Witcher 3 armor schools. Addition "Blood and Wine"

The Witcher... The immortal creation of Andrzej Sapkowski never ceases to excite the minds of game makers. This time, the creators of emotions offer the third part of the saga about the adventures of Geralt of Rivia. Immortal warrior White Wolf will come to life again on our monitors. And along with him are Cirilla, Triss, Ian and many other already beloved characters.

The content of the article:

There are several witcher schools in the game, the equipment of which (silver and steel swords, gloves, trousers, armor and boots) we have to find. So where to start? Let's take a closer look from the game.

Witcher steel blade. Basic Equipment

First, you need to find a steel sword crafting diagram. Travel to Velen and from there to the ruins of Hindhold. There, in the ancient ruins, you will encounter the inhabitants of the ruins, who do not pose any difficulties for our hero. Defeat them all and go upstairs to the Harpies' nest. Vile creatures will die by your sword. This is where the fun begins. Position yourself facing the nest of freshly killed inhabitants of the upper level of the ruins. Stand on the roof - the right door left. Take advantage of Geralt's heightened senses - the diagram for forging a steel sword will be in your hands within a minute.

Picture: Griffin sword

Silver sword. Basic Equipment

Your new goal is the Lornroot Lighthouse. You need to get into it, but, unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the bridge. Geralt will die. Stay to the right of the lighthouse. Once in the water, swim to the place of power so that the obelisk is on the right. Dive and swim through the underwater channel inside the lighthouse. The hero's breath is enough to overcome this path. Go up to the top level and kick the butt of a level 14 monster. If you are still healed, heat it up by activating the bridge, and grab the loot and legs in your hands. You now have a diagram for forging a silver bound sword.

Picture: Silver griffin sword

Armored pants, boots, armor and gloves

The last four diagrams await you in the dragon hunters' cave in eastern Temeria. Not far from the Reardon estate. Explore the cave and, while simultaneously dealing with all the mobs inhabiting it, find a crack in the wall. Witcher magic will come to your aid. Use the Aard sign to smash the wall into dust. Behind it, a cave with a mini-boss awaits you. A vampire. Like Regis, only evil and not as smart. After making sure that the bloodsucker will no longer cause harm to others, feel free to delve into the chests. In addition to the treasured diagrams, you will find plenty of other loot, which you can later use for your needs.

Picture: Pants, boots, armor, griffin gloves

Thus, you will get one of the coolest sets of armor and weapons that our white-haired protégé can use. But do not forget that all of the above parts of the kit can be improved... In principle, we looked at how to get in game world The Witcher 3 Griffin school equipment, now let's look at how to improve it!

Upgrading Griffin School equipment

Briefly about where to find the necessary drawings for improving witcher shoes, trousers, shirts and mittens. And also the arsenal of the main character.

"Improved"(you will have to run around Temeria and Redania in search of these drawings):

  • Steel sword. In the west of Temeria there is the village of Fangs. Find the bandit camp, it will be on the peninsula near the village, in one of the chests you will find a drawing for an improved steel sword.
  • Silver sword. The drawing can be found in the cave to the left of the Fork. One of the chests will contain the improvement manual you need. Southeast of Temeria.
  • Armor set. You'll have to climb a little and look into the neighboring kingdom. The Body Armor Upgrade Kit is found in a chest in White Eagle Fort. The singing troll will point you to it. You will find the glove upgrade in a cave in the cemetery. The notorious resting place is located in the south of Temeria. It is called the New Burying Ground Cemetery. Having opened the entrance with Aard, search the chests. There you will find what you need. To improve the main character's trousers, you need to find the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa in the north of Temeria. The ruined tower east of the castle contains a treasured chest. Upgrading the boots from the set will be available after searching a chest in the ruins northwest of the tavern on the border of Temeria and Redania. We'll have to fight.

"Excellent"(this and the next “master” set of improvement diagrams can be found on the Skellige Islands):

  • Steel sword. Northwest of An Skellige. We need a cliff with an altar. Behind the place of worship there will be a treasured drawing.
  • Silver sword. South of Ard Skellige, Elverum lighthouse, cave to the northwest, last hall.
  • Armor set. Also located on the main island of the archipelago. Northeast coast, bandit camp near the Giant's Foot rocks. Chest in the boat (broken).


