Ecological entertainment "forest tower" in the older group. Sports and environmental entertainment for the senior group in kindergarten with a presentation

Abstract of entertainment on ecology

for children of senior preschool age

"Hello, Mother Nature!"


  • Shape ecological culture children, formulate rules for environmentally sound interaction with environment.;
  • Expand children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest;
  • To instill in children a love of nature.

Decor : a spacious room is decorated “like a forest”.

Preliminary work: looking at story pictures “Rules of behavior in nature”, conversation on the topic “Birds”, guessing riddles about animals, learning outdoor game“Birds and Crows”, making attributes for games.

Progress of entertainment.

Presenter: Hello guys! So we met in a flower meadow. Isn't it really beautiful here? The trees are green, there are wildflowers in the clearing... Oh, how good it is to breathe! Do you know why we have gathered here? To talk about how we should treat nature, and find out whether we love it and take care of it?

Lesovichok appears.

Lesovichok: Good afternoon, kids! I am glad that you came to visit our summer meadow. Did you know that the forest is your big and a true friend? This is the home of birds and animals. Listen to how wonderful the birds sing.

A recording of birdsong sounds.

Lesovichok: What birds do you know?(Children's answers.)

Lesovichok: Well done, you know a lot of birds. I have prepared for you quiz.

Don't sit, don't be bored -

Answer the questions:

  • Who imitates human speech?

(Answer: parrot, starling).

  • Which bird's outfit resembles a black suit with a white shirt?

(Answer: penguin).

  • Who throws their chicks into other people's nests?

(Answer: cuckoo).

  • What bird knocks on wood with its beak all day?

(Answer: woodpecker).

  • What bird lives on the roofs of houses and, according to legend, brings happiness?

(Answer: stork).

  • Which bird has a very Long neck and very long legs?

(Answer: crane).

Presenter: You know Lesovichok, but our guys not only know birds, but also know how to imitate them.

Held outdoor game "Teteri".

Goal: to develop dexterity, rhythmic speech, and cultivate quick response to words.

Progress of the game: Two players represent grouse. They are located in one of the corners of the room. The rest of the children (6-8 people) stand in a circle in the middle of the room, holding hands. This is a cup of cottage cheese. The text is read in chorus, squatting slightly to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.

Like in our meadow

A cup worth of cottage cheese,


Two grouse


They flew away.

At 3-4 lines, the grouse jump out of the corner and jump towards the cup of cottage cheese. On lines 5-6, grouse jump on two legs near the cup, slightly tilting their heads inside the circle (pecking).

At the end of the nursery rhyme, the children, pretending to be a cup, raise their hands up, shouting: “Shoo!” - as if scaring the grouse, and the grouse fly away to their corner. The children catch them. The black grouse changes places with the one who caught it. The game repeats itself.

Lesovichok: Good good. I see you know birds and their habits. But why did you just shout so much? You must know the rules of behavior in the forest so as not to harm its inhabitants. What rules do you know?

Children list the rules of conduct in the forest.

Lesovichok: Right. And remember a few more rules:

  • Don't go close to the nests. Following your tracks, predators can find them and destroy them. If you accidentally find yourself near a nest, do not touch it, otherwise the parent birds may leave the nest forever.
  • Don't destroy birds' nests!
  • Don't touch the cobwebs in the forest and don't kill the spiders!
  • Do not pick flowers in the forest or meadow.
  • In the forest, try to walk along paths so as not to trample the grass and soil. This kills insects and plants!

We must preserve and protect the forest. Therefore, you need to know him well. Now we will check if you are familiar with the forest and its inhabitants. Answer my questions:

Lesovichok: Which plants have seeds equipped with “parachutes”?

Children: Dandelion, poplar, willow, thistle.

Lesovichok: What animals help spread seeds?

Children: Birds, mice, ants, chipmunks.

Lesovichok: What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?

Children: Photo hunt.

Lesovichok: What are the causes of forest fires?

Children: Unextinguished fires, lightning.

Lesovichok: Why, especially in spring and early summer, should you not make noise in the forest, turn on a tape recorder, or light a fire?

