Who is entitled to receive free meals at school and how? What should you do if you are denied subsidized meals? Free meals in schools: who is eligible and how to apply.

Annual expenses for school education the child rises significantly.

Payment for various teaching aids, renovation of classrooms, sports sections, and school meals noticeably empty parental wallets.

It is noteworthy that not all parents know that it is possible to arrange meals at school at the expense of the state.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about which schoolchildren are entitled to this benefit and what is necessary to provide it.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” No. 273-FZ (Chapter 4, Article 37, paragraph 1) shifts the issue of providing students with meals to secondary schools.

Paragraph 4 of this article states that provision of meals to students is carried out through allocations from the budgets of the regions of the Russian Federation and occurs in the manner established by regional authorities.

In addition, schoolchildren's nutrition is regulated sanitary rules and standards. For example, according to them, food must be of high quality, balanced and contain nutrients necessary for the child’s body.

Types of nutrition: what it depends on

This year, in schools, students on benefits can receive one of several types of free meals.

The type of this benefit directly depends on the amount of funds allocated by the state apparatus to the regional budget per student.

Let's list types of food benefits:

  • free breakfast;
  • discounts when paying the cost of a set lunch;
  • free breakfast and lunch.

For students from socially disadvantaged families, legislation guarantees preferential meals in educational institution(breakfast and lunch).

Who is eligible

On this moment In Russia there are no uniform standards establishing preferential categories for schoolchildren. IN different regions Russian Federation they can have significant differences.

However, in most regions, 2 meals a day paid for by the state are provided the following categories of students:

You can find out which schoolchildren are entitled to food benefits in your region. at the administration of the educational institution, where your son or daughter studies. In addition, subsidized meals can be provided to a child from a family that is temporarily in a difficult financial situation. To receive the benefit, parents must tell to the class teacher about the reasons, as well as the circumstances that led to the fact that they are unable to pay for the child’s food.

After this, the class teacher must draw up an inspection report on the conditions in which the family lives. Then this act must be sent to the state guardianship and trusteeship authorities. After reviewing it, this institution will make a decision regarding the provision of preferential meals. Then the conclusion of the state agency of guardianship and trusteeship will be sent to the administration of the school where the student is studying. As a rule, this benefit is provided for a certain period not exceeding one academic year.

Children deserve special mention caught up in difficult situation . Since this concept is rather vague, the initiative here belongs to the class teacher. Therefore, parents should turn to him for help. He must investigate the current circumstances, draw up an act of checking the family’s living conditions, and then present his arguments to the state agency for guardianship and trusteeship. If the decision is positive, this body will send a corresponding petition to the educational institution. Usually in such cases the school meets parents halfway. But this type of benefit is available to the child only for one school year.

Registration procedure

This benefit must be applied for each subsequent academic year.

The timing for this is determined by the school leadership. As a rule, to receive discounted meals in a general education institution, you must present all the necessary documentation from September 1 to the end of May. When applying for benefits in September, the child is entitled to free meals from October, and as of September the previous documentation is valid.

If the right to this benefit accrues during the academic year (for example, if the family becomes large), meals at the expense of the state must be provided the next month after the required documents have been written and presented.

To apply for subsidized meals for a child, parents () are required to present to the administration of the educational institution package of the following documentation regardless of the preferential category (may vary in Russian regions):

Depending on the situation also may be needed copies of one or more of the following documents:

  • certificates father of many children or mother;
  • document on the appointment of a guardian or trustee, which must be provided for the child from foster family who found himself without parental care, as well as for an orphan;
  • if the child is disabled, a copy of the disability document must be presented;
  • document on parental disability (1st or 2nd group);
  • certificates from the district social welfare office confirming the status of a low-income family;
  • document on accrual of pensions;
  • certificate of the liquidator of a man-made disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant or a document stating that this family suffered due to a man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In addition to the listed documentation, the school administration may ask to present other documents, for example, a certificate from the social security department stating that the student does not receive monetary compensation for preferential meals or a document confirming the income received for the required period of time for all family members.