  • Steel sword. Center of Ard Skellige. You will need to find the destroyed village of Bosholm, in one of the houses of which lies the treasured diagram.
  • Silver sword. The village of Fornhala in the south of Ard Skellige. To the east of the village there is a breeding ground for monsters. Find a lake, on one of the shores of which there is a tower containing a treasured chest with a drawing.
  • Armor set. You'll have to defeat Cyclops on the eastern coast of Ard Skellige. On the second tier of the lair there is the desired chest. The lair itself is located between Redgill and the whale cemetery.

Set Griffin school equipment in the game The Witcher 3 represented by medium armor and fully armed close combat. This is one of best sets witcher equipment that will provide you with reliable protection and confidence in battles against almost any monster!

The gameplay includes many aspects, and finding good ammunition is one of them. This article will help you figure out which armor is best to choose in The Witcher 3.

Since witcher armor is considered the most useful, their location and craftsmen who can improve them will be presented below.

One of the good armor in The Witcher 3 is considered to be the armor of the Kota school. You should start your search from Novigrad, or more precisely, from the northwestern side of the city. From there you can see a barely noticeable path leading into the cave. It is hidden by illusion, so it is worth getting Keira's gift. After the illusion is dispelled, you must fight a level 16 golem.

Next, sticking to the right side, you need to use the Aard sign and, having reached the end, pick up the receipt for the golem. You should return along the left tunnel, where the main character will find a riddle in the form of statues around the site. The witcher's task is to turn the stone sculptures towards the platform, after which it will move apart, revealing the water. After this, you need to dive into the water and prepare a crossbow, since you will have to fight off the drowned people. When the enemy is finished, you can go down to the very bottom, where the key lies, and pick it up. Then you need to return to the main hall and open the locked door with the key. Behind her will be a disfigured witcher, after fighting him you can pick up the armor.

The crossbow of this school can be found on the island, which is located opposite the western shore of Velen. Having discovered a ship on the island, you need to examine it, and then pick up a drawing of a crossbow and notes on the location of the rest of the set.

To find the silver sword, you need to go east of Novigrad, where the ruins are located. Opposite them there is a temple, in the center of which there is a staircase leading to the dungeon. Having stumbled upon an obstacle, you need to use the Aard sign and pick up the drawing of the sword.

As for the steel sword, the search takes place in Drahim Castle, where, after breaking the wall, you need to go down the stairs and pick up the desired drawing.

This was the basic set of good cat armor in The Witcher 3.

In Velen there is a Hanged Tree, from which you need to proceed north to the nearest ruins. At the top there will be a harpy nest and a hidden passage - this is where the drawing of the steel sword is located.

The search for the silver sword drawing begins from the lighthouse, which is located in the northwest of Velen. Next, you need to swim to the place of power indicating the correct passage. Having dived, you can swim up to the lighthouse territory. On its outer side there will be a wheel that activates a bridge, where you can fight the monster and pick up the drawing of the sword.

The remaining pieces of good armor in The Witcher 3 from the Griffin school are located in the Dragon Hunter's Grotto. The journey to the indicated place begins from Donvarren, from where the player must go to a cave inhabited by ghosts. Having walked to the very end of the tunnel, main character uses Aard and, with the help of a witcher's instincts, finds a chest with the necessary drawings.

The bear set will help you figure out which armor is the best in The Witcher 3, since it is the heaviest and highest level. To start searching for him, you need to get to the story mission “Destination: Skellige”.

In the south of the starting island there are ruins where the drawing of the steel sword of the Bear School is located. To pick it up, the player will have to fight sirens and ghosts.

Drawings for a silver sword can be found in the north of the same island where ice elementals with gargoyles live. Having overcome them, you need to go to the door that is on the right side, and behind it is a drawing.

There is a cave to the south of the main island's fast crossing. There at the end of the tunnel there is a drawing of a crossbow.

The armor and remaining parts are located in the Fort, on the territory of the village, which is located on the northeastern island. To the left of the fort there are stones along which you can reach the fortress. Inside it, you need to turn left and follow the stairs, where you will have to activate the lever. After this, a fight with a ghost will be available, and after it you can proceed to the passage that is in one of the chambers. When the player reaches a fork, he will need to turn right, after which the blueprints can be found.

