Julia: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. Female name Julia - meaning: description of the name


The name Julia is of ancient Roman origin and has Latin roots. Could happen by main version from the Latin Julius, which in translation is interpreted as “fluffy” or “curly.”

Female name Julia is considered popular within the borders former USSR. It is not popular in Western countries and Europe, and not everyone there knows about it. By the way, there are many synonymous names abroad, including Julia, Julie and others. But we are of the opinion that this name has very strong energy, which for Orthodox people very important.

Conversational options: Julia, Yula, Yulyusya, Yulechka, Yulenka

Modern English analogues: Julia, Juliana, Julianna, Julia

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Julia promises a newborn girl sociability and a desire for self-improvement. But the bearers of this name also have other traits. For the most part, these are girls who want to achieve their goals and success in everything, thirsting for universal respect, love, and popularity.

Universal recognition, respect, veneration - all this is very important for those bearing the name Julia. They are also characterized by restlessness, excessive activity, a desire to move and develop, inconstancy and lack of attachment to certain everyday factors.

Advantages and positive features: kindness and generosity, the ability to get along with people of various types, a willingness to improve and develop. And those with the name Julia try to never lag behind those who, in her opinion, are ahead. At school they will be excellent students, in adulthood they will be bosses...

Julia has a bad attitude towards men who don't respect women's opinion and consider themselves dominant personalities, hate envious and cunning people, and avoid those prone to self-interest and deception.

In Ancient Rome, the name Julia was borne exclusively by women from the noble Roman family of Julia.

Personality of the name Julia

The nature of the name Julia is such that it assumes that the girl who is the bearer of the name under discussion has such characteristics as restraint, attentiveness, caring, eloquence, honesty, justice, good nature, cheerfulness, and talkativeness. Although, along with all the mentioned qualities, shortcomings may also appear, in particular, the main one is excessive gullibility, which often leads to disappointment and betrayal. The character of a girl with the name Yulia is positive from all sides, this is a fact, but the bearer of this name herself may not understand this. Julia has a character with which she can achieve unrealistic success, both in her studies and in professional activity, he is strong and morally stable, but does not use this, and this is one of her main shortcomings. And her character does not allow her to take advantage of other people’s weaknesses in order to achieve her own goals - of course this is good, but on the other hand, due to her weak character, she loses her chances of achieving her desired goal.

In general, the nature of the name form is a complex parameter, just like such a parameter as fate - it is difficult to predict the truth, what it will be, because it is influenced by a variety of additional astrological factors, including the talisman stone and month of birth, and the sound of the name itself, and even the time of year of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a child for whom the parents decided to choose the name Julia is crowded good impressions and bright emotions. The meaning of the name Julia at this stage has a special influence on the nature of the girl named so. Thanks to his special energy, she is calm, kind, fair, emotional, active, active, but moderate and never plays pranks so much as to disappoint her parents. Mother and father in the case of a daughter named Yulia have something to be proud of, because she, unlike other children, does not play around, does not play pranks, behaves exemplary, and generally demonstrates her maximum positive qualities. Plus, she is a capable child who wants to develop and improve, to be the best among her peers.

The only huge disadvantage that will haunt the bearer of the name Julia throughout her life is laziness - there will even be moments when Julia really wants something, but cannot achieve it because of her laziness. However, this trait can be re-educated - Julia is easily amenable to education and the influence of others.

As for friends and communication with peers, everything is quite simple. Julia is surrounded by the attention of friends, she is never alone, she is not familiar with loneliness, but at the same time she will never be a leader in the company. Her main strength lies in her ability to adapt to the mood of the world around her, to be the one who is needed by society, but at the same time not to stand out from the crowd.


Yulia is a teenager, she is still the same calm and moderate girl in her desires, but at the same time, already in adolescence, new features begin to appear in her, different from those she had in childhood. Restraint, integrity, caring, emotionality, sensitivity - these are the main traits manifested at this stage. Julia, who is protected by the meaning and energy of this name, is a calm and peace-loving teenager. This girl has no enemies, but no real friends either, she is on her own. She is a unique person in all respects, without exception.

She is strong in her studies and has a great chance of becoming someone that both parents and teachers will be proud of. Her only major disadvantage is the lack of leadership skills, with which she could become not only a good student, but also an excellent leader.

