Signs and fortune telling for the old new year. The best original fortune telling for the old new year

We have chosen the simplest modern truthful fortune telling for the Old New Year for the betrothed, marriage and fate. Conveniently, these New Year’s fortune telling can be done at home. So invite your friends to visit and try the truthful ones modern fortune telling for the Old New Year 2015 at home.

We have chosen 8 simple and fairly modern Christmas fortune telling about your betrothed, marriage and destiny, which you can do at home with your friends.

8 interesting truthful fortune-telling for the Old New Year on January 13 for the betrothed and fate:

  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2015 on grains

Yuletide fortune telling on grains is one of the most simple fortune telling for love for the Old New Year 2015. Pour any cereal into a small jar. Formulate a question that interests you, and with your left hand take a handful of cereal from the jar. Now count the grains. An even number of grains means a positive answer to the question.

  • Yuletide fortune telling on an egg

Prepare fresh egg, make a small hole and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. After some time, the protein will coagulate. You can judge the future by what form it takes. For example, if you see a church in a figurine, it means a wedding, a ring means an engagement. A car, ship or plane - this is for travel, business trip, etc.

It is believed that Christmas fortune-telling for the Old New Year from January 13 to 14 is the most truthful and accurate. Therefore, it was on this night that the girls were still in Kievan Rus got together and wondered about love and the future.

  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year from a book

For this New Year's fortune telling on January 13, it is best to choose a book with spiritual content. Without opening the book, guess the page number and line number at the bottom or top. Now open the book to the desired page and read the selected line. Depending on what interests you most and interpret the selected paragraph of the book.


  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year using a wish on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. Fill one of them to the top with water. Having made a wish on the evening of January 13, begin pouring water from one glass to another. Do this several times. And now look at the surface on which the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it after transfusion, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, its implementation will be a little more difficult.

  • Christmas fortune telling by shadows at home

This New Year's fortune telling for January 13 is quite simple. Prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. Crumple up a piece of paper and place it on a plate. Now gently scoop up the paper ball. When the leaf finishes burning, use a candle to make its reflection on the wall. By looking at shadows (with a good imagination) you can learn about your future.

  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year on the character of the groom and marriage

Various objects are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the girls must take turns pulling out. You can put anything in a bowl. The main thing is that there is a clear comparison with some trait or quality of life. For example, sugar - a sweet life and a good, kind character for a spouse, a ring - marriage, a glass - happy life, a gold ring symbolizes rich life and so on.

For fortune telling to be truthful, it is best to do this after sunset. Also for truthful fortune telling You should make sure that there are no pets nearby - neither cats, nor dogs, nor any other living creatures.

  • Fortune telling for your betrothed for the Old New Year 2015 using matches

For this Christmas fortune-telling for the groom, prepare Matchbox and a few matches. Place a match on each side of the box: one is you, the other is the man you like. Light them and wait for them to burn out. If the heads are facing each other, this means that the guy and girl will be together.

  • Yuletide fortune-telling for the Old New Year 2015 for the betrothed by the ring

Prepare an ordinary glass tumbler. Fill it three-quarters full with water. Carefully lower it to the middle of the bottom. Now look through the water into the middle of the ring. According to ancient belief, an image of your betrothed should appear in the middle of the ring.

The Old New Year has always been the most magical, mystical time, when even inveterate skeptics began to believe in miracles. In the progressive age computer technology people continue to look forward to the night of January 13-14, when they can lift the curtain of time and look into the future. Even the most modern equipment cannot cope with such a task, and people so want answers to questions that are very important to everyone about love, health, family and finance.

Where did the tradition of telling fortunes for the Old New Year come from?

Initially, on Christmastide they only guessed unmarried girls. Most of all they were interested in the name of the future groom, his appearance, character and how soon they would get married, how many children they would have and what gender. These fortune telling were more like fun, a little scary game, but as a result, a lot of it came true.

Even folk beliefs They consider the night from January 13 to 14 mystical. It was at this time that the gates between the two worlds open and the mysterious forces of good and evil rush to Earth. Perhaps that is why the Church has always been against any fortune-telling and magic, considering it the work of the unclean.

How to properly prepare yourself for fortune telling for the future

If you have decided to lift the veil into the future and look where ordinary people entry is prohibited, it is better to take this seriously, otherwise the sacrament will lose all meaning and turn into a stupid farce.

Before starting fortune telling, girls need:

· Realize that this is serious, don’t joke or laugh.

