Come out of the unclean spirit from the servant of God. Spells from damage - Conspiracies

We will try to answer the question in detail: the prayer went to the Mother of God from Jerusalem on the website: website - for our dear readers.

Dreams of the Mother of God that relieve diseases. Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos 2 (From sorrow and illness) The Virgin Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem,

(From grief and illness)

A thief will not rob that person, lightning in a thunderstorm will not kill him, poison will not kill him, and denunciation in court will not ruin him. In hot weather there is water, and in famine there is food. That man will live a long time, and when his time comes, he will die the easiest death. I will send him two angels and I will go down to meet him, I will save the soul and body of the righteous at the Last Judgment. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

(Read over the patient 9 times and make passes from top to bottom.

They do this for 3-7 days. Treats many diseases and removes guidance)

The Mother of God slept on Mount Zion. I slept, I slept, I slept, I slept horrible dream I saw it in a dream. Terrible and terrible about his Son Rozhdestvensky. “My mother Mary, are you sleeping or are you not sleeping?” “You are my son Jesus, I sleep and hear about you, son, in a dream: you were brought by two Jews, two robbers. They opened them on the cross, hammered nails into the arms and legs, and put on a crown of thorns. Ore flowed from the holy relics onto fast river" Whoever knows this prayer and reads it morning and evening, the Lord will deliver him from all sorrows and illnesses. Amen.

Part 7 – Dreams of the Virgin Mary that relieve diseases. Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos 2 (From sorrow and illness) The Virgin Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem,

The prayer was from the Mother of God from Jerusalem

There are only 77 of them. I don’t have all of them, which is a pity.

I really like this one:

1.Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary (from all troubles)

The Lord Himself is coming

The Lord himself calls his Mother:

Where did you live?

Where did you while away the dark night?

She lived and lived and whiled away the dark night.

She sat down at the throne to rest,

I wasn't going to sleep

My eyes closed

I dreamed of three crosses on the mountain,

There are thieves on two crosses, and on one you are.

crucified on the cross in agony,

They beat you and tormented you.

They gave me vinegar to drink before I died.

Mother, your dream is fair,

The Myrrh-Bearer will rewrite it and give it to people.

Whoever reads your dream at least once,

The one from death in vain will never die.

It won't drown in water,

If he goes into the forest, the beast will not touch him,

A thief does not steal from him,

The fire will not burn that person’s home.

To court will work or not will be condemned

The Lord will add to the century,

and if he dies, he will be delivered from eternal torment.

2.Dream of the Holy Mother of God.

Cross, deliverance from death.

There was a dream about the Cross.

Mother Theotokos saw a cross in a dream,

how the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the cross,

She nailed her arms and legs.

Blood flows in a stream,

It will be covered with white shueya.

God's beauty will not fade,

The Royal Gates will open.

Mother Mary saw this dream,

In a dream she shed tears for her Son.

Jesus Christ approached his mother,

He woke her up from a heavy sleep:

My Mother Mary! I saw your dream

I copied it onto white paper.

Who will understand this dream

and read it three times,

He will be saved, protected in any trouble.

He will be forgiven and saved.

Protected by the sleep of the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(From a hater, enemy and adversary)

– Where did you, Mother Mary sleep and rest? – I slept and rested in the city of Jerusalem, on the holy Mount Vertepe, on the holy river Jordan. I didn’t sleep much – I saw a lot in my dreams. I saw a terrible and menacing dream about you, About the true Christ. As if the Jews had caught you, the true Christ, as if the Jews had crucified you, the true Christ, nailed your hands and feet to the cross, knocked out the holy ribs with a spear, the holy lips with a Vavarashi spear, given you, the true Christ, six hundred and sixty bloody wounds. Just as the bark falls away from an oak tree, so the bodies of the true Christ fall away. Just as a river flows in streams, so blood flows in streams. - My beloved mother, you don’t see in a dream - you write in reality. It is scary and menacing to descend to the ground. Whoever reads this dream will be saved from burning fire, from boiling tar, from eternal torment, from birds, misfortune, from vain death, from a hater, enemy and adversary.

(This dream was found at the Tomb in Jerusalem)

(Whoever reads a dream during illness will be saved, preserved and healed)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On Mount Vertepe, near the holy river Jordan, the Virgin Mother Mary slept. The Son of God came and said: Amen, Virgin Mother Mary, whether you sleep or not. The Virgin Mother Mary answered: Oh, my beloved son, I slept little, I dreamed a lot. I had a dream, a very scary and terrible dream about You, my dear child. This dream cannot be told and told. Tell me, Mother Virgin Mary, your dream, I will judge and dress you. I saw a dream, lawless people chased you through forests, along rivers, through swamps and caught you, beat you with gnarled sticks, iron rods, beat you on your armor, called you the Son of God and spat in your mouth, gave you bile to drink, put a crown of thorns on your head . Eh, my beloved Son, what torment you submitted to. I saw a dream: Judas the traitor and the Jews were put on trial, Judas the traitor ordered to make a cross from three trees: cedar, linden and cypress. The true Christ was crucified on the cross, his hands and feet were chained with nails. Just as streams ran in the spring, so blood ran from the true Christ. Just as the spruce bark lagged behind the tree, so the body lagged behind the true Christ. Eh, my dear child, what torment you have endured. You would have blown, they would have been left with only dirt, You would have ridden around on your stallion, You would have waved your handkerchief, they would have burned with fire. Eh, my dear child, where are you going, with whom are you leaving me? On John the Theologian, on the friend of Christ. He will water and feed you, put on shoes and clothes, and warm you with warmth. Virgin Mother Mary, whoever reads your dream in the month of March along the path will be saved and preserved. A bird will not tear you to pieces, an animal will not tear you to pieces, and dashing people will not attack. That person will be saved and preserved. Whoever rides on water will not burn on fire and will not drown on water. My Virgin Mother, whoever reads your dream in the house, that house will be saved from the fire by God’s grace, whoever reads your dream during illness, that person will be saved, preserved and healed. Whoever reads your dream during childbirth will be born neither a thief, nor a hooligan, nor a villain, nor at least a god-maker. Whoever reads your dream at death will be saved from eternal torment, from boiling tar, from burning fire, from never-ending worms, from scorching frosts, that person will go to a bright paradise.

(To ward off trouble)

(Prayer for God to send children)

(He will inherit the kingdom of heaven)

(For home from fire and flame)

You slept Holy Virgin Mary is in the city of Jerusalem with the truth of Christ on the throne, and Jesus Christ come to her, and the speech Holy Mother of God: - O my dear child, I slept in this place and saw a wonderful and terrible dream, I saw Peter in Rome, Paul in the house of Simon, and I saw You, my Son Jesus Christ, in the city of Jerusalem among the Jews, caught, greatly abused, and Bish. Wait for you in your face the Holy Thing, and brought You to Pontius Pilate for trial, and Pilate condemned You to execution, and they executed You on Mount Golgotha, on three trees, on a cedar, a pine tree and a cypress, Your hands and feet were nailed to the cross, They put thorns on Your holy head a wreath, give Thee drink of the father, with a copy perforating Thy rib, and from it will flow blood and water for the salvation of all mankind, and I, Thy mother, stood at the cross with Thy beloved disciple John the Theologian and wept and sobbed greatly, and You speak to me from the cross : - O My Mother, do not cry, I will be taken down from the cross and placed in a coffin, and on the third day I will rise and ascend to heaven with the angels Cherubim and Seraphim, and I will glorify you, My Mother. And Jesus Christ said to her: “O My Mother, your dream is not false, your words are like honey to my lips.” Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

(Dream on Holy Saturday)

On Friday, before Saturday, under the Holy Resurrection of Christ, the Mother of God, the Most Honorable Mary, slept and rested; she did not so much sleep as she saw in a dream. A spear was chained to my son’s rib on the cross, holy blood was spilled on the ground. Whoever knows this dream, reads it three times and writes in a book, will be saved and happy. By will go to the ground, will not drown, he will go to trial - the court will not condemn him. He will not live in the sleep of Satan, but with all the powers of heaven. End. Amen. Amen. Amen.

(Read on the first day of the new year)

In the city of Jerusalem, in the Jordan River, under flesh and raft, under an underwater shield, a mossy stone, lies an incorruptible, holy letter - given by the Lord. Whoever knows this letter knows, whoever reads it on the first day of the new year and understands every word with his heart - he will receive God's blessing and remission of many sins. Mary, the Mother of God, was sleeping, she saw a wondrous dream: As if 3 angels flew to her, they blessed her and warned: Behold, you are Mary, the Virgin, waiting for the Infant Christ, His Glory will be without end. In 7 days, the grace of God will descend on you, through you, Virgin Mary, the Savior will come to the world. Whoever reads this dream on the first day of the new year will not find death this year! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In the city of Jerusalem, in the holy desert, the Holy Mother of God slept and rested, and saw a terrible dream. To be crucified, Russians, Jesus Christ nailed his toes, pierced his side with a spear, tore the holy robe in half. Shake, earth and sky, disintegrate, stones, cry, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, do not cry, do not sob, Jesus Christ will be tormented on Friday, buried on Saturday, on the Bright Sunday of Christ, the Lord, having risen from the dead, will ascend to the Holy Shroud, ascend to heaven with angels and archangels, with glorious praise cherubs, seraphim and other spirits disembodied saints. Whoever knows the dream of the Most Holy Theotokos and reads it three times a day, that servant will not perish during the days, nor at night, nor at noon, nor at midnight. The Lord will deliver from every cursed spirit, from the evil adversary man, from the running beast, from the flying bird, from the creeping serpent, from Herod’s twelve sisters. Be, Lord, Your name blessed now and forever! Amen.

