Kuletskaya's husband. Model Lena Kuletskaya: biography, career, personal life

TV presenter Date of birth August 7 (Leo) 1982 (36) Place of birth Kharkov Instagram @elenakuletskaya

Presenter Elena Kuletskaya has gone from a model at exhibitions to a star of the Russian screen and catwalk. She is known not only in her homeland, but also in many European countries. The girl often appears on glossy covers and takes part in large-scale projects on Russian television.

Biography of Elena Kuletskaya

Elena Alexandrovna was born in one of the largest Ukrainian cities - Kharkov. My father's work in the military caused frequent moves. In 1998, Moscow became the new place of residence.

Student Elena chose modeling as a part-time job. She performed at shows and participated in promotional exhibitions. In 2001, Kuletskaya’s first trip to Paris, the capital of the fashion industry, took place. The girl received an invitation to participate in the casting from a scout. The father was skeptical about his daughter's hobby. However, despite her busy schedule, Elena received a diploma in law from Moscow State University.

Model Elena Kuletskaya's parameters fully comply with generally accepted standards: height 177 cm, weight 56 ​​kg, figure measurements 90-59-88 cm. When she first appeared at Fashion Week, this helped to immediately attract the attention of designers and scouts of large agencies. Among them were representatives of Fotogen Model Agency, Model Management, IMG Models, Louisa Models.

The active filming phase has begun. The girl participated in the campaigns of Etam, Nina Ricci, Helena Rubistein, Rolex. She also became the face of the British jewelry brand RAFF.

Kuletskaya's popularity in Russia came from her appearance in an advertisement for Orbit chewing gum. The model even got an affectionate nickname - Zubik.

Her television career began in 2010 on the reality show Cinderella 2.0. As a member of the jury, Elena contributed to the transformation of girls from simpletons into real ladies. Afterwards, the show “Dancing with the Stars” started, where the model conquered the dance floor together with actor Evgeniy Pazenko.

In May 2014, Kuletskaya was invited to host the show “ Perfect couple" Together with a team of professionals, the model helps change the participants’ style and select a wardrobe.

Favorite manicure of stars: who prefers “predator claws”, and who prefers nude

Kuletskaya showed the first photo of her newborn daughter and talked about childbirth

Supermodel Elena Kuletskaya was born on August 7, 1982 in Kharkov. Her father Alexander was a military man, so the Kuletsky family often had to change their place of residence. In 1998, the family of the future model moved to Moscow. But Kuletskaya herself early childhood dreamed of visiting Paris, to which she would later move in 2001.

early years

Considering that Kuletskaya spent her childhood constantly traveling, she very often had to change her place of study. Only after moving to Moscow did the girl finally manage to somehow stabilize her life. In 1999, she entered the law faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Law. After entering the university, Elena Kuletskaya very often had to combine studying with part-time work. In the late 90s, she worked as a fashion model at promotional exhibitions, at one of which she was noticed by a scout from a foreign modeling agency. He invited the girl to a casting in Paris. As a result, in 2001, the future supermodel went to the capital of France. At the same time, the girl completed her studies at the Moscow Institute in absentia.

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Model business

Having moved to the capital of France, Elena Alexandrovna begins the active development of her modeling career. However, her father categorically opposed this. He was skeptical about the fashion industry and his daughter's prospects in this direction. But Kuletskaya managed to convince her father. Moreover, soon Alexander Kuletsky himself became part of the modeling business, opening the Mademoiselle agency.

Initially, the girl was going to spend only three months in Paris summer holidays. But the circumstances were such that Russian model settled in France for a long time. Over the next few years, Elena collaborated with IMG Models, Louisa Models and other major modeling agencies. In addition, the model willingly starred in commercials for such popular global brands as Rolex, RAFF, Mary Kay and Etam. The popularity of the model reached Russia, where she participated in the filming commercial Orbit.

Television career

Elena Kuletskaya became even more popular thanks to her filming in the television show “Cinderella 2.0”. In this show, the model helped the participants make significant changes in their lives. Thanks to the efforts of the presenter ordinary girls transformed from Cinderellas into princesses whose appearance will allow them to conquer the stage and podium.

IN next year the model became a participant in the popular show “Dancing with the Stars.” Elena’s partner in the project was actor Evgeny Pazenko. And the girl, by participating in this show, managed to increase the already large army of her fans.