· Dissolve the hair. They should be clean and smoothly combed.

· Choose simple, loose clothing that does not have knots, fasteners or buttons. This could be a long nightgown or dress.

· Take off your bracelets, rings, watches, earrings, belts or belts, hoops, hairpins.

· Clearly formulate the question of interest in advance. It should be short, clear and unambiguous.

· Do not doubt the veracity of predictions.

Important! If a girl is guessing about her future husband, then this should not be done in parental home, and visiting someone. At this moment there should be no men in the house, only women.

Types of New Year's fortune telling for the future

Usually, on Vasilyev Vecher (Generous Evening), after festive generosity and cheerful congratulations, the girls gathered in the house of one of them and began the most important and exciting moment, fortune telling for the future.

They prepared all the attributes necessary for this in advance, and thought through everything carefully so as not to miss any details. Usually several types of fortune telling were used at once.

· Fortune telling with cups for several people. To do this, take as many cups as there are fortunetellers. One item is placed in each cup: a coin (wealth), bread (prosperity), a ring (wedding), salt (trouble), onion (tears). A little water is poured into one of the cups (life without change). Each of the girls eyes closed chooses his cup.

· Predicting the future using a piece of paper and a candle.

· Predicting the future using candles and water. Pour water into a large bowl. Each girl takes half a shell walnut and attaches a piece of candle to it. Candles are lit and set to float on the water like boats. Whoever's candle burns out first will get married. If the candle drowns, there will be no marriage.

· Fortune telling “Yes-No” using wheat grains. Over a bowl of grain, the girl mentally asked a question that worried her, to which it was fashionable to answer “Yes” or “No.” After that, she took a handful of grains, poured them onto the table and counted. A paired number meant “Yes,” and an unpaired number meant “No.”

· By the dog. They let a dog into the room where the fortune-telling girl was sitting and looked at its behavior. If she sniffs and growls for a long time, then the husband will be strict. And if he immediately runs up and caresses you, then your husband will also be kind and affectionate.

· By the shoe. Each girl took her shoe and threw it from the yard onto the road. Then they went out and looked where the sock was pointing, in that direction and she would get married. If the sock pointed to your yard, then she will not get married this year.

· Predicting the future using threads. Using a needle, the girls threaded three threads behind each other's backs - red (quick marriage and children), white (she won't get married this year) and black (unsuccessful marriage). The girls, without looking, removed one thread from their backs and looked at its color.

· Fortune telling using a gold chain. The chain was rubbed between the palms, then right hand thrown on the table. If the chain falls in a circle - to troubles, in a knot - for difficulties, in a stripe - for luck, in a triangle - love affairs, in the shape of a bow - for a wedding, in a snake - betrayal, in a heart - love.

· Fortune telling on dumplings with predictions. In holiday dumplings, thread was added to the usual filling (for the road), grain (for wealth), sugar (for sweet life), ring (for a wedding), pepper (for a new groom), cherry pit (for pregnancy).

After this, returning home, the girls continued fortune-telling, but in their dreams:

· Fortune telling with a comb. To do this, before going to bed, the girl put her comb under her pillow and said: “My betrothed, the mummer. Come and comb my hair." If you see a man in a dream, it means that you will get married this year.

· Fortune telling about the name and character of the future husband. Before going to bed, the girl put pieces of paper with men's names and four kings from a card deck under her pillow.

In the morning, without looking, she pulled out one piece of paper with a name and one card. This determined the groom’s name and his character.

· Prediction by frozen water of the number and gender of future children. In the evening, the girl put a ring in a glass, filled it with water and put it out in the cold. At night before going to bed, I took a glass into the house and looked at how many tubercles and depressions formed on the surface of the ice. The bumps mean boys, and the hollows mean girls.

At the end of all rituals, do not forget to thank the Higher Powers for their help and support, for helping you find out the future.

If you use candles in fortune telling, they should not burn out completely. You need to look at the flame, relax, imagine yourself happy and then put out the fire.

Predicting the future using a piece of paper and a candle.

When starting this fortune telling, you need to light a candle in complete silence and say the phrase over it: “I am open to heaven. I'm waiting for a sign and will listen to you. Old year, New Year, what happiness will bring me?”

After that take Blank sheet paper and move it clockwise over the flame, but not too close so that the paper does not catch fire. When the drawing on paper describes a full circle, you need to look at it carefully.

