Six groups of prepositions in English. Using prepositions in English: rules

IN English language the role of prepositions is more important than in Russian, since in English these small words are entrusted with the huge task of not only managing and coordinating between words in a sentence, but also playing the role of cases, which, oddly enough, they cope with very well.

There is also some correspondence between the cases of the Russian language and the prepositions of the English language. Of course, they are not identical, but the analogy is already good. Preposition of- one of the most important prepositions. This preposition is an indicator of the genitive case. If it comes before a noun, then when translating we put the noun in the genitive case (if you forgot, it answers the question of who? what?). In addition to the genitive case indicator, it also performs other functions. Preposition of used:

1) after words denoting quantity;

2) in combinations “who of …”, “none of …”, “many of …” in the role of “from”;

Which of them is our president?- Which one is our president?

None of Germans like frost.- None of the Germans like frost.

3) usually neighbors and cooperates with out;

He went out of the room.- He left the room.

The driver got out of the car and started running round it.- The driver jumped out of the car and ran around it.

4) used when we're talking about about the origin of the nobility, in the meaning “from”.

I know that noble knight. He is Sir Charles of Perigord and Lavendor.- I know this noble knight. This is Sir Charles of Périgord and Lavendor.

Here is a series of expressions with the preposition of:

a bar of chocolate - chocolate bar

a slice of sausage - a piece of sausage (cut off)

a piece of chalk - a piece of chalk

a sheet of paper - sheet of paper

a lump of sugar - a piece of sugar

a bit of information - piece (bit) of information

a pair of gloves - a pair of gloves

a can of meat - can (American: tin) of meat

a tin of fish - a can (Br.: can) of fish

a box of cereal - box of cereal

a bottle of milk - a bottle of milk

a pint of beer - a pint of beer

a bunch of grapes - a bunch of grapes

a loaf of bread - a loaf of bread

a jar of honey - jar (glass) of honey

a tube of mustard - a tube of mustard

a pound of potatoes - a pound of potatoes

a kilo of apricots - a kilo of apricots

a cup of coffee - a cup of coffee

a glass of water - glass of water

a group of students - group of students

a pack of wolves - a pack of wolves

a team of workers - team (team) of workers

Above you got acquainted with the accepted measures, volumes and units of measurement of various nouns. And of is present everywhere. Below is another list. This time words denoting quantity.

a great (good) deal of - a large number of(uncounted)

a lot of, lots of - a lot (counted and uncounted)

a great (large, small) amount of - large (small) amount (uncountable)

a great (large, small) number of - large (small) quantity (inc.)

plenty of - set (countable and non-countable)

a couple of - pair (original)

I would also like to mention combinations of cardinal numerals and nouns in plural. In this form, they also cannot imagine their own existence without of:

hundreds of men and women- hundreds of men and women

thousands of slaves- thousands of slaves

millions of books- millions of books

billions of years- billions of years

Today is just a world cheat sheet, friends. Another great find from Thanks to the author for this valuable work.

Due to the fact that many prepositions in English are used differently than in Russian. The topic of prepositions is a sore spot for almost all students.

This collection covers almost all the rules for using concrete examples. The table is designed in such a way that you can make up your own sentences using it, using it as a guide. Brilliant! Personally, I will return to this table more than once, because... I'm not sure that even native speakers know all the rules outlined in it.

It is with great pleasure that I share this wealth with you, friends.

Practical part:
Prepositions, like phrasal verbs and idioms, need to be memorized not individually, but in conjunction with a specific verb. So act like I already did. Compose 5-10 sentences with several different prepositions and work with them (with one group of prepositions) for a week. Speak each of the sentences in the past, present and future tense, form a question and a negative. Why this is so - you will kill two birds with one stone, improve prepositions and train yourself to correctly use tenses in speech, build questions and denials on the fly.

Complete table of English prepositions with examples

That's all for me, friends.

Save this guide to your wall and share with friends. If you liked the episode, I will be glad to see your likes and reposts.

See you later,
Alex Ch.

In Russian, this relationship is expressed through case endings or case endings in combination with prepositions. For example: The report was made by a Russian scientist. There are no case endings in English, and to convey instrumental case second noun, in this proposal preposition is used by- The report was made by a Russian scientist.

