Telephone etiquette examples. Telephone etiquette

Almost every person periodically has to conduct business telephone conversations - it doesn’t matter whether he holds a position general director a large company or a receptionist at a district clinic. And a lot can depend on how well a person has mastered the rules of business communication over the phone, including the size of his bonuses and the reputation of his home enterprise. How to build a conversation, what mistakes to avoid so as not to get into trouble?

There are times when all that remains of trust is the phone.
Vladimir Kolechitsky

We called you

First, let's consider the situation when incoming call. An employee whose responsibility is to conduct telephone conversations must do the following:

  • pick up the phone without waiting for the third ring, so that the caller does not have the feeling that they do not want to talk to him; instead of the usual “hello”, immediately say the name of your company and your company, as well as your position and surname - this will put the interlocutor in a businesslike mood and stop questions like: “Where did I go?”, “Who am I talking to?”, “Is this a cash register?” (pharmacy, hospital, etc.)?”; when introducing yourself, say hello politely.

    You can immediately ask a leading question or invite your interlocutor to move directly to the topic of conversation:

    • “Good afternoon, the company “Holiday Every Day”, manager Svistoplyaskin. How can I help you?".

      For the organization secretary approximately this form of greeting should be polished almost to automatism and should always be pronounced in a polite, friendly tone, because the secretary is the face of the institution. It would be great if other employees followed this greeting.

      If the phone rings in the middle of a personal conversation with a client or colleague, you should pick up the phone, despite the fact that the conversation will be temporarily interrupted. You should apologize to the interlocutor, and then ask the person on the other end of the line to repeat the call in a few minutes. Depending on the situation, you can promise that you will call back yourself - the main thing is that then you must fulfill this promise.

      If it turns out that you are negotiating on one phone, and then another one “comes to life,” pick up the second phone and invite the other person to call you back, but indicate the exact time when this can be done.

      You call

      Now let's move on to the opposite situation - an outgoing call.

      The rules of business communication over the telephone require that a person intending to dial the number of an organization or a private client must first find out when it would be most convenient to make a call. You should find out the working hours of the partner company or client, the hours when he has lunch.

      It is undesirable to call at the very beginning of the working day and, of course, unacceptable - after the official end, unless there was some agreement in advance. If one of the company’s employees has not yet gone home and still picks up the phone, believe me, he will definitely not be happy to see you, and this is unlikely to contribute to a constructive dialogue.

      How should the caller begin the conversation? Necessary:

According to experts, today over 50% of all business issues are resolved over the phone. This is the most quick way communication, which allows you to establish contacts, arrange a meeting, business conversation, negotiations, without resorting to direct communication. But the way your voice sounds and the way you communicate on the phone largely determines the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly on the phone is currently becoming integral part company image policy.

The culture of business communication requires knowledge of: general rules of telephone conversation and basic rules telephone business etiquette.

General rules for telephone conversations:

1. Pick up the phone before the fourth ring: the first impression of you or your company is formed by how long you have to wait for an answer;

2. When talking on the phone, you should leave all extraneous conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has every right to attention to himself;

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent to eat, drink, smoke, rustle with paper, or chew gum;

4. It is unacceptable to pick up the phone and answer: “Just a minute” and force the caller to wait while you deal with your business. This is only possible as a last resort and only within one minute. If in this moment you are very busy and cannot talk, it is better to apologize and offer to call back;

5. Always call back when your call is expected;

6. If you “got to the wrong place,” you should not find out: “What is your number?” You can clarify: “Is this number so-and-so...?”, upon hearing a negative answer, apologize and hang up;

7. Calling home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask if it is a convenient time for you to call: “Do you have time to talk to me?”, “Are you very busy right now?” etc. If the answer is yes, you can talk for your own pleasure, but when you hear the first signs of a desire to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. During the service, telephone conversation time is also limited;

8. Talking on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to shout and get irritated during a telephone conversation; this is a gross violation of the ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to the insult they hang up. Swearing over the phone is illegal;

9. A telephone conversation should be polite, but immediately ended if a guest comes to your home or a visitor to your office. You should apologize and, briefly stating the reason, arrange a call. At home you can say: “Excuse me, I have guests, I will call you back tomorrow evening (morning)”; at work: “Sorry, I have a visitor, I’ll call you back in about an hour.” Be sure to keep your promise.

