Alexander red-haired lawyer husband of Xenophon. Xenophon's ex-husband did not appear at the trial, which he himself started

Actress Elena Ksenofontova in the program “Let Them Talk” spoke about civil marriage with lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh.

Famous Russian actress became the heroine of the talk show “Let Them Talk.” She gave an interview in which she frankly told the whole truth about her civil marriage with lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh.

According to Elena, what happened to her is more like a psychological thriller.

The love story between the actress and the lawyer began beautifully, and Elena was happy that, as it seemed to her, she had finally met the man of her dreams, and Alexander knew how to look after beautifully.

Together they suffered the loss of a child during a long pregnancy, then their daughter Sofia was born. Ksenofontova's son from her second marriage, Timofey, called his stepfather dad.

But gradually the relationship deteriorated, and now the actress says that if earlier she had allowed herself to admit what she already saw, everything would have been revealed earlier.

“But we women are designed in such a way that we can persuade ourselves: no, it just seemed to me; no, he just felt bad, so he took it out on me, but it’s okay... Well, now the baby will be born, and everything will work out,” Elena says bitterly.

At some point common law husband came with the keys to the apartment. True, the apartment was empty, and a lot still needed to be invested in it. At that time, the actress lived in her own apartment with her son Timofey, and they had enough. But the new housing was in a luxury building, so such empty property would be too expensive. Ksenofontova sold her apartment on Sretenka, made repairs in her new home, fully furnished it and paid all expenses.

All this time, the common-law husband said that he had problems at work. When they finally started living together, the lawyer very quickly began to assert his rights over housing.

Elena Ksenofontova and Alexander Ryzhikh with their daughter

Soon the situation in the family began to heat up to the limit. Alexander Ryzhikh, a former paratrooper, did not leave beatings, but at any moment, knowing the techniques, he could twist Elena’s hand or press her so that she could not breathe. Then the actress found out about the betrayal. Having decided to talk about the fact that they needed to break up and Alexander should leave, she heard in response: “Girl, you don’t understand: this is my apartment, so you should leave with your son. Otherwise I’ll arrange for you...”

And he arranged it: as a result, Elena Ksenofontova has now been found guilty under the article “Hooliganism” for scratching the face of her former partner, who now intends to ensure that his daughter Sofia lives with him. Now the actress and her children live in a rented apartment and do not let her tyrant ex-husband into her life. She's still afraid of him.

Confession of Elena Ksenofontova. Let them talk

Let us remember that a week ago Elena Ksenofontova decided to finally tell the public about her personal life. In her microblog, the actress wrote: “I was silent. For a long time. Too long. She was silent because she was protecting her family, her children. I was silent because I was ashamed and scared. Because she believed that justice would prevail (and how could it be otherwise). Because my brain refused to perceive SUCH reality...”

The fact is that a year ago, on charges of the former common-law husband and father of Ksenofontova’s daughter, a criminal case was opened in the Presnensky District Magistrate’s Court as a private accusation of committing a crime under Part 1, Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism).

“For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that neither I, but he attacked me, and I only DEFENDED myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted my arms; my recorded beatings at the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police officer's report, etc. But in vain. On December 26, 2016, the Justice of the Peace handed me a GUILTY JUDGEMENT,” the actress wrote on Instagram.

We add that the actress’s first husband was Igor Lipatov, who became Elena’s support and support during her struggle with cancer, and it was he who persuaded her to enter VGIK.

The second time Ksenofontova married producer Ilya Neretin, whom she met in 2002 on the set of the series “Taiga”. In 2003, the couple had a son, Timofey.

The third husband of the TV series star was lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh. They lived in a civil marriage. On February 10, 2011, Elena gave birth to a daughter, Sofia.

On February 3, a meeting of the appeal commission will take place, which will decide the fate of Elena Ksenofontova. The star of the TV series “Hotel Elion” and “Kitchen” (STS) continues to fight her ex-husband in court. Elena is afraid that he will take her daughter away, and the actress also wants to get rid of the criminal record she received because of her ex-husband. In addition, she claims: her husband wanted to take away her apartment, despite the fact that he has real estate in Moscow and abroad. To attract public attention, Ksenofontova shared the misfortune that happened to her in several television projects and on social networks. Lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh claims that he himself suffered from a hot temper ex-lover Elena, and their common daughter Sonya hope that the parents will reconcile.

44-year-old actress Elena Ksenofontova officially got married twice, the third marriage with Alexander Ryzhikh was civil. Five years of relationship ended in scandal. The actress said: her husband cheated on her, and when she asked him to leave, he began to threaten and used physical strength and is trying to deprive his daughter of his apartment. Fans in support of the woman created a petition, which was signed by almost 6 thousand people in a week and sent to the Chairman Supreme Court demanding a fair hearing of the case (petition on the website The male version of the conflict is, of course, different.