If you look at any paired objects on traces of soot, then soon you will meet your loved one, peace and harmony in your relationship.

All squares and rectangles, stairs predict monetary profit.

If a sheet of paper bursts into flames, then this is a sign that you need to be careful and careful. You need to take care of your health and relationships with loved ones.

In any case, in all predictions you need to see only a good omen. On the Old New Year all our thoughts go to To the Higher Powers, so they should only be joyful and positive.

At the beginning of the year, when we make plans and write down goals in our diaries, we really want to know what the year will be like and what to expect from it. Of course, astrologers, futurologists and predictors have already made their forecasts and told what to expect for representatives of different zodiac signs or even entire countries. But if you want to know your personal destiny, then you will be interested in fortune telling for the Old New Year 2017, which will tell you what you should be afraid of this year, what to expect from friends or ill-wishers.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2017 according to all the rules

Like all Christmas divinations, fortune telling from January 13 to 14, 2017 has its own rules and characteristics. So, at this time they cast fortunes for the future and for the betrothed. You can use it if in those days you have not yet guessed in some way. You cannot repeat a divination that has already given you the answer. It is believed that this way you will confuse fate and close it for yourself for a long time.

The basic rules for fortune telling girls were passed on from mouth to mouth: hair should be loose and combed smoothly, all jewelry should be removed from the body (rings, chains, bracelets, and even earrings), clothes should be loose and not restrict movement (ideally long, loose ones shirt without buttons). You need to tell fortunes after midnight or so, barefoot, alone or in the company of friends if the fortune-telling involves a group of girls. During rituals, legs and arms should not be crossed and fingers should not be intertwined. According to signs, this confuses the signs of fate and fortune telling can be interpreted incorrectly.

It is important to correctly pronounce the words of the rituals, observe the order and complete them in accordance with traditions: extinguish the candles, pour out the water, throw away the wax (or save, depending on the ritual), and keep the objects that you pull out in fortune-telling for the whole year or until the fulfillment of the fallen event. Take wax candles for fortune telling (church and lighted candles are perfect), remove all the icons from the room where you will tell fortunes (if one of them is not needed for your fortune telling) and drive out the animals.

All fortune-telling ends with the first roosters, if your presence is required, or on the morning of the 14th, if you have a dream, the fortune-telling items are hidden under the pillow. The spirits that tell you the future remain in this world until the first rooster, so at dawn you can go to bed - you will not wait for an answer if you have not received it before.

Day fortune telling January 13

During the day, bake pies for fortune telling. To do this, knead unleavened dough for pies, bring it to the icon in the house and say: “Holy image, bless my dough, indicate what awaits me in the new year. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The words of the spell should be repeated three times. After this, bake pies with with different fillings: sweet jam or mushrooms. First, a special object is placed in each pie, for which a meaning is guessed. You can use coins of different denominations or different colored buttons.

For example, a red button would mean new love, green – money and new job, blue - quick marriage, white - single life, yellow - joyful and happy year, gray – sadness, black – loss. So, when someone comes across a pie, the prediction will be clear. An empty pie means an empty year - it will pass without changes. You can also make pies with different fillings and write a meaning for it, the main thing is not to forget which is which.

In the evening, after sunset, gather your family and start your meal with these pies and offer them to your guests. Just be warned that they are a surprise, otherwise you may break your teeth!

More information about fortune telling, rules and traditions can be found on the website.

Fortune telling for the future

You can find out your future for the Old New Year 2017 by using several different fortune tellings that will show you images and signs, and you will need all your imagination and skills to see, understand and interpret them.

Fortune telling on an egg

For this fortune telling you need a homemade egg. It is important that it is fresh: that is, laid by a chicken that day or at least the day before. Pre-prepare a bowl with warm water and separate the yolk from the white. Do this carefully, without damaging the yolk; you want pure white.

Pour the white into a container. IN warm water o will begin to curl up and form various shapes, which you should decipher. The most commonly seen figures are:

  • church - for a wedding for a young girl, for an early death for an old woman,
  • ship - overseas groom and life with him there for an unmarried woman, meeting her husband for married woman, and for a man - a journey.

Since such divination is reminiscent of fortune telling on coffee grounds, you can safely take the interpretation of the symbols from there. And if the protein quickly sank to the bottom of the bowl and does not give a “drawing”, the year will be difficult, full of troubles and misfortunes.

