Ice cream: benefits and harms, calorie content, preparation methods. How is homemade ice cream different from store bought?

People who were lucky enough to grow up in the USSR can, to some extent, call themselves lucky. At least when it comes to ice cream. Then big country, where everything was in short supply, monitored the quality of the product and did not spare good ingredients for its production. Therefore, Soviet ice cream was made only from natural milk or cream with a minimum amount of additives. Due to the fact that the taste and composition of modern ice cream is far from ideal, many people think about how to make ice cream at home.

Modern stores sell a huge number of types of ice cream; Soviet children never dreamed of such a variety. But most versions of this delicacy have a chemical taste. Therefore, housewives are thinking about making healthy and tasty ice cream at home on their own for their modern children, and even for themselves. Of course, recipes are especially popular in the summer, when you can eat not one, but several of these delicacies a day.

Although classic recipe ice cream at home includes the mandatory presence electrical appliance for preparing delicacies, this is not at all necessary. Of course, an ice cream maker helps you prepare this dessert simply and quickly, but you don’t have to buy one; everything can be done quite easily with your own hands, if you just find a suitable preparation option. It is these recipes that are presented on the pages of this site in the corresponding section that you are currently viewing.

So, to make great ice cream, you don't need an ice cream maker. The recipe will vary greatly in the time and effort spent, but the final taste of the delicacy will still be delicious. You will need to mix the homemade ice cream yourself with a mixer several times during the freezing process, and also monitor precise temperature frosts. You can also find an ice cream recipe for your ice cream maker here. Despite the fact that the household device does everything on its own, there are also certain nuances.

It is not so important whether the ice cream recipe chosen for making ice cream at home or another variety is chosen. You need to strictly follow the recommendations and proportions of a specific recipe in order to get a tender and delicious dessert.


Lilac ice cream

Ingredients: lilac, lemon, banana, honey

I suggest you try a very tasty unusual lilac ice cream. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- a handful of lilacs,
- half a lemon,
- 1 banana,
- 1 tbsp. honey


Blueberry Lenten Ice Cream

Ingredients: blueberries, sugar, water, lime

Very often I make delicious berry ice cream for my family. Today I invite you to try delicious Lenten ice cream with blueberries and lime.


- 200 grams of blueberries,
- 70 grams of sugar,
- 100 grams of water,
- half a lime.


Homemade ice cream "Plombir"

Ingredients: sugar, condensed milk, cream, vanillin

Today we will prepare very tasty homemade ice cream "Plombir". The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- one and a half tbsp. powdered sugar,
- one and a half tbsp. condensed milk,
- 400 ml. pasteurized cream,
- half a bag of vanilla sugar.


Ice cream made from cream and condensed milk

Ingredients: cream, condensed milk, vanillin, chocolate, sugar

A recipe that will surely please both adults and children is homemade ice cream. It is prepared from cream and condensed milk, quite simply, by the way. And it turns out so delicious that you just can’t stop eating it!
- 400 ml heavy cream;
- 250 grams of condensed milk;
- vanilla sugar to taste;
- chocolate;
- sugar sprinkles.


Homemade banana ice cream

Ingredients: banana, cocoa

If you don’t yet have a banana ice cream recipe in your cookbook, you need to fix that urgently! This dessert will be an excellent treat for both adults and children. And preparing it at home is as easy as shelling pears!
- bananas - 0.5 kg;
- cocoa powder - 3 tsp. (optional).


Banana ice cream

Ingredients: bananas, lemon juice, orange juice, mint

Do you know how banana ice cream is made? Very simple and easy! And to prepare it you only need bananas, no cream, milk or condensed milk. Interesting? Then check out our recipe and be sure to prepare this delicious dessert yourself!
- 780 g bananas;
- 33 ml lemon juice (freshly squeezed);
- 48 ml orange juice (freshly squeezed);
- mint for decoration.


Melon sorbet

Ingredients: melon, white rum, lemon, sugar

Melon sorbet prepared according to this recipe is aromatic, tasty and, what is important for many women, low in calories. The dessert is excellent and suitable for serving festive table. See the recipe for all the details.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1 kg melon;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of rum;
- one lemon;
- 1/2 cup sugar.


Homemade yogurt ice cream

Ingredients: yogurt, powdered sugar, berries, fruits, lemon zest

We offer a recipe for making delicious homemade ice cream from yogurt and pieces of fresh berries and fruits. Making it yourself is very easy if you use our recipe.

- 300 ml yogurt,
- fresh berries or fruits,
- powdered sugar to taste.


Ice cream "Fruit Ice" at home

Ingredients: yogurt, kiwi, banana, sugar, lemon juice

In summer we all try to find relief from the heat. Someone, if possible, visits the beaches, someone takes refuge in a shady park, and those who have to sit in stuffy offices swallow liters of cold drinks or run to the nearest store for another portion of ice cream. Well, at home... and at home you can have cold fruit ice waiting for you, which you will prepare according to our recipe.

