Sleeping pigeon chicks. Where were the pigeons in your dream? Various dream explanations

I was walking along the alley and in my hand a dove flew to me, which was black, but shimmered green in the sun. I started screaming people look at what a beautiful dove I have. But when I wanted to let him go, he held my hands tightly, I let him go to the floor, but he came back. Then I brought him to the entrance and showed him to the sisters, he fluffed his tail with a proud look. His tail had yellow, red, green colors and it was very beautiful, but then he disappeared, I went up to my home, there was a feast, basically everything was mine ex-boyfriends. I started a conversation with one, but the dream was interrupted. I’m 18 years old, I’m a girl, and I associate this dream with troubles because all day I worry about not knowing what.


The dove is a symbol of hope. Exact value This symbol is an opportunity for development, which, however, does not lead to anything serious. Black color is the color of potential that has not yet been manifested, that is, black potentially contains white, this is the pre-dawn twilight.


Black pigeons

- He really wanted to see the world BLACK...

“Didn’t he know what black looked like?”

- I knew... from memory. But the blind don't see black. They have a pale fog before their eyes. Both day and night... and you can’t close your eyes like I can to stop seeing him... - my companion began to sob, and I began to squeeze her elbow tighter...

Diary of the deceased

(single numbered sheets without dates)

#1, 2, 3 missing

Evening - Night does not come - So I didn’t realize that it was already day.

The clock has stopped. The ringing of bells is heard. Black doves have arrived. I used to think that there are no black pigeons. They flew away.

Somewhere the waves of your sea are rustling - I squeeze my temples with my palms - They crunch and black doves flap their wings.

#7 is missing

The raven beats its wing against the glass - Where did you come from? - I ask the raven and at that moment everything begins to blur into a pale fog in front of me. Am I already awake?

You wake up. Your hair flows like a golden waterfall over the pillow. You look at the wall and get angry. Clock stopped.

I remember black doves. Then... (on the back of the same sheet)


(the remaining sheets are punched with a hole punch and tied with tape)

I like it when you are angry in the morning. The blanket has been thrown to the floor, and on the sheets you are warm and naked, after sleep having not yet learned to be ashamed of your body or to trade with it. It's so honest. I like your pillow. But you don’t know about this. Now you will fly away, and I will bury myself in it and breathe in the air of your sleep, go away, I will love you absent.

(numbering of entries ends)

Black doves have arrived. Where are they from? Dreams, I don't remember you! I'm making you up.

I remember the incident with the watch.

Someone in the house will die.

My soul is praying - I look at the sky - the sun is already bright, the sky is cheerful.

Are there black pigeons in this world?

Or maybe they weren't pigeons? - you ask.

But you're not next to me. You don't exist at all.

(Next page)

Black doves have arrived. Where are they from? I used to think that there are no black pigeons. And they flew away, but I covered my eyes with my palm so as not to see whether this was really so.

(Next page)

In fact, I admire the strong. Why do I want to give myself into slavery to you? Tomorrow I will get up from the floor and wake you up. I like to receive the waves of your sea as a gift. Your head will rise towards the sun and your golden hair will merge into a silent waterfall above the pillow.

(Next page)

Your bed is empty. I know you hid.

I'm going to make coffee for you.

Here, I have returned to you. Where are you? Where did you hide?

I look around with anxiety.

You are absent.

Even more anxiety.

Even more.

And then suddenly.

(Next page)

And then suddenly you jump on me from behind. The knight jumps from his beloved's window into the saddle of his horse, which is waiting for its master below, in the castle courtyard.

We roll in our arms on the carpet - on a hot spot of spilled coffee. Everything thickened, closed, and at that moment I woke up.

(Next page)

I return from the kitchen with hot coffee, I put the cup on Dostoevsky’s book - like a waiter. A sharp pain pierces the palm. This boils the coffee. Thoughtfulness disappears - the smell of coffee invigorates. And at this moment I wake up.

