The scandalous marriage of Victoria Daineko. The husband spoke out about breaking up with Vika Daineko Dmitry Kleimenov Daineko's husband

After the young couple decided to separate, Victoria’s husband moved to another apartment, and the singer deleted all his photos from Instagram.

Rumors that the marriage of 29-year-old singer Victoria Daineko and 23-year-old musician Dmitry Kleiman is bursting at the seams have appeared for a long time. According to friends famous family, young people began to quarrel often even during the artist’s pregnancy. But after the birth of my daughter family life seemed to be starting to improve.

Unfortunately, the idyll did not last long, and the other day Daineko personally confirmed her breakup with Kleiman and deleted all his photographs from her page.

“Now we live separately... We made this mutual decision, and it’s difficult to predict what will happen next,” the singer said.

The child, of course, stayed with Victoria, but Dmitry had to move out. IN new apartment the drummer whiles away the time in the company of two pets - French bulldogs.

“I’m relaxing here with my friends...” wrote Kleiman.

Let us remind you that the couple played magnificent wedding in April 2015. The young people were in seventh heaven and were not at all embarrassed by the small age difference.

However, the couple did not live in harmony for long. Already in 2016, rumors appeared in the press about a breakup between Daineko and Kleiman. But soon Victoria denied this information and announced the planned wedding. Apparently, the young people then decided to give each other a second chance. But the harmony was short-lived.

Victoria Daineko is one of the most famous artists on Russian stage. For more than ten years now, she has been delighting fans with her creativity. The biography of Victoria Daineko is replete with various interesting facts and events - even though the girl is only thirty.

early years

Vika Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in the small village of Kirovskoye, in the Republic of Kazakhstan (now renamed Billyk). Dad Peter (a generalist specialist) and mother Evgenia (a programmer) had no more children, so they devoted all their attention and care to their only daughter. The girl grew up in an atmosphere of love, and to this day her parents remain her best friends.

When Vika was a little over a month old, the Daineko family moved to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny. The future singer spent her entire youth there. Namely, Vika announced her desire to become a singer back in her “pink childhood.” But mom and dad thought that this was not serious, and therefore, starting from the age of five, Vika studied ballroom dancing- and this continued until she was eleven.

Love for music

Despite dancing, my love for music has not gone away. Vika continued to dream about big stage. But creative path Victoria Daineko’s career began on a small stage and, as usual, completely by accident: there was a vocal competition at school, where Vika’s friend went. She asked Vika to join her, Vika, of course, agreed - and created a sensation.

Despite the fact that she did not have a musical education, she had a very strong voice (which, by the way, will be repeated by many of the masters she meets in her future biography). Victoria Daineko was invited to perform in the school ensemble, where she remained until the eighth grade - it was then that the talented girl was invited to the Mirny pop group. And then came work in another group and participation in many (if not all) musical events and competitions in the city. Soon people started talking about Vika, she became a real local celebrity. In addition to her powerful voice, Vika has been famous for her determination and perseverance since childhood. Her goal was the stage, which meant she needed to hone her skills. The problem was the absence in Mirny educational institutions in pop vocals. Victoria worked independently - listened to the songs of her favorite artists (mostly British), tried to imitate them, adopt their performance culture.

If at first Vika sang only other people’s hits, then later, in high school, she began to have her own songs. The very first of them, called “Red-haired Girlfriend,” was written for a talented beautiful girl by two local authors, currently collaborating with Leonid Agutin. In addition, Vika wrote poetry herself, and in two languages ​​at once.


In addition to her passion for music, Vika was seriously interested in the English language. However, there was a connection with singing here too: Vika simply really wanted to sing in English and get on the world stage. Therefore, after graduating from school, she didn’t even have any questions about where to apply. Of course, in foreign language! This is how Moscow entered Victoria Daineko’s biography.

