Simple Rules. Cat and mouse

– Our mother’s cat and mouse game
She didn't tell us to play.

How did you not say that? Very much so! This is how you live, lazily sort out the rules of the children’s game “Cat and Mouse” for children over 4 years old, and suddenly you discover an analogue of the game “Blitz”. And this is the most exciting thing in the world. Well, except for our team’s game at the World Cup.

“Blitz” for children

Why did I remember him? The fact is that all players play at the same time and do not wait for their turn. And what comes first is the speed of reaction, the ability to react with lightning speed, and a little bit of luck.

Which we lacked so much in the game with Croatia. In general, games such as “Blitz” and “Cat and Mouse” help develop the qualities of Luka Modric in a child, and he manages to be in all places on the field at the same time.

What is in the box?

Blue start cards. There are only 4 of them, they correspond to the number of players. If the game is planned for two players, immediately put the extra blue cats aside.

Red finish cards. There are also 4 of them.

And 62 cards with arrows. These are movement cards.

What should you do before the game?

Clear the surface. It's best to play on the floor, there's plenty of space there. We'll need it. Each participant places a start card (blue cat) in front of him.

Shuffle the deck thoroughly! Red cats and cards with the same type of arrows go in a heap, it would be very disappointing to immediately lay out the Finish card. But, by the way, what to do in such a situation? We decided that if at least one movement card is laid out, then the Finish card will end the round. If not, then mix it back into the deck.

Board game for kids “Cat and Mouse”. The number of players is from 2 to 4. Develops spatial thinking, excitement and instant reaction in the child, teaches the concepts of “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”. The cost of the game (July 2018) is 450 rubles.

Rules of the game “Cat and Mouse”

So, we place the Start card in front of each player. A deck with movement cards and finish cards is available. One, two, three - let's go. All players take cards from the deck at the same time, without observing the turn order. Just don't fight!

The goal of the game is to post as much as possible more cards before anyone gets a Finish card. After reading the rules, at first I was very surprised that errors in drawing up routes are possible. Everything is elementary there, I thought. Now I don't think so. When everyone is tearing up cards and throwing them on the table, it's easy to make a mistake.

How to lay out cards?

Follow the arrows. They indicate movement. If the arrow points up, then place the next card on top. If the arrow points to the right, then place the card on the right. We place the first card randomly next to the blue cat.

Pay attention to the light bulbs. Not only the number of bonus points is drawn on them, but they also give an idea of ​​where the bottom is and where the top is.

As soon as a player plays a Finish card, the game stops. Usually at this moment in the game “Blitz” Gleb pushes a couple more cards into the prize zone, but petty cheating and hooliganism is left to the discretion of the players.

Let's look at this short round. The players managed to lay out three cards each. So, we check the routes to see if they are built correctly. The left player is doing well. All cards will count. But the one on the right has an error. Find her, by the way. Hint: Look at the light bulb.

So, all maps between the start and finish are considered prize money if the route is built correctly. If not, then only those cards that are laid out correctly. Correct cards We put it aside for ourselves, then we calculate their cost, and we mix the incorrectly laid out ones back into the deck. We discard the finish map. Let's start the next round. The game lasts 4 rounds. (Until all finish cards are drawn)

The person with the most points at the end of the fourth round wins. The number of points, I remind you, is painted on the light bulbs.

Difficult moments

What to do if the card is not suitable? It's like in the photo. Well, where should she go? Throw it back into the deck.

What to do if there are two arrows on the map? Under no circumstances should you branch the route! Choose your direction and stick to it. IN in this case In the photo, upward movement is selected.

We develop by playing...

I remember now preparing for school. We were then recommended to train spatial orientation. Right, left, up, down - useful skills, I agree.

Find two errors in route construction here

Alla Kuimova
Game "Cat and Mice" for children junior group

A game: "Cat and mice"

Target: Learn children crawl under the cord without touching the floor with your hands, develop the ability to change the pace and direction of movement at a signal from an adult; develop coordination of movement in frequently changing game situations; help strengthen the ligamentous-muscular system of the back and legs.

