Biography of Juna Davitashvili. Stas Sadalsky revealed Juna's true age Juna's real name

// Photo: Zerkalo/

In the Kuban village of Urmia, where Djuna Davitashvili was born, talk continues to this day not only about her unusual gift, but also about her rich inheritance. The healer died on June 8 last year. The bone of contention was a four-story mansion in the center of Moscow's Arbat, paintings, the cost of which varies from three hundred thousand to one and a half million rubles, and jewelry.

– During her lifetime, she bequeathed one of her apartments to the son of her close friend William, who provided her with financial assistance for several tens of thousands of dollars. But her relatives have been trying to sue her for a year now,” Valery Kamshilov, acting president of the Juna Academy, told StarHit. – I opened a museum in the house where she lived, but legal status we never received it. Her room is closed. There’s nothing to fight for there - just a couch, a wardrobe and a table.

The stolen wealth was returned by the Georgian mafia - more than 500 paintings, some of which are exhibited as exhibits, icons, and decorations. The only thing out of place is a canvas by the Venetian artist Titian, worth several million dollars - it is from the collector Vyacheslav Ilyushin, who, in fact, many years ago presented it to the healer. However, after her death he took it away under the pretext that he wanted to evaluate the canvas, but never returned it.

Among those entitled to a share of this luxury were unknown daughter healers. As StarHit found out, at the age of 30, Juna took in her sister’s little daughter.

Second mother

At that time, the healer worked as a bartender in Tbilisi at the Metro cafe, where she met her future husband, official Viktor Davitashvili. The couple had a daughter, whom Juna named after her sister, Emma. But eleven days later the girl died, after which her sister gave her one of her children.

When my mother entrusted me to Juna, I was three or four years old,” the clairvoyant’s niece tells StarHit. “She came for me to Urmia from Georgia, where she lived with her husband, and gave me a new name - Negi. During the year and a half that I spent in her house, I called Juna mom and Victor dad. They became my family. In addition, I was born with very poor health, June had to literally nurse me. And then something happened that no one expected: biological father demanded that I be brought back. My parents wrote a letter to Juna, after reading which she immediately rushed to collect my children's things and toys.

“Before my eyes to this day there is a picture of that evening when we arrived in Urmia: here is the table - my blood mother is sitting at one end of it, Juna is sitting at the other. And I, little, not understanding anything at all, run up to them one by one, calling each one mother. They talked for a long time, then Juna got up, took her bag and walked out the door. I rushed after him. I saw her getting on the bus and cried. When the transport started moving, Juna, too, could not stand it and rushed to the end of the cabin, sobbing, and I ran after her, covered in dust, and screamed in hysterics: “Mommy! Come back!” until I was completely exhausted.”

A few years later, the healer became a mother again - a boy, Vakhtang, was born.

“After that story, when she visited me, we talked a lot about her son,” the woman continues. “She shared Vakho’s successes and said that many of my things in her house were passed on to him, so to speak, by inheritance. For example, a sleeping place. The same place where Juna put me to bed every night, straightening the blanket and kissing me before bed. She entrusted the care of her son to an old nanny, who also once looked after me during walks.

In 2001, at the age of 26, the son of a healer had an accident. For several days Juna fought for an heir herself, not trusting the doctors. Three weeks later, the young man felt better, but numerous injuries - a brain hematoma, fractured ribs and spine - still turned out to be incompatible with life. After the death of her beloved Vaho, the clairvoyant became a recluse.

“She created the image of the hermit long before the tragedy. And we - her relatives - were forced to support him. But in reality, Juna loved her family. My children and grandchildren constantly visited her,” recalls the niece. “When I was little, her arrival became a holiday. I remember, I was about 6 years old, I woke up from noise in the house. She went out into the kitchen, and Juna was there, and all the relatives gathered around her. She always fell out of the blue. She brought gifts, sweets, clothes.”

Helping hand

In those days when the celebrity visited Urmia, queues of sufferers lined up near the door of her apartment.

- We met at school. Although then I couldn’t even think that she would save our family,” admits Vera Giorgieva. – In 1988, my daughter became very ill. I don’t know how everything would have turned out if it weren’t for Juna, thanks to whom we were able to go to Hungary - only there the doctors were able to help us. She fully sponsored the trip and saved my girl.

Fellow villagers remember with a smile the time when the clairvoyant was little.

“My mother studied with Zhenya (the real name of the healer Evgenia. – Note from StarHit”), says Olga, an employee of the 27th school, from which Juna was a graduate. – My school years fell on the post-war period: a terrible famine was raging. So, during breaks they ran home to have a snack. My wife's parents were very generous. Despite the need, Anna Grigorievna baked delicious oat pancakes. And how kind Juna’s dad was! He helped many survive then - he either patched up someone’s roof or brought water from a well. Their entire family enjoyed authority. And Zhenya herself was responsive, she didn’t give offense to anyone, she even fought with the boys. We all called her “our Juna.” And when she first married a local boy, the Assyrian Lenya, both of our husbands were escorted to the army and cried.

There are only five streets in Juna’s native village, each of them keeps the secrets of the queen of the Assyrian people. One of them is age. According to official data, the woman was 65. According to relatives, she was 80. What number was on the passport, one can only guess. A month before her death, she tore up the document, allegedly because of a mistake in writing her middle name. But, as they say around the healer, she was simply afraid that someone would be able to forge a will on her behalf.

// Photo: Elena Koromyslova/Lori photobank

Maria Lenormand, Vanga, Rasputin Grigory, their names are shrouded in mystery and mystery. Disputes are still raging whether there is mysticism in the world or not. Evil tongues say that the information was not given to them by spirits or others. otherworldly forces, and intelligence agents. Some are recognized by the church as saints, for example, like Matrona of Moscow, while others, like Vanga, are recognized almost as servants of the devil. Are there such people today, or are there only Pavel Globa and the team of psychics left on TNT?


