Automation of technological processes and production by industry. Process automation specialist

To paraphrase the famous proletarian poet, let's talk about a graduate who is considering his future life and thinking about acquiring a profession, let's talk about a specialty to which all sectors of the economy are submissive. In general, we will talk about getting the graduate to pay attention to the specialty of automation.

So, a profession where the name and code of the specialty is “Automation” technological processes and production": 03.15.04

This specialty involves participation in the creation of modern software products for design, automatic control of technological processes, diagnostics of mechanisms and equipment for production, as well as monitoring of quality indicators of the products themselves with minimal human intervention.

This specialty is also related to “Automation of control systems” - a specialty that deals with the processes of design and implementation of programs for control and automation systems.

What is the specialty “Automation of Technological Processes and Production”?

A university graduate with a diploma in this specialty must know and apply methods, mechanisms and tools for the development and application of systems that manage technological chains and even production without involving or with minimal human participation, leaving him with the ability to control and make important decisions.

Automation control systems are used in industry, energy, agricultural and processing industries, transport, trade, etc. These control systems are now used in all sectors of the economy.

Specialty "Electrification and Automation"

This specialty is also in demand in almost all industries, for example, in industries that extract or produce raw materials - in mining, as well as in agricultural production.

For example, “Electrification and automation Agriculture"- a specialty according to which graduates receive engineering qualifications and can be employed in agricultural, processing, repair enterprises, in enterprises operating electrical networks and power plants, as well as in research, scientific organizations and institutions.

Automation job

In addition to the above-mentioned employment in the specialty of automation, holders of diplomas in this specialty can count on getting work:

  • for an engineering position at enterprises of any form of ownership;
  • designer in design organization;
  • designer in institutions for research and development of automation systems;
  • employee of a production or operational site or department.

It is quite obvious that over time you can count on the post of manager of a project, department, production, or even an enterprise or institution. Everything will depend on desire career growth and personal ambitions, as well as an appropriate level of personal responsibility and professionalism.

And manufacturing is not an easy specialty, but it is necessary. What is she like? Where and what can you work on after receiving a professional degree?

general information

Automation of technological processes and production is a specialty that allows you to create modern hardware and software that can design, research, conduct technical diagnostics and industrial tests. Also, a person who has mastered it will be able to create modern systems management. The specialty code for automation of technological processes and production is 03/15/04 (220700.62).

By navigating through it, you can quickly find the one you are interested in and see what they are doing there. But if we talk about this in general, then such departments train specialists who can create modern automated objects, develop the necessary software and operate them. This is what automation is

The specialty number was previously given as two different numeric values ​​due to the fact that new system classifications. Therefore, it is first indicated how the specialty being described is designated now, and then how it was done previously.

What is being studied

The specialty "automation of technological processes and production of open source software" during training is a set of tools and methods that are aimed at implementing systems that allow you to manage ongoing processes without direct human participation (or the most important issues remain for him).

The objects of influence of these specialists are those areas of activity where complex and monotonous processes are present:

  • industry;
  • Agriculture;
  • energy;
  • transport;
  • trade;
  • medicine.

The greatest attention is paid to technological and production processes, technical diagnostics, scientific research and production tests.

Detailed information about training

We looked at what is studied by those wishing to obtain the described specialty in general. Now let's detail their knowledge:

  1. Collect, group and analyze source data necessary for design technical systems and their control modules.
  2. Assess the significance, prospects and relevance of the objects being worked on.
  3. Design hardware and software complexes of automated and automatic systems.
  4. Monitor projects for compliance with standards and other regulatory documentation.
  5. Design models that show products at all stages of their life cycle.
  6. Choose funds software and automated production, which the best way suitable for a specific case. As well as the testing, diagnostic, control and monitoring systems that complement them.
  7. Develop requirements and rules for various products, its manufacturing process, quality, conditions of transportation and disposal after use.
  8. Carry out and be able to understand various design documentation.
  9. Assess the level of defects in manufactured products, identify their causes, and develop solutions that will prevent deviations from the norm.
  10. Certify developments, technological processes, software and
  11. Develop instructions regarding the use of products.
  12. Improve automation tools and systems for performing certain processes.
  13. Maintain technological equipment.
  14. Configure, adjust and regulate automation, diagnostics and control systems.
  15. Improve the qualifications of employees who will work with new equipment.