Equipment: masks, caps "Mice" And "Cat".

Progress of the game: Adult tells: “In one hut they were called mice. What the hostess didn’t do to protect her from them supplies: I set a mousetrap and watched it myself at night - nothing helped. Finally, the owner got a cat. Agile and fast cat she instantly caught the little thieves and kept them away from the owner’s supplies for a long time. Let's do it too let's play».

From the number playing driver is selected - "Cat" or "Cat". He pretends to be dozing. The rest of the children - « Mice» . Mice sit in holes(in an area fenced with a cord).

At a signal, the mice run out of the hole, crawling under the cord, and head towards the cat. At the same time they sentenced:

The cat guards the mice

She pretended to be asleep.

Not to be afraid of mouse cats,

And they walk along the path.

An adult warns mice:

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

You won't wake the cat,

One, two, three - catch it!

After these words, the cat wakes up, meows loudly and begins to catch mice. Mice run away to their holes. Children who are caught miss one round of the game. A game repeated several times with a change of driver.

The children liked the game, played with pleasure. Experienced difficulty in crawling under the cord without touching the floor. Thanks to this game, children learn to follow the rules, the ability to control their behavior and objectively evaluate the actions of their peers. All this brings the teacher closer to the children and helps establish trusting relationships with them. It is also important to take into account that in the game the teacher can better get to know his students, their abilities, character, and creative capabilities. National traditions are developing and improving.

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Cat and mouse

Attributes: small bench.

Progress of the game: two children play at the same time - “cat” and “mouse”. The “cat” stands near one end of the bench, and the “mouse” stands near the other. The “cat” has the following conversation with the “mouse”:

- Mouse, mouse, where have you been?

- In the pantry.

-What were you doing there?

—— I ate butter.

- Did you leave it for me?

- I didn’t leave it.

-Where did you put the spoon?

- I put it under the barrel.

—Where did you put the jug?

— I was walking along the path and attacked angry dog— I dropped the jug and broke it.

- I will catch you for this.

- You won't catch it!

The "mouse" runs away from the "cat". If the “cat” caught it, they change places, and if not, then another pair takes their place.

Special notes: the “mouse” and “cat” only run around the bench.

Mice and hedgehogs

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities and dexterity.

Attributes: several headbands of any color.

How to play: A circle with a diameter of 10 m is drawn in the center of the playing area - this is a hedgehog hole. The rest of the players are “mice”. The “hedgehogs” tie colored bandages on their arms and go into a circle - a hole, and the “mice” scatter around the area symbolizing the field. At the presenter’s signal: “Hedgehogs!” — “hedgehogs” come out of the hole into the field and begin to catch “mice.” The “mice” run away from them to save themselves. The “mouse” that the “hedgehog” managed to touch is considered caught and goes into the hole to the “hedgehogs”. She does not leave the hole until one of the other “mice” players touches her, having reached the hole. In this case, the caught “mouse” becomes free, runs into the field and re-enters the game.

Special notes: the rescue “mouse” cannot go inside the circle-hole, but only run up to its border. If she runs into the circle, she will also be considered caught.

Badgers and raccoons

Purpose of the game: development motor abilities and speed of reaction.

Attributes: 2 medium-sized rubber balls of different colors.

Progress of the game: players are divided into 2 teams - “badgers” and “raccoons”. A captain is selected for each team. “Badgers” take, for example, a red ball, and “raccoons” take a blue one. At the leader’s signal, the captains throw their balls as far as possible. At the second signal, one player from each team runs after their ball. The one who brings the ball first gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

Special notes: you can throw the ball and run after it only on command. The captain always throws the ball.

King of beasts

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communicative and creativity, development of good memory.

Attributes: medium sized ball.

Progress of the game: all players are “animals”. One of them is the “king of beasts”. Each player tells the “king” his name so that other animals do not hear (hare, bear, wolf, fox, tiger, etc.). The “animals” line up in one row opposite the “king”, a few steps away from him. There is a ball at the feet of the “king of beasts”, and a line is drawn nearby. The “king” loudly calls some “beast”, and it must run, and the “king” tries to hit it with the ball.