(Next page)

I stroke the warm cover.

SKY - read when I was blind.

Finally I returned to you, to your bed. You weren’t in it, you weren’t lying there, the crumpled sheet was cold.

All the better.

I looked at the sky through the open window. You flew away, flew out of my window.

(Next page)

I looked up at the sky. The sun is already bright, the sky is cheerful. Fear won. What could be in my fist?

Fear won. He straightened his white fingers.

There is a black feather in the palm.

You jumped on me from behind. The cat jumped from its hiding place onto the wounded pigeon. And at that moment I woke up.

(Next page)


Darling! Expensive! It’s difficult for me without you, I’m already on the verge of madness, and maybe I’ve crossed this line. Perhaps I stand with my feet apart over this edge, shifting my center of gravity from one side to the other. There are many cuts on my heart - terrible visions: torture and executions that end with my crying on your grave or your crying on my grave. Curse or kill if you do not believe that curses will be fulfilled on their own.

(Next page)

The watchman at the cemetery handed me an aspen stake.

White fingers.

Reddened fingers.

Blue fingers.

Blackened fingers.

(Next page)

You are absent. I woke up from the cold. When I'm cold, my thoughts slide on the ice of my mind. I hear the ringing of bells. I shudder - my soul began to melt. Someone is standing outside the door. Doorbell. Or I just heard it. Or was it the ringing of bells that woke me up, shook me up, turned me off? nightmare. I got up, putting on your robe by mistake.

I open the door. You are standing on the threshold. Beautiful. Like yesterday.

In a white robe.

(Next page)

White robe.

White dream.

Black doves.

This is not blank verse.

I give it to you because you have returned. The bed is warm - I warmed it up. You open the window. Lying down, you pull on your white panties.

You are smiling. I extend my hand to you. You grab onto it and lift yourself up, arching your back. Nipples wrinkle with pleasure. I tear my fingers out of your palms, and you fall, your head falls into a warm, sweet pillow. Your hair is flying in all directions.

And now you're gone. I remember.

(Next page)

I remember your room. You read your poems to me. Are you writing them now?

You are absent. At night I will insert a blade into my lips and try to remove the ring from my finger. Blood will drip onto your poems.

Probably soon.

I close my eyes, hear your breathing and smile because your breath has become mine.

Tomorrow you will again fall into the sarcophagus of sleep, and your hair will fly to all directions of the world.

(Next page)

Why did the clock stop? Has time left me?

The evening does not want to let last night come to itself, followed by this morning.

Tomorrow your head will rise towards yesterday's sun.

And golden hair will merge into a silent waterfall above the pillow.

Because I like to receive the waves of your sea as a gift from you.

(last page)

Black pigeons came to listen to me. I used to think that there were no black pigeons, but they arrived. But I covered my eyes with my palms so as not to see whether this was really so.

You! What a joy it is not to see the expression of your eyes, not to see the palms covering your pupils! Today I will stay on a bench in the park, and the pigeons will flock to me for crumbs.

(end of entries)

My friend!

I just covered your world with a mirror and slowly began to raise my gaze from the table: the patterns of the brown tablecloth spread to the sides, revealing more and more new ones... faster, even faster. But it’s strange, I’m sailing away from the shore, which is sinking under the water, as smoothly as possible, and the landscapes of your death are still replaced by jerks...

To correctly decipher a dream about a dove, you need to wake up and remember all the details of the dream. It is also important what emotions you experienced while in the kingdom of Morpheus.