In 2014, Elena got a job on the Domashny channel. She became the host of the “Ideal Couple” project. This show featured couples who couldn't boast stylish wardrobe. As in Cinderella 2.0, this problem had to be solved by the famous supermodel and her team.

Personal life of Elena Kuletskaya

The girl's popularity in Russia is primarily due to her relationship with the national pop star Dima Bilan. The couple met in 2006. Their first meeting took place at the Paris airport. Then no one could have imagined that their meeting would be the beginning of a serious relationship that would last about five years. Moreover, in 2008, Dima promised to marry Elena Kuletskaya if he won Eurovision. In the end, it was Dima who won, but their relationship was never legalized.

The relationship of this couple has always been accompanied by various rumors and speculation. One day the yellow press hastened to accuse Kuletskaya of cheating with a famous Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke. Appeared in the media joint photos models and Hollywood stars. But in fact, these pictures were taken for one of the foreign glossy publications.

The five-year romance between Bilan and Kuletskaya ended in the summer of 2011. The couple unanimously stated that the relationship was too turbulent and they simply “burned out.” But the press believes that their romance was just a PR stunt. Subsequently, this version was confirmed by Bilan himself. And Russian producer and businessman Viktor Baturin even stated that he personally paid the escort agency 30 thousand euros for the candidacy of this supermodel as Dima Bilan’s girlfriend.

After breaking up with the star, Elena dated an unknown Frenchman, whose identity remained a mystery. Finally, in 2014, on her Internet page, she announced her marriage to video project operator Stanislav Romanovsky. The model's recording was accompanied by a photograph happy couple in a romantic setting. The wedding of Kuletskaya and Romanovsky took place in the girl’s favorite city - Paris. And already in 2016, information appeared in the press that the model was diligently hiding her rounded tummy. The timing of the birth of the first child is unknown, but presumably this event should occur in the spring of 2016.

According to Elena, she is not the kind of girl who dates men much older than herself. “And even if we really had a relationship, most likely, I would try to hide it,” added Kuletskaya.

Many are interested in Elena’s relationship with Dima Bilan. In 2008, the singer promised to marry the model if he won the Eurovision Song Contest. Then the artist managed to take first place, but Kuletskaya never received the coveted ring. Soon the couple broke up completely.

“We remained friends as much as possible. In general, neither I nor my husband have the habit of maintaining any friendly relations with exes and continue to communicate. Separated means separated. We can send each other an SMS once or twice a year. I will say right away that there was no contract. Was this story part of PR - yes, because any appearance and drawing attention to one’s person is PR-public relations, public relations. It’s just that our relationship organically faded away, there wasn’t even any specific point,” said the TV presenter.

Elena met her husband Stas Romanovsky on the set of the program “Shopaholics” on MTV, where she was the host and he was the director of photography.

“Stas re-educated me. I have always been looking for a man stronger than myself. And I found it. He is calm, delicate, and with his masculine, competent behavior he calmed me down. I am often asked whether a couple's life changes after marriage. In fact, no, but stability and confidence makes everything much more significant than when you are just dating. And there’s no point in getting on each other’s nerves over little things if you know that in the end you’ll still stay together,” Kuletskaya shared.

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Biography of Elena Kuletskaya

Elena Kuletskaya born in the summer of 1982 in Kharkov. Her father was a military man, so the family moved often.

In 1998, when the family ended up in Moscow, Elena entered the law faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Law. Soon she began to combine her studies with part-time work at promotional exhibitions, and also often performed at shows. Elena managed to graduate from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University with honors, but in absentia: when she was a sophomore, she was invited to take part in a casting for a famous modeling agency in Paris, where Elena stayed for several years.

“I even swear at French. I say something like “putan brothel.” This is such a common curse word. It sounds much more elegant in French! And I don’t swear in Russian.”

The creative path of Elena Kuletskaya

While in Paris, Elena began collaborating with many famous French modeling agencies, including Group Model Management, IMG Models - Paris, Fotogen Model Agency and Louisa Models. In addition, she became the face of a famous English jewelry brand made of gold and diamonds. RAFF, and also took part in advertising campaigns for the brands Rolex, Nina Richi, Etam, Helena Rubinstein, Mary Kay, etc.

Elena's father was distrustful of the modeling business, which his daughter became interested in, but soon he himself became a co-owner of the Mademoiselle modeling agency.

In Russia Elena Kuletskaya became known after the release of a video advertisement chewing gum Orbit. And soon after that, in 2010, her TV career began as a presenter.