For the recipe you will need:
- natural yogurt,
- 400 g of fruit,
- 150 g sugar,
- lemon juice to taste.


Homemade apricot ice cream

Ingredients: sour cream, apricots, condensed milk

Just three ingredients make a wonderful dessert for the whole family. No palm oil or other harmful substances. Everything is natural, tasty and simple. Let's cook!

List of required products:

- 0.5 kg sour cream;
- 0.5 kg of apricots;
- a can of condensed milk.


Homemade vanilla ice cream

Ingredients: cream, eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar

Homemade vanilla ice cream is simply mind-blowingly delicious summer dessert. True, it melts very quickly, because it does not contain stabilizers. But he will have no chance to melt! After all, homemade ice cream is eaten instantly.

What you need to prepare it:

- 200-250 ml of heavy cream;
- 200-250 ml medium fat cream;
- 4 chicken eggs;
- 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 10 g vanilla sugar.


Homemade lemon ice cream

Ingredients: sugar, starch, salt, lemon, eggs, butter, milk, powdered sugar

Homemade ice cream is the most delicate dessert made from natural ingredients. Balanced sweet and sour taste, the velvety texture and incredible tenderness of ice cream will conquer not only those with a sweet tooth, but also those who don’t really like sweets. And for experimental cooks, the exciting cooking process will be a pleasant bonus.

So, what products will you need:

- 90-100 g sugar;
- 1 tbsp. l. potato starch;
- a small pinch of salt;
- 100-125 ml lemon juice;
- 2 chicken eggs of category CO and 5 yolks;
- 80 g unsalted butter;
- 1 tsp. lemon zest;
- 400 ml milk;
- 125 g of powdered sugar.


Mango ice cream

Ingredients: mango, yogurt, honey, lemon juice

Eat and not worry about your waist? This is possible with our mango ice cream, without cream, sugar and butter, the dessert turns out to be very light, tender and tasty. And it’s incredibly easy to prepare, a dream, not a recipe.

- mango - 1 pc.,
- lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
- liquid honey - 2 tsp,
- natural yogurt - 1 tbsp. l.


American ice cream

Ingredients: protein, gelatin, sugar, jam, salt, cocoa

Today we will talk about another tasty and convenient way to recycle leftover egg whites. A dessert that Americans proudly call ice cream. Light, airy and delicate, it will win your heart from the very first spoon. Treat yourself to a moment of true gastronomic pleasure.

- protein - 1 pc.,
- gelatin - 1 tsp,
- fruit jam - 3 tsp,
- sugar - 1 tbsp,
- salt - a pinch,
- cocoa.


Ice cream cake with pineapples and sponge cakes

Ingredients: ready-made cakes, cream, boiled condensed milk, canned pineapples, fruits

Have you invited friends, but haven't thought through what to serve for dessert? Don't "break" more head, but pay attention to the recipe that we decided to offer you. Treat your guests to a bright and delicious homemade ice cream cake.

For the dish you will need:
- two ready-made sponge cakes;
- half a liter of heavy cream;
- a can of condensed milk;
- a can of canned pineapples;
- any fruits.


Strawberry ice cream

Ingredients: egg yolks, sour cream, vanilla sugar, milk, frozen berries

Have you decided to please your little and not so sweet tooth with a delicious and beloved dessert? Great. We have prepared a simple and affordable recipe for you. All you have to do is arm yourself with the necessary ingredients and start bringing it to life. And at the same time, introduce your children to this exciting activity. After all, there is nothing more fun than making your favorite strawberry treat together.

- yolks - 4 pcs.;
- sour cream - 150 gr.;
- granulated sugar - 0.5 cups;
- vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
- milk - 100 ml;
- strawberries - 1 glass.
Ingredients: milk, sugar, cream, eggs, vanillin, strawberries, chocolate, water, lemon juice, sponge cakes

No holiday is complete without a ceremonial cake cutting and tea party. So why not make this traditional event even more spectacular by treating everyone present to a fantastically beautiful and delicate homemade cake with three types of ice cream? This delicacy is not quick or easy to prepare, but the result will be amazing, we promise you!

You will need the following products:

For vanilla ice cream you will need:

- 150 ml milk;
- 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 200 ml heavy cream;
- 2 yolks;
- vanillin - sachet.

For strawberry ice cream you will need:

- 200 g strawberries;
- 200 ml heavy cream;
- 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

For chocolate ice cream, take:

- 150 ml milk;
- 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 200 ml heavy cream;
- 2 yolks;
- chocolate - bar.

For protein cream necessary:

- water - 150 ml;
- 1 tsp. lemon juice;
- 4 squirrels;
- 150 g sugar.


- 4 ready-made sponge cakes.