  1. Full name: Davitashvili Evgenia Yuvashevna ( maiden name Sardis);
  2. Date of Birth: July 29, 1949.
  3. Zodiac sign: Leo.
  4. Sign eastern horoscope: bull.
  5. Born: in the village of Urmia Krasnodar region.

Clairvoyant Juna, whose biography is complete interesting facts, was a phenomenon of our time. The seer herself said that she wanted to create atomic bomb so that the whole world would be covered by it, only a medicine bomb. followers and students can be found even in small towns in the Urals. She said this about people and her work: “I love people when they come to me, I help, but I don’t allow anyone to look into my soul.”

Juna's biography and cause of death are still controversial. She was the first psychic in the Soviet Union and received the approval of the church. scientist, professor, holder of the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and a person with tragic fate. She managed to conquer Hollywood and bring from there the order “Woman of the World,” this title describes her essence. Glory came after the doctor of the Queen of Great Britain was brought to the capital of Georgia. He was diagnosed with and could not cure atrial fibrillation.

After this meeting, the whole world learned about her, but was the life of the most popular woman in the world really so rosy? There were influential patrons, including Brezhnev, Antropov, Baibakov, but there were plenty of enemies. Even her death itself raises many questions among loved ones. Not to mention the fact that no one knows exactly how old Juna is. She herself said that her age is much higher than the number on her passport. Not every Soviet woman becomes a senior researcher at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics.

The childhood of Juna Davitashvili

Juna's childhood was reminiscent of the childhood of other people with gifts such as Maria Lenormand, Vanga and others. They avoided the girl, didn’t want to play with her, didn’t want to take her into company. The only close person who felt her abilities was her father. He knew that his daughter had amazing hidden abilities. When a man’s back hurt, he called his daughter. According to the recollections of Juna herself, when she stood on her father’s back, her legs first burned, and then became cool, then the man let her go. He was the only one who protected her from the last day cruel world, but died too early.

The beginning of the legend of June

Zhenya's little brother fell into the well. The girl dove headfirst, snatched the baby, and the people standing above picked him up. Juna herself lay upside down for about half an hour and did not swallow any water. After this incident, they began to tease her as a witch.

First vision

Little Zhenya was looking for a book and between the lines she saw the girl’s face, like two peas in a pod like herself. The only difference was the length of the hair. The girl was shaved until she was 11 years old, and the second one had long hair. After some time, Zhenya met her recent vision on the street and realized that she had a twin sister, but did not dare to speak. According to the clairvoyant herself, when she was just a baby, a woman came to her with her father, put the girl in her arms and sat next to her for a short time. Her name was Natalya. Until her death, the clairvoyant believed that this was her own mother.

The uniqueness of a clairvoyant

Promyslov, the then mayor of Moscow, did everything possible to transfer the healer from Georgia to Moscow. Although the first acquaintance with Brezhnev took place back in 1973.

Usually people who have some extraordinary abilities try to close themselves off from the outside world. Too many of them are accused of trying to profit from people’s misfortune, of quackery, of failure. Juna is a famous psychic who was not afraid to appear to science. She took part in many experiments and studies. This, in addition to her gift, was what made her unique. Those who visited her could see how in a fragile woman of incredible beauty there was hidden the ability to treat the most hopeless patients. Some idolized her, others threatened her with arrest or liquidation in order to save Soviet ideology from the threat. In a country where nothing supernatural was recognized, a living phenomenon appeared that refutes the laws human development and its capabilities. Scientists believe that the secret of Juna's abilities lies in the energy released from her. Its frequency differs from those released into space by other people.

What the healer didn’t undertake

According to the recollections of friends and the creators of the series, people came to her for a miracle. For some, the miracle was healing from an illness , someone was looking for advice. Others believed that the healer Juna could easily buy them an apartment, a house, or a car. Sometimes they directly asked for money. She treated cancer, returned Sofia Rotaru’s voice, was personal doctor Brezhnev, but did not treat alcoholism. Immanuel Vitorgan, who came to the reception, was amazed by his honesty. The woman said that she would not treat him, but advised him to see a cardiac surgeon. This extended the man's life by three decades. I haven’t been associated with epilepsy for a long time. It did not treat tobacco addiction and hereditary diseases. People were attracted by Juna's predictions, but she devoted herself entirely to the medical side.

Night is the time to create

During the day, Juna's doors were open to guests. She received people with full dedication. Tatyana Heyer said this about her: “She didn’t accept, she worked hard. When I saw how she received people, I wanted to fall on my knees in front of her. God knew who to give such a valuable gift to.” She called the night the time when the whole world belongs to her. While others slept, she drew, sculpted or wrote poetry. Juna is a creator to the core. Like many creative individuals, she drew new thoughts and ideas from her time of solitude. She loved to reason. She wrote poems and stories, and one of her patients, the poet Andrei Dementyev, published her in the magazine “Youth”.

Andrey Dementyev about the healer: “She is very talented, and has always professed a great idea: help others and God will help you.” One day, the poet came to a clairvoyant’s house in the middle of the night because he was sick with the flu, and had to go to filming in the morning. Juna put her hands on her lungs and after a few minutes everything went away.

Video: “Actually” program about June


Mikhail Muromov, Igor Talkov, Federico Fellini, Vladimir Migulya, Arkady Ukupnik, “Tender May”, Andrei Tarkovsky, Stanislav Sadalsky, and many other creative people found a welcome with Juna. The secular elite loved Juna for her openness and generosity, delicious cuisine and atmosphere. Poets and artists confessed their love to her, she attracted people like a magnet.

Interesting fact:

The words for Muromov’s song “Katyusha” were written by Juna herself. The singer performed it at the youth festival. He was a guest at every healer's party.

Arkady Raikin about June: “I felt bad with my heart. I called an ambulance and it arrived. And at the same time Juna came in. I told her how good it is that Juna is here, she can conduct a psychic reading session with you. She doesn’t give medicine and treats every patient this way. Nothing but hands, not even touching. We took an electrocardiogram before Juna and then 15 minutes after her work. There were two documents. But it felt like two different people. It was amazing fact, certified by documents. Facts are stubborn things."