But Yulia has organizational skills - if necessary, she will demonstrate them. And one more important point– Julia doesn’t know what depression is, she never gets depressed and is always in good mood, at least outwardly, she definitely won’t show the opposite...

Adult woman

If in general outline, then a woman named Julia has practically no shortcomings, at least those that are worth focusing on. She is kind, generous, fair, assertive, purposeful, hardworking, a little lazy, but reliable and efficient. She has excellent chances of becoming a leader or organizer.

Her only big problem is her excessive gullibility. She tries not to notice the bad in people, tries to equate everyone with each other and see only positive traits in them, and this sooner or later leads to disappointment.

But, despite the disappointments, she is still always in a good mood. She will never go into depression, will not be offended by the whole world, will not start being capricious, and on the contrary, she will always remain a strong girl in the eyes of people.

The interaction of Julia's character with the seasons

Leto - the summer bearer of the name Julia, born under the influence of the meaning of Summer, is affectionate and patient, values ​​loved ones and follows exclusively her own moral principles. This is a sociable person who is not deprived of attention. She is not devoid of prudence and a sense of righteousness - she will have contempt for lies and hypocrisy.

Winter - this newborn girl will by nature be calm and not too eloquent, her goal is to achieve new steps on the social ladder, and friends do not play a primary role for her. This is a smart, organized, important, but romantic lady. She dreams of love and universal happiness. The trait of self-sacrifice for the good of people is not excluded.

Autumn will give Yulechka a closed and romantic idealist who is constantly faced with disappointments in people. Love and passion for whirlwind romances are also not excluded - they will decide to build a family no earlier than reaching maturity. Such a person does not have prudence, but she has a practical and unconventional mindset, and a good character.

Spring - will give birth to a sensitive girl, with developed fantasy and imagination, with a mysterious character, a dreamer. She will be successful in creative and non-monotonic specialties - monotony and monotony can negatively affect her. It will not be easy for her husband to get along with her - fans and endless streams of friends coming to her for advice will not leave even the strongest family alone. But she has a good character.

The fate of the name Yulia

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Yulia in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and in marriage, everything is quite complicated. On the one hand, she is a trusting girl who sees only the good in everyone, including potential relationship partners, and tries not to notice the bad. On the other hand, Julia is a lady with high demands on men, who rarely makes concessions in relationships. That is, in fact, it is quite difficult to predict her behavior with this or that man.

The fate of the girl, named Yulia, is quite complex and requires a long search for a suitable soul mate. The reason is pickiness - even having fallen in love with a man, as they say, “head over heels,” she will not accept him into her heart until he loses his shortcomings and begins to meet all her requirements. Plus, it is assumed that there will be a huge number of painful separations in her life, but fate also assumes the final finding of someone who will meet her wishes and someone who will become her life.

Yes, the life of a girl for whom her parents decide to choose the name Julia is not easy, but in the end everything will definitely fall into place - fate can lead her through many disappointments, but in the end it will lead to a relationship to which she will devote herself entirely.

Love and marriage

Julia approaches the choice of a life partner quite soberly and wisely, without giving in too much to her feelings. She prefers men with a core. Her man must be able to protect himself and his loved ones. In addition, he must have endurance and patience, and also lead healthy image life.

Julia will give her heart to a truly persistent, gallant and persistent man, not devoid of romance and imagination. Having gotten married, she is ready to become a diligent homemaker and a caring wife. Julia is an ideal option for a man who wants to make his wife an exemplary housewife, keeping order in the family nest and raising children.

But even after becoming a housewife, she will not allow any important decisions to be made without her. The head of the family is the husband, and she is his unspoken adviser, to whose opinion he should always listen.

Julia as Mother

Planning for children is not complete without Yulia’s pragmatism. She meaningfully creates a family just for the sake of having children. She loves her baby very much and rarely stops at just one child. She loves to babysit children, so motherhood will be a continuous holiday for her. She skillfully takes care of the baby and properly manages her time so that she can manage everything.

Julia is sincerely passionate about housework and her children. For her, motherhood becomes the meaning of life, a calling. She tries to fulfill her mission as best as possible. maternal duty. The responsibility for the development, upbringing and education of children falls entirely on her graceful but strong shoulders.

Julia raises her children in a manner of even severity, not forgetting to praise, support and give advice in a timely manner. It is important for her that her children grow up to be responsible, independent and purposeful people. Respect, mutual assistance and honesty are also important features which she strives to instill in children.

