Gubankov Anton Nikolaevich personal life. Anton Gubankov: from the renovation of the Aurora to the cultural center in Syria

Early on the morning of Sunday, December 25, Anton Gubankov died. He was in that TU-154 that took off from Adler to Latakia and disappeared from radar at 5.27 am Moscow time.

The Ministry of Defense plane was flying to an air base in Syria with an extensive humanitarian program: 64 musicians from the Ensemble named after. Alexandrova - choir, accordion players, balalaika players led by the team leader Valery Khalilov, Doctor Lisa, nine journalists with television and photo cameras.

Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov, who has been responsible for all cultural work of the Ministry of Defense for the last two and a half years, preferred large-scale, well-developed and spectacular projects. This is a personality trait that does not depend on the position. Do this do this.

In general, in order to come to the Ministry of Defense and literally tell the local personnel from the doorstep that from each employee, if he considers himself a patriot, not only honest service is required, but also “a good dose of creativity and creativity,” you must agree, you must have enough audacity, excitement and self-confidence. You can imagine how surprised the officials in uniform were. And the fact that after two years of Gubankov’s hard work in the main military department of the country, it announced the transformation of the cultural department into the department of culture in connection with “a significant increase in the volume of tasks set by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in the development of the humanitarian sphere of the Armed Forces,” indicates that the ambitions of the “chief of culture” (this is exactly the non-standard sign that hung on the door of his office) of the Ministry of Defense were justified.

TU-154 was heading to the site of hostilities to congratulate Russian soldiers Happy New Year. If the operation had been successful, it would have been an event comparable to the performance of Gergiev's orchestra in Palmyra. And this is not the place to discuss whether this war is necessary and whether it was necessary to fly there. Because the text is not about war. It is about a man who was able to conceive and implement grandiose projects and, with his presence, radically change the meaning and reputation of the place he occupied.

The Ministry of Defense here, perhaps, may seem to some to be a not very successful example. But, on the other hand, who and when in our memory knew the name of the person heading the local cultural department? Apparently, only the directors of subordinate institutions - the Russian Army Theater and the Ensemble named after. Alexandrova. Soviet era taught that the “cultivation” of personnel is carried out by political workers, whose job is ideological education. And here is Gubankov with his romantic ideas of the pre-revolutionary “color of Russian culture in uniform”, with the established festival of military bands, the military KVN, the Prize for the development of the army theme and military-patriotic traditions in culture. At the grand open air on Frunzenskaya Embankment, both the stars of the Mariinsky Theater and the St. Petersburg Billy’s Band sang in the final concert of the “Army of Russia” festival, and the show was organized by Dance Open, which has the best open airs on Dvortsovaya.

And this is only half of what Gubankov planned in his post, as it now turns out. One thing is that at the invitation of Gubankov, Milena Avimskaya came to work at the Theater of the Russian Army, the same one who created the Laboratory of Young Directing ON in St. Petersburg. The theater, from where nine-tenths of the young St. Petersburg directors, now known throughout theatrical Russia, came from, says - having taken the position of general, Gubankov had no intention of changing his former civic passions, of which St. Petersburg was well aware.

Because the most incredible, brilliant and successful career leap in the fate of Anton Gubankov was his move from St. Petersburg RTR to the chairmanship of the Culture Committee. Before this, everyone, of course, had seen it on television and remembered the charming presenter with excellent diction and a subtle ironic smile, which revealed Gubankov as a person playing a role, and not stupidly pronouncing someone’s text. But only after taking up the position of chief cultural officer in St. Petersburg in June 2008, he seemed to find himself at home, having received that measure of freedom, authority and means that allowed him to significantly bend the surrounding reality to himself. And he began to act.