The meaning of a dream about pigeons according to different dream books

Each dream book interprets night dreams about pigeons in its own way:

  1. American. Peace and liberation from the heavy burden of problems.
  2. English. Fortune will smile on you.
  3. Wangi. The dream symbolizes inner purity. Because of your kindness and responsiveness, people are drawn to you.
  4. Oriental. Peace and quiet in the house, the birth of children.
  5. Female. To get married soon.
  6. Winters. Communication with an influential person who will lend a helping hand or give good advice.
  7. Italian. Something will really surprise you.
  8. Maly Velesov. Good luck in business and good events.
  9. Miller. Peace in the family and joy from the birth of children.
  10. Russian. To meet an unpleasant person.
  11. Russian folk. The dream symbolizes love and trust in the family.
  12. Family. Your home is a full bowl.
  13. Modern. A joyful event will happen in life.
  14. Freud. You will begin to be friends with someone of the opposite sex. This person will show exclusively friendly feelings. You won’t mind moving to another level in the relationship.
  15. Tsvetkova. Your health condition will worsen.

Did you know that seeing an abandoned dovecote in a dream is a sign that you are unable to solve the problems that have piled up on your own? You need to turn to friends for help.

Seeing a dove's nest with a clutch of eggs in a dream means a showdown with your partner. You demand a lot from each other, often quarrel over trifles

Interpretation of sleep depending on the gender of the dreamer

  1. A dream about a dove promises a girl a marriage proposal. Such information is given in the modern dream book. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, a happy marriage awaits you. By Ukrainian dream book, a dove in a dream symbolizes the groom.
  2. According to the Islamic dream book, a woman who sees a dove in her night dreams is a pious and pious person. Gustave Miller believes that night vision promises the dreamer a happy family life.
  3. A dove seen in the kingdom of Morpheus for a pregnant woman foretells a cheerful event. It could be a circle party best friends or a gift from a loved one. By gypsy dream book, the dream promises meeting an interesting person.
  4. For a man, a dream about a dove predicts receiving good news. According to the white magician Longo, the dream marks a meeting with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  5. For family people, a dream about pigeons predicts joy and pleasure. By modern dream book, you can earn a considerable amount.
  6. If a child dreams of a bird, then victory in an argument or competition awaits him.

Interesting to know! Releasing birds from the dovecote is a sign that any obstacles will be surmountable.

If you dreamed of a pair of pigeons making a nest, then it’s time to discuss plans for the future with your loved one

Bird size and number: large, small (chick), one, two or a whole flock

  1. If there was a dove in the night dreams big size, then wait for the arrival of the long-awaited guests. You will have a great time and throughout for long years you will remember this meeting.
  2. If the bird in the dream was an adult, but small in size, then expect good news. By family dream book, relatives will come to visit you.
  3. Did you see a dove chick in a dream? So wait financial well-being. May offer new job or pay a premium. For gambling people, night vision promises a big win.
  4. One dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a good sign. Dreams will definitely come true in the near future.
  5. To see a pair of doves in a dream - good sign. The person you have loved for a long time will reciprocate.
  6. If you dreamed of a dove in the company of chicks, then the long-awaited peace and quiet will come in the house. Your significant other and children will delight you with a good attitude.
  7. Seeing a flock of pigeons in a dream is a bad omen. According to the gypsy dream book, you will lose trust and love in your relationship. According to Gustave Miller, you will quarrel with an old friend and say unnecessary things to each other. After a while you will make peace, but an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul will remain.

Interesting fact! For lovers, a dream in which doves coo and kiss promises happiness and harmony in a relationship.

Seeing a pair of doves soaring in the sky in night vision is a good sign. Your relationship with your loved one is going well

Why do you dream of a white, black, pink, gray, red or multi-colored dove?

  1. Bird white- a symbol of innocence and purity. For a woman, a dream can predict pregnancy, and for a young lady - a wedding.
  2. The black dove, according to Maria Fedorovskaya, is a messenger of death. IN dream book XXI centuries it has been written that despair and depression await you.
  3. If the plumage of the bird from the dream was pink, then cherished wish will come true. Another vision may indicate a romantic meeting.
  4. A gray dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign of health problems. According to Grishina's dream book, you will find yourself in difficult situation and you will be powerless to change anything. You will clearly feel hopelessness and lose faith in yourself.
  5. The red bird in night dreams is an extraordinary symbol. On the one hand, the dream foreshadows a whirlwind romance, in which declarations of love will alternate loud scandals and clarifying relationships based on jealousy; on the other hand, receiving good news from relatives.
  6. A dream involving a colorful dove signifies fun event, to which you will be unexpectedly invited (or you will get there completely by accident). You will have a great time and will be able to make new influential acquaintances.