Compatible with male names

The issue of compatibility of the name Julia with male names is quite complicated. However, it is already known that best compatibility Julia with Varlaam, Gleb, Makar, Egor, Robert and Trofim...

With the likes of Khariton, Yakov, Samuil, Rem, Ruslan, Semyon and Ippolit, there is a chance to build a long-lasting, strong, and truly happy marriage.

But it’s better not to build relationships with Oleg, Plato and Yaroslav, because there will only be quarrels, scandals, and disagreements.

Despite the meaning of the name Julia in Greek - “fluffy”, this girl is not as kind and sweet as she might seem at first glance. She may well show “thorns” if someone even slightly touches her vulnerable nature. The owner of this beautiful female name does not tolerate being “remade” to suit herself, and criticism addressed to her will often only turn out to be a reason for resentment.

When choosing the meaning of the name Julia for a girl, parents must understand that they will have to raise a very vulnerable and touchy person, and therefore the “carrot and stick” method in raising a baby will not give the desired results.

For Yulenka has great importance so that she is understood and accepted with all her shortcomings. This especially applies to mom and dad. Her cheerfulness will only delight when she is treated with respect and understanding.

The meaning of the name Julia for a child is such that only persuasion and logical explanations will work on her - why this is not possible. Raising your voice and using physical force will not achieve any positive educational effect.

For teenage Yulia, the interpretation of the name will not change its meaning either. Leadership, rebellion, the desire to stand out and self-confidence - these are the qualities that a girl will show in school years, especially if methods of authoritarian pressure were used during upbringing. All these rebellious traits are easily combined with good nature and deep intelligence.


After a turbulent teenage life, having matured, Yulia calms down. She loses much of her selfishness and gives more importance to the opinions of others. But still, a spark of rebellion remains in her, and love relationships it manifests itself in full.

She can remain without a partner for a very long time, although there will always be many caring men in her circle. Most likely, she will choose someone who can not only come to terms with her vital energy, but also feed it with his own. This means that Yulia’s partner is guaranteed an intense relationship, violent passion and all the ensuing consequences.


When starting a family, the girl will moderate her ardor a little and will try to look for a “golden mean” in the relationship. For her, comfort and tranquility at the family hearth are of great importance. This means that she will leave all the riots and outbursts of emotions outside the threshold of the family nest.

She will make an excellent, but not selfless, mother. She will never remain on maternity leave for long, and at the first opportunity she will run to her favorite job. Innate independence will be her faithful companion in her relationship with her husband; she will never depend on him.

Yulina’s energy demands to go out, and no force can force her to sit at home, so her husband will periodically perform the duties of a wife. She will not put pressure on him, but she will also not tolerate pushing herself.

Business and career

Even at school, studying was a burden for Yulia, which means she will choose a job that is appropriate - where she doesn’t have to sit still for a long time and do dreary work. painstaking work. She is very active, and professions that require creativity and continuous activity are especially suitable for her.

The fact that a girl does not like to study does not mean that she is not capable of self-development. She just doesn’t want to mark time, and her favorite job, which will truly captivate her, will force Yulia to improve her skills and successfully climb the career ladder.

Origin of the name Julia

The origin of the name Julia takes its roots from Ancient Rome, where the name of Yul was the name of the son of the founder of Alba Longa - Aeneas. In the country where this name originated, its etymology is attributed to the word Yulos, the meaning of which is fluffy, or curly.

The most memorable story of ancient times concerns Julia of Corsican, whose name is remembered by Christians for her unshakable faith. Sold into slavery by Eusebius, she refused to leave the ship off the coast of Corsica to make a pagan sacrifice. Having drunk Eusebius, the governor of this area tried to force the woman to commit pagan rite, and upon hearing the refusal ordered her to be crucified.

Before the crucifixion, the woman was tortured for a long time, beaten, dragged by her hair, but she did not succumb. Now the mystery of the name Julia has not lost its ancient meaning– this girl will never do anything that is contrary to her principles, even under pain of death.

Characteristics of the name Julia

At first glance, you might think that Julia is a stronghold of kindness and balance, but inside this girl is not so calm. A stream of passions rages in her soul, and energy and frantic activity - main characteristic named Yulia. If she knows how to direct her energy in the right direction, then best friend, a defender and a psychologist rolled into one – you can’t find one.