Here it must be said right away that Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov never was and did not want to be ideal, but he was very impressed by being modern, productive, loved and chic. And he succeeded in doing this much more often than his ill-wishers would have liked. At first it was difficult to get used to the fact that former management culture now reigns as a sort of dandy in London shirts different colors, With high collars and cuffs, in which, instead of banal buttons, elegant cufflinks sparkle. During the years of the Soviet regime, a stylish official turned into an oxymoron. Gubankov, a collector and general gourmet in the field of arts, graduated from the French department of the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad University, coming from an intelligent St. Petersburg family (mother is an artist, father is a philosopher, teacher at the Theater Academy) brought to the historical mansion on Nevsky, 40, a type of communication on the verge of secular and businesslike: a cup of tea with first-class chocolate on the table did not at all prevent the interlocutors from resolving issues, because for the first time in decades, a person was sitting in a high office who was ready to make decisions, and not provoke the bureaucratic red tape many times described by the classics.

Under Anton Nikolayevich Gubankov, who worked (which is of fundamental importance) in close conjunction with the then governor Valentina Matvienko, projects appeared in the city that previously it was useless to mention in the Culture Committee: the Museum Olympus award and the St. Petersburg theater award for young people “Breakthrough” ", festivals "Diaghilev P.S." and “The Master’s Disciples”, the “Petersburg Ambulance” project, which carries out cultural events in hospitals and hospices, annually in European capitals an image project began to be carried out “ Children's Petersburg", in the already mentioned Laboratory ON. Theater non-stop produced dozens of performances by young directors who previously had nowhere to go in the city; in the TPAM project (Andrei Moguchy's Theater Laboratory), for budget money, young people, under the guidance of an experienced director, were engaged in the process, research - and no one twisted their arms, demanding an inevitable result.

But most importantly, the work of the Culture Committee under Gubankov has become systematic. The project of regular subsidies to non-state theaters, left to Gubankov by inheritance from his predecessor, was brought to fruition - and dozens of independent groups began to create one after another works of art, who went to the Golden Mask and European forums and thereby did not allow theater hospitals financed from the budget to sleep peacefully. Moreover, Gubankov made decisions within literally ten minutes, accurately determining which of the projects was viable and which was not. And he almost never missed a beat: to this day, all the projects he blessed are alive and gaining momentum, and subsidies to non-theaters remain the envy of Muscovites, who attribute the flourishing of the young creative theater in St. Petersburg to this regular support from the city.

In a word, for once, St. Petersburg culture was led by a cultured man, who, at the same time, sitting in a respectable chair, remained first and foremost a man. “You could go and talk to him,” I hear now from bankers, and from directors, and from crazy experimental directors. What's true is true. Anton Nikolaevich (nobody called him anything else on the committee, not even long-time friends and colleagues) really valued dialogue, because he wanted not only to lead culture, but also to feel it. Any adventures took place with him. At some ceremony, he could, at the request of the organizers, appear from a hatch or from the ceiling - and not look funny. He could organize a “Christmas tree” for journalists in his own office and play the role of Santa Claus himself - and it never occurred to anyone to behave familiarly with him. He was able to come on a weekend to open an exhibition (for example, dedicated to the nominees for the Breakthrough Award) on the way from the dacha, with his son, in a white sweater from the front - and communicate easily, with knowledge of the matter, completely captivating the young heroes of the opening day in “Floors”.

It was easy to work with him: do projects, communicate, make friends. He adored his family to such an extent that he could not help but brag to his friends about his clever son, his youngest daughters, whom he and his wife raised to be perfect princesses.

A liberal, artistic, ambitious chairman was no longer needed in St. Petersburg in October 2011, when the political trend in the country began to change noticeably, when professionalism receded not even into the background, even into the tenth place, and officials, including cultural ones, began to be selected according to the principle of compliance with the ideals of the ruling party. Let’s not count now how many cultural projects were implemented in the city after Gubankov left for Moscow - Anton Nikolaevich would not have liked that, but the comparative result is already obvious. But here’s a paradox: a new type of official with all his remarkable baggage of cultural knowledge and managerial skills, with all his moderate eccentricity and sometimes immoderate creativity in the capital was in demand not by the Ministry of Culture, which, before all others, turned into a nomenklatura structure with a Soviet-era flavor, but by the Ministry defense

