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When there is chaos and merciless tyranny in Gotham, he comes to defend the city. A masked hero who hides his name not so much for his own protection as for the protection of those close to him. A hero who appears where he is needed, a hero for whom everyone is waiting. Batman is already 75 years old, and he still remains one of the most popular heroes of our time. They write comics about him, make films and even make video games. After debut Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City on PC and consoles, it became clear that in order to expand and complement the Gotham universe, new games would have to be released on different platforms, tablets were no exception. Behind Lately A lot of games have already been released on various gadgets. But today we will talk about Batman Arkham City Lockdown for android. Batman: Arkham City Lock is a game released for devices on the Android operating system, it runs on the Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine game engine, developed and maintained by Epic Games. Many versions of this engine were used to create famous games not only for mobile devices, but also for PC, such as Deus Ex, Postal 2, Dishonored, Lineage II, Thief: Deadly Shadows. In fact, Unreal Engine was created for first-person games, but the craftsmen from Epic Games managed to adapt it for games on tablets and other devices. Moreover, this adaptation process led to incredible success and created an arcade game with fighting game elements, with advanced graphics and physics.

The gameplay of the game is focused on one-on-one battles with opponents, just like in the good old Mortal Kombat, and the player has to go through storyline, which may not be as original and similar to many others, but still deserves the right to exist in the universe of Batman games. The game will also give us the opportunity to fight the Joker, Two-Face, and Deadstroke as bosses (this gives us a feeling of nostalgia, because only on the old consoles we were allowed to beat up villains who didn’t seem necessary). Another plus that can be noted is the fact that all costumes are immediately available in the game, that is, now you do not need to enter codes to unlock all sorts of goodies, costumes are unlocked for points earned by completing the game. On the plus side, I see the emergence of new villains, such as Deadstroke, and now there are more levels with Two-Face (in my opinion, one of the most interesting villains. I liked him precisely for his biography. The prosecutor was one of the most honest and strong people in Gotham, the personification of justice itself, but nevertheless not ideal, in the end weakness Every person has it, even the incorruptible and pure-hearted Harley Dent). Of the minuses, perhaps, it can be noted that this game is optimized only for play on tablets, that is, owners of touchscreen phones will have to be content with nothing. The character leveling system is similar to the original, you can unlock new techniques, attacks, gadgets and increase your health bar. To summarize, we can say that the game Batman: Arkham City Lock for Android is very respectable and deserves respect and attention from both general public(those who have a tablet) and fans of the universe bat. Giving players the opportunity to once again mock the iconic villains of Gotham, in the guise of a secretive defender of peace and justice.

Download Batman: Arkham City Lockdown for android

(downloads: 899)
Cache for the game:
(downloads: 62)
Cache to Batman game: Arkham City Lockdown: extract the folder from the archive to /sdcard/Android/obb/
- it should look like this /sdcard/Android/obb/
- unpacked cache size 882MB

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Batman: Arkham City Lockdown is a game dedicated to one of the most famous and renowned heroes. Nowadays, there are many stories in which he would act as a game character, but this is undoubtedly one of the most worthy and striking, of course, if you consider mobile analogues.

You will have to come into conflict with a huge set of villains inhabiting the city; you will use a solid list of weapons and skills available to the hero in order to eliminate any enemy who gets in your way. As you progress, points await you, which you will receive for completing tasks, and when you receive them, you must spend everything on weapons for your character, and also on leveling up your abilities. And you must do this as quickly as possible, because as you progress, the opponents will become more and more dangerous, so you will have to quickly develop in order to have an advantage over your enemies.

In terms of graphics, everything is quite good, it must be admitted that it is gloomy and somewhat creepy, but at the same time, it is simply ideal for something like this. And let's be honest, darkness is something that is regularly found next to Batman, everything looks very appropriate here. Download Batman: Arkham City Lockdown for android, you can do it solely for the sake of something like this, you yourself will quickly be able to see that the toy turned out to be at least worthy.

The storyline is also, at least, interesting, it is very twisted, and will constantly present surprises. And there are quite a lot of unexpected branches and secrets here. However, for the main character everything is absolutely standard, as always, you will have to stop many of the most dangerous criminals and saving the world will, of course, be very difficult, but if you try hard, you will definitely succeed. As you progress, you will meet characters who are directly related to the universe, and you will be able to interact closely with most of them. You can even just talk.