Following the canon, many players are looking for the Wolf school set. When it comes to the question of which witcher armor is best in The Witcher 3, many are inclined to believe that the canonical armor will come in handy.

To begin with, you should purchase maps with tags to find equipment. The first cards will be from the gunsmith Hattori, which gives the task “Swords and Dumplings” in Novigrad. The next card will be from a blacksmith working in the village of Lindenvale. Another clue is sold from the gunsmith in Novigrad, and from the gunsmith in Kaer Trolde you can get the penultimate element. On Skellie, in Caer Muir, there is a blacksmith who owns the last card.

The only disadvantage of obtaining this armor is that the entire set is located on the territory of Kaer Morhen. That is, you can get to this location only in two ways - through the plot and using console movement.

This armor appeared only with the latest story addition. The best armor in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine is the grandmaster equipment of the Manticore school. The search will help you implement the tips of the blacksmith in Toussaint.

To begin with, you should know that the level of this armor is 40, so it’s worth leveling up before you start playing through the add-on and looking for armor.

The Manticore Steel Sword is in the ruins near the destroyed tower. To get it, you will need to climb the walls and move towards the tower itself. After this, you need to jump to the floor and look around with your witcher senses activated.

The chest armor of this school will be located at the end of the indicated cave. On the wall with notes there is Mertin's prayer - this is what the blacksmith will need to create the bib.

The blacksmith gives the next mark to search for pants from the Manticore school, which are located in the indicated temple. Having broken through the wall opposite the entrance, you can see a box on the table in which the diagrams lie.

The search for the silver sword begins in a cave with poisonous fumes. Having reached them, the player sees rubble, which is successfully eliminated by Aard, and then a drawing can be found in the box next to the corpse.

The blacksmith's last clue concerns the bracers that lie under the bridge, at the bottom of the reservoir. The diagram is in the bag.

Possible nuances

Sometimes, to find a particular piece of equipment, you may need a plot item or opening a location that is this moment not available. To do this, you should carefully study the clues or go through part of the plot.

As for blacksmiths, they are able to improve equipment only according to their skill level. Which armor is the best in The Witcher 3 is up to the players to decide, because each type of armor has its own properties and features.

The Witcher 3 is officially recognized best game 2015 and it is well deserved.

Fans have long thought, discussed and debated about all the intricacies and great secrets of the game, but despite this, many armor and weapons remained unfound, even after playing the game several times.

The Hearts of Stone add-on was recently released and another one is planned - Blood and Wine. In this regard, you will need to make sure that you only have with you best weapon, with which you will proudly pass all new tests. This is what this article will discuss.

Tor Lara is a rare sword that can be found by chance, if you are, of course, a favorite of fortune, or in a strictly certain place. You can only use it from level 13, but it's worth it. In addition to the main damage, this item will add a chance of instant death to the enemy (2%) and cause burning (12%).


  • 127 – 155 Cutting damage (starting from level 13; distributed with level)
  • Health +75
  • Power of the Aard sign +16%
  • Chance of enemy fire + 12%
  • Chance of instant enemy death +2%

Location: The sword is found in Caer Trodl, a northern region on the island of Skellig. Some players claim that they also find weapons by chance in one of the smugglers' sea caches closer to the north of the island, but only if your character is level 15-25.

The Bear School armor set is the perfect way to turn your character into a tough, well-armored hero, but maneuverability suffers greatly, so it's worth considering whether this is good or bad for you.


  • Heavy armor set
  • 20% gain of adrenaline points
  • +25% to defense against piercing damage
  • +25% to defense against brute damage
  • +30% to protection from cutting damage
  • +45% to protection from monsters

Location: Diagrams for the Bear School armor set can be found in a ruined tower located west of the Novigrad Camp in Velen. Inside this tower are chests filled with diagrams. Next, you should get yourself a master armorer who will turn all these diagrams into armor. You can find one in Perch Crow in Velen, but in order for him to start working for you, you need to complete a quest.

The perfect way to complete the image of a heavyweight in the armor of the Bear school is a masterful silver bear sword, which will make you a real curse for all the monsters of the Continent. With high critical damage and a good chance of dismembering the enemy, every battle is a chance to turn the clash into real bloodshed.