10. If during a conversation the connection is lost, you should hang up; The person who called dials the number again. If a company representative was talking to a customer or client, then he must dial the number;

11. The initiative to end a telephone conversation belongs to the person who called. The exception is a conversation with elders in age or social status;

12. Nothing can replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation or conversation. It should be remembered that the farewell words should contain the possibility of future contact: “Let's call next Tuesday,” “see you tomorrow,” etc.

Basic rules business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that a business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

You need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, after hearing the subscriber’s answer:

Greeting and introducing yourself while talking to stranger– the procedure is mutual and mandatory.

The main rule of business protocol is that a telephone conversation must be personalized. If the caller has not introduced himself, you should politely ask: “Excuse me, who am I talking to?”, “May I know who am I talking to?” and so on.

2. If the call goes through a secretary and you are not known where you are calling, the secretary has the right to ask about the reason for the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to win over your interlocutor.

4. Always keep a notepad and pen handy for necessary notes.

5. When preparing for a telephone conversation, make a list of issues that need to be discussed. Calling again to apologize that you missed something leaves a bad impression and should only be done as a last resort.

6. If you were unable to find the person you needed, ask when it would be more convenient to call back.

7. Plan your message in advance if you know the information will be transmitted through a third party or through an answering machine.

8. If you are leaving a message on an answering machine, after greeting and introducing yourself, state the date and time of the call, and then short message and words of farewell.

When they call you

According to the rules of etiquette, after picking up the phone, you need to:

1. If they want to talk not with you, but with someone else: “Just a minute, I’ll pass the phone now”; the one who is called to the phone must thank: “Thank you,” “Thank you, I’ll be right there.”

2. If the right person is not present at that moment, then the person who approaches clarifies that this person is absent. Such responses should include a request to call back after a certain time: “Could you call back in an hour,” etc.

3. If the phone rings and you are talking on another phone at the same time, you should pick up the phone, apologize, end the first conversation if possible, hang up, then start a conversation with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back after a certain time. It is unacceptable to make a caller wait for more than one minute.

4. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you are having a business meeting or meeting. The priority always belongs to the living voice.

5. If you receive a call about an important matter when there are people in the office, it is better to answer the call from the next room or, if this is not possible, ask to call back after a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In modern business culture of communication Special attention devote themselves to telephone conversations. A few axioms of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

The art of talking on a mobile phone.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. Probably, the necessity and advantages of this means of communication are indisputable, and mobile communications should be accepted as a fruit of civilization.

Therefore, we can formulate some general rules etiquette when using a cell phone.

Study its characteristics and functions, in other words, read the manual.

Remember when to turn off your phone or set it to vibrate.

Switched off: meetings, cinema, sport games, worship, seminars, communication with the client.

In vibration mode: V in public places, where you can answer the call without disturbing others.

If there are people around you but you need to talk, don't shout. Cellular telephone really more sensitive to sound and voice than a regular phone. You can even speak a little lower than usual, and your caller will hear you (and not other people in the room).

Avoid talking on the phone at a restaurant table. If you need to answer a call, ask the caller to wait a minute, excuse yourself, leave the table and talk at pay phones in a restaurant or on the street.

Avoid conversations where you might distract people's attention.

Avoid talking about personal topics where you can be heard. Be aware of who is around you. Don't go through your dirty laundry in public.

Reduce the ringer volume.

If you do do something wrong, it is better to avoid unnecessary excuses. Saying, “Sorry, I forgot to turn it off,” is just as bad as leaving the phone ringing.

Be brief. If you receive a call and you are not alone, 30 seconds is the maximum.

If you receive a call in a public place or at a private meeting, it is threefold unpleasant: 1) it puts you in a bad light, and you appear impolite and look stupid; 2) it confuses everyone; 3) you put the caller in an awkward position by letting him know that “you are in a meeting” (big deal!), and he pesters with chatter.

Reality shows: by answering the phone during a meeting, you are thereby telling your future client or customer: “I do not value you and my time spent with you. You are not as important as the person who might call.”

