Who founded the KFS? From a cafeteria to an international restaurant chain

American chain of fast food restaurants. Specializes in chicken meat, as indicated by her name - Kentucky Fried Chicken(Kentucky Fried Chicken). From the name you can immediately understand where this brand comes from. The company's headquarters are located in Louisville, Kentucky, United States.

Telling the story of the brand KFC, it is impossible not to at least briefly tell the biography of its founder, best known as Colonel Sanders. David Sanders was born September 9, 1890. His childhood was difficult, and the family situation forced David to leave home when he was still a boy. He forged documents and enlisted in the US Army at age 16. After completing his service, he wandered a lot around the country and during these wanderings he learned a lot, including how to cook a wide variety of dishes. At the age of 40, he opened a gas station in the town of Corbina, Kentucky, where he treated customers to fried chicken prepared according to his own recipe, containing a certain set of herbs and spices. It was this dish that was destined to play decisive role in the fate of Sanders. Visitors to the gas station liked the dish and they increasingly began to come in specifically to eat, and not just to refuel their cars.

Sanders realized that he had attacked gold mine. He improved the recipe (the chicken began to be fried under pressure) and moved to a larger premises; and then even larger. It is noteworthy that in those years the Great Depression was raging in the United States. By 1950, he was already so popular in Kentucky that he was even awarded the title of Kentucky Colonel, awarded to him personally by the governor of the state. It was then that the image that is depicted on the logo today crystallized KFC.

In 1955, the first problems began - the popularity of the Colonel's restaurants began to decline. But Sanders was not at a loss, and having found cash, began to expand their number, actively introducing franchising. The effect was not long in coming. In 1964, at the age of 74, David Sanders sold his business to Kentucky businessmen for almost $2 million (by that time the number of restaurants had already exceeded 600). Interestingly, at the same time he retained the right to Canadian franchises and long time didn't go out of business.

The Colonel died in 1980, having lived 90 years. It’s interesting that they buried him in the famous white suit, which for so many years personified the image of the founder KFC. By the way, the image of Colonel Sanders has become so remarkable that he has already been played out many times in popular culture. He's almost as recognizable as Ronald McDonald the clown

After the death of the founder, the company was resold several times. Owners KFC there were companies like R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company And PepsiCo .

In 1991, it was decided to shorten the name to an abbreviation of three letters. And since 1997 KFC owned by an American corporation Yum! Brands, specializing in food products (also owns brands

I think many people know such a chain of fast food restaurants as KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken direct competitor McDonalds).

Therefore, today I would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with a success story Garland David Sanders founder of this network. By the way, not so long ago this network settled and opened in Kyiv.

But first of all, I draw attention to the founder of this fast food restaurant chain. After all, real success came to Garland after 70 years.

Becoming a millionaire thanks to the created brand KFC, thereby proving that you can become a millionaire at any age.

Conductor, private, fireman, loader, car mechanic

Garland David Sanders(English) Harland David Sanders), better known by the nickname Colonel Sanders(eng. Colonel Sanders) ( September 9, 1890 – December 16, 1980) - founder of a chain of fast food restaurants Kentucky Fried ChickenKentucky Fried Chicken", KFC).

He was the first to turn chicken frying into a multimillion-dollar business in 1952. His signature recipe is pieces of batter-fried chicken seasoned with a mixture of aromatic herbs and spices. His stylized portrait is traditionally depicted on all restaurants of his chain and on branded packaging.

In fact, Sanders was never an army officer. The rank of "Colonel" is an honorary title awarded annually by the Governor of a state for distinguished service in public life state.

It is noteworthy that Sanders completed only six grades (once again I am convinced that having an education is not a sign of success), and he fried his first chickens at the age of six.

He opened his own restaurant only at the age of 47, and his fried chicken became the culinary symbol of the state of Kentucky.

It must be said that Garland finally had normal money to live on. Stable income prompted young man to an important event in his life - he proposed to a girl named Claudia, with whom he lived his entire subsequent life.

After the wedding, life for the Sanders family could not be called simple - Garland was fired from his position as a fireman almost instantly. Over the following years, he tried a lot of other professions, but never found one that he could hold out on. for a long time.