Julia's character, like other people, has its pros and cons. The most important negative trait can be considered an almost complete lack of responsibility, and the ability to put one’s problems on the shoulders of others, blaming the circumstances, the weather - or anything, just not oneself.

By nature, she is a “lighter”, she likes to be like that, and her energy allows her to show herself as the ringleader and the soul of the company. But sociability and activity will never affect the girl’s somewhat aristocratic judgment. She will not stoop to ordinary drinking with strangers; it is beneath her dignity.

She needs those around her to correspond to her ideas about a cultural society; she is attracted to luxury, which means she can quickly and quietly squander money. Yulenka does not like conflicts, so she tries to stay away from aggressive people, and this may give the impression of timidity, but she herself does not attach much importance to such a mental trait.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Amber.
  • Name days - May 31, July 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo, Libra.

Famous people

  • Yulia Lipnitskaya – Olympic champion in singles figure skating in 2014.
  • Yulia Vysotskaya – Russian actress, TV presenter (culinary programs).
  • Yulia Savicheva - Russian singer, actress, Eurovision 2004 participant.

Different languages

The translation of the name Julia is also found in many languages ​​as a masculine translation - Julius. Usually, the way this word is translated into other languages ​​sounds quite close to the Russian version: Yulie, Yule, Julia, Yuli, Dyulia, Julia, Julia, Julie.

On Chinese this name will be pronounced the same as in Russian, but written Chinese characters like 尤里娅. In Japanese, the direct translation of the meaning – “fluffy” – would be Hajoka or Nami, and written 波状花 and 波, respectively. When transcribed using the katakana alphabet, the pronunciation will be close to Russian - Yuria, and the display will be ユリヤ.

Name forms

  • Full name: Julia.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulyasha, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yuliko, Yulechka, Yulchenok.
  • Declension of the name – Yulia, Yulia.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Julia.

Historians do not know the exact origin of the name Julia, but there is a version that it is derived from the name of Yul Askania, the founder of the city of Alba Longa. It is believed that the famous Julius Caesar was a direct descendant of Yul Ascanius. IN ancient Rome The name Julia began to be given to women from the Yuli family.

Julia is one of the brightest, simplest and most beautiful Orthodox female names, whose popularity has not only not been lost over the years, but continues to grow. And this is not surprising, because so many beautiful and talented women bear the name Julia. For example, singers Yulia Nachalova and Yulia Savicheva, actresses Yulia Menshova and Yulia Snigir, writers Yulia Shestakova and Yulia Voznesenskaya, figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya, director Yulia Krasnova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The main patroness of all women named Julia is considered to be Julia (Julia) of Carthage, who lived approximately 200-400 BC. At the age of 10, Julia from Carthage was sold into slavery in Syria, where she ended up with a pagan family. The owner treated her well, but could not convince the girl to accept the pagan faith - she still remained a faithful Christian.

At the age of 20, robbers kidnapped Julia from her kind owner and wanted to force her to accept paganism. The robbers tortured and mocked the girl for a long time, but she did not give up, and then the pagans crucified her on the cross. Before her death, an angel flew out of the crucified Julia, at whose water the robbers got scared and fled. Julia's body was taken down from the cross and buried in a nearby Christian monastery.

IN Orthodox calendar There are several other saints named Julia, so you can choose a name day closer to your birthday from the following dates: January 3, 9 and 15. March 17, April 2, May 16 and 31, June 15, July 5, 19 and 29, August 30 and 31, November 14, December 10 and 17.


Julia is a sociable and spontaneous person who is hard not to notice. The energy of the name is characterized by such traits as capriciousness, selfishness, stubbornness and the ability to achieve what you want by any means.

Yulia is always a talented and extraordinary person; she simply cannot be stupid and mediocre. She is sociable and open, but behind the external cheerfulness there is always a personal selfish interest. She will not help her neighbor just because he needs it. Julia never does anything for nothing. But at the same time, she has a penchant for adventures, unjustified risks and hasty decisions.

Julia's circle of acquaintances consists of successful and wealthy people; these should be the cream of the society in which she moves. She is invariably tactful and correct with everyone, and demands the same attitude towards herself - a mentoring tone or pressure towards her is undesirable and ineffective.

