Biography of Minikh Christopher Andreevich. Field Marshal Christopher Antonovich Minich and his service to Russia

Christopher Antonovich Minich (Count Burchard Christoph von Munnich) went down in Russian history as an outstanding military and economic figure, an invincible field marshal who defeated the hordes of Crimean Tatars and Ottomans. Minich was German by origin, but as Empress Catherine II rightly said: “Not being a son of Russia, he was one of its fathers.” He zealously served Russia, did a great job of qualitatively strengthening the Russian army, economy, rear, system government controlled. He dispelled the myth of the invincibility of the Turkish army, which arose after Peter’s unsuccessful Prut campaign. It was Field Marshal Minich who laid the foundation for a series of brilliant victories of the Russian army over the Ottomans.

early years

Burkhart Christopher von Munnich (in another spelling - Burchard Christoph von Munnich) was born on May 9, 1683 in Neuenhuntorf (Neijen-Guntorf) near Oldenburg. He came from the noble family of the Minikhs. His father was an excellent engineer, an adviser to the court of the Danish king. Therefore, the son mastered the arts of engineering and drawing, knew mathematics well, studied Latin and French, and also gained experience in the field of hydraulic engineering. At the age of 16 he went on a journey, entered the French service as an engineer and was in Strasbourg when the War of the Spanish Succession began. The young specialist was well known in certain circles and received an invitation from Marshal Villeroy to remain in the French service. But he rejected this flattering offer, because he did not want to fight against his compatriots.

Minich left France and entered service in Hesse-Darmstadt. He served as a captain, and when he distinguished himself at the siege of Landau in 1702, he was transferred to the Hessian-Kassel Guard and promoted to major. In 1709, he distinguished himself in the Battle of Malplaquet and received the rank of lieutenant colonel. In the Battle of Denen in 1712, Minich was seriously wounded and captured. In March 1714, peace was signed between France and Austria in Rastadt. Minich received freedom. In Hesse he was greeted with respect and given the rank of colonel. He returned to the profession of engineer and began building a canal connecting Fulda with the Weser.

However, Minich's ambitious soul demanded more significant matters. He was not satisfied with his service with the Hessian Landgrave. In the North of Europe there was a war between the Swedish Empire and Russia, Poland and Saxony. Minich entered the service of the Elector of Saxony and King of Poland Augustus II in 1716. In Warsaw, he formed Polish regiments and in 1717 received the rank of major general. The brave and active general was involved in active life in Poland: the struggle of the Confederates, the enmity of the Polish gentry towards Augustus and his supporters, the riotous life of the capital. As a result, Minikh fought duels several times, killed Colonel Hanf, and was wounded in another duel. But Augustus forgave the brave general.

In Russian service

The king's favors to Minich aroused the envy of a number of people towards him. dignitaries, including royal favorite Fleming. Not tolerating insults, but not being able to respond in kind, Minich decided to refuse Saxon service. He wanted to go to Stockholm; the smart and brave commander was called to the Swedish service. But the death of the Swedish king Charles XII forced him to accept the offer to go into Russian service. In 1721, at the invitation of the Russian ambassador in Warsaw, Grigory Dolgorukov, Minikh arrived in Russia to conduct engineering affairs conceived by Tsar Peter Alekseevich.

When Minich presented Peter with a drawing of the new fortification of Kronstadt, the pleased Tsar said: “Thanks to Dolgorukov, he brought me a skilled engineer and general.” Peter and Minikh became comrades-in-arms. The ease of manners, the greatness of the Russian monarch, his colossal plans for transforming the state, his active and active life, so opposite to what he saw in the West, captivated Minich. Minikh honestly said that he was not an expert in the navy, cavalry, or artillery, that he was a bad architect, and offered his services in organizing the infantry, serf work, and teaching the emperor’s grandson mathematics, fortification, and the art of war.

Minikh and Peter traveled to Narva, Revel, and Kronstadt. He drew up plans for the fortification of Kronstadt, the construction of a harbor in Oranienbaum, and a military port in Rogervik. The death of his father forced Minich to ask the emperor for leave to return to his homeland. Peter let him go, but on the condition that he would definitely return. Setting off on the Persian campaign in 1722, the emperor entrusted Minich with the arrangement of navigation on the Neva and granted him the rank of lieutenant general. Returning from the campaign, the sovereign was very pleased with the work of the general: “No one understands and fulfills my thoughts as well as Minich.”

The Ladoga Canal was the cause of the emperor's grief. Construction of the Ladoga Canal began in 1719. One of the sections of the Vyshnevolotsk waterway, which connected the Volga with the Baltic, passed through Lake Ladoga. This section was one of the most dangerous and difficult: frequent strong winds on the lake caused the death of hundreds of transport ships. Therefore, Peter decided to build a bypass canal connecting the Volkhov and Neva. The length of the canal according to the project was 111 kilometers (in the end it turned out to be 117 km), and the depth was 2.1 m below the level of Lake Ladoga. It began at Novaya Ladoga and ended in Shlisselburg, where the Neva originates from Lake Ladoga. In the first quarter of the 18th century, this canal became the largest hydraulic structure in Europe. The work proceeded slowly, with serious difficulties, loss of life and high costs. This forced Pyotr Alekseevich to conduct an investigation. He instructed Minich to inspect the canal construction work. Menshikov and his favorite Pisarev (he was the work manager) tried to prevent him, assuring him that Minikh was a bad engineer. Minich presented a report to the king, where he said that everything done previously was no good and presented a new work plan. Munnich's opponents criticized his conclusions. The emperor resolved the dispute in his own style: he himself went to inspect the work. I walked with Minich through the forests and swamps for three days, studied the situation and came to the same conclusions as the German general.

Having completed the inspection, the tsar told Pisarev: “... there are two types of guilt: mistake and malice - I will always forgive the first, and I will always punish the second severely.” The Emperor ordered the arrest of Skornyakov-Pisarev and the German locksmiths, and they were put on trial. After this, the construction of the canal was taken under state control. Minich led the work. In 1724, Pyotr Alekseevich visited the canal again and was so pleased with the general’s work that he said: “Minikh cured me - he is capable of great things.” The Emperor decided to appoint Minich to replace Bruce as General-Fieldmaster and entrust him with all hydraulic engineering work in the Russian Empire. By the summer of 1725, 25 thousand people were involved in work on the canal: 7 thousand civilian workers and 18 thousand soldiers. The construction of the canal under the leadership of Minich was completed in October 1730 and in the spring of 1731 ships began to sail along it.

Map of the canal of Emperor Peter the Great (1741-42).

Reign of Catherine I and Peter II

The death of Pyotr Alekseevich put Minich in a difficult position. His ill-wisher Alexander Menshikov became an all-powerful nobleman, in fact the ruler of Russia. But age played in his favor. Minich had already lost the ardor and temper of his youth. Life experience taught him to submit to life's circumstances. He could humble his pride there when necessary. A sharp mind, eloquence and dexterity in business allowed him to maintain a high position and continue serving Russia. In addition, Minich entered into an alliance with Osterman. Therefore, Minich was able to continue work on the construction of the Ladoga Canal, and he was granted the newly established Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

By moving to the Dolgoruky party, Minikh retained his position even after the fall of Menshikov. Despite the conflict between the party of foreigners and the Russian party, Minikh was awarded the title of count, the rank of general-in-chief and villages near Dorpat. In 1727, Peter II moved with his court to Moscow, where he was crowned. The new emperor was completely uninterested in state affairs and led an idle life. Petersburg was deserted, there was even an idea to deprive it of its capital status. Minikh in this situation was appointed ruler of St. Petersburg, and from 1728 he was the governor-general of St. Petersburg, Ingermanland, Karelia and Finland (until 1734).

During this period, with the inaction of other dignitaries, he gained enormous power. As a junior member of the Military Collegium, with the removal of Field Marshal Golitsyn to Moscow, Vice-President Lassi to Riga, and the inaction of other members of the Collegium, he managed all military affairs. Minich distributed the deployment of troops, supplied them, and carried out recruitment. Continued work on the construction of the Ladoga Canal. Minich continued the intensive construction begun under Peter in St. Petersburg, Vyborg and Kronstadt. At this time, he showed himself to be a skillful manager, an administrator with very deep knowledge in the field of hydraulic engineering and military affairs. During this period, regular maritime communication with Western Europe began, and mail and passenger ships began to sail from Kronstadt to Lübeck and Danzig. In the capital, on Vasilyevsky Island, the construction of the Building of the Twelve Colleges and the stone bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress were completed. Minich organized parades and reviews of troops and celebrations during the launching of ships, balls and gala dinners. Thus, in these troubled years, Minikh was able to maintain St. Petersburg’s role as the most important city in the Russian Empire.

During the reign of Anna Ioannovna

Minich was among those who supported Anna Ioannovna and the restoration of the fullness of imperial power. When Empress Anna assumed full power, Minich hastened to publish this news in the capital and reinforce the autocratic power with the oath of residents and troops. Minikh received an honorable commission: the burial of Peter’s coffin and the coffin of his wife, who had previously remained in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Generous rewards were the result of his diligence. He was awarded the Order of St. Apostle Andrei, received the post of President of the Military College, the rank of Feldmaster General. And in 1732 he received the baton of Field Marshal General and the title of member of the cabinet (or high council) under the Empress. In addition to Minikh, the Supreme Council included Osterman, Golovkin and Cherkassky.

Minich was at the top of honors. During this period, the foreign party won a complete victory over the Russian party. However, Minich had a rival. A new temporary worker appeared at court - Ernst Johann Biron. This man was insignificant in his talents, but he controlled the will of the empress. As soon as Anna reigned in Russia, Biron received the rank of chief chamberlain, the Order of St. Andrew, became a count and prince. And this is in the absence of any achievements in the field of serving Russia. Suspicious, selfish and cruel, Biron became a real monster at court. Many Russian dignitaries fell into disgrace and were subjected to repression. Minikh was an open enemy and rival of Biron. Because of this, he quarreled with Osterman; this crafty courtier went over to the side of the empress’s favorite. The Empress, convinced of the need for Minich to govern the state, restrained the attacks of his rivals.