Pumpkin ice cream

Ingredients: pumpkin, condensed milk, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, heavy cream, honey, vegetable oil

If you don’t tell your household what this delicious delicacy is made from, they will never guess. Bright ripe pumpkin homemade ice cream with condensed milk and cream resembles an exotic mango, so this dessert will win you over from the first bite!

To make pumpkin ice cream, you will need:

- 100 g baked pumpkin (puree);
- 100 ml condensed milk;
- half a teaspoon each of cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg;
- 100 g heavy cream;

Waffle cups with cream roses, popsicles, a cone with chocolate glaze... There is hardly a person who can confidently say “I don’t like ice cream.” And who, among the abundance of varieties, did not find his favorite. There are many reasons for this, besides the taste of childhood...

The path to ice cream abundance was long and took centuries to develop. And, oddly enough, not in the northern country, but in the east, in Ancient China. Residents of the Middle Kingdom mixed pieces of oranges and pomegranate seeds with pieces of ice - this was, perhaps, the very first ice cream recipe. It took centuries for this exquisite oriental delicacy to conquer Europe and appear in Ancient Rus'.|

The taste of Soviet childhood...

You probably remember the unforgettable taste of ice cream in a crispy waffle cup, which was sold in the central “Children's World”. Today, grown-up children from the time of the “crunchy cup”, nostalgically, claim that such ice cream no longer exists, just as their parents, in turn, were sad about the popsicle of their childhood. Of course, childhood memories are always rosy, but it's not just about nostalgia for bygone times. That ice cream was indeed made according to completely different recipes and had its own unique taste. It is no coincidence that the Japanese used to like to repeat that in Soviet Union I need to go to see the ballet, go to the circus and eat ice cream. What did “that” taste of childhood consist of? All ice cream was prepared exclusively on a milk basis, without vegetable fats. Moreover, although our Soviet ice cream was higher in calories than imported ice cream, it was also tastier. In the 90s of the last century, “ice creams” poured into Russia from Europe. Foreign ice cream was in bright, beautiful packaging, in unusual waffle cones, with different flavors and fillings. But, having quenched our thirst for joining the civilized world, we lost interest in colorful candy wrappers and... became sad about our own, dear, albeit in an unpretentious package, albeit high in calories, but painfully tasty.

Having survived everything hard times, a decline in production and consumer interest, ice cream production reached new level. True, ice cream has serious competitors - all sorts of nuts and chips. They, like ice cream, are impulse purchase goods, that is, we buy them according to our mood. Of course, in the heat, all these cups, briquettes and popsicles become undisputed leaders, and the rest of the year we buy them to please the child, pamper ourselves, or eat away stress.

Ice cream is good for replenishing vitamins!

Oddly enough, this frivolous product is rich in many useful substances: it contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, lactose - milk sugar - as well as vitamins C, A, B1, B2, E. Ice cream is a source of protein that is easily is assimilated. It is enough to eat a portion of this cold delicacy, adding fruit, cookies or jam, and you will be full. Stabilizers must be added to ice cream to make it viscous and homogeneous. In Soviet ice cream, starch, gelatin and flour were used for these purposes, but today stabilizers are made from seaweed, thanks to which iodine, a very important element, is also found in ice cream.

Ice cream is a favorite treat for children. But the baby should be introduced to it no earlier than 3-5 years. It is better to start with milk ice cream without any additives in order to exclude possible allergies, and it is also better to give it to your child slightly melted.

For nerves - remember the children's song about the wizard who “will give five hundred popsicles” and it will be a holiday? So, the song was not composed in vain - ice cream really causes a surge of joy, lifts the mood, because tryptophan, an effective natural tranquilizer that calms nervous system and gives a surge of joy. However, this applies only to those varieties of ice cream that are prepared on the basis of milk or cream, and not vegetable fats. For hardening: As for the most common complaints about ice cream - supposedly it makes your teeth and throat hurt - then doctors stand up for it too. Ice cream hurts your teeth only if they are unhealthy. And for those who have a weak throat, you just need to eat slightly melted ice cream. By the way, this excellent remedy hardening

Creamy, fruity, with yogurt, without sugar...

So, if we abstract from personal taste preferences and trust the experts, then ice cream should be divided into 4 main types: ice cream, creamy, milk and fruit and berry. They are listed in order of decreasing calorie content. Ice cream contains about 15% milk fat and up to 16% sugar. Ice cream contains up to 20% fat, so people prone to obesity or hypertension should seriously limit their consumption of ice cream or prefer other types of ice cream. For example, in creamy ice cream the milk fat and sugar content is already 10 and 15 percent, respectively. Dairy ice cream has even less fat - only about 3.5%, although it is quite sweet and contains the same amount of sugar as a sundae. But in fruit and berry there is no fat at all, only fruit juices, purees and sugar, the amount of which reaches 30%.

