. She was quite an experienced specialist. The company management assigned her to mentor a student.

After finishing his work, Barack returned to Cambridge to continue his studies at Harvard Law School, where he received his degree in 1990. The young people continued their communication. They corresponded and met. Already in 1991 they got engaged. During this period, Barack Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School and worked at small company, which was involved in the defense of civil rights.

Barack and Michelle Obama became parents in 1999. They had a girl, whom they named Malia. In 2002, Michelle gave her husband a second daughter, Sasha.

The path to the White House

Michelle Obama in 2007 was an active supporter of her husband in the election campaign for the presidency of the United States. The worthy wife left her business. She took care of her family and actively helped her husband. Michelle wrote her own speeches for her performances. She participated in meetings with voters, declaring that most of the country's financial resources should be directed not to military needs, but to mass education and national health care. Many people liked this position. At the same time, Michelle did not read the conversations with voters from the prepared piece of paper. She led them from the bottom of her heart. In addition, the charming Michelle surrounded herself women's team and frequently appeared on popular television shows and Oprah Winfrey. Over time, she began to feel more and more confident in public, which allowed her to take an active part in her husband’s campaign until the elections.

This helped Barack Obama, who was the Democratic candidate, greatly increase his chances of winning.

Responsible post

Barack Obama assumed his nation's highest office on January 20, 2008. He became the nation's forty-fourth president. Michelle Obama moved in with him The White house as First Lady. Within a short time, the energetic woman was able to turn the presidential residence into a cozy home for her family. Michelle Obama changed the interior of many rooms, arranging them to her taste. In addition, the woman planted a large vegetable garden in the garden adjacent to the White House. On it she began to grow environmentally friendly and healthy vegetables. The wife actively helped Barack Obama in his second presidential campaign. He re-assumed the country's highest office on November 6, 2012.


The first lady is always business card countries. This is a woman who is constantly in sight and sets an example in behavior and style.

Michelle Obama, who is the current First Lady, broke all expectations of what a presidential wife should look like. It differs from its predecessors in all existing criteria. First of all, Michelle is the first black lady to enter the White House in the history of the US presidency. In addition, her outfits are simple and close to the common people.

If you try to compare Michelle's style with the styles of her predecessors, a striking contrast will immediately catch your eye. Former First Ladies adhered to a certain color range. Their outfits, as a rule, were made from fabrics in unobtrusive light colors (beige, cream, etc.). The stereotype persisted for many years. However, Michelle Obama undoubtedly broke it. She appears in public in quite colorful outfits.

The style that Michelle adheres to has become a leader even for the most avid fashionistas. For example, there was a case when the First Lady appeared on television screens in the open black and white dress. She bought it at the store trading network White House Black Market for one hundred and forty-eight dollars. The next morning, these dresses were sold out by fashionistas. This shows that Michelle is rightfully considered a trendsetter worth emulating.

For two years in a row (2007 and 2008), Vanity Fair magazine, whose publications are devoted to topics of politics, fashion and other aspects popular culture, included her among the ten best-dressed women in the world. Many specialized publications recognize its elegance and naturalness. Her manner of behavior and demeanor in public is close to ordinary Americans.

For her wardrobe, Michelle chooses items from young designers whose work is unknown general public. At the same time, she always looks flawless and charming. In March 2009, she appeared on the cover of Vogue. Of her predecessors, only Hillary Clinton received this honor. Michelle has sincere respect for this woman.

The First Lady of the United States knows how to surprise. So, at one of the receptions in the White House, she appeared in a bold and very original outfit designer A. McQueen. Michelle looked superb and elegant in the dress orange color. Despite the fact that not everyone wears McQueen outfits, Michelle looks simply charming in these dresses. The First Lady proved once again that she can easily transform herself, creating any image.

Michelle Obama, whose height is one hundred and eighty centimeters, strives to appear even taller. To do this, she uses mousse to raise a mop of her beautiful hair five to eight centimeters and puts on high-heeled shoes.


The whole country knows how old Michelle Obama is. On January 17, 2014, the First Lady of the United States celebrated her fiftieth birthday. In her honor, a concert was held at the White House, in which many pop stars took part.