Children: The noise and smell of smoke frighten forest dwellers.

Presenter: Lesovichok, let's play with the guys.

Held didactic game “Assemble the apple puzzle.”

Goal: to develop attention and logical thinking.

Progress of the game: assemble a puzzle from the provided pictures.

Lesovichok: Look what beautiful flowers in the clearing. Do you know what they are called?(Children's answers).

Lesovichok : I propose to conduct dance competition with flowers.

Held "Dance competition"

Progress of the game: large cardboard flowers are placed on the children’s heads, and at the presenter’s signal, they begin to dance to the music without touching the flowers with their hands. The winner is the one who dances the longest without dropping the flower.

Lesovichok : Oh, yes, kids! Well done! I'll go and try it!

Lesovichok joins the children. The competition is being held again.

Lesovichok : Guys! Are you familiar with forest animals?

Guess the riddles , find out what animals we are talking about:

  • Who knows a lot about raspberries:

Clubfoot brown...(Bear).

  • Who loves to run through the branches?

Of course, red... (Squirrel).

  • At night I raised my head,

The angry gray one howls...(Wolf).

Lesovichok: Well done boys! You have pleased me with your knowledge. Now let's play again.

Held low mobility game

"The trees are swaying, once...".

Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a signal, according to a word. Develop initiative and ingenuity.

Progress of the game: During the game, children say the following words:

The trees are swaying...

The trees are swaying, two...

The trees are swaying, three...

Forest figure freeze in place!

After finishing the words, the leader chooses the figure he likes, after which this child takes on the role of the leader. The game is repeated several times.

Presenter: Guys! Our meeting with Lesovichok ends... did you like it? We hope that you will now become true friends of the forest, take care of it and love it.

Lesovichok leaves. A song about nature sounds.

Ecological outdoor entertainment for children of the senior group "We are guests in the forest"

Target: Environmental education children.

Tasks: Improve environmental knowledge.

Cultivate a friendly and caring attitude towards all living things.

Give children the joy of participating in the holiday.

Equipment: scarves of green and blue color(knit in advance in a group), rope, garbage bags, “garbage” (branches, paper, plastic bottles), 4 baskets with pasted images of paper and plastic bottles, blue and yellow color, 2 hoops, cones, pencil gifts.


Educator: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. To find yourself there, let's close your eyes and imagine - birds are chirping, songs are singing, the wind caresses your face, plays with your hair, the trees rustle their leaves. (At this time, garbage is scattered and Leshy appears)

Turn around yourself and find yourself in the forest!!!

The goblin sits on a tree stump and cries.

Q: Oh, why are you crying, who are you?

Leshy: I am Leshy, guardian of the forest. Today people came again, look what they turned my property into... There is garbage all around, bottles, broken branches, destroyed nests...

What did you come with? Have they come to destroy the forest too?

B: No, we came for a walk in the forest, listen to the birds singing, and breathe fresh air.

Children know how to behave in nature.

L: Really? I can't believe it. After all, a lot of people do this. It’s interesting to hear what you know about the rules of conduct.

(Children's answers)

Q: Don’t worry, the children won’t harm the forest. They are ready to help clean up and put everything in order.

L: They are small, and probably weak. There's a lot of work here.

Q: And we will show how children tug of war.

Game "Tug of War"

Children are divided into 2 teams based on the color of their scarves and, at the teacher’s signal, they perform a tug of war

L: I see that they are strong, and you know the rules of behavior in the forest. I think we can hire you as an assistant. We will clean up the trash. Hold the bags and carefully collect everything and put the clearing in order.

Well done.

Did you know that it is customary to sort garbage before throwing it away? Paper, plastic, food waste, everything is thrown away separately. Why do you think they do this?

(Children's answers)

Q: Let's play a game called "Sort out the trash"

We divide into 2 teams according to the color of the scarves. Each team has 2 baskets in front of them. One shows paper, the other - plastic bottle. The team lines up over the line, the participant takes a blue and a yellow ball, tries to get the blue one into a basket with paper, and the yellow one into a basket with plastic. The winner is determined by counting the correctly sorted balls in the basket.

