Verbs are reflexive and non-reflexive. What is non-refundable and refundable?

Reflexive verb

Verb with the affix -sya (-еъ). The scope of the concept “reflexive verb” and the related concept “reflexive form of the verb” is presented differently in theoretical studies and in educational literature. In some works (“Morphology of the modern Russian language” by I. G. Golanov, school textbooks), all verbs with an affix (particle, suffix) -sya are called reflexive verbs, regardless of their origin and collateral meaning: formations from transitive verbs (to wash, be upset, hug, etc., where -sya is considered as a formative affix), from intransitive verbs (cry, take a walk, wake up, walk, etc., where -sya is a word-forming affix) and verbs that do not exist without -sya used (to be afraid, to be proud, to climb, to hope, to wake up, to laugh, to crowd, etc.). In other works (academic “Grammar of the Russian Language”), reflexive verbs ы are reflexive verbs, in contrast to which verbs with the affix -sya, which do not express a voice meaning, are called reflexive forms of the verb a; The latter include formations from intransitive verbs (threaten, call, knock, etc.) and verbs that are not used without -sya ( cm. higher). In third works (university textbook “Modern Russian Language,” Part II), reflexive verbs are considered independent lexical formations in which the affix -sya performs a word-formation function (fidget, give out, lean against, call to one another, tidy up, hurt yourself, cry, knock, etc.). etc., be proud, hope, laugh, etc.), and reflexive forms of the verb are formations in which the affix -sya performs a formative function: these are forms of the passive voice that retain lexical-semantic identity with transitive verbs (the window is washed by the worker, the streets landscaping by Komsomol members, etc.). The difference in the interpretation of the terms “reflexive verb” and “reflexive form of the verb” is associated with a different understanding of the category of voice ( cm. voice of the verb.

Dictionary-reference book linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what a “reflexive verb” is in other dictionaries:

    RETURNABLE, oh, oh. 1. Same as reverse (1 digit) (obsolete). Let's hit the road. 2. Renewing, sometimes arising again. V. typhus (acute infection occurring in the form of attacks). 3. In grammar: 1) a reflexive verb denoting... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    - (gram.) see Reflexive verb... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (reflexive | réfléchi | reflexiv | reflexive | riflessivo) Containing a return to the subject of the action. A reflexive verb (verbe réfléchi) means that the action coming from the subject returns to it again (French je me baigne “I am bathing”) ... Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

    RETURN, return something to where or to whom, turn, turn back, give back, back; send home, put or put in its original place. Get your health back, your money, get back what you lost, get it back for yourself. Come back,… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. Reflexive pronouns are a part of speech, a type of pronoun that expresses the direction of action on the person producing it. Group... ...Wikipedia

In our language there are a huge number of words, which, in turn, consist of morphemes. Each of these bricks carries special information, which we sometimes don’t even think about. This article will allow you to decipher some linguistic codes by analyzing small parts of words called postfixes. The rule, the main elements of which will be these morphemes, will allow us to determine whether we have a reflexive or non-reflexive one.

In contact with

What is a verb

The verb in is one of the significant parts speech denoting an action or state of an object. Verb can vary according to tenses, persons and numbers, that is, conjugate. Also, verbs can be defined repayment, transitivity, voice, gender (past tense). In a sentence, the verb is associated with the subject and acts as a predicate.

What are verbs made of?

Let's figure out what the significant parts of verbs are? It's simple, these are all the morphemes that make it up. One of these important parts of any verb will be suffixes: SYA, SY, T, CH, L; as well as the basics: , present tense. (Splash - toil, SAT - crowded, DRINK - cry, LIE - flow, Puffed - licked; talk - speak, spit - spit - the basis of the infinitive; carry - carried, draw - ricej - the basis of the present tense).

Based on this, you should understand what reflexive verbs are. These are those that contain the postfix SY. Absence of this morpheme speaks of irrevocability.

Important! It is easy to determine a reflexive or non-reflexive verb; it is enough to disassemble it by composition and trace the presence of the above element. This rule allows us to distinguish this feature of this part of speech.

How to determine in practice repayment and non-refundability

Two words are given: run and walk. We produce analysis by composition. 1st chapter: beige - root; -at – ending, suffixes Сь and СЯ out of stock. 2nd chapter: pro- – prefix; rumble-root; -yat – ending; -sya is a postfix (which indicates recurrence). Also, all non-reflexives are both transitive and intransitive, while their “brothers” are only intransitive.

Conclusion: 1st – non-refundable, 2nd – returnable.