On the holy mountain, on the land of Sian, the Mother of God walked there, leading her son by the hand. Son, you are my beloved son, I saw a wonderful, wonderful dream about you. It’s as if the Jews took you to a cross, crucified you, chained your little arms, put a crown of weave on your head, and belted you with a thorny shupshina. The Mother of God took her son by the hand and led him to the blue sea. On the blue sea lay a pebble on that pebble stood a monastery. On that monastery there was a table. On that table lay the savior. Arms, legs folded, head slumped, Petro-Pavel approaches him. Lord, why do you accept the torment of our relatives and shed blood for us sinners? If Petro-Paul does not suffer my torment, take the cross from his hand and go to the Tsar in the city. Tell the blind, the young, the old, whoever reads this prayer will be saved.

The Mother of God was sleeping on Mount Sinai. She had a dream: Jesus Christ himself was crucified on the tree of the Lord. Nails were driven into the legs and arms, spears were threaded through the ribs, and a crown of thorns was placed on the head. At that time the earth and sky shook. Quiet Angels flew from heaven and did not allow Jesus’ blood to reach the ground. Truth is the Mother of God. Anyone who knows this prayer reads it up to three times. This prayer from dashing people will not burn in fire and will not drown in water.

(From robbery on the road)

The Mother of God spent the night under the vitriol tree and saw a dream. It is terrible and threatening to Christ. They began to torture Christ, crucify him, hammer nails into his hands and feet, and put a crown of thorns on his head. Angels flew from heaven and placed the cup under Christ's blood. Mother, you are a mother, write a black horse, build a church on the throne. Whoever knows how to read this prayer three times a day will be saved, saved in the field, in the house, on the road, from fire and heat, from water, flood, from a vicious beast, from a rattlesnake, from a flying wind. mother of God save, preserve and have mercy.

(About the tree of the cross)

- Where did the Most Holy Theotokos sleep and rest? - In the city of Jerusalem, behind God's throne, where Jesus Christ carries the vessels: Blood and ore flow and dream and curl. Whoever knows this prayer and reads it three times a day is saved. - The first tree is cypress, the second tree is truth, the third tree is cherry. - From water and from flood, from fire - from flame, from evil man, from vain death.

The Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos was sleeping and saw a terrible dream about her Son, the Son of God.

“Son, you are my son, my beloved son, you yourself were resurrected in three days, and you gave me to the Jews for justification.”

- Don’t cry, Mother, don’t cry, Most Holy Theotokos, I know your dream, I’ll write it off for the highest icon, I’ll give alms. Whoever knows this dream, reads it three times a day, is saved and saved from warriors, from gatekeepers, from a creeping serpent, from a flying serpent, from a frightening plague in the darkness.

On the Siyanskaya Mountain on the Egyptian Land, the Mother of God spent the night waiting for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came and asked: “Mother of God!” You slept or didn’t sleep or didn’t lie there. - My son of God! I didn't sleep. I saw many dreams. Judas crucified you and put a crown of thorns on your head. Nails were driven into the arms and legs; blood flowed in a stream from the right rib. The Mother of God walked through heaven, leading Jesus Christ by the hand. Came to blue sea. There is a stone lying on the blue sea. The Holy Monastery stands on a rock. The Golden Throne stands on the Holy Monastery. On the Golden Throne lies the Golden Book. The Lord himself read it. Two Apostles came - Peter and Paul. - God! How long will you endure such torment? - Torment is not torment. Take the cross in your hands. Go preach to the young and old. Whoever knows this prayer does not burn in fire, does not drown in water, is not chewed by beasts, Satan does not tempt, snakes do not fly in or crawl. And whoever knows this prayer, the Lord himself helps him and takes away all illnesses. Amen! Amen! Amen!

On the eastern side stands Constantinople. In this Constantinople stands the throne of Christ. In this throne of Christ, Mother Mary speaks: As she gave birth to You, the Son, I saw you in dreams. In the land of Judea they beat you, torment you, take you to Mount Zion, lift you to the cross, nail you with four nails. My blood, you will be lost. My hand gives to the decrepit health, and to the blind to gain sight. Let us get up in the morning and evening—God is the salvation of our souls. Lord, forgive our sin. Oh, Mother, my oven, how strong you stand, you have no trick, no influx, no day, no noon, no night, no midnight, no minute, no half-minute. To all the grieving Mother of God, save, preserve this house and this servant (name) in all the aisles: in the hands, in the feet. All happiness is mine. Amen and truly.

There are many options for writing this prayer. It is often known as “The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos,” although its true name is “The Prayer of Our Most Pure and Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.”

We are publishing the earliest known writing of this prayer - 1890.

The text was actually written by Mary Magdalene from the words of the Virgin Mary

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thou didst rest, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, in the holy city of Jerusalem in the month of March. And the Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved only begotten Son, the Savior of the whole world, came to Her, and said to her: “Oh, My beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, are You sleeping, or are you not sleeping, or what do you see in your dreams? ”

And the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Maria, spoke to Him: “I am not sleeping, Son, my beloved, but in my dream I saw a very wondrous and terrible dream about You: for six days of Your resurrection, Lord, Peter the Apostle in the city of Rome and Paul the Apostle in the city of Damascus beheaded by the sword, and You, My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, were caught in the city of Jerusalem among the damned [Jews] and bound by them with javelins, and brought into the courtyard of the priest Caiaphas, and killed quickly. Your holy body is tormenting and spitting on your face, and brought before Pontius Pilate. And Pilate began to judge and judge You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, although not finding guilt, to lead you to crucifixion on Mount Golgotha, and crucified You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, on three trees: on the first Cypress, on the second cedar and third thorn - between two robbers. I placed a crown of thorns on your holy head and watered it with gall and vinegar, and nailed it to your head with a reed, nailed your hand and nose, and pierced your holy ribs with a spear, from which flowed blood and water for the healing of Orthodox Christians and for the salvation of our sinners. This Mother of Yours stood at the cross with Your dear disciple, John the Theologian, standing weeping and weeping bitterly.”

And our Lord, Jesus Christ, and her beloved Son, and the only begotten Savior of the whole World, spoke to her: “Do not weep, My beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary! I will be taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb, and on the third day I will rise again. I will be alive from the grave and I will resurrect the first-created Adam, and I will resurrect all the living prophets, and My Mother herself, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, will ascend into heaven with the cherubim and seraphim. And you, My beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will glorify, exalt and magnify, more than all the heavenly powers.”

And our Lord Jesus Christ, her beloved Son and only begotten Savior of the whole World, spoke to her: “Oh, My Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, truly your dream is righteous and false, and will truly come true: I will be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and will suffer from They are accursed, all the above described passions that you saw in your dream, and I will accept all of them, until death, and your words are more than honey and are sweet to my lips.”

The end of the dream of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and the ever-Virgin Mary. Amen.

And they performed a prayer service for three days and nights, and on the fourth day this stone fell apart into two halves and they found in it this scroll, the dream of the Most Holy Theotokos and this saying scripture:

“Jesus Christ writes to you by the power of His Divinity: I am the Lord your God, Creator of heaven and earth. I write to you, My people, the first and second scriptures, but you, My people, do not observe this commandment; heaven and earth pass by, but My words do not pass by you, the accursed! Many years have passed, your days are ending, the Last Judgment is being prepared for the throne of the Lord, and the holy books are being unbent, and all your secret deeds are being exposed to you.

I will come to judge you, the living and the dead. Your Lord, Jesus Christ, will reward everyone according to their deeds: the righteous will have the Kingdom of Heaven, and the sinners will have endless torment. And you, foolish people, live in love and conscience, do the truth among yourself, love each other, honor the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord, fast, listen to My orders.

I will give you rain on the earth and warmth from the sun during your fasts, and I will give you the fruits of previous years. If you, foolish people, do not leave your affairs, do not obey My order, honor the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord, fast and do the truth, then I will reproach you, I will send hail, and great frosts, and floods upon you.

I am writing to you, My people: whoever continues to work to increase his fortune on the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord will call eternal fire on his head and perish. All six days a week, the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord, God gave to male and female servants to celebrate. On holidays, welcome My Lord's orphans, widows and workers. But you do not protect them and do not have mercy on them; but you yourself will not be shown mercy by your God, the King of Heaven; You do not give alms to the poor and needy; even the infidels, who do not know God, give them alms and pray to God according to their faith. And you, foolish people, you have been given the law of My baptism and faith, but you do not believe that law, you do not listen to My scripture.

