Loach weight. Fish char benefits and harms, delicious recipes

One of the most delicious and easy-to-process representatives of the salmon family is char. Its benefits and harms, where the species is found, the rules of preparation and the peculiarities of the preparation of carcasses are known to many seafood lovers. If you do not violate the technology of working with individuals, you can get tasty and healthy dish... However, it should be taken into account that for some purposes the char is not at all suitable. In some cases, it can even harm health, so you should proceed with caution.

Features and selection rules

The char fish got its name for the absence of scales on the surface of the skin. For this feature, it is appreciated by chefs who do not need to spend a lot of time cleaning the product. Although representatives of the species live in northern seas, for spawning they go to freshwater rivers, which greatly affects the taste and texture of the meat.

The color of fish can be different - from a light gray shade to a reddish tint. This factor depends on where the char had to live at the time of its catch. The animal is unique in that it can change color depending on where it lives at a particular period of time. Distinctive feature in any case, the meat will be red. The length of carcasses can reach 60 cm, their weight rarely reaches 1 kg.

Tip: There are many types of char, the names of which indicate the habitat of the fish (Alpine, Arctic, East Siberian). When choosing a product, it is better to give preference to those specimens that were caught in the immediate vicinity of the point of sale. This is the key to their quality and freshness.

When choosing a char, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. You need to put your finger on the meat of the individual. If there are dents in the place of pressure, the freshness period of the product has already passed.
  2. The gills of fresh char are light pink in color. Gray tint indicates a solid age of the workpiece.
  3. There should be no whitish films on the eyes.
  4. Fresh fish has a clean and specific aroma, but not repulsive. If the carcass "smells like drugs", they tried to extend its shelf life using chemicals.

As a commercial species, char is not a deficit. It can be found in many supermarkets if desired. It is better if the carcasses are chilled, but frozen fish also contains many useful substances.

The composition of char fish and its benefits for the body

Among different types it is difficult to find fish that would not benefit human health. According to experts, char is superior to many of them in its chemical composition. Practically medicinal properties individuals do not affect their gastronomic characteristics. The fish meat is not as fat as that of other salmonids, but it does not dry out during the heat treatment.

As for the composition, the char boasts the presence of such substances:

  • Vitamins A, groups B, E, K and PP. Thanks to this set, fish products can maintain eye health, improve blood composition, stimulate metabolic processes, and rejuvenate the body by cleansing it of everything harmful and unnecessary.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids. Promote the restoration and increase the activity of brain cells. It has a beneficial effect on joints and bones. Improves the condition of the skin, cleansing it and rejuvenating it.
  • Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium. Together, these elements have a positive effect on teeth, bones, heart muscle and blood vessels.
  • Iron. Provides complete absorption of calcium. Improves blood composition by providing oxygen transport throughout the body.
  • Selenium. An active fighter against cancer cells. It strengthens the immune system and promotes the removal of heavy metal salts from tissues.
  • Potassium. Normalizes water-salt balance, improves heart function and removes it from the body excess fluid... Takes an active part in the processes of blood supply and nutrition to the brain.

To count on all these positive effects, you need to know how to properly handle char. Healthy fish can become the basis diet food, but for this you need to cook it in a special way... You should immediately abandon options that require frying, smoking and salting carcasses. They will not bring benefits, but they will provoke the likelihood of an increase in blood cholesterol levels and the accumulation of carcinogens in tissues.

There are two ideal options for preparing delicious and useful char... They imply high-quality processing of meat, provided that the substances necessary for the body are preserved in it at maximum rates.

  • For a couple of fish we take one onion, a little savory and, lemon juice... On the foil we put a layer of onions cut into rings, and on top we put washed and peeled carcasses with shallow cuts on the skin. We insert herbs, lemon slices into these cuts. Salt and pepper the blanks, spread the herbs on them and sprinkle with lemon juice. We wrap the foil, bake the product for at least 30 minutes, then unfold the foil and bake the fish for another 10 minutes.

  • Char ear. You need to take a small carcass of fish, clean it from the head and intestines, cut into portions. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, dip the chopped

    Loach can be baked in the simplest way, using a lot of herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper. It is not worth soaking the product in the marinade before processing, it is better to just pour it over the workpiece. Otherwise, the meat will lose its delicate texture and fall apart.