All reflexive suffixes have certain shades of meaning:

  1. Washing, shaving, getting dressed, wiping yourself, admiring, being ashamed - the action is directed towards oneself.
  2. Fighting, calling names, hugging are performed by several subjects in relation to each other.
  3. To be upset, to be happy, to sulk, to laugh is a psycho-emotional state.
  4. The nettle stings, the cat scratches, the flower blooms - constant action.
  5. Cleaning up, getting some money - actions done in one’s favor.
  6. The door opened, water spilled - an event that happened on its own.

More often reflexive verb– derived from irrevocable (to wash – to wash).

Important! Must be distinguished from reflexive verbs verbal forms with passive (Wallpaper is chosen by the buyer. The doors are closed with a key.) and impersonal meaning (It’s getting dark. It’s frowning. It’ll clear up.).

Features of the use of the key morpheme:

  • SY- is added to the base of the verb, which ends in a consonant (washed, itched, caught fire, hoped, overate, shit yourself, drank too much, got dressed, dressed up);
  • S- joins a stem ending in a vowel (unraveled, trampled, combed, became familiar, disappeared, put on makeup, cheered up, fledged, hesitated).

Variants of use within a literary text

Let's look at sentences with reflexive verbs using specific examples.

It's getting dark (no return). The reeds are spiking (return) on the pond, the ducks have begun a roll call, anticipating twilight. The river surface lies (return) like an even glass canopy over the entire visible space, close (return) to the banks.

Slowly a small boat moored (non-return) to the wooden bridge, knocking (return) barely audibly against its bow, barely protruding from the water.

The bittern begins to hoarsely (non-return) scream (non-return) in a distant swamp, as if he is not feeling well today (impersonal form). The bloody streak of the setting sun has already turned red (non-return) in the sky, which is about to disappear (return) from the human world and will bask (return) all night in the coolness of the curly clouds.

Between the branches, roots, swaying blades of grass, fog seeps (return.) enveloping everything and everyone that its timid hand touches (return.) with a veil of coolness and enchanting smoky bliss.

A herd of horses is driven (passive form) from the pastures before dawn. In the tangled manes of free animals, bells and daisies, which inadvertently found themselves (return) under their hooves, live out (unreturned) the last seconds of their lives.

The last cry of the rooster ends (non-return.) the reign of the past day, and the first star lights up (return.) in the sky, one can hear the cries of an owl, the chirping of grasshoppers and the quiet purring of a cat who sleeps (non-return.) by the stove. And with the arrival of the first rays of sunshine in this world, everything is covered with (non-return.) awe, in every living creature a (return.) lights up. irresistible desire life.

And there is (non-return) in all this confusion a special charm, that you are also a direct participant in all this action.

Verb definition. Returnable/ irreflexive verbs. Grammatical meaning verb

Russian lessons Reflexive form of the verb


Often, having mastered a theory, a person cannot easily apply it for practical purposes. Now you know how to determine reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. It is for this purpose that the article provides a number of examples of both single words and whole words. syntactic constructions related to the topic of study “Reflexive and non-reflexive verb”. Offers with reflexive verbs, placed as a separate block, can be an excellent option practical task one of the thematic works as in higher school, and in the average.