Elena appeared on the channel for the first time MTV as the host of the program Trendy. She also joined the jury of the show “Cinderella 2.0,” which helps ordinary girls turn into princesses with the help of stylists, fitness trainers and psychologists.

Elena Kuletskaya participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars”, where her stage partner was Russian actor Evgeniy Pazenko.

Model fees often amount to at least two hundred thousand euros. According to Elena Kuletskaya, she never needed a rich patron and purchased an apartment in Paris and a mansion in Panama with her own savings.

At the end of May 2014 on the channel “ Home"The show has started « Perfect couple", hosted by Elena Kuletskaya. Program for exemplary couples who have only one problem - wardrobe. And the Kuletskaya model and her team take on the solution to this problem. Around the same time, Elena was invited as a co-host to the project"Beauty Embassy".

In 2017 on the channel " Home"Elena's new show premiered"Diary of a happy mother."

Gradually, the work of a presenter on TV became for Elena the main thing, which truly captivates and pleases her. The time of a modeling career is becoming a thing of the past.

“I am aware that the peak of my modeling career is already behind me. Now I won’t break out like before to go to Paris, New York or Tokyo for a few months. Surprisingly, I now have a lot of job offers - probably the photographers managed to miss me during my pregnancy, so, in fact, I came out of maternity leave a month and a half after Nika was born. It’s just that instead of fashion, work on television came into my life.”

Personal life of Elena Kuletskaya

The model began to appear in gossip columns thanks to an affair with a popular singer Dima Bilan. The musician even promised to marry his beloved if he took first place in the Eurovision Song Contest. The finale of the show took place in 2008, but the wedding never took place. Summer 2011 Dima Bilan admitted that their affair with Elena Kuletskaya- this is just a PR stunt. Nevertheless, Elena Kuletskaya continued to claim that she and Bilan had a close relationship.

“There was never any contract or amount discussed. This is a real relationship, it’s just that Dima and I are public people. We decided not to hide, so we went to premieres and parties together. Now, if we hid our personal life, then questions would also arise: why? And it turned out that we were always accused of allegedly promoting ourselves. Our story did not develop: it turned out that we both burned out.”

After breaking up with Dima Bilan, Elena Kuletskaya began dating a Frenchman, whose name she initially hid. At the same time, she appeared in public with famous artists. For example, for a magazine cover GQ she starred with Mickey Rourke.

In April 2014, it became known that Elena was marrying a director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky. As Elena Kuletskaya herself reported on her Instagram blog, the celebration will take place in Paris. It turns out that the couple had been dating for several years, and in November 2013 Stanislav proposed to his beloved.

May 15, 2016 at the Lapino Clinical Hospital Elena Kuletskaya gave birth to a daughter. The girl's name was Nobody. The fact that Kuletskaya became a mother became known from her Instagram, where happy Elena wrote: “At 39.6 weeks, on May 15, 2016, our daughter Nika Stanislavovna Romanovskaya, 55 cm tall and weighing 3850, appeared in K.G. Lapino.”

Elena often shoots for magazines in a duet with her daughter, for whom fans predict a modeling future, like her mother.

Elena Kuletskaya - model, TV presenter, actress and just beautiful girl, which conquered not only the CIS, but also Europe. She has multiple shootings for various fashion houses, popular fashion shows and filming in many television projects. At 35 years old, Elena has achieved a lot and is not going to stop there, setting new goals for herself.


The future model Elena Kuletskaya was born in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov in 1982. Since childhood, Elena was accustomed to constant travel due to the fact that her father was a military man, and the family did not stay in one place for long. The girl had no attachment to any specific place and people other than her family, which served as a significant advantage for her work as a model in the future. Elena tolerated the move quite easily and was not sad about it for a long time, realizing that it was necessary.

In 1998, the Kuletsky family was able to move to Moscow and settle there for a long time. Elena always wanted to get higher education, therefore, thanks to her diligence and thirst for knowledge, she managed to enter the Moscow State University. In her first year, studying seemed very difficult to her, but after a year she got used to the rhythm of student life and decided to find a part-time job. The choice fell on the modeling field. This did not surprise anyone, because the girl had a model appearance, and many predicted a modeling career for her. Therefore, Elena began taking professional photographs and putting together a portfolio for herself. Photographers did not refuse to photograph the girl, seeing her interesting type, so her modeling career began easily for Kuletskaya.

