Uranus in Taurus: what it means and what events it will bring. Learn to enjoy the unexpected with Uranus

Uranus, the planet of great awakenings and change, is preparing to transit from Aries into the sign of Taurus on May 15, 2018, where it will remain until 2026. It is likely that during this shift, we will all experience an awakening of some kind. New ideas or exciting new opportunities may also come to us.

To understand how this transit will affect you personally, think about what happened around May 2010 and then March 2011. Around this time, Uranus entered the sign of Aries, and now that Uranus is preparing to leave this sign, you will most likely be overcome by a sense of completion of what has been happening.

While in Aries, Uranus challenged you to take leadership position. Perhaps you made a bold choice at this time, or there were significant changes in your life. Uranus in Aries brings with it powerful changes for you to take the reins of life into your own hands. Reflect on this and see what aspects of your life you have been more active in and where you have found more courage. Note how far you have come with these changes. Try to see them through the eyes of the positive person you are today. As Uranus moves into Taurus, we will all be learning new lessons, and this time it is about our feelings of security and stability.

While Uranus represents change, growth and awakening, Taurus is all about consistency, security and stability. Uranus craves change, while Taurus likes to get stuck in the swamp. These two energies are not exactly a perfect fit, so a feeling of pulling may occur and you may find it difficult to make or accept certain changes. You may also find that what you once thought was safe and stable no longer is. In fact, under the banner of this energy, you can rework and rethink what makes you feel safe and stable. You may also have to let go and release your attachments to things that once brought you comfort.

Many of us have been conditioned to derive feelings of security and stability from possessing material things such as a home, a job, money, and so on. And since these things do provide us with a certain amount of security, perhaps we are encouraged to dig a little deeper and learn to cultivate these feelings from within, regardless of our circumstances.

In a way, Uranus in Taurus is about the ability to let go of the safety net and learn to go out into the world with a little more freedom and a little more risk. To some extent, we will all have to take a leap forward and trust ourselves a little more. The ground beneath us may be shaky or unstable, but these are signs of how we are growing and learning to recognize who we truly are.

On a global level, Uranus in Taurus will challenge us all to pay attention to how we relate to mother Earth. We will be encouraged to really think about environmental problems, global warming and how you can protect the planet. Some astrologers are also predicting an increase in earthquakes and natural disasters.

Uranus in Taurus will create waves for the technology industry, medical research, cryptocurrency development, robotics, fashion and everything related to beauty and health. Revolutions or major breakthroughs are likely to occur in all of these areas.

Uranus will complete its journey into Taurus in April 2026, at which time you may be able to look back and reflect on the changes you have made in your life to create greater security and inner comfort.

And it will bring changes inherent in its nature to all areas controlled by Taurus.



    Resources, including natural ones;



    Love and relationships;

    Design, fashion, etc.

I wrote more about the influence of Uranus on all of the above areas inanother article of mine .

Today we will talk about the influence of the ingression of Uranus in the sign of Taurus on the signs of the Zodiac.

Uranus brings with it the revolutionary energy of change. The functions of the planet are associated with liberation from any restrictions, access to new level perception.

Obviously, Uranus will have the most noticeable influence on the sign of Taurus. After all, for the lucky owners of the Sun in Taurus, Uranus will pass through their symbolic first house.



The update will affect many areas of life. You will want to free yourself from any framework and set yourself free, like a bird out of a cage. Changes in your personal life will not keep you waiting.

There will be an opportunity to change jobs if you have been thinking about it for a long time. New goals and contacts will appear.

The desire to change your image will visit you especially persistently during the passage of Uranus through Taurus. Don't be afraid to change!


Money and other material resources become unstable. However, you shouldn't be afraid of this. Instability is not always associated with losses. A sharp increase in income and the opening of new unexpected sources of financing are possible.

There are likely to be large unplanned purchases or expenses that will add even more confusion to your budget.

Take care of your health, boost your immunity, and spend time on prevention. Diseases are possible due to total loss energy and, as usual, on nerves.


Changes are coming in your immediate environment. Perhaps your beloved neighbors or relatives will move to another place. A renewal of the circle of people who surround you closely and directly awaits you.

Surprises on the road, transport, random encounters, new strange acquaintances - all this will be the leitmotif for you throughout the entire period of Uranus passing through Taurus.

a lion

The wind of change begins to blow through your family hearth. Eliminate the draft if you do not want the fireplace to go out completely.

During this period, you can move to another home, even emigrate abroad, do major renovations, get divorced and get married again... Uranus is a great joker and mischief-maker.

In any case, family and home issues are on the agenda.

Please pay attention increased attention parents' health.


Don't part with your loved ones. If this happens, remember that real feelings only flare up more in separation.

