What is the best sign to put on your palm? Cross on the upper phalanx of the finger of Jupiter

Signs on the hand- in palmistry they have special meaning. Hands often have many signs on the hand and on the lines, or no signs at all. People who are familiar with palmistry know that in addition to hills and lines, they are very important signs on the hand, which are capable of radically changing the situation of events determined by a person’s hand.

Hand signs can be located on different parts of the palm, and with their presence they almost always correct the course of events. Most likely, the question naturally arises in your mind: what do they mean hand signs ? what do the signs of death look like? changing the action of tubercles and lines. It is worth paying attention to the marriage line - the signs there will indicate events that await you in love affairs and relationships in marriage with loved ones.

Rare hand signs, such as the Star sign, signs which are also Points, Islands,Lattices, Triangle and Square are the main and sometimes rare signs of the palm and fingers.

Signs and symbols located on the palm can be either a permanent sign of the hand or temporary, which in turn warn the owner of the hand about various dangers. Not permanent signs - they can subsequently disappear and appear again over time. One of the special and mysterious signs of the hand is the presence of a mystical cross on the hand, which is usually located in the center on the throne of the palm. This sign is usually found in people actively involved in occult practices.

Star sign on hand - meaning

Star sign- can predict in the palm of your hand both a good event and a completely bad one, - however, the general meaning of the sign is interpreted as follows:

This is an event that does not depend on a person’s free will; it has the character of a suddenness, an outbreak. Usually the sign is found on the tubercles and hills of the palm. Often the sign can be seen on a line where the star carries absolutely bad value.
Located on the line, a star always means some very unfavorable event that could end life person, celebrity violent, depending on the location of the sign.

An unfortunate location for the star sign (1) is the Mount of Saturn - the life of such a person will end in great misfortune, he will become famous due to his terrible fate, especially if the sign is located under the Mount of Saturn.

Star on the Hill The moon (2) is a bad sign, it symbolizes hypocrisy, a tendency towards betrayal, emphasizes the baseness and pretense of a person, it is better to avoid people with such a sign on their hands, especially when several stars are found in this space. A star on the hand usually brings misfortune, and in particular a star on the Mount of the Moon, misfortune caused by the imagination. The sign increases the likelihood of drowning in the water.

If Star located on the hill of Mars (3), - can threaten violent death, - often means murder, a threat to health from fire, fire, as well as a gunshot wound. The star in this place symbolizes resistance, active action, the fiercest struggle for life - and, as a rule, bodily harm. The Star sign in the lower part of the tubercle of Venus (4) indicates the suffering and misfortune of the owner of the hand, which was caused by individuals of the opposite sex.

Star sign which is located on the hill of Apollo (5) - indicates prosperity and universal recognition, but wealth is unhappy, it is not spiritualized positive emotions, and a true feeling of happiness. If the star on this hillock has a line, then it indicates a celebrity, often violent, but accompanied by great talent.

If the Star is located on the Mount of Jupiter (6), this placement of the sign is the most successful - this indicates that the person will have, or perhaps indicates that he already has, powerful power over other people and recognition. The sign symbolizes inner satisfaction and pride. It is not uncommon for such a sign to be a mark of a lucky person in love, but for this there must be additional symbols.

Star sign on the Mount of Mercury(7) indicates certain abilities of the subject, and depending on other indicators on the palm, it may indicate the gift of eloquence, the ability to correctly express the essence - this is also a sign of no small success in science and commercial affairs. However, in conjunction with the fact that on a corrupted hand, on which one can see a clear expression of the negative aspirations and characteristics of a person, such a sign means a nimble mind, capable of committing deception and dishonor in order to achieve set goals and profit.

Trident sign on hand - meaning

Trident sign- this is a very rare sign that is found on the hand, - it is formed by diverging branches in different directions from the connection of the line of the hand, as shown in the example photo picture. The trident sign should not be mistakenly confused with the similar fork sign, which is a much more common sign. Such a sign necessarily has a clear pattern and usually completes or begins one of the main lines.

The best placement of the trident in the palm would be when the trident is located on the hill of Jupiter (1), this is evidence and a guarantee of the social significance of a person and his ideas. If he chose a location on the hill of Apollo (2), this will be a sign of public glory, and simply fantastic, incredible success. This is undoubtedly a happy future.

Cross sign on hand - meaning

Sign Cross- is considered mainly a bad sign and a bad omen. However, here you should remember the main rule when interpretation of the cross on the hand. If the cross has the correct shape and is well folded - that is, when its mutually intersecting lines of the sign are of the same length - it is considered a "good" sign, especially if it is located on a bad line.

If the cross is ugly, it carries a bad meaning, especially on a good, beautiful line. Below is the meaning of the cross on various parts of the palm.

The sign of the Cross on the Mount of Jupiter (1) as well as the star good sign, is an indicator of a successful happy marriage, it just needs to be clear and distinct.
When the sign is on the Mount of Saturn (2), it carries special meaning, this is a disastrous sign of mysticism, fate itself threatens here - “Rock” - note that even any line descending from this tubercle down is a harbinger of a serious accident, not to mention other negative hand signs.

Cross sign on the tubercle Apollo (3) indicates delusion and soaring in art or wealth, this sign denotes stopped success, which is not destined to be reborn. On the Mount of Mercury (4) cross sign, reveals a dishonest nature, predisposed to deception and theft - we note again that the more incorrect the symmetry of the sign, the more clearly it will manifest itself negative qualities sign. For example, if you see a Cross on your hand, which is located on the marriage line, it predicts an upcoming break in your marriage.

The cross located on Venus (5) means the only fatal love, but its meaning can be changed by an additional cross on the Mount of Jupiter - that in combination these two signs mean the only happy love of life. This is how the interpretation of the cross signs can change dramatically.

On the Mount of Mars (6), the cross speaks of the arrogance of its owner, this is a subject who likes to argue even if he is wrong. Such people are capable of extremely thoughtless actions and have a peculiar disposition. But if the cross is on positive Mars, such a sign can indicate events associated with violence, both psychological and material, in particular, as practice shows, the cross sign can indicate operations undergone by a person.