If the school does not require an application in the established form for a student to receive food benefits, then it should be written in any form addressed to the director. It must indicate the preferential category to which the family belongs, as well as provide a list of attached documentation confirming the right to the benefit.

Every situation the school administration considers individually. For example, a large family may not receive this benefit if the family income exceeds average level income in the region. As an alternative, the option of paying a certain percentage for the child's meals or some kind of discount may be recommended.

When parents apply for a benefit during any period of the school year, the school administration may refuse to provide it, citing the fact that funding was provided by the state at the beginning of September based on each benefit student, and that additional cash didn't stand out. But such a refusal has no legal basis, since the school administration has the opportunity to submit a petition to higher authorities for the allocation of funds from the reserve fund.

It is noteworthy that today, due to problems with government funding of free meal programs in educational institutions, many schoolchildren, including those from preferential categories, do not receive this benefit.

Financial compensation

Food benefits can be compensated with money in some cases, for example, if the child is on an individual basis homeschooling. This norm is not present in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, so you should study regional legislative acts relating to this issue.

In addition, parents Big discounts may be offered for lunches in educational institutions. For example, they can only pay 20–30% of the child’s food costs. Then the child can be provided with breakfast free of charge.

It is worth noting that despite the many shortcomings of today's school system Catering, in all regions of Russia, regional authorities try, as far as possible, not only to provide students on benefits with free breakfasts and lunches, but also to organize high-quality meals for all students.

Having examined this article, we can conclude that the right to subsidized meals is available to various categories of schoolchildren, who make up a significant part of students in general education and special institutions. Therefore, parents should undoubtedly delve into all the nuances of this issue, especially in difficult financial situations, because this benefit can become a significant financial help for the family.

About the provision of meals in a school institution, see the following video:


Nutrition specialist at GBOU School No. 2044, located at Dmitrovskoe sh. 165E building 8, Gontyureva Tatyana Leonidovna

Nutrition manager at GBOU School No. 2044, located at Dmitrovskoye Highway 169b, Chekaeva Olga Alekseevna

Organized school commission for food quality control consisting of:

Maksimova Elena Sergeevna - director, chairman of the commission

Gontyureva Tatyana Leonidovna - teacher-defectologist (responsible for nutrition)

Bulatova Galiya Khanbilovna - school nurse, representative of the parent committee

Epikhina Elena Yurievna - school psychologist

Pigalova Natalya Anatolyevna - representative of the school’s parent committee

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, in particular, the law “On Education”, the organization of meals for schoolchildren is the responsibility of educational institutions. The main document defining federal requirements for the organization and regime of nutrition at school, for the operation of school catering units, is currently the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, in accordance with which hot breakfasts and lunches must be organized in educational institutions.

GBOU SCHOOL No. 2044 and the Limited Liability Company “Moscow Schoolboy” in Moscow entered into a civil contract for the provision of catering services and ensuring the drinking regime of students in educational institutions for the period until June 30, 2019.

Food products supplied to the institution comply with SanPin requirements.
An approximate 24-day menu has been developed for students in grades 1-4 and grades 5-11 in general education institutions in the period 2013-2015. of the city of Moscow (change No. 4 with extension of the period of use in subsequent years).

All catering department employees have special professional education.
At every break, a teacher and children from the class on duty at the school are on duty in the cafeteria, ensuring order.
Organized drinking regime. The main point of water installation is the dining room; there are also installations in the medical office and in classrooms, which provides access to water at any time of the day.