I am the Lord your God, Creator of heaven and earth, long patient and much merciful, I am not completely angry with you and am waiting for your conversion and repentance from your evil deeds. I would send destruction upon you, the accursed, for your untruth and disobedience, but My Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, and your guardian angels are also praying for you, for which I have compassion and am waiting for your conversion and repentance from your evil deeds.

Create, My people, love and truth among yourself, love each other, honor the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord, fast during fasting, read the Divine Scripture, go to church, listen to readings and singing. On Friday, God created the divine man Adam and I was crucified on the Cross, and My ribs were pierced with a spear, and for this it is appropriate for every Christian to fast on Wednesday and Friday.

I am also writing to you, My people, if you do not honor the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord, fast and do the truth, then I will reproach you, I will send many unfaithful nations against you, and your blood will be shed and your baptism will be desecrated. I will also release fierce beasts, six-headed and winged snakes, who will immediately crush your hearts for your untruth and disobedience. I am also writing to you, My people, whoever wants to hide from My strong hand or run away from My all-seeing eye, then I will let darkness fall on you, the accursed, then you, foolish people, will tremble like animals and traitors to each other and will begin to cry, sob and die to tear from the dead, to look for their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, all deceased relatives from the beginning of our world until the end of this day: accept us, sinners and damned! We can no longer stand these fierce beasts. Accept our oath for eternal life, endless torment prepared for you for the multiplication of your sins, for your untruth and disobedience.

I am writing to you, My people, my last message. And whoever does not believe this letter of mine or say that this dream of the Most Holy Theotokos is false, then that person is not worthy of repentance for his sins and will die a cruel death. And that person will be cursed from now on and forever, and I say to everyone: just as it is impossible for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, so it is impossible for that person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh, woe to that rich man on the day of judgment! Moreover, whoever reproaches a priest for anything and defiles the Church of God with his lips. Oh, woe to that priest who does not teach spiritual children to suffer bitterly! Oh, woe to the unjust judges, who judge unjustly: they blame the right, but acquit the guilty! Oh, woe to the oath-makers and fornicators who commit fornication: boys with girls, husbands with other people’s wives, and wives with other people’s husbands! Oh, woe to the buffoons and dancers, and who forces them! Oh, woe to the drunkards, may they be damned with the devils forever! Who knows how to read or not, everyone Orthodox Christian must keep himself clean and read and do what is written with all diligence, then that person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and God will honor him in his future life. Amen".

(Prayer of Saint Lavra)

This prayer is for all needs and troubles. Because this letter contains the letters VGPKBKK.

The devil, having seen this letter, cannot do anything and will not bring any harm to the owner. If you apply this letter to the wound, the blood will stop flowing. Whoever does not believe this should put the five letters VNURK on his saber.

Whoever carries this letter with him, no sins can harm him, he will not fall into the injustice of the court, he will be turned away from sin by lightning and all sorts of troubles. If a woman cannot give birth to a child, then let them give her this letter in her hand and all the pain will go away, the child will be healthy. This letter is more valuable than gold and silver, every weapon visible and invisible, do not be afraid of bullets, they will not affect your health and will not allow bullets to reach you, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Whoever carries it with him will be protected from all misfortunes of the enemy, God is with us. Whoever does not believe this letter, let him hang it around the neck of an animal and shoot, and there will be no harm to him. Amen.

This letter was noticed in the sky in 1766. It hung in the air, leaving my hands. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Only in 1791 They managed to copy the letter, it came closer and was given into the hands of the holy monk.

He who does not celebrate Sunday will be cursed by our Lord like foolish cattle. He orders people to work for 6 days, and to celebrate and serve God on the seventh. If you do not fulfill the Word of God, he will punish you with plague, crop failure and all kinds of grief.

Ask for forgiveness, he did it soon and will soon punish you. Do everything as ordered, then you will receive peace and health. Whoever does not believe this letter will have trouble, for they tell you that this letter was written by JESUS ​​CHRIST. Whoever resists this letter will be abandoned by it and will not be saved. Whoever has a letter and will not show it to others, whoever will not rewrite it, is a sin, his sins will not be forgiven and he will have to give an account at the Last Judgment. He will judge justly, and the righteous will be blessed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

They took Christ from the cypress tree, hammered nails into his arms and legs, and put on a black crown.

Blood flowed and water flowed from a sharp spear; this was all a gift from God, given to the whole world.

And Jesus Christ said: “Whoever does not observe fasts, I will take away all his goods; whoever does not read my Lord’s Prayer will be shaken by fever. Whoever does not go to church will have his house burned to the ground. I will punish all nations, from end to end, the entire subuniverse, with the torments of hell. Whoever does not cleanse himself with my body will be mocked and mocked by all the unclean. Whoever does not fast on Wednesdays and Fridays will be turned away by both those near and far. Whoever passes by the temple without laying the cross will have a short life.

I say to the nations, Amen, Amen, I will fulfill everything. I will throw all the infidels and those who do not pay attention into Gehenna. Whoever does not comply with this dream, my holy Mother and my order, will have his share from the cup of hell. The soul of that one will perish in Gehenna, and the one who fulfills everything will enter paradise and will abide with the saints. Whoever receives this dream will receive my order. Truly I say, so it will be.” In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen."

There is no health check, it seems no. I liked this dream.

Mother Mary was sleeping on a high rock.

She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream,

How they nailed His feet,

His hands crucified

They placed a crown of thorns on His forehead.

His hot blood was shed,

Angels flew from the high heavens,

Cups were placed under His blood.

Whoever puts his hand to this prayer,

He will never and will never suffer torment.

The Lord will save him, take him under his own hands,

It will save you from trouble, protect you from all evil.

Will not allow death

He will not allow enemies to curse.

Angels will cover him with their wings,

Holy water will wash away any curses.

Who knows these words

He reads them three times a day,

He will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water,

He will not drop a drop of his blood.

The Lord was, the Lord is, the Lord will always be!

The Lord will never forget me, God’s servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

When the contractions intensified, I simply prayed in my own words, turning to the Lord. She gave birth very easily. God helped me.

The title of this work is “Seven Forbidden Topics for Man.”

1. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Prayer of the Mother of God, from the Jesus Cross, from the Seal of Christ, from the saints of help, from my word, depart from my word, the unclean demon, the cursed spirit, to the dry trees, to the mosses and swamps. There is your place, life, stay and will, there you shout, and not in the servant of God (name) to be self-willed. The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, all the heavenly power: Michael the Archangel, Avoid the angel and all the holy wonderworkers - Niphon and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, Conon of Isauria, Demetrius of Rostov, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker, George the Victorious, King David, John the Baptist and Blasius, Istopher and Nikita the Great Martyr, and my word is terrible and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, damned demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be in (name), get out, now and this minute, with all the damage and enchantments, and get away from this servant, and go to your place, where you were and where The Lord God, Jesus Christ sent you and where he commanded you to live - into the abyss above, into the empty unmade land, go there, live there, and leave this servant forever, from now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen.

2. The Mother of God was walking across the bridge. Meeting her are Nicholas the Pleasant, Elijah the Prophet, and John the Theologian. -Where are you going, Mother of God? - I’m going to wash my nerves, clear my eyes and drive out the bitterness from the servant of God (name). From his head, from his arms, from his legs, from his stomach, from his heart, from his liver, from his greens, from his spleen, from his uterus ("from the womb" is read only for a woman), from his ovaries, from his bladder, from his neck, from his spine. , from blue veins, from red blood. Savior with a cross, Savior - above evil spirits winner! Go away, unclean spirits, to all four directions. Amen. Amen. Amen.

3. It is not I who fly, it is not I who speak, but the Mother of God. She heals, washes, speaks, calls on the Lord God for help with the Angels, with heavenly powers, with the Lord's dawn, the evening star. Michael the Archangel walked from heaven, carrying a life-giving cross on his head. I put this Cross on stone bridge and fenced it with iron bayonets, locked it with thirty-three locks, all with one key. And he gave the key to the Most Holy Theotokos in right hand. No one will open the locks, no one will spoil the servant of God (name) either in his home, or at the feast, or on the way. During the day I walk under the red sun, at night under the clear moon. Damn Satan, get away from the servant of God (name) to a thousand roads, to a thousand fields, where cattle do not roam, where people do not walk. And here - the holy path in a holy place is fenced off by the Holy Spirit. Lord, save and preserve the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

4. Come out, unclean spirit, from (name). From the head, from the hands, from the stomach, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus ("from the uterus" is read only for a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole body . Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for six months

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. In the blue sea-ocean, on the glorious island of Buyan, there is an iron forge, and in that iron forge they forge not swords, not knives, not spears, but they remove mortal forging. The mouths of the blacksmiths in that forge are iron, their hands are strong, damask steel, and the crosses on their chests are copper. Those blacksmiths light a church candle, white, made of soft wax, clear, pure fire; those blacksmiths celebrate commemoration not by days, but by six months, not in the damp ground, but on top of the earth, according to the walking servant of God (Name).