Although a person undertakes such a thing completely consciously, the human self-preservation system does not understand such an intervention in the body as an operation, and considers determining when they invade the body or cut it as violence, and accordingly the event is recorded.

Cross on the hill Moon (7), will indicate a person capable of deceiving - sometimes the subject can get so carried away that he does not notice how he deceived himself. Any signs in this place are unfavorable, for example 2- short lines on the hill of the Moon, forming a right angle with each other, means the sign of a drowned man. The cross sign, if it is located between the lines of the heart and head, and stands separately from the lines in the center of the hand, such a sign is called a mystical cross, it indicates a person intensely interested in occult sciences, or capable of manifesting himself in in this direction, it often happens that a person does not even suspect that he has hidden talents.

It should be recalled once again that crosses on the palm are deciphered as follows: when they are well made, and the hands on which they are located are harmonious and proportional, then in palmistry- these are most likely good signs. But if signs made poorly, incorrectly and in poor shape - then they are especially unhappy.

Island sign meaning island

Sign Island usually located on a line - there it expresses unfavorable periods of life, always worsening with prediction, often islands are a shameful thing of the line on which they find themselves. For example, an island on the line of Fate (3) indicates immoral behavior and often adultery.

Often the island sign indicates a period of life in a difficult financial situation. All in all Islands are interpreted as - clutter, obstacle or obstacles that will inevitably occur if no action is taken.

On the Heart line, such a sign (1) shows problems with the circulatory system, heart disease, and can also indicate periods of doubt in feelings, adultery. On the line of Life (2), big Island- threatens a decline in vitality, limits a person’s mobility, that is, indicates future periods spent in illness, and is an extremely unfavorable sign in this place.

Island on the line of Success - if it is small island- this means there will be difficulty, loss of good social or official position. When the island is on the line of Mercury - deterioration in health, liver disease and, as a consequence, possible bankruptcy. On the head line (4), the island sign can become evidence of a psycho-emotional breakdown, mental illness of a person, and can also be a sign of insidious plans.

Square sign- A square, or as they also say a rhombus or a rectangle, are considered signs of protection. These are signs that weaken the threat from damaged lines and soften the blows of fate. A square is a favorable sign on the hand - it gives a person a sound mind, a correct outlook on life and cold energy with the help of which the owner of the hand will be able to get out of a difficult situation.

Squares are undoubtedly a good sign on the hand, and are a protective and softening sign; various broken lines are often enclosed in a square (2) - and often completely bad signs, can be deprived of their negative effect and neutralized squares.

But if the square sign is located near the life line, on the Mount of Venus or adjacent to the life line (1), then it indicates a limitation of a person’s free will throughout its entire length.

Usually such a square is interpreted as imprisonment, but this does not always happen. Any limitation of the will can be expressed by a square - be it military service or study in closed institutions, long-term illnesses that confine a person to bed, and looking at the other signs of the hand, one can accurately determine the meaning of the sign.

Large square-rectangle

The large quadrangle is otherwise called the “Hand Table”. It is formed by the main lines and intersections with each other: the line of the Mind, the Line of the Heart, the line of Fate and the line of Success. He usually has far irregular shape geometric rectangle - beveled corners, far from straight, or the absence of some of the sides. However, it will be good if it is more or less correct - large and expanding towards the Mount of Jupiter. This speaks of good health, directness and breadth of nature, honesty, kindness, and pleasant character.

If a large rectangle is generally defective in appearance, then this reveals a person who is indecisive, weak, with a cowardly character, and a selfish nature.

Sign Dot on hand line

Points on lines- these are signs that mean sudden shocks, events in the corresponding influences of the planets, a point on the heart line - a sharp or sudden grief, a point on the Saturn line - an incident that amazes in the course of fate with its unexpectedness, and here it is a very bad sign for a very impressionable person.

White Dots are not a particularly good sign, but relatively empty. Points on the head line can predict minor nervous or brain suffering, and can be a sign of sudden discoveries. On the heart line is a sign of love victories. On the Life line, points predict injuries or illnesses, but illnesses acquired most likely by chance, that is, depending on any circumstances, and not due to one’s own poor health.

Dark Dots - serve as an indication of serious disasters, for example those caused by force majeure, and the location of the dot on the life line indicates the date of the events. Often small dots on the lines of the arms are hardly noticeable, and in order to see the point on the line, the skin of the arm should be stretched.

Circle Sign

The Circle sign, the ring is a very rare sign on the hand, - Circle sign on tubercles palms, is a halo, it indicates fame and success in the area where it is located and there is a good sign on the hand. But if it is on the line of the head or life, then as legend says, then this is the loss of an eye, two circles, the loss of both eyes, as you can see, the sign is located almost in the wrong way, and can instantly turn into a very scary sign on the hand.
I would like to emphasize that the influence of any sign on a person largely depends on the type of hand on which the sign is located, and may varying degrees will be reflected in events.

Triangle sign on hand meaning

Triangle- a good sign, a sign of great ability and inclination towards science, knowledge, and mental work. But unfortunately, this rule is not without exception; it, just like a circle, becomes a big threat if it is not positioned correctly.

On the mount of Jupiter (1) the sign is triangle, it indicates great diplomatic abilities, but with huge ideas. The triangle on the Mount of Saturn (2) is interpreted as a sign of a master in the occult sciences, based mainly on black magic, and also indicates abilities or inclinations towards spiritualism, magnetism, hypnosis.

On other parts of the palm, the triangle takes on its own special meaning. So on the hill of Apollo (3) - it means the ability of pure art with strict science, - on the hill of Mars (5) - skillful calculation, great abilities in military affairs.

On the hill of the Moon (6) - penetration into the secrets of art, mysticism. On the Mount of Venus there is a triangle, if it is on the Life line (7), this is a bad sign, - it threatens to suffer from a fire, - if the triangle is located near the life line, then a person can suffer financially from fire, but not physically.

