Natalya Yunnikova died, causes of death: what happened to the actress, biography, why she left Mukhtar. Natalya Yunnikova, death of the actress: biography, funeral, latest news Natalya Yunnikova latest news: funeral of the actress, video

Not long ago, news appeared on the Internet about sudden death actress Natalia Yunnikova. The woman died at the age of 37. As previously reported. Natalya was in the apartment with her mother and decided to go to the kitchen. There she had a stroke. As a result, she lost consciousness and hit her head on the corner of the table as she fell. All this happened on September 14th. Afterwards she was put into an artificial coma, but on September 27 Natalya died without regaining consciousness.

Natalya Yunnikova latest news: funeral of the actress, video

Natalya Yunnikova starred in 20 films, but her role in the series “Mukhtar” brought her fame and fame, where she played Vasilisa the investigator. The actress devoted 8 years of her life to filming. Yunnikova was born in Lipetsk in 1980 and since early childhood dreamed of becoming an actress. Immediately after school, she went to conquer Moscow, where she entered the theater. Well, then I met my future husband. After graduation they left for Israel. But they did not live long in marriage. After the divorce, Natalya returned to her homeland and began life with clean slate and started building a career again.

As it became known, the funeral and farewell to the famous artist will be held in Moscow on September 30. It is unknown where the celebrity will be buried. Fans and netizens express their sincere condolences to loved ones.

On September 26, actress Natalya Yunnikova died without leaving a coma. The whole country knew her thanks to leading role in the series “The Return of Mukhtar”. Doctors tried to save the woman for several days, but their efforts were unsuccessful and her heart stopped. Fans of the popular television project were shocked by the news of Natalya's death.

Journalists contacted Yunnikova's relatives, who spoke about her last days. Natalya seemed to disappear from the screens and worked as a salesperson in a shopping center in order to somehow earn a living. Roland's godfather, actor Alexei Moiseev, admitted that she did not have money to rent a home. Yunnikova rented a two-room apartment on Mira Avenue. Ex-husband Natalia, director Anton Fedotov, tried to help her in financially, but she could not live on these funds alone.

“Natasha, shortly before her death, asked me for a loan; she had nothing to pay the rent. She was not cast in films in order to somehow survive; she even worked as a salesman in one of the shopping centers Moscow. Of course, professional lack of demand was very painful for her. I don’t know what happened to her, I wasn’t in the hospital, I had a lot of filming, but she didn’t complain about her health,” said Alexey, Godfather heir to the actress.

Yunnikova's ex-husband confirmed that she had financial difficulties. Fedotov tried to support ex-wife and offered her roles. Shortly before the sad event, the director met with Natalya to discuss work with her. The actress made plans for the future. None of Yunnikova’s loved ones could even imagine that her life would suddenly end.

“She filmed little after “The Return of Mukhtar.” I took her into my project - the TV series “Kitchen” on STS, and recently filmed it in a film for the same TV channel “Ivanovs-Ivanovs”. In the second season, her role was supposed to grow and become one of the key ones. Literally five days before the tragedy, we met with her and talked about how she needed to get in shape before filming. I signed her up for dancing,” said Fedotov.

The man also said that he plans to take his son Roland with him. The couple divorced in 2008, after breaking up with Natalya, Anton married again and became a father. Yunnikova’s heir learned the sad news a few days after his mother’s death. According to Fedotov, the boy attended the funeral. “I will support Roland in every possible way!” - says Anton.

Natalya Yunnikova’s mother is having a hard time with her daughter’s passing. The woman limited her social circle. Anton Fedotov says that he maintains a relationship with a close relative of his ex-wife. “I spent half a day with her, we tried to look at this misfortune philosophically,” the director told

37-year-old popular actress Natalya Yunnikova died in hospital. Earlier, the media reported that the actress ended up in the hospital. At home, she stumbled and fell unsuccessfully, hitting her head.

The untimely and early death of actress Natalya Yunnikova came as a surprise to her fans. It is already known that the cause of death was cardiogenic syncope after an unsuccessful fall at home. However, this is rather a consequence. The real reason for the death of the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” was her lack of demand in her profession and loneliness.

Last Saturday, the capital said goodbye to the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar” Natalya Yunnikova. The actress died after suffering a head injury and losing consciousness and was placed in an induced coma. She never came to her senses.