Family fortune telling on bread

If you are worried about the health and integrity of your family, tell fortunes on bread. After sunset, cut off several slices of bread - one for each family member. Pour water into a basin (you can use holy water) and place bread on its surface. As soon as all the crusts are on the water, stir it with your hand (finger if the container is small) like a whirlpool, saying: “Swirl the bread and water, my whole family is here. If there is trouble, separate bread and water.” After that, leave the basin and go to sleep.

In the morning, look at how the slices of bread are arranged: if everything is on the surface and nearby, the family will be all assembled, strong and everyone will be healthy, and if some crusts have separated or sunk, someone will leave the house or even die within a year.

Fortune telling from books

This is a fairly popular fortune telling that does not require a choice. special day. But it is generally accepted that it is during Christmas time that you get the most truthful and accurate answer.

For fortune telling, select a book, ask a question and indicate the page and line or word at the top or bottom of the page. Often what is stated is not a direct answer to your question and you will still need to decipher the meaning. Or is it the answer to your true question that you are afraid or hesitant to ask. The book's answer may contain a hint on how to act in a difficult situation.

You can tell fortunes using a book either alone or in the company of friends. It is important to remember that the page and line are named by the one to whom the fortune is told. The other can only read the value. The question does not have to be asked out loud.

Maiden fortune telling January 14

There are several simple fortune tellings that predict the fate of girls: from what kind of year it will be to whether she can expect matchmakers this year. It is important to remember that most of them are carried out in a room by candlelight, with the candlelight turned off, but there are also those that do not require special preparation. So, on the night of January 14, a girl can go out into the street and ask the name of the first man who comes her way - this will be the name of her betrothed. They say that this simple fortune telling gives a 100% guarantee of truthfulness. Plus, it's easy to check.

Fortune telling by glasses

One of the main attributes of fortune telling at Christmas time is water. You can take regular, key, holy. For this fortune telling you will need:

  • four regular glasses
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a pinch of sugar
  • a smooth ring without a stone (usually a wedding ring).

Water is poured into each glass and a ring is added, a little sugar, and a little salt, the fourth glass is left without “additives”. The girl being bewitched stands with her back to the table. Another points to the glass and asks: “This one? This? This?" and so on until the fortuneteller stops. Afterwards, the one who stood with her back to the table with glasses tastes its contents and receives a prediction for the year: sweet water promises a cheerful, joyful year full of pleasant events, salty water- misfortunes, sorrows and failures will constantly haunt, a glass with a ring - to getting married soon(this year for sure) plain water- the year will be insipid, without changes, but stable (it’s bad if you had a lot of failures before, it means their series has not ended yet).

Fortune telling for marriage

Of course, girls at all times were worried about whether they would get married and how soon. There are several simple fortune telling that will tell you the answers to these questions.

One of the simplest fortune telling: go out into the yard, blindfold a girl and spin her like a top, and then step away and watch which way she goes. If she comes from the yard, she will soon get married, and if she goes to the house, she will sit in the decks for another year. For this fortune telling you need at least two girls and both must be unmarried.

Fortune telling on a walnut shell will also tell you whether to expect matchmakers: place the two halves of the shell in a small container of water and watch them. If the shells have floated away from each other, there will be no wedding this year, but if they are close to each other, marriage awaits the fortuneteller. This method of divination for the Old New Year 2017 is suitable for both girls and boys.

An ordinary sewing thread will tell you which of your friends will be the first to get married. Cut several identical pieces of thread - according to the number of fortune-telling girls - and set them on fire at the same time. Whichever thread burns out faster will find the groom first. If the thread does not burn out or goes out at the very beginning, the girl will never get married.

Card fortune telling for the Old New Year 2017

Ordinary people will help you find out what your husband will be like. playing cards. If you want to know the character of your future husband in advance, choose four kings from a deck and put them under your pillow before going to bed. In the morning, choose one of the cards, its suit and it will predict your betrothed:

  • pika - the husband will be much older, jealous and with a bad character,
  • clubs - you should marry a military, strict man,
  • hearts - the husband will be handsome, young and rich, but painfully boastful,
  • tambourines - expect matchmakers from the desired man, the marriage will be successful and long.

They also use the kings to determine the age and approximate profession of the future husband, but this is rarely true.

Dream fortune telling with your betrothed

There are several proven ways to invite your betrothed to your dream. Simple rituals will help you see your future groom in your dreams.