In such a situation, any marriage would be on the brink, but not the Sanders'. The wife endured all her husband’s problems steadfastly and believed in him until the very end. And for good reason.

And he knows how to cook chickens!

TO 40 years old Garland managed to change several dozen professions. He sold tires, was a fireman, a soldier, a conductor, helped farmers, worked as a peddler and much, much more.

It would seem that this is the typical fate of a person who has completed only 6 classes. One time Sanders tried to get an education by enrolling in law courses. But for no one known reasons never finished them.

However, when Garland was already over 40, he had little capital accumulated over the years. This money had to be managed somehow.

Sanders has been out of sorts for a long time. Most of his life had flown by, and he was still a small person who had achieved nothing and did not have enough money to live in pleasure. He was disappointed in life.

And, of course, he wanted to change it. To begin with, stop exchanging jobs that are not interesting to him.

Starting a business

In 1930, he Garland opened his own auto repair shop in Kentucky. It is worth noting important point– Garland thought quite seriously about the location of his workshop, choosing for the workshop the best place— the side of the 25th federal highway.

People used this road to get to Florida from northern states. The flow of clients was very high.

And then Sanders came up with a great idea - to open a small canteen for clients who were waiting for all the repair work on their car to be completed (Sanders’ workshop performed the most simple work, such as changing engine oil, tires, etc.). There was no special place for a dining room.

Therefore, Garland allocated one room of the workshop for him (his family lived in several others).

This room contained a dining table and 6 chairs. Sanders cooked his food right in his home kitchen. Soon his auto repair shop became famous throughout Kentucky. Your fried chicken.

It was called: "Garland Sanders' Kentucky Fried Chicken."

All customers noted the quality of his seasoning, which he prepared from 11 different spices. Life began to get better.

In order to increase his income, Garland introduces some innovations - purchasing a pressure cooker. This was the time when this type of pan was just appearing. One of the first people to appreciate the benefits of pressure cookers was Garland Sanders.

If previously chicken took about 30 minutes to cook, now this time has been reduced to 15. This means that customers did not have to wait so long for their food, which contributed to an increase in the number of orders.

A significant event in Sanders' life occurred in 1935, when Kentucky Governor Ruby Laffoon awarded Garland the title of " Kentucky Colonel"for services to the state. Indeed, they were great - after all, throughout the entire area they were talking about “ National dish» state from Garland Sanders.

The title of colonel, albeit an honorary one, fueled Garlan's deeply hidden vanity. Now he began to build a motel and restaurant with 142 seats near his auto repair shop. The establishment looked very much like a neat German farmstead.

Refocusing your business away from the car workshop theme. Opening a motel Sanders Court & Cafe, which was also a fast food restaurant in its own right.

True, you can’t compare fast food restaurants McDonald's And Sanders Court & Cafe because they were not comparable. Still, Garland spent about 10-15 minutes preparing the order. So it wasn't full-fledged fast food.

Already as a colonel, Garland Sanders began to dress in classic clothes - white suit and a black butterfly. This is how it is depicted on company logos KFC.

This image quickly entered the hearts of ordinary Americans, who fell in love with Sanders’s small establishment. During these years, Garland had more orders and money than he had in his entire life. He felt success.

This was Sanders' golden time, and trouble only invigorated him. When the establishment burned down in 1939, Garland rebuilt it within a couple of months. And in the same year, the famous food critic Duncan Hines I first mentioned it in my restaurant guide " Looking for good food«.

There, the Colonel's chickens were listed as a special attraction in Kentucky. The restaurant resumed its work a few months after the incident. In addition, state authorities tried to help Garland, since his chicken was a Kentucky landmark.

At least for other Americans.

Fortune of nickels

Of course, minor problems arose from time to time.

The years flew by in pleasant troubles, and Sanders was already counting on a calm old age, when his life once again presented an unexpected surprise.

At the very beginning of the 1950s, a new Federal Highway 75 was completed from the northern states to Florida, which passed away from Corbin.

The flow of clients that began 20 years ago dried up overnight. Sanders floundered for another year, but in 1952 he no longer had enough money to support the restaurant and had to be auctioned off to pay off creditors.