Minich continued important government affairs. The Ladoga Canal was completed, which was a positive development for the development of the Russian economy. Empress Anna and her retinue were the first to sail on a yacht along the canal and open navigation. Minich put the army's finances in order and established hospitals for the wounded and garrison schools within the army. The field marshal formed two new guards regiments - the Horse Guards and Izmailovsky (named after the village near Moscow where the empress lived). He established the Gentry Cadet Corps in the capital for 200 and then 360 nobles (and in the future it was supposed to train 400-500 young men). Minich was the head of the corps until 1741. The cadet corps was divided into 4 classes: in the fourth (lowest) cadets studied Russian and Latin, penmanship and arithmetic; in the third - geography, grammar and geometry; in the second - fortification, artillery, history, correct writing and style, rhetoric, jurisprudence, heraldry, morality and other military and political sciences. In the first class, specialization took place - cadets studied what they showed the greatest success in. Cadets studied for 5-6 years and graduated after passing exams. In addition to Russian, they were taught French and German languages.

The field marshal drew up new staff for the army, established a heavy (cuirassier) corps of 12 regiments in the army, and formed the first hussar regiments. Minich equalized the salaries of Russian officers with those of invited foreign military specialists (foreigners had higher salaries). He established engineer regiments, a new branch of the military in Russia, and also created an Engineering School for officers. Under him, 50 fortresses were built or improved. All these measures strengthened the defense capability of the Russian Empire.

War of the Polish Succession

However, while actively working to strengthen the army, Minikh could not help but notice that he was practically removed from foreign policy. Despite the fact that he was a member of the cabinet, negotiations were conducted secretly with Austria and Prussia on the elevation of the Saxon Elector Frederick Augustus to the Polish throne (in addition, an alliance was concluded between Russia and Austria against Turkey). In 1733, the Polish king Augustus II died. The French proposed the candidacy of Stanislav Leszczynski for the Polish throne, who was already the Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1704-1709, being an ally of Sweden. His daughter was married to the French king Louis XV. Russia and Austria were strongly against Leshchinsky's candidacy. The approval of Leszczynski in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth would be a significant political victory for France and Sweden and would undermine Russian influence in Poland. There was a danger that a powerful anti-Russian coalition would be created consisting of Sweden, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire, with the support of France.

The majority of the Sejm chose Leszczynski as king. However, part of the gentry did not recognize him as king and published a manifesto, which declared the destruction of the principle of “free veto” (lat. Liberum veto). They began to fight against Leshchinsky and his supporters. Leszczynski's opponents held their own Diet and elected the Saxon Elector Frederick Augustus as king. Leshchinsky with his supporters, as well as accompanied by the French and Swedish ambassadors, left for Danzig, where he wanted to wait for the French squadron with troops. Danzig was a port and was considered the best Polish fortress and one of the best fortresses in Europe. Its coastal location made it possible to receive assistance from Sweden and France.

Russian troops were sent to help Leshchinsky's opponents. 15 thousand The corps was headed by Minich's rival, General-in-Chief Peter Lassi.

To be continued…

MINIKH, CHRISTOPHOR ANTONOVICH (BURCHARD-CHRISTOPHOR)(1683–1767), count, Russian military and statesman. Born on May 9 (19), 1683 in the village of Neuenguntdorf near Oldenburg (northwest Germany) in the family of an official who was in charge of dams in the counties of Oldenburg and Dalmenhorst. Received an engineering education. During the War of the Spanish Succession he served with 1701 as a captain in the Hessian-Darmstadt army; then received the position of chief engineer in the Principality of East Friesland; in 1706 he joined the Hessian-Kassel corps with the rank of major; took part in the campaigns of Eugene of Savoy and the Duke of Marlborough; in 1709 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel for bravery. In 1712, in the battle of Denen, he was wounded and captured by the French. At the end of the war he returned to Hesse; received the rank of colonel; led the construction of the Karlshaven and Grabenstein canals. In 1716 he entered the service of Augustus II of Saxony, King of Poland; in 1717 he was promoted to major general and became an inspector of the Polish army. In 1721 he switched to Russian service. As a general engineer, he supervised the construction of a lock on the Tosna River, the construction of the Obvodny Canal and the road along the Neva from Shlisselburg to St. Petersburg. In 1723 he headed the work on laying the Ladoga Canal. In 1726 he was promoted to general-in-chief. In 1727 he received the title of chief director of fortifications. In 1728, in connection with the completion of the construction of the Ladoga Canal, he was elevated to the dignity of count; appointed governor of Ingermanland, Karelia and Finland and commander of troops in these areas. In 1729 he became the chief commander of artillery.

After Anna Ivanovna's accession to the throne, he became close to A.I. Osterman and, with his help, to the Empress and I.-E. Biron; appointed general-feldtzeichmeister, and then president of the Military Collegium. He was one of the initiators of the creation of the Cabinet of Ministers in 1731 and became its member. Having headed the commission of military affairs, he reorganized the Russian army: changed the regulations for the guards, field and garrison units, created two new guards regiments (Izmailovsky and Cavalry), the Ground Cadet Corps, twenty regiments of the Ukrainian police, separated the engineering units from the artillery, formed the first in Russia cuirassier regiment (based on the Vyborg Dragoon Regiment), improved the equipment and weapons of the troops. On February 25 (March 7), 1732 he received the rank of Field Marshal. He led the Russian army during the Polish campaign of 1733–1734; took Danzig and expelled the French candidate for the Polish throne, Stanislav Leszczynski, ensuring the victory of the Russian-Austrian protege of Augustus III. Appointed commander of Russian troops during Russian-Turkish war 1735–1739. In 1736, through Perekop, he invaded Crimea and captured the capital of the Crimean Khanate, Bakhchisarai, however, poor supplies and summer heat forced him to retreat; 30,000 Russian soldiers died during this campaign. In 1737 he took Ochakov, in 1738 he entered Bessarabia and captured Khotin, and in 1739 he won a decisive victory over the Turks at Stavuchany. But his victories were in vain: after allied Austria signed a separate agreement with Ottoman Empire Russia was forced to agree to the conclusion of the Belgrade Peace, which was humiliating for it.

At the end of Anna Ivanovna’s reign, he actively supported the appointment of E.-I. Biron as the future regent under the young Emperor Ivan VI Antonovich, but after the death of the Empress he became close to Ivan VI’s parents Anna Leopoldovna and Anton-Ulrich of Brunswick. On the night of November 8 (19) to November 9 (20), 1721, Biron was arrested and Anna Leopoldovna was proclaimed ruler of the state. Appointed as the first cabinet minister, but soon, due to a conflict with Anton-Ulrich and as a result of the intrigues of A.I. Osterman, he resigned on March 6 (17), 1741. After the overthrow of the Brunswick dynasty and the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna, on November 24–25 (December 5–6), 1741, he was exiled to Pelym (Tobolsk province), where he spent twenty years. In 1762, by decree of Peter III, he was released and restored to all rights and ranks. During the coup on June 28 (July 9), 1762 he remained close to the emperor, but then swore allegiance to Catherine II. Appointed commander over the main Baltic ports and over the Ladoga Canal; in subsequent years he was mainly involved in the construction of Rogerwick harbor. Until the end of his life he enjoyed the favor of the empress. He died on October 16 (27), 1767 in Dorpat (modern Tartu).

The figure of B.-H. Minich received the most controversial assessments in historiography. He was often criticized for imposing Prussian orders in the Russian army, for inept actions (slowness, inability to develop success) and for huge losses during the Russian-Turkish war of 1735–1739, for the fact that he was one of the leaders of the “anti-national (German) party ", which dominated under Anna Ioanovna and Anna Leopoldovna. Being largely a product of the xenophobic sentiments of Russian society in the late 30s and early 40s. XVIII century, this criticism cannot, however, obscure the positive role of B.-H. Minich in the construction of the new Russia as an outstanding engineer, as a military reformer and commander, and as an outstanding political figure.

Ivan Krivushin

Christopher Antonovich

Battles and victories

He gained fame as an invincible field marshal, a successor to the work of Peter the Great. Under his command, the Russian army first invaded Crimea and took the capital of the Khanate, Bakhchisarai. It was he who laid the foundation for the victorious wars between Russia and the Porte, opening a new page of Russian military glory.

The most active military leader during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, statesman, engineer.

Christopher Antonovich Minich, aka Count Burchard Christoph von Munnich, although of foreign origin, rightfully became an outstanding military and statesman of Russia. Popular wisdom says: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German!” However, many Germans who dedicated their lives to Russia have proven that this is far from an indisputable statement. Among them is Christopher Antonovich Minikh.

I see that you are a worthy person!

Peter I about Minich

Count Burchard Christoph

von Munnich

The future famous Russian commander was born in Oldenburg, a Danish possession in Germany. His father gave his son an excellent education, with youth trained him to be an engineer. In 1701-1716. young Minich was in the Hesse-Darmstadt and Hesse-Kassel service, went from captain to colonel, fought against the French in Italy and the Netherlands, was in French captivity, and upon returning to Germany was engaged in the construction of a lock and canal in Hesse-Kassel. In search of new prospects, he sent his treatise on fortification to Peter I, who was attracted by the abilities of the German engineer, and received an invitation to Russia. In February 1721, his amazing career began on Russian soil.

German precision, extraordinary ability to work, ambition and determination - everything was put at the service of Petrine Russia, which was catching up with Europe in its development by leaps and bounds. In 1720, Minich received an offer to take the position of general engineer in Russia. Arriving there in 1721, he committed himself in writing to serve for 5-6 years, observing engineering work on the Baltic coast.

Peter I highly appreciated the engineering talent of Christopher Minich, declaring in the Senate:

I found a man who will finish the Ladoga Canal for me. Even in my service I did not have a foreigner who could carry out great plans as well as Minich! You must do everything according to his wishes!

And Minikh, in turn, saw enormous development prospects in Russia.