  • 373 – 457 damage
  • Critical damage +75%
  • Chance to dismember the enemy +14%
  • Additional experience for defeating monsters: +20%
  • +20% to adrenaline points gained

Location: The diagram can be found in a chest on a small island marked with a green marker, which is located in the eastern part of Lake Velen.

A devastating steel sword with mystical inscriptions and a stunning design can be one of the best options you can find in the game. In addition, the weapon has three rune slots, making it an even more powerful tool.


  • Required player level: 46
  • 360-440 damage
  • +10% to the power of the Aard sign
  • +10% chance to cause bleeding

Location: Travel to Kaer Morhen Fortress. Near the sign for it, turn south towards the signal tower. There in one of the chests is the Sword of the Black Unicorn.

If you prefer light armor, then the Kota school armor set is for you the best option. As with the version with the Bear School armor, in order to wear cat armor, you first need to get their diagrams, and then level them up.


  • Light armor set
  • +20% attack power
  • +10% to defense against brute damage
  • +15% to protection from cutting damage
  • +15% to protection from monsters
  • +45 to elemental damage defense

Location: In the southeast of Skellig Island, find a cave next to which there is a huge number of sirens. Deal with them and then at the entrance to the cave you will find a chest with the necessary diagrams.

The blade of this masterful destructive sword causes heavy bleeding, and the bonus experience for killing opponents makes it simply the perfect weapon.


  • 281 damage
  • Critical hit chance +10%
  • Chance to cause bleeding +20%
  • Additional experience for victories over people and monsters: +5%

Location: On the island of Ard Skelling, go to the castle ruins of Caer Gehlen. But do not enter through the main entrance, but look for the side door. Go through it, kill a couple of ghosts and you are simply guaranteed a set of diagrams.

A truly formidable sword, with characteristics scaling relative to the level (can be used starting from level 13). It has a high chance of stunning the enemy, and, importantly, provides additional experience and means when defeating opponents.


  • 228 – 278 damage (depending on player level)
  • +73 Armor Defense (scalable stat)
  • +12% stun chance
  • +2% bonus experience from defeating monsters
  • +2% bonus gold

Location: Find the small island of An Skelling in the Skelling Archipelago. To do this, take a boat from the Urialla pier and get to small island, where the sword is located, among the abandoned camp. But be careful, Valisisk is guarding this place.

If you don't want to worry about which rune combination is best for your weapon, then the Steiger blade is your choice. It only has one rune slot, but its high critical damage makes up for this minor drawback.


  • Minimum player level: 37
  • 465 damage
  • +75% Critical Damage Bonus

Location: Travel to the island of Hindarsfjall and then to the village of Larvik. A diagram of this blade awaits you there.

It does not have the same striking power as the Bear School sword, but this is compensated by the huge chance of causing the enemy to bleed, which allows us to call the cat silver sword one of the best swords in the game


  • 410 Damage
  • Critical hit chance +10%
  • Chance to dismember the enemy +10%
  • Chance to cause bleeding on the enemy +15%
  • Additional experience for victories over monsters +20%
  • Power of the Aard sign +15%

Location: Look for a cave in a village called Harviken. There is the coveted diagram of the silver sword of the Kota school.

The standard set of Griffin armor is one of the first uniforms that can be found, which at first glance suggests that it is ordinary. But, already at the highest levels, the armor of the Griffin school can be modified, as a result of which it becomes best light set of armor. In addition, they provide additional bonuses to magical attack and protect better than other armor of this class.


  • 190 to armor
  • +20% to sign power
  • +17% resistance to piercing damage
  • +16% Brute Damage Resistance
  • +22% resistance to cutting damage
  • +30% monster damage resistance

Location: Look for an abandoned fort on the northeastern part of Ard Skelling Island. To get chests with equipment, you will have to fight the cyclops, but it's worth it.

One of the few relics that can be found just like that. Moon Blade - deadly weapon, which is best found at a high level, since the blade's capabilities scale relative to the character's level. It has three rune slots, which makes the sword a fantastic weapon.


  • 399-487 (Required player level 34)
  • Yrden's Power +2%
  • Critical strike chance +1%
  • Additional damage on critical strike +10%
  • Chance to freeze +1%

Location: The Moonblade can be found among many trophies left in the north near the village of Lindenvile near a small bridge.