L: We did the job well. Don't forget why you need to sort garbage.

Q: Oh, look, some trees don’t have bark...

L: Ehhh... Now the tree will wither and get sick.

Q: Do you think we need trees?

L: Let me ask you questions, and you answer me. Let's see what you know about the forest.

What is the forest for? (clean air, paper, Construction Materials)

Are the trees alive or not? Why? (breathe, grow)

What trees need to be cut down in the forest? (sick)

Why do trees get sick? (harmful insects have settled)

Who heals trees? (Woodpecker)

How can you help birds? (hang feeders, birdhouses)

Well done

Q: What do you think animals eat in winter? (make supplies in the fall)

Let's play the game "Gathering supplies"

We divide into 2 teams. In front of each team there is a hoop, with cones scattered around. You need to collect the cones inside the hoop. The team that scores wins greatest number cones.

L: Well done guys! It's time for me to go, there is a lot of work in the forest. It was nice to meet you.

Thank you for helping me clean my house. Never forget the rules of behavior in nature, take care of the forest and remember - HERE, IN THE FOREST, YOU ARE GUESTS!!!

And these are souvenirs for you - pencils. Draw and don't forget what they are made of!


Q: Goodbye, Leshy. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Celebration in the senior group “How children saved the earth”

Integration educational areas : “Music”, “Cognition”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Health”.

Target: draw the attention of preschoolers to problems associated with environmental pollution.

Tasks: awaken in every child the desire to help protect the environment; promote understanding that the basic driving force We ourselves are responsible for changing approaches to environmental issues.

Planned results: masters basic movements in accordance with age; emotionally sensitively feels the experiences of close adults, children, characters in fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows; shows a strong interest in various types children's activities (design, visual arts, play), sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of a poetic text; game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken; speech becomes the main means of communication; can independently or with a little help from an adult evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers.

Contents of organized activities

Children run into the hall to the music and stand in a circle facing the audience.


The sun is shining in the sky,

The laughter of children rings around.

Start every day with a song

Forest, and field, and river, and meadow.

Song “The Morning Begins” (music by I. Kosmachev, lyrics by M. Yasnov). An SOS signal sounds.


What is it, what happened?

Something happened somewhere!

Hey guys, this is an SOS distress signal. It is sent only as a last resort. Apparently someone needs help. Do you hear what faint sound? This signal probably made its way to us from the future. What happened there? We urgently need to go to the future, and the Time Machine will help us get there.

Song "Time Machine".

If somewhere, someone, something,

If trouble suddenly comes,

We are ready to answer the call,

We are always in a hurry to help.

Even time is not a barrier -

We'll fly through the years,

By car on a magical

We will rush to your aid.


We have a time machine

The car is simply classy.

It carries us through the years,

Fly forward quickly.

The children take their seats and the scenery changes. Aunt Tina is sitting on a snag.

Aunt Tina(hums a song).

Covered with brown mud

The surface of the ancient pond,

But the birds sang before

And the poplars rustled.

Was happy and naive

All people have a carefree look,

Everything around seemed wonderful

300 years ago.

Leading. Now we're in the future, but what's going on here?

Aunt Tina. Who are they, why did they come to my swamp?

Leading. We came from the past, but we didn’t want to end up in your swamp.

Aunt Tina. And now the whole Earth is a complete swamp, and I am the most important one here - Aunt Tina, I ask you to love and favor me.

Leading. And what, there is no one here except you?

Aunt Tina. If not, there are spiders and cockroaches, and also fly agarics and toadstools.

To the music, Amanita and Toadstool come out (the roles are played by children).

Fly Agaric and Toadstool(singing).

They say around that we are

Useless mushrooms

They don't cook us in sour cream,

We can get poisoned.

Fly agaric.

Look at me,

Fly agaric is where I'm at!


But toadstools are still better,

And our outfit is cooler.

Fly agaric.

What did you say? Repeat!

Who is more beautiful, me or you?