In other cases, the location of the triangle on Venus marks the application of pure reason to the art of love, which means that calculation in love affairs is above all.

The meaning of lines in pictures




Line Rosetta

Lattice sign on the hand - meaning

Lattice- a sign on the hand is meant as small figures, most often quadrangular in shape, consisting of frequent, closely standing and intersecting thin lines, which appearance resemble a lattice. Most often, the Lattice signifies extremes, passions and obstacles. Barred hill Venus (1), means a great desire for sensual and sexual pleasures, perversity that does not honor a person.

On the Mount of Jupiter (2), the lattice sign means satanic arrogance, real delusions of grandeur, the desire to shine no matter what, as well as gluttony and superstition, and is a sign of human stupidity. If the lattice is located on the Mount of Saturn (3), then it indicates misfortune, gloominess and a disastrous difficult existence or life.

On the Mount of Apollo (4), the meaning of the sign indicates insane pride, stupidity, talkativeness, and sometimes madness, loss of productive power, envy, sophistry and the paradoxes of a liar. On the Mount of Mercury (5) - crime, theft, deceit and lies, treachery and hype and pretentious ignorance, in general a negative sign in this place, you should be careful when encountering people who have such a sign on their hand.

Hash mark on the tubercle Mars (6), which according to legend is the god of war, gives rudeness to a person, anger, injustice and incommensurable insolence, sometimes even a thirst for blood, a certain tendency to tyranny, and can also mean violent death and a great risk of dying at the hands of a murderer.

There is a lattice on the hill of the moon(7) - this is an indicator of the eternal sad mood of the spirit, the sign is a mark that reveals a capricious personality with frequent mood swings, indicates lethargy, anxiety, and possible nervous attacks.

On a woman's thin hand - this is an indicator of hysterical nature, eternal discontent, incessant desires - emphasizes the fallibility of man and, to some extent, fanaticism.

Every day we experience emotions, perform various actions- all this is reflected on the hands, gradually forming into an order of lines, hills or rings.

Deciphering these signs will provide their owner with a lot of useful information and will reveal secrets that he, perhaps, had no idea about.

Main lines on the human palm

Anyone can comprehend the basics of palmistry; its essence lies in the ability to determine the type of sign and understand its meaning.

Lines on the palm: meaning on right hand What the lines on the palm of the left hand mean is discussed in detail in this article.

Total There are several types of lines on a person’s hands, 6 of which are the main ones. Others are classified as secondary.

Main line What do the lines on the palm of the right hand mean? What do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean?
Life LineQuality of life in the futurePotential received from birth
Health LinePoints to possible problems with healthState of health by nature
Line of MindIntellectual achievementsInherited Potential
Heart LineEmotional state of a personThe main traits of his character
Sun LineWay to successPersonality strengths
Line of FateResult decisions taken Events that will happen naturally

Active and inactive palm

The first thing to start with is analyzing the location of the main lines.

However, their meaning can carry different information, it all depends on how exactly the lines are located on the palm: the meaning on the right hand is often different from the decoding of the features on the left.

When reading the signs of the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity.

The lines on the right speak about events that will be the result of decisions made; in fact, a person’s conscious actions in life will lead him to them.

Palmists call palms “active” and “inactive”, the first case is usually the right hand if the person is right-handed or left, if left-handed.

There is another way to determine hands - simply ask the person to show their palm. In most cases, everyone intuitively gives the active one.

Definition of the sign of Life

The trait of Life has the most significant meaning, which crosses the palm and originates between the thumb and index finger, goes around the hill of the thumb and ends at the wrist.

For some people it may be completely absent, this means that the person is in search of himself, his purpose in life. For the same reasons, this line may periodically appear and disappear.

A clear and pronounced line denotes stability and determination, suggests that a person sets himself certain goals in life and tries to follow them, realizing his potential.

Breakups imply drastic changes in life, and there is a big difference on which hand it is interrupted.

When reading the meanings on the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity. Lines on right palm talk about events that will result from decisions made.

If the Life line is a dotted line or is interrupted on the right hand, this means that the person himself will become the initiator of change, and if it is on the left (inactive) palm, all events will happen by themselves.

Sometimes you can notice small branches - these signs indicate important events. Whether they will be bad or good can be recognized by their direction - down or up, respectively.

A fork at the end of the Life line means a craving for long journeys, adventures, and vivid impressions.

The location of the line itself is also important; for energetic and firm individuals, it originates closer to the index finger and widely circles the hill. A shift towards the thumb on the contrary speaks of a weak character, a pronounced tendency towards fear and uncertainty.

Palmists also say that by the length of the Life line you can approximately determine at what age certain events will occur. To do this, its entire length should be divided into 12 parts, each of which is equal to 7 years. However, such calculations are very conditional.

Health Line

The state of health throughout life can be judged by the Health line (the meaning on the right hand, what this line means on the palm of the left hand is described below) . Usually it consists of several segments that can overlap each other or form gaps.

The sign begins with the Mount of Mercury, which is located at the base of the little finger, and ends in the middle of the palm at the wrist.

The most negative factor is her touching the Life line, this suggests that diseases will have a certain impact on a person’s fate.

For many people, this line is absent, or has only a beginning and an end - this is a good sign, it means the person has excellent health, and this applies to all areas: physical, emotional, mental.

When the line runs across the entire palm without touching other signs, this also indicates the absence of serious illnesses.

If the fragments of the line are layered on top of each other, this indicates a successful fight against any diseases, interruption indicates that the disease will periodically recede.

In this case, it is reasonable to pay special attention to your condition, take a responsible approach to treatment and follow the recommendations of doctors.

What does the Mind Line mean?

The line of the Mind or Head begins from the same point as the line of Life or nearby, and crosses the palm horizontally.

This sign determines mental capacity and human intellectual achievements. To draw the right conclusions, you need to compare both hands. Deciphering the lines in the palm, the meaning on the right hand will characterize a person’s achievements and intellectual growth.

If the line on the left is less pronounced than the other, it means that the person is effectively realizing his natural potential; in the case where the clarity and length are the same, there is something to think about.