Interesting fact! If in a dream you find yourself the owner of a dovecote, then your wishes will soon come true.

According to the gypsy dream book, releasing a dove in night dreams means liberation from the burden of problems and the beginning of a new stage in life.

Actions in a dream: what does it mean to see a pigeon from the side, to see a bird flying into the window, to catch it, feed it with bread, etc.

See pigeons on the roof in a dream own home- to receive good news.

If in a dream a bird makes a nest on the balcony, then changes will come in life. The main thing is to accept them with joy. Interpretation of other dreams about a dove

Other dreams: I dreamed of a wounded or killed bird with a broken wing

Did you see a wounded bird in a dream? One of your relatives will need your help. According to Miller's dream book, a dark streak will come in life.

If the bird had a broken wing, which is why it could not fly away, then you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and will not be able to change anything. You'll have to come to terms with it and accept everything as it is. If the pigeon from the night's dreams had problems with its leg, it limped and had difficulty moving, then to achieve what it wanted, it would have to work hard.

A sick bird seen in the kingdom of Morpheus promises serious trouble. This could be a quarrel with an influential person, an illness, or the machinations of enemies.

A dream in which a cat was hunting for pigeons warns that intrigues are woven behind your back.

A dream in which you saw a shot pigeon prophesies a sudden death loved one.

A dead dove in night vision predicts loneliness and separation from a loved one. According to Vanga's dream book, misfortune awaits you.

Dreams about pigeons promise us different events. This could be a marriage proposal, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one. It is important to believe in the best, and then your dreams will definitely come true.

Dream interpretation of pigeons

The dove is a symbol of spiritual purity, Great love and well-being. But sometimes the appearance of a bird in a dream foreshadows sadness and difficulties. In order to correctly decipher the dream and understand why you dream about pigeons, you need to analyze the vision, remember its plot and emotional load.

Feather color

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the plumage of the birds you dreamed about.

White. A dream in which you saw snow-white birds promises a joyful and bright event. The more you saw of them, the more happy moments is waiting for you. According to the dream book, a dove with white plumage is a personification inner world dreamer

The dream in which you held it in your hands symbolizes good thoughts and intentions. Unmarried girls As a rule, the vision predicts a meeting with a male representative who will become her husband in the near future.

Remember what color the dove was?

Grey. The appearance of dreams in which a gray dove dreams indicates a loss of strength and Bad mood. Warns that you need to change your attitude towards life.

Black. Seeing a bird with this plumage color is an unfavorable sign. Black doves symbolize worries or disappointment.

Feathered actions

In order for the interpretation of the vision to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to remember not only the color of the bird, but also its behavior.

Negative dreams

If you see a wounded bird, you may soon be separated from your loved one. The turtledove's suffering predicts sadness and disappointment.

A dream in which a dead dove dreams has both positive and negative interpretation. Dead white birds promise conflicts with relatives or friends. And here dead birds with black plumage they say that you will be able to avoid all difficulties. Dreams that feature dead birds tend to haunt people suffering from loneliness.

If you dreamed of a wounded dove, it means that the sleeper regrets his actions. The dream says that the time has come to set priorities.

If you dream of a pigeon pecking at food, it means that there is a huge risk of missing out on something very important. Carefully consider your actions and words, otherwise you will destroy your relationship with your loved one.

What does Miller foretell?

