Why is Indian summer called that and when does it begin? Young and old "Indian Summer". Signs and superstitions

They can still bask in the autumn sun.” The emergence of the expression is associated with the period when peasants finished working in the fields, and women were already busy with household chores: soaking and weaving flax, weaving, preparing firewood for the winter, etc. At the beginning of summer, they began to pickle, and it was also the custom to reconcile and resolve all conflicts and disagreements. In Rus', in many settlements such days were celebrated as. Every evening there were gatherings and singing.

In modern meteorology, “summer” is a period of stable anticyclone, which is often observed at the beginning of autumn, when the soil and air do not cool too much at night, while warming up slightly during the day. In addition, a volumetric amount of heat is released when leaves wilt. Heated air rises, dispersing clouds and increasing Atmosphere pressure. That is why the anticyclone always stands during golden autumn.

nice days Indian summer Each year differs in its start time as well as its duration. Most often they last for one to two weeks (two to three synoptic periods), starting from mid-September and ending in early October. Indian summer in Central Russia begins around September 14th. IN North America this period begins a little later, towards the end of September or already in October. In the Far East, the warm season begins in the first two weeks of October. At the same time, sharp warming may be observed in southern Siberia. In mid-October, in Central Russia, as well as in northern Ukraine and Belarus, an anticyclone often occurs, during which the air warms up to +20°C for several days. This period is often mistakenly confused with Indian summer.

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Indian summer is a period of dry and warm weather in September - early October. This period lasts from several days to 3 weeks. Indian summer comes after a noticeable cold snap. It may be accompanied by secondary flowering of various plants, which usually bloom only once a year.

Indian summer: timing and duration

The start time of Indian summer and its duration vary. It usually occurs in mid-September and lasts 1-2 weeks, until the beginning of October. In Central Russia, such fine days begin around September 14th. In North America and Europe, this period begins somewhat later, at the end of September or in the first half of October.

On South Far East The beginning of Indian summer usually occurs in the first weeks of October, and in the south of Siberia - in late September - early October.

What does the dictionary say about Indian summer?

The Brockhaus and Efron dictionary says that the common expression “Indian summer” means a clear, dry autumn, when there is cobwebs in the air.

According to Explanatory dictionary Dahl, this period begins on September 14, on the day of Simeon the Summer Conductor, and ends on September 21 (on Aspos Day) or September 28 (on the Day of the Exaltation). Dahl also mentions the young Indian summer, which takes place from the Feast of the Assumption (August 28) to September 11.

What is the name of Indian summer among different peoples?

In Macedonia and Bulgaria this period is called the gypsy summer, in Serbia - Michaelmas/Martin's summer, in North America - Indian summer, in Sweden - Brigid's summer, in Switzerland - widow's summer, in Italy - St. Martin's summer, in France - St. Denis's summer .

This period is Indian summer among the Western, Eastern Slavs and (Altweibersommer). However, in the latter case, this expression can also be translated as the summer of old women, and literally as the summer of old women.

In this regard, one can mention interesting story, which occurred in 1989. A 77-year-old from the city of Darmstadt in Germany appealed to the regional court. She complained that the word Altweibersommer insulted her honor and dignity, not only as a woman, but also as an elderly person.

In her lawsuit, the plaintiff demanded a ban on this word. However, the court rejected her complaint. After all, the first part of this word - alte Weiber, used to mean simply “old”, in contrast to the current combination altes Weib, which today is translated as “old woman, old woman, old witch, old hag.”

However, in Russia, the attitude towards this common name is ambiguous, depending on how the word “baba” is perceived - as disparaging or as native Russian.

Where does the name “Indian summer” come from?

According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the phrase “Indian summer” means the time when old women can bask in the autumn sun. This expression is also associated with a period in the life of peasants when their field work ended, and women took on household chores: they processed and wove flax, and did handicrafts. The peasants called this kind of work woman's work.

Interestingly, in Germany the name “Indian summer” was also associated with yarn. On warm autumn days, leaf spiders work while sitting on plants: they weave the finest webs, which in ancient times were attributed with magical powers. By word“to weave” - weben, in the old days weaving was called weiben. This word is very consonant with Weib - woman, woman. And since this web is very thin and translucent, it looked like White hair older women.

According to another version, the expression “Indian summer” had a meaning that is based on the belief that women have the mystical power to return the seasons back and influence the weather. In addition, many associate this name with Russian popular saying: “45 - Baba Berry again.” That is, at the age of 40-50 years, a woman “blooms” again. And nature during the Indian summer, showing its feminine principle.

Indian summer can be watched from several different points. For example, it is traditionally believed that Indian summer is a period of warm and dry weather, which is celebrated in September-October.

From the point of view of the compilers of one of the Russian language dictionaries, Indian summer is a time of dry and clear autumn, when in the air.