Of course, I have no doubt

There is no more beautiful Toadstool!

fly agaric. Fly agarics are still better!

Toadstool. Now you will get it from me!

Fly agaric.

Oh, you harmful Toadstool,

I'll ask you now!


I can't listen anymore

I'll take it and bite it!

Fly agaric.

So you decided to bite?

I will fight with you!

Aunt Tina. And like this every day. They can argue for hours about which of them is more beautiful.

Toadstool. I am the most beautiful!

fly agaric. No, I'm prettier!

Leading. And in my opinion, the most beautiful flowers on Earth are flowers!

Fly Agaric and Toadstool. Flowers? And what is it?

Aunt Tina. Flowers are plants with a specific smell; they were destroyed in the last century.

Leading. And who destroyed them?

Aunt Tina. Like who? You, of course! You trampled the flowers, tore them indiscriminately, and forgot to water them.

Leading. Guys, it’s true: very often we pick flowers and trample the grass. And some people like to set fire Poplar fluff, without thinking that nothing may grow in this place. We need to correct our mistakes. Let's plant flowers here!

Fly agaric. Horrible!

Toadstool. We need to call someone for help, otherwise they will turn our entire swamp into a flower garden. (Run away)

Leading. And we won't waste time,

We need to clean up all the trash!

Game "Let's clear the clearing from garbage."


We put the clearing in order,

Now you can plant flowers.

Game "Who will plant the most flowers."


Well done guys!

We were able to plant flowers.

Nature is waking up.

Where was the swamp yesterday?

Flowers spin in a waltz

Unprecedented beauty.

Dance “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(music by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

There is a sneezing sound, and the Old Moss Moss appears. Old Moss Moss Man. Oh, what's wrong with me? Swamp kikimora, where are you? Apchhi!

Kikimora(looks out from behind a hummock).

Well, what is it, there is no peace.

Who is sneezing here, who is disturbing my sleep?

Is that you, Mokhovichok? Got a cold, old man?

Old Moss Moss Man.

I didn't catch a cold at all -

I have allergies.

I remember this has happened to me before,

Many years ago people sneezed on flowers.

Kikimora. What are flowers?

Old man mokhovichok. Well, they are so different, they come in yellow and red (points to flowers), approximately the same. Apchhi!

Kikimora. Oh, how beautiful!

Old Moss Moss Man.

Where did they come from here?

Rip them all off quickly.


Tear such beauty

To be honest, I can’t!

Old Moss Moss Man.

Kikimora, don't you know

What danger do flowers pose?

Kikimora. I know it's your allergy!

Old man mokhovichok. Yes, compared to bees, this is just nonsense! You hear them buzzing and flying towards the flowers.

Dance of the bees "Zhu-zhu".

Mokhovichok comes out with his face bandaged with a scarf.

Kikimora. Oh, Mokhovichok, what's wrong with you?

Old man mokhovichok. If you don't see, the bees have bitten you. (Notices the children) You planted flowers here! And why did they come?

Leading. We are here because we received an SOS signal.

Old man mokhovichok. Who dared to send this signal? Are you, Kikimora?

Kikimora. Why is it that Kikimora is immediately guilty? Apparently, you sent this signal yourself, and now you’re blaming it on me.

Old man mokhovichok. Who? I've posted? Well, now you will get it from me!

Aunt Tina. Stop arguing, I sent the distress signal.

Old man mokhovichok. For what?

Aunt Tina. I wasn’t always Tina Bolotnaya. 300 years ago I was a fast, playful stream, but at that time people did not take care of nature: their factories clogged the rivers, smoke poisoned the air. People have forgotten that the Earth is our home, water is our mother, and air is our father. So I wanted you to see what human carelessness can lead to. Have you, children, ever wondered what every broken branch, crushed insect or ruined nest can lead to? When breaking a branch, how many of you think that the whole tree might die? (Children's answers) And when you uproot flowers, do you think about the fact that they might disappear from the face of the earth altogether? (Children's answers)


Let's walk slowly through the meadow

And say “hello” to every flower.

You should bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting -

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

The children run away in all directions.

1st child.