    Potential harm to fish char

    Char, like any other fish, can cause the development of food allergies, so it should be introduced into the diet carefully and in small portions. Big influence the quality of the fish is influenced by the place of its catch, but, unfortunately, this moment is not so easy to track. When buying a product, you should at least pay attention to its expiration date and the place of packaging (if it is frozen). If this is not a port city, but some kind of plant in an area remote from the place of fishing, it is better to refrain from buying.

Fish from the salmon category is a great culinary success and is usually one of the main places on the festive and everyday menu. Practical advice, the subtleties and trivia of good cuisine will help you learn how best to cook char. Any hostess, after reading culinary recipes fish dishes, will receive a pleasant praise: "Delicious!"

Many dishes are prepared from char; it can be fried, boiled, salted, baked. It can be cooked whole or as a fillet. The cutting technology is very simple and does not depend on the size of the fish. The first thing to do is wash it well under running water, then remove the guts, gills and fins. The tail and head are left as desired.

The main advantage of the product, which will not spoil the mood of the hostesses, is that the Kamchatsky Char does not have large scales, so there is no need to clean its top cover. Cutting the carcass into two halves, removing the vertebral bone, get 2 fillets with skin from one pulp, which can be prepared in the most elementary way.

The fish will turn out delicious, tender and retain useful vitamins, if you adhere to simple cooking rules, these are:

  • fry fish in a large number butter for no more than 5 minutes, in a moderately heated pan;
  • bake only in foil or parchment paper, preserving its juice and flavor;
  • do not use spices when salting;
  • boil large chunks, dipping them into a boiling salt water with the addition of dill or parsley;
  • use only enamel and earthenware dishes, cast iron pan.

At home, if you want to learn how to cook fish different ways everyone can do it. Using different ingredients, you can give it a unique taste and aroma. The main thing is to know three basic rules that are suitable for cooking any fish. Before eating a product, it must be soaked in water, oil and wine.

Frying Loach in a pan is tasty and satisfying

For normal salting for 1 kg of carcass, you will need:

  • sugar ─ 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt ─ 1 tbsp. l .;
  • a pinch of lemon zest;
  • odorless sunflower oil.

Low-salted char can be obtained by keeping it in salt for 8 hours. To make the fish softer and tastier, rub it with sunflower oil before salting. For a piquant taste, you can add pepper, Bay leaf, garlic.

Char stuffing options

So that for any housewife the fish dish is not ordinary and known to everyone, there are recipes that can become the subject of her pride. A hearty, healthy fish dish can be prepared quickly and cost-effectively if you use one of the most delicious way cooking.

With ham and vegetables

The most affordable and simple recipe for novice housewives. Clean medium-sized fish, remove the head, rinse the fins under running water. After drying the carcass with a napkin, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, leave to marinate.

Required Ingredients:

  • char ─ 1 kg;
  • Bell pepper─ 5 pcs.;
  • ham ─ 250 g;
  • lemon ─ 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt, dill, oil.

Finely chop ham, bell pepper, onion, dill and mix. Then grease the fish with sunflower oil, stuff with the resulting mixture. Make cuts on top, where to place lemon wedges. Bake the fish on a baking sheet greased with butter in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Kamchatka char stuffed with shrimps

Clean, wash, salt 1 kg of fish. Make oblique cuts at the top and insert lemon slices into them. For the filling, fry finely chopped onion and mushrooms until tender in butter, 150 g of shrimp, boil in salted water, peel off the shell and divide into fibers.

Mix all products and place in a prepared carcass. Put the fish in a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with olive or sunflower oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 30 minutes.

Loach with cheese and almonds

The recipe for char baked with cheese and almonds will impress even an avid gourmet. To begin with, the fish must be carefully gutted, cut off the fins, remove the gills, rinse thoroughly under a running cold water... Then season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

For the filling, peel and chop almonds, grate hard cheese, finely chop the crumb of bread and dill, add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt and mix. Put the stuffed product in a baking dish, pour on top olive oil and white wine. Bake in a moderately preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Fish Loach with potatoes and mustard sauce

Small fish, gut, rinse, salt and pepper. For the filling, boil the potatoes and cut into strips, lightly fry the chopped onion in sunflower oil. To mix everything. Put the fish stuffed with potatoes on the bottom of the stewpan, oiled, and pour the mustard sauce.