In these new proposed circumstances, Gubankov played his role brilliantly, in every public speaking adding a homeopathic dose of postmodern banter, getting a thrill primarily from the game, and not from “special zeal.” Although it is unlikely that his new colleagues could appreciate the beauty of this game. Those who could remained in St. Petersburg. But the head of the cultural department of the Ministry of Defense invited them to cooperate invariably and regularly, which undoubtedly only benefited the army: there is no such thing as too much culture. And yet, one can overcome the absurdity of the fact that St. Petersburg dandy Anton Gubankov was forced to wear military uniform, can only be the incomprehensible catastrophe of his absurd death on a Ministry of Defense plane, which, after refueling, could not stay in the air for more than seven minutes. But this is a completely different topic.

Gubankov Anton Nikolaevich

Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov was born on January 29, 1965 in the city of Leningrad. In 1987 he graduated from the philological faculty of Leningrad state university, and in 2011 - graduate school at St. Petersburg State University. While studying at the university, he began working as a correspondent for the Leningrad University newspaper. Periodically published in such publications as Izvestia and Soviet Russia.
In the early 90s, after working for the first independent St. Petersburg newspaper Nevskoe Vremya, Gubankov found himself on television and radio. Since 1992 - presenter of the Radio Russia program on RTR. Since 1993 - head of the information service of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Channel 5". A year later, he began hosting programs and live broadcasts on Channel 5 and the Rossiya TV channel.

Work on a TV channel

Having worked in television for about 14 years, in June 2008 Anton Nikolaevich became chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg. At the same time, he joined the Presidium of the Coordination Council of the Russian Ministry of Culture and the Board of the department. Gubankov was the initiator of many cultural projects in northern capital, including the Museum Olympus award, the St. Petersburg Cultural Forum, which today has acquired a federal scale.
In 2012-2013 he worked as Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region. After this, Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov headed the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Culture Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

As director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, he led the Russian Army Theater, the Alexandrov Ensemble, the Central Museum and Cultural Center of the Armed Forces, the Grekov Studio of Military Artists, dozens of museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg and different regions countries.
For four years, Gubankov was involved in raising the level of culture of military personnel, enhancing patriotic traditions and increasing the prestige of the army.
Gubankov Anton Nikolaevich died very tragically on December 25th.

The tragic death of Gubankov

He was on board a Tu-154 plane that crashed. This plane was flying to the Khmeimim airfield in Syria to congratulate the Russian military personnel there on the New Year.

The mother of St. Petersburg journalist Anton Gubankov, who died on the morning of Sunday, December 25, admitted that shortly before her son’s death she began to have trouble sleeping: she had dreams with a premonition of tragedy. However, now she cannot believe what happened; the plane crash still seems to her an unreal “foggy story.”

I had a presentiment of this. IN Lately I don't sleep well, I have dreams. Of course, I didn’t tell anyone, but I felt it. He called me before leaving. His last phrase was: "We're leaving into the night." So he left that night,” said Marianna Proshkina.

According to the journalist’s mother, her son’s trips always worried her, but protecting her son from danger was beyond her strength.

He was never a military man, and I was internally against all this. But when my son is 50 years old, it is already difficult to influence anything. He loved his job, loved people, wanted to do good. “I loved the country, I loved St. Petersburg, but I went to Moscow, what should I do,” the woman said.

According to Gubankov’s mother, he went on the trip as an accompanying artist and ideological inspirer. Before the trip, he called his mother and spoke allegorically about the purpose of the trip, but just before departure he admitted honestly: “We are flying to the liberated areas.”

IN last time Marianna Viktorovna saw her son on Tuesday, December 20. New Year they planned to meet together in Finland. There, according to the mother of the deceased, his family has a house. Tickets have already been purchased.

Anton Gubankov's mother admitted: she does not believe that the plane crash was an accident.

I think this is not a random episode. Why this particular plane? I think such aircraft are technically checked like no other. I fly to America myself, and so do my relatives. This was not the first time he had flown, and to these points too. Before, I wasn’t worried, but this time... I feel him very well, because he is my first son,” the woman told Life.

