December 22 stone talisman. Scorpio zodiac sign stones

People have been choosing stones based on their date of birth for a long time so that they become amulets, talismans, and amulets. They perform protective functions, help in work, personal life, make a person successful. In addition, they can even treat and prevent the influence negative energy. Many people prefer to make choices based on their zodiac signs. But it is best to take into account the number of birth and full date.

Numerology helps people not only determine some events in life, but also select by date of birth best mascot. The most important ones are the birthday and month. If a person was born on the 12th, then you need to add both numbers. The result will be 3. It is this indicator that determines which mineral is ideal for a person.

There is another option for determining a stone by its full date. Here you need to take into account not only the day, but also the month and year. As a result, the result will be more accurate. The principle remains the same - you should add up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on November 27, 1989, then you need to do this: 2+7+1+1+1+9+8+9. The result is 38. Now you need to add the numbers again and you get 11. After the next addition, you get a two. This is the number of a person’s life, which influences the choice of amulet.

If the result is one, then topazes, yellow sapphires and rubies will suit people. For those who have a life number of two, tiger or pearls are recommended Moonstone. For people born under the number 3, the best amulet there will be an amethyst.

If the birth number is seven, then a tiger or cat's eye is suitable for a person

If after all the manipulations the result is a four, then the person can be protected by hessonite and sapphire in blue tones. In addition, it is allowed to wear a red-golden garnet. For people born under the number 5, the talisman is a diamond. If the resulting number is six, then the protectors of the person will be olivine and emerald.

If the birth number is seven, then a tiger or cat's eye is suitable for a person. It is also allowed to use pearls and moonstone. If the result is an eight, then the protectors are sapphire of blue color and lapis lazuli. Coral is recommended for Nines.

A special place for people who end up with zero, which happens very rarely. If we take into account the entire date, then such a figure will definitely not work out. But sometimes people who were born on February 29 are called “zeros”. This can only happen once in 4 years. The best protectors in this case will be red diamonds, since they are as rare as people with the number 0. They are also recommended to have jadeite and majorite. These minerals will reveal the potential of their owner.

For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th, it is recommended to choose a moonstone

Birthday stones

It is recommended to choose talismans by date of birth. If a person was born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th, then of all the options, amber and ruby ​​are best suited. You can also use corals and red opals, rubies. By the way, topaz of yellow or gold color, as well as sapphire of the same tones, will come in handy. In addition, you can use turquoise, heliodor, garnet and carnelian.

For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th, it is recommended to choose moonstone, white pearls, tiger's eye and cat's eye. You can also wear jade and opal in green tones. If a person was born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, then coral and topaz are suitable as the best protectors. You can also choose emerald and amethyst.

If you choose a talisman by day, and a person was born on the 2nd, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month, then the best options are: garnet, zirconium, hessonite and gray or red-brown opal. Also recommended is aquamarine in blue tones, sapphire in light blue color, whitish coral and diamond.

How to choose a stone by date of birth (video)

For those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, zirconium, diamond and white sapphire are recommended as an amulet. If your birthday is 6, 15 or 24, then green opals, beryls, aquamarines, jadeites and emeralds are ideal. You can also wear ruby ​​and red coral. Olivine, heliotrope and alexandrite are also suitable.

If the date falls on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, then as an amulet you can wear pearls, white lunar pearls, green jadeite and tiger's eye. For those born on the 8th, 17th or 26th, the best protectors will be turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, and light blue aquamarine. You can also wear opal in gray or brownish-red tones. For people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th, ruby ​​and red opal or coral are suitable as a talisman. It is also recommended to give pomegranate, carnelian and amber.

Gallery: selection of stones by date of birth (50 photos)

Pearls are perfect for a Cancer woman

Amulet by month of birth

Talisman stones can be selected according to the month of birth. Here are the main options:

  1. If a person was born in January, then the best option is pomegranate. It will protect against nightmares, insomnia, prevent a snake attack, and help find the way if a person is lost.
  2. If a person was born in February, then it is better to choose amethyst. It helps to calm down. Its ability to relieve a person from alcohol intoxication has been known since ancient times. The amulet will protect against deception.
  3. For those born in March, the best talisman is aquamarine. It improves health and restores youth. Sailors believe in the protection of this amulet.
  4. Among all the stones, diamond is best suited for people born in April. It will make a person stronger in every way.
  5. For those born in May of all. It improves health, prevents diseases or treats them. It is believed that emerald helps a person see the future.
  6. For people born in June, several options are suitable at the same time - moonstone and pearls. They are able to influence family relationships, strengthen the marriage.
  7. If a person was born in July, then ruby ​​has proven itself to be an excellent stone. It will bring harmony and tranquility into a person’s life.
  8. If a person was born in August, then you can give him peridot. It will protect its owner from any evil. In addition, it was previously believed that it enhances healing abilities.
  9. Of all the stones, sapphire is suitable for those born in September. It gives its wearer a lot of positive traits. By the way, it used to be believed that the brighter the stone shines, the better the person.
  10. If a person was born in October, it is recommended to choose tourmaline and opal. Such amulets are very powerful. They will strengthen friendly relations. They are recommended to maintain normal emotional state. They also help with treatment.
  11. Citrine and topaz are suitable for those born in November yellow color. These crystals prevent various diseases and are capable of changing color to notify its owner of various dangers.
  12. For people born in December, the following are recommended as amulets: tanzanite, blue topaz and turquoise. It will make a person lucky, successful and rich.

You should always consider the month of birth when choosing a talisman for a person.

Choosing a stone according to your zodiac sign

The best gemstones for Aries are diamonds. It is these that experts recommend paying attention to. This mineral is very suitable for Aries, it is the most worthy.

If you need to choose which stone is suitable for Aries men, then diamond will be the ideal option. Diamond symbolizes human strength, and Aries has just such a character. These stones are also suitable for an Aries woman.

By the way, even the name of the material itself comes from Greek word, which has the translation “indestructible”. So it is not surprising that diamonds (or rather diamonds) are stones for Aries men and women. They will make a person successful, lucky, bring a lot of victories into life, and prevent defeats. In addition, if you need to choose which stones are suitable for Aries, then a diamond will help get rid of rage, irritability, anger, and these emotions are very typical for people born under the Aries zodiac sign. So if you carry a diamond with you, you can prevent this behavior.

If you need to choose stones for an Aries woman by date of birth, then there are many options. One of the universal ones is ruby. It will help Aries women become more generous, compassionate, and noble. If a person is Aries, ruby ​​stones will help restore his interest in life and relieve him of torment.

Another talisman stone for the Aries woman is amethyst. He will get rid of negative energy, will help to take right decisions in difficult situations. Sapphire and sapphire are also suitable for the Aries sign.

When choosing stones for Cancer according to your horoscope, it is best to pay attention to emerald, aventurine, chrysoprase, and aquamarine. For suitable for women and pearls. You can give Leo amber, carnelian, opal, rock crystal. For the Virgo zodiac sign, peridot is an excellent talisman. You can also choose jade, sapphire, jadeite. If a person has a zodiac sign like Libra, then the best options are aquamarine, opal, amethyst, jade, morion.

For Scorpio girls, it is recommended to choose aquamarine as a gift. In addition, coral, tourmaline and tiger's eye are excellent for people born during this period. It is better to give turquoise to Sagittarians, and ruby ​​and malachite to Capricorns. The best amulet for Aquarius is amethyst, and Pisces are recommended to choose aquamarine and sapphire.

Women's names and stones for them (video)


By choosing the right stone based on your date of birth, you can be sure that it will be a good talisman, amulet or amulet. It is necessary to take into account both the number of birth and the full date. In addition, many people prefer to choose a stone according to their zodiac sign, which is also the right decision.

Attention, TODAY only!

Precious stones, in addition to their mesmerizing appearance, have magical power. That is why amulets and talismans are made from them. But in order for this amulet to be effective, you need to choose stones according to your zodiac sign and date of birth.

Astrologers claim that absolutely any precious stone has its own energy and magical properties. A correctly selected gem becomes a kind of talisman. It protects its owner from misfortunes, worries, and attracts health, luck and money into his life.

In order for an amulet to have a positive effect on its owner, you need to approach its choice with all seriousness. The main condition is the zodiac sign. If a crystal does not suit your horoscope, you definitely shouldn’t choose it. At best, such a talisman will be completely useless; at worst, it will bring many failures and problems.

Video “Horoscope of stones by zodiac signs”

From this video you will learn which stone is suitable for each zodiac sign.