So read labels carefully. Now there are diet ice creams made on a yogurt base, in which the fat and sugar content is reduced or a sweetener is used, and even ice cream for diabetics, which contains no sugar at all.

Hardness - softness

In addition to the caloric content, ice cream is also classified by consistency: soft and hardened. What we buy at kiosks is just seasoned. It has a more complex composition, it can contain up to 200 components. At cold storage facilities it is frozen at a temperature of minus 25 degrees, due to which it becomes hard, does not melt in your hands for a long time and has a considerable shelf life. Soft ice cream is served in cafes, where it is prepared right there. Most clear example- ice cream from McDonald's - soft and delicate, reminiscent of cream or whipped cream. It doesn’t hurt your teeth, it doesn’t hurt your throat, but you can’t store it either. I bought it and eat it right away.

We buy ice cream according to the rules:

Milk fats only

Some time ago, GOST standards were introduced for ice cream. First of all, this product should not contain vegetable fats, only dairy fats. But how can you figure out whether you bought the “right” ice cream or not? Only a specialist can do this, but the average buyer can only draw conclusions based on their feelings. “Proper” ice cream should melt in your mouth, “bad” ice cream melts unevenly, you can feel ice crystals, and a greasy aftertaste remains.

According to experts from the Russian Institute of Nutrition, a person should eat about 5 kilograms of ice cream per year - this is the physiological norm for consumption of this product. Alas, the average Russian eats a little more than 2 kilograms per year, but the average European eats up to eight kilograms.

Solid and packed

GOST also provides rules for storing ice cream - at a temperature no higher than minus 18 degrees. If the ice-cold delicacy begins to crumble in your hands at the moment of purchase, it was not stored according to the rules. We do not recommend that you buy ice cream without packaging. This is especially true for waffle cups, which from now on and forever must be “dressed” in special packaging.

Selling ice cream on the street is a good business idea for the summer season. IN hot weather Almost all people want to enjoy a cold treat. Ice cream is perfect for this. Consequently, the demand for it is high, but only during the summer season. But during this period you can make a good profit.

  • Step-by-step plan for starting an ice cream business
  • Determining the assortment
  • Sales options
  • Where is the best place to open an ice cream shop?
  • Which equipment to choose?
  • Purchase of raw materials
  • Soft ice cream production technology
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn selling ice cream?
  • What is the OKVED code for a business selling ice cream on the street?
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission?

Step-by-step plan for starting an ice cream business

Determining the assortment

If an entrepreneur is going to open an ice cream shop, he needs to decide on its type. It could be as follows:

  • Packaged– it is already packaged at the factory, and the businessman can only purchase goods from suppliers and sell them. There is a lot of competition in the sale of this type of product, since there are many points on the street, and in almost every grocery store There is a refrigerator with ice cream.
  • Soft ice cream– it is produced independently by the entrepreneur. In this regard, expensive equipment is required - a freezer, which will cost 50 thousand rubles. (average). In addition, the owner will have to spend money on the raw materials used to make products of this kind.

Enterprising businessmen combine two types of business organization and sell two types of ice cream at the same time, increasing the number of potential customers.

Sales options

In order to do so, you need to decide on the type of implementation. There are several options for organizing a business, each of which has its own characteristics.

The hardest thing is to organize the sale of soft ice cream in a van. To open a point and sell goods, you need at least a year to complete all the documents.

Selling ice cream on the street under an umbrella

This method of selling products requires the least cost. All costs include the purchase of a refrigerator and goods. An entrepreneur can even save on equipment by borrowing it free of charge from the supplier.

Selling goods from a van

This method has been practiced abroad for a long time. In our country, the sale of ice cream on wheels is not yet widespread. Great advantage this method– mobility. The entrepreneur will not need to look for a suitable place to sell the goods; he will be able to move around the city and stop in busy areas where there are many potential customers.

Where is the best place to open an ice cream shop?

Undoubtedly, this type of business should be located only in crowded places. Profit will depend on the traffic. The most suitable places:

  • central Street
  • playground
  • embankment

Do not forget that the refrigeration unit runs on electricity, so there must be a power source nearby. Typically, entrepreneurs turn to nearby stores for electricity, paying a certain amount.

If there are no such retail outlets nearby, then you can buy a scooter. A special battery that generates electricity to operate the freezer is connected to the scooter’s motor and operates using its power.

At night, the refrigerator must be guarded. Therefore, you can load it into a gazelle every day and take it to a storage location. But it will come at a cost. Another option is to discuss the issue of equipment security with the owner of a nearby store.

Which equipment to choose?

To open an ice cream shop, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • refrigerator on wheels
  • refrigeration transport trolley
  • sun umbrella
  • sitting
  • cash register (optional)

This list needs to be included in the plan if the businessman is going to sell goods from the chest freezer.