Andrei Tarkovsky

Juna herself remembers her time with Tarkovsky with a smile and calls her a good friend. They could not help but meet in the vastness of Moscow. Two loneliness, two extraordinary personalities. Andrei was surprised by his girlfriend’s mystical abilities. Indeed, the clairvoyant Juna was able to extend his life before he left the country. Andrei even took non-contact massage lessons and treated a healer when she had the flu.

Shortly before Tarkovsky’s death, the seer painted a prophetic picture in a sense: a portrait of the director on a blue background, saying that she felt he was going somewhere. A few days later the man died of a heart attack.

The doors of the house on the old Arbat in Moscow were always open. Creative people, country leaders, and English lords gathered there. Juna did not see the difference between the president of the country and a simple person. Maybe this is why she received many thanks from people all over the world.

Personal life

At the age of 30, the young woman married Viktor Davitashvili.

The happiness was not destined to last long. Juna lost her daughter and before last days I couldn’t talk about it calmly. Soon Juna was forcibly brought to Moscow. Baibakov himself contributed to this. His wife was dying of illness and the doctors did not give up hope. Only Evgenia Davitashvili remained. She moved to Moscow, and her husband remained in Tbilisi. The marriage broke up due to constant quarrels and distance between the spouses. She didn’t let anyone else into her life, choosing loneliness and devoting herself to her son, whom she called VahO.

Diva of Russian show business

After staying in the Chernobyl zone, Alla Pugacheva received a dose of radiation and wanted to meet Juna in person. The clairvoyant responded politely to Alla’s call. She was preparing for the flight with her son and could not accept the star. Pugacheva called back several times, hinting that it was not customary to refuse her invitation. The clairvoyant did not like alcohol, and every time during a feast she would only lightly touch the wine with her lips and go upstairs to draw her pictures. The prima donna insisted that the healer Juna join the feast. This was expressed in a very rude form, after which between the two strong women a fight broke out. The seer broke the vase on the head of the people's favorite.

None of them decided to extinguish the former conflict. Juna did not hold anger but did not make contact. She said that she and Alla were equally charged and they were destined to push each other, they would not be able to make friends.


Vakhtang, Juna’s son, was born on the same day as his star mother. She saw her continuation in him. WITH early years, according to eyewitnesses, he helped and conducted non-contact massage sessions. They traveled around the world, Vakho became an outlet among the cruelties that a person gifted with abilities faces. She was again forced to prove her abilities. Six months before the tragedy, her son was injured in an accident. She treated me day and night and never left a step. He was already getting to his feet. He gave up his crutches, but was destined to live only six months. The biography of Dzhuna Davitashvili’s son turned out to be short To a young guy was only 26 years old. At the funeral, Juna, blinded by grief, was placed in his coffin cellular telephone and paid for it for the rest of my life. She called the dead Vakho for 14 years, confident that he was in touch with her. The seer Juna asked not to tear her away from her son’s coffin. Or bury him with him. It is not known for certain what Juna’s son died from: a medical report says that his heart could not stand it in the sauna. The clairvoyant did not believe in such a diagnosis; Vakho’s arms were broken and there were traces of blood on his face. The second version of why Juna’s son died is a drunken brawl. Still others say he was a drug addict.

Relatives say that mother's love did not see that her son grew up a little arrogant, rude, untied, under the influence of his famous mother.

She celebrated her birthday at his grave. She said it was a holiday to be close to her son.


How many children did Juna have? - a girl who was not born as a result of a miscarriage, and Vaho. The seer Juna wanted to adopt one of the members of the Tender May group, Viktor Sukhomlin. But I couldn't. Despite the fact that he and his son were best friends, Vakho did not want anyone other than himself to call his mother mom. Sukhomlin became the lead singer of the group and Juna was very proud of her pupil. But he was soon found not far from Shatunov’s apartment. Some insist that they were confused with Yura, others say that the guy has embarked on a slippery slope.

Arkady Raikin about Evgeniy Davitashvili

Arkady Raikin wrote to Brezhnev: “Juna is the person who needs to be given the green light in Russia. She does only good.” In his letter, Raikin petitioned for the clairvoyant to register in Moscow.

Igor Talkov

She did not talk about her beloved men, claiming that they simply did not exist, and did not fall in love with all her heart. But she remembered one thing with particular warmth, and until the end of her days the feeling of guilt would live with her. Igor Talkov and Juna were supposed to fly together to his last concert. But she was called to save the next president. From the memoirs: “I was lying in the bathroom, when suddenly boiling water splashed, my whole face burned, and I realized that something bad had happened to a loved one.”

Matvienko and Juna: the shortest marriage in the world

To annoy your cousin, Evgenia married Igor Matvienko, who more than once, while still unknown to anyone, stayed at her home, like the entire creative community of that time. Juna and Matvienko entered into a marriage that lasted only a day.

Attempt to resurrect Vakhtang

For a mother, burying a child is a terrible grief... After it tragic death the mother took the genetic material to make a clone. The seer wanted to make Vakhtang’s beloved a surrogate mother. Over time, the mother began to realize that her son could not be returned in this way, and her beloved Vakho was gone forever. Born a clone, it could only resemble him in appearance. Internally it will be a different person.

Life after the death of my son

A few years after the death of his son, a whole gallery of Juna’s paintings appeared. They were a match for their owner: mystical, filled with deep meaning. Some can be seen in documentaries, in particular in the latest work of Channel One, “Juna: The Gift of Solitude.” Juna herself spoke about Vakhtang’s death like this: “They say, why didn’t you save him? Tell me how a human corpse can be saved.” The death of her son became the point after which all of Juna’s merits came to naught, because it turns out that she is a charlatan, since she could not save her own son. In recent years, almost no one has come to see her.