1. Poisonous Silver Sword of the Snake School (available in the Hearts of Stone add-on)

The sword has different characteristics depending on the character's level, but to use it you need at least level 39. Together with the chance of dealing critical damage and a bonus to critical damage, strengthening the Aard sign and poison damage, the Poisonous Silver Sword of the Snake School is worthy of its formidable name.


  • Power of the Aard sign +25%
  • Critical damage bonus +75%
  • Critical hit chance +10%
  • Chance to poison the enemy +15%
  • Additional experience for victories over people and monsters +5%

Location: This sword is quite difficult to find. During the quest called Whatsoever a Man Soweth - the final quest of the Hearts of Stone add-on - you will need to decide whether to help Olgerd von Everik. After you do this, crossing the wooden bridge, you will have to fight with the monster and if you retain victory, the desired sword will be found in the stone, like the sword of King Arthur.

Sets of specialized witcher armor are the most powerful artifacts in the game. It’s not easy to get them, but one way or another Geralt will discover the corresponding drawings scattered throughout the world.

Witcher School Equipment

The vanilla version of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt contains three sets of such armor and weapons, belonging to the following schools:

  • Kota School- light armor that provides protection from elemental damage. They also increase the power of attacks. The basic set requires level 17.
  • Griffon School- medium armor, increases the strength of signs. Basic set - level 11.
  • Bear Schoolheavy armor, increase the rate of adrenaline build-up. The basic set requires level 20.

All schools provide additional protection against monster damage. There are also blueprints for making crossbows for the Cat and Bear schools.

Sets of other Schools can be obtained by installing add-ons to the original version of the game.

For example, the Hearts of Stone DLC adds some equipment to the game Snake Schools(requires level 40 to use). And a separate free add-on: “Treasure Hunt: Items” Wolf School"(Wolf School Gear), adds drawings of the corresponding school to the game. Wolf equipment can be used from level 14.

In the powerful DLC Blood & Wine you can find equipment Manticore schools, it requires level 40.

The armor of the "vanilla" and Wolf Schools can be upgraded in stages, moving from normal to "improved", then to "excellent" and finally becoming "masterful". Grandmaster level is added to the Blood and Wine DLC.

Each level of improvement requires an armorer/blacksmith of sufficient qualification. Creating workshop armor will require finding real masters in their field. But first they will ask you to complete tasks.

Characteristics of items and spoilers - where to look for drawings, I have hidden them inside articles on individual schools. If you want to find them yourself, don't follow the links :).

Rare and unique equipment

The “weak point” of the equipment of witcher schools, created according to blueprints, is that it is of a fixed level. The game contains common, rare, magical equipment and relics, which can be found in chests or knocked out of opponents. The required level for these items may vary, and the characteristics of the artifacts will depend on this.

Here's an example of a Small Club with required levels of 28 and 20.

High level weapons

The game is designed in such a way that by the final events of the main quest you will be able to wear masterpiece armor and weapons from any witcher school (one of the Schools from the game without DLC), i.e. reach level 34.

After completing the entire game, I only gained experience up to level 35. But in the game you can find recipes for creating items designed for much more high level character. Considering that experience is given mainly for completing quests, reaching the required level seems like an impossible task.

Here are some of the drawings:

Longclaw, steel sword, level 37.

Foreman, silver sword, level 37.

Harpy, silver sword, level 37.

Mountain tooth, silver sword, level 37

Gnomish Gwyhir, steel sword, level 42

Banshee, steel weapon, level 44

Dwarven blade, steel sword, level 45.

Blade from Tir Tahair, steel weapon, level 46.

I reached level 38-39 by completing the Stone Hearts DLC. At the same time, level 45-46 seems completely out of reach without installing add-ons that allow you to complete new tasks.

We talk about best swords and armor in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and its two story additions

Sometimes, to complete particularly difficult tasks in the game The Witcher 3, especially on high difficulty, a minimal advantage is not enough. Chopping monsters in human form is much more enjoyable and convenient when Geralt is dressed in cool armor and brandishing an equally cool sword. We have collected information about best subjects equipment in “Wild Hunt”, as well as in the DLC “Hearts of Stone” and “Blood and Wine”.