If the ball hits the runner, he goes to the “king” and helps him (brings the ball).

After the “king” catches 3 animals, he says: “Run, everyone!” - and tries to hit someone with the ball.

Special notes: the “king of beasts” throws the ball without going beyond the line. A new "king" is chosen after 4 or 5 "beasts" are captured.

Hamsters and cats

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities, reaction speed.

Progress of the game: 2 drivers are selected from the players - “cats”. The rest of the players are “hamsters”. They become pairs in a circle and turn to face the center of the circle, forming, as it were, a double circle. There should be a distance of 1 m between pairs. The “cats” stand behind the circle.

One of the “cats” runs away, and the other catches up with her, trying to make her look bad. The running “cat” stands in front of one of the pairs of “hamsters”. Then the player standing behind must run away from the “cat”. If the one catching up insults the one running away, then the caught one catches up, and the “cat” escapes from him, trying to stand in front of the pair of “hamsters”.

Special notes: the runner cannot run through the circle. You can only kill the one who runs away or stands third behind the pair.

Cat and mouse

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, communication skills.

Progress of the game.

1st option. Players choose “cat” and “mouse”, then stand in a circle. The “cat” is behind the circle, and the “mouse” is inside the circle. The "cat" must enter the circle and catch the "mouse", but the players close the entrances in front of it. The “cat” tries to get through, but the children crouch down and don’t let her catch the “mouse”. When the “cat” nevertheless makes its way into the circle, the children quickly release the “mouse”, but try not to let the “cat” out. When the “cat” catches the “mouse”, new players are selected.

2nd option. The game is played in the same way, but the “mouse” is hunted not by one, but by two “cats”. “Cats” can enter the circle only through an open gate - the raised hands of children standing in a circle. If one of the “cats” catches the “mouse,” they stand in a circle, and the second “cat” chooses other partners to play with.

Special notes: if the “cat” cannot catch the “mouse” for a long time, you should choose another pair.

Teacher and kittens

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: a “teacher” is selected from among the players, the rest are “kittens”-students. “Kittens” draw circles on the ground - these are their houses. In the center, opposite the house, is the “teacher’s” place. He says: “The kittens have woken up!” "Kittens" represent what the "teacher" says. They all wash themselves, do gymnastics, make the bed, have breakfast, go to school, do homework, return from school, play in the yard. When leaving for school, the “kittens” change their circle houses. While the “kitten” children pretend to play in the yard after school, the “teacher” suddenly says: “Night!” The “kittens” must quickly return to their house. Those who do not have time are considered losers.

Special notes: after the teacher says: “They are playing in the yard,” the “kittens” should scatter throughout the entire playground.

Cat, buyer and seller

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: bench.

Game progress: 3 players take part in the game - “seller”, “buyer” and “cat”. The “seller” sits at one end of the bench, and the “cat” sits at the other, facing the “seller.” The “buyer” approaches the “seller” and asks:

- Where are you going?

- To Moscow!

-Who are you taking?

- Sell it to me!

- What will you give me?

- 5 kopecks, a spoonful of honey and a red puppy.

After these words, the “cat” jumps up and runs around the bench, and the “buyer” catches up with him. If he touches with his hand, the players change places: the “cat” becomes the “buyer”, the “buyer” becomes the “seller”, the “seller” becomes the “cat”.

Special notes: each time the “buyer” must come up with new option fees for the “cat”, and “seller” is the new name of the city. After running around the bench 2 times, they change places.

Owner and ferret

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: scarf.

Progress of the game: a “host” is selected from among the players. The remaining players stand tightly back in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. The “owner” walks around the circle with a handkerchief in his hand. He is concerned that a ferret comes into his chicken coop at night.