At 62, Sanders was once again without a job, a home, or money. The only thing he could count on was a state old-age pension - $105 a month.

To Garland's credit, he took this disaster as an opportunity to feel 22 years younger, returning to his old life as a tumbleweed.

He began to visit cafes and restaurants: first the nearby ones, then he got further and further from home. He carried with him a bag of his magic seasoning and his favorite pressure cooker.

Arriving at the restaurant, Sanders asked permission to cook in 15 minutes in front of the owner “ kentucky chicken“, and then offered to include this chicken on the menu, promising an uninterrupted supply of his spice mixture.

In exchange, he asked for 5 cents for every sale." kentucky chicken". Sanders did not sign any agreements; the deal was sealed with a handshake.

Driving from city to city by car is not an easy task, especially when not every restaurant agreed to cooperate.

Sanders found his first partner only in Salt Lake City.

He became the owner of the restaurant Pete Harman.

And Garland continued to visit more and more restaurants with stupid persistence. During this time, his wife stayed home to prepare the seasoning and distribute it to partner restaurants.

« Claudia took orders, packed the seasoning in small bags and sent them to customers on the night train“,” says Sanders.

By the end of the 1950s " Kentucky fried chicken» has already been sold by more than 200 eateries in the USA and Canada.

« At first, business was sluggish, but over time things began to pick up.

I began to understand how Mr. Woolworth managed to organize such a large chain of penny stores.“, Sanders said, laughing. These nickels accumulate and grow into a fortune

Millionaire at work

It is worth noting that the business created by Sanders also had a big drawback - it relied on Garland himself, who was already over 70.

The colonel personally sold franchises, was involved in marketing the chain, and even tried to check every bag of spices. The heirs did not want to deal with chicken professionally.

In general, when Sanders was offered to sell the business in 1964 Kentucky Fried Chicken"), he agreed.

The buyers were a pool of investors led by John Brown Jr., future governor of Kentucky. They paid Garland $2 million for the entire company in February 1964. At that time, the company had more than 600 franchises in the USA and Canada. Sanders also remains the company's public spokesman, earning a salary of $250,000 a year.

So at the age of 70, Garland David Sanders became a millionaire

Although the colonel was now something of a Santa Claus in a white suit, he did his job honestly.

He flew to all the countries where KFC establishments were now opening, and his luxurious limousine often visited children's parties. If he was asked why a millionaire should work in old age, he usually grinned:

There is no reason to be a rich man in a cemetery. You can't do business lying there. Jack Daniel's famous motto

At 84, he published his autobiography entitled Life as I have known it has been finger licking good» (« Life, I've learned, licks its hands thoroughly«).

Having fulfilled this sacred duty of any successful American to society, he calmly, as he had dreamed all his life, lived for another six years, indulging in harmless pleasures, for example, playing masterful golf.

The only thing that poisoned his life was the current " kentucky fried chicken«. « Everyone in the company is too carried away with commerce and cooks who knows what from chickens“,” he once said in an interview.

However, for his soul he still had his own restaurant Claudia Sanders' Dinner House(he sold the right to his name in the name along with the business), where he always personally monitored the technology of chicken preparation.

Garlan Sanders died of leukemia on December 16, 1980, when he was 90 years old. The colonel was buried in his famous white suit with a black bow tie.

Now restaurants KFC open in many cities around the world.

What know-how did Sanders offer his franchisees?

1. A special seasoning of 11 herbs and spices for marinating chicken.

2. Technology for cooking chicken in a pressure cooker - the cooking time has been reduced from 30 to 15 minutes.

Five steps to a million from Garland David Sanders

  1. Farmer, streetcar conductor, US Army private, blacksmith's assistant, locomotive fireman, legal trainee, insurance agent, furniture loader, ferry captain, salesman car tires and a car mechanic.

  2. At 40, life is just beginning: Sanders decided to work for himself and opened his own auto repair shop... which sold fried chicken best of all.

  3. At the age of 47, he followed the lead of his clients and opened his own restaurant.

  4. At the age of 62, Colonel Sanders was completely ruined when a new state highway passed away from his establishment.

  5. Once again, the pensioner Sanders began selling a franchise for the technology for preparing his fried chicken. And he became a millionaire at the age of 70.