Julia approaches every matter in her life responsibly - be it a career, choosing a place of work or marriage. She does not suffer from prejudices at all, but is a little suspicious of herself. He will not tolerate moral teachings addressed to him, but he will not force his opinion on anyone.

All Julias have a feeling self-esteem and even pride. A woman always fulfills her obligations; her words rarely diverge from her deeds. She has a strong and honest character, although many people mistake these traits for stubbornness.

Julia perfectly knows how to restrain her emotions, so from the outside she may seem cold and indifferent. She is sentimental and vulnerable at heart, but knows how to hide her feelings well. Julia tries to avoid situations in which her feelings could break out.

Julia is an incredibly resourceful person who knows how to get away with it under any circumstances. An excellent sense of humor, sharp mind, resourcefulness and observation make her an extraordinary person who cannot be ignored.


Little Yulia is an enthusiastic and emotional girl who knows how to infect everyone around her with her joy. She loves to be the center of attention; feeling shy is unusual for her. As a child, it is often difficult for a child to get along with the people closest to her - her parents.

The girl is stubborn, she will stand her ground, even if she feels that she is wrong. Yulia has a rich imagination, she perceives what she hears and sees very closely and emotionally, and is often offended. IN adolescence the girl becomes withdrawn and silent - these qualities will most likely accompany her throughout life.

A child can grow into an excellent athlete or dancer, so it is very important to enroll her in a sports or dance section as early as possible.

Yulia does well at school because she is smart and reads a lot. She avoids quarrels and conflicts with classmates in every possible way, gradually developing the aristocratic manners inherent in all Julias and selectivity in acquaintances.


Julia is hardy and tireless, the owner of excellent health. She may have problems with her skin and teeth; her hair is also rarely thick and manageable by nature, so it requires careful care.

IN mature age Yulia may have gynecological problems, possibly infertility.


Julia has early years a mass of fans, whose attention she takes for granted and with great dignity. But real love capable of awakening sensuality and passion in her, without leaving the slightest trace of external calm.

Yulia does not tolerate rudeness and vulgarity, but also Sissy not the man of her dreams either. Most often, Julia is active sex life, which does not touch her heart and soul. She just loves sex, and she doesn’t equate it with love. Moral principles Yulia is allowed to date several partners at once.

Marriage and family, compatibility with male names

Julia is unusually lucky in her family life. There is always a worthy man next to her who can make her happy. A woman has practically no conflicts with her husband and his relatives, but this does not mean that she family life will be easy. Julia has a difficult and changeable character, which not every man can tolerate.

Julia is very interested in housekeeping; her house can be called exemplary. She cooks and cans well, and does not make unnecessary expenses or purchases. The woman receives guests with pleasure; she is not stingy or envious.

For the sake of her husband and children, Julia is ready to sacrifice a successful career. She will not claim leadership in the family, but she will not allow herself to be manipulated either.

For Yulia, an ideal picture of the family is very important - so that from the outside it seems that everything is fine with her, even if this is not true. She will never take out “garbage in public” so as not to ruin the ideal picture. It is very important for Julia to find a husband with the same approach to life, then she will definitely be happy.

A successful marriage for Julia is possible with men named Vasily, Vladislav, Alexander, Maxim, Evgeniy, Kirill, Eduard, Pavel and Gennady. An alliance with Andrei, Anatoly, Philip, Nikolai, Fedor and Robert should be avoided.

Business and career

In life, Julia is not very ambitious, so she rarely reaches career heights, especially since she is quite happy with the role of a housewife. Work for Yulia will always come second after family.

Yulia realizes very early that every person has weak strings and skillfully pulls them, so she can make an excellent psychologist, teacher or educator. She can work with difficult teenagers, work as a lawyer or human rights activist.

Painstaking work is not suitable for Yulia, but she has an excellent sense of proportion and excellent taste. She can be a successful choreographer, designer, fashion designer, artist, makeup artist or makeup artist.

A good commercial sense will help her be successful in business; the stars are generally favorable to Julia in financially. Whatever profession Julia chooses, she will always be diligent and responsible, but she will always have to fight the laziness inherent in all Julias.