Marianna Proshkina admitted that losing her own son is the worst possible tragedy.

The worst thing for a mother is to lose her child, especially when you are already many years old. I never thought that I would survive it. It's very difficult, of course. The realization of this will come later, now it’s an unreal and foggy story,” the woman admitted.

Let us remind you that on the morning of Sunday, December 25, a Tu-154 Ministry of Defense plane crashed over the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including a St. Petersburg journalist, Head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Anton Gubankov, as well as members of the film crew of Channel One, TV channels "Zvezda" and NTV and artists of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble named after. Alexandrova.

25.12.16 memory

In a plane crash over the Black Sea, two St. Petersburg journalists who worked in Moscow were killed - the head of the culture department of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov and the correspondent of Channel One Dmitry Runkov. Both were well known in our city: Anton Gubankov headed the St. Petersburg “Vesti”, and later went into power - he became the chairman of the Committee on Culture of the St. Petersburg Administration, and Dmitry Runkov worked on the 100TV and “St. Petersburg” channels. How did their friends and colleagues remember them?

About Anton Gubankov

Andrey Kibitov, press secretary of the governor of St. Petersburg, a former well-known television journalist (according to a publication on Facebook):

Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov died in a terrible plane crash on the Black Sea. Head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Anton Nikolaevich was my teacher in television journalism, it was he who hired me to work in the editorial office information program"Vesti - Petersburg". He was an excellent journalist, the most intelligent Petersburger. He was my friend. He left three children.

He did a lot for Russian culture and Russian journalism. He trained many correspondents whom we all know and see on our TV channels. After graduating from the University, he began his work as a military translator in Syria. Today he also flew to Syria.

We will all remember him. It would probably not be an exaggeration to say that the whole of St. Petersburg knew him. And all of St. Petersburg today mourns Anton Nikolaevich. Everlasting memory!

Andrey Radin, famous television journalist and media manager, head of the LOT television company, formerly - CEO And Chief Editor 100 TV:

I knew Anton Gubankov since 1994 - I worked with him on Leningrad Television. I also know his wife, mother and three children. His death is a loss not only for his colleagues, but primarily for his family.

Anton Gubankov was not just a good professional, but above all a very a good man. Everyone loved and adored him - he constantly helped someone: theaters, artists, journalists. He was a very educated and creative person. He always had a lot of ideas in his head. This applied to both work in journalism and work on the Culture Committee. This is a big loss for St. Petersburg and the whole country.

Irina Nacharova, press secretary of the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum, formerly press secretary of the Committee on Culture:

I was Anton Gubankov’s press secretary when he worked in the Culture Committee. Shocked by his death: such people should not die so early.

He was a man of colossal potential and dazzling charisma. When he left the post of head of the committee, he said that he did not hold on to his place, that the main thing for him was to have time to do something in this place. And he, working on television, in the Committee for Culture, in the Ministry of Defense, managed to do a lot: most people will not manage as much in 90 years as he did in his 50s. And he always remained a Petersburger - even after moving to Moscow to work.

Oksana Galkevich, TV presenter (according to a post on Facebook):

It seems that now Anton Gubankov will call and say - with his usual irony, low voice: “Oksana Glebovna, what are you really doing. I'm fine." We planned to meet in the near future - with our old composition - “Vesti - Petersburg”. We called each other and texted. But his schedule was very difficult, and everything was postponed endlessly. Now forever. It's simply impossible to believe. He was a very bright man.

Elena Babich, public figure, formerly a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg:

Anton Gubankov and I often crossed paths when he was chairman of the Culture Committee, and I was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. He is a very responsive, attentive, cheerful and optimistic person. It wasn’t like you approached him and he let everything go. It was easy and simple to be around him - all problems seemed to be solved by themselves. Officials are usually scolded, but not a single bad word can be said about Anton Gubankov. I don't know people who wouldn't love him.

Anton Gubankov was talented in everything - both as a journalist and as a leader. Few people know that he wrote poetry. He is the author of the lyrics to the song " Polite people" But since he was a modest person, he did not talk about it.

