How to learn to tell fortunes with cards: recommendations for layouts. Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards

To lay out the cards, you need to take a deck up to sixes inclusive, if possible unplayed (in general, a deck used for fortune telling should not be played).

Singles and singles take the king and queen of diamonds. Married people take the king and queen of hearts. Elderly persons can at least consider themselves the king or queen of clubs.

Pay a little attention to the cards in this three (see Meanings of the cards). You place your card on the table and shuffle the deck again. Having abandoned all side thoughts, you slowly ask the question: What will happen? And you remove the deck to your card, that is, “to your heart.” This is the most main map, it gives you an idea of ​​what touches your heart closest or who thinks highly of you. Moreover, all the figures represent people who think about you, remember you.

In this case, the first card on the heart:

King or queen - thinks about you, remembers you.
Jack - worries or troubles; if there is a king of the same suit next to the jack, then the jack means his thoughts.
Queen of spades - boredom (you will be bored).
Ten and eight of spades are a disease.
Seven of spades - trouble.
Six of spades - loss, disappearance.
In addition, those cards of spades and clubs that have one point in the middle and if they lie point up are considered especially unpleasant cards on the heart:
Sevens and nines of spades are inevitable tears.
Ace of clubs - failure in business.
Ace of spades: Point down - something more or less serious will suddenly unpleasantly hit or offend you, point up - you will either get scared or get unexpected blow.
Ace of diamonds - letter.
Ace of hearts - package.
Nine or ten diamonds - get money.
Nine or ten of hearts - rejoice, you will be pleased!

After this, you again take the deck without shuffling (always keep the deck with the closed side), place it above the head of your card and leave the bottom cards (approximately a quarter of the deck), without looking, shift the deck to your feet and, leaving approximately the same part of the deck there, shift the deck back (behind the back of your figure) and finally put the rest in the direction where her face is facing. Then you take the first pack of cards (above your head) and, one at a time, remove the two top cards and place them side by side openly above your head, place the second pack (at the feet) on top of the first pack remaining in your hands and place the two top cards side by side at the feet, then do the same the same with the third and fourth parts of the deck and get two cards from the four sides of your card. Then you remove the top two cards and place them in the upper corner behind your card, then two also in the lower corner in front, in the upper corner in front and in the lower corner behind, and there are 16 cards around your card. You shuffle the rest, discard the top 3 cards, and put the fourth on the heart, again discard three and put the fourth, and so on until there are 4 hole cards on the heart, from the first there are only five.

You pick up the four cards on your heart and examine them. They contain the future that is destined to most closely touch yours. inner life. If they are dominated by peaks (except for figures), then troubles await you in the near future, and the figure will show from whom. But these bad cards only fall entirely on you if they fall behind the back of the figure that is immediately there. Everything bad in front of her applies to her, but also concerns you. The predominance of the red suit in the heart is always a harbinger of joy and happiness.

A pair of cards above your head, like the other three pairs, in front of you indicate the near future (will be fulfilled within one to two weeks).

A couple of cards under your feet are transitory, that is, something that is or will be and will go away. If it is a disease or generally unpleasant cards, then they will come and go, which is very undesirable. The only bad thing is if some figure in which you guess a close person is often under your feet in your fortune telling - it will soon disappear in your life. Forever or temporarily - that is the question.

The two cards behind you show the past or what is being done now.
The two cards in the top corner behind are what is now being done away from you.
The two back ones in the lower corner are the most distant future.
If, in addition, in your fortune telling you immediately got:
All 9 of hearts - you will be very happy.
All 9 diamonds - money is waiting for you.
All 9 peaks foretell grief.
Aces generally indicate time: days - if they are on a suit.
The near future and time of year - if they are in the lower back corner on the cards.
Can essentially have time if the question and interest of the fortune telling is when something will happen.