Minich's most important work last years The life of Peter I and after his death began the construction of the Ladoga Canal. In 1727, the engineer was appointed chief director of fortification work. A year later, he receives the title of count and the post of governor-general of St. Petersburg, Ingermanland, Karelia and Finland. One after another, his talents are revealed: he carries out intensive construction in St. Petersburg, Vyborg and Kronstadt, shows himself to be an active, persistent and managerial administrator with very thorough knowledge in fortification, hydraulic engineering and military affairs.

Its benefit for Russia is indisputable: the completion of work on the Ladoga Canal ensured safe navigation bypassing the stormy Lake Ladoga, which was extremely beneficial great importance for the city’s economy, since it connected it with the central provinces of Russia and significantly expanded the port’s trade turnover. Thanks to the efforts of Minich, regular sea ​​communication of the new Russian capital with Europe, the construction of the building of 12 colleges and the construction of stone bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress are completed.

Portrait of B.H. Minikha

Engraving. 1844

The zenith of Minich's career was the ten-year reign of Anna Ioannovna. With her accession, he was appointed president of the Military Collegium and field commander general, and in 1732 received the rank of field marshal general. A year before this, Minikh became chairman of a commission whose goal was to streamline the condition of the army and find measures to support the latter without particularly burdening the people. He drew new order for the guard, field and garrison regiments, formed two new guards regiments (Izmailovsky and horse guards), introduced cuirassiers, separated the engineering unit from the artillery, established a land cadet corps, took measures for more correct uniforms and armament of troops, organized twenty regiments of the Ukrainian police from noblemen of the former Belgorod and Sevsky categories.

During the struggle for the Polish throne in 1734, Minich commanded the troops operating in Poland, and in the midst of hostilities he took the city of Danzig. After the end of the War of the Polish Succession, Russia began a new war in 1735 - with the Ottoman Empire. The humiliating Treaty of Prut of 1711, according to which Peter I lost Azov, Taman, and the Azov fleet that had been so laboriously built, was perceived very painfully in Russia. He was not forgotten either under Peter I or under Anna. The command of the army was entrusted to Field Marshal Munnich.

Starting the war with the Turks, he drew up a plan according to which the army had to fight for 4 years, occupy the Northern Black Sea region, Crimea, Moldova, Wallachia and in 1739 enter Constantinople. This grandiose plan was not destined to come true, although at first things went well for the Russian army. The Don army of Lassi easily took Azov, and on May 22, 1736, historical event– for the first time Russian troops entered Crimea. It must be said that this fact was preceded by centuries of Crimean raids on Rus'. Dozens of Russian cities were plundered and set on fire, hundreds of thousands of Russian prisoners were taken away by the Tatars and sold into slavery. Now the time has come to secure Crimea. Russian troops marched through the Crimea with fire and sword in 1736. The Tatars, unable to resist the invasion of the regular army, fled to the mountains. Military operations progressed successfully west of Crimea. In the summer of 1737, Russian troops took the large Turkish fortress of Ochakov. But there was no quick movement to Istanbul. This task was difficult to accomplish: the military power of the Turks had not yet been broken. Under the threat that Russian troops might be trapped, they had to be withdrawn from the peninsula.

Capture of Ochakov. 1737

In the summer of 1739, Minich resumed the offensive. At the beginning of June 1739, he crossed the Dnieper, and on August 15 he was already beyond the Dniester. To repel the offensive of the Russian army, the commander-in-chief of the Turkish army, Veli Pasha, concentrated all the troops that he could muster in the region, including the Khotyn garrison, in positions near Stavuchany. The army reached a size of 70-90 thousand people consisting of: 15-20 thousand Janissaries, 8-20 thousand Spakhs and Serbedj, 7 thousand Lipkans and 40-50 thousand Crimean Tatars. The army's artillery consisted of 70 guns. The Russian army numbered 61 thousand people with 250 guns, including 85 field guns. 48 thousand people took part in the battle itself “with a gun in the ranks”.

Waiting for Count Minich's army to approach, Veli Pasha sent the Tatars to the rear of the Russian army, trying to encircle the enemy troops. The commander-in-chief placed the Turkish cavalry on the flanks of his army. Thus, Veli Pasha left about 20 thousand people to defend the main positions, stretching over five miles. To ensure the best defense, the pasha concentrated on defending the western part of his positions, which directly covered the road to Khotyn. To organize the defense, the Turks built 11 batteries in this direction, armed with 60 mortars and cannons, and built a triple line of trenches. The trenches on the right flank adjoined the village of Nedoboevtsy and had a length of 3 miles. The last work on the trenches was carried out on the night of August 28, when the Russian army had already entered the area. As a result, the left section of the trenches, 2 miles long, was not occupied by Turkish troops at all.

On the evening of August 27, the Russian army reached the Shulanets River, where it set up camp. Having carried out reconnaissance, Count Minich became convinced that his army was tightly surrounded. The Russians were surrounded in the rear and on the flanks Crimean Tatars and Turkish cavalry. Ahead of Minich was 20 thousand Turkish infantry, which “in the mountainous places, which are already very strong and adventurous, were greatly deceived by the situation [dug in].” But at the same time, the field marshal noted that “the enemy, in front of his right wing, against which our army stood, continued the work of retrenchments and batteries, and the left wing, which, although in an advantageous place [dangerous for a breakthrough], was not, however, deceived.”

Having weighed the current situation, realizing the unfortunate location of his camp, which was subjected to artillery fire and attacks by enemy cavalry units, the lack of firewood and fodder, the impossibility of a roundabout maneuver, Count Minich “took a resolution on the 17th to attack the enemy in his camp,” concentrating the blow on the left the enemy's flank. This was also facilitated by the mood of the troops, who, according to the count’s admission, “showed an almost unheard-of eagerness for battle and were very eager to approach the enemy as quickly as possible.” According to the drawn up battle plan, part of the army was supposed to carry out a diversionary maneuver on the enemy’s right flank, and the rest of the army would deliver the main blow to the left flank. For a diversionary maneuver, a detachment of Lieutenant General Gustav Biron was appointed, consisting of a guard, two dragoons, three infantry regiments and a certain number of irregular troops, with a total number of 9 thousand people, with four howitzers and 30 guns.

Early in the morning of August 28, Gustav Biron's detachment, representing the vanguard of the entire army, crossed the river and stood at a low altitude two miles from the enemy positions. After that it started artillery duel, which lasted until noon, but was ineffective. At noon, Field Marshal Minich ordered the entire army to turn to the right and advance to the confluence of the Shulanets River and the stream that flowed near the village of Dolina. The detachment of General Gustav Biron turned around and crossed back across the river, taking their places in the battle formation of the army. Veli Pasha took such maneuvers as a Russian retreat and even sent news of the victory to Khotyn. The Turks soon realized their mistake and began transferring troops to the left flank, where they began building new batteries. Genzh-Ali Pasha and Kolchak Pasha tried to attack the enemy army with cavalry at the crossing, where the Russians had to climb a low but steep bank.

After the crossing, the Russian army formed into one square, inside which was the entire convoy, and slowly moved towards the enemy. At five o'clock in the afternoon, when the army passed near Stavuchany, the Turks launched a decisive attack. 12-13 thousand Janissaries attacked from the front, and Turkish cavalry from the right flank. The Russian army stopped and, fencing themselves with slingshots, opened rifle and artillery fire. The Turkish cavalry, unable to withstand the fire, turned around and went back across the Stavuchansky stream. Of the Janissaries, only about 3 thousand people reached the slingshots, but, having no success, they fled. Fearing for his convoy, Minikh decided to abandon the pursuit of the enemy. Impressed by the failure of the attack, the Turkish troops occupying the position set fire to their camp and hastily left towards Khotyn. Only the cavalry and the Crimean Tatars remained on the field, who were still trying to attack the enemy.

At 7 pm the Russian army reached Turkish positions and occupied the enemy camp. Here Genj Ali Pasha tried to make a last attempt to attack the Russians. But the fire of two artillery brigades upset the Turkish cavalry, which did not have time to enter the battle. After that all Turkish army fled, pursued by Russian troops. The defeat was complete, the Turkish army was scattered. Most of the Turks, including the Khotyn garrison, under the command of Veli Pasha and Genj Ali Pasha, went to Bendery, some went to the Prut, and the Tatars to Budzhak. The winners received 19 copper cannons, 4 mortars, banners, and many shells.

Moderate in his personal life, he often turned out to be too strict and then merciless with other people subordinate to him. However, due to his straightforwardness, justice and personal courage, the popularity of Field Marshal B.Kh. Minikha always remained tall in the army. Especially among the lower ranks, about whom he carefully cared. The soldiers called the commander "falcon"

Shishov A.V.

Russian losses amounted to: 13 people killed, including one colonel of the Don Army, and 54 wounded, including 6 officers. Count Minich called courage the reasons for such small losses Russian soldiers and artillery and trench fire, in which they are trained.

The losses of the Ottoman army amounted to more than a thousand people killed, whom they left on the battlefield. The consequence of this victory was the capitulation of Khotin. On August 30, Commandant Kolchak Pasha surrendered the city at the first request of Count Minich.

Despite the victory of the Russian army at Stavuchany and the occupation of the Khotyn fortress, in 1739 the war ended with the assistance of French diplomacy in the Peace of Belgrade, which was not so beneficial for Russia. Through this world she returned all her conquests to Turkey. However, the significance of this war is great - the road to the Black Sea for the Russian army was now known. The next generation of Russian soldiers and commanders under Catherine II will quickly move along it.

It should be noted that historians have ambivalent assessments of Minich’s activities in the military field. He is accused of lack of military genius, unwillingness to feel sorry for the soldiers, excessive ambition, and rudeness. However, no matter how they talk about him, he achieved success in all military enterprises, and in the Battle of Stavuchany he showed true tactical skill and won a brilliant victory. The reasons for the numerous losses are revealed partly in his letter: “There were thirty thousand armed troops in Danzig, but I did not have even twenty thousand to wage a siege, and yet the encirclement line of the fortress extended for nine German miles” (1 German mile is approximately equal to 8 kilometers).