The game has very convenient controls, so you can easily control all the movements of the main character, literally with one finger. Everything is perfectly optimized, and should run even on a weak device, but, unfortunately, there are a series of shortcomings, the main one of which is the lack of Russification, given that the plot component is very complex, you, unfortunately, will not be able to understand a significant part of what is happening.

Game Features:

  • A well-developed plot, with several branches;
  • People and other creatures with whom you will interact;
  • Convenient control;
  • Graphics made at a high level.

When there is chaos and merciless tyranny in Gotham, he comes to defend the city. A masked hero who hides his name not so much for his own protection as for the protection of those close to him. A hero who appears where he is needed, a hero for whom everyone is waiting. Batman is already 75 years old, and he still remains one of the most popular heroes of our time. They write comics about him, make films and even make video games. After the debut of Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City on PC and consoles, it became clear that in order to expand and complement the Gotham universe, new games would have to be released on different platforms, tablets were no exception. Recently, a lot of games have been released on various gadgets. But today we will talk about Batman Arkham City Lockdown for android. Batman: Arkham City Lock is a game released for devices on the Android operating system, it runs on the Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine is a game engine developed and supported by Epic Games. Various versions of this engine were used to create many famous games not only for mobile devices, but also for PCs, such as Deus Ex, Postal 2, Dishonored, Lineage II, Thief: Deadly Shadows. In fact, Unreal Engine was created for first-person games, but the craftsmen from Epic Games managed to adapt it for games on tablets and other devices. Moreover, this adaptation process led to incredible success and created an arcade game with fighting game elements, with advanced graphics and physics.

The gameplay of the game is focused on one-on-one battles with opponents, just like in the good old Mortal Kombat, moreover, the player will have to go through a storyline that may not be as original and similar to many others, but still deserves the right to exist in the universe of Batman games. The game will also give us the opportunity to fight the Joker, Two-Face, and Deadstroke as bosses (this gives us a feeling of nostalgia, because only on the old consoles we were allowed to beat up villains who didn’t seem necessary). Another plus that can be noted is the fact that all costumes are immediately available in the game, that is, now you do not need to enter codes to unlock all sorts of goodies, costumes are unlocked for points earned by completing the game. On the plus side, I see the emergence of new villains, such as Deadstroke, and now there are more levels with Two-Face (in my opinion, one of the most interesting villains. I liked him precisely for his biography. The prosecutor was one of the most honest and powerful people in Gotham, the personification of himself justice, but nevertheless not ideal; in the end, every person has a weak point, even the incorruptible and pure-hearted Harley Dent). Of the minuses, perhaps, it can be noted that this game is optimized only for play on tablets, that is, owners of touchscreen phones will have to be content with nothing. The character leveling system is similar to the original, you can unlock new techniques, attacks, gadgets and increase your health bar. To summarize, we can say that the game Batman: Arkham City Lock for Android is very respectable and deserves respect and attention from both the general public (those who have a tablet) and fans of the bat universe. Giving players the opportunity to once again mock the iconic villains of Gotham, in the guise of a secretive defender of peace and justice.

Download Batman: Arkham City Lockdown for android

(downloads: 899)
Cache for the game:
(downloads: 62)
Cache for the game Batman: Arkham City Lockdown: extract the folder from the archive to /sdcard/Android/obb/
- it should look like this /sdcard/Android/obb/
- unpacked cache size 882MB

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It's no secret who the mysterious dark knight is who guards the streets of Gotham City. Everyone knows perfectly well what kind of creature is armed with unprecedented weapons and fantastic vehicles. Who sends the villains one after another to jail and to psychiatric clinic. Who is a famous billionaire by day, heir to a huge fortune and corporation, and a masked crime fighter by night. Everyone guessed that we're talking about about Batman - the man of the bat. - localization under famous game, which caused a stir on Xbox360, PS3 and PC. This is the stage in Batman's life when he hometown chaos engulfed hundreds of prisoners and worst enemies Our hero has broken free and is obsessed with revenge.

Such as Galaxy Tab, Nexus 7 and Asus Transformer. Therefore, if you do not have the most serious hardware today, then, unfortunately, the game will bypass you and it simply will not start on your device. Exact characteristics, unfortunately, no, so at your own risk, as they say.

- has already demonstrated its potential on consoles and personal machines, now the time has come for mobile devices. The only thing that can be placed in huge ratings is its demandingness. Otherwise, this game holds all the cards.