4 Aces - wish fulfillment, an unpleasant surprise. If 4 tens also appear, then in the near future you will have a moment (hour, day, week) of boundless joy. This is the happiest combination of fortune telling on cards and entails joy with quite profound consequences, but alas - this combination occurs as rarely as moments of happiness are rare in our lives!
4 Kings - good deeds, success. If they appear in fortune telling for a stranger, then this shows his position in the world, he is a person from good society.
4 Ladies are undesirable in fortune telling for a lady. People are gossiping about you, but if one of the ladies is next to you, then the woman close to you spreads this gossip. The black card with it indicates an enemy, the red card indicates a friend. Fortune telling for a man by 4 ladies indicates that he is surrounded by ladies and generally loves ladies' company.
4 Jacks - indicate upcoming troubles, and if one of them lies on your heart, worries, heavy or not, depending on whether light or dark cards appear in front of you. Heart cards destroy the bad meaning of black cards with their own king, even if not nearby, the jack denotes his thoughts and intentions. With nine or ten of hearts, the king and jack indicate his passionate desire to see you. In the predominance of jacks rather than kings, you can see the simple environment in which the person you are telling fortunes revolves around.
4 Tens - the fulfillment of a desire, although not a heartfelt one. In general, dozens are business cards. The more they group, the more brilliant your business will be.
4 Nines - surprise, pleasant or not, depending on the nine closest to you and, in general, on the cards ahead.
4 Eights or 4 Sevens - have almost no meaning, if you do not take into account the fact that the predominance of small cards generally means a bleak time, lack of money, especially if this little thing prevails ahead, this is called “gray days”. In general, the vocation of the eight is to denote the house, the room of the corresponding lady, while the ace denotes the house of the king. Sometimes 4 eights mean impact, and 4 sevens mean intrigue.
4 Sixes - wish fulfillment. In general, the role of the six is ​​to mark the road. Several sixes in front of you or above your head, under your feet mark the road for you.

Otherwise, sixes represent roads. A six of the corresponding suit with a figure shows what road lies ahead of it:
Six of spades - dark, night,
six of clubs - evening,
six of diamonds - a small close path,
six of hearts - walk.
The ace of clubs with a road of spades or clubs means a railway, the ace of spades - a road on horses.
The more large maps in your fortune telling, the more full of interest and incidents the future is and the better your financial situation will be in the near future.

Interpretation, meaning of cards when fortune telling

The meaning of the cards


Interpretation of the card: Ace of spades - at night, in winter. Loss, sad letter, blow, fright, trouble, repentance in front of the king towards the ladies. Point up - passionate love; the house of rich respectable people, someone else's house.

With 10 diamonds (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.
With some six - a horse ride.
With an ace of clubs (both points up) - fear.
The King of Spades is a respectable master, an enemy, a bad person, a rival.
With peaks - portends good things.
With clubs - opposition and villainy.
From the 8th of spades (on the sides of your card) - lasting troubles and grief; if the king of diamonds is right there - the help of a noble person.

Interpretation of the card: King of spades with a queen and jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.
With a club - his hatred.
With a tambourine - its location.
With a worm - its location.

Card meaning: Queen of spades - old woman, boredom, gossip; bad woman, hindrance, quarrel.
Between two figures - a disagreement between them (near your card) - grief, trouble, especially with 7 clubs or 9 spades.
With a pike, she’s generally a kind old lady.
With a club - a villain.
With a tambourine - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.
With 9 hearts - happiness.

Interpretation of the card: Jack of spades - a quarrel or a fight, a bad or black-haired person, a commoner, bad news, thoughts of the king of spades.
With a pike in general - a faithful ally.
With a club - a liar, an envious person, a gossip.
With a tambourine - an accomplice, a messenger, a drunken man.
With a worm - a friend.
With the queen of spades - a big quarrel, a fight.
With the 8th of spades - a big nuisance between lovers.

Card meaning: Ten of spades - a black thing, illness, with a king, queen - a marriage bed; unfulfilled desires, failures, with the same king, lady - he is interested.
With the ace of spades - unexpected receipt of money.
From the 9th peak - misfortune.
With 9 clubs - trouble in money matters.
With an ace of diamonds - a mournful, sad letter.
With one of the aces - a fake letter.
With 8 peaks - illness, with one of 8 - unpleasant news.
From the 7th peak - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.
With 7 diamonds - an unexpected offer.
With 10 clubs - recovery from illness.
With 10 hearts - great monetary interest in the future.

Nine of spades - getting ready for the trip, loss of a friend, with the same king, lady - love, with a different king - has immodest desires for the lady; nine of spades pointing up - quarrel, tears.
With the ace of spades - illness.
With an ace of clubs - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).
With the Ace of Hearts - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.
With an ace of diamonds - cunning and deception of loved ones.
From the 10th peak - unexpected receipt of money.