Equipment for witcher schools

The developers have dedicated a whole section of tasks to searching for blueprints for creating professional witcher equipment. It is now extremely difficult to get confused and not find one of the drawings - just select a special quest in the menu and go to the marker. A chest with the desired item is usually guarded by monsters or bandits, and near the location of the treasure you will definitely find a sign of the corresponding school - for example, a cat's face roughly scratched on a stone. The Grandmaster version of the armor of most schools can be found in the Blood and Wine add-on.

Kota school armor

Light armor – stamina is restored quickly. Suitable for those who love dodging, pirouettes and a fast fighting style. Characteristics that a full set of master armor will give you:

  • Armor: +399.
  • Effects: +50% attack power, +22% piercing resistance, +30% slashing resistance, +30% monster damage resistance, +70% elemental resistance.

The basic set of armor lies in the north of Novigrad, in the dungeons under Temple Island. You can find it only after completing the quest line of the sorceress Keira Metz - to find the chest, you need the Eye of Nehalena.

Swords of the Kota School

Steel sword

The drawing is located in a location slightly south of Novigrad.

  • Level: 17.
  • Damage: 162-198.
  • Effects: +5% chance modifier to cause bleeding, +5% additional experience for killing a person.

Silver sword

The drawing lies southeast of Novigrad.

  • Level: 17.
  • Damage: 256-312.
  • Effects: +12% Aard's power, +5% chance modifier to cause bleeding, +20% additional experience for killing a monster.

Griffin school armor

Armor that occupies a middle position between light and heavy armor. A good choice for those who actively use signs in battle. Characteristics that a full set of master armor will give you:

  • Armor: +399 units
  • Effects: +50% Sign Power, +30% Pierce Resistance, +40% Slash Resistance, +20% Impact Damage Resistance, +50% Monster Damage Resistance, +40% Elemental Resistance.

The basic set of drawings lies in the north-west of the Steiger settlement, in the Dragon Slayer Grotto. Guarded by monsters that are strong by the standards of the beginning of the game.

Griffin School Swords

Steel sword

The drawing lies in the Last Bastion in the north of Velen. It's best to start the quest line with him. Guarded by harpies.

  • Level: 11.
  • Damage: 119-145.
  • Effects: +5% power of Signs, +5% additional experience for a fatal blow to a person.

Silver sword

The drawing can be found on Lonruk Island with a lighthouse, in the northwest of Velen.

  • Level: 11
  • Damage: 202-246.
  • Effects: +5% power of Signs, +20% additional experience for a fatal blow to a monster.

Wolf school armor

Another medium armor. It has a little bit of everything - bonuses to both fast and heavy attacks, and to signs. Characteristics that a full set of master armor will give you:

  • Armor: +432 units
  • Effects: +20% Sign Power, +20% Adrenaline Gain, +20% Attack Power, +25% Pierce Resistance, +40% Slash Resistance, +20% Impact Damage Resistance, +50% Monster Damage Resistance, +40 % elemental resistance.

The drawings will appear in the game only after installing one of the free DLCs. The basic set lies in a cave under Kaer Morhen.

Wolf School Swords

Steel sword

Located in the bastion west of the Kaer Morhen fortress. Guarded by ghosts.

  • Level: 14
  • Damage: 140-172.
  • Effects: +5% power of Signs, +5% adrenaline gain, +5% chance modifier to cause bleeding, +5% additional experience for a fatal blow to a person.

Silver sword

The drawing can be found in the north of Kaer Morhen, in the ruins of a destroyed tower. Find the body lying on the steps - the drawing is on it.

Level: 14.

Damage: 229-279 +5% power of Signs.

Effects: +5% adrenaline gain, +5% chance modifier to cause bleeding, +20% additional experience for killing a monster.

Bear School Armor

Heavy armor – stamina is restored slowly. In it, Geralt is well protected and can deliver powerful blows, but is rather clumsy. Characteristics that a full set of master armor will give you:

  • Armor: +399.
  • Effects: +50% Adrenaline Gain, +40% Pierce Resistance, +50% Slash Resistance, +30% Impact Damage Resistance, +70% Monster Damage Resistance, +25% Elemental Resistance.

The basic set of drawings for the Bear School armor is located on the northeastern island of the Skellige archipelago. The chest lies in the old fortress in the north, guarded by ghosts.

