Zavorotnyuk's husbands: how many were there, and how did each new romance of the actress end? Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: biography Nastya Zavorotnyuk now.

Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk was born in Astrakhan into a creative family on April 3, 1971. The actress’s mother, People’s Artist of Russia Valentina Borisovna Zavorotnyuk, worked at the local Youth Theater, and her father, Yuri Andreevich Zavorotnyuk, worked as a TV director.

Childhood of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Even as a child, Nastya decided for herself that she would connect her life with the theater. “I hadn’t pronounced the word “actress” yet, but I really wanted to become one,” recalls Zavorotnyuk.

Nastya spent her entire childhood with her mother at work. She attended all the performances and knew all the roles by heart. Sometimes, the little girl even gave hints to the artist who had forgotten the words. People immediately shouted from behind the scenes: “This is a disaster! Take Zavorotnyuk out of the hall, take her out!” However, the girl still went out into the hall to the stage. During an urgent commissioning (an emergency replacement of one actor with another), Nastya was quite capable of disrupting the production.

In her free time from school, Nastya studied music and danced in the Lotus ensemble. The parents were not against their daughter’s hobby, but did not support Nastya’s dream of connecting her life with the theater. Nevertheless, the girl nurtured her dream and every New Year made the same wish: “To become an artist.”

After school, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk faced a difficult choice of where to enroll. On the one hand, she dreamed of theater, on the other hand, she knew well how difficult and thankless this specialty could be. In 1988, the girl entered the history department of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute. However, a year later, the future celebrity realized that she was mastering a profession that was completely different from hers. It was immediately decided to storm the theater universities in Moscow. The father supported his daughter’s decision, unlike her mother, whom Nastya told that she was leaving for an archaeological excavation.

The beginning of the career of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

In Moscow, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk went to GITIS, but she was not accepted there; the emotional girl told her father that she would not go anywhere else. However, dad believed in his daughter, and as a result, Zavorotnyuk entered the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Avangard Nikolaevich Leontyev.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk received her first film role in 1991, playing in Tamara Pavlyuchenko’s film “Mashenka”, based on the book “Nabokov”. Then there were the first roles on the theater stage. Two years later, in 1993, Nastya appeared on stage as the Broadway prostitute Lizka in the comedy “The Dashing Couple” by Arkady Sirenko. Fans noted the performance of the young actress in the play “Don Juan” by Alexander Marin.

In her fourth year, Anastasia was invited to the “Tabakerka”, where at that time Vladimir Mashkov was staging “The Passion of Bumbarash”. The actor then told Nastya: “You have 40 minutes to prove that you can do it.” She succeeded.

In 1993, Anastasia successfully graduated from the university and was accepted into the staff of the studio theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. , in which Zavorotnyuk served for 10 years. During this time, she played in almost 30 performances, and her favorite was the role of Varya in the production of “The Passion of Bumbarash.” Her stage partner in this performance was Evgeny Mironov.

The peak of popularity of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia gained all-Russian popularity after appearing on screen in the role of a beautiful nanny. According to the actress, she got into the series by accident - she was just lucky. During the audition, the girl and her children were in Anapa on vacation. A call with an invitation interrupted the vacation, and Nastya urgently flew to Moscow. Casting has been going on for almost a year, during which time for the role of Vicky in the TV series “My wonderful nanny“About 1.5 thousand people auditioned.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk on video

It is worth noting that in the series it was not at all difficult for Nastya to speak with an accent. The actress adopted it from her colleague in “Tabakerka”, Odessa resident Olga Blok-Mirimskaya.

The series radically changed Zavorotnyuk’s life. She left the Tabakov Theater-Studio and began wearing bright things, although she previously preferred black. After the enchanting success of “The Beautiful Nanny,” Nastya began to be invited as a presenter to various shows. In 2005, the actress hosted “ Good songs» in Kyiv. Then in the Ukrainian capital the girl hosted a cooking show based on Daria Dontsova’s book “ cookbook lazy people." Later, a program appeared on the Kiev “Adult Radio” called “Baby Monitor”.

Achievements of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

IN different years Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became the winner of the “Golden Ostap” awards - “For Best Female Comedy Role”, “Glamour” - “Best TV Actress”, “Top X Sexy” - “Sexiest Actress”, “Cover of the Year” - “Discovery of the Year”, “Golden Seven” - “Best Actress”, “Golden Seven” - “Domestic Actress Sex Symbol”, “FSB” - “Acting Work” and “Golden Seven” in the nomination “Best Actress”, in addition, Zavorotnyuk has a statuette "TEFI" in the category "Best female performer in a television film/series."

In 2007, the actress was invited to play the main role in Vadim Shmelev’s film called “Apocalypse Code.” In a film with a budget of about 400 million rubles, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk made her debut as a feature film actress. The director was not at all embarrassed by the fact that many associate the actress with the “beautiful nanny.”

In 2007, Alexei Zernov’s film “Shakespeare Never Dreamed” was released. The musical comedy featured the same actors who were on the set of the series “My Fair Nanny” - Boris Smolkin, Olga Prokofieva and Sergei Zhigunov.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk for a long time hosted the show “Ice Age”, after which she became co-host of Dmitry Dibrov in the TV show “Marriage Games”, and co-host of Marat Basharov in the TV show “Ice and Fire”. Anastasia was repeatedly invited as a member of the jury of the television show “People’s Star” on TRK Ukraine, the third season of the magic show “Surprise Me” on TV3, as well as the theater award “Golden Leaf”. She took part in the first season of the “Two Stars” project, paired with Mikhail Boyarsky, reached the finals, and took 2nd place. On September 30, 2012, Nastya launched a humorous talk show of the same name, “Nastya,” on Channel One, which was soon closed due to low ratings.