It would be a big mistake to imagine Minich as a rude martinet. The letters he left behind testify to the sophistication of the author’s mind and his ability to express himself beautifully. Here is what the Englishwoman Lady Rondeau wrote about him to her correspondent in 1735: “You say that you imagine him as an old man, whose appearance has all the rudeness of a soldier who has been through troubles... He has Beautiful face, very white skinned, he is tall and slender, and all his movements are soft and graceful. He dances well, all his actions emanate youth, with the ladies he behaves like one of the most gallant gentlemen of this court and, being among representatives of our sex, radiates gaiety and tenderness.”

In 1740, Minikh tried to head the government of Anna Leopoldovna, receiving the post of first minister for military, civil and diplomatic affairs. However, soon, as a result of Osterman’s intrigues, Minich was forced to resign, and in 1741, with the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna, he was put on trial and sentenced to death on a series of false charges: high treason, aiding Biron, bribery and embezzlement. .

The court was presided over by Prince Nikita Trubetskoy, who tried to accuse Minikh, but he bitterly remarked to him:

Before the court of the Almighty, my acquittal will be better accepted than before your court!

Among all those condemned to execution, only Minich retained, as history testifies, courage and cheerfulness, talked with the officers accompanying him, recalled the war and the readiness for death familiar to a military man. As he ascended the scaffold, he was carefully shaven, and a field marshal's red cloak was on the shoulders of the condemned man. Having learned that the death penalty had been replaced by exile, the German greeted the news without the slightest emotion and just as cheerfully descended from the scaffold as he had ascended to it.

In exile, in the village of Pelym, Minikh spent 20 for long years. Without giving up over the years, he engaged in physical and mental labor, grew vegetables, taught children, composed various engineering and military projects (which, however, remained without any application), and from time to time sent proposals to the capital to appoint him as Siberian governor.

After a twenty-year exile, Minikh returned to St. Petersburg again at the beginning of 1762 by order of Peter III. In May, the field marshal turned 79 years old, but he was full of strength and creative plans. In the same month, Peter III appointed him a member of the Imperial Council, but Minikh asked for two more positions for himself: the Siberian governor and the chief director of the Ladoga Canal. He was going to manage Siberia without leaving St. Petersburg.

By decree of June 9, 1762, the emperor satisfied both wishes of the active and ambitious old man, entrusting him with the management of the Kronstadt Canal. But in the same month there was a new coup, Peter III was overthrown from the throne and was soon killed. Minich remained faithful to the emperor until the last hours of his reign and tried to tell him the way to salvation. But Catherine II, with her characteristic prudence, did not pursue the former supporters of her unfortunate husband. She was emphatically kind to the “patriarch with hair as white as snow” and “the most senior field marshal in Europe,” as Minich called himself in letters to the empress. He was retained as chief director of the Ladoga and Kronstadt canals, and in addition he was tasked with completing the construction of the Baltic port. Minich worked until the last months of his life, supervised the construction and repair of the hydraulic structures entrusted to him, and sent proposals to the empress on issues of state policy. On the eve of his 85th birthday, he finally asked for his resignation. The Empress refused, saying that she did not have a second Minich. But the field marshal's days were already numbered, and he soon died.

He left behind works devoted to the structure of Russia, which became everything for him: a place of life and activity, the embodiment of plans and dreams, an arena of ups and downs. One of them, “Essay on the Governance of the Russian Empire,” or “Essay giving an idea of ​​the mode of government of the Russian Empire,” was created at the end of the author’s life. In December 1763, Academician G.-F. Miller said in one of his letters: “The Empress was pleased to appoint me to help Field Marshal Minich write his memoirs. This will be a very interesting work. No matter how old the field marshal is, he has an excellent memory and writes French very elegantly. All I can do is correct the dates” (Minikh B.-X. Notes of a Field Marshal. St. Petersburg, 1874. P. XVI.). Consequently, Catherine II knew about Minich's work and was interested in it. It is known from other sources that in 1763 one of the versions of the “Essay...” was already completed and sent by the author to the historian A.-F. for review. Buesching. More precise information about the time of creation of the memoirs has not been found, but, apparently, they were written in 1763-1764.

For forty-six years, Count Burchard Christoph von Münnich served Russia honestly, considering it his second homeland, never tired of marveling at its mystery and never ceasing to tirelessly care about its development.

Surzhik D.V., IWI RAS



Bantysh-Kamensky D.N. Biographies of Russian generalissimos and field marshals. In 4 parts. Reprint of the 1840 edition. Part 1–2. M., 1991

The most loyal reports of Count Minich. Reports of 1737 and 1738. St. Petersburg, 1899

Report of Field Marshal Minich on the collection and publication of all Russian Decrees and Regulations, submitted on May 14, 1735. Domestic notes of P. Svinin. St. Petersburg, 1821. Part 5

Durov N.P. Notes, etc. works of Field Marshal Minich // Russian antiquity, 1872. T. 6. No. 9

Soloviev S.M. History of Russia from ancient times. St. Petersburg, 1896. T. 29


Prince Svyatoslav

Momyshuly Bauyrzhan

Fidel Castro called him a hero of World War II.
He brilliantly put into practice the tactics of fighting with small forces against an enemy many times superior in strength, developed by Major General I.V. Panfilov, which later received the name “Momyshuly’s spiral.”

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

Finnish War.
Strategic retreat in the first half of 1812
European expedition of 1812

Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich

Rurik Svyatoslav Igorevich

Year of birth 942 date of death 972 Expansion of state borders. 965 conquest of the Khazars, 963 march south to the Kuban region, capture of Tmutarakan, 969 conquest of the Volga Bulgars, 971 conquest of the Bulgarian kingdom, 968 founding of Pereyaslavets on the Danube (the new capital of Rus'), 969 defeat of the Pechenegs in the defense of Kyiv.

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

Russian military leader, political and public figure, writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentarian.
Participant in the Russo-Japanese War. One of the most effective generals of the Russian imperial army during the First World War. Commander of the 4th Infantry "Iron" Brigade (1914-1916, from 1915 - deployed under his command to a division), 8th Army Corps (1916-1917). Lieutenant General General Staff(1916), commander of the Western and Southwestern Fronts (1917). An active participant in the military congresses of 1917, an opponent of the democratization of the army. He expressed support for the Kornilov speech, for which he was arrested by the Provisional Government, a participant in the Berdichev and Bykhov sittings of generals (1917).
One of the main leaders White movement during the Civil War, its leader in the South of Russia (1918-1920). He achieved the greatest military and political results among all the leaders of the White movement. Pioneer, one of the main organizers, and then commander of the Volunteer Army (1918-1919). Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (1919-1920), Deputy Supreme Ruler and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army Admiral Kolchak (1919-1920).
Since April 1920 - an emigrant, one of the main political figures of the Russian emigration. Author of the memoirs “Essays on the Russian Time of Troubles” (1921-1926) - a fundamental historical and biographical work about the Civil War in Russia, the memoirs “The Old Army” (1929-1931), the autobiographical story “The Path of the Russian Officer” (published in 1953) and a number of other works.

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

It's simple - It was he, as a commander, who made the greatest contribution to the defeat of Napoleon. He saved the army under the most difficult conditions, despite misunderstandings and grave accusations of treason. It is to him that ours is practically a contemporary of those events great poet Pushkin dedicated the poem "Commander".
Pushkin, recognizing Kutuzov's merits, did not oppose him to Barclay. In place of the common alternative “Barclay or Kutuzov,” with the traditional resolution in favor of Kutuzov, Pushkin came to a new position: both Barclay and Kutuzov are both worthy of the grateful memory of posterity, but Kutuzov is revered by everyone, but Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly is undeservedly forgotten.
Pushkin mentioned Barclay de Tolly even earlier, in one of the chapters of “Eugene Onegin” -

Thunderstorm of the twelfth year
It has arrived - who helped us here?
The frenzy of the people
Barclay, winter or Russian god?...

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

He was the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War! Under his leadership, the USSR won the Great Victory during the Great Patriotic War!

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

The greatest Commander and Diplomat!!! Who utterly defeated the troops of the “first European Union”!!!

Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Pyotr Alexandrovich

Maksimov Evgeniy Yakovlevich

Russian hero of the Transvaal War. He was a volunteer in fraternal Serbia, participating in the Russian-Turkish war. At the beginning of the 20th century, the British began to wage war against the small people - the Boers. Eugene successfully fought against the invaders and in 1900 was appointed military general. Died in Russian Japanese war. In addition to his military career, he distinguished himself in the literary field.

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich

Hero of Borodin, Leipzig, Paris (division commander)
As commander-in-chief, he won 4 companies (Russian-Persian 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish 1828-1829, Polish 1830-1831, Hungarian 1849).
Knight of the Order of St. George, 1st degree - for the capture of Warsaw (the order, according to the statute, was awarded either for the salvation of the fatherland, or for the capture of the enemy capital).
Field Marshal.