We present facts from both conflicting sides and remember the couple's love story.

Version of Elena Ksenofontova:

1) The actress complains that her husband earned little, so the main financial burden was on her. And then she found out about the betrayal, but even when she presented correspondence from his own phone as evidence, Alexander did not admit guilt. In the program “You Won’t Believe It!” (NTV) the actress said that after this, conflicts began to happen more often. Ksenofontova asked him to move out of their apartment:“After several years of moral and physical humiliation, lies, betrayal, scandals, blackmail, reproaches that I was to blame for all his failures, endless intimidation, I voiced my intention to break up and asked to leave...”

2) The actress believes that at that moment her ex-husband “realized what a mistake he had once made.” At the beginning of the relationship, Alexander gave his wife a 4-room apartment and drew up a deed of gift for her. Lived in new apartment four of us: he, Lena, her son from a previous marriage, the couple’s common daughter. Ksenofontova sold her apartment and invested money in repairs and arrangement of a new, now “family nest.” She took on all the expenses because her husband had “problems at work.”

3) Former spouse decided to revoke the deed of gift. “It turns out that if you prove that the recipient (that is, I) made an attempt on the life of the donor (him), then the deed of gift can be revoked,” explains the star. And here the testimony of the spouses differs. Ksenofontova says: “He entered the bedroom, grabbed me by the face and throat, threw me on the bed, sat on top... He served in the Airborne Forces. I clasped my hands and chest, began to threaten. I began to choke and tried to scream for help, because we were not alone at home. He tried to choke me, I fought back. When I did this, I scratched his face with my hands,” said the actress. Elena regrets that she did not immediately contact the police: she did not want to punish the child’s father, she was terribly afraid of him, and she was also afraid for the psyche of the children.

But the ex-husband was the first to write a statement to the police, the magistrate found the actress guilty under the article “hooliganism” - she intentionally inflicted an abrasion on her husband, for which she must pay a fine. At 25 court hearings, Ksenofontova tried to prove that she was not guilty, but the decision was not made in her favor. Elena said that her husband tried to convince the court that she caused him serious injuries, which led to a concussion. Now she wants to clear her criminal record. “I don’t need her, and it’s humiliating,” says Elena.

4) Most of all, Ksenofontova is worried about another court - a civil one - about the place of determining the residence of their daughter Sofia, the procedure for communication and the collection of alimony. “In order to take my child away from me, he is trying to look for some incriminating evidence on me... to make me look like I am terminally ill, mentally unstable... He is brandishing a sentence that has not entered into force - how can you trust a child to a criminal?!!” - Ksenofontova worries, “He wants the child to live with him.”

Version of the artist’s former common-law husband:

1) In court, Alexander presented documents stating that he ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute with injuries. By the way, the man refused hospitalization.“Our relationship deteriorated, partly because of Elena’s temper,” Ryzhikh said in an interview with StarHit magazine. - Sometimes, word for word, we argued... But if in a normal family it all ended there, then it doesn’t happen with us. Elena, in a fit of emotion, often began to beat me... I endured it for a long time, until at some point I received a concussion and ended up in the Sklifosovsky Institute.”

2) According to Ryzhikh, he filed a counterclaim in court to determine the place of residence and meetings with their 5-year-old daughter Sonya only after a similar claim was filed by Ksenofontova herself. After the couple separated, Alexander did not see his daughter for almost three months. Now communication with the child has improved. Red says that Sonya wants her parents to make peace and be together. By the way, according to information from the actress’s ex-husband, she has already sold the apartment.

From love to hate...

At the age of 21, Ksenofontova married Igor Lipatov for the first time, when he worked as a real estate agent. Elena lived with her first husband for 11 years, successfully overcoming the period of lack of money. The reason for the divorce initiated by Ksenofontova was that the feelings passed over the years. Despite the fact that Lipatov soon married, they remained good friends.

On the set of “Taiga” by Valeria Todorovsky, the actress met her second husband, producer Ilya Neretin. In 2003, Ksenofontova gave birth to his son Timofey. The firstborn was not even a year old when Elena found out about her husband’s betrayal and decided to break up with him. “It’s scary when a son doesn’t have a father, but life in an atmosphere of lies is worse,” Ksenofontova commented on the divorce.

And then Elena’s lawyer Alexander appeared in her life. Ksenofontova met him in a law office and soon fell in love with the smart, courteous, impressive lawyer who surrounded her with attention. Sasha looked after her beautifully, gave flowers and gifts. The actress said that she felt like she was behind a stone wall - a weak and beloved woman, whom her beloved carried in her arms. Sasha gave her an unbearable lightness of being.