The actress's ex-husband Anton Fedotov spoke about her latest role. Yunnikova played in the new project “Ivanovs-Ivanovs,” but at the time of her death, filming was in full swing. According to Fedotov, who was its director, Natalya was supposed to play in the second season, and, in general, her character was one of the central ones.

Now the creators of the series will completely reshoot the film. Since Yunnikova will no longer play in it, they will be looking for her replacement. The film crew simply has no other option. According to Fedotov, he would really like to leave Natalya in the frame, but from a professional point of view he cannot do this.

“Now we will have to completely re-shoot all the scenes with her participation. The fact is that the heroine is important for the plot, she will appear in the second season, and therefore even in memory of ex-wife I can’t leave this role behind her,” says the director.

He added that Yunnikova coped well with her role, was able to impress the producers of the series, and she herself was in in a great mood– was happy to get a big role. After filming “The Return of Mukhtar,” the actress dreamed of finding a good role.

Not long ago, news appeared on the Internet about the sudden death of actress Natalya Yunnikova. The woman died at the age of 37. As previously reported. Natalya was in the apartment with her mother and decided to go to the kitchen. There she had a stroke. As a result, she lost consciousness and hit her head on the corner of the table as she fell. All this happened on September 14th. Afterwards she was put into an artificial coma, but on September 27 Natalya died without regaining consciousness.

Natalya Yunnikova latest news: funeral of the actress, video

Natalya Yunnikova starred in 20 films, but her role in the series “Mukhtar” brought her fame and fame, where she played Vasilisa the investigator. The actress devoted 8 years of her life to filming. Yunnikova was born in Lipetsk in 1980 and from early childhood dreamed of becoming an actress. Immediately after school, she went to conquer Moscow, where she entered the theater. Well, then I met my future husband. After graduation they left for Israel. But they did not live long in marriage. After the divorce, Natalya returned to her homeland and started life with a clean slate and began building a career again.

As it became known, the funeral and farewell to the famous artist will be held in Moscow on September 30. It is unknown where the celebrity will be buried. Fans and netizens express their sincere condolences to loved ones.

The famous Russian actress Natalya Yunnikova recently died. The woman died in one of the capital's clinics at the age of 37 years. On September 22, the actress was urgently hospitalized in an unconscious state, because Natalya, while at home, fell unsuccessfully, hitting her head hard. For many fans, the death of Natalya Yunnikova was unexpected, since she did not have any serious health problems. As previously reported, the artist died as a result of cardiogenic syncope after her unfortunate fall. Due to a brain hemorrhage, medical specialists were forced to place her in intensive care and put her into an artificial coma. Unfortunately, the artist never came to her senses and died on September 27th.
Many directors, colleagues and acquaintances of Natalya Yunnikova noted that she is a very talented actress. However, she failed to fully realize herself in cinema as an actress. The life of a celebrity suddenly ended.

Film director Vladimir Zlatoustovsky, who worked with Natalya Yunnikova, noted that Natalya did not have any serious health problems. Perhaps the lack of demand and loneliness to which she Lately complained could have been one of the reasons for the tragedy.

Natalya Yunnikova was buried on September 30 at the Perepechinsky cemetery.
A wide Russian audience knows the theater and film actress Natalya Yunnikova thanks to the role she played in the series “The Return of Mukhtar” of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova. The artist was a kind, sweet, confident woman. At the same time, she was able to create a similar image on television, because investigator Mikhailova was valued, respected, and sometimes feared. At the same time, only Yunnikova knew how she achieved such an attitude towards herself, because this woman experienced events in her life that she did not want to remember.

A large army of admirers of the talent of actress Natalya Yunnikova reacted with bitterness to the news of her death. Many noted that it was a pity for such a person and actress, because she had such a life and such a role that television viewers will never forget. Many simply refused to believe in her death. Fans expressed condolences to her loved ones and relatives.

Actress Natalya Aleksandrovna Yunnikova was born in Lipetsk in 1980, and already as a child demonstrated creative talents. She studied music since childhood, often took photographs and dreamed of big stage. Yunnikova’s dreams of becoming a great actress led her, after graduating from school and receiving a certificate, to Moscow, where she was able to enter the Shchepkin Higher Theater School.
