Military history, weapons, old and military maps. Officer (commander) rulers, topographic rulers Old-style officer ruler

Various officer (commander) lines of the operational-tactical control level, navigator, “standard” officer and simply having patterns in them in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Guard, the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other law enforcement agencies (departments), as well as There are rulers for dentistry...

1. A topographic ruler measuring 15*12.5 cm is very convenient when working with maps of main scales 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1:100,000. Allows you to very quickly determine the coordinates of objects (points) and angles on them. Indispensable when passing topography standards. Price 250 rubles per piece.

2. The ruler of the operational-tactical control level (medium) in A5 format and size 21*15 cm has the main tactical patterns (figures) and allows you to quickly and conveniently plot the tactical situation, take coordinates and determine angles using standard ruler scales and a hemispherical protractor. Price 450 rubles per piece.

3. A large officer’s line of operational-tactical control level for working with topographic maps (diagrams) of various scales, measuring 27*18 cm, just under the field (commander’s) bag. It has many more patterns (figures) and allows you not only to plot the tactical situation, take coordinates and determine angles with a full-fledged protractor with a 360-degree scale, but also to sign conventional signs with the same height of letters and numbers (especially convenient for those whose handwriting is “lame”). Price 600 rubles per piece.

4. Ruler for dentistry (orthopedists). It helps to count where the teeth should be moved in millimeters, to the correct position, their inclination, etc. Price 220 rubles per piece.

5. The officer’s “standard” line contains characters developed back in Soviet time and a number of additional ones. Price 300 rubles per piece.

6. The navigator’s ruler contains dials intended for use by aviation military personnel military units and units, directly by navigators and cadets of the relevant higher educational institutions. Price 280 rubles per piece.

7. Military liqalo size 15*10 cm, compact enough to fit a breast pocket. It does not have a ruler scale and is designed to work on ordinary topographic maps (working map, commander’s decision map), diagrams and plotting on them the tactical situation of the areas of defense and concentration of troops, directions of the main and other attacks, aviation fire, a number of command posts of a battalion, company, platoon and a number of reconnaissance agencies. Price 250 rubles per piece.

If rulers are available, shipping is carried out by mail on the same day after ordering and payment or the next. All rulers are made from modern material 0.5-0.7 mm thick, bends and does not break (without fanaticism, of course). Payment in cash or transfer to a Sberbank card. If you have any questions, write here by email or WhatsApp, call, ask! I will send additional photos of the rulers via WhatsApp. If you don't answer the phone, it means I'm busy, I'll call you back...

The 1935 model tablet began to arrive in units in 1936. It was usually made of high-quality black leather with a granular surface that did not give glare. Soldiers could also use civilian tablets, and there were also captured copies. By the end of the war, green or brown became the main color of tablets. The manufacturer's stamp and year of manufacture were affixed to back side top valve.

The 1935 model Meldekartentasche 35 tablet was used by officers, some non-commissioned officers, artillery observers, military field
gendarmerie, signalmen, couriers and other military personnel in accordance with their type of activity.

The most common model was a rectangular bag made of black or black grain leather. Brown. Its upper part was closed with a flap using a strap with a buckle (sometimes a staple was used).

Under the flap there were seven slots for pencils and several pockets for
rulers. Inside the bag was divided by a partition into two compartments.

One of them contained a protective card case made from two transparent celluloid sheets held together by a leather frame.