Rumyantsev Pyotr Alexandrovich

Russian military leader and statesman, who ruled Little Russia throughout the reign of Catherine II (1761-96). During the Seven Years' War he commanded the capture of Kolberg. For victories over the Turks at Larga, Kagul and others, which led to the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace, he was awarded the title “Transdanubian”. In 1770 he received the rank of Field Marshal. Knight of the Russian orders of St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. George 1st class and St. Vladimir 1st class, Prussian Black Eagle and St. Anna 1st class

Kondratenko Roman Isidorovich

A warrior of honor without fear or reproach, the soul of the defense of Port Arthur.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich

In 1612, during the most difficult time for Russia, he led the Russian militia and liberated the capital from the hands of the conquerors.
Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky (November 1, 1578 - April 30, 1642) - Russian national hero, military and political figure, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers. His name and the name of Kuzma Minin are closely associated with the country’s exit from the Time of Troubles, which is currently celebrated in Russia on November 4th.
After the election of Mikhail Fedorovich to the Russian throne, D. M. Pozharsky plays a leading role at the royal court as a talented military leader and statesman. Despite the victory of the people's militia and the election of the Tsar, the war in Russia still continued. In 1615-1616. Pozharsky, on the instructions of the tsar, was sent at the head of a large army to fight the detachments of the Polish colonel Lisovsky, who besieged the city of Bryansk and took Karachev. After the fight with Lisovsky, the tsar instructs Pozharsky in the spring of 1616 to collect the fifth money from merchants into the treasury, since the wars did not stop and the treasury was depleted. In 1617, the tsar instructed Pozharsky to conduct diplomatic negotiations with the English ambassador John Merik, appointing Pozharsky as governor of Kolomensky. In the same year, the Polish prince Vladislav came to the Moscow state. Residents of Kaluga and its neighboring cities turned to the tsar with a request to send them D. M. Pozharsky to protect them from the Poles. The Tsar fulfilled the request of the Kaluga residents and gave an order to Pozharsky on October 18, 1617 to protect Kaluga and surrounding cities by all available measures. Prince Pozharsky fulfilled the tsar's order with honor. Having successfully defended Kaluga, Pozharsky received an order from the tsar to go to the aid of Mozhaisk, namely to the city of Borovsk, and began flying squads disturb the troops of Prince Vladislav, causing them significant damage. However, at the same time, Pozharsky became very ill and, at the behest of the tsar, returned to Moscow. Pozharsky, having barely recovered from his illness, took an active part in defending the capital from Vladislav’s troops, for which Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich awarded him new fiefs and estates.

Makarov Stepan Osipovich

Russian oceanographer, polar explorer, shipbuilder, vice admiral. Developed the Russian semaphore alphabet. A worthy person, on the list of worthy ones!

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

To a person to whom this name means nothing, there is no need to explain and it is useless. To the one to whom it says something, everything is clear.
Twice hero of the Soviet Union. Commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front. The youngest front commander. Counts,. that he was an army general - but just before his death (February 18, 1945) he received the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union.
Liberated three of the six capitals of the Union Republics captured by the Nazis: Kyiv, Minsk. Vilnius. Decided the fate of Kenicksberg.
One of the few who drove back the Germans on June 23, 1941.
He held the front in Valdai. In many ways, he determined the fate of repelling the German offensive on Leningrad. Voronezh held. Liberated Kursk.
He successfully advanced until the summer of 1943, forming with his army the top of the Kursk Bulge. Liberated the Left Bank of Ukraine. I took Kyiv. He repulsed Manstein's counterattack. Liberated Western Ukraine.
Carried out Operation Bagration. Surrounded and captured thanks to his offensive in the summer of 1944, the Germans then humiliatedly walked through the streets of Moscow. Belarus. Lithuania. Neman. East Prussia.

Rurikovich Yaroslav the Wise Vladimirovich

He dedicated his life to protecting the Fatherland. Defeated the Pechenegs. He established the Russian state as one of the greatest states of his time.

Grachev Pavel Sergeevich

Hero of the Soviet Union. May 5, 1988 “for completing combat missions with minimal casualties and for the professional command of a controlled formation and the successful actions of the 103rd Airborne Division, in particular, in occupying the strategically important Satukandav pass (Khost province) during the military operation “Magistral” "received a medal" Golden Star"No. 11573. Commander of the USSR Airborne Forces. In total, during his military service he made 647 parachute jumps, some of them while testing new equipment.
He was shell-shocked 8 times and received several wounds. Suppressed the armed coup in Moscow and thereby saved the system of democracy. As Minister of Defense, he made great efforts to preserve the remnants of the army - a similar task to few people in the history of Russia. Only because of the collapse of the army and the reduction in the number of military equipment in the Armed Forces was he unable to victoriously end the Chechen War.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Led the armed struggle Soviet people in the war against Germany and its allies and satellites, as well as in the war against Japan.
Led the Red Army to Berlin and Port Arthur.

Bagration, Denis Davydov...

The War of 1812, the glorious names of Bagration, Barclay, Davydov, Platov. A model of honor and courage.

Shein Alexey Semyonovich

The first Russian generalissimo. Leader of the Azov campaigns of Peter I.

Muravyov-Karssky Nikolai Nikolaevich

One of the most successful commanders of the mid-19th century in the Turkish direction.

Hero of the first capture of Kars (1828), leader of the second capture of Kars (the largest success of the Crimean War, 1855, which made it possible to end the war without territorial losses for Russia).

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

A man whose faith, courage, and patriotism defended our state

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Creator of modern airborne forces. When the BMD with its crew parachuted for the first time, its commander was his son. In my opinion, this fact speaks about such a wonderful person as V.F. Margelov, that's it. About his devotion to the Airborne Forces!

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Author and initiator of the creation of airborne technical equipment and methods of using parts and connections Airborne troops, many of which personify the image of the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces that currently exists.

General Pavel Fedoseevich Pavlenko:
In the history of the Airborne Forces, and in the Armed Forces of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, his name will remain forever. He personified an entire era in the development and formation of the Airborne Forces; their authority and popularity are associated with his name not only in our country, but also abroad...

Colonel Nikolai Fedorovich Ivanov:
Under Margelov's leadership for more than twenty years landing troops became one of the most mobile in the combat structure of the Armed Forces, prestigious for their service in them, especially revered by the people... The photograph of Vasily Filippovich in demobilization albums went to the soldiers at the highest price - for a set of badges. The competition for admission to the Ryazan Airborne School exceeded the numbers of VGIK and GITIS, and applicants who missed out on exams lived for two or three months, before the snow and frost, in the forests near Ryazan in the hope that someone would not withstand the load and it would be possible to take his place .

Rurikovich (Grozny) Ivan Vasilievich

In the diversity of perceptions of Ivan the Terrible, one often forgets about his unconditional talent and achievements as a commander. He personally led the capture of Kazan and organized military reform, leading a country that was simultaneously fighting 2-3 wars on different fronts.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

Stessel Anatoly Mikhailovich

Commandant of Port Arthur during his heroic defense. The unprecedented ratio of losses of Russian and Japanese troops before the surrender of the fortress is 1:10.

Oktyabrsky Philip Sergeevich

Admiral, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War, commander of the Black Sea Fleet. One of the leaders of the Defense of Sevastopol in 1941 - 1942, as well as the Crimean operation of 1944. During the Great Patriotic War, Vice Admiral F. S. Oktyabrsky was one of the leaders of the heroic defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Being the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, at the same time in 1941-1942 he was the commander of the Sevastopol Defense Region.

Three Orders of Lenin
three Orders of the Red Banner
two Orders of Ushakov, 1st degree
Order of Nakhimov, 1st degree
Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree
Order of the Red Star

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich

A man of great courage, an excellent tactician and organizer. M.D. Skobelev had strategic thinking, saw the situation both in real time and in the future

Slashchev Yakov Alexandrovich

A talented commander who repeatedly showed personal courage in defending the Fatherland in the first world war. Rejection of the revolution and hostility towards new government assessed as secondary compared to serving the interests of the Motherland.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich

Russian admiral who gave his life for the liberation of the Fatherland.
Oceanographer, one of the largest polar explorers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, military and political figure, naval commander, full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, leader of the White movement, Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Gavrilov Pyotr Mikhailovich

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War - in the active army. Major Gavrilov P.M. from June 22 to July 23, 1941 he led the defense of the Eastern Fort of the Brest Fortress. He managed to rally all the surviving soldiers and commanders around him different parts and units, close the most vulnerable places for the enemy to break through. On July 23, he was seriously wounded by a shell explosion in the casemate and was captured in an unconscious state. He spent the war years in the Nazi concentration camps of Hammelburg and Revensburg, experiencing all the horrors of captivity. Released Soviet troops in May 1945.

Slashchev-Krymsky Yakov Alexandrovich

Defense of Crimea in 1919-20. “The Reds are my enemies, but they did the main thing - my work: they revived great Russia! (General Slashchev-Krymsky).

Karyagin Pavel Mikhailovich

Colonel Karyagin's campaign against the Persians in 1805 does not resemble the real one military history. It looks like a prequel to "300 Spartans" (20,000 Persians, 500 Russians, gorges, bayonet attacks, "This is madness! - No, this is the 17th Jaeger Regiment!"). A golden, platinum page of Russian history, combining the carnage of madness with the highest tactical skill, amazing cunning and stunning Russian arrogance

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich

He was the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Soviet Union. Thanks to his talent as a Commander and Outstanding Statesman, the USSR won the bloodiest WAR in the history of mankind. Most of the battles of World War II were won with his direct participation in the development of their plans.

A talented commander who distinguished himself during the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century. In 1608, Skopin-Shuisky was sent by Tsar Vasily Shuisky to negotiate with the Swedes in Novgorod the Great. He managed to negotiate Swedish assistance to Russia in the fight against False Dmitry II. The Swedes recognized Skopin-Shuisky as their undisputed leader. In 1609, he and the Russian-Swedish army came to the rescue of the capital, which was under siege by False Dmitry II. He defeated detachments of adherents of the impostor in the battles of Torzhok, Tver and Dmitrov, and liberated the Volga region from them. He lifted the blockade from Moscow and entered it in March 1610.

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

The only commander who carried out the order of Headquarters on June 22, 1941, counterattacked the Germans, drove them back in his sector and went on the offensive.

Ermak Timofeevich

Russian. Cossack. Ataman. Defeated Kuchum and his satellites. Approved Siberia as part of the Russian state. He dedicated his entire life to military work.

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

The commander, under whose command the white army, with smaller forces, won victories over the red army for 1.5 years and captured the North Caucasus, Crimea, Novorossia, Donbass, Ukraine, Don, part of the Volga region and the central black earth provinces of Russia. He retained the dignity of his Russian name during the Second World War, refusing to cooperate with the Nazis, despite his irreconcilably anti-Soviet position

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich

Soldier, several wars (including World War I and World War II). passed the way to Marshal of the USSR and Poland. Military intellectual. did not resort to “obscene leadership”. He knew the subtleties of military tactics. practice, strategy and operational art.