Eight of spades - failure, sadness, conversation, illness, room, apartment of a respectable person; with seven spades you should not guess on this day; with nine clubs - misfortune.
With the Jack of Hearts - news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances.
With 7 clubs - betrayal of your beloved.
With four kings - revelry, drunkenness.
Seven of spades - surprise, deception; point up - tears, quarrel, loss of a friend, at home, where you live, with a lady - a lady in an interesting position.
With a jack of diamonds - depicts a merchant.
With a jack of clubs - misfortune from enemies.
From the 10th peak - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.
One of the eights gets a treat.
With a figure - trouble, especially with 9 spades - grief in relatives.
With 6 diamonds - troubles in the house.

Six of spades - a long journey, a late journey, with your card - a loss.
With a pike - a fun road. With a club - a bad road.
With 9 or 10 diamonds - (with right hand to the left) - the road for money.
With 7 or 8 diamonds - anxiety and worries about money.
With a worm - the road and a date with dear people.
With a club (over the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller’s bad intentions.


Ace of diamonds - during the day, in the summer, a letter (the nearest figure will show from whom), news; with a figure - a person engaged in writing.
With a diamond - you will receive money soon.
7 Or 9 or 10 of hearts - a joyful or love letter.
With a club or spade - the delay of the desired minute, a lot of trouble.
With 6 clubs - a date or conversation at dusk.
From the 9th peak - cunning, deception of loved ones.
With 10 hearts - a love letter.
From the 10th peak (left) - a mourning or sad letter.
With 10 diamonds - money letter.

King of Diamonds - a young man, a love date, an acquaintance with a future sweetheart, a single man (if there is no queen of diamonds here).
With 10 diamonds (with a jack) - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom.
With 6 tambourines - an indispensable fulfillment of desires.
With a worm - fun, forgetting the past and changing your life.

Queen of Diamonds - a young girl, an unfaithful woman, a servant.
With a jack of diamonds and 10 of spades - an unpleasant guest.
With 9 hearts - good for women, for men - theft.

The jack of diamonds is a boy, a messenger, a trusted person, good news, the figure determines its character (a doubtful person, a materialist), the thoughts of the king of diamonds.
From the 7th peak - merchant.
With the king - a commercial, false person.
With the 7 of spades or 9 of diamonds - a hostile person, quick betrayal.
The queen of clubs is not good.
With 6 clubs - an unexpected and quick trip with some kind of king.
When the king, queen and jack of tambourine with a card of the fortuneteller's suit (her) person - success in money matters.

Ten of diamonds - money, village, gift, date, in the head - receiving money; with the same king, lady - he is interested; from the first front.
With the ace of spades (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.
With 9 diamonds - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.
With 8 diamonds - distant receipt of money, big money.
With 7 diamonds - successful troubles about money.
With 6 diamonds - complete fulfillment of desires, receiving money.
From the 6th peak (on the right) - the road for money.
With the jack of clubs - success in money matters.
With 10 clubs - unusable receipt of money,
with 7 of hearts - a big inheritance, receiving money.
With 9 hearts - lucrative job.

Nine of Diamonds - a money card (see 10 of Diamonds) with the same king, queen - to love.
From the 6th peak (right) - the road to get money, an unpleasant incident, failure.
With the Jack of Hearts - avoiding an unpleasant journey.
With 10 tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.
A fun conversation with four kings.

Eight of diamonds - talk about money, hatred, pleasant dreams, dreams.
With clubs 8 and 6 of hearts - news of a fire.
With a king or queen of spades (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad person.
With the jack of hearts - talk about money.
With 10 diamonds - distant receipt of money, large receipt of money.
With 7 diamonds (near the figure) - its infidelity, inconstancy.

Seven of diamonds - joy, infidelity, troubles, affairs; a business date, a purchase, a sale, a commercial deal (good or bad, depending on the nearest map), a small gift made of gold, silver and metal in general, the lady’s thoughts are a tambourine.
With the figure - a happy incident.
With 10 diamonds - successful troubles about money.

The Six of Diamonds is the happiest card, it softens even the bad meaning of the Ace of Spades: A fast, cheerful road, the fulfillment of a wish; road of the king of diamonds, ladies.
From the 9th peak - grief in relatives.
From 10 and 9 peaks - illness, even death.
With 10 diamonds - complete fulfillment of desire in receiving money.
From the 9th peak - death.
With 7 diamonds - troubles in the house.


Ace of clubs - in the evening, autumn, false rumor, government house, success, point up - failure, gift (the nearest figure shows from whom), without a figure - a gift from a stranger, house of clubs (house of respectable people).
With six - Railway. With a king (in relation to a lady) - immodest love, courtship.
With 7 clubs - winning the case, victory.
With 9 of hearts - tender love.
With 6 clubs - a date and conversation on the street, generally on the road, in the evening; at peaks - death.
From the 9th peak - quick news of benefits; point up - about benefits.
With the king of clubs - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise and a quick fulfillment of desire.