Categories of students: receiving hot meals in schools at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow (i.e. free for parents), determined in accordance with parts 1,2,4 of article 27 of the Moscow Law of November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow ":

Part 1 art. 27 - one meal (breakfast) - for students in grades 1-4;

Part 2 Art. 27- (in new edition, introduced by deputies of the Moscow City Duma) - two meals a day (breakfast and lunch) - to students from among:
-orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);
-children from large families;
-children under guardianship (trusteeship) and in foster families;
-disabled children and children with limited health capabilities;
-children who have both or only parents with disabilities of group 1 or 2;
-children receiving a survivor's pension;
- children from low-income families (a low-income family is a family whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level in the city of Moscow per capita, established by the Moscow Government).
- children whose life activity is objectively disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family.
The benefit applies to children permanently registered in Moscow.
The basis for establishing food benefits is Statement parents (legal representatives) with mandatory justification for their request And having confirmed benefits in the Citywide Register of Recipients of Social Support Measures. Documents required due by August 31st class teacher or nutrition specialist.
Lack of substantiated documents confirming the need for discounted meals, is grounds for refusal to consider this candidacy. Students from socially vulnerable families will be provided with two free meals a day by decision of the public commission of the educational institution. To sell food rations that are not in demand due to the absence of schoolchildren due to illness or other reasons, an additional reserve list for meals will be formed from among students not included in the main composition. The reserve list is compiled on the recommendations of a social teacher, school psychologist, class teachers, parent community and is approved by a public commission.

For students in the preferential category (disabled child) who do not have the opportunity to receive breakfast and lunch at school according to uniform rations (due to homeschooling or the need for medical reasons for a special diet), compensation is provided in accordance with established monetary standards. To do this, parents submit an application to the head of the educational institution and submit a health certificate. Compensation payments in exchange for hot meals are not made in the following cases:
- absence of a student from classes without good reason;
-during holidays;
-during illness.
The specified compensation payment is transferred through Moscow bank branches to the personal accounts of parents (legal representatives). Providing hot meals and paying monetary compensation in lieu of free meals to the same student is not permitted.

For students not covered by subsidized meals, MEALS are provided at the expense of PARENTAL FUNDS By established menu by serving statements . In the application, you can indicate any date from which you plan to start meals, but you must submit it in advance (at least two days before the start of meals). The application is written for the academic year; during the year it will be possible to write a statement of refusal.

Also, the sale of finished culinary products and industrial food products in the buffet for cash is organized for students. The range of food products for free sale in the buffet was approved by the Head of the Department of Education and agreed with the Chief State sanitary doctor around the city of Moscow. .The list of pantry products and prices for products can be found directly in the canteen and on the Moscow government services portal pgu.mos.ru

Hot meals covered:

Breakfasts for 499 primary school students;

Breakfasts, lunches for 312 students from large families,

Breakfasts, lunches for 78 students from socially vulnerable families,

10 students receive compensation for school meals.

The Federal Law “On Education” completely entrusts the procedure for providing nutrition to children in school institutions to these educational institutions. The developed nutritional and sanitary standards in schools must be fully observed.

However, the education law does not regulate the issue of payment for children's lunches in 2019.

Are there any benefits

Full list documents can be obtained from the local administration, department social protection population, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, school institutions.

Required documents

The list of documents is not established at the federal level, therefore You must contact the school directly for up-to-date information.

However, there are General requirements when creating a package of documents. So, if a child from a large family is counting on benefits, then parents or guardians are required to provide copies of each child’s birth certificate to confirm the status of a large family. Low-income families confirm their status with income certificates of both parents or one parent if the family is single-parent.

If a child of disabled parents applies for the right to subsidized or free meals, then it is required to attach the corresponding medical certificate. In this case, the application must be written by one of the parents, and not by the child himself.

Each educational institution must have a list of documents required to receive benefits, which corresponds to the standards established at the regional level.

How to write an application

The application must indicate the details of the child for whom it is planned to receive the benefit, the details of the parent who fills out the application, information on the basis on which the benefit is provided. The application is filled out addressed to the director or manager directly from him or the secretary educational institution.