How to choose and wear

So, in order for a precious or semi-precious stone to become a true ally of its owner, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing, it must be carefully inspected for defects. Chips, cracks, odd inclusions and dark spots should not be ignored. Otherwise, such a talisman will negatively affect the owner.
  2. Under no circumstances should you purchase a gemstone from a pawnshop. After all, stolen things are often found there. Such a stone will bring the owner many problems and worries.
  3. Trying on yourself jewelry with a gem, you need to listen carefully to your own feelings. As a rule, a person senses a suitable crystal immediately. It seems to be filled with positivity and warmth. A gem that is not compatible with a person will also make itself felt. When contacting it, you will feel discomfort and heaviness.
  4. Preference should be given to jewelry made with your own hands. Amulets created by the hands of someone close to you carry the power of the family hearth, and therefore will become the most powerful amulet from all adversity.
  5. The stone should not be large. We must not forget that this is not just decoration. The main function of such jewelry is protective. That is why the amulet must be small in size; it must be hidden from prying eyes. It is also not recommended for strangers to touch the stone.
  6. You should not hang yourself with gems from head to toe. In addition to the fact that the stones come into contact with the owner, they also come into contact with each other. Incompatible crystals may begin to conflict with each other, causing the owner of the jewelry to suffer.

Before purchasing a new product, you need to understand the color combination of stones. So, transparent ones get along well with other transparent or translucent crystals. Diamond corresponds to pearl, sapphire, ruby. Black gems do not combine with crimson, purple and brown ones. But white stones are suitable for almost all crystals.

The main rule in choosing color ranges: Rich and bright shades should be combined with equally flashy colors, and pastel colors should be combined with delicate colors.

Zodiac stones

To attract happiness, health, love and prosperity into life, you need to compare the mineral stone with the date and month of your birth. The right gem will allow you to turn the magic of the crystal to your advantage. Such a talisman:

  • protects against many diseases;
  • promotes recovery;
  • creates a positive outlook on life;
  • develops intuition;
  • attracts good luck;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves personal life;
  • develops a person’s innate abilities.


Fire zodiac signs include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

A person born under the sign of Aries is impatient, temperamental, and sometimes aggressive. For Aries of the first decade, who are influenced by Mars (March 21-30), tiger's eye and agate are perfect. People born between March 31 and April 9 are assigned pearls and jasper. Aries, born on April 10-20, are under the protection of Venus. Garnet and ruby ​​are suitable for them.

Leos are passionate natures. They are adventurous and very emotional. Leos born in the first decade (July 23 - August 1) correspond to aventurine and carnelian. For representatives of a fire sign whose birthday falls on August 2-12, opal and onyx are suitable. For people of the third decade (August 13-23), alexandrite or hyacinth will become an amulet.

Sagittarians are quick-tempered and ambitious, which is especially evident in women. Those born between November 23 and December 2 correspond to amethyst and quartz. Sagittarius born on December 3-12 should pay attention to onyx and sapphire. For Sagittarius of the third decade (December 13-21), turquoise and topaz are suitable.


For pragmatic and responsible Capricorns, whose birth falls on December 22-31, jade and green malachite are suitable. Capricorns of the period January 1-10 correspond to a cat's eye, onyx. For people born on January 11-20, opal and olivine are suitable.

Taurus are secretive and vulnerable. For those born on April 21-30, agate and amazonite are harmoniously suitable. Taurus who appeared at the beginning of the month (May 1-10) should pay attention to coral and jadeite. Taurus, under the patronage of Saturn, should take a closer look at tourmaline and aquamarine.

Virgos are sensitive and trusting. For those born between August 24 and September 3, rock crystal and jasper are suitable. For those born on September 4-13, quartz and pearls correspond. For the third decade (September 14-22), the amulet will be pink chrysolite, sultanite.


Representatives of the air element are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Coral and beryl harmoniously correspond to the sociable and friendly Gemini of the first ten days (May 22-31). The second decade (June 1-10) will suit pearls and cat's eyes. Geminis born on June 11-21 should take a closer look at olivine and topaz.

Balanced Libra in the middle of the month (September 23 - October 3) corresponds to quartz and coral. For Libra in the second decade (October 4-13), heliotrope and olivine are suitable. For those born on October 14-23, agate and cetrin are recommended.

Creative and active Aquarius, born in the first decade (January 21-29), corresponds to lapis lazuli and jasper. For Aquarius in the second decade (January 30-February 8), amber and turquoise are suitable. Aquarius of the third decade (February 9-18) is recommended to have sapphire and hyacinth with him.


Water zodiac signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Responsive Cancers, born in the first ten days (June 22 - July 1), will harmoniously suit emerald and aquamarine. The second decade (July 2-12) corresponds to agate, moonstone. For Cancers born July 13-22, pearls are suitable.

Scorpios are generous and honest. Representatives of the sign born between October 24 and November 2 are advised to pay attention to malachite. Scorpios of the second decade (November 3-12) should have hematite and garnet with them. Those born in the third decade (November 13-22) correspond to cubic zirconia and coral.