REFLECTIVE FORM OF VERBS . Verb form, formed using the ending -s or -xia. Verbs with this ending can be divided into 1. verbs for which there are no correlative forms without -xia: to be afraid, to laugh, etc.; however, some of them have verbs without -xia from the same basics, but with different prefixes: ridicule, etc.; 2. verbs that have correlative verbs without -xia, but with such a difference in meaning that cannot be attributed to the ending -xia, eg. fight, cf. tear; 3. verbs that have forms without -xia with such a difference in meaning as may be considered to be due solely to the presence or absence of this ending. The first 2 cases do not allow us to determine the functions of formations with -xia, since the meaning of intransitivity that unites them all is usually common in many verbs without -xia. In the latter case, we can talk about the difference between pledges, which can be called returnable and non-refundable (see Pledges and Refundable pledge). The main meanings (functions) of V.F. for verbs that have both non-reflexive and V.F. are the following: 1. own returnable: the actor does to himself what, in the irrevocable form, he does to the person or object indicated by the VIN. pad. noun: wash, rejoice, etc.; 2. mutual: several characters do to each other what, in the non-reflexive form, the character does to other persons or objects designated as vinit. pad. noun: fight, meet, etc.; 3. passive: the object of the action of the verb in the non-reflexive form here (with V.F. with a passive meaning) becomes the subject of speech, although its real (ungrammatical) relationship to the action of the verb remains the same, i.e. is denoted by a noun in nominative, case, and the subject of the action is either not denoted, or is denoted as an instrument of action, creates, by the case of the noun: a house is being built by a carpenter; more often without creativity. pad., indicating the producer of the action: the floors in the house are washed weekly; at the same time, V.F. with a passive meaning is used mainly with names, pad. nouns that do not denote a person; 4. indirect return: the actor does something for himself, in his own interests; V.F. has such a meaning relatively rarely and, moreover, mainly from intransitive verbs: knock, i.e. to knock for oneself, to make oneself known, to promise, i.e. promise for yourself, etc.; 5. intransitive: action is considered independently of the object of action, sometimes as an ability, property: to scold, bite, etc.; 6. intensification or concentration of intransitive meaning(from verbs having a non-reflexive form with an intransitive meaning): blush, cf. blush, smoke - “blow smoke around oneself”, cf. smoke; 7. impersonal(from verbs that have an intransitive meaning in the non-reflexive form): the action is considered without relation not only to the object (which does not exist even in the non-reflexive form), but also to the subject of the action, as something that happens by itself: sleeping, breathing, believing, wanting, etc.; in this case, the person who is the subject of the action in the non-reflexive form of these verbs is designated by a noun in the date. pad.: he can’t sit well. See Pledges and titles. there is an article by Fortunatov.

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"Reflexive form of verbs" in books

1.5. Verb suffixation

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1.5. Suffixation of verbs Suffix – irova(t). The growth of foreign language borrowings in the middle of the 19th century. in the sphere of verbal vocabulary was associated with a significant increase in the repertoire of foreign language verbs in – īrt (and its variant – izīt) [Sorokin 1965: 296; Essays 1964b: 130–140;

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Refundable duty REFUNDABLE DUTY (tax) - 1) the amount of import duties and taxes subject to refund to the payer when exporting goods from the Russian Federation: placed under the customs warehouse regime (provided they are actually exported within 3 months from the date of placement under this regime);

XII. Spelling verbs

author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XII. Spelling of verbs § 48. Personal endings of verbs 1. The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present and future simple tense differs: a) in the first conjugation: -eat, -et, -em, -ete, -ut or -yut; b) in the second conjugation: -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at or -yat. The II conjugation includes (from among

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs 1. In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffixes -ova-, -eva- are written, if in the 1st person singular of the present or future simple tense the verb ends in -yu, -yuyu, and the suffixes -ыва -, -iva-, if in the indicated forms the verb ends


author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XII. SPELLING OF VERBS § 48. Personal endings of verbs The spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present or future simple tense differs: a) in the I conjugation: - eat, - et, -em, - ete-, -ut or - yut; b) in the II conjugation : - ish, - it, -im, - ite, - at or - yat. For verbs with

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 50. Suffixes of verbs 1. The suffixes - ova-, -eva- are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense, if in the 1st person singular of the present or future simple tense the verb ends in - yu, - yuyu, and the suffixes - ыва , - willow-, if the verb is in the indicated forms

Return sequence

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6.59. I and II verb conjugations

author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.59. I and II verb conjugations Changing verbs in the present and future simple tense according to persons and numbers is called conjugation. Two types of conjugation - the first and the second - differ in the personal endings of the present and future simple tense: -у (-у), -ест, -ет, -ем, ее, -ут (-ут)

6.60. Word formation of verbs

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.60. Word formation of verbs In the modern Russian language, verbs are formed in a morphological way: such types are used as prefixal, suffixal, postfixal, prefix-suffixal, prefix-postfixal, suffixal-postfixal,

6.64. Spelling verbs

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.64. Spelling verbs 6.64.1. Personal endings of I and II conjugations of verbs 1. Verbs of II conjugation (with personal endings -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat) in the present and future simple tense include (among those having unstressed endings) verbs ending in -it in the infinitive: build

47 “profitable” verbs

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Recurrent mutation

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Return mutation First, I read L. Byzov’s article “Asianization,” and then I heard about the surprising statement of the head of the Federal Migration Service, Mr. Romodanovsky. And he said that his wonderful service with an avalanche of illegal migration alone has already


From the book Without distorting the Word of God... by Beekman John

VERB TENSE The present tense of a verb is often used to convey a past or future action. In the first case, when an event from the past is spoken of as if it were happening at the present moment, the author's purpose is usually to give the narrative

Non-refundable verbs are verbs without the postfix –sya; returnable– verbs with the postfix –sya. Historically, the formation of reflexive verbs is associated with the pronoun Xia, which was originally attached only to transitive verbs ( wash + xia (“yourself”) = wash).