But keep in mind: there are situations when you must answer the phone– sick child, anticipation of a big deal, important message.

According to the rules of etiquette, before a meeting you should definitely warn those present that you are expecting an important call and get permission.

During a business conversation, it is always necessary to make such an impression that you are seen as a professional. And this should be done in the first minutes of the conversation. The image and success of a company depend largely on how communicative employees are and how well they can talk to potential clients and partners. To be effective, any employee should know some rules of communication.

What are the rules for communicating on the phone?

First, you should carefully monitor your intonation. Since the interlocutor may not see you during a conversation, this does not exclude the possibility that he cannot hear you. Therefore, try to speak kindly. And this will be facilitated by a smile and good mood throughout the conversation. The rules on the phone imply complete control of your emotions.

Secondly, during a conversation you should control your posture. If you slump in your chair during a conversation, it can ruin your reputation. If you stand all the time during a conversation, then your speech will take on assertiveness and energy, and this contributes, first of all, to the fact that it will become too hasty. It is necessary to adapt to a certain pace of conversation.

Thirdly, you need to greet correctly. Greeting is one of the most important elements included in the rules of communication. This matter has its own subtleties and nuances. For example, instead of “Hello,” it is better to say “Good afternoon.” This expression is much easier to pronounce. And it is much easier to perceive. Under no circumstances should you answer calls with “hello” and “yes”. First of all, you should provide information about the company, and then about your position.

It is always necessary to introduce yourself correctly. First, the person calling introduces himself. It is possible not to give a name and position only when the right person Not here. In the event that you are dialing someone's phone number, then after introducing yourself, find out about the availability of time. Only then should you talk about the purpose of the call.

The rules of communication also mean that you should not keep people waiting. The maximum time it takes to pick up the phone is approximately six rings. After that you can stop calling. You must answer after about the third ring. This will save the caller time. But you shouldn’t rush to the phone, otherwise they will think that you’re slacking off at work.

Don’t forget that calls should last approximately five minutes. The rules of communication do not provide for lyrical digressions. In addition, it takes up too much working time. You should not remain silent for a long time, since pauses are not needed in a business conversation. All they do is make you nervous. And if you were silent for about a minute, this will be a significant disadvantage for your reputation.

In addition, you need to prepare for a business call in advance. You should not make unnecessary calls to anyone just to clarify the information you are interested in. All questions and details should be discussed immediately during the first conversation. To avoid this problem, you can create special list with questions. It is always worth answering the questions asked in detail. Short answers will not maintain your reputation at the proper level and will not show your competence in the issue under discussion.

The golden rules of communication were invented just for such cases. If you follow them, your rating as a responsible employee will be high.

IN modern world We regularly make a huge number of phone calls - for negotiations on work issues, communication with relatives, friends and acquaintances. Sometimes during the day our phone simply does not stop ringing. However, few people in our chaotic times think about how politely and correctly they organize their work. But telephone etiquette is as integral a part of culture as good manners V real life.

A carelessly dropped word or an inappropriately inserted phrase can in an instant ruin the entire positive impression previously made on the interlocutor. To prevent gross mistakes, it is very important to monitor your speech and follow the basic telephone etiquette rules.

Let's start with the fact that any conversation of a business nature should not be lengthy. Remember that we are all busy people, and no one can waste precious minutes talking on the phone with someone during business hours. If the issue is too important and serious to resolve quickly, put it aside and continue the conversation in person. Try not to take more than five minutes from your partner. Otherwise, it will be ugly on your part.

Telephone etiquette also determines the maximum possible wait on the line. If the subscriber is in no hurry to pick up the phone, you should not call for too long. Count six beeps and disconnect. This will prevent you from seeming too pushy or even intrusive in some way.

Do not forget about politely greeting your invisible interlocutor. And instead of the banal “Hello!” It would be better to say “Good afternoon!” Be sure to ask who you are talking to. If the person you want answers the phone is not the one you want, ask if the person you want is available to speak at the moment. Do not insist under any circumstances if the answer is negative. It’s better to ask when it would be most convenient to reschedule the conversation.