Products for sauce for 1 kg of fish:

  • vegetable oil ─ 200 g;
  • ready-made mustard, Apple vinegar─ 1 tsp;
  • two egg yolk;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the yolk, mustard and salt well. While whisking continuously, pour in slightly warmed sunflower oil... Vinegar is added to the resulting mixture and mixed thoroughly. The dish is baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Before you cook the char fish, you need to check it for freshness. A pure sea or river product has a pleasant, sweetish algae scent. The gills and fins of the fish are red, the upper cover is even and shiny, to the touch it is dense and elastic.

In the absence of characteristic indicators, the char is considered stale and it is hardly possible to cook something from it. It is important to know that when cleaning and cutting fish, it is convenient to use only a sharp knife. middle length or special kitchen scissors made of stainless steel.

V recent times A representative of the salmon, the char, began to gain popularity. Unlike its "red" counterparts - salmon, sturgeon and the same salmon - it grows quite small. Of course, there are also quite large specimens, but average sizes usually go on sale. And this is much more convenient - there is enough for dinner for the family, and "for the future" you can cook something else.

Features of the taste of char

Some connoisseurs of fish do not like the fact that, in comparison with the same sturgeon, the char has lean meat. However, this is more likely to be counted among the advantages of fish - it can even be used as dietary meal, despite the fact that the char meat is juicy and delicate in taste. In addition, the reduced obesity of the carcass may be due to the age of the fish, the place where it was caught. If fishing is carried out during the mating rut, the taste of char will also be different. However, there are some ways in which an incorrectly caught char (the recipe must be followed) will lose its taste flaws. Among them is a banal ear, which, as a result, turns out to be very tasty and original. Marinating also gives a very appetizing product at the exit. Any spices used in this process (and there is more than one recipe for loach to be marinated well) soften and conceal all the disadvantages of the "unsuccessful" fish.

Let's take a look at a few of the most attractive dishes that can be obtained from char.

Baked char

If you come across a large enough specimen, it will be wiser, better and faster to bake it. On an open fire, it will undoubtedly come out tastier, but even in apartment conditions it will turn out very well. If you bought a large char, the recipes in the oven will be the quickest and easiest to perform.

As components will be extremely necessary: ​​the actual fish, and quite large; vegetable oil; dry wine (and white); sour cream and salt. The usual one will not work, you need a sea one. It is very consoling that in modern supermarkets it is sold without fear, it can be used in the preparation of culinary delights.

The sequence of your actions. The char, of course, is gutted and cleaned (if you managed to buy just fresh fish "in a complete set"). Then it is rubbed with salt - the amount depends on your preference for salinity. Salt - remember - sea salt! The baking tray should be deep and greased (vegetable oil mentioned). The oven must be at 180 degrees and do not be lazy to water it with juice! The fish is tender, there will be juice. After 20 minutes, wine is added, and a quarter of an hour later - sour cream (150 g). It remains to wait another five minutes - and with vegetable salad on the table!

The method in which the prepared char is washed and certainly dried on a napkin is also not bad. The dried carcass is rubbed with pepper and salt (it is better to take white pepper). Then the butter is ground with the lemon zest and laid out on the fish, put in a mold or frying pan. Then the dish is covered with foil - and into the oven (for 20 minutes). If there is a grill in the stove, it is necessary to bring the char “to mind” in it (10 minutes). If not, he will have to spend more time in the oven, only without the foil.

As called "char", the recipe is not just one, there are many! But these are the simplest and most delicious.

Fried fish

Even those who are generally not inclined to fish like fish in fried form. But for this type of waterfowl for frying, it is better to choose small individuals.

For the most easy way cooking, in addition to fish fillets, you will need flour, vegetable oil, fish seasonings you like and dill. The loach, the recipe for which is offered, does not require especially refined seasonings, if you are not picky, enough salt and pepper.

After the appropriate cutting of the carcasses, they are rubbed with seasonings, rolled in flour and fried in heated vegetable oil. The fire should not be too strong, but not weak either. The ready signal will be golden crisp. Char fried according to this recipe is especially tasty if it is sprinkled with dill and offered with pickled cucumbers and potatoes - even fried, even in the form of mashed potatoes.

Mushroom version with almonds

The char is a democratic fish and can be combined with many "fellow travelers". An interesting way of cooking it with mushrooms and nuts. Frying fish differs from the previous recipe only in the absence of flour, the main subtleties are in the preparation of related products. So, it would be nice to take the chanterelles, peel, cut and fry in butter (this is important!) Butter. Fry the almonds separately on it. And most importantly - in serving: the fish is sprinkled with nuts and mushrooms on the plates, salted, peppery and eaten very tasty. Such fried char will not be forgotten for a long time!