Plot for a year

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Our Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of God, You do not walk on damp ground, not on wet water, not on this side. There comes a guardian angel, a bright one, a reliable messenger of God to You, servant of God (Name). The year of him, the servant of God (Name), You remember, you bless in fervent prayer, you remove mortal damage. Lord our God, save and help the servant of God (Name); Lord our God, help me remove and appease the mortal damage, the terrible horseshoe; calm down, remove from this minute, from this hour, from this day, from this conspiracy word, from this order. One day, amen; nine days, amen; forty days, amen; six months and a year are all from him, the servant of God (Name), will pick you up, take you away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

Spells against damage used in “castings”
Conspiracy 1

“The Mother of God was walking across the bridge. Meeting her will be Nicholas the Saint, Elijah the Prophet, and John the Theologian.

Where are you going, Mother of God?

I’m going to wash my nerves, clear my eyes and drive out bitterness from the servant of God (Name). From his head, from his arms, from his legs, from his stomach, from his heart, from his liver, from his greens, from his spleen, from his uterus, from his ovaries. (for woman), from the bladder, from the neck, from the spine, from the blue veins, from the red blood. The Savior with the cross, the Savior is the winner over evil spirits! Go away, unclean spirits, to all four directions. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy 2

“Come out, O unclean spirit, from the servant of God (Name). Come out of your head, out of your hands, out of your belly, out of your intestines, out of your heart, out of your stomach, out of your liver, out of your greens, out of your spleen, out of your uterus, out of your ovaries. (for woman), from the bladder, from the whole body. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy 3

“It’s not I who fly, it’s not me who speaks, but the Mother of God. She heals, washes, speaks, calls on the Lord God for help with the angels, with the heavenly powers, with the Lord's dawn, with the evening star.

Michael the Archangel walked from heaven, carrying a life-giving cross on his head. He placed this cross on a stone bridge and fenced it with iron bayonets, locked it with thirty-three locks, all with one key. And he gave the key to the Most Holy Theotokos in his right hand. No one will open the locks, no one will open the servant of God (Name) It will not spoil either at home, or at a feast, or on the road. During the day I walk under the red sun, at night under the clear moon.

Damn Satan, get away from the servant of God (Name) on a thousand roads, on a thousand fields, where cattle do not walk, where people do not walk. And here is a holy path in a holy place and is fenced off by the Holy Spirit. Lord, save and preserve the servant of God (Name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracies against spoiling a child
Conspiracy 1

“Father of God angel Michael the Archangel, speak to the body, young blood is stronger than steel, stronger than damask steel, stronger than red copper and style, stronger than lead, stronger than the Alatyr stone, stronger than a tight bow, a stone arrow. All the blood, all the bone, all the joints, half-joints, veins and half-veins. Calm down all the urges, whispers, aches, keels, hiccups, shootings, stretching: night, day, morning, evening, those that are performed under the moon. At the first and at the last star, at sunrise and at its setting, at the lunar exodus and the new moon. Take it from the body. Strengthen by God. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy 2

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I speak to the white body. I secure it stronger than steel and damask steel. Stronger than any hardened structure. I knit that invisible strand so that no one is a servant of God (Name) I could not take it: neither with a quick deed, nor with a charming word, nor through the oven, nor through a candle, nor through holy water. With me, the holy apostles read the amulet, shielding my child from enemies: Nikita the Stylite, Gabriel the Archangel, Michael the Archangel, George the Brave, John the Baptist and the Merciful Savior. And whoever approaches my child, approaches me, will not escape my spell word. Heaven is my words, earth is my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy 3

Throw a burning coal into the water, and then read the following plot:

“As a coal-spark goes out, so would parables, lessons, touches, and commotion go out. Amen".

After this, wash the child with the spoken water and read three times:

“From a duck there is water, from a baby there is water. From whom it came, it was transmitted to him. He who has a burning misfortune, receives a burning tear.”

Then take a hard-boiled egg, peel it and roll it eleven times clockwise in the child’s solar plexus area. Then roll it counterclockwise the same number of times. You need to roll three times in one direction and three times in the other. After this, bury the egg in the ground or burn it.

Conspiracy 4

If a child cries day and night for no apparent reason, read the spell over the water so that the lips practically touch the water. After this, sprinkle the charmed water on the child three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening:

“The mother holds the water at her left breast, midnight noon, day, night, midnight, do not taunt, do not taunt the servant of God (child's name), baptized as a child.

Roll, roll over the black soot, over the transverse soot, over the transverse patica. Amen".

Conspiracy 5

Wash the child through a sieve or sieve while reading the following plot:

“Just as water does not hold in a sieve, so it would not hold on the servant of God (Name) no lessons, no grooming, no prizes, no commotion. Amen".

Conspiracy 6

If the child does not sleep well, pour water into a cup or glass, add a little honey and read a spell over it. Give your baby a little drink at night.

“Sonya-sonyatka, fall asleep, child, envelop you in sleepy mansions. Open your eyes. I’ll whisper three times: sleep, losypatko, Sonya-sonyatko. So that the child sleeps, the baptized soul rests. Amen".

Conspiracy 7

To protect a young child from damage, you can do this by collecting water at the confluence of two rivers from October 13 to October 19. Collect water as follows: scoop it into a bucket twice and pour it onto the shore. For the third time, take the collected water home and start talking. On the way there and back, do not look back and do not talk to anyone. Before reading the spell, scoop up water with a sieve and sprinkle it on the child. After reading the water spell, wash the baby, spray him from head to toe and let him drink a little.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will get up without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, from the hut not by the doors, from the yard not by the gate. Not in an open field, not in the bright moonlight. The stars do not often shine under the stars, not at dawn, not at evening. I will go, servant of God (Name), from lake to lake, from river to river, from key to key. There is living water in those lakes and rivers. Fluid and fiery. I pour this water and sprinkle it on me, God’s servant (Name). Stumps and logs, dry hummocks and white stones. I wash off and remove all dirt and debris. I also wash, and sprinkle, and anoint this servant of God, the child (Name). From thinness, from sickness, from dashing daring, from motherly thoughts, from fatherly thoughts, from every evil eye and specter, from numbness and charm, from every dashing person, from a simple-haired girl, from a short-haired woman and from every kind- transverse Be strong, my words. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy 8

This conspiracy is read over the child by his grandmother. If the baby is already sitting, they sit him on a chair, give him a small icon, stand behind him, bite his hair, and then read this plot three times.

“It’s such a disaster, it’s someone else’s hands. Enemies of men, evil tongues from a born, baptized slave (Name), your hands will go numb, your enemies will turn to stone, your tongues will be lost, you won’t have to deal with great misfortune. Amen".

Conspiracy 9

Read the plot while bathing your child in a bath or sauna. It should be pronounced by the mother or grandmother:

“I will become a servant of God (Name) Having been blessed, I will go out, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, out of the yard by the gates, I will go out into the open field, pray and bow to the eastern side. Under the eastern side there is the Okiyan Sea. A white pike walks on the Okiyan Sea, has straight teeth, a damask tail, eats and devours lessons from the slave (child’s name), and cuts, and hernias, and bath evil spirits, so that neither in the evening, nor in the new, nor in the old, nor in I'll block it for the month. Forever and ever. Amen. Be my words locked, locked with a key. Amen".

Prayer from evil spirits

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. In the mansion, in my house, I, the servant of God, will stand (Name), having blessed myself, I will wash myself with clean, cold water and say these words: “This water will be clean, cold and holy, like that water in the Jordan River, in which our Savior Himself, Jesus Christ, was baptized in His bright robes, wiped Himself with His rubbish, and rivers: “There will be a veil like the incorruptible veil of the Mother of God of Jerusalem.” I adorn myself, servant of God (Name), a light shroud, a phalet robe, a light-like dawn and I, the servant of God, will rise (Name), before the image of our Lord God and the holy icon, in my place, as on the golden throne in heaven, and I will say, having first made a prayer to Jesus. Come forth my word from my mouth like thunder from heaven, strong, with stones, scorching fire, terrible judgment; depart, O spirit, from my mouth, violent winds, swift and mighty, tore, plowed and dried from the gold-forged pipes of the evangelists.