Since February 15, 2013, Anastasia, together with Dmitry Nagiyev, hosted the show “Two Stars”.

Personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The actress's first husband was German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf, who saw Nastya in the "Snuffbox" at a skit party. The man fell in love at first sight and began to court the actress, constantly repeating: “You are a queen.” Already on the fourth day after meeting, the German confessed his love to Nastya and began to persuade her to marry him. The actress succumbed to persuasion and left for her husband’s homeland, but Nastya did not live long in Germany - she fled to Moscow.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk met her second husband completely by accident. On the eve of Christmas, Anastasia was looking for gifts for her family and friends. To get everything done on time and not be late for the rehearsal, the girl caught a car. The driver was a handsome man named Dmitry, who agreed to take Nastya shopping all day. The man said that he had a wife and children, however, the actress herself was married at that time. As a thank you, Zavorotnyuk invited Dmitry and his wife to her performance. The man came alone. He showed up the next day.

Interview with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

“We had some kind of funny courtship period - three days. And on the fourth day Dima proposed. And everything became clear. At that time, we were both not free: he was married, I was married. It was necessary to abruptly break with everything, which is what we did. Dima has always been very decisive. There was no wedding. Even the parents weren't invited. We celebrated quietly together... I think that our acquaintance was no coincidence. Fate brought us together,” says Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Nastya decided to associate herself with the theater from early childhood: “I had not yet pronounced the word “actress,” but I really wanted to become one.” The girl grew up behind the scenes of the theater and knew all the performances by heart. “It was very funny when, at the age of five, I began to suggest lyrics to some tipsy artist. And from behind the scenes I could hear: “This is a disaster! Take little Zavorotnyuk out of the hall, take her out!” Nastya still “went out into the hall and approached the stage itself. And if there was any urgent input, I could completely disrupt the performance.”

IN free time From school, Nastya studied music and dancing, participated in the dance ensemble “Lotus”, but she never betrayed her dream of becoming an actress, although her parents were categorically against it. Nastya for everyone New Year I made only one wish: “To become an artist.”

Difficult choice

“By the time I had to finally choose a path, I was afraid of something and entered the history department.” And so, after graduating from school 37, Nastya entered the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History. But, after studying there for a year, she realized that she was taking someone else’s place and decided to go to Moscow to try out for a theater institute. Dad supported and went with her, but Nastya told her mother that she was going to an archaeological excavation.

Nastya went to enroll in GITIS, but she was not accepted. “I went out and told my dad that I wouldn’t go anywhere else, and that’s where all my efforts ended. But dad, he believed in me. He said: “No, daughter, let’s go.” And we went to "Pike"..."

Nastya entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and Pike, and GITIS, but in the end she chose the Moscow Art Theater, the course of Avangard Nikolaevich Leontyev (which she successfully completed in 1993).

Carier start

In 1991, Nastya starred in her first film “Mashenka”, in the title role based on Nabokov’s book (directed by Tamara Pavlyuchenko), and two years later she played the role of the Broadway prostitute Lizka in Arkady Sirenko’s adventurous comedy “The Dashing Couple”.

In her third year, Nastya was invited to Alexander Marin’s play “Don Juan”; it was an urgent introduction. And in the fourth year, Vladimir Mashkov invited Nastya to “Tabakerka,” which was releasing “Bumbarash” at that moment, and said: “You have 40 minutes to prove that you can do it.” And, rehearsing with Evgeny Mironov, the actor took Nastya by the shoulders and said: “You now have a chance, use it.” Nastya used this chance and proved to everyone that she can do a lot.

"My Fair Nanny"

Nastya came to the series completely by accident, as the actress herself says, “I was just lucky.” At the time when they called her and invited her to audition, she was vacationing in Anapa with her children. She immediately, without hesitation, went to Moscow, although before that she had not been approved for the series “ Poor Nastya" She didn’t know anything about the casting, neither about the fact that it had been going on for a year, nor about the fact that 1.5 thousand people had already auditioned for the role of nanny Vicky: “You know, I’m probably lucky that I didn’t know anything about it! Neither about this crazy casting nor about the fact that they are looking for an actress. They called me, apparently at the very last moment, and I was in the south with the children and absolutely, in general, enjoyed life, the sea, the sun and my children.”

The emphasis on nanny Vicky came from Olga Blok-Mirimskaya, an actress at the Tabakov Theater, where Nastya played for ten years. According to Nastya’s stories, she, coming from her hometown Simferopol, often told interesting stories about the locals, speaking with their accent.

Filming lasted from early morning until late at night. The nanny, Tatyana Petrovna, was sitting at home with the children. To all questions about the similarities between Anastasia and Victoria, she answers, “We are very different women.” And after talking with her for at least a minute, this immediately becomes noticeable.

The series absolutely changed Nastya’s life. She became famous and left Tabakov’s theater-studio. There were even some changes in her wardrobe; she began to wear brighter things, although before that she preferred mostly black. Got rid of many complexes. She had never worn short skirts before, and couldn’t even imagine how she could go out in public wearing something like that, but she gradually got used to it.