The King of Clubs is a military man, true friend, friend is in a hurry.
With clubs - a loved one, friend, husband, groom, lover; In general, it portends happiness.
With 9 clubs (point down) - an influential person, a supportive person; (point up) - trouble with this person.
With 8 clubs - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship.
With an ace of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned business, the fulfillment of desires.
With a jack of clubs on your card (if you are not of a club suit) - great sorrow.
With one of the sixes - the way to gain interest. If the king of clubs does not fall in fortune telling, it is a failure.

The Queen of Clubs is a respectable lady, a friend, an illegitimate child.
With the lady of spades (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.
With 8 clubs - help from a relative or close woman.

Jack of clubs - a man in uniform or a military man below the rank of officer, a friend, protector and friend, without an ace or without a king - big troubles, in the heart - government troubles, thoughts of the king of clubs. If the jack of clubs comes up first in fortune telling, the fortune telling is correct.
From the 7th peak (occurs rarely) - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies, between two ladies - an unfaithful wife.
With 10 diamonds - success in money matters.
With 8 clubs - a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.
Between two jacks there is a restless future.

Ten of clubs - change; with peaks - deception of hope, poverty, work, with figure - business man, great danger, fires; with hearts - a find, happiness in the lottery; with the same king, lady - he is interested.
With 7 clubs - joy, news of business.
With 6 clubs - an unexpected offer of departure.
With 10 diamonds - an indispensable receipt of money.
With 10 hearts - success in love.
With 9 clubs - fun with loved ones, surprise.
With 8 clubs - quick receipt big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.
With 9 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the happiest combinations, very good.
With an ace of clubs - a change for the better.
With 7 of spades (without an ace) - deception, tears.
With 7 and 6 clubs - a large society.

Nine of clubs - inheritance, doubts, absence card; with a figure, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; pleasant conversation; point up - annoyance, gossip, tears. With the same king, lady - to love.
With 9 or 10 hearts - success in love.
With a diamond - a sure receipt of money and a useless waste of it on pleasure.
With a heart - mutual love.
From the 10th peak - trouble in terms of money.
With the jack of hearts - travel.
With the king of clubs - an influential person, a supportive person.
With 10 clubs - fun with loved ones, surprise.
With 10 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the luckiest combinations.

Eight of clubs - tears, death loved one, annoyance, dark, colored thing; a room of respectable people.
With an ace of clubs - success, with the point up - failure.
With the king of clubs - rumors about the sea, the death of the ship.
With a lady of clubs - help from a relative or close woman.
With a jack of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the fortuneteller.
With 10 clubs - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.
With the jack of hearts - talk about losses.
With 7 clubs (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.
With 7 clubs and ace of hearts - happy marriage, or inheritance.

Seven of clubs - a close road, news of success, inheritance, thoughts of the lady of clubs, point up - tears.
With an ace of clubs - winning the case, victory.
With 10 clubs - wealth and happiness (the same as 9 and 8 clubs).
From the 8th of spades - a fortune-telling man is cheated on by his wife, his beloved.
With the jack of hearts (with 4 queens and sevens) - the imminent birth of a son.
With 10 hearts (with three remaining 7 and queens or jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.

Six of clubs - sea road, useless road, date on the street, in the garden; the path to the indicated place, the road of the person of clubs, between the figures there is a big celebration.
With 10 clubs - an unexpected offer of departure.
With the Ace of Hearts (with a figure) - a date in the morning.
With the Ace of Diamonds - a date during the day.
With an ace of clubs - a date in the evening.
With the Ace of Spades - a date at night.


Ace of Hearts - gift, package, morning, spring; house of reds (house of married people).
With an ace of diamonds - a joyful letter,
from the 10th peak - a sad letter.
With the jack of hearts - good news.
With 6 clubs - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening.
From the 9th peak - revelry and pleasure, a date and the affection of a friend.

The King of Hearts is a married man (with the same lady); unexpected meeting, arrival, joyful news.
With a pike - trouble.
With a diamond - receiving money.
With a club - trouble.
With a heart - success.

Queen of Hearts - married woman.
With 6 and 10 hearts - tears for the fortuneteller, but with the jack of clubs - unexpected joy.
With a heart - success in love for a man.
With other suits - success in an uncertain future.
With 10 hearts - a friend.