A couple more recipes

This fish is good, in particular, with cheese. One side of it is fried in the standard way, but after turning over, the second is sprinkled with grated cheese and the pan is covered with a lid. When it's almost done, you can add a few tablespoons of water if you feel the result is dry. But this is usually not required. Someone will say that the char will turn out to be rather boiled, but this is not so - the taste is exactly fried fish you will not confuse with anything.

The fish dipped in flour is fried in butter (!) Oil and wrapped in foil to keep it warm. Peeled not only from the peel, but also from white layers, oranges are divided into slices, sauerkraut washed and "drained". Oranges with cabbage are stewed over low heat for about twenty minutes, then laid out on a plate, and on top - char. The taste is unforgettable!

The only clarification: for this recipe, it is better to cut the fish into fillets. And it looks more harmonious and eats more appetizing.

Fried char can also be cooked in the oven. To do this, it will have to be flattened and pressed down. The oven is still empty and heats up to 230. Baking tray is lightly greased vegetable oil and heats up in a hot oven for a few minutes. Then the fish is placed on a scalding baking sheet with the skin and placed in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Turns over - and the same amount. Then, without removing the baking sheet from the bowels of the oven, the gas turns off, and the fish “reaches” for another five minutes.

The multicooker is also not superfluous

It is curious and unusually tasty to cook char using this miracle technique. Onions (in half rings) are fried with coarsely grated carrots. When it becomes a little softer, put the peeled and chopped fish on top. Tomatoes are laid out in circles on top, on them - pepper strips. Sour cream with mustard, curry and grated cheese are mixed, and the prepared fish is poured with all this. When the bowl is full, the mode is set: under pressure - extinguishing - 20 minutes. The char in a slow cooker turns out to be tender, juicy and quite suitable for dietary nutrition.

In general, char recipes are very diverse! A seemingly gloomy and ordinary fish looks from the photo, but it tastes amazing!

Loach fish - another delicious representative the salmon family. It inhabits the northern seas and ocean, but enters freshwater rivers for spawning.

She acquired her name due to the fact that her body is not covered with scales, for which she was especially loved by culinary experts who came up with exquisite recipes based on it.

Loach fish has a different color, from light gray to reddish, but with a red meat color. In length, it reaches 60 cm, its weight reaches 1 kg. The skin is bare, without scales, the color depends on the habitat. An amazing property of this fish is that it is able to change its skin color depending on where it lives.

There are several dozen species and subspecies of char. The most common:

  • arctic;
  • White;
  • East Siberian;
  • American;
  • Chukchi;
  • alpine char.

As you can see, the species depends on the habitat.

Where to buy and how to choose quality fish

The char fish is a commercial species, so it will not be difficult to find it in the market or in supermarkets, fresh or frozen.

Naturally, the benefits of freshly caught fish are obvious. But not everyone has the opportunity to travel hundreds of kilometers to buy such a product. Therefore, the store has to choose from frozen or chilled fish.

When buying, always pay close attention to the expiration date. The damage from an expired product can cause irreparable damage to your health.

If you are buying fresh fish, press down on it with your finger. If there are dents on the carcass of the fish, it is stale. Check the gills - their color should be light pink, gray is a sign of rottenness. There should be no whitish films on the eyes.

Useful composition of char for the human body

Everyone knows that fish is healthy and nutritious product... The colossal benefits of the char variety are combined with its unique taste. Not too greasy, like many salmon, but does not dry out or lose weight during cooking.

Its benefits are in vitamins found in fish: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, K and PP.

In addition to vitamins, char contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. They affect bones and joints, have a beneficial effect on the nerve cells of the brain, on the condition of the skin, cleansing it.
  • The composition contains calcium, which, when combined with phosphorus and magnesium, has a positive effect on teeth and bones, the cardiovascular system. Iron in fish helps to assimilate calcium successfully.
  • The benefit of the trace element selenium is that it helps fight cancer cells and strengthens the immune system, and also removes heavy metal salts from the body.
  • Potassium helps blood supply to the brain, and together with sodium improves water-salt balance.

