Anastasia Knyazeva. What “the most beautiful girl in the world” looked like on Knowledge Day Mother of the most beautiful girl Nastya Knyazeva

Russian child model, TV presenter. In 2017 she was named by the British publication The Daily Mail the most beautiful girl in the world.

Biography of Nastya Knyazeva

Anastasia Knyazeva born in 2011. Her mother Anna Knyazeva - former model, who left her career for the sake of her family and children. The girl has an older brother Artem.

When the girl was 2.5 years old, she first participated in the filming of an advertisement for a children's clothing brand. Soon the girl’s mother began blogging with photos of her daughter on Instagram. The unusual beauty of the young model attracted the attention of many users social network: by 2018, Nastya’s account had accumulated more than 1.3 million subscribers.

In everyday life, Knyazeva practices singing, choreography, drawing and sculpting, and teaches English. In 2018, the girl went to 1st grade secondary school. In the future, Nastya dreams of becoming a veterinarian or a pastry chef.

Modeling career of Nastya Knyazeva

In 2016, Anastasia became the “face” of the Little Miss Aoki collection from the Australian clothing brand Mischka Aoki. She also participated in shows and advertising photo shoots for such companies as Chobi Kids, Kenguru, I am special, Keti One, Amoreco and Kisabiano.

In 2017, Knyazeva was named the most beautiful girl in the world according to the London Daily Mail magazine. This caused a great stir among media representatives and Internet users. Many commentators have expressed doubts that such at a young age must be used big amount cosmetics. The publication even turned to the girl’s mother for a response.

In 2018, Nastya was included in the list of the 50 most beautiful children in the world according to L’Officiel magazine. In addition to appearance factors, journalists assessed the number of covers of publications with children, the number of subscribers to accounts on social networks, the number of publications in the media, queries in search networks and the number of advertising contracts received.

Anna Knyazeva: “Beauty is fickle, so I don’t rely only on my daughter’s appearance. Nastya has many other activities - choreography, English, modeling, drawing. She recently became interested in vocals, so we are now looking for a music teacher.”

Participation of Nastya Knyazeva in television projects

In 2018, Nastya starred in Maxim Fadeev’s video “New Lullaby”. In November 2018, it became known that the little model had been chosen as the host of the children’s musical project “Tyts Parade” on the CTC Kids TV channel. “Tyts Parade” is a collection of clips chosen by children. You can vote for your favorite artist in the channel group on the Vkontakte social network.

Anna Knyazeva: “For Nastyusha, this is the first experience of working as a TV presenter, although there have been many offers. Since music has become a part of our lives, we gladly took part in the project of the STS Kids TV channel. Nastya prepared for filming very responsibly, read the script, rehearsed her lines.”

Since the British newspaper Daily Mail named Nastya Knyazeva the most beautiful girl in the world, she, at 7 years old, is the most famous child in Russia. Sobesednik talked with her mother about popularity and the children's modeling business.

Dad is a "millionaire"

In life, 7-year-old Nastya Knyazeva is like a picture. She has brown hair, big blue eyes, bright pink lips, long dark eyelashes. It seems that only dolls are like this, not children. At her age, the girl is a professional model, she starred for famous brands - O, stin Kids, Kia Motors, the Australian clothing brand Little Miss Aoki, the brand of singer Keti Topuria, in commercials for the channels “Russia 1” and “Domashny”.

Nastya’s Instagram, which is run by her mother Anna, has 1.4 million subscribers - not every adult model has that many. And like any celebrity public, there is a lot of negativity in Nastya. Some users reproach Nastya’s mother for making money from the girl and depriving her child of childhood. Some people even doubt that the title was fairly received and believe that Nastya’s rich parents bought her victory.

They write about my husband that he is an underground millionaire. “I would be glad if this were so,” Anna Knyazeva laughs. - And they say about me that I am a former model, but I have never had anything to do with the modeling business. We are an ordinary family. I work as an economist, my husband's job is related to cars.

“It’s like I was born on a film set”

Nastya behaved as if she was born on the set, recalls Anna. “She hasn’t been capricious since I was in diapers, she’s obedient and isn’t afraid of people.”

After the first shoot, offers started pouring in. The director of the agency advised Anna to create a Nastya page on Instagram to promote her. Soon Nastya had 500 thousand subscribers, but real popularity came with the title of the most beautiful girl in the world, which was awarded to her by the Daily Mail (the title is awarded annually).