Barack Obama's wife is a shining role model for most Americans. Despite her years, the woman looks fresh, fit and very young. Michelle Obama, whose height, as already mentioned, is 180 cm, weighs only 73 kilograms.


The First Lady of the United States lives by this slogan: “In healthy body- healthy mind." She actively promotes a healthy diet, which should consist mainly of safe plant food. At the same time, she calls on the American people to lead active image life.

Michelle Obama, whose weight does not exceed normal value for her growth, she does gymnastics every day. She gets up early in the morning. At 4.30 Michelle goes to Gym, where he trains for half an hour or an hour. The First Lady enjoys working in the garden. She often exercises on the lawn in front of the White House. Despite the fact that Michelle tries to eat more fruits and vegetables, sometimes she allows herself to eat fast food. Her daily workouts keep her in great shape.

The first black first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, became one of the most popular women in the country during her husband's presidency. Everyone loved her - conservative circles for her devotion to family values, the progressive part of society - for her strength of character and ability to speak directly about unpleasant things. She has become the personification of the modern American woman - strong, independent, but not forgetting her natural destiny.

Rod Michelle - from black plantations to the White House

Michelle Lavigne Robinson was born on January 16, 1964 in Chicago. Her father worked at a company that serviced the city water supply system, and her mother was a housewife. In addition to Michelle, there was an older brother in the family.

The only first lady with African-American roots came from a family of black slaves. Her ancestors worked on South Carolina plantations. A document has been preserved in which Michelle's great-great-great-grandmother was bequeathed as property: “a negro girl, Melvinia, valued at $475.”

Michelle's great-great-grandfather was the result of a relationship between a fifteen-year-old slave and white man. After the abolition of slavery, the great-great-grandfather of the future mistress of the White House went into business and succeeded in the field of woodworking and the production of wood products.

In 1950, the grandson of the first free African American in Michelle's family moved to Chicago. He, in turn, gave birth to Michelle's father.

Study and career

Michelle Obama's life was not like the life of children from the black ghetto. She studied well, studied ballet, and in 1981 she entered the prestigious Princeton University.

In 1985, she defended her diploma with honors in sociology. However, the brilliant education she received was not enough for her, and she entered and brilliantly graduated from Harvard University, receiving a Doctor of Laws degree.

The education she received opened up broad prospects for the girl. She began her career at the law firm Sidley & Austin. In 1992, she changed her field of legal practice to a career as a municipal employee. She became an assistant to the mayor of Chicago and soon rose to become deputy commissioner of planning.

In 1993, Michelle joined the management team of a personal growth firm., revealing talents and developing leaders. In addition, she held a number of key positions at the University of Chicago.

Love affair at work

Michelle met Barack Obama while working at Sidley&Austin. Michelle was Barack's boss, and he asked the pretty boss out on a date. The young people walked around the Art Park, and Barack tried very hard to impress. He invited her to see Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. This director was considered non-commercial in the United States, or, as the Americans themselves say, “independent.”

Michelle recalls that she is not a supporter of such intellectual films, but the film turned out to be just very good.

After the film, they kissed for the first time near an ice cream shop. The film Southside with You, which premiered in 2016, was made about the story of Barack and Michelle's first date.

It must be said that Michelle did not immediately respond to the advances of her subordinate, and Barack sought her out. In 1992 they got married.

During the election race, Michelle provided serious support to her husband. He consulted with her when analyzing election speeches, and Michelle herself made statements that voters really liked. She placed more emphasis on social problems– education, medicine, without touching foreign policy.

Interesting notes:

Michelle during Obama's presidency Michelle's speech at her husband's inauguration was later almost copied by Melania Trump.

Michelle is remembered for a number of community initiatives. During the economic crisis, she began growing vegetables on a plot near the White House. She published a book about gardening. In it, except practical advice on growing vegetables, she shared her positive experience of the impact of organic products on health using the example of her seven.

She was also the initiator of the nationwide "Let's Move" campaign.

The movement is aimed at combating the problem of obesity. Michelle Obama was particularly concerned about the nation's health.

By her example, she tried to encourage Americans to lead healthy image life. Her morning begins with a three-kilometer run, Michelle does not smoke or drink, and eats healthy and balanced.