“A cunning, predatory ferret catches my chickens at night. How can I catch a ferret? - says the “owner” and, unnoticed by everyone, puts the handkerchief in the hands of one of the players standing in the circle. He moves on, but the player who now has a scarf does not show it. “The owner,” after walking a little more, says: “Catch the ferret!” After these words, the player with the scarf runs away, and the player standing on the right must catch him. The “owner” occupies one empty seat out of two in the circle. The “ferret” stands in another place if the second player was unable to touch him with his hand. The one who is left without a place becomes the “master”.

Special notes: the “hunter” of the “ferret” must first let it run out of the circle, and only then catch it.

Princess Frog

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: chair, green ball, several small balls.

How to play: In the center of the room, a green ball - the Frog Princess - is placed on a chair or any stand. All children are Ivans. They take turns throwing small balls to hit the big green ball. The one who gets there becomes Ivan Tsarevich.

Special notes: balls are thrown from a certain line.

Princess Ribbons

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, dexterity.

Attributes: 3 colored ribbons of different lengths.

Progress of the game: 3 colored princess ribbons are hung in the middle of the court at different heights. Players are divided into 2 teams, equal in number and strength. Their task is to jump up and reach the shortest ribbon with their hand. The player who gets it gets 3 points. Whoever gets the middle ribbon gets 2 points, and the longest one gets 1 point. The team that scores wins large quantity points.

Special notes: players begin completing the task when given a signal. Each player jumps only once.

Shooting at a target

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities.

Attributes: a homemade or ready-made disc as a target, a small rubber ball, a chair.

Game progress: the disk is hung on the wall. A chair is placed at a distance of 5 m from him, which the player must run around during the game. Having run around a chair with a ball in his hand, the player must throw the ball and hit the target.

Special notes: each time the player, before throwing the ball, must run around the chair all the way larger number times - up to 5. You cannot stop to throw.

Funny hedgehog grandmothers

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: 2 brooms or mops, several colorful skittles.

Game progress: players are divided into 2 teams. Start and finish lines are drawn. Pins are placed throughout the playing area at a distance of 0.3 m from each other. Players must ride the entire distance from the starting line on a broom without touching the pins.

The team that completes the task faster and better than the other wins.

Prisoner and Protector

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: a circle with a diameter of 3 m is drawn on the playground. Up to 10 people can participate in the game. A “prisoner” and his “defender” are selected. The “captive” sits in the center of the circle, and the “defender” stands next to him and puts his hand on his head. Holding his hand like this, he walks around the “prisoner” in a circle,

watching for danger. The remaining players - the “robbers” - located behind the circle, try to touch the “prisoner” with their hand, and the “defender” tries to smear them (touch them with his hand).

If the “defender” was able to insult the attacker, he becomes a “prisoner”, and the former “captive” becomes a “defender”. The former "defender" becomes one of the "robbers".

Special notes: greasing does not count if the “defender” takes his hand away from the “prisoner’s” head. You cannot push or pull the “defender”.

Princely shooting

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities and accuracy.

Attributes: 10 pins or clubs, medium-sized rubber balls.

How to play: There are 2 throwing lines on the playing court. A middle line is drawn in the center, on which 10 pins are placed. All players are “princes” who decided to practice target shooting. The players, each of whom has a ball in their hands, are divided into 2 teams and each line up behind their own throwing line. The host of the game, Ivan Tsarevich, gives the command: “Shoot!”, and all the players on one of the teams throw the ball, trying to knock down the pins. Knocked down pins are placed again, but 1 m closer to the other team. Then the other team throws the balls. The pins knocked down by this team of “princes” also move 1 m in the direction of the other team. The players collect their balls and the game continues. The team that scores the most points after 5 volleys is the winner.

For each pin standing 1 m from the center line towards the other team, the “princes” receive 1 point, 2 m - 2 points, etc.

Special notes: when throwing, players do not have the right to step over the line. All “princes” of one team must throw the balls at the same time.

The eternal confrontation between mustachioed pets and cunning rodents who want to get their hands on cheese. The eternal confrontation of these mustachioed animals is like fire and water. In the board game Cat and Mouse, everyone can take part in the pursuit of their delicacy.