The tablet was worn on the belt, threading the belt through loops sewn to its back wall.
You could also carry the tablet on a strap slung over your right shoulder. According to the charter, in any case, it should have been located in front on the left side or on the hip

Field Officer Recruitment:

Pencils and erasers:


German map times of World War II

Deckungswinkelmesser - "goniometer"

Deckungswinkelmesser (protractor). It was included in the field kit of almost everyone who was involved in shooting (artillerymen, machine gunners, mortar men). Inside the optical device of the device there is an angle measuring scale with markings up to 30 degrees (in increments of 0.25 degrees). The tablet was stored in a special designated pocket:

Compartments for pencils and protractor

Kurvimeter (Kurvenmesser) is a device for measuring the lengths of curved lines on maps. Must be present in any tablet:

Topographic protractor (kartenwinkelmesser):

"Officer" line

Logarithmic ruler


Celluloid protractor ruler, kept in a specially designated pocket

Pencil sharpeners:

Set of colored pencils

Case for collet pencils capable of writing on any surface, including acetate, celluloid and pigment. Pencils of excellent quality, produced for the army by Eberhard Faber. The name of the model speaks for itself: Taktik.
Nearby lies a kilometer ruler (Kilometermesser). This simple device made it possible to quickly estimate distance on maps of different scales. Plastic, aluminum and painted metal were used as ruler materials.

In chapter Science, Technology, Languages to the question how to use the officer's ruler? given by the author Dmitry sov.secret the best answer is So. The officer's line primarily serves to simplify the officer's work with the map. Numbers indicate department numbers. The icon in the form of a parachute is the location of the landing force. Diamonds are tanks, a rectangle with a sharp side is an infantry fighting vehicle, a rectangle in the shape of a car is a supply vehicle or another wheeled vehicle. Triangles, flags and rectangles are divisions. Ovals and roundnesses - units and attack areas, etc.

Answer from Vladislav Sysuev[newbie]
So that's it. The officer's line primarily serves to simplify the officer's work with the map. Numbers indicate department numbers. The icon in the form of a parachute is the location of the landing force. Diamonds are tanks, a rectangle with a sharp side is an infantry fighting vehicle, a rectangle in the shape of a car is a supply vehicle or another wheeled vehicle. Triangles, flags and rectangles are divisions. Ovals and roundnesses - units and attack areas, etc.

Answer from Kofka[guru]
a protractor to measure angles and cutouts to quickly draw figures!
It's a shame not to know!

Answer from Udav[guru]
A protractor for measuring the azimuth along which your battalion will attack, cutouts for marking various points on the map

Answer from Anastasia Chekanova[newbie]
for everything

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Ruler ) .

In English - combat mission plotter (line of combat events)

It is used for orienting on a topographic map, on the ground, determining coordinates, with its help it is possible to draw fonts, figures, numbers, and measure angles. In fact, it is a universal tool and a complete set of drawing devices in one tool.

Intended for:

  • measurements, including on topographic maps and plans;
  • application to working documents ( topographic map) conventional signs, such as:
    • friendly and enemy formations.
    • their tasks according to purpose
    • their actions, planned and actual
    • placement of various weapons, equipment and equipment
    • the use of various weapons and equipment
    • prohibited zones, zones of fires, floods, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological) contamination
    • military roads, routes, column tracks
  • creating graphic images, diagrams, plans.



  • ruler;
  • protractor (180 degrees) with double-sided millimeter graduation scale;
  • various geometric shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, ovals, and so on);
  • special graphics and inscriptions Officer's ruler, prices and manufacturer;
  • scale scale;
  • stencils.



  • USSR - 47 kopecks;
  • Russian Federation - from 7 to 30 rubles.

see also

  • Artillery circle AK-3
  • Chord angle meter

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  • I. D. Pombrick, N. A. Shevchenko, “Commander’s Work Card”, Military Publishing House, Moscow, 1967.
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia . - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Textbook, " Military topography", team of authors, Voenizdat, M., 1983.
  • Combat Manual of the Ground Forces, Parts I, II, III, Voenizdat, M., 1983.
  • Universal German-Russian Dictionary,, 2011.