John 4 Vasilievich

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

He made the greatest contribution as a strategist to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (aka World War II).

Ridiger Fedor Vasilievich

Adjutant General, Cavalry General, Adjutant General... He had three Golden sabers with the inscription: “For bravery”... In 1849, Ridiger took part in a campaign in Hungary to suppress the unrest that arose there, being appointed head of the right column. On May 9, Russian troops entered the Austrian Empire. He pursued the rebel army until August 1, forcing them to lay down their arms in front of Russian troops near Vilyagosh. On August 5, the troops entrusted to him occupied the Arad fortress. During the trip of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich to Warsaw, Count Ridiger commanded the troops located in Hungary and Transylvania... On February 21, 1854, during the absence of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich in the Kingdom of Poland, Count Ridiger commanded all troops located in the area of ​​​​the active army - as a commander separate corps and at the same time served as head of the Kingdom of Poland. After the return of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich to Warsaw, from August 3, 1854, he served as Warsaw military governor.

Slashchev Yakov Alexandrovich

Field Marshal General Gudovich Ivan Vasilievich

The assault on the Turkish fortress of Anapa on June 22, 1791. In terms of complexity and importance, it is only inferior to the assault on Izmail by A.V. Suvorov.
A 7,000-strong Russian detachment stormed Anapa, which was defended by a 25,000-strong Turkish garrison. At the same time, soon after the start of the assault, the Russian detachment was attacked from the mountains by 8,000 mounted highlanders and Turks, who attacked the Russian camp, but were unable to break into it, were repulsed in a fierce battle and pursued by the Russian cavalry.
The fierce battle for the fortress lasted over 5 hours. About 8,000 people from the Anapa garrison died, 13,532 defenders led by the commandant and Sheikh Mansur were taken prisoner. A small part (about 150 people) escaped on ships. Almost all the artillery was captured or destroyed (83 cannons and 12 mortars), 130 banners were taken. Gudovich sent a separate detachment from Anapa to the nearby Sudzhuk-Kale fortress (on the site of modern Novorossiysk), but upon his approach the garrison burned the fortress and fled to the mountains, abandoning 25 guns.
The losses of the Russian detachment were very high - 23 officers and 1,215 privates were killed, 71 officers and 2,401 privates were wounded (in " Military encyclopedia"Sytin provides slightly lower data - 940 killed and 1,995 wounded). Gudovich was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree, all the officers of his detachment were awarded, and a special medal was established for the lower ranks.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, F. F. Ushakov made a serious contribution to the development of sailing fleet tactics. Relying on the entire set of principles for training naval forces and military art, incorporating all the accumulated tactical experience, F. F. Ushakov acted creatively, based on the specific situation and common sense. His actions were distinguished by decisiveness and extraordinary courage. Without hesitation, he reorganized the fleet into battle formation even when approaching the enemy directly, minimizing the time of tactical deployment. Despite the established tactical rule of the commander being in the middle of the battle formation, Ushakov, implementing the principle of concentration of forces, boldly placed his ship in the forefront and occupied the most dangerous positions, encouraging his commanders with his own courage. He was distinguished by a quick assessment of the situation, an accurate calculation of all success factors and a decisive attack aimed at achieving complete victory over the enemy. In this regard, Admiral F. F. Ushakov can rightfully be considered the founder of the Russian tactical school in naval art.

Bobrok-Volynsky Dmitry Mikhailovich

Boyar and governor of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. "Developer" of the tactics of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Govorov Leonid Alexandrovich

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1955). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).
From 1942 to 1946, commander of the 62nd Army (8th Guards Army), which particularly distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad. He took part in defensive battles on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. From September 12, 1942, he commanded the 62nd Army. IN AND. Chuikov received the task of defending Stalingrad at any cost. The front command believed that Lieutenant General Chuikov was characterized by such positive qualities as determination and firmness, courage and a great operational outlook, a high sense of responsibility and consciousness of his duty. The army, under the command of V.I. Chuikov, became famous for the heroic six-month defense of Stalingrad in street fighting in a completely destroyed city, fighting on isolated bridgeheads on the banks of the wide Volga.

For the unprecedented mass heroism and steadfastness of its personnel, in April 1943, the 62nd Army received the honorary title of Guards and became known as the 8th Guards Army.

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail Vasilievich

I beg the military historical society to correct the extreme historical injustice and include in the list of the 100 best commanders, the leader of the northern militia who did not lose a single battle, who played an outstanding role in the liberation of Russia from the Polish yoke and unrest. And apparently poisoned for his talent and skill.

Dolgorukov Yuri Alekseevich

An outstanding statesman and military leader of the era of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Prince. Commanding the Russian army in Lithuania, in 1658 he defeated Hetman V. Gonsevsky in the Battle of Verki, taking him prisoner. This was the first time since 1500 that a Russian governor captured the hetman. In 1660, at the head of an army sent to Mogilev, besieged by Polish-Lithuanian troops, he won a strategic victory over the enemy on the Basya River near the village of Gubarevo, forcing hetmans P. Sapieha and S. Charnetsky to retreat from the city. Thanks to the actions of Dolgorukov, the “front line” in Belarus along the Dnieper remained until the end of the war of 1654-1667. In 1670 he led an army aimed at fighting the Cossacks of Stenka Razin, in as soon as possible suppressed the Cossack rebellion, which later led to the Don Cossacks swearing allegiance to the Tsar and transforming the Cossacks from robbers into “sovereign servants.”

Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich

Participant in the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, one of the main leaders (1918−1920) of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in Crimea and Poland (1920). General Staff Lieutenant General (1918). Knight of St. George.

Osterman-Tolstoy Alexander Ivanovich

One of the brightest "field" generals of the early 19th century. Hero of the battles of Preussisch-Eylau, Ostrovno and Kulm.

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich

The armies under his command defeated Persia in the war of 1826-1828 and completely defeated Turkish troops in Transcaucasia in the war of 1828-1829.

Awarded all 4 degrees of the Order of St. George and the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called with diamonds.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

The greatest Russian commander! He has more than 60 victories and not a single defeat. Thanks to his talent for victory, the whole world learned the power of Russian weapons

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Grand Duke of Novgorod, from 945 of Kiev. Son of Grand Duke Igor Rurikovich and Princess Olga. Svyatoslav became famous as a great commander, whom N.M. Karamzin called “Alexander (Macedonian) our ancient history».

After the military campaigns of Svyatoslav Igorevich (965-972), the territory of the Russian land increased from the Volga region to the Caspian Sea, from the North Caucasus to the Black Sea region, from the Balkan Mountains to Byzantium. He defeated Khazaria and Volga Bulgaria, weakened and frightened the Byzantine Empire, and opened the way for trade between Rus' and eastern countries

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich

Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak (November 4 (November 16) 1874, St. Petersburg - February 7, 1920, Irkutsk) - Russian oceanographer, one of the largest polar explorers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, military and political figure, naval commander, active member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (1906), admiral (1918), leader of the White movement, Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Participant of the Russian-Japanese War, Defense of Port Arthur. During the First World War, he commanded the mine division of the Baltic Fleet (1915-1916), the Black Sea Fleet (1916-1917). Knight of St. George.
The leader of the White movement both on a nationwide scale and directly in the East of Russia. As the Supreme Ruler of Russia (1918-1920), he was recognized by all the leaders of the White movement, “de jure” by the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, “de facto” by the Entente states.
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army.

Due to the ambiguous attitude towards the period of Anna Ioannovna’s reign, she is a largely underrated commander, who was the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops throughout her reign.

Commander of Russian troops during the War of the Polish Succession and architect of the victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish War of 1735-1739.

Prince Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich

The most remarkable of the Russian princes of the pre-Tatar period of our history, who left behind great fame and good memory.

Gurko Joseph Vladimirovich

Field Marshal General (1828-1901) Hero of Shipka and Plevna, Liberator of Bulgaria (a street in Sofia is named after him, a monument was erected). In 1877 he commanded the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division. To quickly capture some passes through the Balkans, Gurko led an advance detachment consisting of four cavalry regiments, a rifle brigade and the newly formed Bulgarian militia, with two batteries of horse artillery. Gurko completed his task quickly and boldly and won a series of victories over the Turks, ending with the capture of Kazanlak and Shipka. During the struggle for Plevna, Gurko, at the head of the guard and cavalry troops of the western detachment, defeated the Turks near Gorny Dubnyak and Telish, then again went to the Balkans, occupied Entropol and Orhanye, and after the fall of Plevna, reinforced by the IX Corps and the 3rd Guards Infantry Division , despite the terrible cold, crossed the Balkan ridge, took Philippopolis and occupied Adrianople, opening the way to Constantinople. At the end of the war, he commanded military districts, was governor-general, and a member of the state council. Buried in Tver (Sakharovo village)

Karyagin Pavel Mikhailovich

Colonel, chief of the 17th Jaeger Regiment. He showed himself most clearly in the Persian Company of 1805; when, with a detachment of 500 people, surrounded by a 20,000-strong Persian army, he resisted it for three weeks, not only repelling the attacks of the Persians with honor, but taking fortresses himself, and finally, with a detachment of 100 people, he made his way to Tsitsianov, who was coming to his aid.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Chairman of the State Defense Committee, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War.
What other questions might there be? Ivan groznyj

He conquered the Astrakhan kingdom, to which Russia paid tribute. Defeated the Livonian Order. Expanded the borders of Russia far beyond the Urals.

Rurikovich Svyatoslav Igorevich

Great commander of the Old Russian period. The first Kyiv prince known to us who had Slavic name. The last pagan ruler of the Old Russian state. He glorified Rus' as a great military power in the campaigns of 965-971. Karamzin called him “Alexander (Macedonian) of our ancient history.” The prince released Slavic tribes from vassal dependence on the Khazars, defeating the Khazar Khaganate in 965. According to the Tale of Bygone Years in 970 during Russian-Byzantine war Svyatoslav managed to win the battle of Arkadiopolis, having 10,000 soldiers under his command, against 100,000 Greeks. But at the same time, Svyatoslav led the life of a simple warrior: “On campaigns he did not carry carts or cauldrons with him, did not cook meat, but, thinly slicing horse meat, or animal meat, or beef and roasting it on coals, he ate it like that; he did not have a tent , but slept, spreading a sweatshirt with a saddle in their heads - the same were all the rest of his warriors. And he sent envoys to other lands [envoys, as a rule, before declaring war] with the words: “I’m coming to you!” (According to PVL)

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

In front of the Kazan Cathedral there are two statues of the saviors of the fatherland. Saving the army, exhausting the enemy, the Battle of Smolensk - this is more than enough.

Belov Pavel Alekseevich

He led the cavalry corps during the Second World War. He showed himself excellently during the Battle of Moscow, especially in defensive battles near Tula. He especially distinguished himself in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation, where he emerged from encirclement after 5 months of stubborn fighting.

Golovanov Alexander Evgenievich

He is the creator of Soviet aviation long range(ADD).
Units under the command of Golovanov bombed Berlin, Koenigsberg, Danzig and other cities in Germany, striking important strategic targets behind enemy lines.

Suvorov, Count Rymniksky, Prince of Italy Alexander Vasilievich

The greatest commander, master strategist, tactician and military theorist. Author of the book "The Science of Victory", Generalissimo of the Russian Army. The only one in the history of Russia who did not suffer a single defeat.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russian-Persian War of 1804-1813.
"Meteor General" and "Caucasian Suvorov".
He fought not with numbers, but with skill - first, 450 Russian soldiers attacked 1,200 Persian Sardars in the Migri fortress and took it, then 500 of our soldiers and Cossacks attacked 5,000 askers at the crossing of the Araks. They destroyed more than 700 enemies; only 2,500 Persian soldiers managed to escape from ours.
In both cases, our losses were less than 50 killed and up to 100 wounded.
Further, in the war against the Turks, with a swift attack, 1,000 Russian soldiers defeated the 2,000-strong garrison of the Akhalkalaki fortress.
Then again, in the Persian direction, he cleared Karabakh of the enemy, and then, with 2,200 soldiers, he defeated Abbas Mirza with a 30,000-strong army at Aslanduz, a village near the Araks River. In two battles, he destroyed more than 10,000 enemies, including English advisers and artillerymen.
As usual, Russian losses amounted to 30 killed and 100 wounded.
Kotlyarevsky won most of his victories in night assaults on fortresses and enemy camps, not allowing the enemies to come to their senses.
The last campaign - 2000 Russians against 7000 Persians to the Lenkoran fortress, where Kotlyarevsky almost died during the assault, lost consciousness at times from loss of blood and pain from wounds, but still commanded the troops until the final victory, as soon as he regained consciousness, and then was forced take a long time to heal and retire from military affairs.
His exploits for the glory of Russia are much greater than the “300 Spartans” - for our commanders and warriors more than once defeated an enemy 10 times superior, and suffered minimal losses, saving Russian lives.

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich

One of the most talented Russian generals of the First World War. Hero of the Battle of Galicia in 1914, savior of the Northwestern Front from encirclement in 1915, chief of staff under Emperor Nicholas I.

General of Infantry (1914), Adjutant General (1916). Active participant in the White movement in the Civil War. One of the organizers of the Volunteer Army.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Victory in the Great Patriotic War, saving the entire planet from absolute evil, and our country from extinction.
From the first hours of the war, Stalin controlled the country, front and rear. On land, at sea and in the air.
His merit is not one or even ten battles or campaigns, his merit is Victory, made up of hundreds of battles of the Great Patriotic War: the battle of Moscow, battles in the North Caucasus, Battle of Stalingrad, the battle on the Kursk Bulge, the battle of Leningrad and many others before the capture of Berlin, success in which was achieved thanks to the monotonous inhuman work of the genius of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

Successes in the Crimean War of 1853-56, victory in the Battle of Sinop in 1853, defense of Sevastopol 1854-55.

Spiridov Grigory Andreevich

He became a sailor under Peter I, participated as an officer in the Russian-Turkish War (1735-1739), and ended the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) as a rear admiral. His naval and diplomatic talent reached its peak during the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774. In 1769 he led the first passage of the Russian fleet from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the difficulties of the transition (the admiral's son was among those who died from illness - his grave was recently found on the island of Menorca), he quickly established control over the Greek archipelago. The Battle of Chesme in June 1770 remained unsurpassed in terms of loss ratio: 11 Russians - 11 thousand Turks! On the island of Paros, the naval base of Auza was equipped with coastal batteries and its own Admiralty.
The Russian fleet left Mediterranean Sea after the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kainardji Peace in July 1774, the Greek islands and lands of the Levant, including Beirut, were returned to Turkey in exchange for territories in the Black Sea region. However, the activities of the Russian fleet in the Archipelago were not in vain and played a significant role in the world naval history. Russia, having made a strategic maneuver with its fleet from one theater to another and achieved a number of high-profile victories over the enemy, for the first time made people talk about itself as a strong maritime power and an important player in European politics.

Platov Matvey Ivanovich

Ataman of the Great Don Army (from 1801), cavalry general (1809), who took part in all wars of the Russian Empire late XVIII - early XIX century.
In 1771 he distinguished himself during the attack and capture of the Perekop line and Kinburn. From 1772 he began to command a Cossack regiment. During the 2nd Turkish War he distinguished himself during the assault on Ochakov and Izmail. Participated in the battle of Preussisch-Eylau.
During the Patriotic War of 1812, he first commanded all the Cossack regiments on the border, and then, covering the retreat of the army, won victories over the enemy near the towns of Mir and Romanovo. In the battle near the village of Semlevo, Platov’s army defeated the French and captured a colonel from the army of Marshal Murat. During the retreat of the French army, Platov, pursuing it, inflicted defeats on it at Gorodnya, Kolotsky Monastery, Gzhatsk, Tsarevo-Zaimishch, near Dukhovshchina and when crossing the Vop River. For his merits he was elevated to the rank of count. In November, Platov captured Smolensk from battle and defeated the troops of Marshal Ney near Dubrovna. At the beginning of January 1813, he entered Prussia and besieged Danzig; in September he received command of a special corps, with which he participated in the battle of Leipzig and, pursuing the enemy, captured about 15 thousand people. In 1814, he fought at the head of his regiments during the capture of Nemur, Arcy-sur-Aube, Cezanne, Villeneuve. Awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

The Soviet people, as the most talented, a large number of outstanding military leaders, but the main one is Stalin. Without him, many of them might not have existed as military men.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

Well, who else but him is the only Russian commander who has not lost more than one battle!!!

Makhno Nestor Ivanovich

Over the mountains, over the valleys
I've been waiting for my blue ones for a long time
Father is wise, Father is glorious,
Our good father - Makhno...

(peasant song from the Civil War)

He was able to create an army and conducted successful military operations against the Austro-Germans and against Denikin.

And for * carts * even if he was not awarded the Order of the Red Banner, it should be done now

Chichagov Vasily Yakovlevich

Superbly commanded the Baltic Fleet in the campaigns of 1789 and 1790. He won victories in the battle of Öland (7/15/1789), in the Revel (5/2/1790) and Vyborg (06/22/1790) battles. After the last two defeats, which were of strategic importance, the dominance of the Baltic Fleet became unconditional, and this forced the Swedes to make peace. There are few such examples in the history of Russia when victories at sea led to victory in the war. And by the way, the Battle of Vyborg was one of the largest in world history in terms of the number of ships and people.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Generalissimo of the Soviet Union, Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The brilliant military leadership of the USSR in the Second World War.

Bagramyan Ivan Khristoforovich

Marshal of the Soviet Union. Chief of Staff of the South-Western Front, then at the same time of the headquarters of the troops of the South-Western direction, commander of the 16th (11th Guards Army). Since 1943, he commanded the troops of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts. He showed leadership talent and particularly distinguished himself during the Belarusian and East Prussian operations. He stood out for his ability to react prudently and flexibly to emerging changes in the situation.

Brusilov Alexey Alekseevich

An outstanding commander of the First World War, the founder of a new school of strategy and tactics, who made a huge contribution to overcoming the positional deadlock. He was an innovator in the field of military art and one of the most prominent military leaders in Russian military history.
Cavalry General A. A. Brusilov showed the ability to manage large operational military formations - the army (8th - 08/05/1914 - 03/17/1916), the front (South-Western - 03/17/1916 - 05/21/1917), group of fronts (Supreme Commander-in-Chief - 05/22/1917 - 07/19/1917).
The personal contribution of A. A. Brusilov was manifested in many successful operations of the Russian army during the First World War - the Battle of Galicia in 1914, the Battle of the Carpathians in 1914/15, the Lutsk and Czartory operations in 1915 and, of course, in the Offensive of the Southwestern Front in 1916 (the famous Brusilov breakthrough).

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

He commanded the tank corps, the 60th Army, and from April 1944 the 3rd Belorussian Front. He showed brilliant talent and particularly distinguished himself during the Belarusian and East Prussian operations. He was distinguished by his ability to conduct highly untimely fighting. Mortally wounded in February 1945.

Minikh Christopher Andreevich (German: Burkhard Christoph von Münnich, in Russia was known as Christopher Antonovich Minikh; May 9, 1683 (16830509), Neuenhuntorf, Oldenburg - October 16 (October 27) 1767, Tartu) - Russian field marshal general.

Christopher Antonovich Minich was of German origin, but his military and government talents manifested themselves in Russia, which he served for a long time and zealously as his second homeland. He entered Russian history as an outstanding military and economic figure, an invincible field marshal, and a successor to the work of Peter the Great. Under the military leadership of Minich, the Russian army always won victories; Field Marshal Minich entered military history as the winner of the Turks and Crimeans. Minikh carried out colossal work on the qualitative improvement of the Russian army, serfdom and rear services; Minikh’s enormous creative activity also concerned the strengthening of the state system of the Russian Empire. Many of Minich's innovations for the Russian army became fundamental and cardinal, the fruits of which we are reaping almost to this day.