Talismans for Julia

  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Libra. The name Julia is recommended for girls born under this constellation.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky color is yellow.
  • Totem plant - sunflower and oak. The sunflower is the personification of happiness, joy and good luck. The sunflower has always been credited with strong magical properties: it protects from the evil eye and damage, and removes troubles from the house. Oak symbolizes wisdom, longevity, power and nobility.
  • Totem animal - dragonfly and deer. The dragonfly is a symbol of frivolity and speed, as well as grace and lightness. The deer symbolizes fertility and masculinity, as well as privacy and purity.
  • Talisman stone - amber and sapphire. Amber is capable of absorbing negative energy, attract love and luck. Amber is a very powerful love talisman. Sapphire grants the ability to distinguish truth from lies and does not allow one to believe empty promises.

Horoscope for Julia

Aries- a real warrior, ready to trample anyone who doesn’t agree with her. She is absolutely self-sufficient, but is not indifferent to compliments and flattery. Julia-Aries is a good manipulator, but she herself never flaunts her weaknesses and shortcomings. Julia cannot be in a society where she will not be allowed to develop spiritually and use her many talents, so she always strives to get into aristocratic circles. Julia-Aries can easily get by in life without a man, but, like any woman, she dreams of family happiness. The best party a Sagittarius man could be for her - their family union will be lasting, fruitful and not boring.

Taurus- a selfish, stubborn and not very honest nature, but always restrained and in good control of oneself. Wisdom and a practical mind are given to her by nature, but she does not always know how to find a worthy use for them, since she is lazy and not purposeful. Julia-Taurus is able to find in everything that happens around her common sense, which allows her to take on only those cases that are sure to be successful. She does all her work slowly, thoughtfully and carefully, and you shouldn’t rush her. Compose family happiness A Virgo man can work with Julia-Taurus - they are both rational and strongly attached to home and family.

Twins- a contradictory personality who knows how to get out of any situation with honor. Her natural duality is both a weakness and a weapon for Julia-Gemini. Lightness and sensuality easily coexist in her with rationalism and prudence, and self-confidence with vulnerability and sentimentality. Somewhere deep down in her soul, Julia-Gemini considers herself an ideal, and everyone else her loyal subjects. A Leo man can make such a difficult woman happy - this couple will always be able to find mutual language together.

Cancer- an impressionable but secretive nature, for whom love is very important. Life without love makes no sense for Julia-Cancer; she experiences love failures very hard. Her bouts of melancholy are replaced by unbridled gaiety. She is very afraid of uncertainty, so she tries to live frugally and save money. In love, Julia-Cancer usually becomes the shadow of her man, but she will never choose a financially insolvent person. Her husband's support is very important to her; she constantly wants to hear words of love and approval from him - then her wings literally grow. Become reliable support In life, a Taurus man will be able to help a woman - for both of them, home and family will come first, and everything else will be secondary.

a lion- a person who is demanding of himself and others, proud and confident. She does not tolerate any criticism of herself, and if possible, she will always take revenge on her offender. Natural optimism allows her to easily experience all mistakes and failures and walk through life with her head held high. Yulia-Leo is a real fighter and winner, her place in high society, to which she always strives. She knows how to live life to the fullest, and it’s not about the amount of money. Pride is her weakness and strength at the same time. Living with Julius-Leo is very difficult, but a Libra man can do it - the natural flexibility and ability to adapt, characteristic of this sign, can make this marriage tandem successful.

Virgo- a strict and demanding woman, a fighter by nature. You should not expect outbursts of tenderness and sentimentality from her; she will not flaunt her feelings. Yulia-Leo does not like publicity; she prefers spending time at home to noisy parties with friends. She is not one of those women who can fall in love at first sight; she needs to be looked after for a long time and beautifully. She values ​​spiritual unity much higher than mundane carnal love. She needs a partnership in which both spouses respect each other's personal space. An ideal husband for Julia-Virgo there will be a man born with her under the same zodiac sign. The union of two Virgos is simply an amazing spiritual unity, so important for both partners.

Scales is a woman with masculine logic, practical and smart. She does not seek to demonstrate her talents to the world, but those around her always notice her wisdom and sincerity. At the same time, she tries to avoid any responsibility, which prevents her from achieving great career heights. Julia-Libra is always tactful and delicate, absolutely self-sufficient. She is ready for almost anything for her loved one; she will readily fulfill all his whims and whims. At the same time, she is an excellent manipulator, and her husband will not even notice that he is not the head of the family. A Capricorn man would be a good match for Julia-Libra - their marriage has every chance of lasting a lifetime.