Secret materials

The hype around the secret to Garlan Sanders' famous 11-herb and spice chicken seasoning continues.

Once the host of the TV show “Fast Food” Gloria Pitzer on TV with Sanders told him that she had made a very similar seasoning using three cups of flour, a tablespoon of paprika, two packets of powdered broth and two packets of seasoning Seven Seas.

The colonel laughed:

« Yes, you are a real cook!«

She herself adds fuel to the fire KFC. The company officially claims that the entire recipe is known only to a few people in management, and the list itself never leaves a specially guarded safe.

Colonel's first pressure cooker

Still in the museum at the KFC Restaurant Supply Center in Louisville, Kentucky.


A few years after Garlan's death Sanders KFC launched commercials in which the colonel is very similar to the original. Members of his family even said that when they saw them, they experienced superstitious horror.

Old Mason

Garlan Sanders has been a member of the Masonic lodge since 1917. His grave is marked by a bust sculpted by his daughter Margaret. It has images of a Masonic square and compasses.

P.S. That's all. Here's the story. Nikolay Yakimenko was with you with his blog.

Until next releases.

This man is the true embodiment of " American dream", dreams of a beautiful life, wealth and power that everyone can achieve. The name Colonel Sanders does not speak as loudly as his portrait - almost every person anywhere in the world has seen his face. Because Colonel Garland David Sanders (or "Kentucky Fried Chicken") is the founder of the fast food chain KFC.

Garlad Sanders was born in 1890 in Henryville, Indiana. He was not even 6 years old when he lost his father. The mother had to work day and night to somehow feed herself and her son, and Sanders was entrusted with all the housework. Among other things, it involved cooking, which the boy loved very much. Soon his mother started new novel, and then got married. The boy's relationship with his stepfather did not work out; it came to beatings and humiliation. Then Sanders decided to leave native home and moved to his uncle in the city of New Alban. Fortunately, the uncle received the boy with all the warmth of his soul.

In seventh grade, Sanders was kicked out of school for poor performance. He was never diligent in his studies, often played truant, preferring to work part-time instead of studying. He washed cars, worked as a loader and even sold pies homemade on local market. So the guy wasn't too upset when he was expelled. He decided it was time to start adult life. At that time he was 12 years old...

In 1906, Sanders decided to join the US National Army. At that time, there was unrest in Cuba - the Cuban people were against the American occupation, and the United States began recruiting a volunteer army, which was transferred to Cuba to ensure control over the occupied state. Sanders was only 15 years old at the time, so he had to falsify documents in which he changed his date of birth. He was assigned to the military logistics division and was expected to keep warehouse records. But the young fighter was not entrusted with this profitable position, and until the end of his service Sanders was assigned to the stable. His duties included caring for the horses and cleaning the stalls. He had to shovel horse manure with his hands, either because of a lack of tools or because of the bullying of his colleagues. While in the army, Sanders contracted some kind of tropical infection, lost 20 kg (a third of his weight), was hospitalized, but recovered and served his term.

By the way, Sanders did not receive the rank of colonel in the army - he was never even a junior officer there. Sanders received the title of “Colonel of Kentucky” from the hands of Governor Ruby Lafon for outstanding services in the public life of the state.

After being demobilized, Sanders returned to his homeland. He wandered around the cities and states of the United States like a tumbleweed, never stayed anywhere for long and tried a bunch of professions that came his way. He worked as a blacksmith's assistant, washed trains at a railway station, worked as an intercity tram conductor, a loader in a furniture factory, a mechanic in a car repair shop, a ferry captain, a tire shop director, and even a law student at a local court. This was such an American Ostap Bender, who took on everything he could get his hands on and was not afraid of anything. But luck was not kind to him...

When Sanders was 18 years old, he got married. He had a son, who died in infancy, and two daughters, Margaret and Mildred. But when Sanders was fired from his next job, his wife left him and took the children. Later, the brother-in-law wrote a letter to the future millionaire in which he said that his sister should not have married such a loser who could not hold down a single job.