A seventeen-year-old girl came to the capital alone. Quite calmly she entered the foreign language department. Her parents rented an apartment for her. Everything around was new and unusual. It seemed that years of study lay ahead - but here it was, a whim of fate: it so happened that an apartment for Victoria was found in the Ostankino area. Every day the girl passed by the television center, and this is how she learned about the start of casting for the next season of the most popular television project “Star Factory” - already the fifth in a row. I found out and without a doubt decided to try my hand.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the Star Factory opened its doors for the fifth time. This time, three people occupied the director’s chair at once: producers Igor Matvienko and Maxim Fadeev, and the prima donna herself, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. It was thanks to Alla Borisovna that Vika was able to get onto the project.

Initially, she did not pass the casting. I was upset, returned home, but thought - we must continue to fight! She returned to Ostankino and managed to get an audition for Pugacheva. Based on the selection results, the contestants were divided into two categories - some were politely thanked, which meant a refusal, others were asked to sit down and wait, that is, they were given a “pass” to the next stage. It was these cherished words that Vika heard when she sang in front of the Prima Donna. This is how Victoria Daineko’s biography included a project that completely changed her life.

Just participating in a show watched by an audience of millions meant phenomenal success, but Vika managed to achieve the seemingly impossible - a simple girl from the Russian outback, without education, without connections, but with a great desire to work, she won in the fifth season "Factory" and signed a contract for cooperation with Igor Matvienko. This is how Vika’s path to fame began - at seventeen and a half years old.

Life after "Factory"

“Star Factory” divided Victoria’s life into “before” and “after”. As was customary in all seasons of the show, immediately after the end of the project, the young “stars” went on a large tour across the country. This happened in the fifth season, and Vika traveled to Russia along with the rest of the participants. In addition, the girl shot a video for the song “Leila”, which was written to her during the project. They filmed the video in Thailand, and the very young Vika, who found herself at sea and abroad for the first time, had a lot of impressions and delight. From that time on, the constant and fruitful work of singer Victoria Daineko began.

The biography of her first years is rich in a variety of events: there was a recording of the soundtrack for the film “Waiting for a Miracle,” and several filmed videos, and the release of the first album “Needle,” and even a candid photo shoot for a men’s magazine (Vika would later say that it’s her mistake)… Life moved quickly.

In 2012, Victoria recorded two duets: with rapper T-Killah and with the group “Korni” (who, by the way, like her, work with Igor Matvienko), and two years later released a second album both in Russian and on English languages. Vika still has the dream of singing in English.

Participation in projects

Many artists gladly take part in various shows - some for the sake of a fee, some to appear on TV once again, and some simply because they enjoy it. So Vika was no exception.

Back in 2007, she appeared in the project “ glacial period" This was followed by “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Two Stars” and - in 2011 - “Star Factory. Return”, where participants from different seasons of the show gathered who became famous. At this “Factory”, Vika again managed to win, beating such rivals as Irina Dubtsova, Zara, Vlad Sokolovsky, the groups “Chelsea”, “Factory”, “Yin-Yang”.

In addition to participating in the show, Victoria does not refuse to participate in films. She starred in cameos in several TV series, and also lent her voice to three cartoons - Noah's Ark (2007), Rapunzel (2010) and Trolls (2016). In the last two films, the characters sing in Vicki’s voice.

Personal life

The biography of Victoria Daineko is not short on “amorous affairs”. To a beautiful girl With unusual appearance From her very first appearance in public, various novels were attributed every now and then. While still at the Factory, Vika met with a dancer named Igor, who worked on the project. However, their relationship, which all Vicki’s fans watched with curiosity, did not last long.

Some consider the girl's next relationship to be real, while others consider it a successful PR stunt, invented by the producer to stir up interest in his charges. One way or another, in 2006 the media was full of information that new chosen one Victoria Daineko (pictured), whose biography is also known to everyone, is none other than the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Vika and “Roots” each released a video, the plots of which had something in common with the love affair between Vika and Pasha, and then this relationship gradually came to naught.