Scorpion- a mysterious and enigmatic personality, always self-confident, proud and independent. She is very keen on leadership, and the role of a stay-at-home mother is absolutely not suitable for her. It is almost impossible to deceive Julia-Scorpio; she feels people very subtly and skillfully uses this. She is the type of woman who knows how to make crowds of people dance to her tune. But, despite this, she is very sensitive and vulnerable, and like no one else she needs a loving and caring man. Create family happiness for this difficult woman a Virgo man can - they have perfect compatibility horoscopes.

Sagittarius- straightforward, fair nature, a real fighter for the truth. Because of her ambition and desire to always and everywhere tell the truth, she makes other enemies for herself. It is almost impossible to convince Yulia-Sagittarius; she has her own opinion on everything. At the same time, she is not materialistic or a careerist, she knows how to be loyal friends and sincerely love. She is capable of deep experiences, although outwardly this is not at all noticeable. Unfortunately, Yulia-Sagittarius has every chance of remaining an old maid, since she has a very high requirements to your chosen one. A Scorpio man can match them - they will be attracted to each other literally at first sight.

Capricorn- an intelligent, well-mannered and well-read woman who usually has a good career. She is a maximalist by nature, she needs everything or nothing. Julia-Capricorn is always extremely reserved and proud, especially with men. But at heart she is a subtle, vulnerable and very sensual woman. She enthusiastically engages in work and career, but for the sake of a loved one she can give up everything overnight. A successful personal life makes her prettier and kinder, but without love she becomes a bitchy careerist. Julia-Capricorn can become happy with a Taurus man - they will be comfortable together.

Aquarius- a socially oriented woman, sociable and cheerful. She always has a lot of friends, she is very sensitive and is always ready to help. It is very important for Julia-Aquarius to feel needed and useful, but she is not indifferent to the opinions of others about her. She always stands guard over the interests of goodness and justice, but tries in every possible way to avoid conflicts. Cunning and insidious plans are not about Yulia-Aquarius; she will never go over the heads of other people in pursuit of her own benefit. She definitely came into this world to make it a better place. In marriage, the warmth and mutual understanding that a Libra man can give her is very important for her - the partners will speak the same language and understand each other perfectly.

Fish- a sentimental, gentle and romantic nature that perceives any minor trouble as a disaster. She has a sympathetic heart and always strives to give to people rather than take, which many take advantage of. She humbly waits for her happiness, without doing anything to somehow bring it closer. Julia-Pisces has a very rich imagination. And often she lives in her own world, far from reality. This fantasy world saves her from the depression and melancholy to which she is prone. The Scorpio man can become a reliable protector in life for Julia-Pisces - he stands firmly on his feet and will be a good support for his impractical wife.

Names: origin and forms

Julia - (from Greek) wavy, fluffy; (from Latin) a female Roman name.

Old: Julia.
Derivatives: Julia, Yula, Yulyusya.

Directory of Russian names

From Iulia, wavy, fluffy(from Greek).

Movable, noticeable, going up the stairs. Somewhat restless. A child of love, from childhood she is surrounded by worship and accepts it with dignity. Talented bohemians, with a twist, try to achieve universal recognition, but give way to their elders. Fidget goat with graceful sharp horns. He beckons and... leaves.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Julia- July (Latin).
Derived from the Roman family name Julius. The name is very loved, especially in major cities, and its popularity is growing.
Zodiac name: A lion.
Planet: Sun.
Name color: bright yellow.
Talisman stone: amber.
Auspicious plant: oak, sunflower.
Patron name: dragonfly.
Happy day: Sunday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: restraint, vulnerability.


Julia the Virgo, holy martyr, July 29 (16). In captivity among the pagans for the faith of Christ, after suffering, she was crucified (5th century).
Julia, holy martyr, May 31 (18). Along with other virgin martyrs, after being tortured for the faith of Christ, she was drowned in the lake. One of them, Saint Tecusa, appeared to Saint Fedot in a dream, asking him to bury their bodies in a Christian manner. The saint fulfilled the request of the martyr; but the ruler, having learned about the theft of the bodies, became enraged and, seizing Saint Fedot, subjected him to cruel torture, and then execution by beheading.


On Yulia's Day, the birds think and stop singing.