« Let them talk"

In 2011, Channel One aired the episode “Let Them Talk” with Juna. The broadcast turned out to be painful. Many people wanted to watch the video with Juna and see her as she was three decades ago. Most of the comments under the video after its release were negative. She was called an arrogant, stupid woman who, despite all her influence and popularity, could not foresee that her son would die. They could not hide from the audience the condition of the woman who was in voluntary captivity for ten for long years.. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya and actress Irina Lachina unanimously argued that the seer Juna works miracles and saves lives. Honored artist Svetlana Toma called her a goddess on camera on Channel One. Stanislav Sadalsky: “Being friends with Juna is a big responsibility. She is a great woman." An old friend of the clairvoyant Galina Kalinina, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, appeared in the studio. One after another, friends appeared in the studio, among whom was deputy Alexey Mitrofanov. As often happens in such shows, there were some provocations. Circus actress Lyudmila Moskaleva claimed that Juna had never known Brezhnev. This caused a storm of indignation and protest.

Video: Juna in the program “Let Them Talk”

Please let me know in the comments if the video stops playing.

Last year

The seer Juna's closest friend, Tatyana Heyer, said that she knew about her death in October 2014. A vision of death came in 2015. In her last year of life, Juna worked very hard, as if she wanted to do as much as possible before entering into an unequal battle with the disease.

she was often left alone without the people who surrounded her. to her friend Tatyana, she said that she cured many, but at the very end none of them were left around.

At the beginning of July 2015, the famous Juna became ill on the street. The emergency doctors arrived and diagnosed a stroke.

Death of Juna

Wikipedia states that Dzhuna Davitashvili died in 2015 . In fact, this is true. Moral Healer Juna, died long before physical death, in 2001, having buried her beloved son, building a crypt for two 14 years before her departure. Documentary Juna: The Gift of Solitude was a revelation. like this strong personality, shared everything she wanted to say over the years. This is the interview that Juna gave to Channel One, the last one done a few months before her death.

How did Juna die? , like most people, despite their abilities. According to the testimony of her relatives, it was impossible to persuade her to go to the hospital, and she remained there for an extremely short time. Only at home I felt calm. Juna needed treatment even more than the patients. Doctors named the reason why Juna died: obstruction of the carotid artery. Initially, experts assumed 90%, but an autopsy showed 96% obstruction. It was also found in other organs. This was the price to pay for the health of other people.

She tolerated the operation well and the doctors were already hoping for the best, but a few days later she fell into a coma. On the last night of her life, the healer Juna suffered several cardiac arrests. Doctors resuscitated her three times. In the morning, around 10 am, the woman achieved her goal, which she had been pursuing for 14 years, and left after her son.

Narrow-minded evil tongues today call her a fool and incompetent who could not save her own son. But millions of people are grateful. Djuna Davitashvili left an immortal mark in our hearts. It is not known whether the vision came true, or whether circumstances just so happened. it is known for certain that reality and mysticism walked hand in hand in her life so closely that it was impossible to understand exactly where the line between them was.

Where is the clairvoyant buried?

The clairvoyant Juna is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to her beloved son Vakhtang. It was a case of daring being a cause for joy. She walked towards her for a long time and purposefully, bringing her closer in every possible way. After all, Juna’s children are there - a daughter, a son and a musician sweet May, and also Igor Talkov, close and dear people.

Series about June

Evgenia Davitashvili’s biography is presented in the 2015 series “Juna”. Actress Laura Keosayan, who plays the healer Juna, spoke about the idea of ​​the film:

“We didn’t try to dig up any personal moments from life, we came from afar with great respect for all of this.” The series about “Phenomenon D” showed the main moments from the life of the most mystical woman of her time.

About Me

This is what the psychic and just a person who was called “Phenomenon D” said about herself:

“It’s not scary to die, she died in 2001, when she buried Vakho. This gives me the strength not to be afraid. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything. I am a warrior who speaks the truth. I've never fallen in love. I loved Vakhtang so much. This love would be enough for a hundred children. My son was killed out of black envy and anger. Now I cannot name the names of those who did this. They have too much influence. there was no simple human and female happiness. I don’t feel my age, I’m still a tomboy.

If earlier she aroused the admiration of both ordinary people and presidents, last years her seclusion made her lonely. A few years before her death, Juna talked about her life. The last interview was dramatically different. There was a lot of regret in him. Not only about my son, as was the case before. She regretted that all her life she was not allowed to simply live. Research, irradiation with waves of different frequency ranges, countless ability tests. With particular resentment I recalled how they were forcibly brought to Moscow under machine guns and 4 bodyguards replaced each other for several years.

Juna (birth name - Evgenia Yuvashevna Sardis) was a well-known psychic, healer and astrologer in the USSR. Some called her a charlatan, others idolized her gift. We'll talk about Juna's biography in this article.


Evgenia Sardis was born on July 22, 1949 in the small Krasnodar village of Urmia. Her father, Yuvash Sardis, was from Iran. Together with his family he emigrated to Soviet Union, to Kuban. Here I met the hereditary Cossack woman Anna, Juna’s mother.

According to family legend, the great-grandmother of the future clairvoyant was a witch and had the gift of healing. As a child, Zhenya often imitated her: she copied her hand movements and sang the melodies she heard. Such oddities in behavior frightened the girl’s mother very much, and she punished her, which is why the relationship between mother and daughter was difficult. But the father doted on the girl, because she was his copy.

Unusual cases

Juna's supernatural abilities manifested themselves in childhood. According to the healer, one day her mother entrusted her with babysitting her little brother. The girl herself wanted to play with her friends, but she took her brother and reluctantly began to rock him to sleep. Then some unknown force tore the boy from his sister’s arms, and he fell into the well. The girl herself does not remember how she also found herself in the well and saved her brother. Zhenya spent ten minutes in a stone crater filled with ice water, but when she was pulled out of there, there was not a scratch on her, she did not even swallow water.

There was another no less amazing case. Evgenia predicted an earthquake, but the villagers only laughed at her. When the prophecy came true, people began to look askance at the girl and call her a witch. All her friends turned away from Zhenya, and only her father supported her.


Due to constant attacks from fellow villagers, Evgenia wanted to run away from home. But dad saved her from this step: one day he took the girl outside, told her to look at the sky and began to talk about the stars. Zhenya looked with interest at the bizarre constellations and suddenly realized that she was living in different worlds at the same time.