Sometimes suppliers provide their own refrigerators for temporary use. In return, businessmen must comply with conditions, such as selling products only from suppliers who provide refrigeration equipment. This option has a big disadvantage - high prices for goods. Even bulk purchases will be more expensive than other suppliers that do not provide storage devices. As a result, the entrepreneur's profit will decrease significantly.

Therefore, it is better to buy a used refrigerator. At the same time, the costs of organizing a business will be lower. When purchasing it, you should pay attention to the level of power consumption. It is better to choose GELs with category A, as they consume no more than 2 kW per day.

A cart for transporting the freezer is needed in any case, since the wheels on the refrigerator should not be used every day.

If an entrepreneur sells soft ice cream, he will need:

  • freezer
  • spoons
  • raw materials for production
  • gloves
  • cones or cups
  • cash register (optional)

To organize this kind of business, additional costs will be required, since a freezer, equipment for making soft ice cream, costs from 50 thousand rubles.

Purchase of raw materials

To sell a product, it must be purchased from a supplier. To conclude a supply agreement, the following documents are required:

  • appointment of a general director
  • certificate (copy) of
  • tax registration number
  • rental agreement (on request)

The goods are delivered no later than three days (working days) after the execution and signing of the contract.

Soft ice cream production technology

An ice cream business can bring in impressive income, especially if you sell it in soft form (soft ice cream), which is made using your own equipment (freezer).

What documents are needed to open a business?

Opening a retail outlet requires certain licenses and permits. For a business to operate legally, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain permission from the SES to carry out activities if the entrepreneur is engaged in the production and sale of soft ice cream. When selling packaged goods, a permit is not required.
  2. Purchase a certificate for equipment and soft ice cream.
  3. Discuss the location of the outlet with representatives of the zoning department in order to sell the product at legally in a specific place. In the case where products are sold from a van, such permission is not required.
  4. Obtain a medical certificate (for those who will sell the product).
  5. Visit Rospotrebnadzor and coordinate the trade.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To organize a business selling ice cream using a chest freezer you will need. Let's take a closer look at the main costs.

Of course, the amount may vary depending on the city in which the point is opened, the condition of the equipment and the conditions of the suppliers.

Subsequently there will be monthly expenses.

When producing soft frosted food, costs will increase significantly. One freezer costs at least 50 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn selling ice cream?

If it's hot outside, you can sell at least 200 packages of ice cream from your chest freezer. One unit of goods costs about 10 rubles from the supplier. And an entrepreneur can sell it for 30 rubles. Thus, a business can bring in approximately 6 thousand rubles. daily. This turns out to be about 180 thousand rubles per month. Net profit – 68 thousand rubles. As a result, all initial costs can be recouped within a month.

With a mobile point, things are different. Initial costs will be higher. Therefore, this method is chosen less often.

Selling ice cream is a profitable business, despite high competition. Every summer there is a great demand for ice cream; there is no end to customers in hot weather. If you don’t want to relax in the summer, but to earn money, then this business is perfect for that.

If you want to earn money constantly or have passive income, then we can offer you an alternative. Start investing in various assets. You can get all the informationour selection of free materials.

What is the OKVED code for a business selling ice cream on the street?

After the latest changes in all-Russian classifier types of activities, selling ice cream on the street fell into the category of OKVED 47.11.

Which tax system to choose

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the subject entrepreneurial activity must, within 3 days after registration, write and submit to the Federal Tax Service an application for choosing a tax regime. If you do not do this, you will have to pay taxes on general principles. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend choosing the simplified tax system for a business selling ice cream on the street. The presented taxation regime does not have a serious negative influence on the financial position of the company, and allows you not to pay taxes if you have suspended your activities, which is very important for seasonal business.

Do I need permission?

In order to sell ice cream on the street, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the local administration to place retail facilities. The business organizer does not need to obtain any additional licenses.

If you want to start trading and are considering other options along with ice cream, try selling through message boards, for example, Avito. Find out aboutstable income on message boardsand think that you are better off selling.

In order to learn (and teach her readers) how to make homemade ice cream, the famous culinary specialist Irina Chadeeva studied not only the intricacies of ice cream production, but also its history. Before you start making ice cream at home, it is useful to become familiar with the process of making ice cream - homemade and store-bought.

In 1932, the first workshops for the industrial production of ice cream were opened in Moscow. And in 1937, after the trip of A.I. Mikoyan to America, the book “Theory and Practice of Ice Cream Production” was published in the USSR, the author of which was Hugo Sommer, the most famous American ice cream maker (it should be noted that by that time there were already dozens of ice cream factories in the USA).

The book examined ice cream as an industrial product, described automated ice cream production lines, and also provided technologies and recipes for its production.

The book was translated into Russian by German Moiseevich Dezent, and for a long time he remained one of the main experts in the production of ice cream in the Soviet country. Under his leadership, recipes were developed, technological processes, and also put into operation the first ice cream production plant in the USSR - Moskhladokombinat No. 8 in Fili.