Meteorologists say that Indian summer is a period of stable anticyclonic weather that can be observed in early autumn. It is characterized by a slight cooling at night, which does not yet allow one to freeze, but at the same time lowers the daytime temperature so that it becomes optimal and moves away from the “heat” indicator.

What is Indian summer like?

The concept of “Indian summer” exists not only in Russia. There is a mention of it in Germany, as well as other German-speaking countries, Bulgaria, Serbia, Holland, North America, etc. And everywhere this period of time carries different names. For example, it is called “Gypsy summer”, “Indian summer”, “Summer of St. Martin”, etc.

The duration of Indian summer is on average 2-3 weeks. It starts in mid-September. However, various variations are quite possible, because the weather is perfect.

You can take Central Russia as a reference point. Here Indian summer usually begins on September 14th. In Europe this period begins later. The south of Russia welcomes Indian summer in early October.

The name "Indian Summer" was given to this period in honor of women who, according to legend, have the power to return the seasons.

The average temperature characteristic of Indian summer is +25-27 degrees. The weather is always dry and sunny. Moreover, Indian summer can easily come even after a fairly strong cold snap.

Signs of Indian summer

There are a number of different signs associated with Indian summer. After all, weather, illness, luck, etc. were determined by this time.

So, for example, if a rainbow appears during this period, autumn will be warm and protracted. If it rains during this period, you should prepare yourself for bad weather.

Whether or not to believe in the signs of Indian summer is up to everyone. However, it is worth considering that signs are usually formulated on the basis of observations and drawing up parallels between the phenomenon and the consequence.

What cannot be considered Indian summer

Indian summer is often called absolutely any warm period that just appears. In fact, one of the most striking signs of Indian summer is the yellowing and reddening of leaves on the trees. Calling warming when the leaves are still green on the trees Indian summer is fundamentally wrong.

Indian summer is a short period of return of warm and sunny weather at the end of August and September. It seems that nature has forgotten about the coming autumn. Indian summer, according to folk calendar, is divided into the young "Indian summer" (August 28 - September 11) and the old "Indian summer" (September 14 - 24).

“A short but wonderful time”...

“Indian summer,” according to meteorologists, is a period of stable anticyclone on the eve of autumn. It is this that ensures the return of summer heat. The desired one is coming " the Velvet season"when it's worth warm weather without the sweltering summer heat. The beginning of the young “Indian summer” falls on the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God(August 28). The old “Indian summer” is counted from Semin Day, or the day of Simeon the Stylite (September 14). Warm days in early October have nothing to do with Indian summer.

Such warm and dry weather does not last long, sometimes one to two weeks. In some years, Indian summer is shorter, just a few days. Occasionally there is an autumn without an “Indian summer”. The head of Roshydromet A. Frolov promises in 2012 on the European territory of Russia warm ending August and September are good. According to him, “there will definitely be an Indian summer.” Let's see.

“Only a web of thin hair...”

“Indian summer” is a time of mass appearance of spiders. Their silky webs float in the air. Indian Summer often comes with surprises. These are repeated flowerings of trees, shrubs and flowers (fireweed, fireweed, etc.). In 1955, during the “Indian summer” in Moscow and the Moscow region, it was summer-like hot - more than 25°C. In September 1934, the “Indian summer” was surprisingly long: from September 1 to September 25. Then the warblers and larks began to sing again, and black grouse swarmed into the Trans-Volga region. In the Moscow region, frogs croaked and mosquitoes bit everywhere.

“Indian summer feeds us with dope...”

During the “Indian summer” in Rus', folk festivals with round dances were often held. The wedding weeks have begun. The mothers baked pies and set the tables, around which girls from all over the village gathered. Grooms came to look at and choose brides. Weddings took place during Indian summer.

On Semin's Day, women and girls worked on flax from early morning. We watched how the first threads lay down: evenly and straightly - there will be a good and generous husband.

During Indian summer, it was customary to invite healers into the house.

There was an interesting custom: on the first day of Indian summer, flies and cockroaches were buried in tiny coffins made of carrots or turnips. They buried them away from home in order to get rid of family troubles and poverty forever.
It was believed: “If you kill a fly before Seed-day, seven flies will be born, and if you kill after Seed-day, seven flies will die.”
They say that on Semyon's Day the sparrows disappear. Then only a few of them return.

The weather on the first day of the old “Indian summer” is used to judge autumn. If it is clear, then the autumn will be warm and bright. The remaining days of the “Indian summer” are rainy - autumn will be dry. And vice versa.

The latter are called Indian summer warm days autumn, which comes after the first frosts. This period is associated various signs and traditions. We'll tell you when Indian summer begins in 2018 and how our ancestors spent it.

When is Indian summer in 2018?

According to the popular calendar, Indian summer begins on September 14 and lasts from one to three weeks.

According to centuries-old observations, warm and sunny weather sets in in mid-September for a week or two.