Michelle Obama has been compared to Eleanor Roosevelt for her vegetable garden initiative(at the height of the Depression, Roosevelt’s wife also planted vegetables in front of the presidential residence), was compared to Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana for her impeccable taste and elegance. She has been recognized more than once as a “Style Icon.” She is the first in the White House to use fashion as a political tool.

She gave preference to little-known fashion designers and supported black representatives of the fashion industry. In 2016, according to the Washington Post, 69% rated the First Lady's activities positively. In this indicator, she was 13% ahead of her husband.

Life in retirement

After the end of Barack Obama's presidential term, a couple of high-ranking retirees remained living in Washington.

They first rented and then bought a Tudor-style mansion for $8 million.

They attend world-class social events and vacation on islands owned by billionaire friends. Michelle participates in public initiatives, aimed at the education of women in third world countries.

Michelle and Barack Obama showed by their life example that racial inequality in the United States has been finally defeated. However, with the arrival of Melania Trump in the White House, Michelle unexpectedly received an insult related to her skin color.

One of the women was glad that now the beautiful and stylish Melania was next to the President, and not “this monkey in heels.” The woman was fired from her job. The Obamas in this moment They pay a lot of attention to raising their daughters Malia and Sasha, and also write memoirs.

First date. Barack Obama met his soulmate in 1989. The future president of the United States had just finished his first year at Harvard and got a summer internship at one of the law firms in Chicago - Sidley Austin. There, an experienced employee, Michelle Robinson, took him under her patronage. Barack fell in love with her at first sight. “Michelle had a bright and inviting smile,” he later recalled. However, the ambitious daughter of a plumber quickly stopped all his advances, assuring him that she “has no time for novels.” Michelle's coldness only inflamed the young trainee. He bombarded her with love letters, flowers and phone calls until she finally agreed to meet him. The first date lasted the whole day. “He completely captivated me,” the first lady of the United States admitted years later.

Wedding. Michelle hesitated for a long time to introduce her future husband to her family. The fact is that Barack's grandparents on his mother's side were... white, and Michelle grew up in a family that was proud of their black skin color. However, Obama managed to charm his beloved's parents - on October 3, 1992, christian church Trinity United Church in Chicago Barack and Michelle became husband and wife. In 1996, Barack Obama became a senator in his home state of Illinois. Politics began to take a central place in his life, and he had practically no time left for Michelle...

Birth eldest daughter. The future first lady of the United States was angry with her husband for the hours of solitude that she, a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School, was forced to spend waiting for him. She called work in the Senate “a waste of time” and complained that he could have earned “real money” long ago by becoming a partner in one of the law firms. “We are as poor as church mice,” Michelle complained and called herself “the most unfortunate and lonely mouse in the world.” On top of that, the couple, much to Michelle’s chagrin, could not have children for 4 years. And who knows if we would be talking about the Obama presidential family now if Michelle had not discovered in November 1997 that she was pregnant...

Family crisis. Alas, the birth of their eldest daughter Malia (July 4, 1998) did not bring the couple together. Moreover, they separated us even further from each other. “It wasn’t easy,” Michelle later admits. “We had a strong, but far from ideal family.” Every day she became convinced that she had married a “worthless husband.” Everything about Barack irritated the future first lady: his habit of throwing socks around the house and underwear, leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor, smoking like a steam locomotive, staying up until 2 a.m. at work and snoring. Michelle complained that he didn’t help her around the house at all and “never even cleaned up his plate.” According to the couple’s friends, what irritated her most was that she, an equally educated and intelligent woman, had to “clean up after her husband.” “Why are you pestering me with all sorts of nonsense,” the future 44th President of the United States waved it off, “when I’m trying to change the world!”

Divorce is inevitable. However, the usually tactful and reserved Barack also had many complaints against his wife. He considered her endless complaints “unfair” and “short-sighted.” “She’s killing me with her constant criticism,” he complained to friends and assured that he did any housework that his wife entrusted to him without question. And he added: “The birth of a child did not become for me the most important event in life... but it brought a lot of stress and tension.” “You only think about yourself,” Michelle Obama continued to reproach him. “I never thought that I would carry my family on myself. I didn’t sign up for this.”