Your children can express themselves in unexpectedly independent ways. If they are already old enough, then perhaps they will move away from you and begin their own independent life.

You will have a new unusual hobby. If you feel like jumping with a parachute, don’t worry, it’s within normal limits!


If your job has been depressing you for a long time, dismissal is not far off. The desire to throw off the burden of a tedious routine will become unbearable.

A lot of new things will happen in your daily routine and daily responsibilities. Maybe you'll finally buy dishwasher and free up a lot of time for yourself?

Pay attention to your health and diet.

A healthy lifestyle is sweeping the planet. It's time to join its ranks.


Serious changes in the partnership will not keep you waiting. Everything will happen unexpectedly. A new contender for your hand and heart will appear if you have been waiting for this for a long time.

If certainty and stability have reigned in your relationship for a long time, then this too may change. Expect shocks and unrest.

Changes are also coming in business partnerships. Old friends leave, new comrades come to replace them. Lively, businesslike, advanced.


The financial issue is on the agenda. Not the best is coming best period for loans, credits, tax issues.

The behavior of Uranus is difficult to predict. Significant breakthroughs are also possible. For example, an unexpected inheritance, a sharp increase in the income of a spouse.

However, one cannot expect only positive things from Uranus.

The period is quite traumatic. It is recommended to take care of yourself and refrain from extreme sports and adventurism.


Surprises abroad will not keep you waiting. Be prepared for any surprises when traveling abroad.

If you are currently studying at a university, you will receive a second higher education or simply improving your qualifications, you may have an unexpected desire to interrupt your studies and continue it elsewhere.

Now your goals and vision of prospects may change.

Possibility of moving abroad.


A turning point is coming in your career. Sharp ups and downs are likely. You can quit your job and radically change your field of activity.

Your goals and priorities are undergoing a profound transformation.

You are now standing on the top, which offers a bewitching view of your entire past and future life. It's up to you to decide which path to take.

Pay increased attention to the health of your parents.


The time for communication and active social activities is coming for you! You won't be able to lie down on the bottom.

New acquaintances, friends, and a change of environment await you.

Your plans and dreams will undergo a significant transformation. Perhaps because some of them will certainly come true, and in the most unconventional way.

There may be instability in business. Refrain from risky financial transactions.


Unexpected prospects will open up before you. You will see a way out of situations that just recently seemed insoluble.

Perhaps you will come into contact with occult knowledge or representatives of this type of activity. Such a meeting could turn out to be fateful.

Beware of secret enemies and behind-the-scenes games.

With the constant desire to be useful to you

On May 15, 2018, Uranus moves from Aries to Taurus, where it will remain until April 2026, although, being in a loop, it will return to Aries from November 7, 2018 to March 6, 2019.
March 6, 2019 — Uranus finally moves into Taurus.

Uranus in Aries: results.

First, we need to take stock of the seven-year stay of Uranus in Aries (since March 2011). Uranus in militant Aries brought new military technologies: in particular, it was during this period that drones began to be actively used for military purposes. Changes have occurred in astronautics and aviation, and private space initiatives have emerged (Aries is an individualistic sign). In general, humanity became much more aggressive during this period. The transit of Uranus through Aries was well analyzed by astrologer Konstantin Daragan; you can read his article by going to link.

During the transit of Uranus through Aries, a breakthrough occurred in astrology: at this time, astrological knowledge received a new birth, many researchers appeared who began to actively test the tenets of old astrologers and develop new ones effective techniques. There was a powerful surge of interest in the queen of the occult sciences.

Many Aries have revolutionized their lives (revolution is Uranus' favorite word). Also, his influence greatly affected other cardinal signs: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn.

For example, I, born under the sign of Capricorn, went through a divorce and began astro consultations just as Uranus entered Aries (my 7th house is in Aries). During the passage of Uranus through Aries, I rethought my life.

Uranus in Taurus: what awaits us.

First, a short excursion into history.

Uranus was in Taurus from 1935 to 1942. These are the years of the global economic crisis that affected the whole world. In America, the period went down in history as the Great Depression. There was a crisis in Europe as well. I don’t want to scare anyone, but this period marks the beginning of World War II. Wars, as a rule, have economic motivations.

In Taurus, Uranus makes a revolution in those stable, unshakable spheres on which the world rests. This is the theme of land and economy. Theme of money, banking system.


When Uranus is in Taurus, people have the feeling that the earth is not distributed correctly. We need a more equitable distribution of resources. Land reforms are beginning (at best). At worst, some groups or nations are tempted to grab land from their neighbors. Hitler appealed to this theme when he set his nation up for wars of conquest. His thesis was that the Germans are a great nation, but they have little land, and this is unfair, and this must be corrected.