The last time we met him was absolutely by chance this summer on Nevsky. He was with the child. And I was so happy to meet: “Lena, hello!” And it was so touching and sincere, we stood and talked. He said that he misses St. Petersburg, since it is his hometown. Anton Gubankov in last years He held very high positions, but there was no arrogance in him. He acted like an old acquaintance... I just can’t believe his death.

About Dmitry Runkov

Elizaveta Grivenkova, production editor of the Online47 portal, former correspondent for channel 100TV:

This morning I was woken up by my father’s call “Dimka is dead.” I was just supposed to take up duty on the news feed. It was impossible to believe these words. I didn’t raise my hand to write that he died. It is incredibly difficult to write about the death of a colleague or friend. Dimka was an amazing person. Very smart, beautiful. It was always very interesting and very comfortable to work with him. It so happened that my father was his boss, and we were colleagues at the time of 100TV. He is in regular news, I am in economics. Often met in Legislative Assembly, on trips and joked a lot. And Dima was very kind. No matter how many jobs we changed, we crossed paths with Chapygin at the television center and chatted, and after these conversations there was always a very bright feeling in my soul. This is a huge loss for all his colleagues and friends.

Alexey Kasyanov, television cameraman, former cameraman for channel 100TV:

We met Dimka at 100TV in the newsroom. And they became friends very quickly. We tried to go to filming together. A tandem of cameraman and correspondent is rare, but on the set we understood each other perfectly.

Dimka is Samoyed by nature. He is always dissatisfied with something and strives for some kind of ideal. And even if you tell him that the plot is good, he will always say that it could have been done better. Another funny moment: even though we were going to film a sewer, or on a “parquet” in Smolny or ZakS, he always dressed for filming as if he were going to a parade. He was always sure that a correspondent should look good. Even if it was minus 30 outside, he was always wearing a coat and no hat. Some said it was snobbery. And I knew that under this mask there was a subtle, vulnerable soul, and Dima Runkov was good, true friend. They say that men don't cry, but I'm crying now...

Prepared by Olesya GORDEEVA,

Internet magazine "Interestant"

Updated and expanded at 10:31 p.m.

On the morning of Sunday, December 25, a Tu-154 Ministry of Defense aircraft crashed over the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble named after. Alexandrova. The artists of the famous group were accompanied by the director of the Department of Culture under the Ministry of Defense, Anton Gubankov, a famous St. Petersburg journalist who devoted the last years of his life to the army.

“He loved his job, he loved people, he wanted to do good.”

Gubankov went with the ensemble to Syria, to Russian base Khmeimim in Latakia, as an “ideological inspirer” - this is how his mother Marianna Proshkina defined the role of the St. Petersburg resident. Marianna Viktorovna told Life that she did not approve of her son’s dangerous travels, because he himself, in fact, was never a military man. However, out of love for his work and people, Anton Nikolaevich, according to his mother, was ready to devote himself completely to the profession. “He loved his job, he loved the people, the country, St. Petersburg, he wanted to do good,” she said about her deceased son Marianna Proshkina.

Anton Gubankov was born in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island 51 years ago. The son of artists, after school he entered Leningrad University at the French department of the Faculty of Philology. Already at the age of 20, Gubankov became a correspondent for the Leningrad University newspaper, and at 26 - for the Nevskoe Vremya newspaper.

In 1993, Gubankov headed information service radio "GTRK Channel 5". He was well known from the programs “Inform-TV”, “City Affairs”, “New Fifth Wheel”, “Pros and Cons”. Six years later, in 1999, Anton Gubankov became the head of the Vesti-Petersburg program. As the journalist himself admitted, despite the fact that he had left the frame at that time, he did not want to create side projects - after all, this could harm the main business, and he could never afford this.

For three years, from 2008 to 2011, Gubankov headed the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg, and another year and a half - the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region. He has always been a very creative journalist - this is exactly what the chairman of the Union of Journalists Lyudmila Fomicheva said about him. But the St. Petersburg resident was able to fully develop his “cultural work” after receiving the post of head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2013.