Jack of Hearts - fair-haired, commoner, unpleasant guest, good news, funny company, thoughts of the King of Hearts.
With a heart - success.
With the Ace of Hearts - good news, a declaration of love.
With 9 clubs - travel.
With 9 diamonds - avoiding an unpleasant journey.
With 8 of hearts - a heartfelt conversation.
With 8 diamonds - talk about monetary interest.
From the 8th peak - news of the illness or death of a neighbor.
With 8 clubs - an unpleasant conversation.
With a lady or king - a guest.
With 7 clubs (with 4 queens or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (while 4 aces indicate the son’s intelligence and wealth).

Ten of Hearts - city, happiness, joy in the heart, wedding in the head, love (platonic).
With a lady - love and loyalty of the beloved woman.
With the king - love and loyalty of a loved one.
With 10 diamonds - great monetary interest in the near future.
With 7 clubs - with the other three 7, with queens or jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for the fortuneteller.
With 8 of hearts - a secluded date with your beloved woman.
With 7 of hearts - a solitary date, consolation in grief.
With 6 tambourines - fun at a party.
With 9 hearts (with a full suit of hearts) - complete enjoyment of love, with a lady or king - a wedding; otherwise a change in the apartment. With 6 hearts - a joyful date.
With 9 clubs - your beloved person will give you her heart, a message or thing from her beloved person.
With 10 clubs - success in love.
With an ace of diamonds - a love or joyful letter.

Nine of Hearts - a love letter, a surprise (pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the nearest card); love in general. With every king and lady - to love.

With 10 hearts with a full suit of hearts - complete enjoyment of love, with a king or queen - a wedding.
With 8 or 7 hearts - a date with your loved one.
With 9 clubs - your beloved person will give you her heart; news or thing from a loved one.
With some six - an unexpected meeting.
With the queen of spades - happiness

Eight of Hearts - a cheerful conversation, pleasure, a long journey, the room of a person of hearts.
With the Jack of Hearts - a cordial conversation.
With 7 clubs - unexpected happiness (left).
With 10 hearts - a solitary date.
With 9 hearts - a date.
With 10 diamonds (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

Seven of Hearts - fun, change in life, thoughts of the queen of hearts.
From 10 spades - an unexpected offer.
With 10 hearts - a pleasant secluded date.
With 9 hearts - a date.
With 4 kings - a fun conversation.

Six of Hearts - a walk, an obstacle and a delay in business (but not in love); road of the king of hearts, ladies.
With a worm - the path to a dear person.
With 10 hearts - the road and a cordial date.
All nine worms mean success in love is undoubted.

No one can know their fate... But when you really want to, you can try, especially since the art of fortune telling on cards contains a huge number of different layouts that allow you to look into a person’s future, consider the dangers that await him, and determine the main milestones of his life. life path. The best of these alignments are rightfully considered to be ancient fortune-telling techniques, practiced to this day by a rather narrow circle of specialists. This, in particular, is the “Thirty-two cards” fortune telling on cards. It is believed that it is one of the most vivid fortune-telling gypsies, with the help of which they accurately tell everything about a person - from his childhood to his last breath, predicting joys and sorrows, ups and downs. Of course, perhaps the very fact that this technique is practiced by this particular nation may arouse suspicion among many people, but we should not forget that the gypsies have become very skilled in sorcery over the years of wandering and wandering around the world. And in Europe of the 19th century, this alignment was very popular, which clearly indicates in its favor. So, let's begin!

You can also check out one of the fortune telling options in the video:

  1. To carry out this fortune telling, you will need a standard deck consisting of thirty-six playing cards. It is better if it is new, freshly purchased or already “tamed” by the one who will make the layout. All sixes should be selected from it, resulting in the desired deck of thirty-two cards. This is exactly what the gypsies used to guess in the old days.
  2. As in every classic layout, the purpose of which is to clarify certain circumstances of the life of a particular person, in fortune telling “32 cards”, first of all, you need to decide on the suit and dignity of the card that will symbolize the person you are telling fortunes about. And here a non-usual determination technique is used (choosing a card depending on age and marital status personality), and the method of portrait resemblance, based on the features of a person’s appearance. For example:
    • A brunette woman is designated as the queen of spades, a brunette man is designated as the jack of spades.
    • Woman with dark brown hair- queen of clubs, dark-blond man - jack of clubs.
    • A woman with light brown hair is the queen of diamonds, a light brown man is the jack of diamonds.
    • The blonde woman will be represented as the queen of hearts, the blonde man will be the jack of hearts.
  3. After selecting the main “client” card, it is put back into the deck, and now you can proceed directly to fortune telling.