Sanders enrolled in Chicago extramural to La Salle University - the largest educational institution for business representatives. Oddly enough, he studied well. Despite the moves and ups and downs of life, Sanders completed his studies and received a diploma. While studying, he continued to work - first as a firefighter in Tennessee, and when he was fired from his job for fighting, he moved to Arkansas. He worked as a farmer, a peddler, a miner, a locomotive fireman, an insurance agent - whatever he did. At the same time, Sanders noted that none of the professions that he tried brought him pleasure. Sanders only remembered his work as a fireman with warmth. At this job, fate confronted him with main woman his life - Claudia Price, who became his wife and met old age with him.

And so, when Sanders turned 40 years old and had accumulated a small capital, he decided to open his own business - an auto repair shop. Far from it young age(even by today’s standards, Sanders was far from a boy) did not bother the newly minted entrepreneur. He chose a very good place for his workshop - the workshop was located on the side of Federal Highway 25, along this road people traveled to Florida from the northern states. The flow of clients was consistently large. To increase income, the entrepreneur decided to open a canteen for clients in one of the rooms of the workshop. There was only one table with 6 seats, and food for visitors was prepared right in the home kitchen. Soon Sanders' auto repair shop became famous throughout the state of Kentucky... for its fried chicken!

The owner of the cafe developed it himself unique recipe pressure cooking chicken with eleven spices and seasonings. Pressure cookers were just coming into fashion at that time, and Sanders was one of the first to appreciate this innovation. If it took about half an hour to fry chicken in a frying pan, then in a pressure cooker this time was halved - which means twice as many satisfied customers!

The popularity of his fried chicken grew so much that the dish became known as the "national Kentucky dish," the state's signature dish. In 1935, Sanders received the title of "Colonel of Kentucky", which stirred his hitherto suppressed vanity. And so he opens the Sanders Court and Café motel with a restaurant with 142 seats.

The businessman's business was going well. People loved the way he cooked chicken. Recipe for yourself signature dish Sanders kept it a closely guarded secret. People never stopped trying to unravel the composition of his signature 11-spice sauce and crispy breading that made the chicken taste so extraordinary. At the time the colonel created his recipe, standard poultry seasonings included black pepper, allspice, marjoram, ginger, nutmeg, thyme, cloves, thyme and sage. Perhaps the colonel also used these spices. True, no one still knows the exact composition of the seasoning mixture. Even KFC management claims that original recipe known only to a few members of the company's management and kept in a secret cache. Spices are supplied to KFC stores in the form of a ready-made mixture, so even employees do not know its exact composition.

And again the blow! In 1952, the government opens the new Interstate 75, and traffic plummets. At that time, Sanders was already 62 years old. He decides to sell the restaurant, but now its location has become completely unsuccessful, and no one wanted to buy it. I had to auction off the restaurant to pay off creditors. The colonel again lost everything he had for so short a time - his wealth, his business, even his home. The only thing he had was a ridiculous pension of $105...

But Sanders didn't give up. He began traveling around the country trying to sell his fried chicken recipe to restaurant owners, but they only laughed at the “crazy old man.” Sanders visited 1,006 restaurants and received 1,006 rejections until he met Pete Herman, a restaurateur from Salt Lake City. He saw the potential in the colonel's idea and opened new restaurant– “Kentucky Fried Chicken”, the first establishment of the KFC chain. It was then that the famous KFC logo appeared - the smiling face of a colonel with glasses and a ribbon tie. Over the next 50 years, the logo did not change its essence and underwent only minor changes - for example, the colonel’s face “lost a little weight” over time.

The restaurant was doomed to success. In the first year alone, 75% of the restaurant’s profit came from branded fried chicken Colonel Sanders. After 8 years, the colonel sold KFC for $2 million. The deal applied only to the United States - the colonel could open his own restaurants in other countries. And already in next year Sanders opens a new KFC in Canada, where he and his family are moving. That same year, the first KFC was opened in the UK.