Each region may have its own application form, since there is no federally established sample. Up-to-date information can be found at your educational institution.

Reduced Meal Options

In each region, local authorities independently set the levels of benefits.

There are several options for 2019:

  • free one-time meals for elementary school students;
  • free two meals a day for elementary school students;
  • preferential two meals a day for students of any grade;
  • discounted one-time meals for students of any class;
  • completely free meals for students living in government institutions.

There are no federal standards and regulations established for school lunches, other than their quality and sanitary standards. Therefore, each region independently determines to whom and which option should be provided as benefits.

It is unlawful to demand from an educational institution to provide benefits that are not prescribed at the regional or local level.


Some regions practice returning to parents funds that were spent on lunches and breakfasts. However, such a refund is made only when families fall into preferential categories of citizens, and the standard is prescribed at the regional level.

For example, in Voronezh region parents or guardians receive compensation in the amount of 30% of the cost of school lunches if there is one or two children in the family, in the amount of 50% if there are three or more children in the family.

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Family friends: those who receive compensation for feeding their children at school:

From January 1, 2014 standard for organizing preferential meals for students educational institutions Moscow has increased.

  • The provision of catering services for students, pupils and students of state educational institutions subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education in 2013 - 2015 is carried out on the basis of State contracts concluded between the Directorates for the operation, movement and accounting of fixed assets of district education departments and unitary social enterprises nutrition of the respective districts.

  • The quantity, price and cost of food rations for certain types of meals for the organization of free and reduced-price meals for categories of students and pupils of educational institutions in Moscow in 2014 are established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the technical specifications ( Technical Specifications) to Government contracts. For students in grades 1-4, the cost of breakfast is 56 rubles. 72 kopecks, lunch - 109 rubles. 54 kopecks The total cost of two meals a day is 166 rubles. 26 kopecks in a day. For students in grades 5-11, the cost of breakfast is 61 rubles.04 kopecks, lunch - 116 rubles. 56 kopecks

  • The total cost of two meals a day is 177 rubles. 60 kopecks in a day.

Therefore, if you were paid for meals in the 2013/2014 academic year, but did not recalculate from January 1, 2014, you can safely demand such a recalculation and pay off the debt.

Below is a sample application that needs to be submitted to the school (in case of reorganization, you need to contact the main institution), to the Directorate for the operation, movement and accounting of fixed assets of the district education department, and, if necessary, to the DogM.


In connection with the family form of education of my child (full name, date of birth), who studied in the 2013/2014 academic year at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No....... Moscow, the school paid compensation for the child’s meals, in accordance with Order of the Moscow Government No. 2737 of November 20, 2008. and Order of the Moscow Department of Education dated December 26, 2012 No. 947.

But from January 1, 2014 The standard for organizing preferential meals for students in educational institutions in Moscow has increased.

The provision of catering services for students, pupils and students of state educational institutions subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow in 2013 - 2015, located in the ...... administrative district of the city of Moscow, is carried out on the basis of a State contract concluded between the State Treasury Institution of the city of Moscow Directorate for operation, movement and accounting of fixed assets………. district education department of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and the State unitary enterprise city ​​of Moscow “………………….” …………… administrative district.( Name of the social enterprise food service providers with whom the district has entered into a government contract are easy to find - this information is posted on the district schools website.)

The quantity, price and cost of food rations for certain types of meals for the organization of free and reduced-price meals for categories of students and pupils of educational institutions in Moscow in 2014 are established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Terms of Reference to the State Contract. For students in grades 1-4, the cost of breakfast is 56 rubles. 72 kopecks, lunch - 109 rubles. 54 kopecks The total cost of two meals a day is 166 rubles. 26 kopecks in a day. For students in grades 5-11, the cost of breakfast is 61 rubles.04 kopecks, lunch - 116 rubles. 56 kopecks The total cost of two meals a day is 177 rubles. 60 kopecks in a day. ( Choose what you need from this paragraph)