Birth of the youngest daughter. By 2000, Michelle was tired of the reproaches. After eight years of marriage, she was sure that divorce was inevitable. The family was saved by the second daughter Natasha (in the family they call her Sasha), or rather by her unexpected illness. In September 2001, a 3-month-old girl was urgently hospitalized with meningitis. The parents spent an endless 72 hours in the hospital, taking turns replacing each other at their daughter’s crib. “My world shrank to the size of a dot,” Barack later admits. “Nothing interested me outside the hospital room: neither work, nor plans, nor the future.” For Michelle, these hours became a “nightmare.” “Anyone who has children will understand how desperate we were, and how much this grief brought us closer together,” she would say years later.

Together, no matter what. In 2006, Barack Obama decided to run for the presidency. “Michelle is my main adviser and assistant,” says the 44th President of the United States today. “I don’t make any important decisions without consulting her.” Ironically, it was the position of president, rather than partner in a law firm, that gave Barack more free time to spend with his family. "We try to arrange romantic dinner every Friday or Saturday,” Michelle Obama admits to People. “And we spend the weekends with our girls.” From the outside it seems that they are a model American family. But only Michelle and Barack know that behind the loving glances, smiles and hugs are long years difficult and painstaking work"a strong but imperfect family."

Love in front of the whole world. From the outside, Barack and Michelle Obama seem to be the epitome of the ideal American family. “I would not be here today,” the newly elected president said on a memorable night in November 2008, “if I had not had the support of my faithful friend, homemaker, and love of my life, First Lady Michelle Obama.” And when Barack, having finished his touching speech, hugged his wife and whispered: “I love you,” even the “steel lady” Oprah Winfrey had tears in her eyes. Relations between the presidential couple were not always ideal. According to journalist and writer Christopher Anderson, whose book “Barack and Michelle: A Portrait of an American Family” was recently published, eight years ago the Obamas were on the verge of... divorce.

Michelle Obama is the wife of perhaps the most famous American President Barack Obama. The personality of the first lady is so discussed in the press that even after her star husband left the post, rumors and gossip about her did not stop. What is the reason for the gossip around this interesting lady? Let’s look into the current material.

Michelle Obama's childhood and youth

The official biography of the wife of the American president is, as expected, impeccable. Her maiden name was Robinson and was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago. Her father was Fraser Robinson III, who worked as a city water worker, and her mother Marian was a housewife. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is the second child in the family, and her brother Craig was born first. He loved basketball as a child, and later became a coach, TV presenter and analyst on sports channel ESPN.

Interesting! The ancestors of the future mistress of the White House on her father's side were slaves on plantations in South Carolina. It is known that the great-great-grandfather was the product of a relationship between a 15-year-old black girl and a white man. Once slavery was abolished, the ancestor became a successful owner of a wood processing and wood products company. Our heroine’s grandfather eventually moved to Chicago, where his descendants were subsequently born and lived.

The future wife of the president successfully graduated from school in 1981, and at the same time studied ballet. After that an ordinary girl with a pronounced African-American origin, she entered Princeton University, one of the most elite educational institutions countries. After graduating from university with a sociology degree, the young lady continued her studies at the law school of an equally titled institution, Harvard University. As a result, the student received a second legal education, and became a doctor of law.

Michelle Obama's successful career

  • Since 1988, the law firm Sidley&Austin has been the first place of employment for a young sociologist.
  • 1992 - she began working as an assistant to the mayor hometown Chicago, where she soon received the position of deputy commissioner of the planning department.
  • In 1993, the girl joined the leadership of the Public Allies organization, which educates a generation of leaders.
  • In 1996, the scope of her activities expanded; the future first lady took the chair of assistant dean of the local university, and in 2005 she became deputy head of the university.

  • In 2007, she fully supported her husband in the election campaign and helped edit his speeches to voters, and after the victory she moved with her husband, mother and two daughters to the White House.
  • The new owner was often compared in status to Princess Diana because of her passion for outfits and Eleanor Roosevelt because of her propaganda of gardening.

Interesting! People, Vanity Fair and Vogue magazines noted the charisma and bright personality of the first lady, and Forbes magazine named the wife of the head of the superpower the most influential representative of the fairer sex in the world.

In addition to her main activities, our heroine managed to write a book about growing fruits and vegetables near the White House, presented an Oscar to Ben Affleck, played a role in the sitcom “iCarly” and appeared on the cover of the women’s magazine “Glamour”. The former first lady's "Dance of the Housewives" with showman Jimmy Fallon has long won the title of Internet hit.