This arrangement indicates that the mental abilities given at birth are not developed. IN at a young age this may be justified and understandable, but for an adult it is a reason to change his lifestyle and try to achieve more.

There is a misconception that a deep and clear line of the Mind always speaks of impeccable intellectual capabilities. In fact, this is not always the case; the expressed sign characterizes a person who is very dedicated to his work, perhaps a professional in some industry.

Basic transcripts:

  1. Short line - a person prefers physical work to mental work.
  2. Long across the entire palm is a sign of a logical mind and a penchant for analytics.
  3. Zigzag or wave-shaped - it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, he often switches his attention from one object to another.
  4. If the line is reduced to the bottom, the person is overly naive and gullible.
  5. The beginning of the line does not coincide with the line of Life - a seeker, a traveler through life, a lover of exploring, learning new things.
  6. Fateful, important decisions are indicated by strokes and crosses on the line.

Meaning of the Heart line

The Heart Line gives a decoding of the emotional and psychological component of a person. Its origin comes from the edge of the palm, under the little finger and can reach the index or ring finger.

When doing fortune telling, palmists pay attention to how the line ends:

  1. Between the middle and index fingers - typical for people who are easy to communicate with. Usually these are full-fledged extroverts - positive and cheerful people. Naturally, these individuals attract the attention of others and arouse the interest of the opposite sex. However, if the meaning of the line in the palm of the left and right hands is different, this indicates that the person has consciously changed his habits.
  2. At the base of the middle finger - Before you is a self-centered person who only cares about his feelings. People with this character are attractive, but quickly tire their partner by ignoring his emotional needs.
  3. Closer to index– inherent in maximalists, they give everything, try to evaluate every situation objectively. It’s comfortable to spend time with them, they are attentive to loved ones and do not accept “half-hearted” relationships.
  4. In the area of ​​the little finger or ring finger- This is an unemotional person who keeps all his feelings under control.

It is easy to understand what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change. The active one can be used to read the future, and a comprehensive analysis should be carried out according to different signs.

Sometimes refusal to change one's character leads to negative consequences, for example, a person can lose his job or family if he is naturally selfish and does not want to change anything.

Sun Line

The line of the Sun is not often reflected on the palms of the hands, but if it is visible, it usually stretches from the middle of the wrist or palm and reaches the ring finger.

The sign will help determine how a particular person can achieve success and happiness in life. A short line reveals a subtle nature that appreciates and loves creativity. These people understand art and music.

Communication with such a person is pleasant and easy - such individuals know how to express their thoughts and willingly share them with others.

lines on the palm of the left hand - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change.

A line in the shape of a wave also indicates a penchant for creativity. However, such a person succumbs to pessimistic moods, fear, and anxiety. Negative emotions clearly prevent him from achieving his goals or setting a specific goal.

An interesting fact is what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - they indicate strengths character given to him from birth. The traits of the right palm help determine in which area a person can achieve success in the present and future.

Decoding the line of Fate

The Line of Fate runs vertically or with a slight deviation upward from the middle of the wrist.

Read the sign below:

  1. An even vertical line speaks of success in all endeavors, brilliant career and self-realization.
  2. If the line is weakly expressed, it means that the person is dissatisfied with the state of affairs that he has. Perhaps this concerns your career, personal life or other important areas.
  3. Marks in the form of dashes or crosses indicate a frequent change of direction in professional activity.
  4. When the line begins where the Life line begins, this indicates life difficulties in early years life.

By reading the lines on the palm, the meaning on the right hand (or active) will reveal events that will happen in the future. They will all become natural result making certain decisions, so a person should pay special attention to this trait.

By the left hand you can judge what will happen according to the will of fate, if you give in to its flow.

Secondary lines on the hands

Lines of secondary significance are not found in everyone. By deciphering the signs together with the main features, you can create a more complete and informative Life Map (as palmists call the entire process of reading hands).

For example, the line of Wealth, which forms a triangle, located between the features of Fate and Mind.

If it is clear and even, this indicates a stable financial situation, and in combination with a pronounced line of Fate, it can be assumed that a person will acquire wealth through a successful career.

However, the reason for wealth can be marriage, inheritance, or a lucky coincidence, for example, a lottery. Other lines with corresponding marks will bring more clarity to the reading.

There is one more minor feature - Guardian Angel line. This sign speaks of good luck, such people are lucky in any situation, and troubles bypass them.

The mark on the hand is located parallel to the line of life, but is shifted closer to the thumb, located on its hill. It may be pronounced or barely noticeable, but the very fact of its presence is a good sign.

When the line of the Guardian Angel is on an inactive palm, this means that a person is given protection at birth and for life; if the line is on the right hand, then over time it may disappear.

This means that protection from failure is provided by fate for a time and should be used wisely.

Romantic relationships and marriage - reading hands

The marriage line is a horizontal line under the little finger; by the way, there can be several of them. Clear, deep signs indicate marriage or marriage, weak ones indicate a romantic relationship.

If the sign is interrupted, this indicates a divorce or temporary break in the relationship; double lines indicate a relationship with two partners at the same time.

Separation is judged by the presence of forks; the reason for this may be a long business trip or a coincidence of circumstances.

Vertical lines from this line indicate how many children a person will have. Moreover, on the left (or inactive) hand you can find out what is destined by fate, and on the right - what decision a person will make. Therefore, the number and position of signs on different palms is different.

There's another one line connected to family relationships- trait of divorce. It rings the base of the sore finger. The absence of one indicates a strong family life or its absence.

Complete information about fate can be obtained only after analyzing various lines; often different traits speak about the same thing, or, conversely, contradict each other.

Here it is worth paying attention to other signs, for example the marriage line. Moreover, the analysis must be carried out on both palms, not always, what is destined happens in life, sometimes cool decisions help to avoid annoying mistakes.

Decryption results cannot be relied upon 100%, The Fate Card should be taken as recommendations, advice, instructions. Palmistry does not belong to the list of approved sciences, but this teaching took a very long time to build.