Cooing - for replenishment

The dove in mythology is the personification of peace and piety. According to Miller's predictions, a dream in which a dove is seen carries important information that must be heeded.

  • Seeing pigeons cooing in a dream means a quick addition to the family.
  • According to Miller’s dream book, if you had to hunt birds, this means that a cruel person will soon appear in the dreamer’s life. Its appearance will adversely affect both work and personal life.
  • A lonely cooing dove, according to Miller - bad sign. He warns the sleeper about the emergence of serious problems and troubles that he cannot cope with.

Other interpretations

As you can see, the interpretation of a dream in which a dove is present is ambiguous. To decipher the vision as accurately as possible, you should pay attention to the interpretations of other dream books.

Vanga's predictions

Why do you dream about pigeons? According to the soothsayer, they symbolize forgiveness and connection with God. If you dream that a bird is knocking on the window, this is a very good sign. The vision predicts a long and happy life. A dream in which a dove lands on your head indicates the onset of a favorable period.

Interpretations of Aesop

If a pigeon drinks, it means good luck

If you dream of a turtle dove, drinking water- this means that a bright streak will soon begin in your life. You will easily overcome all difficulties.

A drowned turtledove dreams of failure in all endeavors. The appearance of such dreams suggests that the sleeper needs to carefully consider his every step.

If you dream of a dovecote, this means that you will have significant income, possibly winnings.

Modern dream book

A dove that sits on your shoulder warns of a serious illness. For a girl, a vision in which a dove lands on her head foretells a wedding.

The appearance of dreams in which a turtle dove sat on the dome of a church indicates that the sleeper has many problems and will not be able to cope with them without the help of others.

As a true “bird of peace,” a dreamed dove symbolizes care, sincere and selfless love, respect and prosperity. However, sometimes, when they appear in a dream, these birds can warn about news, sometimes not very cheerful. Dream books know in detail why many pigeons dream. Remember what they looked like in a dream and what they did, then you will be able to solve the mystery of your nightly dream.

Miller's Dream Book

A lovely dream that you are surrounded by a flock of doves cooing around you means peace and prosperity in the family. Children will delight you with their achievements and talents, your spouse will protect you and surround you with care.

Many doves flying above you in the heights of heaven mean news from very distant relatives or friends. But hunting these birds testifies to the cruelty and unscrupulousness of your nature.

Pigeon suit

Many pigeons are a breathtaking sight. It’s nice to watch them, both flying in the skies and walking on the ground. And each of the actions in a dream means something different. But Special attention dream books recommend paying attention to the color of the plumage of birds. This is what a diverse group of birds dream of separately:

  • the snow-white dove symbolizes deep, sincere feelings, as well as marriage;
  • a black bird in a dream is a sign of bad news;
  • the gray dove promises malaise and melancholy;
  • The motley bird is a symbol of fun and joyful mood.

Dovecote as a symbol of guests and news

A dream where you feed many pigeons in the courtyard of your own house prophesies an imminent celebration that will take place in your home. It is also likely that numerous guests will come to you, explains Medea’s dream book. But the interpretation of the dream about why you dream of pigeons hitting your window is as follows: you will worry about someone close to you who has gone far away and is not sending news.

To dream that you feed the birds sitting on your eaves in winter and looking out the window is a sign of imminent changes in life. The birds were calmly reaping food - the changes will please, pushing and pecking each other - the changes will be negative.

Watching the flight is a sign of thoughts and desires

Did you dream of white forelock pigeons flying in the sky above your head? According to Pastor Loff’s dream book, such a plot reflects the joyful thoughts and hopes that swarm in the dreamer’s head. A white dove sat on your shoulder in a dream - expect profit. And if he chased a black raven, then this is a prophecy of victory over a competitor.

Why dream of chasing a lot of white pigeons that walk on the grass, forcing them to fly into the sky? You want something so badly that you do whatever it takes to achieve it.