Work in Kyiv

The success of My Fair Nanny led to the actress being invited to host various popular shows. In 2005, Anastasia became the host of “Good Songs”, which took place in Kyiv. They created a festive atmosphere in the hall together with Alexander Tsekalo.

But Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became the host of the culinary show by accident. “Nastya was a guest of “Culinary Bestseller,” says the producer entertainment programs ICTY TV channel Alla Lipovetskaya. “While we were filming the program, we got to know her better. When later the idea arose to make a program based on Daria Dontsova’s book “The Lazy Woman’s Cookbook,” the concept of which included the presenter’s inability to cook, I realized that Nastya was the ideal candidate. She said that she was not an experienced cook, but she didn’t mind learning... At first the actress was scared: she thought that since this was a culinary program, she had to be a super pro in this matter. But we explained to her the essence of the program, and she agreed.” The program was filmed in Kyiv, where Nastya came for 3-4 days, and during this time they managed to film a whole block of programs. People from all over Ukraine, and even Russia, came to the culinary show. Specially invited guests told their stories and said why they want to learn how to cook. Then Nastya invited them to her kitchen, and they cooked together...

For some time, Nastya hosted another program in Kyiv, but this time on the radio station “Adult Radio”. The program was called "Baby Monitor". There Zavorotnyuk gave all kinds of advice: on folk medicine, by choosing talismans, names, etc. The presenter accompanied her advice with jokes, which lifted the mood for the whole day.


On November 18, 2005, Nastya was awarded the TEFI Award in the category “For Best Actress in a Film/Series.” This is how her work in the TV series “My Fair Nanny” was noted. This award was very important for the actress, but until the last moment she did not believe that she would receive it.

“True, I didn’t expect to receive TEFI, being neighbors with Inna Churikova and Svetlana Kryuchkova, this is some kind of incredible situation. And suddenly eight votes for me. I don’t even remember whether I was breathing at that moment or not...” says Nastya.

Feature film

Probably every actress dreams of being famous not for TV series, but rather for participating in full-length films. In 2007, Anastasia was invited to play the main role in Vadim Shmelev’s film “The Apocalypse Code” - a film with a budget of more than 400 million rubles. The plot of the film is common for Western action films: there is a main villain obsessed with the idea of ​​causing large-scale destruction in largest cities world, thereby destabilizing the international situation (he was played by the famous French actor Vincent Perez), and he is opposed by an experienced intelligence agent, this time Russian. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk played the role of the charming and resourceful savior of the world.

Probably many were confused by the director’s choice - the image of a nanny was so attached to the actress. At first, Vincent Perez also doubted his partner. “But it turned out that the external fragile image does not correspond to the strength of this woman,” he says. “I can guarantee that the blows I received from her were very serious.” We did this 12 hours a day, and I realized that Nastya has great strength - both physical and mental..."

Also in 2007, director Alexei Zernov’s film “Shakespeare Never Dreamed of” was released on screens across the country. This cheerful musical comedy, based on old Russian vaudeville shows, told the story of the adventures of four swindlers posing as a troupe of artists. The main roles in the film were played by the actors of the series “My Fair Nanny” - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Sergei Zhigunov, Boris Smolkin and Olga Prokofieva.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Personal life

The first husband, a German, saw Nastya at a skit party in the Tabakerka. His friend invited him to film the action on a video camera. At first sight, he fell in love with the actress, followed her and repeated: “You are a queen.” And on the fourth day he confessed his love and persuaded her to become his wife. The actress went with him to Germany, but soon fled to Moscow.

Anastasia met her true love, which waylaid her on... the road. It was around Christmas. Anastasia was looking for souvenirs for her loved ones and at the same time thinking about how to make it to the rehearsal. “You can’t do without a car,” Nastya decided. A foreign car pulled up. The actress told the driver, young man named Dmitry, about his Napoleonic plans. He decided to help - to be her driver all day. Dmitry said that he is a businessman, that he has a wife and daughter. Anastasia was also married. In gratitude for their help, Zavorotnyuk invited Dima and his wife to her performance. He came alone. And the next day he appeared again. Then he invited Anastasia to a restaurant.

“We had some kind of funny courtship period - three days. And on the fourth day Dima proposed. And everything became clear. At that time, we were both not free: he was married, I was married. It was necessary to abruptly break with everything, which is what we did. Dima has always been very decisive. There was no wedding. Even the parents weren't invited. We celebrated quietly together... I think that our acquaintance was not accidental. Fate brought us together."

A few years later their daughter Anya was born. “Sitting in one place is not for me. I love experiments! Therefore, several years ago, together with my husband and daughter Anna, we left for the USA, where we did business. It turned out to be so exciting.”

“I lived there for three years. Then everything came together: the desire to live abroad, to try on that life, to try to do business. And understand something for yourself, and relax. I didn't have one specific goal. She came to Moscow, played performances in her favorite “Tabakerka”, and went to America again. I was very happy with this and everything was fine. If I had simply gone to live there, it would have been difficult for me, but these three years gave me the opportunity to calmly evaluate and weigh everything. Everything worked out for me there. But I realized that I want to live here and practice my profession.”

And she returned back to Moscow, although she really loves Los Angeles (“holiday city”) “Probably because Misha was born there. The city is sunny, laughing, just like my son."