Probably Juna's father also had psychic abilities. Once during a feast, he told his friends that he would die before them. And so it happened. After the death of her father, Zhenya was forced to work on a collective farm, since there was no money large family not enough.

Juna's biography contains many blind spots and contradictions. According to one version, after finishing eight years of school, the girl entered the television technical school in Rostov, but two years later she dropped out and went to Moscow. According to another version, Evgenia graduated from a medical college in Rostov, and then went to Tbilisi to work as an assigned worker.

Psychic abilities

If you believe the stories, while studying at a medical college, Juna also suffered ridicule from teachers and classmates, since they were all skeptical of her gift. At the final exam, one of the teachers sarcastically said that Evgenia would receive a diploma if she could sew up the test subject’s wound without a needle and thread. The girl grabbed the edges of the wound with her hands and began to whisper: “They’re sticking together!” Before the eyes of the astonished commission, the cut actually healed.

In Tbilisi, where Evgenia went to work after graduating from technical school, she also became famous as a healer. There she met her first husband, an employee of the Central Committee of the CPSU of Georgia, Viktor Davitashvili. Influential people began to turn to Juna for help, and one day, in 1980, she was called to Moscow by the head of the USSR State Planning Committee, Nikolai Baibakov, to treat his wife. Baibakov's wife Claudia suffered from an unknown illness; she was very exhausted and could barely stand on her feet due to weakness. The doctors just shrugged their shoulders - no one could figure out the cause of the illness. Arriving in the capital, Evgenia visited the Baibakovs’ house: she ran her palms over the sick Ksenia’s body for a long time and whispered something. From that day on, the woman began to recover: the pain subsided, her appetite improved.

In August 1980, journalist Lev Kolodny published an article in Komsomolskaya Pravda about a miraculous cure, and since then the news about the healer Juna has spread throughout Moscow.

Work in the capital

The next person who turned to Evgenia for help was actor Arkady Raikin. He could not recover from the heart attack. And Raikin’s wife suffered a stroke and lost the ability to speak. After Juna’s sessions, both men began to recover: Arkady felt rejuvenated, and his wife regained her speech. Raikin was so impressed by the healer’s abilities that he wrote a letter about her to Leonid Brezhnev. He, in turn, reported Jun Davitashvili to scientists.

In the physical laboratory of the IRE, studies were carried out, according to which it turned out that the hands of the clairvoyant emit some kind of special heat. The press wrote that with one movement of her hand Juna could make a flower bloom, moved objects without touching them, etc.

From that time on, the healer began to receive visitors at home. Her clients were many famous people: Robert de Niro, Vladimir Vysotsky, Sofia Rotaru, Marcello Mastroianni, Andrei Tarkovsky, even Leonid Brezhnev.

The work of the psychic Juna was also recognized by the church. Rumor has it that Pope John Paul II himself received treatment from her. And one day the clairvoyant was blessed with virtue by Patriarch Pimen, with whom Juna often had long conversations. The priest even gave her a gold watch with amethysts.

Professional activity

In 1989, the healer Juna became president International Association traditional and alternative medicine. She was also awarded the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, 1st class, and received a diploma allowing her to teach others her healing techniques.

In 1990, a clairvoyant discovered in the capital International Academy alternative sciences. And in 1994 she was elected vice-rector of the Colombian International University alternative medicine.

In 1995, she participated in the State Duma elections, but her bloc received only 0.47% of the votes.

In addition to extrasensory perception, Juna devoted a lot of time to creativity: she wrote stories and poems, painted, and performed on stage as a performer (she sang in a duet with Andrei Derzhavin and Igor Talkov).

Personal life

Juna was officially married twice. She met her first husband, Viktor Iraklievich Davitashvili, in Tbilisi. Soon after the wedding, the couple had a daughter. The girl was born very premature and died at the age of two months. But the tragedies in Juna’s biography did not end there. She later became pregnant again, but the baby died during childbirth. Only in 1975 did the healer manage to give birth to a healthy child, the son of Vakhtang. But fate also took him short life: Juna's son died in 2001 at the age of 26.

In the first years of her marriage to Viktor Davitashvili, the clairvoyant was happy, but after moving to Moscow, quarrels began, and eventually the couple divorced.

In 1986, Juna married composer Igor Matvienko. They say that she did this not out of love, but to spite someone. The marriage lasted only a couple of days.

The healer never married again, although she had many admirers. If you believe the rumors, she refused even Robert De Niro's advances.

Death of a son

Juna was inseparable from Vaho. There was some kind of karmic connection between mother and son. Vakhtang was a handsome, stately guy, two meters tall. He treated his mother with great trepidation, took care of her, and wanted her to remain young as long as possible.

But in the winter of 2001, the irreparable happened: Juna’s son died. Journalists have put forward many versions of how this happened. According to one of them, Vakho ended up in traffic accident. He was driving and children jumped out onto the road. To avoid running into them, the guy swerved and flew into the ceiling. Vakhtang died from his injuries in the hospital.

According to another version, Vakho’s car collided with another car. The guy broke his collarbone, injured his head and suffered a spinal injury. Juna treated her son herself, and after a month he recovered. Soon Vakhtang decided to go to the bathhouse, and there he had an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which became the cause of death.

And yet these versions are nothing more than fiction. According to official data, Vakho died in the sauna as a result of a drunken brawl. After the funeral, Juna became a recluse. They say that the clairvoyant placed a cell phone in her son’s grave and regularly called the number and topped up the balance. The healer visited the cemetery every Saturday, but practically stopped receiving visitors.

Death of Juna

In June 2015, the clairvoyant left the house to buy groceries and became ill on the street. An ambulance arrived and took the woman to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a stroke. Jun was operated on, but there were problems with blood circulation. She soon fell into a coma, lay unconscious for two days and died without ever regaining consciousness. The famous healer passed away on June 8, 2015, she died at the age of 65.


The clairvoyant was buried on June 13, 2015. Juna’s grave is located at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to the grave of her son Vakho.