An excerpt characterizing the Officer's Line

“But it’s me?!..”, the shocked little girl whispered, looking at the “other herself” with all her eyes. – It’s really me... How can this be?..
So far I could not answer her seemingly simple question, since I myself was completely taken aback, not finding any explanation for this “absurd” phenomenon...
Stella quietly extended her hand to her twin and touched the same small fingers extended to her. I wanted to shout that this could be dangerous, but when I saw her satisfied smile, I remained silent, deciding to see what would happen next, but at the same time I was on guard, in case something suddenly went wrong.
“So it’s me...” the little girl whispered in delight. - Oh, how wonderful! It's really me...
Her thin fingers began to glow brightly, and the “second” Stella began to slowly melt, smoothly flowing through the same fingers into the “real” Stella standing next to me. Her body began to become denser, but not in the same way that a physical body would become denser, but as if it began to glow much more densely, filling with some kind of unearthly radiance.
Suddenly I felt someone’s presence behind me - it was again our friend, Athenais.
“Forgive me, bright child, but you will not come for your “imprint” very soon... You still have a very long time to wait,” she looked more attentively into my eyes. - Or maybe you won’t come at all...
– How do you mean “I won’t come”?!.. – I was scared. – If everyone comes, then I will come too!
- Don't know. For some reason your destiny is closed to me. I can't answer you, I'm sorry...
I was very upset, but, trying my best not to show this to Athenais, I asked as calmly as possible:
– What kind of “fingerprint” is this?
- Oh, everyone, when they die, comes back for him. When your soul ends its “languishing” in another earthly body, at the moment when it says goodbye to it, it flies to its real Home, and, as it were, “announces” its return... And then, it leaves this “ seal". But after this, she must again return back to dense earth in order to say goodbye forever to who she was... and a year later, having said “the last goodbye”, leave from there... And then, this free soul comes here to merge with the part of himself left behind and find peace, awaiting a new journey to the “old world”...
I didn’t understand then what Athenais was talking about, it just sounded very beautiful...
And only now, after many, many years (having long ago absorbed with my “hungry” soul the knowledge of my amazing husband, Nikolai), looking through my funny past today for this book, I remembered Athenais with a smile, and, of course, I realized that what she called the “imprint” was simply an energetic surge that happens to each of us at the moment of our death, and reaches exactly the level to which the deceased person managed to reach with his development. And what Athenais called then “farewell” to “who she was” was nothing more than the final separation of all existing “bodies” of the essence from her dead physical body, so that she would now have the opportunity to finally leave, and there , on her “floor”, to merge with her missing piece, the level of development of which she, for one reason or another, did not manage to “reach” while living on earth. And this departure occurred exactly after a year.
But I understand all this now, and then it was still very far away, and I had to be content with my still very childish understanding of everything that was happening to me, and my sometimes erroneous and sometimes correct guesses...
– Do entities on other “floors” also have the same “imprints”? – the inquisitive Stella asked interestedly.
“Yes, of course they do, but they are different,” Athenais answered calmly. – And not on all “floors” they are as pleasant as here... Especially on one...
- Oh, I know! This is probably the “bottom” one! Oh, you definitely have to go and see it! This is so interesting! – Stella chirped contentedly again.
It was simply amazing how quickly and easily she forgot everything that had frightened or surprised her just a minute ago, and again cheerfully strived to learn something new and unknown to her.
- Farewell, young maidens... It's time for me to leave. May your happiness be eternal...” Athenais said in a solemn voice.
And again she smoothly waved her “winged” hand, as if showing us the way, and the already familiar, shining golden path immediately ran in front of us...
And the wondrous woman-bird again quietly floated in her airy fairy-tale boat, again ready to meet and guide new, “searching for themselves” travelers, patiently serving some kind of special vow, incomprehensible to us...
- Well? Where shall we go, “young maiden”?.. – I asked my little friend, smiling.
- Why did she call us that? – Stella asked thoughtfully. “Do you think that’s what they said where she once lived?”