In those years, ice cream was made according to precise recipes, and mainly creamy ice cream and ice cream were produced. In 1941, based on the mastered recipes, the first GOST was developed and introduced, but the war began and ice cream production was almost completely stopped. IN post-war years This area began to develop quite quickly, but the first obstacles appeared.

Ice cream according to GOST or TU?

Dairy products differ from many other products in that they have an extremely limited shelf life. Milk or cream, especially in summer time, sour very quickly, so in cold storage plants it is advisable to use all available fresh dairy products. With clear GOST regulations, this was not so easy, and in the 60s, manufacturers switched to technical conditions - TU.

It should be noted that in general, the specifications did not differ much from GOST, the recipes and characteristics of ice cream remained the same, but there was more freedom in the choice of production raw materials.

The technical specifications do not require strict adherence to recipes, but only regulate the characteristics and quality of the raw materials and the resulting product. The finished ice cream must have a certain fat content, the right taste and several other important parameters. And what it is made of is no longer so important.

So there's only one type of ice cream different regions and in different factories it could be made from a wide variety of dairy products - fresh milk and cream of various fat contents, powdered milk and cream, various types condensed milk and butter.

In the first years of production, ice cream was unpackaged and sold mainly from thermos carts. Dry ice was used as a coolant in ice cream carts and cases. Its temperature is −76 °C, it evaporates quite slowly and therefore even in summer heat Reliably retains cold.

When selling, the ice cream maker manually formed a “sandwich” of waffles and ice cream or simply sold the ice cream by weight. Samuel Marshak in his famous poem “Ice Cream” described how it was:

The ice cream man took a flatbread,
I rinsed the big spoon
I dipped the spoon into the jar,
Scooped up a soft ball
Smoothed the edges with a spoon
And covered it with another flatbread.

At the same time, ice cream began to appear, portioned in thick paper.

In the post-war years, new types of ice cream were actively developed, among them, for example, popsicle - packaged ice cream on a stick, filled with chocolate (although it was also produced in small quantities in the pre-war period).

The production of well-known briquettes on waffles was established in the mid-60s, and 10 years later other favorite varieties appeared - for example, bars in whipped chocolate glaze, the famous “Gourmand”.

At the end of the 70s in South America As a result of unexpected frosts, cocoa bean plantations were destroyed. The production of chocolate ice cream and ice cream in chocolate glaze has practically ceased, but the technologists of Moscow Cold Storage Plant No. 8 found a wonderful way out of the situation - they created new varieties of ice cream: “Borodino” and “Nutcracker”, replacing the chocolate in the glaze with creme brulee syrup and nuts.

By the way, in the USSR there was no serial production of ice cream production lines. All of them were created, designed and modernized by local technologists and craftsmen who developed all sorts of waffle stackers, devices and nozzles for both depositing and glazing. Some of the equipment was purchased abroad.

The further history of ice cream, alas, is mainly connected with the decision economic problems. The shortage of raw materials and semi-finished products, the struggle to save food resources led to the fact that in the late 80s, ice cream makers developed many types of ice cream with reduced fat and dairy products. There were also very interesting developments - for example, in Rostov-on-Don, ice cream with infusions of herbs, honey and grapes was invented, with the wonderful names “Steppe Aroma”, “Pearl of the Don” and “Fantasy”.

Until the 90s, ice cream production was such a highly specialized industry that there was only one doctor of science in the field of ice cream - Yuri Aleksandrovich Olenev. He was the head of the laboratory of the VNIHI (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Refrigeration Industry) of the Filevsky refrigeration plant. It was there that new varieties of ice cream were invented and equipment for its production was improved.

At cold storage plants, ice cream is prepared using special equipment using a single technology. To begin with (except for stabilizers), mix thoroughly. To ensure that vitamins remain in dairy products and fruit purees and that the best possible taste is preserved, the ice cream mixture is never brought to a boil, but heated to a temperature of 70–80 ° C and kept for a certain time. This process is called pasteurization.

At home, both cream and milk are used already pasteurized (or even sterilized). So there is no need to pasteurize the mixture. As for fruit puree in homemade ice cream, it is better to use it fresh, and do not store the ice cream for a long time.

Then stabilizers (agar, gelatin or starch) are added to the warm mixture and again thoroughly mixed and filtered. To make the mixture smooth and homogeneous, it is homogenized by forcing it under pressure through tiny holes. In this case, the fat is broken into very small balls, which does not allow them to unite in the future. By the way, this is why cream never accumulates on homogenized milk.

Thus, in cold storage plants you can safely use butter as an ingredient in the production of ice cream - during homogenization it will combine with other products.

At home (without homogenization), oil cannot be used to make ice cream, since the mixture will never be homogeneous.