For decades, people have been collecting and analyzing information, creating certain statistics, so it cannot be considered as some kind of fortune-telling. Thus, it has every reason to be used in practice.

What do the lines on the palm mean:

Meaning on the right hand, what do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean:

Describing the main lines on the palm is not very difficult for an experienced palmist, but at the same time, it requires the necessary experience for a beginner. As a rule, a palmist encounters the main problem when reading unusual, additional lines and various signs. Let's see which ones are found rare signs on the hand (palmistry), which means unusual lines and symbols.

Determining time by lines

Before you find out what special signs on the hand are (palm reading and decoding), you need to clearly study the time counting scheme. Basically, this operation is carried out along the main lines:

  1. Uma.
  2. Hearts.
  3. Life.
  4. Fates.

As you can see, the time on the palms is clearly divided into certain segments:

  • On the life line from top to bottom.
  • The mental road is read from right to left.
  • The heart line is read from right to left.

How to correctly interpret the time range?

To determine the life time, we lower the line between the middle and index fingers and get a segment of 21 years, then we add evenly segments, as in the photo.
If we talk about the line of the mind, then here time flows much more slowly. If we move the line down from the middle finger, we get about 40 years of life.

In a similar way, we read the heart line. Time intervals are approximately 10 years.

Decoding and palmistry: rare signs on the hand

Signs on the hand carry many different meanings. Therefore, do not rush while studying.

Important. When studying unusual signs, it is recommended to pay special attention to the hills, where the lines and signs are located.

Detailed interpretation of rare signs

Most often, rare palmistry signs cannot be read independently. They need to be viewed in conjunction with lines, placement, and other symbols. Let's take a closer look at each of the signs and try to figure out how to interpret them correctly.

Grids look like thin, frequent intersecting lines and most often have different meanings, depending on the hill.

  1. Hill of Venus. Before you is a very passionate person, but debauchery still lurks in the subconscious. Such opponents quickly fall in love with their opposite sex and ceases to appreciate them. The fortuneteller must be given advice to live by reason, otherwise after a while they will only use it and stop appreciating it.
  2. Hill of Jupiter. Talks about a certain status in society, they know how to guide other people. There is the presence of a Guardian Angel who takes you away from life’s unpleasant surprises.
  3. The grid on Saturn. Frequent depression, as well as manifestations of insensitivity and selfishness. Such people are not capable of love, they create a family, but must control everything.
  4. In the sun. The desire to achieve results, but the fortuneteller does not want to make any effort. The desire to become famous without difficulty, but from the outside it looks extremely stupid.
  5. The lattice on Mercury foretells that the opponent is a person of mood. With a good mood, these are excellent life results, with bad mood- capriciousness and unwillingness to do anything.
  6. Mars. Selfish approach to family values. For a fortuneteller, work comes first, followed by family. Such people like to subjugate themselves and have a nervous character.
  7. Hill of the Moon. Feeling anxious and worried about everything and everyone. There are many complaints, both to others and to oneself. Such people are not inclined to make hasty decisions; they think about everything for a long time before taking action.

Rare signs on the hand can tell a lot about how own life, and about the lives of other people.

The star and its meaning in different interpretations

This symbol most often carries a positive meaning, especially if it is located on the hill of the Sun or Jupiter. It is important to determine at what point this outbreak will occur for the fortuneteller (in what period of time) and in what place and direct him in the right direction. This is a sign of surprise or outbreak (force majeure). An event that occurs regardless of human will.

If we talk about general meaning, then can be interpreted as follows:

  1. The worst place for a star is considered to be Saturn. A person's achievements will be associated with misfortune and torment. And fame can only come from some not-so-fortunate event.
  2. The star is located on the hill of the Moon. Talks about human hypocrisy, a tendency to lie and betrayal. This combination can also portend danger from water.
  3. Star on the hill of Mars. A dangerous combination that predicts violent death, even murder. May also predict threat from fire or gunshot wound.
  4. Hill of Venus. A person will not have normal, full-fledged love; a love affair will be associated with some suffering.
  5. Hill of Apollo. In general, a good combination, but the opponent needs to try hard to achieve his goals, this will be associated with emotional experiences.
  6. The mount of Jupiter with a star is considered the most successful combination. This speaks of recognition and powerful power over other people.
  7. Combination with the Mount of Mercury. This is an achievement in scientific works and commercial affairs. It also speaks about the ability to negotiate with people and present the essence.

Since ancient times, the ability to view one’s destiny and a person’s character from the palm of one’s hand has been known. However, not everyone had this skill, and even now it will be quite difficult for an ordinary person to recognize all the lines of the palm without the appropriate knowledge and practice. …

Palmistry, special signs on the hand: trident and interpretation

This is a very rare sign on the hand; at first glance it can be confused with a fork.

The trident has clear lines and usually either begins or ends one of the main roads:

  1. The most favorable location of the sign is the Mount of Jupiter. Guarantee of significance and recognition before society of the fortuneteller’s ideas.
  2. Mount of the Sun. The fortuneteller will have success and a happy future in life.

Palmistry: rare signs on the palms: the cross and its meaning

This sign is considered a heavy and bad omen. But this does not happen in all cases. When a sign has a regular shape and is of equal length and is crossed by roads, then the symbol is considered good to read.

Note. An ugly cross on a beautiful, clearly defined line does not bring the best prospects.

Let's consider the common location of this sign on the palm:

  1. Hill of Jupiter and cross. Everything here is positive and points to a successful marriage.
  2. Sign on Saturn. It has a special meaning and speaks of mystical inclinations. Here fate or fate itself threatens. You need to be wary of injuries and accidents.
  3. Mount of the Sun. The fortuneteller has a lot of ideas and he doesn’t bring any of them to completion; everything ends unsuccessfully. Overall, this is an illusion of wealth.
  4. Cross and Mount of Mercury. Such people have a tendency to steal or cheat.

Note. The more incorrect the symmetry of the cross, the brighter the tendency towards a negative incident will be.