I will exalt, servant of God (Name), a fervent prayer to the Lord God for my sinful soul, I ask for mercy and help, I pray according to the number of cherubim protecting me, according to the number of seraphim guarding me; you hide me, servant of God (Name), in this kind of way, from evil, dashing people, and release from your linings onto the damp earth, on dashing people, on rebels and adversaries, on those who planned to destroy me, release from your linings everything destructive and terrible, on the damp ground and in the air hordes, countless darkness of angels; tell me, servant of God (Name), like thunder strike: “Do not be afraid, man, servant of God (Name), be established in this generation by the angelic affirmation sent down!” The heavenly powers have arisen and closed the city on high with heavenly castles, close the castle, bury the keys under the gates, surround the walls of that city with fiery blows, surround that city itself with fiery chariots. The commanders, on foot and on horseback, drove around the forces of heaven, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, the cherubim and seraphim, Elijah the prophet, the apostles, the evangelists with golden trumpets, standing around me, the servant of God. (Name), and surrounding me, the servant of God (Name), with thunder and lightning, fiery, red-hot, damask arrows and flaming rivers, from east to west and from south to north, from heaven to earth, the forces of heaven began to me, the servant of God (Name), love, cherish, from all your fiery weapons, brusses and scepters, shoot, beat, shoot, thunder for me, the servant of God (Name), to send to earth, adversaries, to smite my enemies. Who will spoil me, the servant of God (Name), damage them to burn in the flame of lightning fire from my birth to my death. And tell me, Lord, I live in my hand, save and have mercy on me, the servant of God (Name), from all kinds of misfortune, from all kinds of hostility, black, devilish power; kept by me, forever indestructible. Amen, amen, amen."

Prayer from the evil spirit that has settled in the house

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I, the servant of God, will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from those doors to the gate, I will go out, the servant of God (Name), onto the street, and from there into an open field, spacious, wide. Bless me, Jesus Christ, and deliver me, O Lord, not with wisdom, not with cunning, but with Your great power. Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy! God will rise again and all his enemies will be scattered! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

As on the sea-ocean, on the glorious island of Buyan stands the white-flammable stone Alatyr, and on that stone sits a rider on a white horse, Yegor the Victorious, and with him the Archangel Michael, Elijah the Prophet and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. They defeat the fierce, fire-breathing snake that flew to a distant kingdom, kidnapped the laity and ate them. They killed that fierce serpent, took away the evil from the red maiden, the servant of God (Name), from her house, from her cattle. And You, Lord, take away from the servant of God (Name) dashingly and dark power, remove from her house the fiery serpent, the unclean spirit, day, night, evening, morning, minute, hour, turn away all the dark power from all her thoughts and thoughts, dreams and visions,

will and deeds. Establish with Your Power, Lord, her pure reason and mind, memory and feelings on the Divine path-path, protect her in autumn, the servant of God (Name), Lord, by Your Life-giving Cross, from dashing and dirty tricks, evil and harm, from the unclean spirit, from the fiery serpent, command him, Lord, commanded him with Your heavenly power, with Your strong and great word, not to fly into her house, not to go to her and there will be no harm and evil, no resentment and dirty tricks. Save, preserve and have mercy, O Lord, through the prayers of the many great saints. This word is strong for every minute, for every hour, for every day. Enemy and dashing adversary, turn away, distance yourself from the servant of God (Name) from now on throughout her entire life, throughout her entire age. Fly you, dashing Satan, away from us in the old days, into Lake Gomorra and Sodom, into the abyss of the underworld, there and be damned from now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen."

Prayer for damage (option 1)

"I will rise, servant of God (Name) Having been blessed, I will go out, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go into a clean field, and from a clean field towards the eastern side. How on the eastern side lies an endless, wide sea-ocean, and in that sea-ocean stands the white-flammable stone Alatyr; on that Alatyr stone stands a golden Christian church; in that golden Christian church there is a golden throne, and on that golden throne sits Jesus Christ himself with his heavenly army, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, John the Theologian, Nicholas the Saint, George the Good and John the Baptist. I will come, servant of God (Name), to this island,

I will enter the golden Christian church, bow at my feet, say a fervent prayer and say these words: “Father of the true Christ and the heavenly host, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, John the Theologian, Nicholas the Saint, George the Choroby, John the Baptist, encircle me, the servant of God (Name), with an iron road, damask ropes, for three hundred miles around, so as not to glance, not to see with the eye, let down rivers of fire. Dissuade me, servant of God (Name), from the dashing, insidious, omnipresent sorcerer, from the sorcerer and the witch, from the sorcerer and the sorceress, from the black and black, from the two-toothed and three-toothed, from the bigamous and the three-toothed, from the tip, from Trubinov, from Sennoy, from the fair-haired woman and the girl- simple-haired, from every evil person, adversary and sworn enemy.” An evil and dashing person cannot speak louder and louder than heavenly thunder, a thunder arrow - fire lightning, cannot spoil the body of a dead person, cannot spoil a thunder arrow and fire lightning, cannot spoil a dead person; A dashing man, an evil enemy, an insidious adversary, a sorcerer and a sorceress, a sorcerer and a sorceress, a heretic and a heretic, would take his white body and begin to gnaw it and break it into seventy pieces. My word is strong. This conspiracy has a key and a lock: the key is my sugar lips, the lock is my tongue. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

Prayer for damage (option 2)

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. From the prayer of the Mother of Christ, the Mother of God, from the Holy Cross of Jesus, from the seal of Christ, from

with the help of saints and guardian angels, run from my words, unclean Satan, cursed spirit, cursed power, to withered trees, to swamps, to mosses, there you, devil, have an eternal place, there you live, there you will be, there you free will; howl, scream, fight there, and not in me, the servant of God (Name). Our Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, His Mother Herself, the Most Holy Theotokos, and the whole heavenly host, the archangel Michael, the angel Avoid, the wonderworkers saints Cyprian and Justinia, Marof and Niphon, Demetrius of Rostov, Conon of Isauria, the prophet Elijah, the wonderworker Nicholas, George the Choroby, victorious, King David, Istopher, Nikita the Great Martyr, John the Baptist; my word is harder than the stone of Alatyr; my word worse than the devil; this conspiracy is strong and indestructible. I command you, damned Satan, insidious demon, unclean power, not to live anywhere, not to be anywhere, not to be in me, the servant of God. (Name), run away from me, servant of God (Name), go out, this minute, this hour, this day, from now on and forever and ever, with all your damage and distortions, cramps and distortions, enchantments and perecharkas, go to where your place is, where you lived, where you were , where you, cursed Satan, the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, sent you, where he ordered you to be, where he ordered you to live, into an empty land, into a fiery, fiery, hot underworld, and me, the servant of God (Name), leave-leave forever. Amen, amen, amen."

Prayer from damage and torment

This prayer must be read three times over the water, then take a sip, and wash with the rest of the water and wipe the whole body.

“Zoryushka-zarnitsa, evening dawn, red maiden, you will go out, but for me, the servant of God (Name), fall into a sweet sleep until dawn, sleep without waking up, give up insomnia forever, from dawn to dawn. Amen, amen, amen."

Prayer against damage to water

Read this prayer for water three times and give the spoiled person the charmed water to drink in the evenings for 9 days:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God, save, help and bless! Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, cover me, the servant of God (Name), with your heavenly, saving payment; protect me, servant of God (Name), with his reliable shield; deliver, save me, servant of God (Name), from fierce death, from superficial damage. As you, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, bathe in Your eternal glory, so may I, the servant of God, (Name), I will remain in good health indefinitely, from now on and forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

Prayer for a baby from damage

Babies whose date of birth contains a zero are considered spoiled. Numerologists consider zero fatal. In their opinion, he is capable of bringing misfortune to people. The prayer is read on the baby’s birthday:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Lord our God, save, preserve and bless!

Take away, Lord, from my newborn baby all troubles, all sorrows, all sorrows, all hardships, all anxieties, all misfortunes, deliver from all evil, from all hardship. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

Prayer against damage for a baby

Bath the child, and then read the following prayer over him:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. A stone wall, a house wall, a yard wall, a hollow mat, not empty, a wooden floorboard, straight. Live, child, in complete health and joy, like an angel, not crooked, not blind, not thin, not fat, not empty. Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Sorrowful One, take away all sorrows and sorrows, all deformities and ailments, all crookedness, spoiled character, narrow-minded, careless mind, empty head from this baby, the servant of God (Name). Lord my God, confirm my good deed, confirm the words of enchantment, healing, healing! Most Holy Theotokos, generous Mother of God, protect and deliver this baby from all kinds of torment, from troubles and misfortunes, from sorrow and from sadness.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

Prayer against damage to a child

Pour a raw chicken egg over the child’s body while reciting the following prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. By the light head, by the white tummy, by

frisky legs, a testicle rolls down the arms, evil eyes, damage and ailments, collects all the ailments down to the last grain; whoever sent it, let him return; whoever made a small child suffer, let him curl up with a narrow tourniquet from torment and evil damage. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

After reading the prayer, fry the egg until black in a frying pan or burn it at the stake.

“The Mother of God was walking across the bridge. Meeting her are Nicholas the Pleasant, Elijah the Prophet, and John the Theologian.

Where are you going, Mother of God?

I’m going to wash my nerves, clear my eyes and drive out bitterness from the servant of God (name), from his head, from his arms, from his legs, from his stomach, from his liver, from his greens, from his spleen, from his uterus (if a woman), from his ovaries, from his urinary tract. bladder, from the neck, from the spine, from the blue veins, from the red blood.