On the night of February 13th to 14th, eat more salty foods and place a glass of water by your bed. When going to bed, say: “Mummer, come and give me some water.” According to legend, your groom should come that same night. The main thing is not to get up until the morning, do not look in the mirror or window - you will scare away sleep or forget it.

You can also put a bowl of water under the bed and put a twig from a broom or broom on top of it with the words: “Betrothed-mummer, come and take me across the bridge.” A dream this night can be frightening or strange - remember the signs, this will be a prediction for the whole year. If your betrothed hasn't come, you won't be married yet.

Another simple fortune telling to get an answer in a dream. The girl secretly puts a frying pan under her mother’s bed and says: “The betrothed, the mummer, comes to his mother-in-law for pancakes.” The mother must have a dream. The young man whom she treats with pancakes in a dream will become her son-in-law.

The general rule for all these fortune-telling states that in the morning, so that the dream is not immediately forgotten, you should not touch your head and hair, look in the mirror or look out the window. Until you remember the dream, do not get out of bed, since it will be possible to repeat the ritual only in a year.

All fortune telling for the Old New Year 2017 can be easily done at home, as simple, affordable household items are used for them: water, grain, threads, candles, eggs. And all because they are rooted in the ancient rituals of pagans and Old Believers, who revered nature and believed in its power, called for help in difficult situations and asked for advice, asking to indicate Right way or help in decision making. Such fortune-telling does not require special skills or preparation and can be both excellent entertainment with friends and a real way to get a reliable prediction of the future for the year.

Traditionally best period For girls' fortune telling about the future and love, Christmas time is considered. Moreover, the most powerful days from a magical point of view are New Year and Christmas. These holidays have already passed, but for those who still want to try their luck, fortune telling for the Old New Year remains. This most paradoxical of all Russian holidays, also falling during the Yuletide period, is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, and it is believed that it is on this night that Yuletide fortune-telling for the betrothed will be the most truthful.

Christmas fortune telling on a chain

Fortune telling for the Old New Year is in many ways similar to ordinary ones. Yuletide fortune-telling, however, there are also those that are considered specially intended for this day. For example, one of the oldest fortune-telling offers to reveal the secret of your future with the help of a chain. It must be carried out immediately after midnight and always alone. You need to take a silver or gold chain with your right hand, crumple it, and then throw it on a flat, hard surface, such as a table. After this, they look at what kind of figure has formed.

For example, if the chain is laid out in the shape of a circle, this symbolizes that the girl is in next year expects many difficulties and she will have to make a lot of effort to overcome them. Oval means almost the same thing, albeit in a slightly softer form. If the chain has formed a straight line, it is recommended to start new things - in all of them the fortuneteller will be lucky. Triangles and rectangles are also signs of imminent success.

A figure resembling a bow in its outline portends success in love - a romantic date or fast wedding, depending on whether the girl already has a fiance or lover. If the chain lies on the table in the form of a letter, this means a new relationship, and the gentleman’s name will begin with this letter. The snake warns of deceit and that not everyone can be trusted, even among loved ones. And if the chain is tangled in a knot, then the year will not be easy in all respects.

Fortune telling with champagne

For those who did not have time to tell fortunes using a traditional New Year's drink on the night of December 31 to January 1, you can also try to do it on the Old New Year. To do this, while the chimes are striking a glass filled with this drink, throw a small piece of chocolate and watch how it behaves. If he drowns, you need to prepare for the fact that the year will be quite difficult, and if he remains floating on the surface, luck will accompany everything. It is best if the chocolate for fortune telling is bitter.

Another option is to write your thoughts on a small piece of paper while the chimes are ringing. cherished wish, set it on fire and throw the ashes into a glass of champagne. When the clock strikes last time, we all need to drink together. If the leaf burns completely, the wish will definitely come true, but if not, then this is doubtful.

Yuletide fortune-telling using dumplings

One of the traditional Russian fortune-telling for the Old New Year is fortune-telling using dumplings. To do this, the hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, some of which she puts filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what exactly the dumpling will come with, and it is by its filling that they determine what awaits a person in the coming year.

The fillings can be very diverse. For example, a piece of meat or bread portends prosperity. The same thing - a coin. Beans, rice or other grains also symbolize wealth and profit. Sugar - for sweet, pleasant events, salt - for tears. Thread or peas - for the road, travel. A ring is for marriage, a sweet candy or a pod of red pepper is for a new admirer, and a nut is for two gentlemen at once. A cherry pit or fish scales means a new addition to the family.