Not only relatives and friends, but also numerous fans came to say goodbye to the healer. It is noteworthy that Juna went to last way in a military uniform: she always respected the military, loved the Victory Day holiday very much, and in 2015 she wanted to attend the parade on Red Square, but due to health reasons she was unable to do so.

Juna's funeral was not without mystical incidents. Eyewitnesses claim that at some point the clairvoyant’s hands moved and she almost rose from the coffin. Many people at the funeral were frightened and seriously thought that the deceased had come to life. They say that someone even called ambulance. Whether this is true or not is anyone's guess. Of course, you should not take such statements seriously, because against the backdrop of emotional shock from the loss loved one people can see anything.


There is a memorial at Juna’s grave, which she herself designed during her lifetime. In the center is a sculptural group made of bronze: a woman in a long robe hugs her son with one hand, who crouched next to her. The other hand is thrown up - this is a sign that Juna wanted to protect Vakho from the attacks of fate. On both sides of the monument there are wooden crosses with information plaques and photographs of mother and son.

The burial itself is decorated with black granite tombstones and two flowerpots. The memorial is surrounded by a forged fence made in the form of intertwined tree branches.

Legends of June

During her lifetime, the clairvoyant always evoked a lot of conflicting feelings in people, which gave rise to many rumors and speculation about her. Juna's biography is full of interesting events, but not all of them are true. For example, the facts of many famous personalities turning to the healer are not confirmed by anything.

In addition, it was alleged that Juna is a psychic who has received many awards, including the Medal for Courage, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Woman of the World, the United Nations Medal and others. But there is no official confirmation of these awards.

In 1993, the clairvoyant was awarded the rank of Colonel General of the Medical Service, and she received the right to wear military uniform. Juna was “awarded” this title by the Veterans Council for his many years of care for Afghan military personnel. However, as you know, military ranks are awarded by the Ministry of Defense; the Veterans Council does not have such powers.

Juna herself claimed that she was the heir of the Assyrian kings and even proclaimed herself the Queen of the Assyrian people. The healer said that she was a direct descendant of Princess Olga, her great-grandfather was a sorcerer and lived 139 years.

It is known that after the death of her son, Juna became a recluse, refused to communicate with journalists and did not appear on television. But in 2011, the clairvoyant nevertheless agreed to give a long interview: she took part in the program “Let Them Talk,” where she told Andrei Malakhov a lot interesting information About Me.

In 2013, director Vadim Ostrovsky began filming the television series “Juna,” based on the biography of a psychic. Main role Laura Keosayan played in the film. The series was released in the fall of 2015 after the death of the healer.

Juna's life was certainly bright and mysterious. Now it is impossible to know whether this woman really had a great gift, or simply knew how to present herself correctly, but the world definitely became a little darker after her departure. Although maybe people will still hear about June? After all, her favorite aphorism says: “When we fall asleep, we must wake up.”

On June 8, the famous soothsayer and healer Juna died in Moscow. The whole country mourns the loss - Juna Davitashivli was one of the most powerful psychics of the last century. Top officials of states turned to her for help, popular Soviet pop artists trusted her with their problems and illnesses.

Causes of Juna's death

Her friend Stanislav Sadalsky was the first to report Juna’s death. In an interview with the newspaper TVNZ"he said that the healer in Lately often complained of heart pain. After examination it turned out that she had atherosclerosis of the carotid artery, obstruction 90%. She urgently needed to undergo surgery, but she constantly postponed it.

The operation took place on May 26 and June 2, Juna was discharged home. The day after she was discharged, she collapsed, followed by a couple of days of coma. On June 8 she died.

According to her close friend, actor Stanislav Sadalsky, the clairvoyant until the end of her days cared about the health of others, but could not protect her own health. Sadalsky said that she gave all of herself to others, most likely, this is what caused the tragedy.

The actor also saw a criminal trace in Juna’s death. According to him, Juna was the owner of a good living space on Arbat; in her house she kept diamonds and a real golden crown of the Assyrian queen.

About the life and abilities of Juna

Juna's real name is Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili. She was born into the family of a Kuban Cossack woman and an Iranian emigrant in 1949 in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar Territory. She studied at the Rostov Film Technical College, then graduated medical University in Tbilisi. Already at that time in Georgia and then in Moscow, talk began to circulate about her healing abilities.

Over her 66 years, she has earned many regalia and awards. She is a holder of UNESCO's highest award, the Order of Schweitzer, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Golden Star "Women of the World", etc. Juna organized the International Academy of Alternative Sciences. Named after her new star in the constellation Sagittarius. And in 2009 she received the title of Person of the Millennium.

She was approached by Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Pope John Paul II, actors Robert de Niro, Marcelo Mastroianni, directors Tarkovsky and Fellini, she treated Pugacheva and other Soviet pop stars.

Juna's most famous predictions

Juna predicted the collapse of the USSR, the 1991 putsch, the Chernobyl accident, the death of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov", the death of singer Igor Talkov. Many of her predictions and prophecies are unknown general public. In the 90s, Juna was not only President Boris Yeltsin’s healer, but also his personal adviser.

Juna's last predictions

The last prophecy of the famous clairvoyant concerned the crisis in Russia. According to her forecast, the economic situation in Russia will improve in the fall of 2015. This year, as she said, only those people who will work a lot and diligently and will not give up will be able to exist normally. Juna was convinced that Russia was under the protection of God, which means nothing bad would happen.

“Life goes on,” Juna said in her last prediction, “Now the grain will come, we will sow fields, chickens, piglets, sheep. There is no drought - what crisis? Now the earth will give birth, calm down, everyone. Have we really worn out all our things in three months? We just got a little fat and call our time a crisis.”

Together with her last prediction, Juna left us hope for a better future and gave us faith in ourselves. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.06.2015 13:15

This is a unique issue in which psychics tried to shed light on the past of the most famous Soviet healer...