How to best cook for maximum benefits

Loach fish is perfect for dietary nutrition if properly prepared. Immediately discard recipes in which it is fried, salted or smoked, the benefits of such a product are minimal, but rather harm from carcinogens can contribute to the deposition of cholesterol, the development cancerous tumors and more intense weight gain.

Most delicious recipes- fish baked in foil with herbs, spices and lemon, as well as fish soup. They are light, healthy, and nutritious.

Fish char in foil

Take about 1.5 kilograms of fish, one onion, and herbs such as savory and rosemary. Put the peeled carcasses in foil on a pillow of onion sliced ​​into rings, after making several cross cuts on the fish, after which it is imperative to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.

Add salt and pepper, herbs, insert rings of onion and lemon into the cuts. Cover with foil and bake the fish for about 30 minutes, then unfold and bake for another 10 minutes for a golden brown color.

Loach fish soup

There are also recipes for fish soup, to which the char fish gives unique taste. For fish soup, prepare a small carcass, clean from intestines and head.

Take 2 small potatoes, one carrot, and a head of onion. Boil water in a small saucepan, add all the chopped vegetables and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and bay leaves.

Then put the fish in the boiling soup, if it is too large, then cut into portions. Cook for another 15 minutes. Toward the end of cooking, add a couple of peeled whole tomatoes. When you turn off the stove, add herbs to taste: dill, parsley, cilantro.

What harm can eating char fish do

Like any other fish, char can be a source of food allergies. You should also take into account the place of its catch, since in places unfavorable from the point of view of ecology, it absorbs all heavy metals and elements floating in the sea. In such a case, it can be harmful to health.

The delicious crispy crust of fried fish will also harm your figure, so do not get carried away with harmful cooking methods.

The char fish, which belongs to salmon, has great nutritional value and its benefits in human nutrition are enormous. Recently, listening to the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists, a person is trying to introduce into his diet as much fish products as possible, replacing meat with them.

The most valuable fish varieties have always been considered red, in particular salmon.

But after all, the variety of products on fish counters often misleads the consumer, who does not always know about the many varieties of painfully familiar and familiar fish.

That is why it is worth turning Special attention on char, which is not always popular with people.

Loach fish description

The char fish belongs to the salmon family, which is why it is the owner of red meat.

On the basis of research, freshwater arctic char can be considered its ancestor and founder of all species of char fish.

Three main varieties are currently being identified. And each of them has its own specific characteristics.

Loach through passage

This species is the largest of all family members. Therefore, its weight can reach up to 15 kilograms, and its length - up to 88 centimeters.

Outwardly, it has a silvery color with a dark blue back and sides with light spots.

Anadromous char is often distributed in the cold rivers of Svalbard, Greenland, Alaska, Canada, Norway, Iceland, Murmansk, the Baikal basin, lakes of the Alps and the Kola Peninsula, the Pacific basin, stretching along the Asian coast from California to Korea and along the entire coast of Siberia (the main rivers are Yenisei and Ob).

When predatory fish fall or early winter period goes to spawn (at least from 5-7 years of age), then its color changes: the back becomes green-brown, and many orange and red spots appear on the silvery sides.

The spawning stage for anadromous char can last up to four years, after which it leaves rivers and lakes back to the sea.

The char feeds on small fish, and the young prefers crustaceans, insects, and molluscs.

In lacustrine conditions, the char easily eats smelt and vendace.

In the open sea, capelin, small cod and gerbil will not leave it.

Lake char

This species belongs to the European sedentary variety, which no one has ever specially imported.

Due to the existence of dwarf lacustrine char, the size of the fish is directly dependent on nutrition. Although, the most common individuals are six years old, 40 centimeters in length.

Usually, such char is kept at a depth above forty meters in order to get maximum amount oxygen, afraid of bright light, used to hide under tree trunks and in caves created by nature.

The main habitat of lake char is considered to be high-mountainous cold lakes, which make it possible without problematic rapid reproduction.

By appearance this type of red fish is very similar to the slender-bodied trout.

In this case, the color is influenced by the habitat of the fish, due to which:

  • The back can be from dark olive to green;
  • The sides of a gray-blue color are often interspersed with small specks of a white or light yellow hue;
  • The pink jaws are always bordered with a white stripe.

Today, lake char is specially planted in water bodies. Fish specialists are based on a species that lives in Lake Geneva.

Brook char

The most common on sale and is distinguished by a lower price is brook char.