The portrait of Colonel Sanders is part of the KFC corporate identity - it is printed on the company logo and on every package of chicken prepared according to his recipe. This portrait was taken after the colonel began to have money. Having become rich, Sanders began to sculpt an aristocratic image for himself. He grew a bushy beard and mustache. In public places, he began to appear only in white shirts, with a black ribbon tie, with a cane and in a mandatory white suit: woolen in winter, and linen or cotton in summer. Do you remember how Ostap Bender in The Golden Calf considered it a symbol of wealth to walk along the promenades of Rio de Janeiro in white pants and a white shirt? Apparently Colonel Sanders agreed with Bender. The difference is that the colonel also managed to pull it off.

Having become rich, Sanders joined the Masonic lodge and even rose to the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Colonel's tombstone features a Masonic square and compasses.

Garland Sanders died at the age of 90 from leukemia. And a few years later, KFC was launched ads, in which he played an actor who looked so much like the colonel that his relatives experienced superstitious horror. Looking at this advertisement, the relatives could not get rid of the thought that the colonel had been resurrected.

Colonel Sanders was an incredible adventurer who did not succumb to any blows of fate and snatched out his happiness with his teeth. Without finishing school, he was able to finish university - because he believed that he needed it. Not being an adult, he enlisted in the army - because he wanted to. Without much management experience or business skills, he opened his own business at the age of 40 and succeeded. And then, having lost everything at the age of 62, he did not give up and continued to fight, and in the end he received even more than he expected when he was successful. His story teaches perseverance and the ability not to give up under any circumstances. After all, success is not somewhere around the corner, it is in your head!

A new stage of development has begun for the KFC brand in Russia. For Rostik’s it became a kind of swan song. The signature image of a cockerel in a chef's cap will now replace the portrait founder of KFC Harland Sanders.

As you know, the company Yum! Restaurants International Russia entered into a strategic alliance with Rostik Group in 2005. As a result of the agreement, the Rostik’s KFC brand appeared, under which the chain existed until now. The merger of the names of the two brands not only marked an agreement between the companies, but also made it possible to prepare consumers for the upcoming rebranding, as a result of which only KFC remained from the name of the chain.

Last year, Yum! exercised its option and bought the network completely. IN this year the company began studying consumers’ readiness to replace their usual brand with another: several Rostik’s KFC restaurants took part in the experiment. In particular, the reaction to the change in interior, signage, and names of dishes was tested in Samara, and, as the company says, the results were positive; many visitors were pleased with the presence of a famous Western brand on the Russian market.

As stated CEO Yum!Restaurants International Russia (YRI) Oleg Pisklov, thanks to cooperation between companies, it was possible to increase the number of restaurants in Russia and other countries of the former Union to 164. 50 of them are corporate, 114 are franchised. The turnover of the entire company in 2010 amounted to more than 11 billion dollars.

“We began preparing for the independent launch of KFC in the spring of this year,” comments Oleg Pisklov. - To date, we have transferred 90 restaurants under the KFC banner. By the end of 2012 we plan to completely complete the rebranding. By 2015, our plans are to double the number of restaurants, bringing their number to 300. That is, we need to open 30 restaurants a year. The restaurant market in general and the fast food market in particular is growing and developing very quickly. According to Euromonitor, this growth is estimated at around 15%. Our growth this year is significantly higher - more than 20%. And this once again confirms that both the market and our brand have potential.”

Company representatives do not announce the amount spent on rebranding the network, but make it clear that we're talking about about more than significant investments.

The launch of the brand is accompanied by an advertising campaign under the international slogan of the network "SO GOOD". Among other things, the company will introduce radically new tools and techniques for merchandising and marketing. TV will be the priority platform for advertising. In addition, the company’s communication strategy will be implemented in outdoor advertising and in social networks.

The creative brand account was distributed through a tender. The advertising for KFC is directly developed by the agency, branding and all design-related decisions are handled by the Freedom Island agency, brand promotion on social networks, in particular on Facebook and VKontakte - Deluxe 361. In addition, the agency developed the chain’s website. PR support for KFC is provided by the integrated communications agency Comunica.

“Our communication strategy will be to explain to the chain’s customers what the KFC brand is and what its advantages are,” says Petr Rozanski, marketing director at Yum!Restaurants International Russia. - The target audience of the campaign in Russia is people from 16 to 39 years old. Advertising campaign in support of the brand began in September and will last until December.”

Oleg Pisklov also stated that the company is considering the possibility of developing another Yum!Brands brand popular abroad - Pizza Hut - on the Russian market.