All verbs in Russian can be divided into several groups:

irreflexive verbs,

from which returns are formed



a) wash + wash

build + xia education return

different forms

meet + xia

b) turn white + xia

darken + xia – morphological synonyms

c) look - look enough verbs

work - get enough SD

d) write - impersonal is not written

sleep - can't sleep verbs






Thus, we can conclude that the postfix –sya in the Russian language can perform several functions:

Form reflexive forms of verbs ( wash, whiten);

Form reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs lexical meaning (forgive - say goodbye, finish - achieve).

It should be noted that some verbs in –sya have a synonymous reflexive combination ( to deprive - to deprive oneself, to cover oneself - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive was established in the Russian language without regard to the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix –sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and voice correlation is provided only by the reflexive forms of the verb.

Pledge category

The category of voice is one of the most difficult problems of Russian grammar. Linguistic scientists define the content of this category differently, and therefore resolve the issue of the number of voices differently: some count up to 17 voices, others deny the presence of voices altogether.

In Russian linguistics there are the following definitions of voice:

1) pledge means “an act that passes from one thing to another, and an act that does not pass from one thing to another” (Lomonosov);

2) voices are those verbal forms that denote a difference in the relationship of the verbal action to its subject. On this basis, a refundable deposit can be allocated ( the book is being read) and non-refundable deposit ( read a book) – Aksakov, Fortunatov;

3) pledge is the relation of action to object (Buslaev, Shapiro);

4) pledge is an expression of the asset and liability of the subject (Isachenko, AG-70);

5) deposit – is the relation of action to subject and object(Vinogradov, Golovin, Gvozdev, Shansky).

In all of the above definitions of collateral there is a common criterion - the relation of the action to the subject and object. This feature is, indeed, important in voice content, since voice, like other verbal categories, manifests itself primarily as a certain grammatical relation - the relation of an action to its source and to the object. The category of pledge reflects objectively occurring processes, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of an actor and an object of action.

The mother (subject) washes (action) the child (object).

The child (subject, object) washes himself (action).

But in the Russian language there are verbs that name such actions, for the implementation of which only the doer, the subject of the action is needed:

Clouds (subject) float quietly across the sky.

Thus, all verbs in Russian can be divided into two groups:

1) verbs capable of conveying voice relations (voice verbs);

2) verbs that do not convey voice relations (non-voice verbs).

In some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them we're talking about about the same situation, for example: something is black in the distance and something is black in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, you can understand what a non-reflexive verb means and what it looks like “in life” by noting that the verbs reflexive and non-reflexive mean completely different moments.

The division of verbs into reflexive and non-reflexive has developed in the Russian language completely regardless of their division into transitive and intransitive, voicing and non-vocal. It does not coincide with either one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sia represents the intransitivity of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide voice correlation.

  • Putting on shoes, dressing, swimming(action is directed towards oneself);
  • See each other, hug, quarrel(reciprocal action that is performed by several subjects in relation to each other);
  • Happy, sad, upset(physical or mental condition subject);
  • The fabric wrinkles, the cat scratches, the nettle stings(constant property, quality of the subject);
  • Build, tidy up, get some money(indirect reciprocal action performed by the subject in his own interests);
  • I wish it was getting dark(impersonal action).

Reflexivity of verbsgrammatical category verbs, indicating the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya/-sya, as well as by shades of meaning.

Reflexive and irreflexive verbs

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive was established in the Russian language without regard to the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix –sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and voice correlation is provided only by the reflexive forms of the verb.

The category of collateral is one of the most complex problems Russian grammar. Linguistic scientists define the content of this category differently, and therefore resolve the issue of the number of voices differently: some count up to 17 voices, others deny the presence of voices altogether.

What are reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

All reflexive verbs are intransitive. This is their common grammatical property. Therefore, like others intransitive verbs(non-reflexive), they cannot control the accusative case of nouns with the meaning of a direct object and do not form passive participles.

Contents What is reflexivity of verbs. Reflexive verbs Shades of the meaning of reflexive verbs Formation of reflexive verbs Non-reflexive verbs Test What is reflexivity of verbs. Reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category of verbs that indicates the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in the Russian language are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya/-sya, as well as in shades of meaning.