In 2010, “Roots” got a new soloist, Dmitry Pakulichev. And he and Victoria began an affair. Dmitry starred in the girl’s new video (“Erase him from your memory”), they appeared together several times at a couple of events, but quickly ran away.

The following relationships left a big mark on the biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko. Photos with Alexey Vorobyov, in which they are happy and in love, appeared with enviable frequency both in magazines and in in social networks the artists themselves. However, a little more than six months after the start of the novel, Alexey, whose frivolity is legendary, left Vika. She took this breakup, which happened in 2012, just before her birthday, very hard.

And then 2014 came. And in Victoria’s life she appeared future husband- drummer Dmitry Kleiman.

Dmitry Kleiman

The biography of Victoria Daineko’s husband (though now ex-husband) is not encouraging with extensive information. It is known that Dmitry’s parents’ names are Andrey and Valentina, his father is a musician, and born in 1994 (Dmitry younger than Victoria for seven years) his son followed in his footsteps. Dmitry began to get involved in music and extracting rhythms from the age of five, and “trained” on everything that came to hand.

In addition to playing the drums, he is a guitarist and beatboxer (beatboxing is imitation of music using the voice), works with many popular performers and is quite famous in musical circles.

Meet Victoria

Vika and Dima met in October 2014 - to record an album, Vika needed musicians, including those who played drums, several were advised to her, including Kleiman. Victoria admitted that she immediately drew attention to him, while at first he was indifferent to the artist. Nevertheless, they began to work together, then communicate more and more closely. Then the first hugs and kisses began, then Dima met the singer at the airport when she was returning from tour, and since then they have not parted.

In February 2015, Dmitry proposed to Victoria, and in April the couple married. They were not stopped either by the fact that Vika was older than Dima, or by the fact that they had known each other for only six months. Victoria repeated that she was more than confident in her feelings and in Dima.

Birth of a child

In October of the same year, Victoria and Dmitry had a daughter. Unlike many “star” (and not only) mothers who constantly post photographs of their children and tell details of their personal lives, Vika was in no hurry to do either one or the other. To this day she does not show her daughter to strangers, moreover, for a long time She even hid the child’s name - Lida.

Unfortunately, in the summer of this year, the marriage of Dmitry and Victoria broke up, and even the presence of a common daughter did not save him. Dmitry initiated the divorce, and Vika did not interfere with him. She raises the girl herself, but does not object to her meetings with her father. However, last time Dmitry also visited his daughter a few months ago.


Despite her relatively young age, Victoria Daineko’s biography includes many awards. This is “Fashion Singer of the Year” (2007), and five Golden Gramophone statuettes, and “Best Song” at the “Red Star” - and so on. In addition, two years ago Vika received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

  1. Respects the work of British performers, especially Christina Aguilera.
  2. In ordinary life she is quite shy, embarrassed when communicating with people.
  3. Except for the stage, she does not wear makeup.
  4. He loves to be at home and calls himself a homebody.
  5. Before “Star Factory” I tried to get on the project “ National artist", but did not pass.

They say that luck favors open and purposeful people. This is exactly what Vika Daineko is - she is ready to move mountains for the sake of her dream. And with such efficiency, she will probably succeed!

Victoria Petrovna Daineko. Born on May 12, 1987 in the village. Kirov Taldy-Kurgan region (Kazakh SSR). Russian singer and actress, winner of “Star Factory-5”.

Victoria Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region. She spent her childhood in the Yakut city of Mirny.

WITH early years dreamed of becoming a pop singer, but adults did not take her desire seriously. Parents - Peter and Evgenia Daineko - sent their daughter to the ballet “Diamonds of Yakutia”. Vika danced until she was 11 years old.

IN school years Vika began performing at various music venues in Mirny, mostly covering other people’s hits. She was making progress, so she was invited first to the local pop group “Reflection”, and then to a group called “Phaeton”.