Fortunately, the current position of Neptune in Pisces will not allow a third world war(in the 1930s, Neptune, responsible for values ​​and ideals, was in exile in Virgo). But local conflicts, wars in third territories, as well as corporate wars for the redistribution of resources are quite likely and expected.

The good news is that new agricultural technologies will appear. There will be a surge of interest in farming, subsistence farming, to things self made. “Urban resettlement” programs will emerge.


The financial crisis, the collapse of currency markets and stock markets - this is what you need to mentally prepare for. The ruble will weaken. The dollar will grow, but the fate of the euro is in question. I predict that the collapse of the European Union is not far off, and I think that this will have a negative impact on the single European currency. We can expect the bankruptcy of a number of key banks and financial institutions. You can wait for new ones to appear monetary systems, cryptocurrencies are likely to receive serious development. In general, a very difficult 7 years await us.


This country is under the patronage of Taurus, so serious changes will occur in Ukraine. Most likely, the country will not be able to maintain its integrity; at best, Ukraine will become a federal republic, and at worst, it will lose a number of territories. There will also be major changes in the country's politics and economy. A change of power is likely, maybe even by revolutionary means.

Science, technology.

Taurus is a physical sign, so the main breakthrough can be expected in areas related to modeling human body, replacement of internal and external organs. Will receive new development plastic surgery. The appearance of a cyborg may become a reality. Another direction: returning to the roots. A surge of interest in folk method treatment and recovery.


If under Uranus in Aries Asian looks were in fashion, then Uranus in Taurus will bring fashion for curvaceous figures. Femininity, lush breasts, hips - all this will be valuable. Ruffles, frills, corsets, hats, gloves, pastel colors will again capture the thoughts of the couturier.

Which sign will feel the influence of Uranus more than others?

Of course, Taurus will especially feel the transit of Uranus. Representatives of this sign, as well as those who have planets in Taurus, will be caught in a whirlwind of change in the next 7 years.

Other signs of the fixed cross will also go through changes: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. What changes to expect depends on which planet is in this sign and which house it falls into.