What positions can you expect?

We have looked at how the specialty “automation of technological processes and production” differs. Work on it can be carried out in the following positions:

  1. Operator.
  2. Circuit engineer.
  3. Programmer-developer.
  4. Systems engineer.
  5. Operator of semi-automatic lines.
  6. Engineer of mechanization, automation and automation of production processes.
  7. Designer of computer systems.
  8. Instrumentation and automation engineer.
  9. Materials scientist
  10. Electromechanical technician.
  11. Developer of an automated control system.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. Moreover, it should also be taken into account that in the process of studying attention will be paid a large number programming languages. And this, accordingly, will provide ample opportunities for employment after graduation. For example, a graduate can go to automobile plant, to work on a car assembly line, or into the electronics field to create microcontrollers, processors and other important and useful elements.

Automation of technological processes and production is a complex specialty, implying a large amount of knowledge, so it will be necessary to approach it with all responsibility. But the reward should be to accept the fact that there is ample opportunity for creativity here.

Who is this path best suited for?

The greatest likelihood of becoming successful in this field is among those who have been doing something similar since childhood. Let's say, I went to a radio engineering club, programmed on my computer, or tried to assemble my own three-dimensional printer. If you haven’t done anything like that, then there’s no need to worry. Chances of becoming good specialist Yes, you just have to put in a significant amount of effort.

What should you pay attention to first?

Physics and mathematics are the basis of the specialty described. The first science is necessary in order to understand the processes occurring at the hardware level. Mathematics allows you to develop solutions to complex problems and create models of nonlinear behavior.

When getting acquainted with programming, many people, when they are just writing their “Hello, World!” programs, seem to think that knowledge of formulas and algorithms is not necessary. But this is a mistaken opinion, and the better a potential engineer understands mathematics, the high altitudes he will be able to achieve in the development of the software component.

What to do if there is no vision of the future?

So, the training course has been completed, but there is no clear understanding of what needs to be done? Well, this indicates the presence of significant gaps in the education received. Automation of technological processes and production is a complex specialty, as we have already said, and we hope that everything necessary knowledge They will give it at the university, it’s not necessary. A lot is transferred to self-study, both in a planned mode, and implying that the person himself will be interested in the subjects being studied and devote enough time to them.


So we looked at general outline specialty "automation of technological processes and production." Reviews from specialists who have graduated from this field and are working here say that, despite the initial complexity, you can claim a pretty good wages, starting from fifteen thousand rubles. And over time, having gained experience and skills, an ordinary specialist will be able to qualify for up to 40,000 rubles! And even this is not the upper limit, since for literally brilliant (read - those who devoted a lot of time to self-improvement and development) people, it is also possible to receive significantly larger sums.

Azarova Victoria Sergeevna, teacher

Oskol Polytechnic College STI NUST MISIS, Stary Oskol

Humanity is constantly moving forward. We create new and more versatile tools that allow us to increase the efficiency of the efforts of each individual person. The next step, which is being actively implemented today, is automation.

Automation is one of the areas that uses self-regulating technical means and mathematical with the aim of freeing a person from participation in the receipt, transformation, transfer and use, or, or significantly reducing the degree of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed.


Automation makes it possible to increase and improve management processes and remove people from production processes that are hazardous to health. Automation, with the exception of the simplest cases, requires complex, systematic approach to solving the problem. Automation systems include (), (), computers. The computational methods used sometimes copy the nervous and mental functions of humans. This entire set of tools is usually called systems.

In the age of automation and mechanization, technical education becomes relevant. In the West, already in the 17th century, they realized the need for engineering specialists. This was due to the construction of the first roads and bridges. In Russia, Peter I was already interested in technical sciences.