Since there were no special music schools in the small town, Vika was self-taught. At the same time, Vika studied English.

In 2004, she became a participant in the Channel One television project “Star Factory 5” under the leadership of Alla Pugacheva, where she won.

As part of the television project, Vika performed two solo songs - “I will be better” (music by O. Volyando, lyrics by K. Arsenyev) and “Leila” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by I. Matvienko, Y. Buzhilova).

A video was also shot for the song “I Dreamed” (music by A. Marshall, lyrics by K. Kavaleryan). The composition with Daineko was performed by Alexander Marshal.

After the end of the TV project with Vika, Igor Matvienko began serious work.

The singer’s debut video for the song “Leila” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by Yu. Buzhilova) was filmed in 2005 in Thailand.

Victoria's life was constantly discussed in the press. In 2006, the singer had an affair with the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev.

However, her relationship with Artemyev did not develop into a serious one. But after them there was a plot for a video for Daineko’s song “I’ll Just Leave You Right Away” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by O. Rovnaya). As conceived by director Viktor Priduvalov, it was closely related to the Korni group’s video for the hit “Do you want me to sing for you.”

Victoria Daineko - I'll just leave you right away

At the beginning of 2007, Vika recorded the soundtrack for the film “Waiting for a Miracle” under the title “The Film is Not About Love” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by O. Rovnaya). In parallel with the filming of the film, a video clip for this song was shot.

In the fall of 2007, she was presented in the “Best Performer” category at the MTV Russia Music Awards, ultimately losing to the singer MakSim. She also won the Fashion TV channel award in the “Fashion Singer of 2007” category.

At the beginning of the same year, Victoria posed for the first time for the April issue of Playboy magazine. She later greatly regretted her photo shoots for a men's magazine (she spoke about this more than once in her interviews).

Victoria Daineko in Playboy

In 2007, she participated in the Ice Age project with Alexei Yagudin, with whom they reached the finals.

Together with Alexey, Vika recorded the song “Needle” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by O. Rovnaya), for which a video clip was shot.

In 2007, Vika tried herself in cinema. She played a cameo (herself) in a cameo role in the television series Happy Together, and also voiced main character Panti in the cartoon "Noah's Ark".

On March 6, 2008, the debut album “Igolka” was released. The album became a kind of “collection of the singer’s hits”, since it was the first album in 3 years of work.

Victoria Daineko - Moon moon

In the spring of 2009, she took part in the Channel One project “Two Stars 2009”, where, together with actor Alexander Oleshko, she took 3rd place.

At the end of 2010, she voiced the main character of the cartoon “Tangled.”

In 2011, she took part in the “Star Factory” project. Return”, where graduates of the “Star Factory” competed different years. Vika was part of the team of producer Igor Matvienko. Daineko won the project; she was preferred by 19% of the viewers who took part in the voting.

On November 14, 2014, the premiere of the second and first English-language album entitled “V” took place.

In May 2015 she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia”.

In November 2015, the song “These Nights” was released, but already in January 2016 a video for this composition was shot.

In November 2016, the cartoon “Trolls” was released, one of the characters was voiced by Victoria Daineko.

Victoria Daineko's height: 161 centimeters.

Personal life of Victoria Daineko:

From the first days when Vika became famous, she led stormy life on the personal front, invariably attracting the attention of the press.

After the aforementioned affair with the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev, Daineko switched her attention to another representative of this group - singer Dmitry Pakulichev. Daineko’s romance with Pakulichev was accompanied by many rumors and gossip, and the media constantly wrote about it.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Pakulichev

Relations with Pakulichev also ended in a break.

At the end of the summer of 2011, Victoria Daineko appeared in the life new man- Alexey Vorobiev. They were together until May 2012, when they separated.

Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov

Since November 2014, she dated the drummer of the group DrumCast by Dmitry Kleiman.

On April 14, 2015, Daineko and Kleiman got married. On October 3, 2015, the couple had a daughter.