According to their form, English prepositions are divided into:

SIMPLE - which cannot be broken down into their component parts and are mostly monosyllabic: in, on, at, by, from, to, etc.

COMPLEX - which are formed by adding words: inside - inside, outside - outside, behind - behind, into - in, in (inside), throughout - through and etc.

COMPOUNDS - which consist of a combination of a noun, adjective, participle or adverb with simple prepositions or conjunctions: in front of - before, because of -
because of, instead of - instead of etc. The meaning of such a preposition is mainly determined by the meaning of the significant word that is part of it.

There are prepositions that originated from participles and retained their form: during - during, including - including and etc.

In English, simple prepositions have several meanings, and the same English preposition can be translated into Russian by different prepositions, and sometimes not translated at all.

For example, the preposition on has the following meanings:

1) time:

on Monday - V Monday
on the 1st of September - September 1 ( the preposition is not translated)
on a holiday - V holiday

on the floor - on semi
on the left - on the left
on the right - on the right

3) means of transportation:

on foot - on foot
on one's knees - on my knees

Pretext by translated into Russian with prepositions such as:

y: by the window - at window
near: No sat down by her.- He sat down near her.
near: They camped by the river.- They settled down near rivers.
behind: She took me by the hand.- She took me behind hand.
By: She was Italian by origin.- She was Italian But origin.
past: I went by your house.- I passed by your home.
To: Hasn't done it by 6 o’clock.- He did it To 6 o'clock.

There are a number of phrases in which prepositions are not translated. For example, the preposition by: by day - during the day, by month - per month, by air - by plane, by bus - by bus by mistake - wrong, by luck - miraculously etc.

At the same time, the same Russian preposition can correspond to various English prepositions, for example:

Lamp on table.
The lamp is on the table.

She looked on sea.
She was looking at the sea.

He lived on north.
He lived in the North.

We'll go on south.
We shall go to the South.

I am angry on you.
I am angry with you.

Due to the lack of case endings in English, their functions are often performed by prepositions.

Pretext of in combination with a noun conveys the meaning of the genitive case.

The texts of this text-book are very difficult.
The texts in this textbook are very difficult.

The door is at the end of the corridor.
Door at the end of the corridor.

Pretext to in combination with a noun or pronoun expresses the meaning of the dative case.

He gave his bag to his sister and ran away.
He gave his briefcase to his sister and ran away.

She showed her new picture to the guests yesterday.
She showed the guests her new painting yesterday.

Prepositions by or with in combination with a noun or pronoun they convey the meaning of the instrumental case:

The resolution was adopted by all the delegates.
The resolution was approved by all delegates.

She crawled to the wounded man with the first-aid packet.
She crawled up to the wounded man with an individual package.

In English there are a number of verbs that require a certain preposition after themselves, and in Russian the verbs that correspond to them are used without prepositions. For example: to wait for - wait, to belong to - belong, to listen to - listen, to ask for - ask, to look for - search.

He wasn't waiting for Mary. He was waiting for Mary.
Look for the ball. Look for the ball.
Listen to us. Listen to us.

Today is just a world cheat sheet, friends. Another great find from Thanks to the author for this valuable work.

Due to the fact that many prepositions in English are used differently than in Russian. The topic of prepositions is a sore spot for almost all students.

This collection covers almost all the rules of use with specific examples. The table is designed in such a way that you can make up your own sentences using it, using it as a guide. Brilliant! Personally, I will return to this table more than once, because... I'm not sure that even native speakers know all the rules outlined in it.

It is with great pleasure that I share this wealth with you, friends.

Practical part:
Prepositions, like phrasal verbs and idioms, need to be memorized not individually, but in conjunction with a specific verb. So act like I already did. Compose 5-10 sentences with several different prepositions and work with them (with one group of prepositions) for a week. Speak each of the sentences in the past, present and future tense, form a question and a negative. Why this is so - you will kill two birds with one stone, improve prepositions and train yourself to correctly use tenses in speech, build questions and denials on the fly.

Complete table of English prepositions with examples

That's all for me, friends.

Save this guide to your wall and share with friends. If you liked the episode, I will be glad to see your likes and reposts.