Indian summer 2018: traditions

At this time, women finished harvesting and began lighter housework.

In the old days, it was customary to weave from flax in Indian summer. There is a belief that if an unmarried thread lays straight, then the future spouse will be docile, and if it is uneven, he will be unkind. At this time, mothers were looking for brides for their sons. For this purpose, it was customary to bake pies and invite girls to dinner.

In Indian summer they began to prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter. The housewives were engaged in salting, and the men were digging potatoes.

In the old days, elderly women called healers in the Indian summer to improve their health before the cold weather.

Ancestors associated Indian summer with a woman’s age, when her beauty blossoms in full force before the upcoming “withering.” The flying web was compared to a woman's first gray hair.

Signs for Indian Summer 2018

  • Among the common people there was a sign that if lovers who are in a quarrel make peace on September 14, then they will have a happy life.
  • It is believed that if a wedding is held on this day, then Honeymoon for newlyweds will last a lifetime.
  • Our ancestors believed that if you move to a new home during Indian summer, life in the new place will be happy and rich.
  • If you find a coin on Semenov Day (September 14), then you need to bring it into the house so that there are no quarrels for the whole year.
  • What the weather will be like on September 14th, this will be the case throughout the fall. It was believed that if there were a lot of cobwebs flying in Indian summer, autumn would be dry and warm.
  • Ancestors noticed that if it rains in Indian summer, then in autumn and winter there will be the same amount of precipitation.
  • Autumn will be long if the trees are still green in Indian summer.
  • You cannot kill flies before Indian summer, otherwise there will be even more of them. If you kill a fly during this period, then there will be no more of them in the house.

How to celebrate Indian summer

The tables were set in the house and filled with everything that could be grown in the garden or vegetable garden. After the feast they went out into the street singing and dancing.

Nowadays, most city dwellers go to their dachas to get things done before the winter cold. Autumn balls are held in schools, and folk festivals and fairs are held in villages and towns.

The start time of Indian summer and its duration vary. It usually occurs in mid-September and lasts 1-2 weeks, until the beginning of October. In Central Russia, such fine days begin around September 14th. In North America and Europe, this period begins somewhat later, at the end of September or in the first half of October.

In the south of the Far East, the beginning of Indian summer usually occurs in the first weeks of October, and in the south of Siberia - in late September - early October.

What does the dictionary say about Indian summer?

The Brockhaus and Efron dictionary says that the common expression “Indian summer” means a clear, dry autumn, when there is cobwebs in the air.

According to Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, this period begins on September 14, on the day of Simeon the Flyer, and ends on September 21 (on Aspos Day) or September 28 (on the Day of Exaltation). Dahl also mentions the young Indian summer, which takes place from the Feast of the Assumption (August 28) to September 11.

What is the name of Indian summer among different peoples?

In Macedonia and Bulgaria this period is called the gypsy summer, in Serbia - Michaelmas/Martin's summer, in North America - Indian summer, in Sweden - Brigid's summer, in Switzerland - widow's summer, in Italy - St. Martin's summer, in France - St. Denis's summer .

This period is Indian summer among the Western, Eastern Slavs and (Altweibersommer). However, in the latter case, this expression can also be translated as the summer of old women, and literally as the summer of old women.

In this regard, we can mention one interesting story that happened in 1989. A 77-year-old woman from the city of Darmstadt in Germany appealed to the land court. She complained that the word Altweibersommer insulted her honor and dignity, not only as a woman, but also as an elderly person.

In her lawsuit, the plaintiff demanded a ban on this word. However, the court rejected her complaint. After all, the first part of this word - alte Weiber, used to mean simply “old”, in contrast to the current combination altes Weib, which today is translated as “old woman, old woman, old witch, old hag.”

However, in Russia, the attitude towards this common name is ambiguous, depending on how the word “baba” is perceived - as disparaging or as native Russian.

Where does the name “Indian summer” come from?

According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the phrase “Indian summer” means the time when old women can bask in the autumn sun. This expression is also associated with a period in the life of peasants when their field work ended, and women took on household chores: they processed and wove flax, and did handicrafts. The peasants called this kind of work woman's work.

Interestingly, in Germany the name “Indian summer” was also associated with yarn. On warm autumn days, leaf spiders work while sitting on plants: they weave the finest webs, which in ancient times were attributed with magical powers. The word for “to weave” is weben; in the old days weaving was called weiben. This word is very consonant with Weib - woman, woman. And since this web is very thin and translucent, it looked like the gray hair of elderly women.

According to another version, the expression “Indian summer” had a meaning that is based on the belief that women have the mystical power to return the seasons back and influence the weather. In addition, many associate this name with the Russian folk saying: “45 is a woman’s berry again.” That is, at the age of 40-50 years, a woman “blooms” again. And nature during the Indian summer, showing its feminine principle.