We didn’t know anything about this,” says Anna Knyazeva. - They probably saw Nastya’s photographs on the Internet; they are posted in almost every second public page. Mothers all over the world copy Nastya’s image: they cut their children’s bangs like hers, they dress their children like I dress her. When journalists from Denmark, Australia, and Italy started writing and calling me, I was surprised, and then I learned this news.

By the age of 7, Nastya had worked with many brands

From 5 thousand per shoot

Usually, in modeling agencies, children go to classes: they are taught to walk on the catwalk, behave correctly on the set, and are given lessons acting. Nastya did not go through such a school: the family lives in the distant Moscow region (Anna asked us not to indicate the city for the safety of the child. - Author), and it is unrealistic for them to go to Moscow during the week, but the girl did not lose anything.

She learned everything during filming,” explains Anna. - Children are different. Nastya likes to act, she picks it up on the fly.

Children's modeling business, according to Anna, is not as paid as an adult's; fees are significantly lower. Unknown child models earn an average of 5 thousand rubles per shoot; many people want to shoot even for free. Nastya Knyazeva hasn’t acted for that kind of money for a long time, but there are only a few stars like her.

They often pay by barter, give a certificate for a certain amount, toys, clothes,” says Anna. - There are queues of mothers who are ready to film for 2 thousand rubles. But I think this is wrong. Filming can be both light and heavy, lasting several hours.

Now the Knyazevs’ first priority is study, not modeling.

“Beauty passes, but intelligence remains”

It’s strange, but the mother of the most beautiful girl in the world and part-time her personal manager says that she has a negative attitude towards the modeling business and is not going to bet on it.

“I don’t know what will happen in the future,” she says. - Children change and grow up. For an adult model you need high growth, but it may not exist. I believe that beauty passes, but intelligence remains. Let her get a good education.

On September 1, Nastya went to first grade in three schools at once: a general education school, a music school in the pop vocal department, and a dance school. By the way, according to the competition, I passed everything on a budget. A tutor comes to her home twice a week in English, the girl already knows a lot of words. In general, the workload for a first-grader is quite large.

“We’re coping so far,” says mom. - We'll see later.

The most beautiful girl in the world is also serious. Nastya loves to solve problems, read, draw and, like all modern children, play on a tablet. True, my mother strictly limits communication with gadgets on weekends, and in the summer Nastya was completely separated from her tablet: this is the time to go for a walk.

It takes time to learn, and modeling is a lot of time and you have to choose. I choose education. One photographer told me that he photographed a model girl who graduated from school at 21. I don't want this for my child. That's why modeling is a hobby for us.

Princess without a crown

Many people believe that Anna, when promoting her daughter, is making the girl’s image too adult: they say, what are those painted lips for?

“I’m against lipstick and mascara,” says my mother. - Nastya was painted with mascara only a few times; children’s lips are tinted with gloss or balm. But even when Nastya is completely without makeup, they write to us “wash her.” No one believes that she has her own bright features.

Anna deletes angry and caustic comments. WITH reverse side Nastya has already experienced popularity.

For the first two weeks, during breaks, Nastya’s class was stormed by the children, everyone went to look at her as if she were Museum exhibit, says mom. “We explained to her that she was simply famous and the children wanted to get to know her better.

Nastya, according to her mother, does not realize her beauty, her natural gift. Her parents try not to discuss this topic in her presence; it is important for them that she considers herself not special, but the most an ordinary child. After all, the higher you fly, the more painful it is to fall. And how many such examples were there when child stars, after a successful start, fell into disrepair? adult life to the bottom, unable to withstand the test of copper pipes.

And that’s why, although Nastya is dressed like a princess on set, she doesn’t have a crown. She is indifferent to things: whatever her mother puts on is what she will wear.

She’s a child, she doesn’t understand fashion, and besides, she has so many things that she doesn’t care anymore,” says Anna. - We give the extra to our friends and large families. This year, several children were dressed by September 1st. We don’t need as many clothes as they give Nastya.

The material was published in the publication “Interlocutor” No. 36-2018.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, the young 6-year-old Muscovite Anastasia Knyazeva is the most beautiful girl in the world. Nastya got into the modeling business at the age of four. And now she represents the modeling agency President Kids Management and collaborates with famous brands children's clothing. She managed to work with such brands as Gucci, Borelli, O’stin, Burberry, Chobi and others.