In March 2017, it became known that the couple was breaking up.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman

Filmography of Victoria Daineko:

2006 - Club - cameo
2007 - Happy together - cameo
2007 - First at home - cameo
2007 - Noah's Ark Panther - Panti (voice)
2010 - Rapunzel: Tangled - Rapunzel (voice)
2011 - All inclusive! - Vika
2012 - Cinderella - cameo
2015 - Wedding card(short film) - Dasha
2016 - m/f Trolls - Rose (voice)
2018 - - Natasha, ex-wife of Kulagin

Victoria Daineko - Big Love Show 2014

Discography of Victoria Daineko:

2008 - “Needle”
2014 - "V"

Video clips of Victoria Daineko:

2004 - I dreamed - together with Alexander Marshal
2005 - Leila (first solo video clip)
2006 - I’ll just leave you right away
2007 - The film is not about love - soundtrack to the film “Waiting for a Miracle”
2007 - Needle - together with Alexey Yagudin
2007 - I will live - soundtrack to the cartoon “Noah’s Ark”
2008 - Stop, where am I going
2008 - Eye to eye - together with the group Roots (soundtrack for the comedy film “New Year’s Tariff”)
2009 - Blob - in the video the singer starred with Dmitry Bikbaev and the lead singer of the group Korni Dmitry Pakulichev
2009 - My angel (remix) - soundtrack to the animated film “Our Masha and the Magic Nut”
2011 - Erase him from memory (the main male role in the video was played by the lead singer of the group Korni Dmitry Pakulichev)
2011 - Million Dollar Girl
2012 - Closer than tango - a promotional video clip in which the singer advertised famous brand Always
2012 - Mirror, mirror - together with rapper T-killah
2013 - Breathe
2014 - Beat yourself
2015 - Living together
2016 - These nights

Victoria Daineko - Breathe

Victoria Daineko - I Will Survive

Victoria Daineko about herself:

"I'm a big fan of the British musical culture. Almost all the performers I loved since childhood were from there."

“It was difficult for me to communicate with people. I was always brave, and only when I went on stage did I start to feel embarrassed and lost... Besides, I didn’t know how to talk to people at all. It was in show business that I had to learn this.”

“It’s not that I’m amorous. Many people can be attractive and pleasant to me. But in such a way that some feelings arise and I can not just flirt with a person, but go for personal communication, this is rare. I’m always too open with people ", and this, as a rule, scares them. And they, as a rule, all run away from me."

"...You are loved not for who you really are, but for who they want you to be. Roughly speaking, a person paints a certain picture in his fantasy, and it turns out to be too idealized. But you are a person "You are not that perfect porcelain creature that was placed in your home. You have completely different emotions."

“I’m a homebody person, and give me free rein, I’ll always sit at home, especially if it’s not stuffy there.”

“In general, I don’t really like cosmetics, with the exception, of course, for stage cosmetics. In my free time from work, I don’t wear makeup, I don’t overuse products, you know, I don’t have three tons of masks. As a rule, I have a good cleanser and moisturizer means".

“Of course, I am jealous of my husband. To the point that I have some kind of dream, and I can throw a scandal at Dima. Why was he staring at some blonde in my dream? Once at a concert he went to talk to some girl. Well, how was I supposed to know that this was his former solfeggio teacher? But the most serious case was when my husband in Cyprus did not answer calls and at the same time subscribed to some girl DJ on social networks."

“I am not embarrassed by the age difference, nor by the fact that Dima and I have known each other not so long ago. Why ask if I'm sure I'm doing the right thing by marrying him? Of course, I'm sure! - says Vika Daineko.

- Vika, Dima, you have known each other for less than six months, and you have already decided to get married... I wonder what the reaction of your relatives and friends was?

