South Russian Academy of National Economy. South Russian Institute of Management

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Former name Rostov regional party courses
Rostov regional party school
Rostov Interregional Higher Party School
North Caucasus Socio-Political Institute
North Caucasus Personnel Center
North Caucasus Academy civil service
Head organization Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Year of foundation - de facto
Type institute
Director O. V. Lokota
Legal address 344002 Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don st. Pushkinskaya, 70
K:Educational institutions founded in 1944

South Russian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (YURIU RANEPA listen)) - higher education institution in Rostov-on-Don.



In 2014, the South Russian Institute was renamed South Russian Institute of Management.


  • Management department
  • Department of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Political Science
  • Faculty of Additional Professional Education


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  • Dubonosov D. I.. - Rostov n/d: RGPI, 1970. - 152 p.
  • Selyunin V. A. Labor Don - to the front: historical essay. - Rostov n/d: Rostov book publishing house, 1985. - 198 p.

An excerpt characterizing the South Russian Institute of Management

The stupid smile that had disappeared during the conversation reappeared on the face of the Minister of War.
- Goodbye, thank you very much. The Emperor will probably wish to see you,” he repeated and bowed his head.
When Prince Andrei left the palace, he felt that all the interest and happiness brought to him by the victory had now been abandoned by him and transferred to the indifferent hands of the Minister of War and the courteous adjutant. His whole mindset instantly changed: the battle seemed to him like an old, distant memory.

Prince Andrei stayed in Brünn with his friend, the Russian diplomat Bilibin.
“Ah, dear prince, there is no nicer guest,” said Bilibin, going out to meet Prince Andrei. - Franz, the prince’s things are in my bedroom! - he turned to the servant who was seeing Bolkonsky off. - What, a harbinger of victory? Wonderful. And I’m sitting sick, as you can see.
Prince Andrei, having washed and dressed, went out to the diplomat’s luxurious office and sat down to the prepared dinner. Bilibin calmly sat down by the fireplace.
Prince Andrei, not only after his journey, but also after the entire campaign, during which he was deprived of all the comforts of cleanliness and grace of life, experienced a pleasant feeling of relaxation among those luxurious living conditions to which he had become accustomed since childhood. In addition, after the Austrian reception, he was pleased to talk, at least not in Russian (they spoke French), but with a Russian person who, he assumed, shared the general Russian disgust (now especially vividly felt) for the Austrians.
Bilibin was a man of about thirty-five, single, in the same company as Prince Andrei. They knew each other back in St. Petersburg, but they became even closer on Prince Andrei’s last visit to Vienna together with Kutuzov. Just as Prince Andrei was a young man who promised to go far in the military field, so, and even more, did Bilibin promise in the diplomatic field. He was still a young man, but no longer a young diplomat, since he began serving at the age of sixteen, was in Paris, in Copenhagen, and now occupied a rather significant position in Vienna. Both the Chancellor and our envoy in Vienna knew him and valued him. He wasn't one of those people large quantity diplomats who are required to have only negative advantages, do not do famous things and speak French in order to be very good diplomats; he was one of those diplomats who love and know how to work, and, despite his laziness, he sometimes spent the night at his desk. He worked equally well, no matter what the nature of the work was. He was not interested in the question “why?”, but in the question “how?”. What the diplomatic matter was, he didn’t care; but to draw up a circular, memorandum or report skillfully, accurately and gracefully - he found great pleasure in this. Bilibin's merits were valued, in addition to his written works, also by his art of addressing and speaking in higher spheres.
Bilibin loved conversation just as he loved work, only when the conversation could be elegantly witty. In society, he constantly waited for an opportunity to say something remarkable and entered into conversation only under these conditions. Bilibin's conversation was constantly peppered with original witty, complete phrases of general interest.
These phrases were produced in Bilibin’s internal laboratory, as if on purpose, of a portable nature, so that insignificant secular people could conveniently remember them and transfer them from living rooms to living rooms. And indeed, les mots de Bilibine se colportaient dans les salons de Vienne, [Bilibin’s reviews were distributed throughout Viennese living rooms] and often had an influence on so-called important matters.
His thin, emaciated, yellowish face was all covered with large wrinkles, which always seemed as cleanly and diligently washed, like fingertips after a bath. The movements of these wrinkles amounted to main game his face. Now his forehead wrinkled in wide folds, his eyebrows rose upward, now his eyebrows went down, and large wrinkles formed on his cheeks. The deep-set, small eyes always looked straight and cheerful.
“Well, now tell us your exploits,” he said.
Bolkonsky, in the most modest way, without ever mentioning himself, told the story and the reception of the Minister of War.
“Ils m"ont recu avec ma nouvelle, comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles, [They accepted me with this news, as they accept a dog when it interferes with a game of skittles,] he concluded.
Bilibin grinned and loosened the folds of his skin.
“Cependant, mon cher,” he said, examining his nail from afar and picking up the skin above his left eye, “malgre la haute estime que je professe pour le Orthodox Russian army, j"avoue que votre victoire n"est pas des plus victorieuses. [However, my dear, with all due respect to the Orthodox Russian army, I believe that your victory is not the most brilliant.]