And also this young model already has more than 550 thousand subscribers on her Instagram page, which is run by her mother Anna. Netizens are captivated by the girl's doll-like appearance and her large blue eyes. On Nastya’s page you can see both model photographs and those taken at home.

Before Nastya, the title of the most beautiful girl in the world was awarded to the French woman Thylane Blondeau, who at the age of six appeared on the cover of Vouge Enfants magazine.

Last year, Nastya became the face of luxury clothing for children of the Mischka Aoki brand, gaining the most a large number of votes.

Young model Nastya Knyazeva, who became famous as the most beautiful girl in the world, went to first grade.


“The most beautiful girl in the world” - young model Anastasia Knyazeva, who collaborates with children’s clothing brands, went to first grade. On the Instagram account run by her mother Anna Knyazeva (more than 1.3 million subscribers!), several photos and videos from the celebration of Knowledge Day appeared. Baby with her big eyes long hair and with bows she looked like a doll.

Subscribers were delighted with the new pictures of the child. Some admired the girl's angelic beauty, others noticed that the boys at school would probably have a hard time - the young beauty would break many hearts. Many wished her success in her studies. By the way, in the video Nastya made a promise to her mother to try to get straight A's in her studies.

At the same time, some noticed makeup on the girl’s face - skin tone and mascara on her eyelashes, which they accused her mother of, simultaneously saying that she was probably making money from her daughter.

Anna even had to make a post in her defense. “I don’t paint the child, because nature itself painted her. And I don’t make money from it, because I work like a horse myself. And my children are smart and well-mannered because I take care of them and don’t waste time. What goes around comes around. And I would advise you to take care of your children, and not waste time writing all sorts of nonsense. I am never ashamed of my children and I am sure that I will never be ashamed,” Anna concluded her rebuke.

This year, Anastasia Knyazeva went to first grade, like many of her peers. But if only their parents wrote about the others on their pages on social networks, then well-known media wrote about Nastya.

What makes this child unique? In 2017, the British newspaper The Daily Mail named Nastya the most beautiful girl in the world. The girl is truly very gifted by nature beautiful appearance: long luxurious curls, blue big eyes and a doll's face.

Nastya's modeling activities brought her fame. She first appeared in an advertisement for children's clothing at the age of 2.5 years. At the age of 5, she already became the face of the collection of the Australian fashion brand Little Miss Aoki. And she even starred for the screensavers of the channels “Russia” and “Home”.

The title that Knyazeva now holds once belonged to a 17-year-old French model Thylane Blondeau and 12-year-old Russian Kristina Pimenova. The girls, not yet reaching adulthood, made a successful modeling career and began to earn more than their parents.

Apparently, the same fate awaits Nastya. Now she has collaborations with such children's clothing brands as Chobi Kids, I am special, Kenguru, Keti One, Kisabiano, Amoreco and even the South Korean automobile company Kia Motors.

It remains a mystery how the little girl will manage to combine work with education. Nastya’s mother plans to send her not only to general education, but also to choreography and music schools. It was Nastya’s mother, Anna Knyazeva, who was involved in promoting the girl.

To begin with, she created a separate page on Instagram for her daughter, on which she posted her the best photos. When she managed to promote the page, she began to contact modeling agencies. Since Anna herself worked as a model in the past, find necessary contacts it was no problem for her.

In addition to her daughter, Anna is raising 12 more year old son, who sometimes acts in films with his sister, but does not take this seriously, considering it not a man’s business.

While the girl is only admired, the mother, as an adult, responsible person, is often criticized by her daughter’s subscribers. Many blame Anna for this, predicting that this will negatively affect her character when she grows up.

Anna is also accused of turning the child into an object to make money. She responds by saying that she is not afraid to spoil her daughter and loves her first of all as her child, and not as a wallet: “I wasn't aware of the Daily Mail article at first. I did not submit any applications for competitions. They started calling me from Munich, Berlin, and Austria asking for an interview. And this, of course, is nice. I haven’t told my daughter anything yet, maybe I’ll tell you later... And she won’t understand - Nastya doesn’t care.”. What do you think, fame won’t spoil the girl?