Savior with a cross. The Savior is the winner over evil spirits. Get away, Satan, from the servant of God (name). Go away, unclean spirits on all four sides. Amen, amen, amen.

Come out, unclean spirit, from the servant of God (name) from the head, from the hands, from the legs, from the stomach, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries , from the bladder, from the whole body. Go where the grass grows, where the wind doesn’t blow, where the sun doesn’t warm. Go into the abyss, to the bottom. Amen, amen, amen.

It’s not me who is flying, it’s not me who is speaking, but the Mother of God. She heals, washes, speaks, calls on the Lord God for help with the Angels, with the Archangels, with the Heavenly Powers, with the Lord's dawn, with the evening star.

Michael the Archangel walked from heaven, carrying life on his head287

flying cross. He placed this cross on the stone floor and fenced it with iron bayonets, locked it with thirty-three locks and all with one key. And he gave the key to the Most Holy Mother of God in his right hand. No one will open these locks, no one will spoil the servant of God (name) either in his home, or at the feast, or on the way. During the day I walk under the red sun, at night under the clear moon. Damn Satan, move away from the servant of God (name) to a thousand roads, to a thousand fields, where cattle do not walk, where people do not walk. And here the holy path is in a holy place and is fenced off by the Holy Spirit.

Lord, save and preserve the servant of God (name). Amen, amen, amen."

When finished, throw a pinch of salt and three burnt matches into the water. When matches are thrown, a request for healing is made. The water prepared in this way is drunk, sprinkled on the body, bed, rooms, yard, and washed.

To cast a spell, drink water, as in the case of treating the evil eye.

In one of the sources there was also an instruction. When you go to get water, you need to say this: “Hello, water is Tatyana, land is Ulyana, and the key is Ivan, give me water for all troubles.”

II “Water flowed from the krynichka through the city of Jerusalem from the sorcerer, from the witch, from the heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhus and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fear, damage, from melancholy sad, prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy; water, sown and sent (here it is necessary to baptize water and say): in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah the prophet with his golden rod defeats demons, with holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. With passionate fire I challenge you - I expel you: come out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from the greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, from the veins, from the veins, from the fingers and joints.

You won’t be here, you don’t need red blood to be born288

Noble prayerful baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen".

III “Lord, bless.

An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the fence of the hva-ria, on steep mountain there is a table, and on the throne stands Mother the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and saber over the sick (name). He kills with a sword, he cuts with a saber (this phrase twice). Lord, put your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys to the water. Amen, amen, amen.

Chuchuy, chuchuy, chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, the stomach, from the shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, you will go bad: Saint Yuri will come and overtake you with a whip, Saint Yegoriy will come and stab you with a spear. And Saint Michael will chop you, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world.

Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-arrowed, shoot with your seven arrows and cut with your four damask knives(here three times in the form of a cross, cut the water with a knife) in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, undercuts, cheprzha, weakness, headache, insomnia, sleeplessness, all the pains , take away all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness, Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Sometimes the treatment process is painful, headaches and heart disease are possible. After treatment, all pain disappears. The healer’s painful state is explained by the so-called withdrawal, that is, the fight against demons and their expulsion. However, not all conspiracies give the same painful condition. In case of special difficulties, use spells of another option.

IV “First time, at the Lord's hour.

Mother of God (.). Virgin Mary, help, Lord, the born, baptized, prayerful, sick mitten (name), so that it will be at the gathering, young, and full month. Be able, Mother, to argue, be able, Mother, to give reason from a violent head, a zealous heart, red blood, brown hair, brown eyes, white brains and a white body, a white belly, from all the fingers, joints, from the veins, from the elderly. You can’t be here, you can’t live here, don’t dry yellow bones, don’t break white bodies, trill, squirrel, wind, whirlwind, midday, midnight. Twelve brothers, twelve sisters, come to nolo.

power to the born, baptized, prayer mitten (name). Fear, passion, pour out on fire and water (three times).

Healer Panteleimon, beg Christ God to grant health to the body and salvation to the soul of the sick person (name), heal from passions, fear, damage, from the night owl, from the infant.

Come to the rescue, Mother of God, with your prayers.

Come to the rescue, Elijah the prophet, with your water.

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help the sick (name).

Go out, step out onto the black waters, onto the black sands.

Amen, amen, amen."

With this method, melted wax is used, as in the case of fright (see treatment of fright), only more wax is needed, and it should be kept molten over low heat: the treatment process is long, the spell is read forty times. At the beginning of each conspiracy, after the words “Mother of God”, where there is a dot in brackets, wax is poured into the water and so on forty times. At the very beginning they read “Our Father”. A cup of water is held above the head, then moved to various organs: heart, lungs, liver, etc., wax is poured and the spell is read. Repeat sessions as you feel better.

Prayers of other contents can be added to prayers and spells against corruption if necessary.

Prayer to pacify warring parties

(about the increase of love).

“Lord, Lover of Mankind, King of Ages, And Giver of good things, who destroyed the enmity of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant now peace to your servants, root in them your fear, and establish love for each other: quench all strife, remove all disagreements and temptations. For You are our peace, and we send up glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer O sick

“Lord Almighty. Holy King, instructing and not killing, supporting those who fall and restoring the overthrown, healing bodily human suffering! We pray to You, our God.

visit Your servant (name) suffering from weakness with Your mercy, forgive him all his voluntary and involuntary sins. Lord, send your healing power to him from heaven, touch his body, extinguish the heat in him, stop the suffering and heal the weakness in him; Be the doctor of Your servant (name) and raise him from his sick bed, from his bed of suffering whole and completely healthy, make him pleasing to Your Church and doing Your will. For in Your power to have mercy and save us, our God, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy from melancholy

“Come out, bless, go, cross yourself from door to door, from gate to gate under the clear sky, under pure stars, under the clear sun, under the moon, under the whole chariot of God; I’ll go straight to the blue sea, come closer, bow lower; you, blue sea, in my heart there is a stone - stumps, roots, yellow sands, steep banks. Wash away the sadness, melancholy, sadness from me, Mother Most Holy Theotokos. Wash away all the disease and help, Lord.

Accept, Lord, my prayer and bless.

Glory to You, Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with Your holy Angels and the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop Myra of Lycia the Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, Saints Sergius and Nikon, Abbots of Radonensky, Saint Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Your saints, help us unworthy (name), deliver us from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft,

magic, sorcery and crafty people, may they not be able to cause us any harm.

Lord, with the Light of Your Radiance, save us in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your Grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the pit, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer can be used as a primary option.

Note: all conspiracies that are basic are read three times.

From madness and erysipelas

I. “Our Father.”

“The Mother of Christ was walking, three brothers met her and began to torture her: “Where are you going, Mother of Christ?” I go beshikha and whisper a face from the servant of God (name) who was born, baptized, prayed, and received communion. Beshikha and erysipelas, puffy, abscessed, purulent, windy, watery, thought, given, subsided: I do not pronounce it myself, I call on the Lord God for help, twelve angels and apostles. Amen, amen, amen."

II. "Our Father".

“Mug, face, madness, madness, an eagle flew in, sat on the madness, flapped its wings, tore it with its paws. You shouldn’t be here, don’t break yellow bones, don’t drink red blood, don’t dry out your white body, don’t torment your zealous heart, don’t break your wild head.

Have mercy and save, Lord, the servant of God (name), pray to God for us (list the saints).”

From barley to eye

The “Our Father” is read in order, the spell: “Barley, barley, you have a fig on you, whatever you buy for yourself, buy yourself an axe, cut yourself across” and the prayer to the Mother of God: “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to all our souls.”

Here a fig is formed from the fingers and the sore spot is pressed and turned with it. Read and press down nine times.

From an eyesore

"Our Father".

“Saint Yegori rode on a white horse. Three dogs ran after him. One dog licks the dawn, the second the moon, the third an eyesore. Saint Yegoriy, with your holy spear, remove from the eyes of the servant of God, born, baptized, praying (name). Amen, amen, amen."

Read three times, circle the thorn and cross.

This spell can be used to treat animals. In this case, you need to say: born, blessed and name the suit.

From Chiriya

"Our Father".

“Get out, pain, from the white body, from the red blood, from the yellow bone.”

Focal inflammation under the armpit “bitch udder” is treated in a similar way, by reading only the “Our Father” nine times.

Miraculous words: the Mother of God prayed across the bridge to full description from all the sources we found.

Protection from damage and the evil eye.

Prayers of the Orthodox Christian faith are used in the treatment and protection from damage, the evil eye and many diseases.

Before the appearance of Christ on earth, man resorted to the deification of the heavenly bodies and natural elements. But since Christ testified to the one God, since Christianity was established on earth, conspiracies and prayers have been added to the previously existing ones, directly addressing Christ himself, or the Mother of God, or some saints to whom Christ gave a certain “specialty.” " Thus, the Great Martyr Barbara contributes to the healing of children, the Martyr Cyprian - to exorcise demons and treat the mentally ill, the Confessor Gury - to strengthen the family, Anastasia the Pattern-maker patronizes prisoners, and Saint Bonifatius delivers from alcoholism, like the icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice".