We want the birds to sing

So that there is noise around the forest,

May the skies be blue.

2nd child.

So that the river turns silver,

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

3rd child.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green,

And under the tree lived a prickly hedgehog.

General song " Green World"(music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by Yu. Polukhin, from the movie "Teddy Bear, Baby and Others").

Old man mokhovichok(sneezes). Ugliness! What a swamp they turned into! Now return everything the way it was! Kikimora!

Kikimora. What about Kikimora? For example, I like it. I even want to dance, it’s a pity I don’t know how.

Leading. And the guys and I will come to the rescue,

Let's go dance with you.

General dance (at the discretion of the music director).

The children remain in a circle, the Old Moss Man dances.

Leading. Our dance even lifted Mokhovichok’s spirits!

Old man mokhovichok. What's your mood? They ruined the whole swamp, and now they’re talking about the mood. The branches themselves were broken, the flowers were torn; Well, it’s okay, once you leave, there will be a swamp here again.

Leading. Guys, do you want our Earth to turn into a swamp? (Children answer)

Are you ready to take an oath to protect your Earth and not pollute nature?

Children. Yes!

1st child. We swear not to destroy birds' nests!

Children. We swear!

2nd child. We swear not to break tree branches!

Children. We swear!

3rd child. Love nature, respect!

Children. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading. I want you to carry this oath through the years and preserve our Earth!

Old man mokhovichok. And Kikimora and I want to present you with medals.

Kikimora. To be declared young ecologists.

Presentation of “Young Ecologist” medals to children.

Aunt Tina. Thank you, kids, for coming to the rescue and saving the Earth from destruction.

Leading. Well, it's time for us to return.

Heroes. Goodbye friends!

Song "Time Machine".

The scenery is changing.

Leading. So you and I have returned from the future. Of course, it was just a fairy tale, but I ask you guys not to forget that only in a fairy tale can you correct your mistakes. This is much more difficult to do in life. Love and take care of nature.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Forest Fairy: Guys, who can tell me what a forest is?

Forest Fairy: That's right, remember what else grows in our forests?

Forest Fairy: That's right, guys, well done! Why do they always say that the forest needs to be protected? What does the forest give to humans, animals and birds?

Forest Fairy: Exactly right, guys. Did you know that forests are called the lungs of the country? And the more forests grow than more trees in our cities and courtyards, the cleaner the air in them.

This means that you grow healthy and strong because you breathe. clean air. That is why it is very important to protect our forests from fires and not pollute them.

No wonder people came up with this proverb:

Don’t destroy a lot of forest,

There are few forests - take care,

If there is no forest, plant it.

Forest Fairy: Do you guys know proverbs about the forest?

Forest Fairy: You guys are great, how many good proverbs you know about the forest! Now let's play a game called

"Dress up the tree."

On the carpet lie silhouettes of trees cut out of colored cardboard, with paper tree leaves scattered around them. different breeds(birch, maple, oak, one leaf is glued to each tree as a sample.

Game description: In front of you are three trees with only one leaf left. Your task: collect leaves and decorate the trees correctly. To do this you need to split into three teams. Each team decorates its tree.

Children play the game “Dress Up the Tree” to the accompaniment of music.

Forest Fairy: Here are our trees dressed in foliage.

Now I’ll check if you completed the task?

Forest Fairy: (addresses the children of the first team) What is the name of the tree that you decorated?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of the forest where there are a lot of maples?

Forest Fairy: (addresses the children of the second team) What is the name of the tree that you decorated?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of the forest in which birches grow?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of the tree you decorated?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of a forest where there are many oak trees?

Forest Fairy: That's right, guys, you completed the task.

All the trees dressed in their foliage and became very elegant.

Take your seats.

Guys, of course, you know that forests are also home to many animals and birds, and when people cut down forests unnecessarily and start fires, our smaller brothers suffer from this - forest birds and animals.

Let's remember what animals live in our forests?

Forest Fairy: That's how many animals you named.

Now I’ll tell you riddles about animals and see if you can guess them.