Telephone etiquette states that in the event of a communication breakdown, it is the participant in the communication from whom the initiative originally came that is obliged to call back. Therefore, if this conversation is important, first of all, to you, then do not expect the other person to call you back first.

Anything can happen. For example, you mixed up the subscriber's phone number. What to do in such a situation? What does telephone etiquette advise us this time? If you realize that you are clearly in the wrong place, ask the person for forgiveness for disturbing you and next time dial the number more carefully. Be sure to ask if you have definitely made a mistake now. If it is your interlocutor who calls you and realizes that he dialed the number incorrectly, you should not say the following phrases: “Who are you?”, “Where are you calling?” and “What number are you dialing?” Just politely and tactfully inform the person that the required subscriber is not available at this number.

If the call is initiated by you, be sure to think through the scenario for the upcoming conversation in advance. Telephone etiquette advises preparing an approximate set of phrases and sentences that can be spoken in this case. After all, awkward pauses and silence on the phone will be very impolite towards the interlocutor. Also, just in case, put paper and a pen near you, so that if necessary, you can immediately write down some data, and not force the interlocutor to wait on the line while you look for everything you need.

If you want to practice good phone etiquette, never call someone at home with work-related questions. This is considered the height of bad taste. Give him the opportunity to forget about business, at least in his free time from everyday work. There are special numbers for all working moments. Only if the interlocutor himself offers to call him on his home phone in an emergency, you can do this without fear of seeming impolite.

The telephone has long become an integral part of people's lives. Every person receives and makes calls every day. There are personal conversations that take place between relatives and friends. There are business negotiations that relate to the work sphere. Regardless of the topic and rank of the interlocutor, during the conversation you must follow the rules of telephone etiquette.

Why are there rules of telephone etiquette?

The rules of etiquette when communicating on the phone have been formed over the years. They are based on test results, data psychological research, analysis of telephone conversations. With the advent of mobile devices and their widespread use, etiquette has been supplemented with new points. According to statistics, about 70% of business communication takes place over the phone, so knowing the rules of telephone etiquette is one of the components successful business. Compliance with etiquette, polite and correct communication, and neutral intonation will help you cope with a dissatisfied client, an irritated partner, and maintain control over the conversation in the most critical situation.


After connecting two subscribers, the first thing people do is say hello. When communicating in person, they are content with an informal form, but in business etiquette Common phrases apply. Using "Hello" as a greeting is not recommended because it is a difficult word to pronounce and does not convey a positive message. Depending on the time of day they say: « Good morning", "Good afternoon good evening". From a psychological point of view, a friendly and competent greeting allows a person to feel comfortable and sets him up for a positive wave.

Mobile bans

Cell phone etiquette is much more extensive than the rules for landline phones. This is due to the fact that mobile devices accompany a person everywhere: in transport, cafes, restaurants, theaters, churches, hospitals and other public places. Part of the rules of mobile etiquette concerns the functions of a cell phone: using silent mode and speakerphone, taking photos and videos, choosing a ringtone, etc. At their core, mobile bans are basic rules politeness, which implies a respectful attitude towards other people.

Public place

In a public place, when you are surrounded by many strangers, it is better to avoid talking on your mobile phone altogether. If you receive a call while you are on public transport, accept the call and say you will call back later. You must answer so as not to annoy your fellow travelers with the ringing tone. If you are in a room surrounded by people, after receiving a call, you should immediately leave the room and talk outside of it. When it is not possible to go out, telephone etiquette recommends seclusion and speaking in a low voice so as not to disturb others. If the call caught you at that moment, you cannot talk for a year, answer it and tell the interlocutor that you will call him back later.

Silent mode and turning off the phone

A mobile phone is with a person 24 hours a day and provides him with many conveniences, but at the same time it should not disturb others. Rules of etiquette cellular communication require reducing the ringer volume in public places, and where required, turning on silent mode or turning off the phone. So, observing mobile etiquette and basic rules of decency, in a theater, museum, library, cinema, or at a concert you need to activate the vibration signal or turn off the phone altogether.

While at a meeting or negotiations, you should turn on silent mode on your mobile phone. If you expect an important call during a meeting, warn those present about it in advance. When the call comes in, excuse yourself and go out into the hallway to talk. Mobile etiquette requires using silent button operation in public places so that sound signals do not irritate people nearby.