Zigzags of personal life

It often happens that actors transfer the relationships of film characters into real life. This happened in the case of Sergei Zhigunov and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The whole country watched their romance. Someone supported them, someone condemned them, but for two loving hearts is this really important? They both left their families for each other. Zhigunov left his wife, actress Vera Novikova, and Anastasia left her husband Dmitry. It seemed that the wedding was just a matter of time. But...

At the beginning of 2008, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, being the host of the popular show “Dancing on Ice,” met new love in the person of 37-year-old figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. Zhigunov had a very hard time with his breakup with Anastasia, but you can’t tell your heart... Together they now meet only on the set of the series “My Fair Nanny.”

FULL NAME: Zavorotnyuk Anastasia Yurievna

DATE OF BIRTH: 04/03/1971 (Aries)



HAIR COLOR: brunette


FAMILY: Parents: Yuri Andreevich Zavorotnyuk, Valentina Borisovna Zavorotnyuk. Spouse: Peter Chernyshev

HEIGHT: 164 cm

OCCUPATION: theater and film actress, TV presenter


Russian actress cinema and theater, TV presenter.

There have always been many scandals and discussions regarding the personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The fact is that the actress was married twice, and also dated her partner in the series “My Fair Nanny” Sergei Zhigunov for two years. All three men, like the actress herself, already had a family at the start of their relationship. From her second marriage, Anastasia has two children - daughter Anna (21 years old) and son Michael (17 years old). After a two-year relationship with Zhigunov, in 2008 the beautiful nanny met her third husband, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. Tandem figure: Russian film and theater actress, TV presenter.
Even as a child, little Nastya was predicted to have a career as an actress, because she was born into the family of a People's Artist of Russia and a member of the Television Academy. The girl spent almost all her time studying music and dancing - she performed in the Lotos ensemble, and also successfully graduated from music school. Anastasia graduated from school in 1988, and thoughts about becoming an actress never left her head. However, she decided to enter the Moscow Moscow Art Theater School after studying for a year in Astrakhan in a language that was alien to her. Faculty of History.
Already in 1991, Zavorotnyuk was able to fulfill her childhood dream and act in films. His debut was a role in the film “Mashenka” (based on Nabokov’s book).
Two years later, Anastasia becomes an actress in a theater studio under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. During her 10 years of work in the theater, the actress took part in more than 20 performances, and her favorite was the role of Varya from the play “The Passion of Bumbarash.”
But playing in the theater did not bring Anastasia the fame that the actress now has. Today she is familiar to everyone as the main nanny of the country with a quirky Ukrainian dialect.
Zavorotnyuk got the main role in the series by a happy coincidence and starred in it for several years, working with famous stars cinema, pop, such as Lyubov Poleshchuk, Sergei Belogolovtsev, Tatyana Lazareva, Tatyana Dogileva and others.
In addition to acting, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has been a TV presenter since 2005 (“Good After her debut on TV, Anastasia received offers from different channels, and she became the almost permanent presenter of all programs about figure skating with celebrities: “Dancing with the Stars”, “Dancing on Ice”, “Ice and Fire”, “Ice Age”, together with Marat Basharov (2008) and Irina Slutskaya (2010). Then co-host with Dmitry Dibrov in the program “Marriage Games”, and then hosts the parody program “Two Stars” together with Dmitry Nagiyev.
In addition, her collection of achievements includes a huge number of various awards in the categories “Best Actress”, “Discovery of the Year”, “Best Actress” and TEFI statuettes; she has been repeatedly recognized as one of the sexiest actresses
There have always been many scandals and discussions regarding the personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The fact is that the actress was married twice, and also dated her partner in the series “My Fair Nanny” Sergei Zhigunov for two years. All three men, like the actress herself, already had a family at the start of their relationship. From her second marriage, Anastasia has two children - daughter Anna (21 years old) and son Michael (17 years old). After a two-year relationship with Zhigunov, in 2008 the beautiful nanny met her third husband, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. The tandem of the skater and actress turned out to be very successful, as evidenced by their romantic relationship, which continues to this day.
The relationship between the actress and the actress turned out to be very successful, as evidenced by their romantic relationship, which continues to this day.

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Biography, life story of Anastasia Yurievna Zavorotnyuk


Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was born on April 3, 1973 in the family of People's Artist, actress of the Astrakhan Youth Theater, Valentina Borisovna and TV director Yuri Andreevich.

Nastya decided to associate herself with the theater from early childhood: “ I haven’t pronounced the word “actress” yet, but I really wanted to become one" The girl grew up behind the scenes of the theater and knew all the performances by heart. " It was very funny when, at the age of five, I began to suggest lyrics to some tipsy artist. And from behind the scenes I could hear: “This is a disaster! Take little Zavorotnyuk out of the hall, take her out!”"Nastya doesn't care" went out into the hall and approached the stage itself. And if there was any urgent input, I could even disrupt the performance».

In her free time from school, Nastya studied music and dancing, participated in the Lotus dance group, but she never betrayed her dream of becoming an actress, although her parents were categorically against it. Nastya made only one wish for every New Year: “ Become an artist».

Difficult choice

« By the time I had to finally choose a path, I got scared of something and entered the history department" And so, after graduating from school 37, Nastya entered the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History. But, after studying there for a year, she realized that she was taking someone else’s place and decided to go to Moscow to try out for a theater institute. Dad supported and went with her, but Nastya told her mother that she was going to an archaeological excavation.