South Russian Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA is a leading interregional scientific and educational center for training, retraining and advanced training of civil service and local government personnel, specialists market economy, scientific-methodological and information-analytical support for bodies state power and local government Rostov region, republics of the North Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

Students from all regions of the South of Russia, as well as from foreign countries, study at JURIU RANEPA. Professional training students is carried out on the basis of a rational combination of theory and practice. Students undergo introductory, training, production and pre-diploma internships in government agencies and municipal government, leading institutions and organizations.

An important form of improvement theoretical knowledge and practical skills, creative search of students is active participation in the work of scientific circles, preparation of reports and messages at student scientific and theoretical conferences, which are held annually at the university.

Students of the branch are scholarship holders of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Rostov region, dozens of foundations and public associations, Academic Council.

The university successfully employs highly qualified teachers with academic degrees and titles, a large practical experience leadership work in state and local authorities, organizations public sector, banks, consulting firms.

Teachers actively lead independent research projects, have publications in domestic scientific journals, and regularly undergo advanced training.

JURIU RANEPA has created excellent conditions for leisure and development of students: they operate Cultural Center"Orpheus", discussion club, various sports sections, actively working student council. Good application creativity are their own television and newspaper.

License No. 1138.0000 dated 04/12/2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 953.0000 dated 06/25/2012 00:00, valid until 06/25/2018 00:00.

Director: Rudoy Vasily Vladimirovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor State Advisor of the Rostov Region, 3rd class
Chairman of the Academic Council of the South Russian Institute RANEPA Department
Born on October 28, 1974 in the town of Gulkevichi, Krasnodar Territory.
In 1992, he graduated from secondary school No. 1 in Gulkevichi with a “gold medal” and entered the faculty of state and municipal administration of the North Caucasus personnel center(since 1995 - North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration).
In 1996, he was awarded a special government scholarship for academic success. Russian Federation.
In 1997, he graduated with honors from the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration and in the same year entered the graduate school of SKAGS in the department of economic theory and entrepreneurship.
In 1999, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic: “ Economic fundamentals local self-government in the conditions of transition to the market".
In 2006 awarded academic title assistant professor.
In 2001, he was invited to work in the apparatus of the Administration of the Rostov Region. From 2005 to 2008, he headed the center for information and methodological work and training of personnel of the Regional Administration. Center specialization - development and implementation innovative projects in the field of state and municipal administration, organizing training of state and municipal service personnel, coordinating activities for the implementation of the Presidential program for training management personnel in the Rostov region.
He combined administrative work with teaching and research activities.
From 1998 to the present - assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the department of state and municipal management of SKAGS (since 2011 - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education South Russian Institute of Management "Russian Academy" National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation").
From 2008 to 2011, rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration. In 2011, in connection with the formation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" and the reorganization of the North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration, he was appointed director of the South Russian Institute of Management "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" .
Total experience professional activity- 16 years.
Full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts
(St. Petersburg), corresponding member of the Academy of Political Science.
Since 2010, he has been part of the management personnel reserve under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation (“Presidential Hundred”).
Area of ​​scientific interests: administrative and municipal reforms, development of state and municipal services, training of personnel for state and municipal administration.
Author of 81 scientific publications on this issue, including 26 textbooks and teaching aids.
Information about expert participation
. Member of the Council for Local Self-Government authorized representative President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.
Member of the Council for personnel policy, issues of state and municipal service under the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.
Member of the commission for administrative reform in the Rostov region.
Member of the organization commission interdepartmental interaction when providing government and municipal services in the Rostov region.
Member of the Council for State Affairs civil service Rostov region under the Governor of the Rostov region.
Member of the commission for the formation and preparation of a reserve of managerial personnel in the Rostov region