“Together we enjoy walking around Moscow, holding hands, talking, visiting friends we haven’t seen for a hundred years, having sex, damn it!” – Ksenofontova shared her happiness.

When Elena became pregnant six years ago, doctors warned that pregnancy and childbirth would not be easy. The actress’s son was not easy for her: toxicosis, cesarean section... But Lena always dreamed of a daughter and gave birth to a girl. She was happy, quickly went to work in the theater, acted, and always earned money herself. She gave a quarter of the money from the sale—$120,000—of her own apartment to the education of her husband’s nephew in London. A woman in love is not capable of such actions. And then Ksenofontova began to notice that her husband was changing - and next to her was the man she described above.

On February 10, Sonya Ryzhikh will turn 6 years old. I want her to have a calm and happy mother next to her, who is not afraid of her dad. And dad also had the opportunity to congratulate the child on his birthday.

By the way

Elena Ksenofontova is a healthy woman who works hard and manages to devote time to her children. 
 The health problem that Elena had for a long time does not prevent her from living. IN student years

Ksenofontova began to suffer from headaches. But she learned to live with this migraine. Several years ago, in an interview, the actress described her condition in her younger years as follows: “It felt like I was filled with a mass of mercury all inside, and my head was about to split. For three years I was given various diagnoses, given IVs, and wrapped in some kind of wires. I still don’t know what my illness is called... Igor (first husband) supported me in everything. He dragged himself around hospitals with me. In one of them, the doctor, having read my referral, where the diagnosis was written “General disorders of the brain,” exclaimed: “Wow, so young, and already cancer!” And I fainted... Then there were some examinations again. The diagnosis was either confirmed or not... Then they told me approximately the following - that we don’t know about you, but you will have to live with it. How? The pain was sometimes simply unbearable! Then I pricked myself with needles to somehow kill one pain with another. But little by little I learned to be friends with my illness, to negotiate with it. The union, of course, is tiring, but it’s okay, you can live. I live". Russian news. A week ago, actress Elena Ksenofontova posted on her page in social network

publication in which she frankly said that

became a victim of domestic violence.
Elena Ksenofontova, actress:

I was silent. For a long time. Too long. She was silent because she was protecting her family, her children. I was silent because I was ashamed and scared. Because she believed that justice would prevail (and how could it be otherwise). Because my brain refused to perceive SUCH reality. The actress was in a relationship with lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh. Together they raised their five-year-old daughter Sophia. Ex-husband

The actress sued Elena, accusing her of beating him. According to the actress,

became a victim of domestic violence.
Exactly a year ago, on the false accusation of my former common-law husband and father of my daughter, a criminal case was opened in the Presnensky District Magistrate's Court as a private accusation of committing a crime under Part 1, Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism).

Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official

According to Ksenofontova, on October 19, 2015, there was a quarrel with her husband, during which he twisted the actress’s hands, began to choke her, and when Elena began to call for help to the woman who was cleaning their apartment, her husband covered her mouth with his hand. The actress fought back, and apparently at that moment scratched the man’s cheek. Elena notes that he later called the police and said that his partner had beaten him. The actress, in turn, filmed the beatings, but did not write a statement to the police because she was afraid of Alexander. And in February 2016, Elena found out that she was a defendant and a criminal case had been opened against her.

With daughter. Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official

At the end of December 2016, the actress was convicted

then she decided to publicly admit her difficult situation in the family. Under the post on Instagram, she added that “ there was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted my arms; my recorded beatings at the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police officer's report, etc. But in vain. On December 26, 2016, the Magistrate handed me a GUARANTEE, completely ignoring all of the above and accepting the plaintiff’s testimony as truth.».

Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official

Next, Elena Ksenofontova cited part of the testimony of her former common-law husband, Alexander Ryzhikh. “... Ksenofontova, who had previously had her back to me, sharply turned in my direction and with her hand inflicted more than three blows on me in the head, in the right temporal part, as well as in the area of ​​the middle facial part, after which she lay down on the bed and began to call for help, while also shouting the statement that I was killing her. All of the above violent actions of Ksenofontova caused me severe physical pain. Being in a state of "knockdown", I instinctively grabbed right hand behind the part of the head/face where Ksenofontova was struck, and with his left hand and left knee he leaned on the bed, on which Ksenofontova was already lying at that moment...».

Photo: lydmila_fan

The court adjourned the case until the 17th.

A petition was created on to get a fair trial for the actress who suffered. At the time of writing, almost 29 thousand people signed it.