In general, the company sees great prospects for its own development in Russia, regarding the country as one of the priority markets.

KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a world-famous chain of fast food restaurants specializing in... chicken meat. Every day, more than 12 million guests in 109 countries visit 15,000 restaurants around the world. The brand belongs to the largest restaurant company in the world, Yum! Brands, whose portfolio of brands, in addition to KFC, includes the largest restaurant chains Pizza Hut, Tacco Bell, A&W All-American Food Restaurants.

“Rostiks was originally created as an analogue of KFC - the chicken concept and the design of the points of sale were copied, and the menu was slightly adapted for Russia,” - says Managing Director of BrandLab Alexander Eremenko.- This strategy allows you to save on costs, and on the other hand, it is an attractive object for future sale. That’s what happened, KFC just needs to replace the logo and corporate character - the chicken with its legendary grandfather. Consumers will only benefit from such changes, since KFC’s standards for products and dishes are higher than Rostix.”

“My opinion is that this is the right move on KFC’s part,” says Oleg Shestakov, general director of the Papa agency. - Of course, I am not familiar with the research materials and do not know the attitude of consumers towards the Rostix brand, however, I have more than once observed the distribution of consumer preferences in the food court format. Everywhere is empty, and there is a line at McDonald's. Why? In our country people believe everything foreign. Therefore, the Russian shoe brand should be called Carlo Pazolini, and the Russian fast food brand should be called KFC. Moreover, he is no longer Russian at all. In addition, having lost the Rostix prefix, the company can now fully use global marketing tools, branding, advertising strategies, etc., so that rebranding will pay off in the long run. In a word, McDonald's finally has a powerful competitor in the domestic market. Yes, and also Wendy’s, which has not yet spoken.”

“This is a completely expected event, essentially the final stage in the migration of the Rostix brand to the KFC brand. It has long been clear that everything is heading towards this. And the consumer was ready for this, says Alexander Kirikov, Head of Brand Development Department GLOBAL POINT RUSSIA.- KFC for Russian market- a well-known brand. And now it’s interesting to see in what light this brand will appear before the audience after it is “left alone.” Judging by the presented communication materials, KFC is not going to offer anything fundamentally new. All the same values ​​and images - communication, individuality, choice, music, gender relations. In general, everything is the same as what competitors communicate and so far with almost the same tone. They haven’t shown us any tuning parameters yet. Let’s see how the communication campaign develops.”

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Garland "Colonel" Sanders
English Harland "Colonel" Sanders
Birth name:

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Date of Birth:

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Place of Birth:

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A country:

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Date of death:

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A place of death:

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Margaret Ann Sanders (Dunleavy maiden)


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Josephine King (divorced)
Claudia Price



Awards and prizes:

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Around 1950, Sanders began to create his own distinct image, growing his signature mustache and goatee and wearing an aristocratic white suit with a ribbon tie. He wore nothing else in public for the last 20 years of his life, alternating between a warm wool suit in winter and a light cotton suit in summer.

When Sanders turned 65, his restaurant began to lose money due to the opening of the new Interstate 75, which reduced the number of customers. He withdrew money from his fund social insurance and began making the rounds of potential franchisees. This approach was successful and less than 10 years later (in 1964), Sanders sold KFC Corporation for $2 million to a company of Kentucky businessmen headed by John Brown. The deal did not include Canadian restaurants. In 1965, Sanders moved to Mosisoge, Ontario to control his Canadian franchises and continued to collect new ones. In 1973, he sued the Hublein Corporation (KFC's parent company) for misusing his image to promote products he did not design. In 1979, Hublein unsuccessfully sued Sanders for libel when he publicly called their gravy "sludge that tastes like wallpaper paste."

Sanders died in Louisville, Kentucky, of pneumonia on December 16, 1980, at the age of 90. He was ill acute form leukemia, discovered earlier in June of that year. Sanders was buried in his famous white suit with a thin black tie.

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  • Currell, Billy. 2006. Kentucky Fried Tender. ASIN.
  • Pearce, John The Colonel(1982) ISBN 0-385-18122-1
  • Kleber, John J. et al. The Kentucky Encyclopedia. - Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 1992. - ISBN ISBN 0-8131-1772-0.