Juna is a legend. A legend created largely through the efforts of Evgenia herself, who was born in a remote Krasnodar village and miraculously made her way to Moscow. Adopted daughter in big family, a girl who began working on a Kuban collective farm at the age of 13, at some point discovered paranormal healing abilities. "Private correspondent" turned to his archives to remember what the healer Juna was like.

              And not such strange things happen in Wonderland...
                          V. Vysotsky

Juna talks about receiving her “honest” diploma in medicine: at the People’s Medical Institute, where she studied as an evening student, the teachers really disliked her. Because she didn’t hide it and in some ways was even proud of her gift: to heal without drugs, by laying on of hands. And so, during the final exam, the doctors from the admissions committee, annoyed by her desire to “go a different way,” offered the young girl a difficult test - to glue together a fresh open wound with her hands on a living patient who was under anesthesia. Juna, as she says, was slightly shocked by such a proposal, but there was no choice. Whispering to herself, like a prayer, “stick together, stick together, stick together...”, with trembling hands she squeezed the edges of the open wound, sticky with blood... Juna doesn’t remember how much time passed, but when she woke up, the edges were tightly pressed together. “Check!” - Juna said to her “tormentors”. They tried to open it with forceps - it was useless, the wound had already healed. Here she was given a “honorable diploma”... At least that’s how everything was according to Juna herself, although in fact it’s difficult to imagine such, to put it mildly, a non-standard exam, especially in a strict one Soviet times. There is another version about her education: she studied for some time at the Rostov College of Cinema and Television, and then ran away to conquer Moscow. So it’s still unclear whether Juna received a medical diploma or not, but she treats people.

Juna is a legend. A legend created largely through the efforts of Evgenia Davitashvili herself, who was born in a remote Krasnodar village and miraculously made her way to Moscow. An adopted daughter in a large family, a girl who began working on a Kuban collective farm at the age of 13, at some point discovered paranormal healing abilities. They became her “start to life.” It was as a healer (or even a sorceress) that everyone recognized her former USSR. The peak of Juna's fame came in the early eighties: she was slightly ahead of the moment when the strict but kind Kashpirovsky and the strange, but also purely positive Chumak looked piercingly at television viewers.

In Juna’s biography there are many not even dark places, but downright blatant contradictions common sense. For example, in one interview (with journalist A. Morgachev), Juna stated that she came from a tiny (forty houses) Assyrian village. “This village is dearer to me than anything in the world,” Juna admitted cordially. Then, when Izvestia conducted its investigation for a large article about Juna, it turned out that Evgenia Yuvashevna was born in a completely different place - in the village of Urmia in the Krasnodar Territory, a historical settlement of Assyrian refugees (Juna herself is an Assyrian).

Mages, sorcerers, shamans, herbalists - all these people still live next to us to this day. Sometimes in the very center of concrete and asphalt cities. For a long time they were persecuted by both secular and ecclesiastical authorities, because they recognized the saving power of a conspiracy from illness and misfortune, realizing that this same power was capable of destroying a person. Despite this, no matter what the conspiracy was, at the first opportunity it was learned and used, both for salvation and for destruction.

Another strange thing. Juna told reporters many times that, having entered a medical school in Rostov-on-Don, she was assigned to Tbilisi. However, Soviet medical universities did not distribute their graduates to other areas, especially to other union republics! Or this too strange story- Juna’s meeting with the now deceased Patriarch of Moscow Pimen, after which she began to claim that the Russian Orthodox Church allegedly approved of her actions. In one of Juna’s interviews it is said that the bishop gave her an icon of St. Eugenia the Great Martyr, in another - a “golden spoon on a saucer with a cup”, in the third - a gold “Naira” watch with a bracelet decorated with amethysts...

Juna’s official website says, among other things, that she is nothing less than the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Science, Health, Culture and Education. It sounds solid, of course, but if you think about it, it’s completely absurd. Such a chamber, uniting so various areas human activity, there is no and cannot be, at least in the Russian Federation. And the “nominal medal “For Courage,” which, again, according to Juna’s official website, she is the owner of, has never been a personalized medal...

Just as dubious as some of Juna’s awards and titles is her “noble origin.” The future “queen of the Assyrian people” Juna has repeatedly stated that she does not know her roots on her father’s side, and on her grandmother’s side there were only traditional Assyrian healers in her family (I willingly believe this). And then “it turned out” that according to his father - Iranian Yuvash Sardis, who came to the USSR for work in the pre-war years, got married here, settled down and worked on a collective farm all his life - Juna belongs to the Rurik family! Allegedly, his great-grandfather was a tsarist general, and his great-grandmother was the sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova. In general, Juna is a direct descendant of the first Russian saint, Princess Olga from the Rurik family!

Armed with such an impressive biography of simpletons, Juna organized her own pocket Russian noble society “The New Elite of Russia”, also known as the International Monarchical Court, the noble society of the new elite of the world. Juna, of course, became his regent under the name of Grand Duchess Eugenia Bit-Sargis-Seregina-Davitashvili-Juna and began selling noble titles"new elite". According to the data given in the very informative article “Brezhnev’s Healer” by Jun Davitashvili” by the famous journalist Mikhail Volodin, letters of nobility from Juna were received, in particular, by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov (he became a prince) and State Duma deputy (and now princess) Lyudmila Narusova - mother of Ksenia Sobchak. To complete the picture, it is worth adding that many organizations similar to the one created by Juna have now proliferated.

The overwhelming majority of the information that Juna publishes on her official website are stories that amaze the imagination of the inexperienced reader, which Juna herself, if she does not write, then somehow “leaks” to the press. In order to then answer the questions that have arisen (which I mentioned above): maybe so, maybe not, I, they say, am above all this, if you want to check, contact the editor. The newspapers that write about June have almost no verified information about her (verified information does not play into the hands of her “legend”). When Juna is asked to confirm or refute various loud statements about her, she refers to the authors of the article, and the editors, of course, answer that they received all the information from Juna herself and offer to check the information directly with her. The circle closes. But again, seriously ill people, disillusioned with the Ministry of Health, who mainly come to the apartment (renamed the International Academy of Non-Traditional Sciences) to the healer Juna, have no time for this “information terrorism.” It heals - and thank God!