As you can see, age and the presence of a family do not affect the choice of card in any way; probably, all these points will become clear during fortune telling. Another oddity of this layout: men are designated by jacks, not kings, as is usually the case.

How to lay out the cards correctly

  1. First, you should shuffle the deck well, and then ask the person to whom the fortune is told (whose card was chosen as the main one) to remove most of it from the deck and put it on the table.
  2. You have two stacks: one is smaller, the other is larger, now you need to repeat the procedure of removing most of the cards, but from the second stack.
  3. When you have three groups of cards, you will need to last time remove some of them from the third pile.
  4. As a result, there will be four small piles of cards left on the table.
  5. At the next stage, it is important to correctly collect all the cards taken by the one who is being told fortunes, together. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence: the first stack of playing cards is placed on the second, the resulting stack is placed on the third, and then all together is placed on top of the fourth stack.
  6. As a result, we have a system of cards that fully corresponds to the karma and fate of the person for whom it is being read. Please note that the resulting order of cards must not be changed under any circumstances!

The hardest part is over, now all that remains is to lay out all the cards in our non-standard deck in the order in which they lie, and begin to interpret the fortune-telling.

  1. The cards should be laid out in four rows of eight pieces each, while the deck should be held in the left hand, the cards should be removed from above, without disturbing the order.
  2. Consider this fortune telling at playing cards For fate, you should start with the “heart” of the layout - the main or client card. Everything that is located next to it is fundamentally important, fateful phenomena and events that determine the life of a given person.
  3. The farther this or that card is from the main one, the less its significance for a person.
  4. The most distant cards need not be read, since they are practically insignificant for the individual.

So, with an eye on this information, we begin the interpretation from the nearest cards, gradually moving away from the main one.

Let's move on to the interpretation of cards

First of all, it should be understood that in this layout all cards with images of people symbolize specific individuals and have no other meaning (as is the case in traditional layouts). Even moreover, cards of the same suit as the client himself represent his closest relatives: jacks and kings - men (father, brother, husband), queens - women (mother, sister, wife). Cards of the same color as the client’s suit are friends, colleagues and associates (the person’s inner circle), but cards of the opposite color are strangers, who, however, may have some influence on this person. But if a jack and a queen appear side by side in a layout, then they symbolize a married couple.

The interpretation of the remaining cards should be found in this list:

Note! When interpreting this layout, it is also important to note the relative position of the cards, since they can complement and explain each other’s meanings.

This fortune telling is considered one of the most reliable that exists today. No wonder it is called gypsy and is in demand among professional fortune tellers. The layout is time-tested and rarely fails. However, if you have such an opportunity, you can once again confirm the forecast of the future obtained on the basis of such divination by using alternative options, such as fortune telling with Tarot cards. In addition, it is believed that Tarot was also brought to European countries from the east thanks to the nomadic gypsy tribes.

The ability to tell fortunes on cards is useful to everyone. Learning the art of bewitching is not difficult - simple lessons and videos will help you correctly lay out and interpret the answers to any questions.

How to guess correctly on cards

There are a number of nuances, they are taken into account before starting fortune telling. They are relevant regardless of whether playing cards or Tarot are used.

Basic rules of fortune telling:

  • Truthful answers require a new deck.. The exception is when it was inherited from a relative who cast spells and taught the heir.
  • Cards must not be given to strangers. Compliance with the rule will eliminate the influence of other people's energy. For fortune telling, get a separate deck of cards. The one to whom the fortune is told touches it before receiving the answers.
  • You can't ask the same questions in a row or “rethink” the result if you didn’t like it for one reason or another. Overuse will cause the cards to refuse to answer truthfully.
  • Treat the fortune telling deck with care and respect. It should be stored in a secluded and clean place.
  • You should cast a spell knowing why and what answers you expect to receive. Don't do fortune telling for fun and don't be skeptical about the process.
  • Mood and condition seriously affect the result. When nervous tension and there is no need to take on the stress of fortune-telling. It can be misinterpreted or disrupt the subtle energetic connection between the owner and the instrument.

In any magical art there are restrictions on its use at certain times. Cards are no exception. Tradition prohibits women from doing this on menstrual days. Fortune telling on the waxing moon is favorable. Do not use the deck on Monday unless absolutely necessary.