  1. The cross and Mount of Venus speaks of fatal attachment and strong love. If 2 crosses are found (on Jupiter and Venus), this can mean the great love of your life.
  2. Sign on Mars. Here is an arrogant, self-confident person who loves to argue even in cases where he is wrong. Such people have a special character.

Note. A sign on an ideal positive Mars predicts events associated with violence, both material and psychological. These could also be multiple operations undergone by the fortuneteller.

  1. What will the mount of the Moon tell us? Talks about a person who lives in lies and illusions. If the Moons meet on the hillock additional lines on the palm (rare together with a cross), this may indicate the mystical abilities of the opponent.

Crosses on the hand are not a death sentence, especially if they are done correctly and on proportional lines. Bad forms speak of a person’s unhappy fate.

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What does island mean?

The island sign carries with it not the most favorable meaning, and also reflects not the best periods in life. As a rule, they only worsen the prediction. Sometimes this sign indicates immoral behavior of a partner, for example, if he is located on the line of fate.

The island also testifies to the difficult financial situation of the fortuneteller throughout his life’s journey.

  1. If the island is on the heart line. This indicates heart disease or problems with the circulatory system.
  2. A sign on the road of life. Here is a person who has serious problems with vital energy. It may also indicate that a person spends all his time in bed due to illness. In any case, such a sign on the life line does not carry positive energy.
  3. An island on the line of success speaks of a difficult situation in an official or social position.
  4. The head line can tell that the island foreshadows an emotional breakdown combined with psychosis for a fortuneteller at a certain period of time.

Note. A person may experience mental illness, depending on other combinations, and may indicate insidious plans.

Palmistry, rare lines and signs: how to interpret a square or rectangle on a hand map

This is one of the auspicious symbols marked on the palm. It is also called a symbol of protection. Such rare signs on the hand (palmistry and their meaning) have a very beneficial effect on all the blows of fate and mitigate the threat of other unfavorable lines and signs.

Note. The presence of this symbol speaks of common sense and a correct outlook on life. All these qualities give the owner strength and energy to get out of a difficult situation.

As a rule, there are various breaks on the lines that carry a negative meaning, but those enclosed in a square are deprived of all bad qualities and become harmless.

But there is still one nuance. If the symbol is located near the life path, on the hill of Venus, then the opponent will be limited in freedom at a certain period of his life:

  • illness;
  • jail;
  • army;
  • boarding school.

The exact meaning of the symbol can only be determined with other signs and lines on the palm.

A square or rectangle surrounded by main "roads"

This combination is otherwise called the “hand table”, which is formed by the main lines and has irregular shapes.

Note. If a person sits in front of you with a regular rectangle on the Mount of Jupiter, in front of you is an opponent with excellent health and the ability to negotiate with other people.

If the rectangle is not beautiful shape and outwardly defective, the fortune teller is extremely cowardly and unsure of himself.

Additional material

Experienced palmists know that you can discover more about a person’s fate not only by reading information from the line on the hand, but also from the signs. Look at your palms. How much different characters you can see it there! Each of them contains great potential, which holds many secrets and mysteries. Palmistry makes it possible to understand our hands and learn a little more about our destiny. Let's try!?

Secrets of the palm: lines and signs

The human palm is a system of different signs and lines. While most people are familiar with the meaning of the lines, not everyone can reveal the secret of the signs on their hand. First, let's recall the main lines of the palm. These include the Life line, Heart line, Head line, Health line and Fate line. Each person's lines are located differently and have their own signs.

The marks are, by their nature, much smaller than lines. They can be located both along the line and outside it. Please note that in palmistry it is generally accepted that the largest number of different signs are located on the Life line. But as practice shows, this assumption is sometimes wrong. See the hand of each of us has its own system of signs. Lines and signs are attached to events in a person’s life. They may be signals or warnings, but their nature is fickle, like human destiny. Who knows what she has in store for each of us.

Let's take a closer look at the signs. Let's try to understand their main types and unravel the information they bring to us.

What do the symbols on the palm tell you?

Among the various symbols on our palm, let us first note those that are interesting to everyone. We include:

  • signs of wealth and luck (triangle);
  • fatal signs or signs of death, accident, incurable disease, etc. (cross, star);
  • signs of love and family well-being(circle, dot, square).

Now let’s take a closer look at each sign system.

Symbols of wealth and good luck

First of all, we consider the triangle to be a sign of wealth and good luck. The triangle that brings wealth, or the money triangle, closes on all sides. The money triangle is located in the center of the palm, sometimes crossing the line of fate and the line of mind. It is this location that indicates that you have a great chance of getting rich or becoming a millionaire.

If the Life line bifurcates and its branches act as sides of a triangle, it means that you will have easy money from childhood, and perhaps you will be left with a large monetary capital as an inheritance. The Fate Line and triangles indicate that you may have business in different countries of the world.

A small triangle on the life line means that you have every chance of starting a profitable business. If the triangle is broken, then this means that in order to achieve what you want, you need to make a lot of effort. Also pay attention to the triangle and its sides - are they equal? If yes, then wealth will come to you without obstacles. If one line is longer than the other, then cash flows will be unstable. Please note that palmistry does not give a 100% guarantee to all those who have a triangle. It only indicates that they have an easier time with money transactions than others.

Pay attention to the mounts of Luni and Jupiter if there is a triangle sign there. Be careful with large investments and beware of money invested in real estate.

Fatal signs: death, accidents, incurable diseases

The cross has always been considered the main fatal symbol. The sign of the cross always brings something bad to its owners. A cross sign on the life line or on the fate line can mean a serious, incurable illness. Also, people with the sign of the cross may lose loved one or they themselves will get into an accident, after which there will be serious consequences. Some palmists believe that the cross reduces a person’s vital abilities and indicates a difficult fate and poor health. Please note: if the cross is on the Mount of Venus, then the person may experience unhappy love or divorce. The cross, which is closer to the middle finger, means craving for alcohol and bad habits, which in turn causes harm to health. Let's look at some examples when the cross is located on the fingers.