See you later,
Alex Ch.

They act not only as service part speech, connecting parts of a sentence with each other, but also as a performer of the role of cases. The preposition of in English is - genitive case indicator. A noun preceded by the preposition of answers the questions of whom? what? The preposition itself is not translated into Russian.

This is the guitar of our grandfather— This is our grandfather's guitar.
We have finished The Big Book of Australian History- We're done Big Book Stories of Australia.
This is the nest of the yellow bird- This is the yellow bird's nest.

Functions of the preposition of

The preposition of is one of the most important prepositions in the English language; it serves many functions. We have compiled a list of the main functions for you English preposition of, it can be used when:

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  • The preposition of will be used when it is necessary to indicate ownership of something or belonging to someone:
    Christopher is the owner of the museum fund— Christopher is the owner of the museum fund.
    The garden of my neighbor is bigger than mine— My neighbors’ garden is bigger than mine.
  • The use of of is necessary when talking about one object from a group:
    He is one of us- He's one of us.
    One of her children has broken Bob’s green hedge— One of her children broke Bob's green hedge.
    One of my classmates are owner of the water park now— Now one of my classmates is the owner of a water park.
  • Of will be used when talking about the material from which something is made:
    This beautiful antique amphorae are made of ceramics— These beautiful antique amphorae are made of ceramics.
    Such yurts are made of felt— Such yurts are made of felt.
    My new coat is made of pure wool— My new raincoat is made of pure wool.
  • Will be placed when you need to indicate authorship:
    The Jungle Book of Rudyard Kipling— The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.
    The Lord of the Rings of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien— The Lord of the Rings by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
  • The possessive and genitive cases are used together in a sentence:
    She is a wife of Damon's- She's Damon's wife.
    This is a film of Shyamalan's— This is a Shyamalan film.
    Is she a worker of your uncle’s?“Is she your uncle’s employee?”
  • Of will be used when talking about an integral part of something:
    The roof of our house is red— The roof of our house is red.
    I just saw a big body of water— I just saw a large body of water.
    The leg of the bench is broken— The bench leg is broken.
  • It's about age:
    A breathtaking woman of forty— A stunning woman of forty.
    A tall gray-haired man of seventy— A tall, gray-haired man of about seventy.
    A turtle of ten years— A ten-year-old turtle.
  • We are talking about structure or content:
    I have a big bunch of keys— I have a big bunch of keys.
    The structure of our society is complicated— The structure of our society is complex.
    You need to have your own collection of coins— You must have your own collection of coins.
  • We are talking about smell or taste:
    I smell of chocolate pie— I smell chocolate cake.
    There is a smell of corruption here“It smells like corruption here.”
    My favorite smell is a smell of fried mushrooms— My favorite smell is the smell of fried mushrooms.
  • The use of of is necessary when you need to indicate a title or rank:
    Doctor of Paleontology Ross Geller— Doctor of paleontology Ross Geller.
    Finally I am Master of Arts- Finally, I am a Master of Arts.
    Sigmund Freud was a Doctor of Medicine— Sigmund Freud was a doctor of medicine.
  • You need to indicate the distance, direction or distance from any point:
    We live in the north of London— We live north of London.
    You can find your family a mile east of the bay“You can find your family a mile east of the bay.”
    She lives to the west of Reykjavik— She lives west of Reykjavik.
  • You need to indicate the name of the month after the date:
    the first of May- may Day
    the fourth of November- fourth of November
    the seventeenth of March- March seventeenth
    the thirty first of December- thirty first of December
    the twelfth of September- September 12
    the twenty-ninth of July- twenty ninth of July
    the thirteenth of August- thirteenth of August
  • It's about filling something with something:
    She is full of anger right now!- She's full of anger right now!
    My cup is full of water— My glass is full of water.
  • We are talking about family, friendly, business and other connections that are expressed by the construction “noun in the general case + of + possessive pronoun in an independent form":
    This baby elephant is a friend of this little hippopotamus— This baby elephant is the friend of this little hippopotamus.
    Maggy is a friend of our family— Maggie is a friend of our family.
    It's no business of yours- It's none of your business.
  • Video about the preposition of in English:
