A diet that is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease and dementia: how to help the brain

Hello dear readers of Andryukha’s blog. Alzheimer's disease is incurable. Especially in old age. But it can easily be avoided if you start using the tips outlined in this article as preventative measures. Alzheimer's disease is the most common and progressive form of dementia; signs of this neurodegenerative disease usually appear in older people after 60 years of age. In this article you will learn: what kind of disease this is, what are the symptoms and signs, what is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, as well as nutrition that can significantly reduce the risk of this disease. You will also learn about an effective remedy for boosting immunity.

As of 2014, approximately 36 million people worldwide were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, yet only a quarter of patients are aware of their disease. According to experts, by 2050 the number of patients will exceed 100 million people.

According to research, 7% of patients live no more than 7 years; only 3 out of 100 people can live 15 years with this disease.

This forces humanity to look for methods and means of treating this disease, including folk ways. Unfortunately, on given time, while there is no effective medicine for a complete cure. Alzheimer's type dementia can be treated and cured, but cognitive impairment is irreversible and memory cannot be restored.

Usually, in the early stages, one of the symptoms of the disease is a disorder of short-term memory; it only progresses over time. Then disturbances in speech, attention, thinking, long-term memory occur and the patient may even cease to navigate in space and environment. Although the first signs of the disease may remain unnoticeable for a long time, internally the process develops rapidly. Gradually, this disease leads to death.

According to studies, at the age of 65 there are approximately 3 cases per 1000 people. And already at the age of 95 their number increases more than 20 times. This indicator in developed countries significantly higher than in the rest of the world, and also in women than in men, to some extent this is associated with longer duration life.

Risk group

The risk of developing and developing Alzheimer's disease increases after 60 years of age, and it most often affects women. The development of pathology can be caused by:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If your relatives have a similar disease, the risk of occurrence increases significantly.
  2. Not healthy image life(poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and intellectual stress).
  3. Bad habits(, drug use, various psychological addictions, including gaming addiction).
  4. Head injuries.

Symptoms and signs of Alzheimer's disease

  1. Memory loss. This is the most main feature senile dementia. People with this disease cannot perceive information by ear and forget the names of surrounding things and objects. One of the early symptoms is occasional forgetfulness.
  2. Problem with loss of orientation in time and space. Patients with Alzheimer's disease often experience a feeling of disorientation. At the same time, they even forget where they are and what date it is. If a person experiences this symptom, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  3. Problem with the perception of space. This is already a fairly serious sign of the disease. People with this pathology have difficulty recognizing loved ones and cannot determine the depth various items. This is why the ability to perform simple household operations (reading, taking a bath, going up and down stairs, cleaning the room, driving and many others) is difficult.
  4. Change in mood. When the disease occurs, brain function is disrupted and this leads to a sharp change in mood. Patients can react very aggressively to unimportant situations and be completely indifferent in very serious situations.
  5. Planning problem. The patient begins to forget to perform operations that he previously regularly performed (paying bills, throwing out garbage, and much more).
  6. Indifference and apathy. In this case, the patient becomes indifferent to any situations, loses interest in his favorite activities, watches his favorite programs, and stops communicating with family and friends. These symptoms have nothing to do with fatigue.

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

The main task of disease prevention is to take all measures to minimize the risk of this disease. nervous system:

Preventing Alzheimer's disease through nutrition

  1. There are fruits and berries. Most fruits contain fisetin, a substance that slows down the aging process at the cellular level. It also prevents the development of dementia. Most of it is found in strawberries and mangoes. Many berries contain anthocyanosides, which protect brain cells and prevent memory loss.
  2. Drink fresh juices. According to research, regularly drinking fresh juices at least 3 times a week reduces the likelihood of developing dementia by almost 80%. Beetroot and grape juices are very useful.
  3. There are sea fish and seafood. Sea fish are a source of Omega 3 fatty acids that protect neurons. According to research, a high level of Omega 3 in the human body prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. It also delays its onset by an average of 8 years. Most of this fatty acid is found in tuna, salmon and mackerel. By eating sea fish just once a week, you can delay the onset of the disease by 4 years.
  4. There are foods containing vitamin K. Most of it is found in green leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach, rosemary, thyme, basil). This vitamin helps prevent Alzheimer's disease and slows down the aging process.
  5. Stick to a Mediterranean diet. The basis of this diet includes: fish, poultry, nuts, vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell pepper, onions, garlic), seeds and olive oil. Supporters of this diet are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  6. Reduce sugar consumption. According to research, diabetes is closely related to Alzheimer's disease, and in order to reduce the risk of this disease, it is necessary.

Attention. Fatty, sweet and spicy foods, as well as flour products and alcohol contribute to the development of dementia.

100% Effective immunity booster

An excellent alternative for boosting immunity at home is a remedy to eliminate accumulated stress. Scientists have proven that 95% of diseases are caused by stress and depression: bronchial asthma, rheumatism, diabetes, decreased potency, obesity, hypertension, psoriasis, insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases, decreased memory and intelligence, and excessive sweating.

According to statistics, stress shortens life by 15-20 years, causes early aging and can result in heart attack and stroke.

In addition, clinical trials conducted by European researchers involving 1,400 people found:

  • 100% effective for relieving chronic stress!
  • Efficiency in psychosomatic diseases is 98%.
  • Improved physical well-being by 96%.

The product has no side effects.

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Alzheimer's disease has become a significant problem in our century. Although Alexander Pushkin wrote back in the 19th century: “God forbid I go crazy,” this fear has become quite widespread these days. But if previously it was believed that senile dementia (dementia) was an inevitable stage in most cases, now it becomes clear that it is a disease. And if it is a disease, then it can be completely avoided by understanding the reasons that cause it and taking certain preventive measures.

What is Alzheimer's disease

First you need to understand what Alzheimer's disease is. It is a progressive disease characterized by brain degeneration. It develops gradually. The initial symptoms of the disease may be memory impairment. Gradually, the degeneration of brain cells leads to learning disabilities, loss of intellectual abilities, common sense, ability to communicate, and self-awareness. A person forgets not only his loved ones, but also himself. Personality collapse is accompanied by apathy, depression, hallucinations and overexcitation. The loss of self-care abilities makes it impossible to live independently.

The worst thing is that this disease is incurable. Moreover, degenerative changes in the brain cannot be reversed. But recent research shows that they can be slowed down or stopped - we'll talk about this on the website.

Why does the disease develop?

Medicine does not yet know exactly what leads to the development of the disease. But it must be said that nowadays it has become increasingly common among people over 60 years of age. In the United States, Alzheimer's disease affects 50% of people over 85 years of age.

There are many assumptions. It has been discovered that protein plaques form in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. They lead to memory impairment, clouding of consciousness and other problems. This happens because the plaques disrupt the chemical and electrical activity of the brain. But it is not known for certain whether these disorders arise due to the formation of plaques or vice versa. The only thing that is known for sure is that the presence of plaques can be determined on early stage the development of the disease, when there are still no signs of dementia and loss of personality.

There is a viral theory, an inflammatory theory. According to them, degenerative processes are triggered under the influence of various viruses or a slow-moving inflammatory process.

What does medicine say?

Experiments and research have already revealed a lot about the disease. This knowledge helps organize prevention and try to delay or prevent the development of the disease.

Thus, it turned out that a deficiency of B vitamins over many years leads to brain problems and Alzheimer's disease. At least in most patients it was observed. If a person receives less than 10 mg of vitamin B3 per day, his risk of developing the disease increases by 80%. And if a person takes more than 20 mg, then the risk decreases sharply. At an early stage of the disease, therefore, taking vitamins B-B1 and in combination with piracetam is effective.

It was recently discovered that protein plaques can arise as a result of inflammatory processes in the body. That's why anti-inflammatory drugs help.

Alzheimer's disease can be caused by metabolic disorders. Obesity in middle age increases the risk of developing it. Anastasia Steele is young, moderately attractive, but too shy, which makes it very difficult for her to communicate with potential suitors. And she doesn’t really have time to indulge in love affairs. Fifty Shades of Gray Watch online

Some scientists call Alzheimer's disease type 3 diabetes. And all because metabolic disorders lower the level of insulin in brain tissue.

What to do to slow down the process

You can eliminate the symptoms of the disease and stop the process at the very beginning if you take vitamin E from 400 to 800 IU per day along with B vitamins.

The famous mixture of vodka and vegetable oil, which is used to treat cancer, has also been effective for. The experience of some healers has shown that there have been cases of dramatic improvement and even complete disappearance symptoms. All this is because this mixture helps relieve the symptoms of oxygen starvation of tissues at the molecular level, thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect. Redox processes in the body improve, which improves brain activity. Vinegar rubdowns ease the course of the disease and have a complex effect on it, which also returns the acid-base balance to normal. For the same purposes, you can resort to using alum.

Studies have shown that taking anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the risk of developing the disease. However, anti-inflammatory drugs should be non-steroidal, and preferably herbal. Those older people who took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 2 or more years got sick much less often.

Prevention is the basis of everything

No matter how trivial it sounds, the best way to maintain brain health is active image life, regime, physical education and mental activity. It seems boring and implausible, but, as a rule, it is the simplest things that turn out to be the most effective.

Recent research from North Carolina scientists has shown the importance of good physical fitness. In those people at an early stage of the disease who had better physical fitness, the decrease in brain volume was 4 times less than in those who moved little. Accordingly, movement allows you to maintain the volume of the brain, and, consequently, its functions.

Yoga and qigong classes are especially useful. The fact remains that among those who regularly and have been practicing hatha yoga and raja yoga for a long time, there are no Alzheimer’s patients. This is believed to be due to the fact that yoga and breathing practices feed the brain with oxygen and strengthen cortical neuron cells. All kinds of inverted poses and correct breathing pranayama.

The advice not to be nervous is also not without meaning. When stressed, the fear hormone cortisol is released into the blood. It can destroy nerve tissue in large quantities.

Active physical effort and mental exercise can help maintain brain function and health. Those people who like to read, solve crossword puzzles, and learn something new are much less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. And if it develops, it does not develop so quickly. In Chicago, at the B. Rush Center, 700 elderly people were examined, 90 of whom had Alzheimer's disease. They found that most often - 2.6 times - the disease affected and progressed in those who did not strain their brains and stopped striving to learn new things. At the same time, past mental activity in young and middle years is not particularly important. You can be a scientist and writer in the past, but if you stop “working with your brain” in the present, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases, and greatly. Active communication, reading, solving crossword puzzles and problems, learning languages, and playing games can activate mental activity.

It is important to protect the brain from damage in every possible way. Increased blood pressure, regular exposure to large doses of alcohol, stress, cerebrovascular accidents, chronic oxygen starvation of the brain,. Task number one is to eliminate factors that can lead to damage to nerve cells. Accordingly, a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids is important.

To prevent stroke, you may be advised to take low-dose baby aspirin 3 times a week for a month. This prevents the formation of blood clots and facilitates blood flow in small vessels.

The site wishes you health and longevity!


Alzheimer's disease is characterized by degenerative changes in brain tissue that usually occur in older people. As a result, the functionality of the organ decreases, and the patient develops senile dementia. The pathological condition cannot be cured. Drug-based therapy can only slow down the development of the problem and reduce the intensity of symptoms. No one is immune from this type of dementia. Doctors identify several groups of people who are more susceptible to the disease. Even in their case, properly organized comprehensive Alzheimer's prevention can reduce potential risks to a minimum.

Drug-based therapy can only slow down the development of the problem and reduce the intensity of symptoms.

Reasons for the development of the syndrome

The main provoking factor of the syndrome is old age. According to statistics, 40% of people over 90 years old have this disease. Doctors say women are more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease than men. The mechanism of development of pathological changes in the victim’s brain has not been fully studied. Scientists operate with a number of theories, each of which has the right to life. The condition leads to a decrease in the volume of the brain due to its “shrinkage,” metabolic disorders in tissues, and a decrease in their functionality. A person ceases to control his memory, behavior, logic, consciousness and even his own body.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease:

  • head injuries, regardless of their severity and statute of limitations;
  • bad habits – smoking tobacco or hookah, alcohol abuse, drug use;
  • use of medications without the consent of a doctor - in particular, this applies to women’s self-administration of hormonal contraceptives;
  • refusal of age-appropriate physical activity;
  • violation of blood composition - increased content of fats and cholesterol, glucose;
  • being overweight;
  • hypertension and other pathologies associated with vascular dysfunction;
  • chronic and acute problems with cerebral circulation;
  • refusal to receive higher education, minimal intellectual load;
  • constant stay in stuffy rooms without access to fresh air;
  • non-compliance with recommendations for proper nutrition.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease, one of them being a lack of age-appropriate physical activity.

To prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease, it is not enough to eliminate or reduce the degree of influence of provocateurs on the body. Comprehensive and complete prevention should be carried out, consisting of a number of mandatory points. These rules must begin to be followed in young years, continuing to do so in middle and old age.

How to Avoid Alzheimer's Disease

The list of recommendations for preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease is universal. Depending on age, only some are slightly adjusted. It is important to understand that this is not just a set of manipulations that need to be resorted to from time to time to strengthen the body. Simple rules should be adhered to at all times. This will not only significantly reduce the risk of degenerative processes in the brain, but will also take life to a qualitatively new level.

Learn a second, third, fourth language

According to most doctors, learning a foreign language is the best prevention of any form of senile dementia. This process activates the brain on several levels at once, forcing a person to think, read, write, speak, listen, remember, and analyze.

Additional positive thing the formation of many connections between the nerve cells of the brain occurs. Thanks to this, in the event of a disruption in the functioning of one part of the central nervous system, its functions are taken over by nearby tissues. According to statistics, polyglots are much less likely than others to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. If they develop pathology, it is on average 5 years later.

Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices

Freshly cooked natural drinks based on fruits, vegetables and berries - a natural complete source of microelements. When selecting components for their preparation, you need to pay attention to the properties of the products, their composition, and contraindications. The ingredients can be changed or combined, as long as they are fresh. Beetroot, spinach, blueberry, tomato, and kiwi are highly effective in preventing dementia.

Juice made from red grapes plays a special role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. It contains the substance resveratrol, which has antitumor, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic properties. It protects brain tissue from negative influence external factors, reduces the risk of developing organ diseases.

Freshly prepared natural drinks based on fruits, vegetables and berries are a natural, complete source of microelements.

Get More Vitamin K

Anyone who wants to avoid getting Alzheimer's disease should include foods with vitamin K in their diet. It is rarely included in vitamin complexes, so the only way to prevent a deficiency is to diversify your menu. The substance is found in significant quantities in green leafy vegetables. These are almost all types of cabbage, spinach, salads.

The effectiveness of vitamin therapy will increase if it is supplemented with vitamins E, B9 and B12. Tocopherol in large quantities found in avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, nuts, seeds. B9 is found in lentils, spinach, greens, asparagus, and beets. To replenish B12 reserves in the body you need to eat fish, baked potato, eggs, lean red or white meat.

Control your stress

Being in a state of chronic stress or experiencing strong negative emotions triggers processes in the brain that can lead to tissue changes.

If additional provocateurs influence the body, the risk of senile dementia increases several times.

To prevent Alzheimer's disease, doctors recommend avoiding negativity, psycho-emotional breakdowns, and mood swings. To relax, it is recommended to use natural approaches: exercise, warm baths, spa treatments, meditation, breathing exercises. As a last resort, you can resort to taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

Exercise Regularly to Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

People who have been involved in sports since their youth and continue to do so mature age, even in old age maintain a high level of intelligence. Fortunately, it is never too late to start working in this direction. The main thing is that the chosen activity is enjoyable and does not cause negative emotions. At the starting stage, you can limit yourself to walking or cycling, race walking, dancing, swimming. Over time, it is recommended to increase the load so that it stimulates work internal organs. Doctors recommend doing physical exercise 3 to 5 days a week.

Laugh more

A good mood prevents not only Alzheimer's disease, but also other forms of senile dementia. Laughter is considered the safest and natural method getting rid of emotional stress. It also leads to the synthesis of happiness hormones in the brain. The relaxation that follows leads to the relief of muscle spasms and improvement of cerebral blood flow.

Run 25 kilometers a week

Quite intense exercise stress leads to stimulation of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The result is improved blood circulation throughout the body and the skull in particular. Elderly people, in order to prevent illness, are allowed not to run, but to walk such a distance. It is best to do this at an accelerated pace or use additional accessories in the process, such as Scandinavian poles.

Eat more fruits

Regular consumption of fruits saturates the body not only with microelements, but also with phytesin. This is a biologically active substance that slows down the aging process of cells, eliminating the signs and consequences of inflammation in tissues. Strawberries and mangoes contain the most of this unique component. Eating some fruits also has a slightly different effect on the body compared to drinking juices. A significant part of the beneficial substances is contained in the skin of the fruit, which is thrown away after preparing the drink.

Meditate to prevent dementia

There are many ways to achieve relaxation of the body, relieve emotional stress, and block the synthesis of the stress hormone - cortisol. One of the most effective and accessible among them is meditation. People who regularly practice this technique are less likely to suffer not only from Alzheimer's disease, but also from psychoses, neuroses, hypertension, and strokes. The main thing is to learn to do everything according to the rules, monitor your breathing technique, and perform exercises in a suitable atmosphere.

People who regularly practice meditation are less likely to suffer not only from Alzheimer's disease, but also from psychoses, neuroses, hypertension, and strokes.

Love sea fish

Effective prevention of the development of Alzheimer's disease is impossible without including white or red sea fish in the diet. These foods are rich in fatty acids essential for maintaining brain health. Chemical compounds take part in the formation of cell membranes, protect nerve cells from negative impact, improve blood flow. Fish can also become the main source of protein, allowing you to give up potentially harmful red meat and reduce the amount white meat in the diet.

Quit the cigarettes

Tobacco smoking is one of the most hazardous factors in terms of the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Smokers are more likely to develop hypertension, vascular insufficiency and cancerous tumors several times higher than in people without bad habit. All these factors contribute to the launch of degenerative processes in brain tissue, leading to dementia. Contrary to popular belief, using electronic cigarettes does not reduce these risks.

Tobacco smoking is one of the most dangerous factors in terms of the risk of developing the disease, so to prevent the disease you need to give it up.

Follow the Mediterranean diet

Research has shown that the optimal diet for preventing Alzheimer's disease is the Mediterranean diet. It is based on the inclusion of seafood, white meat, olive oil, nuts and seeds, fruits, and vegetables in the diet. The components are processed briefly and intensively or as gently as possible. Dishes are prepared on the grill, in the oven, steamed, or by boiling. The Mediterranean diet includes several exotic products, which may not be so easy to find. They can be replaced by selecting analogues in composition. This usually applies to greens, nuts, seeds, and sea creatures.

The diet for disease prevention should include nuts.

Sleep 7-8 hours a night

Sleep disturbances worsen general health, does not allow the brain to efficiently cleanse itself of toxins, and promotes the synthesis of cortisol. An adult should sleep continuously 7-8 hours a day. You should not try to make up for the lack of night sleep with daytime rest - the result will be the opposite of what you want. It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time. The body will get used to the schedule, then all its systems will work smoothly.

Limit sugar

It is recommended to include slow rather than fast carbohydrates in your diet. This will prevent obesity, pathological increases in blood glucose levels, premature aging, metabolic disruptions, and dehydration - factors in the development of Alzheimer's. Sugar-rich fast food, processed foods, baked goods, sauces and sweets do not saturate body tissues with everything they need. Due to the peculiarities of processing, carbohydrates obtained in this way only charge the brain with energy for a few minutes.

It is better to focus on cereals, fruits, vegetables, cereals, potatoes. If you distribute them evenly across all meals, the nervous system will receive the required amount of energy all day long, and the need for “sweets” will decrease.

Know the enemy by sight

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease will not save you from pathology, but will at least reduce the rate of spread of the degenerative process and slow down the progression of the disease. At the first sign of problems, you need to contact a neurologist and undergo diagnostics. Depending on the extent of the disease, age and characteristics of the case, the patient will be prescribed treatment. Timely detection of Alzheimer's syndrome can give the patient another 7-15 years of life, and sometimes even more.

What should APOEe4 carriers do to reduce their risk?

The APOE e4 gene is present in 25% of the world's population. Due to its specificity, it causes early aging of blood vessels and accelerated degeneration of nerve tissue. APOE e4 gene carriers should pay attention to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease increased attention. It is practically no different from standard approaches, but has several features.

Carriers of the APOE e4 gene should pay increased attention to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

  • the level of physical activity should be above average. Morning exercise or walking may not be enough. Sports activities must be structured so that the heart and lungs always experience at least a slight load;
  • eating seafood in large quantities. Diet based on sea ​​fish, shrimp, mussels and oysters will provide beneficial influence on neurons and cerebral vessels. Even if you include such products in the menu 1-2 times a week, the risks of developing Alzheimer's disease will decrease;
  • a full night's sleep. It is especially dangerous for people with the APOE e4 gene to work on the night shift and be subject to changes in schedule. They are advised to go to bed at 10 pm every day and get up at 6 am;
  • exclusion of external and internal inflammatory load. APOE e4 carriers should not delay treatment of their diseases; chronic processes should not be allowed to develop. They are advised to choose environmentally friendly areas to live rather than large or industrial cities;

To check for the presence of the APOE e4 gene, you can contact institutions that specialize in DNA testing. This will allow you to assess the risks of developing degenerative brain damage and get an incentive to make changes in your usual life.

Another effective method prevention of Alzheimer's disease - constant mental stress. Solving crosswords and sudoku, solving puzzles and mathematical problems, assembling puzzles can keep the brain functioning at a high level. People who like to spend time reading books, doing handicrafts, and doing any kind of intellectual work are much less likely to suffer from senile dementia in old age.

Drawing conclusions

Strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blocked arteries in the brain. And the very first and main sign of vascular blockage is a headache!

Blockage of blood vessels results in a disease under the well-known name “hypertension”, here are just some of its symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Increased heart rate
  • Black dots before the eyes (floaters)
  • Apathy, irritability, drowsiness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sweating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Facial swelling
  • Numbness and chills in fingers
  • Pressure surges
Attention! If you notice at least 2 symptoms, this is a serious reason to think about it!

The only remedy that gave significant results...

Includes neurological and psychological symptoms. Despite the fact that the pathology develops mainly in older people, everyone needs to know about it. And having an idea of ​​the causes and manifestations of this disease, you can use all available preventive measures.

Causes and first signs

Before talking about methods of prevention in relation to Alzheimer's disease, it is necessary to form an idea of ​​​​what lies at the basis of its occurrence. There is no exact data on why the pathology develops. Doctors list risk factors as:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • atherosclerotic vascular damage;
  • diabetes;
  • heart pathologies.

Important! Physical inactivity, poor nutrition and lack of work on one’s own intellectual development also play a certain role in the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As for the first manifestations of the disease, they include impaired memory functioning, first short-term and then long-term, the appearance of absent-mindedness and anxiety. A person is prone to sudden mood swings; it is difficult for him to navigate the area and time. Such signs accompany the onset of the development of the disease and are often ignored for a long time.

Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Nutrition is an integral part of preventing Alzheimer's early in life. A person is recommended to include in his diet foods that contain antioxidants: greens, bell peppers and onions. Don't forget about omega acids found in sea fish and nuts. Should be used:

  • products with carotenes: apricots, carrots, pumpkins;
  • vitamins K: spinach and cabbage;
  • B vitamins: peanuts, eggs, rye bread.

Fresh juice from red grape varieties prevents the development of pathology. It contains resveratrol, a component that helps maintain normal glucose levels and has an antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to grape juice, it is recommended to consume freshly squeezed beet, spinach or kiwi juices.

Find out: symptoms and stages of development of pathology.

Read why patients often spend the rest of their days in psychiatric clinics.

Preventive measures for Alzheimer's disease are varied and simple. It is known that the formation large quantity neural connections in the brain have a positive effect on the human condition. In a situation where some part of the functionally active nerve cells is damaged, their work is performed by other cells through neural connections. Training helps in forming such connections: foreign languages, new skills or professions.

The effects of chronic stress and negative emotions negatively affect the state of the nervous system. Therefore, part of prevention is the correction of a lifestyle in which a person avoids nervous shocks as much as possible, regularly practices yoga or meditation and gets enough rest.

A positive attitude acts as a preventive measure for many brain pathologies manifested by dementia. The most convenient and simple option Relieving emotional stress is laughter, which stimulates the production of hormones responsible for the feeling of happiness. This relaxation improves blood flow in the brain, which increases its functional activity.

Despite the fact that many people believe that physical activity is not related to intellectual work, this is not true. People who regularly pay attention to sports from a young age and do not stop this in old age maintain a high intellectual level longer. In order to prevent Alzheimer's disease, doctors advise including even minimal physical exercise in your schedule at least 3 times a week, and for best results you need to do it daily.

Pharmacological methods of prevention

A doctor may use medications to prevent Alzheimer's if the patient is at risk. Pharmacotherapy includes the following:

  • Actovegin;
  • Aminalon;

Preventative measures to avoid developing Alzheimer's disease include the use of certain folk remedies. It is recommended to use tinctures of lemon balm, sage, ginseng, and ginkgo biloba. This allows you to improve the transmission of nerve impulses, stabilize blood flow in the brain and generally strengthen the body.


Standard effective methods There is no way to avoid Alzheimer's disease. But use maximum quantity available methods to reduce the risk of such a pathology increases a person’s chances of growing old while maintaining intellectual abilities.

How to distinguish one from the other? “If you forget where you put your keys, this is not yet a disease, but if you don’t know what to do with the keys, what they are intended for, that’s already a problem,” jokes the famous American psychiatrist Neil Buchholtz.

Payback for longevity

But in reality, brain disaster is not a fun problem at all. According to scientists, today the number of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease is about 30 million people. If scientists do not find a cure for this disease, then by 2050 the number of patients with it will increase 4 times. The desired longevity turned into a big insoluble problem: the brain ages according to its own laws, which a person cannot cope with.

In Russia, over the past 20 years, the number of people suffering from senile dementia has increased almost 3 times. Another cause for alarm was the fact that if previously this disease was considered the lot of those over 80, now last years it has suddenly become younger. The age limit has been lowered to 40 years.

Semantic hallucinations

This severe illness was first described by the German pathologist and psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer. For 9 years he watched a sick woman, Augusta Dee, who died in complete insanity before reaching her sixtieth birthday. Then Alzheimer decided that he had described a specific form of the disease, extremely rare. Today, doctors agree that Alzheimer's disease involves several different forms disease, but their mechanism of occurrence is similar. Modern psychiatrists distinguish between early and late forms of the disease. The first - with onset before 65 years of age - corresponds to the classic one. The second is after 65 years, senile dementia (dementia), or dementia of the Alzheimer's type.

The first manifestations of the disease are deterioration of memory for current events. One of the early symptoms is a violation of spatial orientation: the patient can easily get lost even in an area that is familiar to him, for example, not finding his home, forgetting the way to the nearest store he went to before long years. He complains of visual and auditory hallucinations, is often depressed, and depression does not leave him. He becomes aggressive. Most patients develop a feeling of anxiety, various phobias, a desire to wander, and the circadian rhythm is disrupted. At the second stage of the disease, a person ceases to recognize himself in the mirror. The final and, alas, inevitable stage is complete atrophy of the brain.