Lives in a hollow, jumps and flies through the trees,

But not a bird. (Squirrel) .

There are lumberjacks in silver-brown fur coats on the rivers,

Strong dams are built from trees, branches, and clay. (Beavers).

Flames flashed quickly behind the trees and bushes.

It flashed and ran - there was no smoke or fire. (Fox) .

Who carries a forest on his head? (Deer) .

I live in the forest and in the meadow, I spoil the garden beds,

And I run away without looking back. (Hare) .

Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared those animals. (Wolf)

Brown, clubfooted

Walking through the forest.

He likes to "borrow"

Forest bees have honey. (Bear)

There was a pillow with needles lying under the Christmas trees.

She lay there and lay there and suddenly ran. (Hedgehog).

Forest Fairy: Well done, guys, you solved the riddles.

And now we will play the game “Wolves and Hares”. The rules of the game are very simple: now we will divide into two teams. The "wolves" must catch all the "hares". It is enough for the “wolf” to touch the “hare” with his hand. The caught “hares” sit on their chairs.

Children play the game “Wolves and Hares” to the accompaniment of music.

Forest Fairy: What good fellows the “wolves” are, they caught all the “hares”! Guys, you and I know that in addition to animals, there are also animals living in the forests. different birds. Therefore, I have one more task for you: I will show you photographs of birds, and you all have to name them for me together, agreed?

Demonstration of a slide presentation of photographs of birds living in forests middle zone Russia: hawk, owl, rook, tit, woodpecker, heron, magpie, sparrow, etc.

Forest Fairy: Guys, you coped with this task perfectly.

It's immediately obvious that this is senior group. You know a lot. Now let's play a game with you

"Occupy your house."

Game description: There are several hoops laid out on the carpet, which serve as a bird house. You will be birds. While the music is playing, you will fly like birds, and as soon as the music subsides, you must take your house. Whoever is left without a house is eliminated from the game and sits down.

Children play the game “Occupy Your House” to the accompaniment of music.

Forest Fairy: We flew a little, and now let's rest. Guys, today we talked a lot about careful attitude to the forest. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? I suggest you play a game called“It’s possible - it’s not possible.”

I will ask you a question, and you will answer in unison whether this can be done or not.

Breaking trees and branches, picking off leaves? (It is forbidden)

Planting trees in the forest? (Can)

Walk and trample grass in the clearings? (It is forbidden)

Walk along the paths? (Can)

Tearing large bouquets of flowers? (It is forbidden)

Admire flowers? (Can)

Leaving trash in the forest? (It is forbidden)

Lighting a fire in the forest? (It is forbidden)

Protect the forest from fire? (Can)

Destroying birds' nests (Prohibited)

Forest Fairy: Well done, guys! And in this task all questions were answered correctly. Listen to what a wonderful poem I have prepared for you:

“Tales of the Russian Forest” by O. Trushkina.

We all know: Russian forest

Full of wonderful fairy tales

About the bear and the fox,

About the hedgehog and the dragonfly,

About deer and beaver...

There is a lot of good in fairy tales!

If we don't take care of the forest,

Tear, saw, break and burn,

Then something bad will happen to him:

The water in the streams will dry up,

And the cuckoo on the bitch

He won’t sing his “Peek-a-boo.”

Hedgehog, squirrels and bunnies

They'll get bored without a lawn,

And the bear, fox and wolves

They will be sad in winter without a Christmas tree.

Bluebell and chamomile

Only in the forest they live and sing,

They grow and bloom.

Our kids should know

From stories and books:

We are the forests of our country

Must always be protected!

So that the food becomes green,

The bumblebees were ringing on the flowers,

In the thicket the lilies of the valley were blooming,

And mushrooms grew in the pine forests!

And believe me, then

Fairy tales will always live!

The kids will be able to do it for a long time

Listen to them in the silence of the forest.

The forest is not just for fun,

He is the wealth of the entire country.

All the trees and grass in it

Raised for our benefit.