Currently, the pace of development is accelerating in all spheres of human activity. Enterprises increasingly find themselves in small-scale production. Intense competition forces them to short time and, at minimal cost, adapt to the production of new products in accordance with market demands.

The production automation program turns out to be a reliable means leading not only to the adaptation of enterprises to new socio-economic conditions, but also significant number technological advantages that provide a significant increase surplus value products. In addition, automation of production processes helps to perform many technological operations that were previously inaccessible to humans. Thus, the introduction of automation contributes to the overall technological progress of society.

Automation is a technological process that no enterprise can do without. Automation serves to simplify process management, to reduce production costs and to facilitate labor in the enterprise. Automatic processes do not stand still; they are improved every year, that is, they are automated. Further development and improvement of technological processes is associated with the creation of high-power plants equipped with modern equipment. In this connection, the requirements for their reliability are increasing, which leads to increased requirements for the calculation, manufacture and operation of equipment. Modern installations must operate reliably for a long time under optimally intensive operating conditions. Solving these problems is only possible if technology and equipment are improved.

Therefore, the specialty “Automation of technological processes and production (by industry)” is one of the most popular professions.Graduate qualification – technician. A graduate of this specialty is ready to professional activity on organizing and carrying out installation, repair, and maintenance of devices and tools for measuring, monitoring, testing and regulating technological processes.

In modern enterprises, specialists with this level of education can work as technicians, and they must know: the structure of the design and technology departments; rights and obligations of the designer and technologist; rules for working with standards, ESKD; responsibilities and rights of engineering and technical workers, the scope of work performed in workshops, departments, etc. on operation, repair and adjustment of automation equipment; must be able to: develop and execute a simple design and technological documentation; use computer technology in design; maintain automation systems; perform the functional duties of duplicated engineering and technical workers of a workshop, site, laboratory, etc.

The characteristic of this profession is to ensure the optimal functioning of automated control systems for technological processes and production. The objects of professional activity are technological, energy, transport, information and other production processes. A technician is trained as a direct organizer of the production process at a site in a team, shift, or workshop for the operation of automated control systems. He must have soldering skills, design and read design documentation, have a good knowledge of measuring equipment and be able to use it, and calculate the parameters of various electrical circuits. The technician must be able to organize the work of the production site in compliance with safety regulations.

The main types of activities of the technician are: production and technological activities - installation, adjustment, configuration of systems automatic control; conducting standard and certification tests, performing metrological verifications of measuring instruments; analysis of the causes of failures of automatic control systems, their devices and functional blocks and development of measures to eliminate failures; control and analysis of the functioning of automatic control systems, their devices, functional blocks, measuring instruments; Maintenance automatic control systems; hardware and software configuration and maintenance of microprocessor technology of automatic control systems.

The graduate must be able to implement the technological process of forming standard devices and functional blocks of automatic control systems; draw up design, technological and other technical documentation in accordance with current regulatory documents; use regulatory and reference literature to select measuring and automation instruments, devices and functional blocks of automatic control systems, materials, equipment, etc.; determine the capabilities and scope of standard measuring instruments, draw up diagrams for their connection; perform pre-installation checks, verification, installation and adjustment of measuring and automation equipment, repair and maintenance of automatic control systems; carry out hardware and software configuration and maintenance of microprocessor technology of automatic control systems; calculate parameters of typical electrical circuits and electronic devices; use funds for settlement purposes computer technology; carry out technical control of the compliance of devices and functional blocks of automatic control systems with established standards; calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the activity of a site or workshop; evaluate effectiveness production activities; analyze and evaluate the state of safety technology.

Basic requirements for professional training, the technician must have an understanding of: the main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of automation of technological processes and production, their relationship with related areas; about trends in the development of technological machines, about the structure of flexible technological complexes, integrated and automated production; on the basic principles of constructing control computer systems for automated technological processes and production; on indicators of quality and reliability of elements of automated technological equipment.

Knowbasic objects, phenomena and processes associated with a specific area of ​​special training, mathematical description linear systems automated control, quality indicators of automatic control systems, principles of operation of typical elements of automatic control systems.