The Russian state has the advantage over others that it is controlled directly by God himself, otherwise it is impossible to understand how it exists.

Minikh Christopher Andreevich

Minich was born in Oldenburg into a family of hereditary engineers involved in by water transport. He received a thorough education, mastering the arts of engineering and drawing, mastered Latin and French, and also gained experience in the field of hydraulic engineering.

From 1700 to 1720 he served as an engineer in the French, Hesse-Darmstadt, Hesse-Kassel and Polish-Saxon armies. Under the banners of Prince Eugene of Savoy and the Duke of Marlborough, he participated in the War of the Spanish Succession and in a number of military campaigns in Europe, which gave him combat experience. In Germany he earned the rank of colonel, in Poland he received the rank of major general from Augustus II.

In 1721, at the invitation of the Russian ambassador in Warsaw G. Dolgorukov, Minikh arrived in Russia to conduct engineering affairs conceived by Peter I.

Minich's successful activities in organizing navigation on the Neva, laying roads, building the Baltic port, and constructing the first bypass Ladoga Canal in 1723-1728 earned him the deep respect of the Tsar. In 1722 he was promoted to lieutenant general, in 1726, already under Catherine I, to general-in-chief, and was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

After Peter's death, his successors Catherine I and Menshikov had no intention of canceling the results of his activities, but such an uncertain situation was created that Peter's decrees were no longer carried out, and Chief of Police Devier often made concessions in this matter. In the spring of 1725, a general flight of people from St. Petersburg began, belonging to any class, who sought to leave the capital for Moscow or the provinces. On February 24, 1728, the young Emperor Peter the Second (October 12, 1715 - January 19, 1730) was crowned in Moscow, and the day before the court moved to it. The emperor completely ceased to be interested in state affairs and led an idle life. No one was paid anything, and everyone stole as much as they could. Petersburg was deserted, and the question was even raised about whether it should remain the capital, since for four years there was no imperial court there.

In 1727, Emperor Peter II, who moved with his court to Moscow, appointed Minikh as ruler of St. Petersburg. from 1728 he was count, governor-general of Ingria, Karelia and Finland (until 1734).

Field Marshal Minich

(von Münnich, 1683-1767) - Russian statesman. Born in the county of Oldenburg. Minich's father, Anton Gunther, rose to the rank of colonel in the Danish service and received the title of overseer of dams and all water works in the counties of Oldenburg and Delmengort from the Danish king; elevated to the dignity of nobility in 1702. Minich's initial education was aimed mainly at studying drawing, mathematics and French. At the age of sixteen, he entered the French engineering service, but in view of the war being prepared between France and Germany, he transferred to the Hesse-Darmstadt corps, where he soon received the rank of captain. When, during the War of the Spanish Succession, the Hessian-Kassel corps was hired with Anglo-Dutch money, Minich joined it and fought under the command of Prince Eugene and Marlborough. In 1712 he was wounded and captured, where he remained until the end of the war. In 1716 he entered the service of Augustus II, but did not get along with his favorite, Count Flemming, and began to look for new service, hesitating between Charles XII and Peter I. His choice was decided by the death of Charles XII. Having met the Russian envoy in Warsaw, Prince G. Dolgoruky, Minikh through him passed on his writings on fortification to Peter I, and in 1720 he received an offer to take the position of general engineer in Russia. Minich agreed without even concluding a written condition, and in February 1721 he arrived in Russia.

The rank of lieutenant general that was promised to him was given to him only a year later; At the same time, Minich presented written “conditions”, according to which he pledged to serve Russia for 5-6 years, observing hydraulic work on the Baltic coast. In 1723, he was entrusted by the emperor with finishing the Ladoga Canal, begun under the supervision of Major General Pisarev back in 1710, which absorbed a lot of lives and money and, nevertheless, made little progress. Pisarev was patronized by Menshikov, and therefore in the latter Minikh made himself a sworn enemy. The channel was completed by Minikh after the death of Peter I. With the accession of Catherine I to the throne, Minikh tried to more accurately define his relationship with Russia. He presented the empress with new “standards”, with which he pledged to serve in Russia for another ten years, after which he could leave; At this time he could raise children abroad; demanded a guarantee from Russia of its estates in Denmark and England, in case of war between the latter; agreed to replace them with a corresponding number of estates in Russia; asked for all customs and tavern fees on the Ladoga Canal to be placed at his disposal. These “conditions” were already approved by Peter II, who appointed Minich as chief director of fortifications. In 1728, he entered into a second marriage with the widow of Chief Marshal Saltykov, née Baroness Maltsan, who followed him in all the vicissitudes of his fate.

When the plans of the rulers, at the beginning of the reign of Anna Ioannovna, failed, Minikh became close to Osterman, and through him to the Empress and Biron, and was made a member of the cabinet for military and foreign affairs. In 1731, Minikh was appointed chairman of a special commission whose goal was to streamline the state of the army and find measures to support the latter without much burden from those people. In this rank, he drew up a new order for the guard, field and garrison regiments, formed two new guards regiments - Izmailovsky and horse guards, started a cuirassier, separated the engineering unit from the artillery unit, established a ground cadet corps, took measures to more correctly uniform and armament of troops, organized twenty regiments of the Ukrainian militia, from single-dvorets of the Belgorod and Sevsky categories. Fearing Minich's influence on the empress, Osterman, Biron, and Count Golovkin tried to remove him from St. Petersburg. During the struggle for the Polish throne in 1733, Minich was sent to the theater of war and took Danzig (1734). Soon after, the Turkish War began. Kiev Governor-General von Weisbach was appointed commander-in-chief, but he died on the eve of the campaign; his successor, Leontyev, set out on a campaign late autumn and lost many soldiers from disease. Then it was ordered that Minich, who was in Poland at that time, move the army to Ukraine and take over the main command of the army. Minikh became friends with the Cossacks and, with their help, began to make campaigns in the Crimea, then took Ochakov, captured Khotin (1739) and so on. He did not spare the soldiers who died in large numbers from hunger, cold and various diseases. The trip to Crimea, for example, cost Russia up to 30 thousand people. During the campaign in Bessarabia (1738), 11,060 soldiers and 5,000 Cossacks died from diseases, especially diarrhea and scurvy. Such treatment of soldiers caused murmurs against Minich both among officers and soldiers, and among Russian society. After the victory at Stavuchany (1739) and the occupation of Khotin, Minikh dreamed of crossing the Danube, the conquest of Constantinople, the formation of a special Moldavian principality under the protectorate of Russia, and he, Minikh, would be the ruler of Moldova, like Biron - the Duke of Courland. Minich's hopes did not come true. Russia's allies, the Austrians, entered into negotiations with Turkey and concluded a peace in Belgrade separately from Russia, and on October 7, 1739, St. Petersburg joined this peace. cabinet (see Peace of Belgrade). Minich's military successes had almost no results for Russia.

Minikh was among the people present at the last hours of Anna Ioannovna’s life; he asked Biron to accept the regency during the childhood of Ivan Antonovich and contributed to the drawing up of Anna Ioannovna’s will in this sense. When Biron became regent, Minikh became close to Anna Leopoldovna and on November 8, 1740 carried out a coup: Biron was arrested and subsequently exiled to Pelym, Anna Leopoldovna was proclaimed ruler, and Minikh was made first minister. Minich was now the strongest man in Russia; but this did not last long. As a result of Osterman's intrigues, between Minich and the ruler's husband, Anton-Ulrich, there were constant disagreements and clashes in relation to the army (Anton-Ulrich was the generalissimo of the Russian troops). These clashes had the consequence of cooling the ruler towards Minich; the latter was forced to resign (March 6, 1741). After the coup that brought Elizabeth Petrovna to the throne, Minikh was sent into exile, to the same Pelym where he exiled Biron.

Minikh spent twenty years in Pelym, praying to God, reading the Holy Scriptures, zealously attending divine services, which, after the death of the pastor who was with him, he performed himself. This did not stop him, however, from sending various projects to St. Petersburg with requests for pardon - and these sendings were so frequent that around 1746 they were even prohibited, but from 1749 they resumed again. By decree of Peter III, Minich was returned from exile in 1762 and restored to all his rights and distinctions. Minich did not get along with Peter III, since he did not sympathize with either the emperor’s war with Denmark or his desire to change clothes and remake the Russian army according to the Prussian model. During the coup on June 28, 1762, Minich was with Peter III and advised him to go to Revel, and from there, on the Russian squadron, abroad and with the Holstein troops to come again to gain the throne. When Peter's case was lost, Minich swore allegiance to Catherine and was appointed commander-in-chief over the ports of Rogervik, Revel, Narva, Kronstadt and the Ladoga Canal. He was mainly engaged in the construction of the Rogerwick harbor, for which he had once drawn up a drawing. Catherine II treated him with attention: she gave one of the first copies of her “Order” to Minich, asking him to read it and tell her his opinion. They also think that the “Notes of Minich,” where he tries to prove the need to establish a state council in order to “fill the void between the supreme power and the power of the Senate,” were written for Catherine and with her consent (opinion of K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin). Minikh was buried on his estate Lunia, in Livonia, not far from Dorpat. Minikh's personality has not yet found an impartial assessment in Russian historiography: M. D. Khmyrov exaggerates the significance of facts unfavorable for him; N.I. Kostomarov, on the contrary, tries to present Minich’s personality in the most sympathetic light possible.

"Notes of Field Marshal Count M." ("Ebauche pour donner une idée de la forme du gouvernement de l"empire de Russie") published in the 2nd volume of "Notes of foreigners about Russia in the 18th century" (St. Petersburg, 1874), which also contains: 1) "Excerpt from Minich's diary", covering the time from May 1683 to September 1721; 2) article by M. D. Khmyrov: "Field Marshal of Count Minich" and 3) Index of books and articles about Minich. Cf. Kostomarov, "Field Marshal Minich and its significance in Russian history" ("Russian history in the biographies of its main figures").

N. V-ko.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus-Efron