Entertainment scenario for the senior group "A trip to the forest"

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of the preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Description of material: scenario for entertainment on ecology in the senior group. The material may be of interest to music directors and teachers.
to form children's ecological culture; to instill in children a love of nature, to formulate rules for environmentally sound interaction with the environment;

Children enter the hall.
Leading: guys, let's go on a train trip. Stand up one after another.
(children get into the train and move around the hall to the music)

"Blue carriage"

Leading: where do you think we ended up?...

(background of birdsong sounds)

Leading: That's right, you and I have arrived in the forest. Let's listen to the birds singing. You can sit down.

(listen to birds singing)
(music plays, a tourist comes in with a player and a backpack. He walks and looks at everything. He takes out a candy, eats it and throws the candy wrapper into the “lake.”)

Leading: Hello.

Tourist: Hello. Who are you and what are you doing here?

Leading: We are children from kindergarten, we came by train to the forest to relax, enjoy the sounds and beauty of the forest.

And I'm a tourist, I'm also on vacation, (takes out a chocolate bar, eats it, throws away the wrapper)

Leading: what are you doing. Is it possible to litter in the forest? After all, different animals live here, this is their home.

Tourist: Just think, where should I throw the trash?

Leading: guys, tell me what a tourist should do in this case..

(children's answers... You need to collect all the garbage after yourself and throw it away in a place specially designated for garbage

Leading: So you throw out candy wrappers, and you can make a lot of interesting things out of them. Look what wonderful butterflies can be made from candy wrappers. And now we will dance with them.

Dance with butterflies.

Tourist: Well, okay, I understand everything about garbage and candy wrappers. (scratching the back of his head, pretending to be looking for something... finds sticks, makes a fire out of them, takes matches from his backpack, tries to make a fire...)
Leading: wait, why do you need a fire in the forest?

Tourist: why, why... how curious you are... I just wanted to and will find out...
Leading: Do you know that making fires in the forest is dangerous?

Tourist: why is it dangerous?

Leading: children, do you know why it is dangerous to make fires in the forest?

(children's answers - there may be a fire, many trees will burn, animals, birds, insects will die...)

Tourist: how boring you are... This is impossible... this is impossible!...

Yes, we are not boring at all. Better look at what we know Interesting games with chopsticks.

Rhythmic exercises with sticks.
Leading: What interesting things do you have in your big backpack?

Tourist: I will show you now. Want to?

(the tourist pours out all the contents: fishing rod, bottle, toy, spoons, plates, compass....)

Leading: guys, do you think all these things are needed for a tourist to walk through the forest? (children's answers)
Game “Pack a backpack for a tourist”
Leading:(addressing a tourist) do you have a fishing rod in your backpack? So you wanted to fish?

Well, you can catch fish!

Leading: but we saw you throw the garbage into the river. Will fish live there if it is clogged?
Children, what do you think? (Under no circumstances should you throw garbage into lakes and rivers).

Leading: Let's clean up the river, collect trash, and then fish.
(children collect all the garbage in a garbage bag).

Then the game is played
"Catch some fish"
Leading:(draws the children's attention to the newspapers)
Look, we didn't collect all the garbage in the forest. Let's completely restore order in this part of the forest. To make it more fun, let's turn cleaning into a game.

Game “Hit the newspaper into the bucket”»
(children are divided into 2 teams. The team stands in front of the bucket. They take a sheet of newspaper one at a time, crumple it and throw it away, ending up in the bucket)

Leading: look, is everything in order now? (Yes)

Well, tourist. I think our children taught you the rules of behavior in nature.

Tourist: Yes, I will try to behave correctly.

Leading: Now I will check how you know all the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you game "If I come to the woods."

I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “yes”, if bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes)
(during the game, the tourist carefully monitors the children’s answers and is surprised at how much they know)

Leading: Yes, I see you know all the rules, well done. And you, a tourist, now know how to behave in nature. Our journey is coming to an end. Let's give each other a smile and sing a song about it.

Song "Smile".

Leading: And now we get on the train again, it’s time to go home. Tourist, do you want to come with us? Then take a seat, let's go.
(They ride on an imaginary train to the music “Blue Carriage.”)
Leading: Here we are at home.