Julia is a touchy and vulnerable girl. Her mood often changes, cheerful and noisy, she suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic for no apparent reason. In this state, it is best to leave the girl alone, time will pass, and she will be the same again. It is difficult to argue with her, she stands her ground to the end, and is reluctant to admit her mistakes. Yulia has been surrounded by worship since childhood and takes it for granted. She is a secretive, silent and indecisive girl. Parents need to develop her activity.

Yulia does not feel any particular desire to study; she does it out of necessity. She has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but she is not too inquisitive. However, she is passionate about everything fantastic and supernatural, loves various horoscopes and fortune telling. Julia reads a lot, mostly novels.

Julia has wide opportunities in choosing a profession. She can be a lawyer, a programmer, medical worker, actress, art critic, artist, fashion model, flight attendant.

Yulia is obligatory at work and carefully carries out assignments. She cannot stand moralizing, and she herself does not lecture anyone. Equally equal to men and women. She experiences betrayal, dishonest actions, and failures very hard, but she restrains her emotions and seems dispassionate and indifferent. He often blames others for his problems and always finds an opportunity to justify himself. She has no sense of responsibility, she is a driven person and can succeed with good influence.

Julia is beautiful, with a good athletic figure, always fashionably dressed, very feminine. Both men and women immediately feel this mystery of it, the former fall in love, the latter envy. For Julia herself, this brings little happiness, or it is too fleeting.

Julia is reserved, but also sensual, especially when she meets a person she really likes. She loves sex, but usually does not experience passionate desire and easily achieves satisfaction. Julia is fully aware of her attractiveness and loves to manipulate men.

Julia's family life is difficult. She is not interested in household chores, although she can do everything perfectly, but for this she needs a special mood, and not an everyday routine. She has many friends, she is happy to host them. Julia has aristocratic manners, ordinary holidays are not interesting to her, she will always come up with some kind of twist. Julia has the most favorable relationships with Vasily, Vladislav, Evgeniy, Kirill, and Eduard.


Yulia Vladimirovna Drunina (1924-1991) is a famous Russian poetess, whose poems, poems and prose are well known to many readers. Imbued with tenderness and warmth, pain and dignity, her works were created over the course of creative path only half a century long. A special place is occupied by poems dedicated to the unforgettable days of the Great Patriotic War, when the poetess... “left her childhood for a dirty heated vehicle, for an infantry echelon, for a medical platoon.”

In 1977, Yulia Drunina released the collection “There Is No Unhappy Love,” for which she received the State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky. Excerpts from the preface to the collection soulfully written by Boris Slutsky are offered: “... A nineteen-year-old Moscow schoolgirl, a girl from a teacher’s family, suffering in hospitals with a serious wound from pain and insomnia, from pity and love for her dead comrades, wrote a poem, already long inseparable not only from military poetry, but also from war, included not only in anthologies, but also in popular memory:

I've only seen hand-to-hand combat once,
Once - in reality, and a thousand - in a dream.
Who says that war is not scary?
He knows nothing about the war.

When Drunina wrote these four lines, she became a poet. And when she found the courage to cross out what she believed was the longest poetic explanation preceding this quatrain, and leave only four - and no more - lines, Drunina became a professional poet. The power of expression and brevity - early defined qualities - have accompanied Drunina's best poems ever since."

"...Moscow girl thrown into battle formations infantry, found the strength of spirit in herself to do the menial, terrible, combat work of a nurse, and the strength of talent, so that her fear and her fearlessness, her weakness and her strength, her feat, would be poured into the eternal bronze of verse..."

"...The best of Drunina's old poems have stood the test of time. The best of the new ones stand this test."

Drunina has a huge audience - several generations of readers - soldiers, children of soldiers, and most of all Lately are already grandchildren of soldiers. This is because the poet writes about enduring human values ​​- love, camaraderie, courage and kindness. And also because she is never repulsed by the young and unfamiliar, no matter how strange, from the point of view of fashion of the year forty-five, clothes it was dressed in.

The theme of love runs through all of the poet’s work - for fellow soldiers and comrades, for a close friend, for the Motherland. The best of Drunina’s later collections is called: “There is no such thing as unhappy love...” And it contains the following poem:

I'm not used to being pitied
I was proud that among the fire
Men in bloody overcoats
They called a girl to help - me.
But this evening, peaceful, winter, white,
I don’t want to remember the past
And a woman, confused, timid,
I fall to your shoulder.

Drunina's war was victorious, love was happy..." On November 20, 1991, Yulia Drunina tragically passed away.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.