  • Little finger. This means that the person will have problems with the law. He will quickly get married, but will not be able to maintain it.
  • Ring finger. The location of the cross on the upper phalanx of the finger indicates that the person is greedy and stingy. It also speaks of his penchant for fraud.
  • Middle finger. Carries a very important sign for a woman. Please note that the middle finger with a cross is very important for a woman, especially if the cross is on both hands. The middle finger with a cross is a sign of infertility.
  • Forefinger. An index finger with a cross represents people who will lose a lot in life. They are not allowed to play gambling and make financial transactions with real estate. An index finger with a cross can also be a sign of clairvoyance.

The meaning of the star?

Another fateful sign on the human palm is a star. In most cases, the star indicates a clear event in a person's life. Or even a specific person who will appear in his destiny. Star bearers are always strange and quirky people. This is due to the feeling of constantly expecting something bad to happen in life.

The thumb with a star indicates the possibility of moving to another country and indicates family secrets. The index finger with a star is an indicator of great but non-reciprocal love, which will bring a lot of troubles in life. The ring finger with a star will bring a lot of creative luck into your life, which will be very difficult to protect.

The star that crosses the line of Fate and the line of the Head denotes a tendency towards melancholy and low self-esteem. A star that crosses the line of Life brings an unexpected meeting. If the line of Life bifurcates at the beginning and there is a star on one branch, then this is a sign that you have two paths in life - one easy, the other hard. Which one you will have is up to you to choose.

Star on the Head line

For some people, the star is located on the Head line, representing a small pentagram. You don't see this phenomenon often. Palmistry about people who have such a pentagram star says that they have powerful magical potential, perhaps in the future they will become psychics or healers.

A large star in the palm of your hand indicates a strong desire for creativity. There will be a lot of acquaintances in the life of such people. And if a big star crosses the health line, then expect serious troubles with the heart. Let's also pay attention to the hills of Mars and Mercury. If there are fatal signs on them, then it is almost impossible to prevent what fate has in store for you.

Lattice symbol on hand

The hash sign can have both bad and good value. In most cases, it is understood as an obstacle that is difficult to overcome. But we draw your attention: if the lattice sign is on the Mount of Venus, its meaning is positive. This means that you will travel a lot in life. Perhaps you will live in an exotic country for some time. It sometimes happens that the Mount of Venus is completely shaded, that is, there is a solid lattice on it. This means that fate has prepared adventures and a lot of thrills for you. Perhaps you will become an athlete or a famous star.

Palmistry today

Modern palmistry is actively studying different signs, which were previously overlooked, but, as it turns out, hid great potential. For example, if the Life line on your hand bifurcates and there is a certain sign on one of the branches, then this particular sign can change your entire destiny.

Family symbols

Signs of love and family well-being. This group includes hand signs such as a dot, circle or square. If the circle is in the center of the life line, then you can hope that you will soon meet true love. If the circle is on the line of fate, then this means that you have many good friends in your life and you will never be alone. Please note that the circle is rarely found on the phalanx of the fingers. Big love marked on the hand with a circle sign that is located on the Life line.

Points on the hand

The sign of a dot on your hand indicates that at a certain stage in your life good events will happen that will subsequently change the course of your life. People with a dot on their hand are talented and creative. If they engage in art, perhaps they will achieve world fame.

Please note that palmistry with the help of signs can sometimes accurately determine when you will meet your love, sometimes only hint. The main thing is to always listen to your heart - it will tell you the right answer.

Experienced palmists also believe that the system of signs of love, like signs of wealth, is prone to change.

Because there are cases when, under the influence of factors from someone else’s fate, your own fate changes. Or vice versa – you influence someone else’s fate, thereby changing your own.

What does square mean?

A square is a sign of family well-being. It helps avoid family quarrels. The square also denotes reliability and a person’s tendency to be constant and conservative. Palmists recommend that owners of the square try their hand at science or technology.

It is also worth looking at the hills of Venus and Saturn. If a square is located there, it means that you may have great success in your professional field, and you will become a famous person. A square on the hand is a talisman. It helps its owner avoid life's obstacles and always stay in good shape.

Thumb Meaning

Let us pay special attention to thumb. It turns out that modern palmistry pays attention to him important for determining marital status and parental relationships with children. The thumb may have a clearly marked family ring. If it is closed, without bars or other signs, then you will have a happy family. The thumb can also tell a little about a person's character. For example, if the thumb is large, it is a sign of a strong and strong-willed nature. If your thumb is small, it means you tend to dramatize and exaggerate your problems.

Bottom line

Palmistry of hand signs helps you understand your destiny more. Gives each of us the opportunity to analyze our actions, good luck and bad luck, to discover the great potential of our own lives, which, like a picture, is imprinted by nature on our hand.

We talked a little about the secrets of your palm, but to what was said above, I would also like to add that each of us is capable of changing our destiny. Trying to find a way out, even if it seems like there is none, is the path to success. Good luck to you and most importantly, believe in yourself.


I decided to describe the most interesting signs on my hand at the very beginning. Why not? Palmistry is a very interesting thing, but it takes a long time to study everything. And then compare, analyze... I decided to make life easier for everyone who visited my site.

I post the most interesting thing in palmistry, namely SIGNS ON THE HAND, on this page. If you want to go deeper into hand reading, there is a lot of interesting stuff on other pages, but here is the cream of the crop!

In my opinion, the most interesting sign on the hand - CASANOVA FORK . This is the heart line ending in a trident. As you guessed, the owner of this sign is a heartthrob from God. He has excellent control over his emotions and knows how to incorporate the necessary experiences. This is a kind of artistry aimed at gaining sympathy. This is energy, sparkle in the eyes, charisma when communicating. You won’t even notice how you’ll find yourself head over heels in love with him!


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The next sign on the hand is the WITCH SIGN . This is a double head line, and it is present in people who are more developed from birth. While others frantically search for the answer to the question “To be or not to be,” those with this trait clearly know what they want. And not only that, but also how to achieve it. They did not listen to the teachers, but always did it their own way. Or they listened, but perceived only what they considered necessary. It’s good that in our time witches are not burned at the stake, and the meaning of the word has ceased to be scary. So if you have this sign, tell your man this in your ear... Palmistry of your palm will be indisputable proof of this fact!