Every month there is certain days, in which you should not engage in divination. These are the following numbers:

  • January - 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12 and 20.
  • February - 11, 17 and 18.V leap year Fortune telling on 29 is true.
  • March - 1, 4, 14, 24.
  • April - 2, 17 and 18.
  • May - 7 and 8.
  • June - 17.
  • July - 17 and 21.
  • August - 20 and 21.
  • September - 10 and 18.
  • October - 6.
  • November - 6 and 8.
  • December - 6, 11 and 18.

Every deck has a significator card. The owner of the magical attribute symbolizes her.

When fortune telling about another, also choose a significator for this person. The fortuneteller's card is located in the center of the working surface.

In standard layouts, the images above the significator are a reflection of plans, thoughts, they describe future events. Those located below tell about what he is involved in at the moment.

On the left side, the cards indicate the past or what disappears from a person’s life. On the right are the causes of events or the consequences of actions.

Professional fortune tellers say that it is impossible to accurately determine in what scenario the card is removed with the right, left hand, towards or away from oneself. Should I stick to a specific pattern or lay them out one after the other?

Understanding what to do in a particular case will come with experience. The more you work, the sooner your intuition will awaken, and it will tell you what techniques to use for a particular person.

Start working with the deck using simple layouts. This way you will be able to establish an energetic connection with the magical instrument, understand the character and learn the principles of interpretation. We present simple fortune telling lessons below.

One of the simple ways to ask a question to the Universe and get an accurate answer. He will need to know well. In fortune telling itself, two are used, and it is carried out to obtain an answer to any questions.

But you should not only thoroughly study the interpretation, but also understand how the meanings combine with each other.

Many people want to tell fortunes for the future. A simple tutorial will help you determine what to expect and what to pay attention to in life. It is done like this:

  1. The deck is shuffled.
  2. Three cards are taken face down and laid out next to each other.
  3. In turn, each of them is turned over from left to right.
  4. The first means the past, the second means the present, and the third means the future.

In this situation, remember that they do it infrequently. The optimal period for repeating fortune telling is three months.

Tarot or playing cards?

One of the most popular ways of predicting the future is fortune telling with cards. Some prefer the Tarot, but in order to interpret them correctly, you need to remember the meanings of all 78 arcana, and this can take a lot of time. Yes, and there are many other nuances. Therefore, we will simplify your task and tell you how to learn to guess with playing cards. Believe me, with their help you can predict the future and see the past just as well. Although, of course, you also need to know the meanings of each card, they are not as confusing as those of the Tarot.

The choice has been made, we are preparing for fortune telling

Let's start with a simple layout. Before you start telling fortunes with cards, you need to get a completely new deck. Cards that have been in the game cannot be used, as they will lie. Therefore, let you have a separate deck for predictions. And now here is a simple layout for love, for which you will need 36 cards. To begin, you need to shuffle the deck well and move it away from you with your left hand. Next, determine who you will guess at, and in accordance with this, select the king or queen of the desired suit. Which one is easy to determine. If you're guessing young and unmarried girl, take out the queen of diamonds, if an older woman takes out the queen of the cross. If the prediction is addressed to a man, then a married man is king of hearts, single - diamonds, elderly - cross, burning brunette - spades.

Process in detail

And now in more detail about how to tell fortunes on cards. When the queen or king is chosen, the card must be placed in the middle of the table, after which two more are drawn from the deck at random and placed to the left and right of the main one. After this, the remaining deck must be shuffled again and, holding it face down, the cards must be taken out and laid out without looking, in the following order: two above the head mean the thoughts of this person; two on the right and left, at the top, diagonally - his dreams and plans; two cards at the feet - the very near future. Those cards that are already on the sides of the main one are the real ones. The next step for those who know how to read cards is to determine what is in a person's heart and underneath it. To do this, we pull out one card and, without turning it over, place it under the main one. This will show what is under a person's heart. And we predict what is on it as follows: having pulled out one card, we put it on top of the main one, after which we discard three pieces from the deck, put the fourth on the main card again, again discard three, and put the fourth one. We do this until the deck runs out. What is in the heart is the future, and what is underneath is the present.


Now you know how to tell fortunes with cards. All that remains is to decipher what happened. So let's start with the worms:

  • 6 - date;
  • 7 - easy flirting without obligations and consequences;
  • 8 - someone’s interest in your person;
  • 9 - great joy;
  • 10 - house;
  • Jack - love affairs;
  • Lady - a person who is married;
  • The king is a fair-haired, pleasant man;
  • Ace - joy or news of love.