To reduce the likelihood of microbial growth, the ice cream mixture should be cooled quickly after pasteurization and homogenization. For this purpose, enterprises use special coolers in which the mixture is cooled with constant stirring. The mixture thickens as it cools.

Mixtures for homemade ice cream are prepared in small volumes and therefore cool quickly, first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator. If you don't stir them constantly, they gel as they cool. The best temperature of the mixture before loading into the ice cream maker is 2–4 °C.

Then the completely cooled mixture is filtered and poured into freezers, which continuously whip and cool the future ice cream. Soft ice cream is packaged and sent for hardening.

Making ice cream at home

You can make many types of ice cream at home without using any special equipment or products. And although the technology, of course, will differ from industrial technology, today at home you can enjoy delicious ice cream that will remind you of the tastes of childhood.

To make ice cream you need:

  1. Choose and buy the right products. Remember that delicious ice cream can only be made from tasty and high-quality ingredients. Pay attention to product labels. Choose powdered milk and condensed milk that do not contain vegetable fats and contain only milk and sugar. Milk and cream must be pasteurized (or sterilized) and homogenized. Fruits and berries, of course, must be ripe and tasty.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup (from milk, cream, juice or water). Sugar syrup for ice cream must be made very carefully, making sure that no grains of sugar remain (later, especially during storage, ice crystals may begin to grow around undissolved sugar crystals). In addition, do not be lazy to prepare invert syrup; it greatly improves the quality of ice cream.

When cooking syrup from milk or cream, do not heat the milk above 70 ° C, as at this temperature the milk proteins begin to precipitate and a white coating appears on the bottom of the pan.

  1. Prepare and add stabilizers to the mixture. Agar or gelatin should be soaked in a small amount of water, heated until dissolved, and then added to the main mixture (which should be hot). Starch, diluted in a small amount of water, must be poured into the hot mixture and brought to a boil.

Be sure to wait for the stabilizer to show its properties - the starch is brewed, the gelatin is dissolved, and the agar gel thickens and becomes like jelly.

If agar or gelatin is mixed into a very cool mixture, lumps may appear. They cannot be dissolved, so the best solution is to strain the mixture and use it further without a stabilizer.

  1. Cool the mixture and let it sit for a while. To make a thick mixture instead of jelly, first cool it, stirring constantly, below its freezing point, and then put it in the refrigerator. Standing is necessary so that all components of the mixture are combined, the starch or agar is completely swollen, and the mixture is well cooled. Optimal time exposure - 4 hours (in the refrigerator). Ice cream made from an aged mixture is known to take longer to melt and be more uniform and smooth.
  2. Prepare soft ice cream. It is very important not to overcook the ice cream - the resulting mixture should be soft, pasty, similar to cream. Ice cream that is too frozen is difficult to remove and transfer to a container, mold or cup.
  3. Pour the ice cream into molds (it is advisable to cool them in advance) or transfer them to a container and harden. Most types of ice cream require hardening. To do this, the ice cream must be refrigerated for 2–4 hours. optimal temperature for milk ice cream -18 °C, and for fruit ice cream -25 °C or lower.

Ice cream should not be stored for a long time, even if low temperatures it easily loses taste and also absorbs odors. It is better to eat the ice cream within a few days after preparation, but it should be stored in a sealed container.

Also note that as you store the waffle cones and sheets, they soften and lose their crunch. It is better to place the ice cream on waffles or cones just before serving.

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It seems to me that the ingredients that are used in production come first)

Comment on the article “How is homemade ice cream different from store-bought?”

Toadstool in store-bought mushrooms? Products. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menus and receiving guests, choosing products. Toadstool in store-bought mushrooms? Everyone here knows, help dispel my paranoia or confirm it!


Also in frozen pizza with mushrooms, pies with mushrooms death cap might hit. It is generally extremely difficult to catch her there. So it’s better to do it all yourself.

A terrorist attack is still possible. Terrorists are constantly inventing something new.

It’s clear, cockroaches :-) then, of course, store-bought is better. Ice cream Korovka from Korenovka - huge packages of logs. There is just ice cream, there is chocolate ice cream, there is ice cream with chocolate chips. I also tried it in Krasnodar - very tasty. I saw it in Moscow...


It depends on what kind of milk you take. It was some kind of Belarusian, I don’t remember the brand, there was a lot of cream. Vologzhanka is the cream of the crop. In general, you need to look :)

Here's why no cream is formed:

Milk homogenization

This method of mechanical processing of milk and liquid dairy products serves to increase the dispersion of the fat phase in them, which eliminates the settling of fat during milk storage, the development of oxidative processes, destabilization and churning during intensive mixing and transportation. Homogenization of raw materials contributes to:

In the production of pasteurized milk and cream - the acquisition of uniformity (taste, color, fat content);

Sterilized milk and cream - increased shelf life;

In addition - three types of ice cream, some frozen fruit (which we didn’t have time to eat right away or Our summer menu differs from the winter one, mainly due to the fact that store-bought vegetables and fruits. Right now, I have a couple of kilograms of homemade cottage cheese in the refrigerator...