Feel like a escaping prey in search of cheese or a hunter with a lot of small tasty things running before your eyes. Who will win? It just depends on the speed of the players. Move quickly so as not to become dinner for the big arrogant cat!

The eternal confrontation between mustachioed pets and cunning rodents who want to get their hands on cheese

Description and features

A ginger cat went hunting; he is incredibly cunning and placed bait for small tailed pests. The board game Cat and Mouse and its addition Cheese Pyramid Traps is designed for children aged four years and older. From three to six people can participate in it at the same time.

Why is the minimum number 3 when in most games this figure is two? In addition to two mice hunting for cheese, in the chase one participant must try on the role of a cat - in cat guise he will chase gray troublemakers, in an attempt to catch and dine at least one.

The red cat went hunting

The board game Cat and Mice includes:

  • Six cunning little mice
  • One red cat-cup
  • One delicious piece cheese
  • Dice (one piece)
  • Twenty-four gray rodent cards
  • Cat and mouse game game rules
  • A colorful square box with sides of twenty-four centimeters and a height of eight cm.

The board game Cat and Mouse for children will amuse adults and children. It belongs to the category of developmental, because each battle develops reaction speed, speed of information perception and perseverance. To win, you need to be careful and not catch the mice before the corresponding value appears on the die. Players must react quickly, because the mice quickly scatter, and the cat quickly rushes to its prey.

Its design can be considered a plus. All components of the set are made of natural materials. They are pleasant to touch, and children will not break them the first time they play. The set refers to entertainment in which the interest is not in the victory itself, but in active participation. Pulling mice and attacking prey with a cat-glass will be interesting for all players.

All components of the set are made of natural materials

Rules of the game

The board game Cat and Mice requires some preparatory maneuvers. All of them are described in detail in the rules of the game.

Simple rules Cat and mouse games will allow children to quickly figure out what to do and quickly feel like a hungry mouse on cheese. Parents will be able to take time for themselves, because the game does not require their participation and the children can spend time with their friends without being exposed to the fascinating confrontation between rodents and domestic predators.

Preparing for the game

Brief instructions for the board game Cat and Mouse:

  • Place the felt cheese in the middle playing field so that all participants can reach it
  • Give everyone one rodent figurine from the cat and mouse board game kalachi and four matching cards.
  • Give the youngest player a cat cup with which he will catch little mice
  • Dice are given to the same participant who will be the hunter
  • Only in the first round there is a distribution of mustaches for kids (then everything will depend only on the players)

Mice and cheese

The game includes a delicious piece of cheese.

Progress of the game

The main task of the game for mice is to eat cheese and stay alive. The cat's goal is to dine on mice. The game begins with a roll of the dice. They have two options: a cat or a mouse. If a gray rodent falls out, everyone remains in their place. The cat is intently watching its prey, the mice happily eat the cheese. The dice are rolled again.

What if a scary red face fell out? Then everyone starts playing Cat and Mouse for themselves. The cat's task: to attack the mouse company as quickly as possible, trying to eat as much of the running deliciousness as possible. The mice, in turn, should immediately run away. Only the fastest participants will be able to win each horse.

For each animal eaten, the cat receives one card.

For each animal eaten, the cat receives one card. They are given out by the participant whose pet the hunter managed to feast on. When the predator has finished chewing its lunch, everyone returns to their starting positions, including the reincarnated mice.

The second game is no different from the first. The same player remains in the role of hunter. If his reaction in the round turns out to be faster than the dice, or rather the dice have not yet shown the cat icon, and the participant is already catching mice, then he must pay a fine in the form of one previously earned card.

The role of the cat passes to another player if the previous one was unable to feast on any rodents. Then the hungry pet looks for a new owner who can feed it. The glass is passed to the player sitting clockwise. You can only catch mice on a piece of cheese: when the animals run away from it, they become immune to bites.