Let's move on to clubs

  • 6 - to the late road;
  • 7 - a modest gift or receiving small money;
  • 8 - interest on business grounds;
  • 9 - a large gift, winnings, repayment of debts, unexpected money;
  • 10 - large sum money;
  • Jack - good friend or a colleague ready to help;
  • The lady is an elderly but energetic woman;
  • The king is a serious, reliable, middle-aged man;
  • Ace - wealth, victory over difficulties.

  • 6 - useless road;
  • 7 - quarrels, troubles over trifles, worries;
  • 8 - Bad mood, feeling unwell, tears;
  • 9 - illness or sadness;
  • 10 - surprise;
  • Jack - useless troubles;
  • A lady is a gossip, a homewrecker, a person who plots intrigues;
  • The king is a military man, a government official;
  • Ace is a government house.

And finally, tambourines

  • 6 - easy and fun road;
  • 7 - pleasant offer;
  • 8 - to a successful meeting;
  • 9 - news of a joyful nature;
  • 10 - successful trip;
  • Jack - happy news, birth of a child or wedding;
  • The king is a good friend;
  • Ace is a happy ending to problems.

Bottom line

Now you know how to tell fortunes with playing cards and decipher their meaning. We hope that from now on you can easily look into the near future, so that if something happens, you will be fully prepared.


Basics of fortune telling with playing cards.

This is perhaps the most common type of fortune telling. It requires a deck of regular playing cards. The most commonly used deck for fortune telling is a deck of 36 cards, although there are options for fortune telling with a deck of 52 cards (joker cards are not used for fortune telling). Initially, fortune telling with playing cards appeared on the basis. When Tarot first appeared in Europe, this somewhat simplified and adapted version of fortune telling allowed many to learn this great science of fortune telling. Of course, gypsy fortune tellers played a major role in the spread of fortune telling with playing cards, who over many centuries have earned the reputation of being the best fortune tellers and soothsayers. It must be remembered that for fortune telling you need to use only a new deck, play on fortune telling cards it is forbidden. Fortune telling is a delicate process and must be taken seriously.


Meaning of fortune telling cards:

6 - trip
7 – meeting, date
8 - conversation
9 – love date, love
10 – hopes, interests (if together with 10 spades – then rather unrealizable)
Jack - problems, troubles
Lady - friend, lover, possibly mother
The king is a man, married or divorced
Ace - home, family hearth


This is a simple way of fortune telling that will allow you to clarify events that may happen to you in the near future. Why can they? Because the cards describe the expected scenario of events depending on your behavior and character. The cards will allow you to lift the veil of secrecy over and prepare for possible difficulties or avoid possible troubles. This is why fortune telling with playing cards is so popular not only in our country, but also in other countries of the world.
For gypsy fortune telling for playing cards, you'll need a standard thirty-six card deck. Focus on yourself, drive away all unnecessary thoughts. You need to achieve that state of peace that will allow you to hear the information that interests you. The right attitude plays a huge role in fortune telling with cards. By relaxing and focusing on the reading, you will be able to correctly understand what the cards are trying to tell you.


This is a simple way of fortune telling that will allow you to learn a lot about your loved one. Pre-shuffle or shuffle the deck, focusing on your loved one. Try to drive away extraneous thoughts. Fortune telling on playing cards for a loved one is not difficult, but just like other types of fortune telling, it requires seriousness and concentration.


A method of fortune telling with playing cards for love (circular layout)

This is one of the simple and popular ways of fortune telling with playing cards on an age-old theme - of course, this is fortune telling for love. First, you should shuffle the deck (if you do not prefer to use the card shuffling method, which we talked about in the section Basics of Fortune Telling with Playing Cards), remove the top cards with your left hand, then find the king or queen - you will use them to guess. The suit of the card is determined by the person for whom the fortune-telling is performed.


Option for fortune telling on cards for love

Classic fortune telling - “Loves - does not love.” This fortune telling allows a girl to find out how a young man treats her. Take a deck of cards in your hands, carefully shuffle (or mix, as we described in the Introduction to Fortune Telling with Playing Cards), focusing your thoughts on the person in question. Try to imagine your young man, this is very important for establishing the correct connection of fortune telling with him and with your relationship.


Fortune telling "Betrothal". This the old way fortune telling came to our country from France; it is intended to find out the "success" of a marriage. To make it, you need to take a deck of playing cards (intended specifically for fortune telling, as we said in