According to the rules of mobile etiquette, you can send SMS at any time. It is believed that the phone user must take care himself so that he is not disturbed by the sound of SMS - turn on silent mode or turn off the cell phone.

Someone else's phone

In relation to someone else's phone and the information contained in it, I agree with the rules of decency - you cannot read the text of SMS messages and view the call log. You cannot use someone else’s phone without the owner’s permission to make or receive calls. It is not allowed to give out someone else's cell phone number without asking permission from its owner.

Photo video from phone

You can take photographs and film videos with your phone in permitted places, but according to mobile etiquette, you cannot film people without their consent.

Restaurants, cafes

It is not polite to put your phone on the table in a restaurant or cafe - only cutlery should be there. According to the rules of telephone etiquette, you cannot talk on your cell phone while sitting at the table. If the call is urgent, you need to go into the hall to talk.


While driving a car, you can only talk on a cell phone using a hands-free headset. Taking your phone in your hands while driving is strictly prohibited - this can not only create emergency situation, but also cause death.

Churches and temples

Following mobile etiquette and rules of conduct, you need to turn off your phone before entering the church. There is no question of talking on a cell phone. If you need to make an urgent call, go outside.


According to the rules of mobile etiquette, ringtones containing obscene language and offensive statements cannot be used for phone calls.

Don't do other things

Try not to talk on the phone where you are uncomfortable - it is best to accept the call and reschedule the conversation for another time. Follow the rules of etiquette and do not engage in extraneous activities while communicating on the phone. Extraneous sounds are clearly audible during a conversation and create a bad impression of the person.

Don't chew

Follow mobile etiquette - do not combine talking and eating. Such behavior is always perceived as a careless attitude towards the topic of conversation and disrespect for the interlocutor.

Do not place the handset on the table during a conversation

If during a conversation on the phone you need to interrupt it in order to resolve some issue, do not put the phone down on the table. Based on the basic rules of etiquette, you should end the conversation and, , agree on a repeat call, indicating its time. This will save your interlocutor from having to listen to extraneous conversations and protect your information from leakage. Since you interrupted the conversation, you should call back. If you need to be distracted by a short time- according to etiquette, no more than two minutes - you can use the “hold” function.

Don't switch to parallel calls

Although Cell phones provide owners with many convenient functions; according to the rules of telephone etiquette, it is considered indecent to interrupt a conversation to switch to the second line. By doing this, you will not only make your interlocutor wait, but also show disrespect for him by showing preference for another person.

Do not turn on speakerphone without warning

According to the rules of telephone etiquette, you cannot turn on the speakerphone without warning the interlocutor about it. Ignoring this rule is a sign of bad manners and disrespectful attitude towards the interlocutor.

Telephone etiquette and its basic rules not related to conversation

Time spent talking on the phone often exceeds face-to-face communication. Whether you are having a business conversation or just chatting, practice proper etiquette.

Eat generally accepted rules regulating telephone communication:

  1. If the call is interrupted, the person who initiated the call calls back.
  2. You must answer the call after the third ring.
  3. The number of beeps when calling should not be more than five.
  4. If your call is not answered, you should call back no earlier than after 2 hours.
  5. The person who was called hangs up first.

Talk time

There are time limits that determine from when and until what time you can call according to etiquette. Personal calls can be made from 9:00 to 20:00, while business conversations should be conducted at work time— from 9:00 to 18:00. When picking up your phone, don't forget about the time difference.

Preparing for the conversation

It is necessary to prepare in advance for important conversations on the phone, carefully thinking through the upcoming dialogue. You should make a plan for the conversation, prepare information that may be needed, and prepare a pen and notepad for notes. You need to be prepared for counter questions on the phone so as not to remain silent in confusion.

When you get through, ask if the person you are talking to can spare some time for you. If there is a long conversation ahead, check how much time he has available. If necessary, ask to reschedule the call. When having a conversation on the phone, you cannot remain silent for a long time. After all, unlike a normal conversation, you cannot nod and smile. Therefore, you need to react to the words of your interlocutor, assent, clarify something, showing your interest.