End of the game

To determine the winner in the confrontation between a domestic predator and cunning mice, count all the cards obtained during the hunt. The one who has the most reward sheets in his hands wins.

If two or more players have the same number of cards, a rematch will determine the winner. If there is no time to conduct a decisive battle, all participants the largest number awards are considered winners.

The set is suitable for children's parties

Who is it suitable for?

The set is suitable for children's parties. For children who love to spend time with their friends, the game will be good and useful entertainment. If you have a birthday planned, this game will amuse all the guests, drawing you into an exciting pursuit of delicious food.

The design of the game is made in bright colors, so you can give it as a gift even without packaging. It’s nice to receive such a set for a holiday, especially since you can use it right away. Evenings with your family will be noisy and fun if you organize mouse races and cat hunts. The game will captivate boys and allow them to spend the energy accumulated during the day. The game will take girls more than an hour, because they love beautiful design.

The set will be of interest to young parents with hyperactive children who find it difficult to keep busy with one thing for more than five minutes. The excitement will captivate the kids, and the dynamics of the game will not let them get distracted.

The need to keep track of what comes up on the dice will develop perseverance in the younger generation, which will be useful in life. If your child has friends over, free up your time by getting them a set of Cats. A cat and mouse game for children, the rules of the game will allow children to have fun without the participation of parents.

Video review

If you liked the description of the set, watch the video review, which describes and shows the game in detail from all sides.

  • Leaders' Day

an active game that was born from the usual family vacation. With such entertainment, everyone will be able to realize their potential by performing whimsical tasks. A hundred different cards with quests that not everyone would think of. Playing with this set as a family is fun and interesting. There will be noise and din even among unfamiliar people if you decide to play at least one game. The entertainment is active and fast, so by the evening the children will go to bed on their own, without trying to object.

  • Crocodile

Dynamic entertainment, after which children will be left exhausted. Here you have to jump and show different words and do it in such a way that it is clear what was written on the card. The set is available in many variations, among which you can find themed or designed for children. This way, each player will be able to choose the most suitable version for themselves. Having fun develops intelligence and helps stretch muscles after have a hard day. Unfamiliar companies quickly become close, because excitement always turns out to be stronger than embarrassment.

Fight for the right to be called the Chief of the great Totauwhatau tribe. Since ancient times, these people decide who will become their leader through a tricky battle: everyone sits in a circle and opens their sheets. The first ones whose pictures match grab the totem. The first one to grab the desired figurine becomes the leader. Just imagine what kind of fights there were, because all the eucalyptus leaves are eerily similar to each other. Nowadays, the game has evolved, so now the battle is played on cards, the designs of which vary.

Irina Fedyanina
Card index outdoor games for children of the younger group

Card 1

Outdoor game "Cat and mouse"

On one side of the site, the “mice” house is fenced off. On opposite side The selected child “cat” is sitting on a chair.

Instructor: The cat is guarding the mice, pretending to be asleep (the cat's eyes are closed).

The “mice” run out of the house and run in front of the cat.

Instructor: Don't be as quiet as a mouse, you won't wake up the cat.

“The cat opens its eyes, runs after the “mice” and catches them. Caught children – “mice” – are considered losers and sit on a gymnastics bench. The game is repeated 2 – 3 times.

PART III: Walking on toes in a column with one hand on the belt.

Card 2

Outdoor game "Beetles"

To the sound of the instructor’s tambourine: “The bugs have flown!” children are running, buzzing, hands behind their backs, running all over the hall. Instructor: “Rain!” The “bugs” lie on their backs and make voluntary movements with their arms and legs. Instructor: “The bugs flew!” The children get up. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking in a column to see who can pass quietly.

Card 3

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

One child is assigned to be a dog, which sits on a chair at the end of the playground and pretends to be asleep (closes its eyes). All the children go to the dog from the opposite side of the playground from behind the line and say:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

He buried his nose in his paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Either he's dozing or he's sleeping,

Let's get closer to him

And we will hear him breathing.

After these words, the dog wakes up and runs, barking, after the children. Children run behind the line. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the instructor, who has a puppy in his hands.

Card 4

Outdoor game “Birds in Nests”

On one side of the hall there are hoops laid out - these are nests in which birds live.

Instructor: Let's fly!

Children run out of hoops and run around the hall, imitating the flight of birds.

Instructor: jumping from branch to branch.

Children jump on two legs.

Instructor: They peck grains and drink water.

Children squat down, imitating pecking and drinking water.

Instructor: Birds in their nests!

Children run and sit in their hoop nests.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking in a column one at a time.

Card 5

Outdoor game “Catch the ball”

Children sit or stand at one end of the hall. An instructor stands next to the children and holds a basket of balls in his hands. The instructor pours balls out of the basket, children run after them and catch them. Children put the caught balls back into the basket, which is held by the instructor at the child’s outstretched arm level.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking in a circle behind the instructor.

Card 6

Outdoor game "Bubble".

Children stand with the instructor in a small circle and say: “Inflate, bubble, inflate big, stay like that and don’t burst!” begin to disperse into a large circle.

Then with the words: “He flew, flew, flew and touched a twig!” children run in a circle in one direction.

With the words: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh,” the children stop, squat down, and lower their arms.

The game is repeated with a change in running direction 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking behind the instructor “snake” between objects.

Card 7

Outdoor game "Planes"

Children sit on chairs.

Instructor: We got on the plane! (stand up and take a step forward) Start the engines! (perform circular movements arms forward, elbows bent).

Instructor: Let's fly!

Children spread their arms to the sides at shoulder level and run in different directions.

Instructor: Landing!

The children take their seats.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking behind the instructor, stepping over objects (cubes).

Card 8

Outdoor game "Train"

Children stand one after another, the instructor in front is a locomotive, the children are carriages. The locomotive blows its whistle, and the train begins to move, first slowly, then speeding up (running changes from slow to fast).

Instructor: Stop!

The children stop and say: “Chuh-chukh-chukh!”

At the stop you can pick mushrooms, berries, flowers, and take a walk.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Walk calmly behind the instructor.

Card 9.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

On the floor there are puddles cut out of colored paper. Children follow the instructor.

Instructor: Sun!

Children calmly walk around the playground and take walks.

Instructor: Rain! (children run around the hall, jumping over puddles).

As soon as the instructor opens the umbrella, all the children run to the instructor under the umbrella and listen to the rain dripping, quietly saying: “Drip, drip, drip, drip.”

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

PART III: Calm walking in a circle behind the instructor.

Card 10.

Outdoor game “Cucumber, cucumber”

One child is selected - this is a mouse. He sits down on a chair at the end of the gym.

On the opposite side of the hall there is a fenced-off vegetable garden, and all the other guys are cucumbers.

Children - “cucumbers” go with words towards the mouse:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

A mouse lives there and will bite your tail off.

After these words, the “mouse” runs after the “cucumbers”, the latter run away from the “mouse” into their garden. Whoever the mouse catches takes its place.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with another mouse.

PART III: Walking in a column behind the most fast child- “mouse”.

Card 11.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat"

One of the children is designated as a cat, he sits at the end of the gym on a chair.

The rest of the children are sparrows on the opposite side of the hall.

Instructor: The sparrows have flown!

Children run, wave their arms, imitating the flight of birds.

Instructor: I jump from twig to twig, peck grains, drink water.

Children jump on two legs, squat down, look around.

Instructor: Cat!

The “sparrow” children run away from the “cat” to their side of the playground.

The game is repeated with another cat.


Sedentary game “Animal Voice”

Instructor: Horse.

Children: Igo-go, igo-go, igo-go.

Instructor: Dog.

Children: Av-av, av-av.

Instructor: Cow.

Children: Moo-oo, moo-oo.

Instructor: Cat.

Children: Meow meow meow.

Instructor: Geese.

Children: Ga-ha-ga-ha.

Card 12.