Vika: Many, of course, asked: “Vic, you just met, are you sure?” But there were others who were simply happy for us and congratulated us. Igor Matvienko responded very well. We were at his birthday, I approached him with a gift, and he said to me: “They just told me the news, I was stunned.” I ask: “Is this good or bad?” - “Okay, of course. I'm so happy". Why ask if I'm sure? Of course, I'm sure! I know many stories when people got married almost on the second day they met, and then lived happily with each other for 30 years. And vice versa: you can look at each other for five years, then get married, and after eight months get divorced. You'll never guess here! If people are meant to be together, they will be together.

Vika with her husband Dmitry Kleiman Photo: Philip Goncharov “Why get attached to someone if you plan to turn around and go the other way after some time? I’ve never hidden the fact that I want to get married.” Photo: Philip Goncharov. Dress TONY WARD BY CROCUS ATELIER COUTURE

- You have a seven-year age difference, and Dima is younger. Can you feel it?

Dima: The age difference definitely doesn't bother me. I remember at the beginning of our conversation, Vika asked how old I was. I had a photograph that said that I was born in 1990. Vika saw and made a surprised face. I had to admit: “I’m kidding. In fact, I’m four years younger.”

Vika: Of course, I already knew how old Dima was. I found this out almost immediately as soon as I met him. I just wanted to check him: will he lie or not? Lied.


- How did you meet?

Vika: I was looking for drummers to join the team for the presentation of my album “V”, they recommended guys to me, among whom was Dima. I remember the first time I saw him. I walked into the rehearsal area, Dima was sitting sideways on the sofa, with a phone in his hands. We were introduced to each other. And I, without understanding why, suddenly burst into a smile. I even had to turn away so as not to embarrass the guy. In general, I noticed him. And then we started rehearsing.

Dima: And to be honest, I didn’t pay attention that evening special attention to Vika. Well, then somehow communication began. One day Vika invited me to go with her to buy a SIM card - then her phone was stolen.

On Tuesday, September 19, the court decision to dissolve the marriage of Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman entered into legal force. The singer and musician officially divorced and became free people.

Victoria and Dmitry shared the news on their pages on social networks. “Congratulations! The ridiculous story called “marriage” is officially over, and I’m finally free,” the artist wrote on Instagram.

Daineko’s publication caused a mixed reaction among her subscribers. Some of them expressed their disagreement with the opinion of the performer. “This story can hardly be called ridiculous, because a daughter was born. The wine is divided in half. Experience is divided in half. “Happiness to you, Victoria,” one of the fans addressed the artist. After some time, Daineko decided to slightly change the text of the publication.

“Congratulations! There’s no need to be so envious,” the artist noted.

Victoria Daineko's ex-husband, drummer Dmitry Kleiman, also commented on the change in marital status on his microblog. The musician thanked his ex-lover for their common child.

“Unfortunately or fortunately, our paths diverge! Thank you for your daughter, she is our best. Thank you for everything,” Kleiman wrote.

Dmitry's subscribers found that he would definitely meet his love and wished him all the best. “Congratulations on your freedom,” “You will still have it, I know for sure. The main thing is that there is a daughter, and she is healthy. Everything else is in your hands,” the young man’s followers discussed.

Victoria Daineko’s Instagram stories also included publications that, as Internet users considered, were dedicated to her ex-husband.

Let us recall that for the first time the disagreements in the marriage of Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman became known in the spring of this year. In April, the ex-“manufacturer” shared a sad post on Instagram. “When from 14.04 to further life together Only the dress itself turned out to be suitable. The best is yet to come. And I'm as positive as ever. I wish everyone, including myself, love and hugs,” the singer said.

Later, Victoria Daineko decided to tell reporters about the problems that arose in her relationship with her husband. The artist did not hide the fact that their family was going through an extremely difficult period. According to the singer, she and Dmitry Kleiman separated before the New Year. The star admitted that she often clashed with her husband – with or without reason. At the same time, Kleiman also often added fuel to the fire: the drummer was very jealous of Victoria for her past.