Christmas fortune telling before bed

As on any other holiday, you can try to see your betrothed in a dream. For example, four card kings are placed under the pillow and the following words are said: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - dream about him.” It is believed that in a dream a girl will certainly see her future husband in the form of one of the kings. If the fortuneteller sympathizes with a specific young man, you can only put the king of diamonds under your pillow and ask any specific question related to it. In a dream she should receive an answer.

You can use fortune telling to find out the name of your future betrothed. To do this, in the evening, on fortune telling with mirrors, write various male names and put them under the pillow. In the morning, when they wake up, they take out the first piece of paper they come across: whatever name is indicated on it, that will be the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling with mirrors

It is no coincidence that a mirror is considered one of the most mystical objects and is used in many fortune telling. You can tell fortunes at Christmas time using a mirror in several ways. For example, you can take a mirror and go out with it to an intersection. This must be done, of course, at night. You should draw a circle around yourself and say: “Betrothed, come to me along the path, and along white snowball" After this, they peer into the mirror. As they say, you can see a variety of visions. Ideally, this, of course, should be the image of the future betrothed. If you see something bad, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer, and no harm will happen.

Fortune telling for wishes for the old New Year, which, by the way, is celebrated from January 13 to 14, is practically no different from those that can be used specifically on New Year's Eve.

The most popular thing for the Old New Year in 2019 will be fortune telling using dumplings.

During the cooking process, add to each dumpling:

  • ring;
  • coin;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Depending on what someone comes across, that’s how a person will spend the next year.

How to tell fortunes for the Old New Year

Fortune telling using melt water and a needle

Only those who have snow on the old New Year will be able to find out their future in this way.

Fortune telling with melt water and a needle is very simple. On the eve of midnight, you should go outside and collect some snow in a bowl. When it melts, place a needle in the container. At this moment you should concentrate as much as possible on your desire. By the way, it is better to choose one of them, and not to be scattered with everything at once.

If the needle sinks, it means that the wish will definitely not come true in the near future. If the needle remains on the surface, it is intended to be 100%.

"Book" fortune telling

One of the most common New Year's fortune telling- “bookish”. How to predict the future from a book? It is enough to take your favorite work, concentrate on your desire, open the book on the hidden page and read the hidden construction site. It is possible that these words will be the answer to the question of whether your wish will come true in the New Year.

Fortune telling on burnt paper

This fortune telling is designed for both one person and a whole company. Those who celebrate the New Year with family and friends can exchange a fortune-telling book with a loved one.

Fortune telling with a pillow and paper

On New Year's Day, people most often make wishes on paper. There are many ways to lift the curtain of secrecy over your future using the most ordinary paper. One of the simplest is to write your wishes on separate pieces of paper, put them under your pillow and go to bed.

When you wake up in the morning, you should pull out one piece of paper with a wish. What is written on paper will definitely come true.

You can also take 12 cardboard cards and write your wishes on them. Then the manipulation is repeated. Only now out of 12 cards you can pull out not one, but three in the morning.

Fortune telling by wish on a chain

To find out whether your plan will come true, you will need a subtle gold chain. If you don’t have such jewelry at hand, then any other gold-colored jewelry will do. If the chains are short, you will need 2-3 products. If the decoration is long, you should use it in a single copy. You will also need a crystal vase.

The chain is thrown into a vase and shaken well. At the same time, the one who performs such manipulation must think about his desire. Next, you should pull out the chain and count how many knots are tied.

Fortune telling on the mirror

The absence of nodes means that the wish will not come true. The presence of one node indicates that the wish will most likely come true.

Two nodes indicate that the plan can come true, but something can prevent it. The presence of three nodes means one hundred percent fulfillment of desire.

If there are more than three nodes on the chain, this means that in the hustle and bustle the desire is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper

Perhaps this is one of the most ancient fortune telling. By acting in accordance with the rules, you will be able to lift the curtain of secrecy over your future.

To find out if your dreams will come true, you need a piece of paper that burns well. Tissue paper is ideal.

Fortune telling with sparklers

Another way to find out your fate for the old New Year, relevant for large companies. To tell your wishes, you will need a package of sparklers.

Having made a wish, you should light one stick and wait until it goes out on its own. Next you need to look at its tip. If it is bent, then the wish will most likely not come true. The even tip indicates that there are no obstacles on the way to achieving your plans.