Be able to calculate the main indicators of automatic control systems, select according reference materials typical elements of automatic control systems; master the techniques of setting up and operating the main types of technological equipment, use methods for developing, debugging, monitoring and implementing control programs for automated equipment.

Have experience: constructing images of technical products, designing and reading drawings, diagrams and drawing up specifications, assessing the strength of elements mechanical systems, calculation of typical electrical and electronic circuits.

Despite the fact that in conditions of dynamism market relations professional training cannot guarantee a graduate workplace not only throughout life, but also in the near future.

In the field of production automation this moment There is a shortage of highly qualified specialists.

Therefore, a technician for automation of production and technological processes is in demand both in mechanical engineering and in various enterprises where there are automated production control systems.

List of sources used:

1. Kapustin, N. M. Automation of production processes and production: Textbook. for universities / Ed. N. M. Kapustina. - M.: graduate School, 2014. - 415 p.

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated April 18, 2014 No. 349 “On approval of the federal state educational standard average vocational education specialty 02/15/07 Automation of technological processes and production (by industry)";

3. Article 59 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. 2878; N 27 , Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562, Art. 566);

4. Shishmarev V.Yu.,2015 – 50s;

The interest of young people in this area is not accidental: any activity in one way or another connected with programming today portends great opportunities for professional growth and development.

However, competition among applicants for this position remains quite low: 3.6 resumes per vacancy. Which is also not surprising: the set of knowledge and skills required for such work is very significant. An automation engineer must have excellent knowledge of the production process, understand the equipment, and be able to correctly program the required algorithm.

At the same time, the process of production automation requires the need to frequently visit the enterprise, and this is associated with business trips, for which not all graduates of automation departments are ready. Besides, there is always an alternative: go into IT. A technical mindset and programming skills are an excellent background for development in information technology, and salaries in this industry traditionally attract the attention of young professionals. And the shortage of qualified personnel forces IT companies to attract professionals from related fields.

However, there are those who cannot be lured into another area by any conditions. Let's see what the work of automation engineers is.

Job Responsibilities of an Automation Engineer

Participation in the development of automated control systems projects and their implementation;
- programming controllers;
- production and repair of panels;
- testing controllers and input/output modules;
- preparation of technical documentation;
- installation supervision, participation in commissioning works.

Salary offers and employer requirements

The average salary offer for an automation engineer in Moscow is 60,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 55,000 rubles, in Volgograd - 30,000 rubles, in Voronezh - 35,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 45,000 rubles, in Kazan - 35,000 rubles, in Krasnoyarsk - 40,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod- 32,000 rubles, in Novosibirsk - 40,000 rubles, in Omsk - 35,000 rubles, in Perm - 40,000 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 35,000 rubles, in Samara 35,000 rubles, in Ufa - 35,000 rubles, in Chelyabinsk - 40,000 rubles.

Manufacturing companies that are ready to hire automation graduates have the following requirements for young specialists. Applicants must have a good theoretical background: know system and electrical engineering, telemechanics, industrial automation equipment, principles of constructing automated control systems and data archiving, data exchange protocols, as well as the requirements of regulatory documentation. The level of computer skills (AutoCAD and specialized software) must also be excellent. The starting salary for automation engineers without work experience in Moscow ranges from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles, in Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don - from 20,000 to 23,000 rubles .

City Income level, rub.
(no experience in this position)
Moscow 35 000 - 40 000
- Higher technical education
- Confident user PC (including AutoCAD and specialized software)
- Knowledge of system and electrical engineering, telemechanics, industrial automation equipment
- Knowledge of the principles of building automated control systems and data archiving
- Knowledge of data exchange protocols
- Knowledge of regulatory documentation
Saint Petersburg 30 000 - 35 000
Volgograd 18 000 - 20 000
Voronezh 20 000 - 23 000
Ekaterinburg 27 000 - 20 000
Kazan 20 000 - 23 000
Krasnoyarsk 24 000 - 28 000
Nizhny Novgorod 20 000 - 22 000
Novosibirsk 23 000 - 26 000
Permian 20 000 - 23 000
Omsk 23 000 - 26 000
Rostov-on-Don 20 000 - 23 000
Samara 20 000 - 23 000
Ufa 20 000 - 24 000
Chelyabinsk 23 000 - 26 000

Automation engineers with at least 1 year of work experience can count on a salary increase or look for a higher-paying position. Such specialists must also have experience in programming controllers and skills in developing operational documentation. The earnings of engineers who meet the specified requirements in the capital increase to 48,000 rubles, in the city on the Neva - up to 43,000 rubles, in Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don - up to 27,000 rubles.