The dove symbolizes love and peace, harmony and trust. Therefore, in dreams it never evokes negative emotions. But, nevertheless, it is always very interesting to know why doves appear in dreams at night?

The interpretation of dreams with doves depends entirely on the details of the plot. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to appearance birds. In dream books you can find many interpretations of a wide variety of subjects, so deciphering a dream based on your own intuition is not difficult.

Why do you dream of white doves?

To understand why pigeons dream, you should pay attention to the color of the birds’ plumage. White doves in night dreams are a very good sign. And the more there are, the better. This symbolizes that you are a very bright person by nature. There is always love and faith in your heart, and there is room in your soul for compassion and kindness.

White dove in hands

Dreamed White dove in the hands of the dreamer symbolizes his optimistic attitude in life. Such a dream can become a harbinger of significant creative success. And for a young girl, such night dreams foreshadow a happy marriage.

Dreaming of a gray dove

If you dream of a gray dove, it emphasizes the dreamer’s depressive state due to the fact that real life man is marked by stagnation and decline. Such a prolonged condition is very dangerous, as it can significantly worsen your health. This dream is a warning, therefore, after it, it is very important to draw the right conclusions and change your perception of the world, and, consequently, your emotional mood.

Black dove

A black dove in a dream is also an unfavorable sign. It indicates the dreamer's great disappointments in life. It may very well be that in reality hopes were dashed or betrayal occurred.

For correct decoding dreams, important role The behavior of birds also plays a role. If they coo on the windowsill or fly into the house in night dreams, then this foreshadows the receipt of unexpected news in reality. They can be both positive and negative. Also, if a dove flew into the house, this may portend big changes in life. There is a high probability of changing your place of residence. It is also very possible that in your life you will meet a person with whom you will connect your destiny. Also a good sign is the plot of a dream in which a dove flew into your house and landed on your hand. It foretells good luck in business and emphasizes that at present you can successfully implement all your ideas. After such a dream, you should be sure to listen to your intuition when making important decisions.

A pair of cooing doves - dream book

If you dreamed of a pair of cooing doves in your night dreams, then this is a very good sign, which predicts that you will soon meet your love. At the same time, feelings will be bright and sincere, and the relationship will be trusting and harmonious.

Dreamed of flying pigeons

It is very good when in a dream you watch pigeons flying across the sky. This is a symbol good hope, which is present in your soul and should not leave you. This is often a sign of an upcoming engagement or wedding.

Release or feed a pigeon

If you dreamed that you were releasing a dove, then this portends a separation from your loved one. But it will not be very painful, since you will be aware of its necessity. Feeding pigeons in a dream is also not very good. Such night dreams are a harbinger of conflicts, disagreements and quarrels with loved ones.

It is very important to know why a wounded bird dreams. After all, it is the wounded dove seen in a dream that predicts a break in a relationship. But only in this case, the separation will be very painful for one of the partners. In addition, a wounded dove can symbolize the dreamer's carelessness. And if, according to the plot of the dream, the bird suffers, then this indicates the dreamer’s disappointments in life. Also, a sick dove in a dream may mean that you feel guilty because of some of your actions in front of your loved ones. Perhaps it's time to rethink your life and reconsider your priorities.

Why do you dream of catching a pigeon?

If you dream that you are trying to catch a pigeon, but you are unable to do so, then in real life you should expect that various obstacles will arise on the way to your goal. But you shouldn’t give up, you need to look for new approaches to solving problems - and success will not be long in coming. And if you still managed to catch a dove in a dream, then true love awaits you in life.

Killing a pigeon in a dream

If you dreamed that you were killing a dove in a dream, then this can be interpreted in different ways. If it was a bird with black plumage, then this is a good sign, which indicates that you will be able to successfully overcome difficulties on the way to your goal. But if you killed a light dove in a dream, then this foreshadows quarrels and conflicts with friends. In addition, such a dream indicates that a period in life has come when luck has turned away from you.