Creative Chief - Modern Army

Anton Gubankov understood his mission as head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense very clearly. In his own words, the department created in 2013 was supposed to “build a bridge” between the army, which is closed and cut off from the “civil world”, and the rest of the country’s population. Gubankov wanted to make the armed forces open and modern and approached the solution of his task, as with everything in life, creatively.

Anton Nikolaevich never ceased to emphasize that the army is not a ossified organization consisting only of soldiers and officers, but a “whole world” in which you can find the most different professions, from doctors to journalists. To unite this huge mass, “strengthen the corporate spirit,” Gubankov organized festivals, creative meetings and holidays.

Gubankov called the "Russian Army" festival the army's "Oscar" - after all, at this festival every year the most worthy of the military, heroes, were awarded armed forces. Gubankov tried his best to promote such events. He was convinced that culture should be the basis of military service, its foundation, and not a formal application to weapons and combat strength.

Trying to make the army open and modern, Gubankov also organized unusual actions. Thus, in September 2016, the “Victory Army” propaganda train left the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, carrying 29 settlements In Russia - through Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chita to Vladivostok itself - artists and painters went on tour, and with them - the mobile Museum of the Armed Forces and a mobile recruitment point for contract military personnel.

Press" to popularize the army topic in the information space.

However, meetings with famous artists and cultural figures - from Evgeny Yevtushenko and Mikhail Zhvanetsky to Sergei Bezrukov and Nikita Mikhalkov - the St. Petersburg resident’s contribution to the development of the foundation of army culture was not limited. Anton Gubankov, despite his age, perfectly understood young people and saw everything " fashion trends", with the help of which you can captivate her. In 2014, "having caught by the tail" the then popular meme "Polite People", the journalist wrote a song of the same name. The anthem "Polite People", performed by the soloists of the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, in a day scored 100 thousand views on YouTube and in the most short time became popular throughout the RuNet.

Despite his high position, Anton Gubankov was not at all opposed to personally participating in the creation of viral videos and funny videos. A year before the appearance of the “Polite People” meme and the creation of a patriotic anthem based on it, a St. Petersburg resident composed the lyrics of a rap song and read it in front of the camera. In the video, the director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense spoke about what kind of soldier is needed Russian army: "Batman inside and Rambo outside." The official and journalist assured listeners that a hundred years ago, the entire flower of Russian culture - from writers to scientists - wore “officer uniforms,” and it would be a good idea to revive this tradition.

Aura of antiquity, aura of goodness

Gubankov admitted that for the sake of his profession he had to sacrifice a lot of his own personal life and freedom of choice in order to be able to devote himself entirely to journalism. The St. Petersburg resident even found his soul mate, one might say, without leaving his post. He met his wife in 1994 on television - Marina was the editor of Inform-TV.

Nevertheless, Gubankov had hobbies that had nothing to do with his work - neither with journalism nor with the army. For a long time, Anton Nikolaevich loved to wander around flea markets and look for antique household items. His almost museum-like collection included antique coffee grinders, teapots, bells and other things, of which there were once hundreds more years ago, other people used it. The journalist was sure that such things preserve the spirit of St. Petersburg and preserve its special aura. And so that life in ancient bells and coffee grinders does not fade away, they must be removed from the shelf at least sometimes and used for their intended purpose, Gubankov believed.

Gubankov's love for “things with their own aura” is apparently reflected in his concern for museums. Thus, the St. Petersburg resident oversaw the creation of a new exhibition of the cruiser Aurora and was a member of the museum’s board of trustees. In the spring of 2016, on the initiative of Gubankov, preparations began for the reconstruction of the St. Petersburg Artillery Museum, and a year before that, Anton Nikolaevich proposed creating a Museum in Crimea fortifications. And even in Syria, at the same Khmeimim base, through his efforts a cultural and leisure center was created.

the plane of joy" together with one of the country's most creative officials was not destined to land on Syrian soil.