Nastya went to enroll in GITIS, but she was not accepted. " I went out and told my dad that I wouldn’t go anywhere else, and that’s where all my efforts ended. But dad, he believed in me. He said: “No, daughter, let’s go.” And we went to "Pike"...».

Nastya entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and Pike, and GITIS, but in the end she chose the Moscow Art Theater, the course of Avangard Nikolaevich Leontyev (which she successfully completed in 1993).

Carier start

In 1991, Nastya starred in her first film “Mashenka”, in the title role based on Nabokov’s book (directed by Tamara Pavlyuchenko), and two years later she played the role of the Broadway prostitute Lizka in Arkady Sirenko’s adventurous comedy “The Dashing Couple”.


In her third year, Nastya was invited to Alexander Marin’s play “Don Juan”; it was an urgent introduction. And in the fourth year he invited Nastya to Tabakerka, which was releasing Bumbarash at that moment and said: “ You have 40 minutes to prove that you can do it.". And, while rehearsing with, the actor took Nastya by the shoulders and said: “ You have a chance now, take it" Nastya used this chance and proved to everyone that she can do a lot.


Nastya worked at the studio theater for 10 years. And during this time she managed to play in three dozen performances. But he considers his favorite role to be the role of Varya from his first play “The Passion of Bumbarash”: “ When we all worked together on Bumbarash, we were so happy, it was such an extraordinary time! Everyone was captured by unimaginable energy. He built this performance by connecting all the veins of each of the participants into one circulatory system and he literally fed her with his blood»; « ...something happens that you dream about, but Varya is what I dream about»; « Later I played big roles in other performances, but this one will be remembered forever».


The first husband, a German, saw Nastya at a skit party in the Tabakerka. His friend invited him to film the action on a video camera. At first sight I fell in love with the actress, followed her and repeated: “ You are the queen" And on the fourth day he confessed his love and persuaded her to become his wife. The actress went with him to Germany, but soon fled to Moscow.

Anastasia met her true love, who lay in wait for her on... the road. It was around Christmas. Anastasia was looking for souvenirs for her loved ones and at the same time thinking about how to make it to the rehearsal. " Can't do without a car", Nastya decided. A foreign car pulled up. The actress told the driver, a young man named Dmitry, about her Napoleonic plans. He decided to help - to be her driver all day. Dmitry said that he is a businessman, that he has a wife and daughter. Anastasia was also married. In gratitude for their help, Zavorotnyuk invited Dima and his wife to her performance. He came alone. And the next day he appeared again. Then he invited Anastasia to a restaurant.

« We had a funny courtship period - three days. And on the fourth day Dima proposed. And everything became clear. At that time, we were both not free: he was married, I was married. It was necessary to abruptly break with everything, which is what we did. Dima has always been very decisive. There was no wedding. Even the parents weren't invited. We celebrated quietly together... I think that our acquaintance was not accidental. Fate brought us together».

A few years later their daughter Anya was born. " Sitting in one place is not for me. I love experiments! Therefore, several years ago, together with my husband and daughter Anna, we left for the USA, where we did business. It turned out to be so exciting».

“I lived there for three years. Then everything came together: the desire to live abroad, to try on that life, to try to do business. And understand something for yourself, and relax. I didn't have one specific goal. She came to Moscow, played performances in her favorite “Tabakerka”, and went to America again. I was very happy with this and everything was fine. If I had simply gone to live there, it would have been difficult for me, but these three years gave me the opportunity to calmly evaluate and weigh everything. Everything worked out for me there. But I realized that I want to live here and practice my profession».

And she returned back to Moscow, although she really loves Los Angeles (“holiday city”) “Probably because Misha was born there. The city is sunny, laughing, just like my son."

"My Fair Nanny"

Nastya came to the series completely by accident, as the actress herself says, “I was just lucky.” At the time when they called her and invited her to audition, she was vacationing in Anapa with her children. She immediately, without hesitation, went to Moscow, although before that she had not been approved for the series “Poor Nastya.” She knew nothing about the casting, neither that it had been going on for a year, nor that 1.5 thousand people had already auditioned for the role of nanny Vicki: “ You know, I’m probably lucky that I didn’t know anything about it! Neither about this crazy casting nor about the fact that they are looking for an actress. They called me, apparently at the very last moment, and I was in the south with the children and absolutely, in general, enjoyed life, the sea, the sun and my children».

The emphasis on nanny Vicky came from Olga Blok-Mirimskaya, an actress in the theater where Nastya played for ten years. According to Nastya’s stories, when she came from her hometown of Simferopol, she often told interesting stories about the local residents, speaking with their accent.

Filming lasted from early morning until late at night. The nanny, Tatyana Petrovna, was sitting at home with the children. To all questions about the similarities between Anastasia and Victoria, she answers, “We are very different women.” And after talking with her for at least a minute, this immediately becomes noticeable.

The series absolutely changed Nastya’s life. She became famous and left the studio theater. There were even some changes in her wardrobe; she began to wear brighter things, although before that she preferred mostly black. Got rid of many complexes. She had never worn short skirts before, and couldn’t even imagine how she could go out in public wearing something like that, but she gradually got used to it.

Work in Kyiv

The success of My Fair Nanny led to the actress being invited to host various popular shows. In 2005, Anastasia became the host of “Good Songs”, which took place in Kyiv. They created a festive atmosphere in the hall together with.

But Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became the host of the culinary show by accident. " Nastya was a guest of the “Culinary bestseller”“says Alla Lipovetskaya, producer of entertainment programs on the ICTY TV channel. – “ While we were filming the program, we got to know her better. When later the idea arose to make a program based on Daria Dontsova’s book “The Lazy Woman’s Cookbook,” the concept of which included the presenter’s inability to cook, I realized that Nastya was the ideal candidate. She said that she was not an experienced cook, but she didn’t mind learning... At first the actress was scared: she thought that since this was a culinary program, she had to be a super pro in this matter. But we explained to her the essence of the program, and she agreed" The program was filmed in Kyiv, where Nastya came for 3-4 days, and during this time they managed to film a whole block of programs. People from all over Ukraine, and even Russia, came to the culinary show. Specially invited guests told their stories and said why they want to learn how to cook. Then Nastya invited them to her kitchen, and they cooked together...

For some time, Nastya hosted another program in Kyiv, but this time on the radio station “Adult Radio”. The program was called "Baby Monitor". There Zavorotnyuk gave all kinds of advice: on traditional medicine, on the choice of talismans, names, etc. The presenter accompanied her advice with jokes, which lifted the mood for the whole day.


On November 18, 2005, Nastya was awarded the TEFI Award in the category “For Best Actress in a Film/Series.” This is how her work in the TV series “My Fair Nanny” was noted. This award was very important for the actress, but until the last moment she did not believe that she would receive it.

« True, I didn’t expect to receive “TEFI” next door to and, this is some kind of incredible situation. And suddenly eight votes for me. I don’t even remember whether I was breathing at that moment or not..."- says Nastya.

Feature film

Probably every actress dreams of being famous not for TV series, but rather for participating in full-length films. In 2007, Anastasia was invited to play the main role in Vadim Shmelev’s film “The Apocalypse Code” - a film with a budget of more than 400 million rubles. The plot of the film is common for Western action films: there is a main villain, obsessed with the idea of ​​causing large-scale destruction in the largest cities of the world, thereby destabilizing the international situation (he was played by the famous French actor Vincent Perez), and he is opposed by an experienced intelligence agent, this time Russian. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk played the role of the charming and resourceful savior of the world.

Probably many were confused by the director’s choice - the image of a nanny was so attached to the actress. At first, Vincent Perez also doubted his partner. " But it turned out that the external fragile image does not correspond to the strength of this woman,” he says. “I can guarantee that the blows I received from her were very serious.” We did this for 12 hours a day, and I realized that Nastya has great strength - both physical and mental...»

Also in 2007, director Alexei Zernov’s film “Shakespeare Never Dreamed of” was released on screens across the country. This cheerful musical comedy, based on old Russian vaudeville shows, told the story of the adventures of four swindlers posing as a troupe of artists. The main roles in the film were played by the actors of the series “My Fair Nanny” - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, and.

Anastasia has been the host of the Ice Age program since 2008, together with, and since 2009, with Irina Slutskaya. She is also a co-host of Dmitry Dibrov in the Channel One show “Marriage Games” (2010). In the new season of 2010, Channel One presented the TV show “Ice and Fire” with hosts Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and.

Zavorotnyuk participated in the first season of the “Two Stars” project together with, reached the finals, and took 2nd place.

Anastasia was repeatedly invited as a member of the jury of the television show “People’s Star” on TRK Ukraine, the third season of the magic show “Surprise Me” on TV3, as well as the theater award “Golden Leaf”.

Zigzags of personal life

It often happens that actors transfer the relationships of film characters into real life. This happened in the case of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The whole country watched their romance. Someone supported them, someone condemned them, but for two loving hearts is this really important? They both left their families for each other. left his wife, actress Vera Novikova, and Anastasia left her husband Dmitry. It seemed that the wedding was just a matter of time. But...

At the beginning of 2008, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, as the host of the popular show “Dancing on Ice,” met a new love in the person of a 37-year-old figure skater. I was very upset about the breakup with Anastasia, but you can’t order your heart... Together they now meet only on the set of the series “My Fair Nanny”.

Recognition and awards

2005 - Winner of the Golden Ostap Award “For Best Actress in a Comedy Role” for her role in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.”

2005 - Winner of the Cover of the Year “Discovery of the Year” award.

2005 - Winner of the “Top X Sexy” award “Sexiest Actress”.

2005 - Winner of the TEFI award “Performer of a female role in a television film/series” for her role in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.”

2005 - Winner of the Glamor Woman of the Year award in the Television Actress of the Year category.

2005 - Winner of the “Golden Seven” award in the category “Domestic actress-sex symbol”.

2006 - Winner of the Telenedelya Award in the category “Best TV Actress of the Year.”

2006 - Honored Artist of Russia.

2007 - Winner of the Golden Seven award in the Best Actress category.

2007 - Winner of the FSB Award in the category “Acting” for the role of an FSB officer in the feature film “Code of the Apocalypse.”

2008 - Winner of the Golden Seven award in the Best Actress category.

News Zavorotnyuk Anastasia Yurievna

At the grand opening ceremony of the thirty-fifth MIFF, 42-year-old Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk appeared on the red carpet in a beautiful designer pale blue dress with a giant neckline, arm in arm with her legal spouse...