Pisces are dreamy and emotional. For those born in the first ten days (February 19-29), alexandrite and pearls are suitable. For Pisces in the second decade (March 1-10), opal is recommended. And those born at the end of the month (March 11-20) correspond to chrysolite, emerald.

Natural stones have truly magical meaning. Astrologers recommend always having your gem with you. The owner of such a talisman will inevitably experience happiness and good luck. To determine which gem is suitable for a particular zodiac sign, you need to use the appropriate table.

An amulet with a precious stone can be an excellent gift for a birthday or New Year. In addition to its attractive appearance, such decoration will give to a loved one joy and well-being.

Since ancient times, people have used force precious stones for help in life. They were used to make amulets, talismans, and jewelry that were designed to protect a person from everything negative, as well as attract good luck and prosperity. It is important to identify exactly those stones by date of birth that are ideal as amulets.

Intuition and experience of generations

Previously, the selection of a talisman took place on an intuitive level, a person chose what he liked best. In such cases, errors of choice often occurred, and the stone not only did not protect its owner, but also harmed him. Minerals, like people, have their own characteristics and character, so making friends with them is extremely important.

Selecting a talisman stone by date of birth is the most correct approach.

Time of birth

However, choosing a talisman stone based on your date of birth does not guarantee an accurate match. The time in which a person was born is very important for choosing an amulet.

At night - considered to be the hours from ten in the evening to five in the morning local time - creative individuals with extraordinary abilities are born. Such people are patronized by the Moon and Venus, they are very attached to their family and loved ones, easy-going and lucky:

  • Moonstone, opal, zirconium, turquoise and garnet are good choices for women of the night;
  • Tiger eye, peridont, ruby, jade will help men;
  • Peridot and diamond will bring misfortune to all those born at night.

Children born early in the morning - from five to eleven o'clock local time - in the future show themselves to be punctual and business people. They are extremely responsible, careful and even somewhat pedantic, very purposeful and know what they want from life:

  • For women born in the morning, coral, sapphire, opal, cat's eye and emerald are suitable;
  • Peridot, turquoise, garnet, amethyst and amber will help men achieve their goals;
  • Malachite and pearls are completely unsuitable for morning birds.

Those born in the middle of the day - between eleven and four o'clock local time - are likely to become activists. These are positive people who are the soul of the company and have strong leadership qualities. They are difficult to lead astray and upset, they believe in themselves and their strengths:

People who came into this world in the evening - from four to ten in the evening local time - are very calm and balanced. They are peacemakers and have a sober outlook on life and problems. It is difficult to shake the calm of such people and make them nervous:

  • For women born in the evening, peridont, amethyst, crystal, and topaz will help.
  • Garnet, zircon, spinel, amber and malachite are good choices for men.
  • For those born in the evening, it is better not to use moonstone and opal as a talisman.

Date of Birth

In order to understand which stone is suitable for your date of birth, you should know that the determining factor here is not only the specific day of the month, but also whether this number is even or not.

People who were born on an even number, have additional heavenly protection. They are more balanced and firm in their decisions, carefully consider all actions and events, trying to avoid mistakes. Amber, topaz, amethyst, tiger's eye, garnet, and carnelian will serve as a good assistant for such people.

Those who was born under an odd number, feelings are more important than worldly problems. They are attentive to their friends, family and loved ones and easily sacrifice material wealth for the well-being of others. For such people, emerald, malachite, coral, zirconium, moonstone, hyacinth, and tourmaline will be an excellent amulet.

The number 13 is considered magical, and people born on this day have unusual, mystical abilities. The patrons of these people will be hematite, sodalite, malachite. It is better not to use turquoise, lapis lazuli and carnelian.

Month of birth

The person's birth month plays important role in his destiny and the formation of his character. You should remember how to find out your birthstone by date of birth, taking into account the month. The talisman is calculated according to the old style, that is, plus 14 days to the date:

Each stone has its own character and its own strength. When choosing a talisman, you need to rely on intuition and inner feelings. It is important not only to understand how to recognize your talisman by date of birth, but also how to handle it. You cannot re-gift or throw away stones that served as a talisman.

If suddenly it is damaged or broken, you should bury the stone where no one walks. The power of stones will help every person, you just need to be able to see and find it.

If you want to improve your life, select talisman stones based on your date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

In the article:

Rules for choosing amulets stones

There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can carry it out by the date or month of birth; this article will discuss this method. But first, some important tips.

The best talisman is one that is given as a gift. At the same time, the mineral needs time to get used to you and start working. Most long period grinding in a diamond that does not tolerate separation from its owner.