ADVENTURER'S SIGN - this is a sign on the hand when the life line and the head line begin at a certain distance from each other. As in previous cases, the name exudes romance and mystery. In fact, this is a sign of an independent person who left the parental nest early in life. adult life. Even if he continues to live with his parents, he is not attached to them, does not depend on them in making decisions. Palmistry in this case is not so categorical, and given name a person can be given with a certain “reserve”. In part, he can be called an adventurer, because he can take risks, play, and go to great lengths. But he always knows that he is responsible for everything.

PET SIGN - This opposite sign, when the life line originates along with the head line. Palmistry says that this is the mark of a person who is strongly attached to the ancestral family. Even being far from his parents, a person remains close to his family. It can often feel like an addiction. Especially if the lines go together for a long time and have an uneven structure.

Sign of success on the palm "EDGE OF DESTINY"


TEACHER'S SQUARE I have described it on the page JUPITER HILL. Take the time to follow the link and come back here. Let's move on!

SIGN OF A BROKEN HEART - this is a line descending from the heart line to the head line. In this case, palmistry is disappointing - the clearer this line, the stronger the mental pain from love. The age of this event can be easily calculated on the HEART LINE page. Perhaps it's a difficult divorce, or a breakup with someone who was very close. In eastern sources, this sign on the hand is called the SIGN OF THE LOSS OF A FRIEND. I have this sign, it is clear, double. In my life there was the loss of a friend, and strong love disappointments. But I don’t consider this a bad sign, because these life lessons develop personality well.

SIGN OF MERCY described on the MERCURY HILL page.


BADGE OF GLORY indicates that a person will become famous in something. This may be fame in the narrowest circle, but it will bring true pleasure to a person. Palmistry describes the sign of glory - this is the SUN LINE. If it is present in the palm, then the person will become famous in something. Branches from the line of fate to the hill of the sun can also be a sign of glory. In general, read more on the page at the link.

MARRIAGE LINE ON THE HAND - a particularly interesting thing. It’s better to talk about this separately, because there are nuances here

Is everything complicated in a relationship? Want to know everything about your partner? Confused about yourself? That way !



SIGN OF LUCK- this is a line extending upward from the life line. The clearer and longer this line, the more luck she will bring it. When this “Attraction of unheard-of generosity” comes from Fate, look at the page LIFE LINE BY YEAR. Palmistry provides a lot of information, the main thing is to find out when “a KAMAZ with gingerbread will overturn on your street”)))

EASY MONEY SIGN - an insidious sign. If you don't already know, easy money comes easy and even easier goes. They often leave a pleasant aftertaste and a bad habit of spending more than you eat. And they are like a drug, they are quickly addictive. On the hand they look like small triangles on the life line, formed by small lines up and down. That is, small signs of good luck and signs of loss, again small. It’s like in that song: “Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have it or not to have it.” Palmistry It will only tell you when this money will come, but this science cannot give you a recipe for keeping it. Don’t be upset, all life consists of ups and downs, this is where harmony and development lie.

MONEY TRIANGLE - the most sought-after, desired, reverently drawn sign on the hand. If there is one, then the person is in trouble with money in this life (sorry for my French turns of phrase). But some nuances still need to be compared. If the triangle of money is clear, the lines forming it are deep, then... If this is a man’s hand, and you are a girl looking for a kind, sympathetic, modest banker, you have found him! Well, maybe he won’t have all the qualities, but he will definitely always have money.

If the money triangle has defects, then look where . It’s still not very good if there are a lot of lines concentrated in the triangle itself. This suggests that Fate constantly tests a person’s strength. Whether he will pass these tests or not - palmistry will not say anything.

HAPPY PERSONAL LIFE , this is when there are no cockroaches in the individual’s head. Or at least their concentration is not so great. And you can see it on your hand! If the heart line is directed clearly to its Alma Mater - the place between the index and middle fingers. The smoother and more beautiful the HEART LINE is directed there, the better, says palmistry.

Is everything complicated in a relationship? Want to know everything about your partner? Confused about yourself? That way !

ONCOLOGY SIGN - if you read my article even before this, take a look. Just for reference. Unfortunately, palmistry mercilessly gives signs, like Nature itself, devoid of human tact.

SIGN OF SURGICAL INTERVENTION. Any scars on the HILL OF VENUS, supposedly obtained by accident, are not at all accidental in reality. In this case, palmistry is again merciless. There will be an operation, and God forbid it will be breast augmentation, because there is simply nowhere to put the money)))

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If you have come to this page, you are interested in human knowledge. I have great respect for people who seek and engage in self-knowledge. Have you tried studying physiognomy? By the way, to read a hand you need to be given this hand to study.

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Boris Akimov's book is one of the first works of a genre that is just beginning to take shape in our country - original Russian esotericism. Its uniqueness lies in the position of the author, who managed to achieve a combination of mystical, esoteric, everyday, philosophical and even scientific streams of the narrative about his life.

Can we read our destiny from the lines on our palms? What if we see trouble there? Can it be prevented? It is possible and necessary, Boris Akimov is sure. After all, his methods for correcting lines on the palm have already helped thousands of people change their lives for the better. How to do this is described in detail and shown in numerous photographs, which make the chirography method even more accessible. And a bonus for all readers will be a short final chapter dedicated to the hands of famous personalities of the past and present.

Many people think that the lines on the palms and the shape of the hands are unchanged and that palmists predict the fate that was given to us at birth. However, in reality, only our fingerprints do not change. All other parameters of the palm are plastic and reflect the appearance of our personality, formed as a result of our own actions. Using them, we can determine the trends of our development and warn us against possible mistakes.

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Expert of the “Invisible Man” program, doctor, psychotherapist, palm reader, scientist Boris Akimov talks about his unique technique, which has already helped hundreds of people. Corrective palmistry gives you a real chance to change your destiny for the better.
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