Having arrived after graduating from the Academy in the sunny city of Arkhangelsk, work began on preparing for flights, which consisted, first of all, in the desire to fly, hard theoretical knowledge, prepared flight maps and black socks, as shown by a bright future.
I’ve already written about the role of black socks, but if you haven’t read it, read it.
The desire to fly became obsessive. The only thing left was the prepared flight maps. In addition to the route with airfields, it was necessary to designate restricted areas, radio navigation aids, elevation of the terrain, and much more. The officer line helped a lot in this. The officer's line had stencils, and preparing the cards was not too tedious. However, officer's rulers were not included in the compulsory navigator's equipment, but were sometimes sold in military markets, and were not only officer's rulers, but also in short supply.
I had such a valuable officer line. In addition, I was quite talented in drawing, so my flight maps could compete with works of art. In general, the flight cards were prepared and began to fly. Flights, by the way, were not in short supply.
Somehow it was necessary to show the flight maps to the chief navigator with a new top-secret zone designated. We were in reserve, and I decided to draw that top-secret zone on the flight map. I was just about to go draw when I discovered that I had lost the officer’s ruler. No need to talk about that. I was so upset. My mood was corrected by the commander of the An-24 with whom we flew. He said:
- Hold the ruler, Lech. You've got a bubble!
I gratefully took the ruler on which the commander’s name was scratched and put it in a safe place, and we safely drank the bottle I bought after the flights.
I have already retrained on the Tu-134, managed to get married and buy an apartment, and my wife gave birth to a child, and the child grew up to sledding. The whole family went for a walk and passing by the military trading center we decided to go there.
It was the end of the month, military trade, fulfilling the plan, “threw away” the deficit in the form of officer lines, of which I bought about ten of them.
The next day I went into the navigation room and gave everyone sitting there a ruler. The same commander of the An-24 with whom I flew, and who helped me out with an officer’s line for the bubble, was sitting there.
“And for me,” he asked.
I gave him the same ruler that I had once received from him for a bubble.
Another important navigational attribute was the NL-10 navigation ruler. A navigation slide rule is a very convenient thing for calculations, spine scratching and other equally useful things. We were given these rulers, but I had obvious respect for the ruler, so it lasted me 2 or even 3 times longer than it was supposed to. So I saved rulers and was very pleased that the country was getting richer. The country is rapidly getting richer, and I am getting richer with the country.
I moved to my homeland, Leningrad, St. Petersburg.
There they gave me a new navigation ruler and I flew again. Then I met an American woman (When Bolivar can’t stand two)
That American woman had a cousin who flew a Lear-Jet. All the foreigners were obsessed with our wooden abacus. Therefore, I decided that NL-10.
will simply delight him cousin! That's what happened, but that's another story.
In general, the NL-10 navigation line flew with me for 5 years in the North and another 2-3 years in St. Petersburg and was destroyed. I also had a spare NL-10, which I used. Maybe he was showing something to someone, maybe he was teaching someone, maybe something else, but there was no ruler in the navigator’s briefcase! And I was very upset about this. We were supposed to fly first to Arkhangelsk, and then to Naryan-Mar, but there was no line. No, these are the routes of my childhood in Aviation, but there is no NL-10! I flew there without navigation instruments, but there is no navigation ruler! It's like being on a steamship and suddenly discovering that there is no life preserver!
I flew with a very heavy heart and without any spark of inspiration.
We sat down in Arkhangelsk, where everyone remembers and loves me. I'm going to the chief navigator, they say there is no ruler. And Leonid Aleksandrovich would be happy to give, but there’s nothing.
We flew to Naryan-Mar. There is no mood at all. (What a state they have brought the country to. There are not even navigation lines!)
I come to the navigation room, and there on the table is an almost new NL-10, but with the name of the happy owner. I almost fell to my knees just to have the ruler handed over. And that navigator on duty told me, they say, if only I change to an officer’s. I almost jumped for joy! I still have those rulers from those Northern times, and after 5 minutes the navigator on duty had them, and I had the NL-10!
Then we boarded to Pulkovo. My ruler was found soon, and after a couple of days all our pilots began bringing me navigation rulers. They brought it to the whole squadron! When I was written off in 2004, I gave all the rulers to the young guys, and kept two for myself. The one with whom I flew before the “loss”, and the one from Naryan-Mar.