Around Juna - apparently through her own efforts - a pink cloud of sickly-sweet articles has been created, sort of informal “friendly interviews”, written in the vast majority of cases in a second-rate tabloid style, with a lot of very funny mistakes. All these articles begin with an eloquent list of Juna's numerous awards and positions. “Queen of the Assyrian people”, “honorary academician of 129 academies of the world”, “academician” and “professor”, “member of the political advisory council under the President of the Russian Federation”, holder of an honorary black belt in karate and even the title “honorary coach”... Juna has awards and more titles than Vanga and Mother Teresa combined! Listing everything is long and uninteresting, and when doubt has already arisen about the authenticity of these same titles and awards, it does not evoke any respect.

One day, a whole scientific commission set out to check whether Juna could actually heal. This was after she put the artist Arkady Raikin back on his feet (he was very weak after a heart attack and no longer hoped to return to the stage), and they became interested in her “at the very top.”

By order “from above,” Juna, firstly, without any defense of his dissertation, was promoted to senior research fellow IRE (they wanted to become an academician, but the scientists rebelled). Secondly, in a specially created laboratory, various biofields and data from Juna’s hands were measured for a long time during treatment sessions.

The only thing that scientists were able to reliably confirm was that weak infrared radiation emanated from the girl’s hands, which disappeared if the patient was shielded with a glass barrier (the therapeutic effect also disappeared). Scientists even photographed this radiation - in the infrared range. This photograph, by the way, adorned the opening screensaver of the famous series X-files (“The X-Files”): those same mysterious hands, remember? These are Juna's hands, with “mysterious radiation”!

Based on the results of Juna’s research, an article by Yu. Gulyaev and E. Godik was published in the “Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences” in 1983, summarizing the results. There was nothing fantastic in the material, only “thermal radiation” emanating from Juna’s hands. The healer achieved her goal: she was allowed “up” (according to some sources, she treated not only the elite of Soviet culture, but also many barely alive party bosses), and in 1989 the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries even issued her an author’s certificate for the method of healing “ contactless massage." So Juna became the first registered psychic in the USSR! Then she will also receive a gold medal from VDNKh for her method of “non-contact massage”.

But not everyone was convinced by the decision of the scientific commission and the VDNH medal. For example, one of the scientists who was directly involved in equipping the special laboratory and the research itself, now a professor at Stanford University, Alexander Taratorin, skeptically states in his essay “The Fictional History of Psychics in Russia”: “In general, there was nothing to show...” And further: “ I think Juna sincerely believed in her abilities and was ready to treat anyone. One day I had a sore throat, and Juna offered me a treatment session. I agreed, it was interesting how it would end. I didn’t have any sensations, and a couple of days later a severe sore throat started.” This is an opinion that, of course, did not make it onto Juna’s official website.

But this is all a long time ago days gone by, and what does Juna do now? She decided to entrust her “contactless massage” to... an electrical device! Juna developed and even patented the “KEMM-01” device, or the “Juna” biocorrector, and after it also “Juna-2” and “Juna-3” (improved). According to Juna, these devices should exactly replicate the radiation from her hands. Juna herself has one copy of the biocorrector (they say that she now very rarely treats directly with her hands), the other is in the branch of her Juna Academy in Batumi. The device has not yet entered mass production: as Juna herself explains, due to the high cost of its production.

The long-term plans of the “queen of the Assyrian communities of the world” are not limited to the production of a miracle device. “I myself have reached perfection,” she claims in one of her last “interviews.” The logical conclusion: the time has come to make others perfect.

So Juna has big plans for humanity. She claims to have deeply comprehended the secrets of the cell. “I stand at the origins of nanotechnology,” she says, “I entered the genetics of chromosomes and optimize the genome.” Juna complains that our country has introduced a ban on human cloning, otherwise she would have launched large-scale experiments in this area. Target? On the one hand, Juna passionately desires to return his beloved son Vakho, who died in a car accident in 2001: “I will not satisfy my grief with love for a new child. I only need my son. My son". She discusses the topic of reviving the dead: “A son, with the help of powerful energy, can recreate his father, the father, in turn, recreates his father... In this way, everyone who originally lived on earth can be restored.” “I have a dream: I really want mothers who have lost their sons to have hope for their return... Why shouldn’t the first newly born Adam appear in Russia?”

Now we are interested in what is usually called "mystical knowledge", but in fact it is just practice. Only having gained experience, that is, having received a certain experience, feeling, can we reflect on what our experience means. No matter how we explain it, if we received it, were able to feel it, then we already have knowledge. This is the main thing. So, in a situation with sugar, you can, knowing it sweet taste, call it any word: “sweet”, “bitter” or “salty”. This is not very important when we already know that it is the taste of sugar.

Juna easily talks about possible “genomic optimization” and “protection of cells from viral and various toxic factors.” Well, wait and see. By the way, regarding Russia, Juna (who also declared herself a soothsayer) also has optimistic predictions. “Everything will be fine,” the healer assures in one of her last interviews, “I believe that in 3-5 years Russia will catch up the developed countries West. It’s hard to imagine what she will achieve.”

To be honest, I personally find it hard to believe both in this forecast and in the possibility of any device to replace the healer himself. The entire history of healing by laying on of hands (examples of Christ, Buddha, Indian saints, the founder of Reiki, the Japanese Mikao Usui) tells us that in this matter the very personality of the one who heals, his austerities, moral purity and impeccability are important. Without all this miracle, there will be no healing... And Juna’s talk, who apparently does not even have a medical diploma, about genetics is generally frivolous. But on the other hand, many hundreds - yes, thousands, if not tens of thousands of people - found in her relief from their, sometimes extremely serious, illnesses! For this, of course, honor and praise go to her... In general, Juna’s personality is so contradictory, and her biography is so confusing and stuffed with legends that it seems: Juna is either a hoax or a miracle. As they say in The X-Files, “I want to believe.” A person always believes in miracles, that’s why miracles happen.