If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to clean it and charge it after purchase. The talisman collected energy on the counter where people touched it. You can find out how to do it correctly from the relevant material on the website.

Each mineral has its own character. Wearing it indiscriminately can lead to unpleasant consequences: from a change in character not in better side until the quality of life deteriorates. Not everything goes together, so be careful.

Often a person does not like the stones that are suggested by selection by zodiac or date of birth. The best option– personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

Dangerous stones by date of birth

There are minerals that have a strong effect on owners. They can only be worn by those born during a certain period. Exceptions are rare.

Opal is suitable for those born at the end of September. For others, decorations can lead to melancholy and apathy.

Pearl Recommended for Pisces, other signs should follow certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during periods of sadness, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should prefer black pearls. It threatens Virgos with the development of weak character. Absolutely not suitable for Leos and Aries.

Amber better . For those born under another constellation, it cannot become a talisman.

Amazonite Suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character and it is very difficult to please him. By-effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

Grenade it doesn't matter when you were born. He loves emotional, bright, proactive people. Negative effects - a tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

Sapphire does not tolerate harm to others, depriving them of joy, love, friendship. If you are not sure of the purity of your thoughts, choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

Wear hematite a person who cannot resist should not own desires. It provokes cruelty and rudeness.

Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

consider the date, day of the week and month of birth separately. Next list- to determine the talisman by date of birth.

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, jade, opal, pearl, tiger's eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
  • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

The day of the week plays an equally important role in the selection of amulets:

  1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
  2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
  3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, and other heavenly shades.
  4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
  5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or having such inclusions.
  6. Saturday- smoky quartz, dark minerals.
  7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, and others of a warm golden color.

Amulet by month of birth

Options for choosing an amulet based on your month of birth for those who want to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

  1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
  2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, hawk's eye, rock crystal.
  3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
  4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
  5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
  6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
  7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
  8. August- peridot, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
  9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, peridot, agate, smoky quartz.
  10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
  11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, peridot.
  12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

Choosing amulets according to the season of birth

For those who are not satisfied with the distribution of talismans by month, we offer options by season.

  • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. Everything is light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
  • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others having bright shades of the first green.
  • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. Talismans differ from spring ones in their depth of color and warmer shades.
  • Autumn- hyacinth, garnet, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental peridot. Those born in autumn are advised to use red, blue and yellow stones.

A snowflake pendant will suit winter people, and a red maple leaf pendant will suit autumn zodiac signs. If you were born in the spring,

Choose your zodiac sign

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

or enter your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 February March April May June July August September October November December

In order to choose for yourself suitable stone, you need to solve a problem with several unknowns. At the same time, the main thing is not only to find out your zodiac stone, which often depends on the cultural tradition of the country, but also to determine what talents you would like to acquire first. And of course, for efficient work For a talisman, the energetic inclusion of the stone is especially important, that is, fine tuning of your psyche to the vibrational wave of the mineral. And then you will work in resonance with the cosmic rhythms passing through the stone, thus enhancing your own capabilities. Here, as a rule, the help of a specialist is required.

There are a large number of tables of correspondence between the signs of the Zodiac and certain precious or semiprecious stones And of course they all have the right to exist, as they reflect cultural traditions and the experience of the people who created them.

In ancient times, each stone was assigned a certain property: diamond - purity and innocence, sapphire - constancy, red ruby ​​- passion, pink ruby ​​- tender love, emerald - hope, topaz - jealousy, turquoise - whim, amethyst - devotion, opal - inconstancy, sardonyx - marital happiness, agate - health, chrysoprase - success, hyacinth - patronage, aquamarine - failure.

Stones as amulets or amulets, that is, accumulators of certain, narrowly focused energies, should be used during the period of solving a particular problem that prompted the purchase of this amulet. From time to time it is necessary to take a break from the stone, giving it the opportunity to recover, otherwise the stone’s strength may be overused. And, unlike the action of his permanent talisman, a person can get a diametrically opposite result. For each zodiac sign, tables are provided that allow you to find your own amulet for a temporary solution to certain issues.

A mineral that is a crystal, like a lens, collects certain energies, the energies of the planets, into focus, and directs them into given point. He remembers the state environment and stores it in his fortune bank. But minerals are unemotional, without morality. They are the guardians of the heavenly state of harmony; they cannot separate good from evil. Therefore, they operate regardless of whose hands they are in and do not turn off at your request.

You need to be able to handle crystals, and you need to know your field, your energies. Consulting an astrologer will help you deal with this issue. For now, for your reference, we bring to your attention brief characteristics the most popular mineral stones of your sign