Michelle Obama's Personal Happiness

Michelle and Barack Obama met in 1989 while working at Sidley and Austin. The young people immediately liked each other, and already in 1992 they became husband and wife.

The couple had two daughters, Malia Ann in 1998 and Sasha in 2001. The ex-President of America dotes on his wife, adores her for her sense of humor and honesty. As proof, Barack always gifts his beloved with flowers, and she inspires her husband to new beginnings. It is customary for the whole family to go on picnics, play tennis or football, and go swimming. Michelle is an example for her daughters. She does not drink or smoke, and every morning at half past five she goes for a 3-kilometer run. Although, there are rumors that one of the daughters suffers from alcoholism and leads an antisocial lifestyle...

Scandals with former US First Lady Michelle Obama

Features of Michelle Obama's appearance have been discussed since she moved into the White House. But the public was not ready for what far-right TV presenter Alex Jones said on the Info Wars show. On the program, a journalist announced that Michelle Obama is a transvestite. After which the journalist provided, in his opinion, irrefutable evidence of his theory.

Interesting! Even before Jones announced that the wife of the US President is transsexual, famous actress In addition, the woman called President Barack himself a homosexual. Some believe that such a statement cost the actress her life, because Joan soon died in the hospital due to the negligence of doctors.

Barack himself only fueled the rumor by publicly calling his wife “Michael” twice. According to journalists, there was a source in the White House who told scandalous information about the hostess.

  • The woman's real name is not Michelle Obama, but Michael Robinson. He was allegedly born to Fraser Robinson III, a notorious cocaine trafficker, and street prostitute Marian Shields Robinson, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1998. Having undergone gender reassignment surgery, it was not Michael who came to Princeton University, but Michelle. Subsequently, the transgender met Obama Jr., who was also unconventional sexual orientation, and this is how the presidential couple came to be.

Conversations about who Barack's wife really is: a man or a woman have been going on for years. Many observers and ordinary Instagram users believe that there is no smoke without fire. There are reasons for suspicion:

  • The height of the former first lady of America is 180 cm, and her weight is 77 kilograms. It would seem that the body mass index is normal, but visually, looking at a photo of a woman, a normal man will definitely not experience pleasant excitement in the lower abdomen due to excessive angularity, bulkiness and 100% masculine habits.

  • Courageous, muscular shoulders. The lady's muscles are so developed that she can drive a good half of the gym's inhabitants into complexes.

In addition, the absolute muscularity of the figure stands out, so the woman’s shoulders and arms resemble the body of a downed rugby player.

  • Gossip that Michelle Obama is a man is proven by photos in tight clothes. They clearly show the bulging riches of the groin, which is strange for a female body. You can see a video with evidence in the form of a selection of pictures below. Of course, we don’t rule out the possibility of Photoshop, but...

  • Despite the fact that there are a lot of photos showing the feminine Michelle Obama in her youth, opponents of the black president are not giving up. Barack himself seems to be spurring the gossip by legalizing marriages of sexual minorities. And recently, while still the official head, he appeared on the cover of the magazine for sexual minorities “OUT” with the note “Ally. Hero. Icon".

  • Barack's wife always tries to watch how she looks in public, but sometimes she takes unacceptable liberties.

For example, he may appear on vacation in Italy in a blouse, under which the lack of underwear and bare chest are clearly visible.

And having come across isolated photos of Michelle Obama in a bikini swimsuit online, many try to examine her special gender under a magnifying glass.

  • There is not a single photograph of Michelle pregnant in the public domain, although the couple already has two adult daughters. The first visual sources show daughters aged 4-5 years. This is strange, because knowing how close the couple is to the common people, it would be logical to try to post earlier photos.

  • Michelle and Barack's daughters are completely different from their parents, but they are very reminiscent of the images of their closest family friends.

Who Michelle Obama really is still remains a mystery.

Michelle Obama is the first wife of a president with African-American roots, so the woman was initially ready for hyper-attention from the public to her person. And it’s okay that onlookers are now discussing not only a woman’s outfits and makeup, but also her gender. Apparently freedom and democracy in the American way will tolerate this too.

Video: The theory that Michelle Obama is a man