Screenshot from

Elena Ksenofontova is an Honored Artist of Russia. Known for its theatrical works and roles in the TV series “Kitchen”, “Hotel Eleon”, “Mothers and Daughters”. There were many trials in her life - while still a student, Elena was diagnosed with brain cancer, which she was able to overcome. In a relationship with Alexander Ryzhikh, she lost a child long term.

Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official

Elena Ksenofontova, unfortunately,

became not the only one famous woman who was subjected to domestic violence.

At one time, similar situations occurred in the family of singer Valeria, who, due to frequent manifestations of aggression against her, left producer Alexander Shulgin with three children.

The husband of Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry beat her to such an extent that the woman almost lost her hearing due to a burst eardrum, and Rihanna's chosen one - singer Chris Brown - struck the singer several times and threw one on the road, for which he received five years probation and 180 days of public works.

The story of Ekaterina Arkharova, to whom her husband, Marat Basharov (), raised his hand, received resonance.

Famous actor Mel Gibson beat his wife, Oksana Grigorieva, who filed a lawsuit against him. Gibson was sentenced to a fine and three years probation. This incident had a detrimental effect on the actor's career.

Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva. Photo:

Elena was also supported by her colleagues. For example, actress Olga Medynich published Ksenofontova’s post on her social network page and added her comment: “ On Lena's page there is a petition, the appeal court on February 3. My comments are unnecessary. Please support. Thanks everyone».

With kids. Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official

The actress’s former common-law husband commented on the situation to StarHit magazine and admitted that their little daughter hopes that her parents will reconcile, and he himself does not want to interfere with Elena’s communication with the child.

Alexander Ryzhikh, lawyer:
Our relationship deteriorated, partly because of Elena’s temper. Sometimes, word for word, we argued. But if in a normal family it all ended there, then with us it doesn’t. Elena, in a fit of emotion, often began to beat me. With the children - her eldest son Timofey, our little Sonya. I tried to persuade him to at least go into another room and talk. He endured it for a long time, until at some point he received a concussion and ended up in the Sklifosovsky Institute.

Insults, humiliation, threats and beatings. When faced with this on the street, at work or even in their own kitchen, Belarusian women, as a rule, do not go to complain.

The story of domestic violence in the family of Elena Ksenofontova took an unexpected turn. The actress's husband, Alexander Ryzhikh, claims that he was the victim, and his wife started the fight.

According to lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh, his relationship with Elena Ksenofontova deteriorated for many reasons, including because of her temper. “It happens, word for word, we argued... But if in a normal family it all ended there, then it doesn’t happen with us. Elena, in a fit of emotion, often began to beat me. With the children - her eldest son Timofey, our little Sonya. I tried to persuade him to at least go into another room and talk. He endured it for a long time, until at some point he received a concussion and ended up in the Sklifosovsky Institute,” the man said.

However, Ryzhikh refused hospitalization and was treated at home. Relations with Elena have completely deteriorated - they have become strangers who simply share living space. One day, returning from work, Alexander discovered that the locks were on front door the apartments are new. He learned from neighbors that the day before Ksenofontova packed her things, took her daughter and left. She did not answer phone calls.

“I learned that Elena sold the apartment to lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who provided her with lawyers from his bureau. After this “escape” I did not see Sonya for almost three months. For two weeks I came to the kindergarten and music school every day, hoping to find her there, but the teachers said that she had stopped attending classes. In the end, Elena let me meet my daughter. After that, she went to court to determine Sophia’s place of residence and the “rules” of her communication with her father. I filed a counterclaim! In no case am I going to forbid a mother from raising her daughter, I just don’t want to suffer from my wife’s unpredictable behavior,” Ryzhikh quotes.

Now Alexander regularly sees his daughter - sometimes they walk and talk in fits and starts. However, on New Year, when the man arrived with a gift for Sonya, Elena did not let him into the house. Alexander had to present the gift at the entrance. And in early January, Ryzhikh was able to pick up his daughter for a few hours so that she could see her grandmother - his mother.

“Despite the fact that Elena turns the child against the father, my daughter misses me, I feel and see it. And he even tries to reconcile the careless mom and dad. Sonechka does not lose hope that we will be together again,” the man noted.

Let us remind you that Ksenofontova published a shocking post on Instagram. The actress admitted that she ex-lover, lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh, filed a police report against her, accusing her of beating. Allegedly, Elena struck him on the head several times, after which she pretended to be the victim.

“For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that it was not me, but he who attacked me, and I was only defending myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted my arms; my recorded beatings at the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police officer's report, etc. But in vain,” Elena wrote. At the end of last year, she was convicted and ordered to pay a fine. The actress claims that Alexander now intends to take away her apartment and daughter.