Beginning of a modeling career

Elena's father, being a military and strict man, did not approve of his daughter's choice to pursue a modeling career. He was distrustful of this work, but was not categorically against it, believing that his daughter could handle it. Thus, Elena began to appear at various promotional exhibitions. Thanks to her ideal external appearance, the best agencies in Moscow quickly drew attention to the aspiring model and began inviting Kuletskaya to take part in shows.

Invitations from abroad were not long in coming. Kuletskaya’s photographs captivated more than one fashion house in Paris, and the girl went to work in France. This became a turning point in her life. Elena Kuletskaya seriously thought about moving to the fashionable capital, but she could not give up her incomplete higher education. Therefore, despite being extremely busy, the girl received a diploma in law with honors and only then moved to France. The parents let the girl go, realizing that she had become independent, despite the fact that she was only a little over twenty years old.

Top Model

After moving to France, the girl had a very busy schedule. It was necessary to work a lot, constantly act in catalogs and covers, participate in fashion shows. Elena Kuletskaya took photos almost every day, so she quickly built up a large and diverse portfolio that fell into the hands of famous fashion houses and fashion designers.

This allowed her to participate in advertising companies such large companies as Rolex and Nina Ricci. And then I finally managed to become a face jewelry company, which was located in the UK. The girl traveled around Europe with great pleasure and devoted all her time to work. Thus, the name of the Ukrainian-Russian supermodel soon became famous, and model Elena Kuletskaya attracted attention not only in Europe, but also at home.

Shape Options

Elena Kuletskaya's height is standard for models. It amounts to 178 sentiments. This allows her not only to act for catalogs and advertising campaigns, but also take an active part in shows.

The model's figure parameters fit perfectly into generally accepted beauty standards. They are 90-59-88. Designers and fashion designers, seeing such parameters, immediately pay attention to the girl and invite her to their shows. After all, it is much easier to adapt any image to such a figure, because it has long been standard for models.

Elena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

Kuletskaya's name first appeared on the front pages of newspapers after she was noticed with a popular Russian singer. Then Dima Bilan was at the peak of his popularity and his every step in his free time was under the close attention of the paparazzi. The model and singer spent a lot of free time together, and then Elena starred in Bilan’s music video called “I Remember You.”

In 2008, Dmitry represented Russia at the popular European Eurovision contest. In his numerous interviews, he often spoke about his serious intentions regarding Elena and even said that if he won, he would marry the girl. But after winning, Elena did not receive an offer, and three years later the couple announced their breakup.

Later, Bilan said that their relationship was not real, but for the sake of mutual PR, but Elena herself never confirmed the words ex-lover.

Personal life

After a public relationship with Bilan, which was followed by the whole country, Elena Kuletskaya began to carefully hide her personal life. But despite this, she appeared in public several times with popular personalities. A couple of times the girl was credited with having an affair with Hollywood celebrities, but famous model did not confirm these rumors. But she didn’t deny it either.

In 2014, it became known that the model married Stas Romanovsky. It turned out that Elena met him a couple of years ago on the set, and since then things began between them serious relationship. The couple managed to hide their relationship very for a long time, despite the close attention of the press to Elena and her privacy.

Working on television

After marriage, Kuletskaya seriously took up her career as a TV presenter, relegating her modeling career to the background. Many channels wanted to sign a contract with her, but Elena was more based on her preferences and her modeling experience. So she began hosting the Trendy and Shopaholics programs. Extensive experience helped the girl quickly become one of the best presenters in the country. And every girl and woman in the country wanted to get advice from the popular model! Therefore, all the shows with her participation are popular and interesting.

Elena Kuletskaya exhibits stories in her social network constantly telling his subscribers about his future projects. Thus, the girl is not just a guest presenter, but also a full-fledged face of the projects in which she takes part. And she's seriously thinking about launching her own travel show. There is no doubt that the show will be successful, because Kuletskaya has extensive experience in this regard. And she herself does not live in one place. The girl has an apartment in Paris and a house in Panama, but Elena works exclusively in Russia.

Family life

Despite the fact that the girl received another higher education at the Sorbonne, worked on TV and took part in shows, she managed to realize herself in family life. Strong marriage with Romanovsky is an example to follow. And in 2016 it became known that Elena was pregnant.

Now Elena Kuletskaya puts her daughter and husband first, but does not forget about her favorite job. She can be seen in gossip columns or on television as a presenter. She constantly gives interviews, participates in filming and successfully combines things that are important to her. The girl continues to work, improve herself, travel and does not forget about her family.