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, the presenter and everyone’s favorite “nanny,” admitted that she recently asked not to take her daughter Anna Stryukova on television. It became known that star daughter I decided to follow in my mother's footsteps and now I got a job leading...

Low ratings of the entertainment talk show “Nastya,” hosted by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, forced the management of Channel One to close the project. As the media note, among the reasons for the failure of the project is the negative attitude of the audience...

Photos of Zavorotnyuk Anastasia Yurievna


Tatyana (Rostov-on-Don)

Anastasia!!! I wish you all the best!!! Good luck in everything!!!

2015-03-19 16:24:15


She is a beautiful and talented actress, but she is rarely filmed. This shows how bad our cinema is.

2014-12-12 12:00:03

Toshik Bryuzzhalkin (Krasnoyarsk)


2014-11-02 18:25:33

Beautiful Anastasia Congratulations to Zavorotnyuk on the birth of a beautiful son.

2014-07-12 19:26:06

Maria Aksentyeva (Krasnodar)

I really liked the performance of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in the series “I’m Not Afraid of Z Anymore.” Anastasia, you are a very talented and beautiful actress. I wish you good roles.

2014-03-28 17:20:35


A very beautiful actress. There are few beautiful people in our cinema.

2014-01-23 14:42:12

Nastenka, I wish you good luck in everything. Yesterday I looked at you and my soul became lighter. Thank you!

2014-01-13 18:37:36

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, beautiful and charming, happy New Year and Christmas holidays! Let your dreams come true!

2014-01-05 15:07:23

Olya Polyakova

The directors' big mistake is that they are afraid beautiful actresses. The same fate applies to Fateeva, Bystritskaya, and Kustinskaya - very few of these beauties are filmed, but we know and love them. We don’t know the directors, but we remember the beautiful actresses in their films.

2013-11-12 21:46:15

Nastya, you are a good actress and a wonderful presenter!

2013-11-04 16:52:19

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is the decoration of the “Ukraine” channel, she hosts the show energetically, and Ira Slutskaya is a school matinee.

2013-10-23 20:28:26

Nastya Zavorotnyuk is lovely, simply lovely. When I see her, the day turns out happily.

Anastasia Yurievna Zavorotnyuk. Born on April 3, 1971 in Astrakhan. Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter. Honored Artist Russian Federation (2006).

Mother - Valentina Borisovna Zavorotnyuk, People's Artist Russia, worked at the Astrakhan Youth Theater.

Father - Yuri Andreevich Zavorotnyuk, TV director, member of the Russian Television Academy.

Already in early childhood Anastasia decided that she would become an actress and persistently achieved her goal. “I’ve been delirious about the stage since childhood,” she said.

Theater bohemia constantly gathered in their house - friends of their parents - directors, musicians, actors. She constantly heard their stories about theater and cinema, about creative life.

Also, since childhood, Nastya’s parents often took her to rehearsals and filming. There she received a lot of impressions that shaped her professional preferences.

She studied music and dance, participated in the dance ensemble “Lotus”. She graduated from children's music school No. 1 in the city of Astrakhan.

In 1988-1989 she studied at the history department of the Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute, but left it and entered the Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, course of Avangard Nikolaevich Leontyev.

In her third year at the Moscow Art Theater she got into theatrical production"The Myth of Don Juan."

In 1993, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, she became an actress in a studio theater under the direction of.

Over 10 years of work in the theater, she played in 29 performances. Her favorite role is Varya from the play “The Passion of Bumbarash”.

Theater works Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

“Passion for Bumbarash” - Varya;
“An Ordinary Story” - Nadenka;
"Biloxi Blues" - Dazzy;
“Sailor’s Silence” - Tanya;
“The Myth of Don Juan” - Zhanet;
“Psycho” - Tanya, Olya;
“Anecdotes” - Katish;
“Farewell... and applaud” - Mariana;
“More Van Gogh” - Girl in the clinic;
“Confessions of an adventurer Felix Krull” - Elinor Twentyman;
"Dangerous Liaisons" - Emily;
“The Last” - Nadezhda;
"Sex, Lies and Video" - Cynthia Bishop;
"Dinner with a Fool";
“Everything is like people” - Suzette;
“100 yen per service”;
“It’s not all Maslenitsa for the cat” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Agnia;
"Star hour local time";
“The Idiot” by F. M. Dostoevsky;
“Simplicity is enough for every wise man” by A. N. Ostrovsky;
“At the Bottom” by M. Gorky;
"Old Quarter";
"Third wheel";
"All men do it."

In 1991 she began working as a voice actress. She voiced the character Christopher Robin from the animated series The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

She made her film debut in 1991 - in the film “Mashenka” directed by Tamara Pavlyuchenko (based on Nabokov’s book), in which she played the main role - Mashenka. There was another one in 1993 the main role- in the film “The Dashing Couple” (Liza).

But she became widely known much later - thanks to the series "My Fair Nanny", which she got into by pure chance: she just got a call and was offered a role in a project that she had no idea about. The characteristic Ukrainian accent was borrowed from her theater colleague Olga Blok-Mirimskaya.