The main prayer, as protection from damage, is “Alive in the help of the Highest,” or, as it is popularly called, “Living Aid”. In the Bible it is known as Psalm 90. This prayer, copied and sewn into an amulet, is carried with oneself. She protects from the evil eye and damage. If the harm has already been done and you know that you are damaged, you must read the plot after prayer.

“He who lives under the roof of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, rests, says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!” He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the destructive plague. He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence - His truth. You will not be afraid of the terrors of the night, of the arrow that flies by day, of the plague that stalks in the darkness, of the plague that devastates at midnight. A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. Only you will look with your own eyes and you will see retribution for sinners. For you said: “The Lord is my hope,” you have chosen the Most High as your refuge. No evil will befall you and no plague will come close to your dwelling, for he commands his angels about you - to protect you in all your ways. They will carry you in their hands, and you will not dash your foot against a stone. If you step on the asp and the basilisk, you will trample the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved me, I will deliver him, I will protect him, because he knew my name. He will call to me and I will hear him, I am with him in sorrow, I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with long days and show him my salvation.”

After saying the prayer you can begin conspiracy. It is read three times over holy water:

“The Most Pure Mother of God walked across the bridge, and Nikolai the Pleasant, John the Theologian and Elijah the Prophet met her. They asked her: “Where are you going, Mother?” She answers: “I’m going to wash my nerves, clear my eyes, blow out the ears of God’s servant (name), drive out the bitterness from his head, arms, legs, stomach, heart, liver, spine, blue veins, red blood.”

Savior with the cross, Savior over the unclean, victorious, drive Satan away from the servant of God (name). Go away, unclean spirits, to all four directions. Go where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, into the abyss, to the very bottom.

It’s not me who heals, it’s the Mother of God who heals. She speaks, calls on the Lord for help with the angels, with the archangels, with the heavenly forces with a clear dawn, with the night star. Here the holy path is in a holy place and is fenced off with holy prayer. Lord, save and preserve the servant of God (name). Amen".

At the end, you should throw a pinch of salt into the water and make a request for what exactly the patient needs to be healed from. Afterwards they drink the water, spray the house, bed, yard and wash with it.

Also used for treatment melted wax. They melt church candles and pour wax into a bowl of holy water, pronouncing a spell. Then the cup is brought to the head of the person being healed, then moved to the diseased organs and the plot is read again.

“Lord Jesus, Son of God, protect us with your holy angels and the prayers of our Lady Theotokos, by the power of the life-giving cross, the holy Archangel Michael, the holy prophet John the Theologian, the hieromartyr Cyprian, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius Abbot of Radonezh, Saint Nicholas, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia and all Your saints, help me, servant (name), deliver me from all evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcery and evil people, yes they will not be able to harm me.

Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save me in the morning, during the day, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and remove all evil spirits acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If necessary, prayers of other content can be added to the main plot, for example prayers to relieve melancholy, to strengthen the family and improve marital relationships.

There is the following very effective prayer for the reconciliation of warring parties and the increase of love in the family.

“Lord of humanity, King of centuries and Giver of blessings, who destroyed harm and gave peace to the human race! Grant now peace to Thy servants: root Thy fear in them and establish love for each other, quench all strife, remove all disagreements and temptations. You are our peace and we send up prayer to You, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.”

A person who has learned about his damage and fallen into despondency must get rid of it, because despondency is a sin. There is a special prayer for this:

“Lord Almighty, instructive and meek! Visit the servant of God (name) with Your mercy, send Your strength to him from heaven, stop his suffering. Wash away the melancholy from him, remove the stone from his soul, deliver from the sin of despondency with Your great mercy, for it is in Your mercy to save and punish me. Amen".

Prayers cure not only from intentional damage, but also from the evil eye. An envious look or an envious word has an influence, but a joyful one can also jinx it.

a word spoken without bad intent. Children are most susceptible to this influence. A “smoothed out” child will let you know about this on the very first day. Signs of the child's evil eye are restlessness, moodiness, lack of sleep and appetite. If left untreated, this could cause the child to have a nervous breakdown.

In ancient times, there were various ways to protect a child from the evil eye. Some of them have survived to this day. For example, if someone said something good about the child or praised him, the mother should spit three times over her left shoulder. A red silk was tied to the newborn's arm, and clusters of red rowan were hung on the cradle, which, according to legend, had the ability to ward off witches. But the main treatment was done through prayers.

Prayers against the evil eye have wide application. They are read with holy water, washed with it and given to the child.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Clear water from heaven! Save and preserve the baby (name) from every eye, from a bad hour, from a woman’s, from a man’s, from a child’s, from a black gypsy, from an oblique Kulugur, from a hated, from an envious, from a slander. Amen, amen, amen."

Baby (name) from black, from brown, from gray, from white, from male, from female, from girlish, from childish, from thoughts, from changes of mind, from conversations, from negotiations, from evil people. It is not I who pronounce, the Most Holy Theotokos pronounces with her lips, fingers, and her Holy Spirit. Amen".

Adults suffer no less from the evil eye. Depending on their profession, lifestyle, social circle, people are often criticized, discussed, slandered, and all this affects their health. Some people with strong energy do not notice the evil eye and do not suffer from it. For others, the evil eye is a destroyer of the nervous system. This results in increased fatigue, difficulties in communication, imbalance, sleep and appetite disturbances, and troubles in the intimate sphere. Alcohol, drugs, medications are used.

But it is much simpler and safer to use a spell to protect against the evil eye. It is read twelve times over holy water, then three matches are burned in turn and the water is baptized with burning matches, saying: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

“Lord, my God, Lord of my life! Do not wish for my death and illness and give me strength. Deliver me from the evil eye, from an envious word spoken in an unkind hour, from human malice and all kinds of reproach. May I be alive and well and cheerful in spirit, in order to fulfill Your holy commandments, for the peace of my family and my well-being! Amen".

The evil eye is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy. To cure and prevent the evil eye, there is a special prayer:


“Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, the servant of God (name), and come to my aid during my illnesses, dangers and human malice. Remember, O Blessed One among women, with what love and joy you went hastily to the mountainous country to visit your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful effect your visit had on both mother and baby. And according to Your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Your servant (name), to be freed from the burden safely, grant me the grace so that the child who now rests under my heart, having come to his senses, with a joyful leap, like the holy baby John, worships the Savior, who out of love for us sinners, he did not disdain to become a baby himself. May the indescribable joy with which Your virgin heart was filled at the sight of Your newborn Son and Lord, sweeten the sorrow that awaits me during the pangs of birth. May the life of the world, my Savior, born of You, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be numbered among His chosen ones. Hear, Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me with the eye of Your grace, do not shame my trust in Your mercy and overshadow me. Helper of Christians, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I glorify Your grace, which has never rejected the prayers of the poor and always delivers all those who call on You in times of sorrow and illness. Amen".

Fright is one of the forms of manifestation of the evil eye. It mainly manifests itself in children, but it also occurs in adults.

Modern medicine considers fear a symptom nervous disease. But people have long ago identified this state of fear, which is protracted, as an independent form of the disease and have found methods of treatment. It should be noted that methods of treating fright not related to Orthodox religion, No. The main thing is almost always prayer. Priority in the treatment of fright belongs to "Mother of God."

The fear is “poured out” onto the water using melted wax from church candles. (Wax in the amount of 150 grams, dishes with three liters of water.) The water should be cold, preferably from a clean well or spring. The patient is seated facing the threshold so that it is convenient to hold a cup of water above his head. First it is pronounced:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The prayer spell is read over the water over the victim’s head 9 times, and each time after reading, a portion of molten wax is poured into the water.

“Passion, passion, come out, pour out of the servant of God (name), from the wild head, from the thick curls, from the clear eyes, from the zealous heart, from the arms, from the legs, from the veins, from the veins, from the white body, from the red blood, from a clean belly. It is not I who pour out passions and fear, but Mother the Most Holy Theotokos with all the angels, archangels, guardians and patrons.

When the spell is pronounced, you can admire the results of your labor - remove the wax from the bowl and turn it over. On the reverse side, bizarre pictures will be captured - the fear and vanity of the patient. Under no circumstances should he look into the dishes himself, otherwise the fear will return! The water is poured onto the street, and the newly melted wax can be used in subsequent spells, since fear is rarely cured the first time. Conspiracies need to be done after 9 days, until the wax becomes completely clean.

To treat fear, children have a special spell. It is read under the same circumstances as for adults, but the wax is poured into the water in three places in the cup, as if along the vertices of a triangle.

“It’s not me who calls out, I call out, it’s not me who reprimands. The Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos pronounces with her lips, her fingers, her holiness the baby (name) childish fear from the violent head, from the heart of hearts, from the sides, from the chest, from the cartilage of the wind, alluvium, cross, eye, hour, half-hour, minute, half-minute from yellow bones, from a white body, from blue veins, from red blood. This is my hour, this is my plot. Amen".