Excerpt characterizing Colonel Sanders

Grandfather was lying on his bed very pale and for some reason I immediately realized that he was dying. I rushed to him, hugged him and started shaking him, trying at all costs to bring him back. Then she started screaming, calling for help. It was very strange - for some reason no one heard me or came, although I knew that everyone was somewhere nearby and should hear me for sure. I didn’t yet understand that it was my soul screaming...
I had an eerie feeling that time had stopped and we were both outside of it at that moment. It was as if someone had placed us both in a glass ball in which there was neither life nor time... And then I felt all the hairs on my head stand on end. I will never forget this feeling, even if I live a hundred years!.. I saw a transparent luminous essence that came out of my grandfather’s body and, swimming up to me, began to gently flow into me... At first I was very scared, but immediately felt a soothing warmth and for some reason I realized that nothing bad could happen to me. The essence flowed in a luminous stream, flowing easily and softly into me, and became smaller and smaller, as if “melting” little by little... And I felt my body huge, vibrating and unusually light, almost “flying”.
It was a moment of merging with something extraordinarily significant, comprehensive, something incredibly important to me. And then there was a terrible, all-consuming pain of loss... Which washed over like a black wave, sweeping away any attempt I made to resist it... I cried so much during the funeral that my parents began to fear that I would get sick. The pain completely took over my childish heart and did not want to let go. The world seemed frighteningly cold and empty... I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that my grandfather would now be buried and I would never see him again!.. I was angry with him for leaving me, and angry with myself for not being able to save. Life was cruel and unfair. And I hated her for having to bury him. This is probably why these were the first and last funeral, at which I was present throughout my entire life later life

Afterwards, I couldn’t come to my senses for a very long time, I became withdrawn, and spent a lot of time alone, which saddened all my family to the core. But, little by little, life took its toll. And, after some time, I slowly began to emerge from that deeply isolated state into which I had plunged myself, and from which it turned out to be very, very difficult... My patient and loving parents tried to help me as best they could. But for all their efforts, they did not know that I was truly no longer alone - that, after all my experiences, an even more unusual and fantasy world than the one in which I had already lived for some time. A world that surpassed any imaginable fantasy in its beauty, and which (again!) was given to me with its extraordinary essence by my grandfather. This was even more amazing than everything that happened to me before. But for some reason this time I didn’t want to share it with anyone...
Days passed by. In my Everyday life I was an absolutely normal six-year-old child who had my own joys and sorrows, desires and sorrows and such unfulfillable rainbow childhood dreams... I chased pigeons, loved going to the river with my parents, played children's badminton with friends, helped, to the best of my ability , mother and grandmother in the garden, read my favorite books, learned to play the piano. In other words, she lived the most normal, ordinary life of all small children. The only trouble was that by that time I already had two Lives... It was as if I lived in two completely different worlds: the first was our ordinary world, in which we all live every day, and the second, it was my own “hidden” world, in which only my soul lived. It became more and more difficult for me to understand why what was happening to me was not happening to any of my friends?
I began to notice more often that the more I shared my “incredible” stories with someone from my environment, the more often they felt a strange alienation and childish wariness. It hurt and it made me very sad. Children are curious, but they don't like the unknown. They always try as quickly as possible with their childish minds to get to the bottom of what is happening, acting on the principle: “what is it and what do they eat it with?”... And if they cannot understand it, it becomes “alien” for their everyday environment and is very quickly fades into oblivion. This is how I started to become a little “alien”...
I gradually began to understand that my mother was right in advising me not to tell my friends about everything. But I just couldn’t understand why they didn’t want to know this, because it was so interesting! So, step by step, I came to the sad understanding that I must not be exactly like everyone else. When I once asked my mother about this “head-on”, she told me that I shouldn’t be sad, but on the contrary, I should be proud, because this is a special talent. To be honest, I couldn’t understand what kind of talent it was that all my friends were shying away from?.. But it was reality and I had to live with it. Therefore, I tried to somehow adapt to it and tried to talk as little as possible about my strange “opportunities and talents” among my acquaintances and friends...