Uranus moved into Taurus on May 18, 2018, but will return to Aries on November 7, 2018 and will finally settle in an earth sign only from March 7, 2019 and will leave this sign on April 26, 2026. If Taurus is money, earth, stability, then Uranus is electricity, Newest technologies, aviation, TV, radio, etc. At this time, there should be many changes related to the economy, financial system, resources, goods, credit collateral, food supply, agriculture, monetary security and savings, aviation and astronautics, nuclear energy and other areas of our life where innovation, unpredictability, originality, genius and revolutionary changes, despite the fact that Taurus does not particularly like changes with surprises. But the transit planet of revolutions doesn’t care much about this.
Over the past 7 years, Uranus has followed Aries, it is quite aggressive due to the ruler of Mars, so exactly at the final entry of the planet into a sign after a retrograde loop in almost a year - with a conflict connection with Pluto and Jupiter, the Civil War in Syria began, the growth of ISIS, the Arab spring, terrorist attacks in different parts world, all these global events are known to you. Now Uranus is entering the sign of its fall, which means it will cause a lot of noise when visiting a seemingly calm Taurus.
I propose to look into the past in order to evaluate the action of the planet in the sign in the previous cycle: Uranus was in the same position from 1934 to 1941, during which time Stalin was in power in the USSR, organizing great terror and repressions, purges, arrests, executions and confiscation of property began, I mentioned collectivization and forced industrialization in the article about Saturn in Capricorn, the metro was launched in Moscow for the first time and the development of science and technology was in full swing,
In Europe - a coup in Latvia, Estonia, Civil War in Spain due to the dictatorship of Franco, in addition, fascism developed on a large scale not only in Germany thanks to Hitler, but in Italy Mussolini also did a good job, which subsequently began the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, affecting all of Europe and the territory of the USSR.
In the world as a whole, many Uranian events also occurred: we had color cinema, Pluto was discovered, a helicopter was finalized and launched into the sky, the phenomenon of Uranian fission was discovered, the first jet plane appeared, rocket launchers, ballistic missiles with a guidance system, the first ATM was invented, quantum physics began to grow and nuclear energy, Plutonium was discovered, the development of which later led to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki “baby”, in the states there was a colossal drop in stocks, poverty and the Great American Depression, and the Saudis, on the contrary, unexpectedly found oil. We are witnessing a huge step in the progress of mankind in technology and its use, especially in the nuclear industry and the field of technology and electronics.
I'll start with the most interesting thing - money. Taurus is a sign of accumulation, and in its last period it had a good run through the world economy due to the stock market crash, and main blow I was in America, and by the way, her horoscope confirms this well. Especially during Black Monday on Walt Street, which is stock market, which set back the development of industry 30 years ago, giving 30 million unemployed, mass bankruptcy, chaos and panic and a sharp drop in the level of GDP in the country.
I note that last time the United States got more of it than, for example, Russia, before Uranus entered Taurus, the planet made a square to the main luminary, Pluto, following the opposition to itself, rolled across the Sun of the states, and then across Mercury. And then Uranus in Taurus did its job. Nowadays the picture will be a little different, but also incredibly exciting. Considering that in 1934 Roosevelt was forced to pass a law confiscating gold from the population, the Yankees will have a lot of fun in the next couple of years. Stock up on popcorn:
Gold that was bought in last years Russia and China will play a role in the decline in the authority of the dollar. I would not be surprised if countries allied with the Russian Federation actually refuse to circulate this currency or at least greatly reduce its turnover. China has already grown greatly in recent years on the world stage, despite the fact that it is under great pressure and restrictions from the elites of Europe and the United States. On this moment all transactions for the sale and purchase of oil are tied to dollars. That is, for example, Italy cannot buy black gold for her euro, she first needs to buy $ and only then make a deal, which artificially supports the soap bubble of the US economy, in addition to waging wars in different countries. Therefore, China does not want to depend on its main enemy and the Shanghai International Energy Exchange plans to introduce oil futures contracts in Chinese yuan, which are backed by the country's gold reserves. And we are very friendly with China and, apparently, will be happy to support this idea of ​​decoupling $ from oil, which is the most important commodity market in the world. But this does not guarantee that it will collapse sharply against the ruble; our economy is not that strong now and sharp currency fluctuations are likely not in our favor.
Russia will also be affected, but here everything is not so sad, and this good news. The cycle will not work directly for the Russian Federation as well as in the 30s, because the USSR map and the map Russian Federation- different. In the horoscope of our Motherland there are indications of moments of economic crisis, lack of money and lack of budget, but this will not be such a disaster, perhaps I will write a separate article regarding this topic, especially since it is time to publish about the mutation cycle, because then it will be too late. But again, it is logical that it should rather be analyzed by country for a more in-depth analysis, because in principle the same force of impact cannot be applied to everyone.
Continuing on state money in Russia, Stalin, in addition to shooting enemies of the people, counter-revolutionary and domestic policy, aimed at strengthening one’s own power and exterminating anti-Soviet sentiments, especially during the period of the Yezhovshchina with the Gulag, he removed the rationing system for food, but prices for all food began to rise, introduced a military tax and increased agricultural tax, including a tax on trees, unemployment, arranged the confiscation of property for those who committed crimes, and also fought against parasitism, but greatly developed science and the development of Moscow State University.
We will see an echo of past events - taxes will be increased, including plans to introduce fees for self-employed citizens, having for now discarded the idea of ​​returning the tax on parasitism, excise taxes and food prices will rise even more, perhaps transport and income and real estate taxes too – the state will need to patch holes in the budget using the total share of collections from the population, well, if not only from ordinary people, because the luxury tax was never adopted, but tariffs were introduced only on individual species transport and real estate.
Uranus rules the Internet, and Taurus rules wealth, so e-commerce and cryptocurrency will firmly enter our lives, if we currently translate a certain amount from card to card is a matter of five seconds, utility bills and fines are paid directly through applications, then in the next seven years technology will step forward much along with hacker attacks to large accounts and deposits. But until March next year You should not buy bitcoins and various miners, since now this system is unstable and carries great risks. In our country, the volume of debts of insolvent borrowers has almost doubled over the year from 17 to 32 billion rubles, and by 2020 the number of potential bankrupts may increase five times, and now the growth rate of poverty exceeds the growth rate of GDP, which is already small, given sanctions and other problems. But in the future there will be new forms of currency and types of banks. Some will be able to either suddenly get rich or suddenly lose everything, including due to hacking of digital coins.
Will develop greatly nuclear power And nuclear weapon, despite the fact that only those included in the nuclear club: Russia, China, North Korea, USA, India, Pakistan, UK, France and Israel. Iran is under heavy sanctions, and Libya did not reach it thanks to the arrival of foreign democracy and the murder of Gadaffi. Nuclear bomb There are two types: atomic and hydrogen, and consists of isotopes of natural uranium, which is divided by neutrons and becomes thorium, plutonium or hydrogen, along a decay chain to lead. And also lithium deuterite, which is the function of the detonator.
Now there are new developments of hydrogen deuterium - or by another name - heavy water, for the energy of the future, and thorium, to use it as a raw material in the fuel industry, but it is necessary to develop a fast atomic reactor, which will remain operational when fuel burns out and will withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the nuclear industry will make very big discoveries, given that in the last cycle it was born thanks to the discovery of the fission of uranium and plutonium. The development of fast sodium reactors, the production of plutonium fuel and the construction of new power plant units are ahead. Therefore, the level of influence of MATAGE will come to the fore.