Outdoor game “Heron and Frogs”

A circle of rope is laid out in the middle of the site - this is a swamp. Children sit in a circle, squatting like frogs, one child, a heron, stands far from the circle.

Instructor: Little frogs!

Children jump out of the circle and jump on the playground not far from it.

Instructor: Heron!

Children must quickly jump into a circle, and the heron walks, raising its knees high, and looks for frogs. Having walked around the circle, the heron goes to its place.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Sedentary game “Find the frog”

The instructor shows a small frog toy and invites the children to close their eyes. Children close their eyes, while the instructor quickly hides the toy. At the instructor’s command: “Open your eyes!” the children open their eyes and begin to look for the frog. Whoever finds the toy first brings it to the instructor.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Card 13.

Outdoor game “Wolf and kids”

The instructor reminds the children of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”: do not open the doors to anyone. Otherwise a wolf might come and take the kids.

There is a large hoop on the floor - this is the kids' house. One child is chosen to play the role of a wolf, the rest are kids. The kids are standing inside the hoop, and the wolf is standing not far from them.

Instructor: The mother goat went into town to get milk, and the wolf overheard that the kids were left alone and decided to visit them.

The wolf approaches the kids’ house, knocks and says in a thin voice: “little goats, kids, unlock the door, open the door, your mother has come and brought milk.”

Kids (in unison): You are a wolf, not our mother, go away, we won’t open the door for you!

The wolf leaves (stands behind the hoop).

The kids saw that the wolf had left, opened the door and galloped off for a walk (they ran all over the area).

Instructor: The wolf saw that the kids were walking alone, and began to hunt for them.

The wolf runs after the kids: whoever he catches becomes a wolf.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Sedentary game “Show the habits of animals.”

Card 14.

Outdoor game "Relocation of frogs."

The instructor divides the children into two teams. Each team stands in a line facing each other at a distance of 5-6 meters. The guys squat down, hands on their knees. At the instructor’s signal: “Forward!” the guys from both teams jump forward like frogs, trying to be the first to stand on the line where the opponents were. The group whose members line up on the opposite side the fastest wins.

The game is repeated 2 times.

PART III: walking in a column one at a time in a circle.

Card 15.

Outdoor game "Stream".

Two lines are drawn on the floor or laid out or laid out from ropes 20-30 cm wide.

Children must jump, pushing off with both feet, over the stream. The instructor adjusts the width of the stream depending on the physical abilities of the children.

The game is repeated 2 times.

PART III: walking “snake” in a column, one at a time, behind the instructor, between the cubes.

Card 16.

Outdoor game "Horses".

The instructor distributes the children into pairs: one is a horse, the other is a rider. Reins are put on the horse (a cord, rope or rope, passing them under the armpits. The players line up in one line. At the instructor’s signal: “The race begins!” you must ride the horse to the opposite edge of the site and return back. The couple that managed to complete the task is declared the winner faster than others.

PART III: Walking in pairs, with the fastest horse and horse in front.

Card 17.

Outdoor game "Hares and carrots".

A large circle with a diameter of 3-4 meters is drawn on the floor. 10 pebbles are placed in a circle - these are carrots, and the circle is a vegetable garden. A guard is chosen, all other players are hares. At the instructor's signal, the hares must try, jumping on two legs, to steal the carrot. The watchman is allowed to run and catch hares only within the circle. When 5 birds are caught, a new guard is chosen.

The game continues 2-3 times.

PART III: Walking behind the watchman who caught the most hares.

Card 18.

The game “Horned Goat” is active.

The instructor shows the children where their house is, where they can hide without being caught. After which the instructor depicts a goat, holding it near his head index fingers like horns. She approaches the children, saying:

A horned goat is following the little guys.

Legs stomp stomp, eyes clap clap.

Whoever doesn’t eat porridge or drink milk -

I'll gore him, I'll gore him, I'll gore him!

The children run away into the house, and the instructor tries to catch them.

The game is repeated 2-3 times, one of the children is chosen to play the role of the goat.

PART III: Walking in a column, one at a time, in a circle behind the fastest goat.