Returnable and non-returnable forms- 1. Options such as a sail whitens in the distance - a sail whitens in the distance (with reflexive and non-reflexive forms of the verb, having same value“to be visible by one’s color, to stand out by it”) differ in that in the reflexive verb the indicated feature... ... Reference book on spelling and style

Participle forms- 1. Of the options wandering - wandering, acquiring - acquiring, dragging - dragging, the first is used in book speech, the second - in colloquial speech. 2. Unprefixed verbs with a suffix like go out, get wet, dry (see § 172... ... Reference book on spelling and style

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

What is the correct word for firefighter or firefighter? In modern Russian, the words firefighter and fireman, denoting a firefighter, are synonymous. The adjective fireman is derived from the noun fire. The word firefighter means a squad, a signal, a hose - everything that relates to extinguishing fires.

How do you spell the word nostalgic? The spelling of unstressed vowels in the word nostalgia should be memorized or checked in a spelling dictionary. The verb to nostalgia has a number of unstressed vowels at the root of the word. The suffix of the verb is stressed: In its formation, this verb went through a number of stages: nostalgia - nostalgia - nostalgia.

What are significant parts and how to determine a reflexive or non-reflexive verb

Let's figure out what the significant parts of verbs are? It's simple, these are all the morphemes that make it up. One of these important parts of any verb will be suffixes: SYA, SY, T, CH, L; as well as basics: infinitive, present tense. (Splash - toil, SAT - crowded, DRINK - cry, LIE - flow, Puffed - licked; talk - speak, spit - spit - the basis of the infinitive; carry - carried, draw - ricej - the basis of the present tense).

Two words are given: run and walk. We produce analysis by composition. 1st chapter: beige - root; -at – ending, suffixes Сь and СЯ out of stock. 2nd chapter: pro- – prefix; rumble-root; -yat – ending; -sya is a postfix (which indicates recurrence). Also, all non-reflexives are both transitive and intransitive, while their “brothers” are only intransitive.

What is non-refundable and refundable?

Since the new amendments came into force, passengers have become acquainted with a new term - “non-refundable tickets”, for which prices have been reduced (approx. - on domestic routes) by almost ¼. You will not be able to return such a ticket before departure - after all, most likely, the airline simply will not have time to sell it, which means an empty seat on the plane and losses for the carrier.

Not always Life is going according to plan. There are often cases when she makes her own adjustments to planned events, and even hits her pocket. For example, when you have to cancel a flight with non-refundable tickets in hand. On the one hand, such tickets are much more profitable, on the other hand, it is impossible to return them in case of “force majeure”.

Morphology of the Russian literary language*

Depending on the presence or absence of verbs with grammatical features indicating the intransitivity of the process, verbs in the Russian language are divided into two categories: reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. In other words, the division of verbs into reflexive and non-reflexive is determined by whether or not the form of the verb itself indicates that the process it denotes is not reversed, is not directed towards a direct object, which is expressed by nouns in wine. pad. without pretext.

Passive meaning denoting that the action is directed by some actor to the object defined by the verb, which is thus the object of the action. With this meaning, reflexive verbs are used mainly with inanimate nouns, and the character in this case is expressed by animate nouns in the instrumental case: a house is painted by painters, a locomotive is driven by a driver, a problem is solved by students, a model is designed by engineers etc. It should be noted, however, that this kind of turnover with instrumental case characters are rather artificial book formations and are relatively little used. It is more common to use reflexive verbs in the passive meaning without indicating the producer of the action, in abstraction from it: Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the deed will be done, The floors are washed once a week, New cities are built etc., but in this case the passive meaning is not so clearly identified and may be completely lost, cf.: The problem is solved by students And The problem is being solved(can be resolved) Linen is washed by a laundress And Linen is not washed well(does not become clean, white), etc.

What you need to know about refundable and non-refundable air tickets

The cost of return tickets is always higher. For example, to book a flight from Moscow to Rome on August 11 at Aeroflot at a non-refundable fare, you will have to pay 14,890 rubles. For comparison, the airline has two return fares - “Economy Optimum” costing 18,155 rubles (and 70 euros will be charged for the return) and “Economy Premium” costing 22,640 rubles (in this case, return and exchange will be free).

After the changes came into effect, so-called non-refundable tickets were introduced into the Air Code. The authorities believed that innovations would create favorable conditions for the development of low-cost airlines in Russia. However, all carriers have made the cheapest air tickets non-refundable. In addition, fares on the market have become more flexible - not only non-refundable and non-exchangeable tickets have appeared, but also those providing for flights without luggage. As a result, flying to domestic destinations has become approximately 25% cheaper.