City Income level, rub.
(with work experience of 1 year)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 40 000 - 48 000
- Experience in programming controllers.
- Experience in developing operational documentation.
Saint Petersburg 35 000 - 43 000
Volgograd 20 000 - 25 000
Voronezh 23 000 - 27 000
Ekaterinburg 20 000 - 37 000
Kazan 23 000 - 27 000
Krasnoyarsk 28 000 - 33 000
Nizhny Novgorod 22 000 - 26 000
Novosibirsk 26 000 - 30 000
Permian 23 000 - 27 000
Omsk 26 000 - 32 000
Rostov-on-Don 23 000 - 27 000
Samara 23 000 - 28 000 Ufa 24 000 - 27 000 Chelyabinsk 26 000 - 32 000

Practical skills in developing, debugging, implementing and maintaining automated control system software and information, as well as experience working with SCADA systems, significantly increase the value of a specialist in the labor market. Automation engineers with at least 2 years of work experience in Moscow can qualify for a salary of up to 70,000 rubles, in Northern capital- up to 63,000 rubles, in Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don - up to 40,000 rubles.

City Income level, rub.
(with work experience of 2 years or more)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 48 000 - 70 000
- Practical skills in developing, debugging, implementing and maintaining automated control system software and information.
- Experience with SCADA systems.
- Knowledge in English on a technical level.
Saint Petersburg 43 000 - 63 000
Volgograd 25 000 - 35 000
Voronezh 27 000 - 40 000
Ekaterinburg 37 000 - 55 000
Kazan 27 000 - 40 000
Krasnoyarsk 33 000 - 48 000
Nizhny Novgorod 26 000 - 38 000
Novosibirsk 30 000 - 45 000
Permian 27 000 - 40 000
Omsk 32 000 - 47 000
Rostov-on-Don 27 000 - 40 000
Samara 28 000 - 40 000
Ufa 27 000 - 40 000
Chelyabinsk 32 000 - 45 000

The maximum income for vacancies is promised to automation engineers with more than 3 years of experience, incl. at least 2 years in the industry according to the profile of the employing company. The most valuable specialists are considered to be engineers with experience in independently managing enterprise automation projects. Their earnings in the capital reach 120,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 110,000 rubles, in Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don - 70,000 rubles.

City Income level, rub.
(with work experience of 3 years or more)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 70 000 - 120 000
- Experience in independently managing enterprise automation projects.
- At least 2 years of experience as an automation engineer in a specific industry.
Saint Petersburg 63 000 - 110 000
Volgograd 35 000 - 60 000
Voronezh 40 000 - 70 000
Ekaterinburg 55 000 - 90 000
Kazan 40 000 - 70 000
Krasnoyarsk 48 000 - 85 000
Nizhny Novgorod 38 000 - 65 000
Novosibirsk 45 000 - 75 000
Permian 40 000 - 70 000
Omsk 47 000 - 80 000
Rostov-on-Don 40 000 - 70 000
Samara 40 000 - 70 000
Ufa 40 000 - 70 000
Chelyabinsk 45 000 - 75 000

Portrait of the applicant

According to labor market research, among applicants for the position of automation engineer, the majority are young men with higher education. Only 8% of applicants are women. Young people under the age of 30 make up 54% of candidates. 93% of automation engineers have higher education. Every tenth specialist is fluent in English.


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Automation engineer

54% of applicants for the position of automation engineer are young people under the age of 30. This is 7 percentage points higher than the average for engineering majors. ");