It is too similar to trout and is characterized by:

  • Brown colored back;
  • White pattern and white and black edges of the ventral, dorsal and anal fins.

At first, the brook variation of char was observed only in America (or rather, in its northeastern part). On this moment the brook char has already confidently displaced the European trout from the places of habitual distribution.

Prefers brook char as habitats, leading single sedentary life, places with clean water, fast flow with a sandy or rocky bottom.

Due to the fact that the fish still have predatory family ties, v daytime she is inactive for days and hides between stones, buries herself in sand or mud.

At night, active hunting begins. The main route of movement is the surface of driftwood and stones. The larvae of stoneflies, caddis flies, chironomids and mayflies become prey for the fish. Not ignored and plant food in the form of algae.

True, hot summer period for brook char it becomes dangerous, because it does not have enough air and it rises to the surface of the reservoir, becoming the prey of birds and other predators.

But in winter it is difficult to find fish, because it goes to the bottom, into holes and under driftwood, appearing only in spring.

It should also be noted that for all types of char, the main positive point is the almost absolute absence of scales.

The composition of the char fish

Despite the fact that many meat lovers are skeptical about the benefits of char fish, it is still necessary to fully evaluate chemical composition... After all, it is he who lies at the basis of all useful qualities that this fish gives.

Thus, based on research, the char contains:

  • Protein (about 20 g);
  • Fats (omega-3 are especially valuable);
  • Carbohydrates are completely absent;
  • Water;
  • Ash products;
  • Cholesterol (no more than 60 mg);
  • Fatty acids (linoleic, lauric, palmitic, myristic, palmitoleic, linolenic, oleic, stearic, arachidic);
  • Amino acids represented by glutamine, arginine, leucine, proline, lysine, cystine, isoleucine, alanine, glycine, threonine and valine;
  • Some B vitamins (pantothenic and folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, cobalamin);
  • Choline (important for enhancing mental performance);
  • Retinol (or vitamin A);
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • Niacin (nicotinic acid);
  • Phylloquinone (blood-clotting vitamin K);
  • Vitamin D, important for the osteoarticular system;
  • Necessary for the body minerals in the form of selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese.

In general, there are 45 biologically active substances.

The calorie content of 100 grams of such a fish is neither more nor less, but 135 kilocalories.

In terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the information looks like this - 57/39/0%.

The benefits of char fish

Due to the rich availability of natural chemical elements All types of char fish can, if consumed regularly, help in the following:

  • Stabilization of blood cholesterol levels;
  • Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Obstruction of the destructive processes of nerve cells;
  • Improving the condition of the skin;
  • Prevention of blood clots in the arteries;
  • Establishing metabolic processes;
  • Maintaining the visual function of the eyes;
  • Improvement and strengthening of the cardiovascular system;
  • Enhancing protective functions the body (that is, the immune system is strengthened);
  • Active and effective elimination of toxins and heavy metals;
  • Bringing water balance back to normal.

The use of fish in cooking

In view of the unique taste and the complete absence of scales, as well as the absence of a decrease in size during heat treatment, char is especially popular among culinary specialists.

This freshwater fish of ocean origin, it is customary to cook in various ways:

  • Fry (for this it will be enough to scrape the skin and rub it with salt);
  • Bake;
  • Get an ear out of it;
  • Smoke (it is believed that his red soft meat will outperform any delicacy);
  • Salt (lightly salted char is considered especially tasty).

Some boiled and fried loach fillets, chopped small pieces, used as a filling for pies, pancakes or dumplings.

For whole cooking, they try to take small carcasses (up to 1.3 kg, 40-50 cm long) supplied from European countries.

Harm to fish char

Among the main "harmful" indications for eating this fish are:

  • Improper storage;
  • Long-term storage;
  • The fact of a particularly strong frost;
  • Treatment with a special chemical dye composition;
  • Lack of necessary heat treatment.

How to choose and store char fish

As a rule, in stores, char is sold frozen. It can be bought fresh or chilled, perhaps only in places where char is fished.

Although this fish does not stay on the shelves, you still need to ask about the shelf life when buying.

In frozen fish, the gills should fit snugly to the fish carcass, the fins and tail should be intact.

Frozen fish should be stored in the freezer before cooking. Shelf life is no more than 6-7 months, provided that fresh fish is frozen.

table nutritional value and calorie content of fish char per 100 grams