"The first six seasons of the series were filmed non-stop for two years, almost around the clock. The shift began every day at exactly 07:15, but the command “Stop! Cut!” sounded in different time, sometimes long after midnight. Like a zombie, I got home and instantly fell asleep. And in the morning everything was repeated all over again. The episodes went on air like hotcakes, blazing hot, and what was happening outside the studio seemed far from me,” she recalled about working on the project.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in the series "My Fair Nanny"

In addition to acting, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk acts as a TV presenter. In 2005, she replaced Tina Kandelaki as host of the “Good Songs” program on the STS channel. She hosted the programs “Kitchen for Dummies”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Dancing on Ice”. Was the presenter Ice Age"together with (2008), (2009) and Peter Chernyshev (2014). She acted as a co-host of Dmitry Dibrov in the TV show “Marriage Games” (Channel One, 2010), Marat Basharov in the TV show “Ice and Fire” (Channel One, 2010).

Anastasia was repeatedly invited as a member of the jury of the television show “People’s Star” on TRK Ukraine, the third season of the magic show “Surprise Me” on TV3, as well as the theater award “Golden Leaf”. She took part in the first season of the “Two Stars” project together with, reached the finals, and took 2nd place.

On September 30, 2012, Nastya launched a humorous talk show of the same name, “Nastya,” on Channel One. On December 18, 2012, Channel One decided to close this program due to low ratings.

In 2014, she starred in the video “Only Love Will Fix” by the group Bi-2.

Notable film works include leading roles in the films “Amanda O” (Amanda O), “Apocalypse Code” (Dasha), “Advertised Groom” (Vera Zaraiskaya), “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina!” (Kristina Krylova), “Moms-3” (Nadezhda), “I’m Not Afraid Anymore” (Vera Koltsova), “Department” (Olga Ilyina), “Alien Darling” (Natalia Kapustina), “Provocateur” (Kira), “ Love and the sea" (Marina).

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in the "Evening Urgant" program

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's height: 164 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

Her first husband is German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf. He was 18 years older than her. Olaf saw Nastya at the Tabakov Theater and persuaded her to marry him, taking her to Germany. But the marriage lasted only about a year. "We had a lot of problems. My husband wanted to live abroad, I didn’t. But it was hard for me there without my family and friends... He was much wiser and more educated. There was no scandal. We divorced very calmly. He realized his mistakes , understood the meaninglessness of our life together. Everything was quite civilized,” said the actress.

In his second marriage, with businessman Dmitry Stryukov, two children were born - (born January 14, 1996) and Michael (born July 13, 2000). During this marriage, Anastasia lived in two countries for three years, working in real estate in the USA: in Los Angeles and Chicago. After the divorce, Dmitry claimed that he ex-wife never took care of their children, that she took Sergei Zhigunov away from the family, which is why the actor’s wife Vera Novikova almost hanged herself.

At the same time, Zavorotnyuk talked about wild scenes of jealousy ex-husband, his threats to commit suicide: “Stryukov locked me in the car, took a weapon and calmly said: “Now I’ll shoot myself in the head, and how will you continue to live with this?!” This all happened at the moment when the filming of "Nanny" began. Then we divorced. He, apparently, decided at all costs to share with me the popularity that came to me with "Nanny". Literally to promote himself on my name "Without realizing at all how this will affect our children."

From 2006 to the spring of 2008, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk met with. Their romance arose during collaboration on the series "My Fair Nanny".

Since September 22, 2008, she has been married to figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. They met on the show Dancing on Ice.

In October 2018, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev became parents - their daughter Mila was born. The couple hid the appearance of the girl for a long time; this became known only in mid-March 2019.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev with their daughter Mila

Filmography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

1991 - Mashenka - Mashenka
1992 - The Seagull (short film)
1993 - Dashing Couple - Lizka
1997 - Sailor's Silence (film-play)
1999 - More Van Gogh (film-play)
2002 - Passion for Bumbarash (film-play) - Varya
2002 - Heir - Nastya, daughter of a priest
2004-2008 - My beautiful nanny - Victoria Vladimirovna Prutkovskaya
2007 - Shakespeare never dreamed of it - Lizon, the swindler
2007 - Apocalypse Code - Dasha
2007-2015 - My truth (Ukraine, documentary)
2007 - Lyubov Polishchuk. The Last 24 Hours (documentary)
2008 - Imperfect woman - Lyubanya
2009 - Gogol. Closest - Alexandra Osipovna Smirnova-Rosset
2009 - Artifact - She
2010 - Amanda O - Amanda Oh, singer and actress
2011 - Love affair at work. Our time - Olga Ryzhova
2011 - Groom by announcement - Vera Zaraiskaya
2011 - House on the Edge - Anna
2012-2013 - Don't cry for me, Argentina! - Kristina Krylova
2012 - Hostess of "White Nights" - Marina, owner of the hotel "White Nights"
2012 - Hunting for Gauleiter - Galina Pomazan
2012 - Moms - Nadezhda Pushkareva, TV presenter
2013-2014 - Women on the brink - Marina Stanislavovna Rudenko, hairdresser
2014 - I’m not afraid anymore - Vera Koltsova
2014 - Family 3D - Vika Dergunova
2014 - Moms-3 - Nadezhda
2015 - Someone else's sweetheart - Natalya Kapustina
2015 - Department - Olga Ilyina, major, investigator of the Investigative Committee
2016 - - Kira, Anton's boss
2016 - - Marina
2017 - - Agnessa, art critic
2017 - Thriller Family
2018 - Bailiffs
2018 - Caspian 24

Voiced by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

1988 - New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The (animated) - Christopher Robin
2013 - Parrot Club (animated)