Bear School Swords

Steel sword

The drawing is located in the ruins in the south of the main island of Skellige. Guarded by a group of sirens and ghosts.

  • Level: 20.
  • Damage: 184-224.
  • Effects: +5% adrenaline gain, +5% additional experience for a fatal blow to a person.

Silver sword

The drawing lies in Fort Etnir in the north of the same island. Guarded by ice elemental and gargoyles.

  • Level: 20.
  • Damage: 283-345.
  • Effects: +5% adrenaline gain, +5% critical chance. hit, +10% modifier for the chance to cut off a limb, +20% additional experience for a fatal blow to a monster.

Armor of the School of Snakes (addition “Hearts of Stone”)

The set refers to medium armor. Drawings can only be purchased while completing the quest “Open Sesame!” at the Borsodi auction house. Talk to the Countess and buy the drawings from her.

  • Armor: 235 (+ effects from additional items).
  • Effects: +30% Pierce Resistance, +50% Poison Resistance, +30% Slash Resistance, +40% Monster Damage Resistance, +40% Elemental Resistance.

Snake School Swords

Steel sword (regular)

The drawing can be found in the ruins near the burned village in the White Garden, thereby starting the quest “Witcher Antiquities: Snake School Equipment”. It is recommended to do this as quickly as possible, since the swords of the set make the passage much easier.

  • Level: 1.
  • Damage: 49-61.
  • Effects: +15% modifier for the chance to cause poisoning, +5% additional experience for a fatal blow to a person.

Silver sword (regular)

The drawing is obtained through the quest after discovering the drawing of the steel sword.

  • Level: 1.
  • Damage: 112-138.
  • Effects: +10% Aard's power, +10% modifier for the chance of causing poisoning, +20% additional experience for a fatal blow to a monster.

Poisoned Steel Sword (Hearts of Stone DLC)

The drawing can be found during the quest “Open Sesame!” in the Borsodi treasury. It lies in a chest next to the Borsodi House (rack with a box).

  • Level: 39.
  • Damage: 328-400.
  • Effects: +25% to the power of the Aard sign, +75% bonus to critical damage, +10% chance of critical damage, +15% chance to poison the enemy, +5% experience from people and humanoids.

Poisoned Silver Sword (Hearts of Stone DLC)

The sword can only be found during the quest “Who Sows the Wind...”. If you stood up for Olgerd von Everec and invited Gunther o' Dim to play with them with the witcher of the soul, Gunther will move Geralt to an alternative reality. In one of the locations of this strange world and there is a sword stuck in the stone.

  • Level: 39.
  • Damage: 463-565.
  • Effects: +25% Aard's power, +75% additional damage on crit. hit, +10% chance of a critical hit, +10% chance to cause poisoning, +20% extra. experience for a fatal blow to a monster.

Manticore School Armor (Blood and Wine DLC)

Medium armor. The quest to find the drawings can be taken from the blacksmith Lazar Lafargue. Look for him in Beauclair, north of the City Cemetery and west of the Metinn Gate.

  • Armor: 240 (+ effects from additional items).
  • Effects: +10 max. Intoxication, +19% Pierce Resistance, +24% Slash Resistance, +31% Monster Damage Resistance, +25% Extra Critical Damage. impact

If 3 items from the set are equipped, then the chance of a critical hit and critical damage extends to bombs. If 6 items from the set are worn, then the number of charges for all alchemical items increases by one.

Swords of the Manticore School (Blood and Wine DLC)

The drawings can be found as you progress through the corresponding quest.

Silver sword

  • Level: 40.
  • Damage: 472-576.
  • Effects: +250 armor penetration, +50% bonus to critical damage, +15% chance to critically hit, +12% chance to cause bleeding, +5% bonus experience from monsters.

Steel sword

  • Level: 40.
  • Damage: 335-409.
  • Effects: +250 armor penetration, +50% additional damage on crit. hit, +5% chance of a critical hit, +10% chance to cause bleeding, +5% additional experience for a fatal blow to a person.

Other armor

Armor from Tesham Mutna (addition “Blood and Wine”)

Heavy armor. Geralt will find elements of the armor in the Tesham Mutna fortress during the story quest “Echoes”. It’s almost impossible to miss them if you look at everything along the way. The number of armor points depends on Geralt's level.