Also fruits. Right now - apricots, nectarino, peaches, plums of several varieties, black currants, avocados, lemons.
Fresh vegetables. Right now - several varieties of tomatoes, beets, zucchini, eggplant, okra, leeks, rhubarb. And there are a lot of different greens (arugula, watercress, dill, cilantro), but greens also grow in the micro-garden on the window (basil, mint, tarragon, oregano).
6-7 types of cheeses (including fresh mozzarella, gorgonzola, goat and cream). Salami, prosciutto. Red fish - salted yesterday. Caviar.
A dozen eggs. Cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, yogurt, milk, cream.
In the side door are open jars of capers, gherkins, pickled peppers, chutney and the like.
There is ice cream in the freezer. I don't have anything in my freezer except ice cream.
There won't be any hot food today - it's hot, it's lazy, there was a lot of food over the weekend. From the prepared meat there are the remains of baked turkey breast and pork tongues (if desired, instead of sausage). But tomorrow I’ll cook, I’ve bought meat for the week - chicken breast, lamb, beef for steak, chicken liver for pate, shrimp and Italian sausages for pasta.

08/11/2015 03:42:58, ___nevazhno_____

Homemade ice cream: classic vanilla and raspberry sorbet. Homemade ice cream - recipe with and without an ice cream maker. How to make ice cream at home - vanilla ice cream and raspberry sorbet. I have a Bosch ice cream maker at home, I don’t know how.

How to make ice cream? - gatherings. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visits kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical...


How about I share our recipe?
I take berries - strawberries, currants, etc. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling, drain the water, leave only a couple of tablespoons. Wait until it cools down and grind into powder with a blender. Add agusha curd, you can taste the berries that were boiled, it’s even tastier :) Using a blender again, put it into the molds and into the freezer. The main thing is not to let them eat everything at once, the delicacy is amazing!

How to make homemade ice cream with fresh berries. Homemade ice cream from fresh How to make ice cream at home. Ice cream and sorbets with berries and fruits.

In general, how much do homemade yogurts taste different from store-bought ones? If you are not satisfied with the composition of store-bought yogurt, select the ingredients for homemade yogurt so that the taste suits you. Yes, I understand that homemade is healthier and of better quality.


I use both sourdough, my own yogurt (up to 2 times), and store-bought Activia (only fresh). I don't notice much of a difference. Fruits and other additives are added after preparing the yogurt.
better than store-bought one a thousand times, if only because it does not contain sugar, starch, stabilizers and other unidentified items))

I also recently bought a yogurt maker and now we only eat homemade.
My least favorite of the actives was sour.
From Tillotama's sourdough, Yogulakt (or something like that) is better, but also a bit sour in my opinion.
Now I use Narine from the pharmacy, I really like it. Not sour at all. And if you add something tasty (but we don’t like it that way), I think it will be generally good.
In general, you need to try.

Homemade ice cream. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Has anyone made culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking? Tasty? Is cooking accessible to impotent people? :) And in general, is it worth the bother? Something about the chemical composition in store-bought ice cream is horrifying.

I never eat ice cream as a matter of principle. Yesterday I took it apart and took some of it for soup. When the water boiled, I began to skim off the foam, and some kind of natural chemical smell came out of the pan, either medicine, or something that smelled. What does it mean? Is this chicken even edible?

Section: Learn to cook! (how to cook frozen cod fillets). People, leave the recipes please, what can you do with it, what can you combine it with?

What to eat ice cream with. Now I’m eating delicious ice cream, creamy with a chocolate layer... What can I enrich it with? The only thing that comes to my mind is grated chocolate...


I hate grated chocolate with ice cream! I buy a pack “for 48” and water it almost 1 to 1 with homemade viburnum syrup. Well, at least - strawberry, absolutely - currant, but only your own. And in my youth I loved “sunshine” - with tangerine jam from a jar (are they sold now?)

strawberries from compote.

How to cook it? I understand that it should be fast? fry onion and garlic in oil, add mussel meat (you probably have boiled ice cream), pour in a little dry white wine...


I have an idea, although not in Thai :)
fry onion and garlic in oil, add mussel meat (you probably have boiled and frozen), pour in a little dry white wine, add herbs, let the wine evaporate. Pour cream (10%), add cut cherry, let it boil. Turn off the heat, add grated cheese, stir. That's it, you can eat it.
This is how I prepare all sorts of sea stuff for pasta.

frozen meat and soup. Dinner. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and tips for frozen meat and soup. It’s a strange question, but I’ve been struggling with the correct answer for 5 years now...