For other diseases, we will simply provide a list of saints and saints of God, whose prayer can help you with this or that illness. To call upon them for help, it is enough to say the prayer “Alive in help" and add: “So-and-so, pray to God for me, a sinner.” It is also good to have an icon of this saint at home or with you.

To a person suffering headaches, one should pray to the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John with the singing of the troparion and the Gospel reading of the beheading of his head. One look at the suffering head of the Baptist prompts us to seek help from this icon.

If your eyes hurt- pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of her icon of the Kazan Mother of God. After all, the first miracles from Kazan were healings of those with sore eyes. You can also pray to the martyr Login the centurion, who stood guard at the cross of the Savior. There is a legend that when a warrior pierced the ribs of Christ, a drop of blood fell on Login’s eye, which had been closed since childhood, and it opened. Login believed in our Lord Christ. After his martyrdom, the first miracle was the sight of a blind woman. Login appeared to her in a dream and inspired her to dig his head out of the ground and bury it in a worthy place, promising insight for this.

In painful toothache It is worth praying to the holy martyr Antipas. When he was thrown by his tormentors onto the back of a red-hot copper bull, he asked God for grace: the ability to heal people “with inconsolable toothache.”

For stomach diseases and hernia Offer prayers to the Great Martyr Artemy. He was crushed under a huge stone, which forced out his insides. He performed most of his miraculous healings on those suffering from stomach problems.

For injury or hand pain one should pray to the Mother of God in honor of her “Three-Handed” icon. Once upon a time, the Monk John of Damascus was persecuted by the prince of Damascus, and a cruel executioner cut off his hand, with which he wrote spiritual works for the glory of God. Damascene tearfully prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God that his hand would grow back to the joint. And what? The Mother of God appeared to him in a dream, and his hand grew together. Then Damascene, out of a feeling of gratitude to the healer, hung an image of a hand to the same icon and wrote a spiritual essay beginning with the words: “Your victorious right hand!”

If your legs hurt, we must pray to the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. He felt no pain or fatigue in his legs while making his great pilgrimage from Russia to Siberia.

During pulmonary diseases pray to Saint Dmitry, Metropolitan of Rostov.

Anemia, insomnia, weakness He is treated with prayer to the Monk Alexander of Svirsky. Of the twenty-six miracles he performed, most of them fell on the healing of precisely such patients.

A person prone to outbursts of violent anger, uncontrollable and not aware of himself in such a state, must pray to the Monk Efim the Syrian, who was also hot-tempered by nature, but after long struggle learned with myself, with God's help, the gift of gentleness and humility.

If a sick person, who has no hope of recovery, cannot die, he or his loved ones can pray to St. Athanasius of Athos. When, in the spirit of clairvoyance, he saw the outcome for the patient not as recovery, but as death, he served an all-night vigil, and by morning the unfortunate man died quietly and painlessly.

Mental illness is a great misfortune for a person and his loved ones. In ancient times it was believed that the devil entered a mentally ill person. You can have different opinions on this score, but from time immemorial our ancestors used prayers and spells to treat this ailment. Let's turn to age-old wisdom!

A prayer for a violent mentally ill person is read with holy water, this water is then added to his drink and food, and the patient can be washed with it.

“I call on the Divine name to drive out the devil and forbid him to do evil and harm. May Satan, the Holy, Invisible and Omniscient God, forbid you to disturb the soul of the servant of God (servant of God) (name). The Lord, revered by the coming forces and the six-winged, many-eyed Cherubim and Seraphim, forbids you, unclean one. The Lord, who descended from the Father’s bosom to earth, forbids you, devil. The Lord forbids you, stinking demon, who said to the sea: “Be silent, stop!”, and according to this command it immediately calmed down. The Lord, who raised Lazarus whole, as if not dying and unharmed by the horrors of the grave, forbids you, arrogant demon. The Lord forbids you, demon, by accepting spitting on His dear face, having wiped away all the tears of the world. The Lord, who put death to death by His resurrection and gave life to people by His resurrection, forbids you, O spirit of the abyss. The Lord, who comes in glory on the clouds of heaven together with His holy angels, forbids you, the offspring of darkness, to judge the living and the dead. The Lord, from whose wrath all things are horrified, forbids you, stinking inhabitant of hell. Tremble, tremble, be afraid, perish, disappear, fallen from the sky, and that’s all with you evil spirits: the spirit of the night, the spirit of the midday, the spirit of the oncoming or earthly, the spirit found in water or in reeds, in valleys or in deserts, harming and driving a person crazy. May they retreat from the servant of God (name) created by the Creator, from his mind, soul, heart, feelings, from all his members, so that he may be healthy, unharmed, free, knowing his Master. Amen".

Mentally ill, the nature of the disease of which allows for some enlightenment, can themselves say the following prayers:

“He who judges all the unclean and by the power of His one word has driven out a legion of demons! Free me from the action of unclean spirits, command them to retreat from my body and my soul, so that, freed from their wicked oppression, I would live honestly, truthfully and piously, as befits Your creation, Lord! Appear to Your creation and deliver it from the possession of the enemy, so that, pardoned and purified, it may enter Your flock and preserve the animated temple of the Holy Spirit! Amen".

“Eternal Lord, who created me in his own image and likeness! You gave me the right to eternal life and then did not despise me, who fell away from you through the Fall, but through the incarnation of Christ you arranged the salvation of the world. Deliver me from the slavery of the enemy, open my spiritual eyes and accept me into Your kingdom, enlighten me with the light of Your Gospel, unite my life with the Angel of light, deliver me from the wiles of the devil, from meetings with the evil one, from a rebellious demon and from seductive visions.”

For a mentally ill person obsessed with suicide mania, one should pray to St. Athanasius of Athos. Among his miraculous benefits, the ambulance for the desperate is especially remarkable. For example, he immediately calmed the spirit of one man, whose noose was already ready to hang himself.

Drug addiction is a terrible evil, but we must remember that this is also a disease, and doubly serious if the patient does not want to be treated. You need to pray for him like this:

“O most merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, worshiped and glorified in the inseparable trinity, look with affection at Your servant (Your servant) (name), possessed by an evil passion, forgive him all his sins, give him strength to heal from his illness , return to him a bright mind and bodily strength, give him a splendid life, Your peaceful blessings, so that he, together with everyone else, can offer praise to Your throne. Most Holy Theotokos, by Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) from his addiction to intoxicating potions. All Saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for his sick servant of God (name). Amen".

Assistant in curing an equally terrible evil - alcoholism Saint Boniface the Merciful has always been considered. He also died from passion for drunkenness, but he converted (corrected) and lived long life and was awarded martyrdom. To heal, you must have his icon in the house. The prayer is said while holding a vessel with holy water in your hands, then it is placed under the icon and left for three days. After three days, they take the water, say the prayer again and give it to the patient to drink.

“All-Holy Boniface the Merciful, servant of the Merciful Lord! Hear those who come running to you asking for help for someone obsessed with a bad addiction to drinking wine, and just as in your earthly life you never refused those who asked you, so now deliver this unfortunate (name). Once upon a time, hail destroyed your vineyard, and you, having given thanks to God, ordered to put the few remaining berries in a winepress and call the poor.

Then, taking new wine, you poured it into all the former vessels, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine multiplied and the poor filled their vessels. Saint of God! Just as, through your prayer, the wine for church needs and at the request of the poor increased, so you, blessed one, reduce it where it causes harm, and deliver from the addiction to it who indulges in weakness in drinking wine (name), heal him from a serious illness, free him from the devil temptations, confirm him, give him the strength to return to healthy life, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor, direct it to the path of work.

Help him, God's saint Boniface, when thirst begins to burn his lips, destroy this desire, refresh his lips with heavenly moisture, establish his feet on the stone of hope and faith, so that, leaving his addiction, which entails rejection from the Kingdom of Heaven, he will establish himself in piety, was awarded a peaceful and shameless death and in eternal light The Kingdom of Glory is worthy to glorify the Savior. Amen".

If a person himself wants to be healed of a bad addiction, he must say a prayer every day, morning and evening, for deliverance from unclean thoughts.

“O Lord, Lord my God, in whose hands is my fate, save me Yourself by Your mercy, do not let me perish in my sins and do not allow me to follow the unclean desires of the flesh that defile my soul, for I am Your creation, do not despise the work of Your hands , do not move away from me, have mercy and do not disgrace, do not leave me, Lord, for I am weak. I resort to You, my Patron, heal my soul, for I have sinned before You. Save me according to Your mercy, for I was in Your care in my youth. Let those who wish to remove me from You through my sinful deeds, obscene thoughts, and unhelpful memories be ashamed. Remove from me all debauchery, vices and excesses, for You alone are holy, alone strong, alone immortal, having incomparable power in everything, and You alone give the power of the devil and his army. All glory, honor and worship is due to You, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".