  • Effects: +30% Pierce Resistance, +25% Impact Damage Resistance, +25% Bleed Resistance, +30% Slash Resistance, +25% Monster Damage Resistance.

The more items of the set (starting from threex0) the witcher wears, the more health the armor restores to the wearer after killing an enemy (maximum 6%).

Ophir Armor (Hearts of Stone expansion pack)

Light armor. You can start the quest to find the Ophir set “From Distant Ophir” while completing another quest, “A Rose on a Red Field.” In one of the houses in a chest you will find a scroll with which you need to go to the Ophir merchant. The merchant pitched his tent near the mill.

  • Armor: 476.
  • Effects: +40% to Quen's power, +40% to Yrden's power, +30% to Axia's power, +30% to Aard's power, +20% to Igni's power, +50% resistance to impact damage, +50% to resistance to slashing blows .

Other steel weapons


The blueprint for creating this nifty weapon, which is a reference to Game of Thrones, can be found in Freya's Grove on one of the Skellige islands. Using the levers, you will open the water lock in the far part of the location, then swim through it into the secret cave and search the chest. The drawing is there.

  • Level: 14.
  • Damage: 134-164.
  • Effects: +43 armor penetration, +9% Yrden power. +3% modifier for the chance of cutting off a limb, +4% additional experience for a fatal blow to a person.

Thor Lara

The sword can be found on Ard Skellig north of Kaer Trold, or in one of the smugglers' hiding places also north of the island.

  • Level: 18
  • Damage: 127–155.
  • Effects: health +75, power of the Aard sign +16%, chance of the enemy catching fire +12%, chance of the enemy’s instant death +2%.

Blade from Tir Tohair

The drawing can be bought from a blacksmith from the village of Firsdal on the island of Ard Skellig, and the sword itself randomly drops out in one of the chests.

  • Level: 46.
  • Damage: 364-446.
  • Effects: +50% extra damage on critical hit, +5% chance to critically hit, +15% chance to cause bleeding.


The sword will become yours after completing the quest “Accident”. The quest is taken from an abandoned village on the river bank south of the Devil's Pit. There, by the pier, behind an old boat, a dead man is half-sitting in the water. On it you can find an unsent letter, which will start the quest.

  • Damage: 142-174.
  • Effects: +8% Igni power, +9% chance modifier to cause combustion.

Other silver weapons


This silver sword can be found in the village of Larvik on the island of Hindarsfjall.

  • Level: 37.
  • Damage: 465.
  • Effects: +75% bonus to critical damage.

Arondite (Blood and Wine Expansion)

The difficult but interesting quest “Paths of Destiny” leads to obtaining this sword. To start it, read the advertisement about the guy who spied on naked girls on the island of Selavi, on the board in the center of Beauclair. To successfully complete it, you need to confirm five virtues while completing other quests. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Sympathy: In the quest “The Beast of Toussaint”, spare Charley during the fight in the arena.
  • Generosity: In the “Change” quest, pay the boy for a letter or buy a painting in the “Portrait Painter” quest.
  • Honor: In the quest " People's hero» return the extracted item to the customer.
  • Wisdom: Save the wight in the Echo quest or win the Bauclair Gwent tournament.
  • How to prove valor: In the quest “Song of a Knight’s Heart”, after returning to the camp, you need to continue the tournament and win it.

At the end of the quest you will receive a sword.

  • Damage: 560-640 (constantly increasing).
  • Effects: Weapon charge increases damage by 10, and always deals a critical hit when fully charged. Killing an enemy while fully charged will reset it and permanently increase its damage.

Gesheft (addition “Blood and Wine”)

The sword can be obtained after defeating the Cloud Giant if you follow the will-o'-the-wisp that awaits you at the entrance to the castle. The light will lead you to a cave where a sword and a reference to Dark Souls await you.

  • Level: 46.
  • Damage: 627.
  • Effects: +20% power of all signs

Casus Foederis (Blood and Wine DLC)

The sword can be found on the tomb of the knight Ramon of Guichon in the corridor leading to Regis's crypt. To locate the grave, you need to use the Eye of Nehalena.

  • Damage: 478-584.
  • Effects: +150 armor penetration, +15% Aard's power, +15% Quen's power, +50% increase in crit damage. hit, +15% critical hit chance.

Olesya Klimchuk