Genes will tell you the disease

Geneticists are convinced that early and late forms of Alzheimer's disease are the same disease by amyloid plaques (accumulations of sparingly soluble protein in the form of millet grains) and neurofibrillatory tangles (dying neurons) found in certain areas of the brain. Our scientists managed to decipher the mechanisms of occurrence of this destructive process for humans. Doctor biological sciences Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of the Brain, Scientific Center mental health(NCP) RAMS Evgeny Rogaev, in collaboration with foreign colleagues, discovered and cloned genes in which mutations cause particularly severe familial forms of this disease.

Today, the conclusion drawn from the analysis of the patient's DNA becomes decisive in the diagnosis of this disease. Observation of the patient allows us to talk only about the likelihood of the disease. And even visual changes in the structure of the brain, based on indicators of electroencephalography and computed tomography of the brain, do not completely confirm the disease.

Medicine for the brain

But still main question, which worries everyone: when will there be a revolutionary leap in the invention of drugs that prevent Alzheimer's disease? One option is to create a vaccine, which many laboratories around the world are working on. Another is the development of drugs that mobilize the remnants of neurons, which will lead to some improvement in the patient’s condition. But these drugs will not be able to revive those brain cells that have already degenerated. There is another way, and scientists have the highest hopes for it: stem cell therapy.

And Moscow scientists from the Institute physiologically active substances RAS and Moscow State University. Lomonosov found a drug that not only stops the development of the disease, but also returns some lost functions. Using computer modeling methods, they found that a trivial allergy drug has neuroprotective properties, that is, the ability to significantly protect brain cells from the destructive processes caused by Alzheimer's disease. Clinical trials of the drug were carried out in Russia and the USA under the supervision of international commission and the US Department of Health and confirmed its effectiveness and safety. In addition, it turned out that the medicine not only inhibits the development of the disease, but also restores some lost brain functions.

Without waiting for disaster

But these are all stages on a long journey to combat an as yet incurable disease. There are no methods for completely getting rid of Alzheimer's disease, which is progressive in nature. But on initial stages medications can delay the development of the disease and stop the worsening of memory impairment. Leading Researcher Scientific and Methodological Center for the Study of AD and Associated Disorders of the National Center for Clinical Prevention of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences Natalya Selezneva warns: it is very important to bring the patient to the dispensary to see a gerontopsychiatrist as early as possible, not to attribute his memory impairment only to old age.

The following symptoms should sound like an alarming signal to attentive relatives: loss of interest in others, lack of initiative, impaired ability to navigate in space, low mood. And above all – memory impairment.

Who wants to see their old age or the old age of their loved ones crazy, helpless, unconscious? Then don't start the work of gray cells.

>> Replace coffee (especially in the morning) with green tea. It dilates the blood vessels of the brain and strengthens their walls.

>> Don’t indulge insomnia. Sleep restores the brain's ability to remember.

>> Improve blood circulation to the brain through exercise and walks in the fresh air.

>> Exercise your memory in every possible way: solve crosswords, read more, keep diaries, memorize poems, master new household appliances. What is trained is maintained; what doesn’t work dies – this principle is also true for the brain, especially in old age. Of course, it is unlikely that neurons can be pumped up like biceps, and even by doing everything possible to maintain their memory in good condition, a pensioner will not be able to stop the aging of the brain, but nevertheless there is a result from the training.

>> Don’t punish yourself for forgetfulness, but on the contrary, relax. If the right word has slipped out of your memory and this incident did not happen at an important meeting, just get up, open the window, concentrate on breathing, breathe deeply for a couple of minutes, think about something pleasant. And the necessary information itself will emerge from the rubble of memory.

>> Treat memory lapses with humor. For example, as Faina Ranevskaya did: “Sclerosis cannot be cured, but you can forget about it.” Remember that any worries only exacerbate forgetfulness.
